资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* MPEG4 Visual Texture Coding (VTC) Mode Software */
- /* */
- /* This software was jointly developed by the following participants: */
- /* */
- /* Single-quant, multi-quant and flow control */
- /* are provided by Sarnoff Corporation */
- /* Iraj Sodagar ( */
- /* Hung-Ju Lee ( */
- /* Paul Hatrack ( */
- /* Shipeng Li ( */
- /* Bing-Bing Chai ( */
- /* B.S. Srinivas ( */
- /* */
- /* Bi-level is provided by Texas Instruments */
- /* Jie Liang ( */
- /* */
- /* Shape Coding is provided by OKI Electric Industry Co., Ltd. */
- /* Zhixiong Wu ( */
- /* Yoshihiro Ueda ( */
- /* Toshifumi Kanamaru ( */
- /* */
- /* OKI, Sharp, Sarnoff, TI and Microsoft contributed to bitstream */
- /* exchange and bug fixing. */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* In the course of development of the MPEG-4 standard, this software */
- /* module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 tools as */
- /* specified by the MPEG-4 standard. */
- /* */
- /* The copyright of this software belongs to ISO/IEC. ISO/IEC gives use */
- /* of the MPEG-4 standard free license to use this software module or */
- /* modifications thereof for hardware or software products claiming */
- /* conformance to the MPEG-4 standard. */
- /* */
- /* Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software */
- /* products are advised that use may infringe existing patents. The */
- /* original developers of this software module and their companies, the */
- /* subsequent editors and their companies, and ISO/IEC have no liability */
- /* and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software module or */
- /* modification thereof in an implementation. */
- /* */
- /* Permission is granted to MPEG members to use, copy, modify, */
- /* and distribute the software modules ( or portions thereof ) */
- /* for standardization activity within ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11. */
- /* */
- /* Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 ISO/IEC */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* Texas Instruments Predictive Embedded Zerotree (PEZW) Image Codec */
- /* Developed by Jie Liang ( */
- /* */
- /* Copyright 1996, 1997, 1998 Texas Instruments */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /****************************************************************************
- File name: PEZW_textureLayerBQ.c
- Author: Jie Liang (
- Functions: main control module for PEZW coding. Functions in this
- file are the only interface with other parts of MPEG4
- code along with the global variables in wvtPEZW.h.
- Revisions: v1.0 (10/04/98)
- *****************************************************************************/
- #include "wvtPEZW.hpp"
- #include "PEZW_mpeg4.hpp"
- #include "PEZW_zerotree.hpp"
- #include "wvtpezw_tree_codec.hpp"
- #include <PEZW_functions.hpp>
- #include "dataStruct.hpp"
- #include "globals.hpp"
- #include "msg.hpp"
- #include "bitpack.hpp"
- #include "startcode.hpp"
- /* decoding parameters imported form main.c.
- they should be defined before calling PEZW decoder. */
- int PEZW_target_spatial_levels=10;
- int PEZW_target_snr_levels=20;
- int PEZW_target_bitrate=0;
- void CVTCEncoder::textureLayerBQ_Enc(FILE *bitfile)
- {
- int h,w;
- int Quant[3];
- int levels, col;
- static short **wvt_coeffs;
- int snrlev,splev;
- int dc_w, dc_h;
- int temp;
- int i,j,bplane;
- /*------- AC: encode all color components -------*/
- for (col=0; col<mzte_codec.m_iColors; col++)
- {
- printf("Bilevel-Quant Mode - Color %dn",col);
- if (col ==0) /* Lum */
- {
- h = mzte_codec.m_iHeight;
