资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*************************************************************************
- This software module was originally developed by
- Ming-Chieh Lee (mingcl@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- Wei-ge Chen (wchen@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- Bruce Lin (blin@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- Chuang Gu (chuanggu@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- (date: March, 1996)
- in the course of development of the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2).
- This software module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 Video tools
- as specified by the MPEG-4 Video.
- ISO/IEC gives users of the MPEG-4 Video free license to this software module or modifications
- thereof for use in hardware or software products claiming conformance to the MPEG-4 Video.
- Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software products are advised that its use may infringe existing patents.
- The original developer of this software module and his/her company,
- the subsequent editors and their companies,
- and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software module or modifications thereof in an implementation.
- Copyright is not released for non MPEG-4 Video conforming products.
- Microsoft retains full right to use the code for his/her own purpose,
- assign or donate the code to a third party and to inhibit third parties from using the code for non <MPEG standard> conforming products.
- This copyright notice must be included in all copies or derivative works.
- Copyright (c) 1996, 1997.
- Module Name:
- MB.hpp
- Abstract:
- MacroBlock base class
- Revision History:
- For encoder:
- m_pvopfCurrQ holds the original data until it is texture quantized
- *************************************************************************/
- #ifndef __MB_HPP_
- #define __MB_HPP_
- class CBlock;
- Class CMacroBlock
- {
- friend class CVOPofMBs;
- public:
- // Constructors
- virtual ~CMacroBlock ();
- CMacroBlock (
- const VOLMode& volmd, // VOP mode
- const VOPMode& vopmd, // VOP mode
- const CVOPIntYUVBA* pvopfRef0, // reference VOP in a previous time
- const CVOPIntYUVBA* pvopfRef1 // reference VOP in a later time
- );
- // Attributes
- virtual const CMotionVector* rgMVForward () const {return m_rgmvForward;} // motion vector(s), 4 MV's for advanced mode
- virtual const CMotionVector* rgMVBackward () const {return m_rgmvBackward;} // motion vector(s), 4 MV's for advanced mode
- virtual CMotionVector mvForwardOfBlock (UInt iblk) const; // motion vector(s), 4 MV's for advanced mode
- virtual CMotionVector mvBackwardOfBlock (UInt iblk) const; // motion vector(s), 4 MV's for advanced mode
- virtual CMotionVector mvDirectDelta (UInt iblk) const; // motion vector(s), 4 MV's for advanced mode
- virtual CMotionVector mvBY () const {return m_mvBY;} //shape motion vector
- virtual const CVOPIntYUVBA* pvopfQOfMB () const {return m_pvopfCurrQ;}
- virtual const CMBMode& mode () const {return *m_pmbmd;}
- virtual const CRct& whereY () const {return m_pvopfCurrQ -> whereY ();}
- virtual const CRct& whereUV () const {return m_pvopfCurrQ -> whereUV ();}
- virtual CBlock** ppBlock () const {return m_ppblk;}
- virtual Bool bTranspAveraged () const {return m_bTranspAveraged;}
- // Operations
- virtual own CVOPIntYUVBA* motionComp (MBType mbType = FORWARD) const; // non-overlapped motion compensation, overlapped MC is done at the vopmb level
- Void setMVForward (const CMotionVector& mvSrc, const BlockNum blkn)
- {m_rgmvForward [(UInt) blkn] = mvSrc;} // set motion vectors
- Void setMVBackward (const CMotionVector& mvSrc, const BlockNum blkn)
- {m_rgmvBackward [(UInt) blkn] = mvSrc;} // set motion vectors
- Void setMVBY (const CMotionVector& mvSrc) {m_mvBY = mvSrc;} //set shape mv
- Void zeroPadCurrQ ();
- Void repeatPadCurrQ ();
- Void averagePadCurrQ ();
- Void repeatPadCurrQFromRight (const CMacroBlock& pmb);
- Void repeatPadCurrQFromBottom (const CMacroBlock& pmb);
- Void repeatPadCurrQFromLeft (const CMacroBlock& pmb);
- Void repeatPadCurrQFromTop (const CMacroBlock& pmb);
- // Resultant
- Bool isBlockAllTransparent (const BlockNum blkn) const;
- Bool isAllBlocksAllValue (PixelI pxlf, BlockNum blkn) const;
- ///////////////// implementation /////////////////
- protected:
- const CVOPIntYUVBA* m_pvopfRef0; // reference VOP in a previous time
- const CVOPIntYUVBA* m_pvopfRef1; // reference VOP in a later time
- own CVOPIntYUVBA* m_pvopfCurrQ; // macroblock
- own CMotionVector* m_rgmvForward; // forward motion vectors
- own CMotionVector* m_rgmvBackward; // backward motion vectors
- own CMotionVector* m_rgmvDirectDelta; // delta motion vectors for direct mode
- CMotionVector m_mvBY; //mv for binary shape
- const VOLMode& m_volmd; // VOL mode
- const VOPMode& m_vopmd; // VOP mode
- CMBMode* m_pmbmd;
- CBlock** m_ppblk; // block objects
- UInt m_uiNumBlks; // number of blocks for texture coding. 10 for gray-scale alpha and 6 otherwise
- // for padding
- Bool m_bTranspAveraged;
- Void clapQuant (); // clap the pixel value to be within 0 and 255
- own CVOPIntYUVBA* motionCompFB (MBType mbType) const; // motion comp, Forward and Backward
- own CIntImage* motionCompYBA (MBType mbType, PlaneType plnType) const; // non-oevrlapped MC for Y, B, and A plane
- own CIntImage* motionCompForCAE () const; //only one MV, 18x18 motion comp, forward only
- Void motionCompUV (MBType mbType, CVOPIntYUVBA* pvopf, const CVector2D& mv, const CVector2D& mvBW = CVector2D ()) const; // non-overlapped motion compensation, overlapped MC is done at the vopmb level
- CVector2D mvDivideY (const CVector2D& mv, UInt divisor) const;
- CVector2D mvLookupUV (const CVector2D& mv, UInt uiNumNonTranspBlocks) const;
- Void backwardMVFromForwardMV (Bool bInBoundRef1, Bool bhas4MVRef1, const CMotionVector* rgmvRef1);
- Void decideTransparencyStatus (); //also change mvs of trasnparent blocks to NOT_MV to be consistent
- Void setQuantizedBinary (const CIntImage* pfiB);
- const CBlock* findPredictorBlock (BlockNum iBlk,
- IntraPredDirection predDir,
- const CMacroBlock* pmbPredLeft,
- const CMacroBlock* pmbPredTop,
- const CMacroBlock* pmbPredLeftTop = NULL);
- Void decideIntraPrediction (const CMacroBlock* pmbPredLeft,
- const CMacroBlock* pmbPredTop,
- const CMacroBlock* pmbPredLeftTop,
- Bool bDecideDCOnly = FALSE,
- BlockNum blkn = ALL_Y_BLOCKS);
- };
- #endif // __MENCB_HPP_