- w = mzte_codec.m_iWidth;
- levels = mzte_codec.m_iWvtDecmpLev;
- }
- else { /* should depend on mzte_codec.color_format;
- not implemented yet, only support 4:2:0 */
- h = mzte_codec.m_iHeight/2;
- w = mzte_codec.m_iWidth/2;
- levels = mzte_codec.m_iWvtDecmpLev-1;
- }
- /* initialize data */
- SPlayer[col] = Init_PEZWdata (col,levels,w,h);
- wvt_coeffs = (WINT **)calloc(h,sizeof(WINT *));
- wvt_coeffs[0] = (WINT *)(SPlayer[col][0].SNRlayer[0];
- for(i=1;i<h;i++)
- wvt_coeffs[i] = wvt_coeffs[0]+i*w;
- /* quantization */
- Quant[col] = mzte_codec.m_Qinfo[col]->Quant[0];
- dc_w = w>>levels;
- dc_h = h>>levels;
- for(i=0;i<h;i++)
- for(j=0;j<w;j++)
- {
- if((i<dc_h) && (j<dc_w))
- continue;
- temp = abs(wvt_coeffs[i][j])/Quant[col];
- wvt_coeffs[i][j] = (wvt_coeffs[i][j]>0)?temp:-temp;
- }
- /* encode this color componenet */
- /* initialize the PEZW codec */
- PEZW_encode_init (levels, w, h);
- setbuffer_PEZW_encode ();
- /* encode the AC bands */
- PEZW_encode_block (wvt_coeffs,w,h);
- /* done coding */
- PEZW_encode_done ();
- /* copy bitstream to data structure */
- for (splev=0;splev<levels;splev++) /* from coarse scale to fine scale */
- {
- SPlayer[col][splev].SNR_scalability_levels = Max_Bitplane;
- for(snrlev=SPlayer[col][splev].SNR_scalability_levels-1;snrlev>=0;snrlev--) /* from msb to lsb */
- {
- /* for SPlayer, snrlayer 0 means msb bits, need to invert order */
- bplane = SPlayer[col][splev].SNR_scalability_levels-snrlev-1;
- SPlayer[col][splev].SNRlayer[bplane].Quant = Quant[col];
- SPlayer[col][splev].SNRlayer[bplane] = PEZW_bitstream[splev][snrlev];
- SPlayer[col][splev].SNRlayer[bplane].snr_bitstream.length = Init_Bufsize[splev][snrlev];
- SPlayer[col][splev].SNRlayer[bplane].bits_to_go = bits_to_go_inBuffer[splev][snrlev];
- }
- }
- /* free memory */
- free (wvt_coeffs);
- /* free memory */
- free (wvt_coeffs);
- for (i=0;i<levels;i++)
- free(Init_Bufsize[i]);
- free(Init_Bufsize);
- for (i=0;i<levels;i++)
- free(PEZW_bitstream[i]);
- free(PEZW_bitstream);
- for (i=0;i<levels;i++)
- free(bits_to_go_inBuffer[i]);
- free(bits_to_go_inBuffer);
- }
- /* package the bitstream and write to bitfile */
- PEZW_bitpack (SPlayer);
- flush_bits();
- flush_bytes();
- fclose(bitfile);
- /* free memory */
- PEZW_freeEnc (SPlayer);
- }
- void CVTCDecoder::textureLayerBQ_Dec(FILE *bitfile)
- {
- int col,snrlev,splev;
- static short **wvt_coeffs;
- int levels = 0,h,w;
- int i,j,bplane;
- int Quant[3];
- int dc_w, dc_h, temp;
- int all_zero[3]={0,0,0};
- int all_non_zero[3]={1,1,1};
- int LH_zero[3]={0,0,0}, HL_zero[3]={0,0,0}, HH_zero[3]={0,0,0};
- int splev_start;
- unsigned char **splev0_bitstream = NULL;
- int *splev0_bitstream_len = NULL;
- long total_decoded_bytes=0, bytes_decoded=0;
- SPlayer = (PEZW_SPATIAL_LAYER **)calloc(mzte_codec.m_iColors, sizeof(void *))
- ;
- mzte_codec.m_iScanOrder = mzte_codec.m_iScanDirection;
- /* bytes already decoded for DC and header */
- bytes_decoded = decoded_bytes_from_bitstream ();
- /* parse the bitstreams into spatial and snr layers */
- PEZW_bit_unpack (SPlayer);
- /* rate control according to target_bit_rate */
- PEZW_decode_ratecontrol (SPlayer, bytes_decoded);
- /* decode each color component */
- for (col=0; col<mzte_codec.m_iColors; col++)
- {
- printf("Bilevel-Quant Mode - Color %dn",col);
- if (col ==0) /* Lum */
- {
- h = mzte_codec.m_iHeight;
- w = mzte_codec.m_iWidth;
- levels = mzte_codec.m_iWvtDecmpLev;
- }
- else { /* should depend on mzte_codec.color_format;
- not implemented yet, only support 4:2:0 */
- h = mzte_codec.m_iHeight/2;
- w = mzte_codec.m_iWidth/2;
- levels = mzte_codec.m_iWvtDecmpLev-1;
- }
- /* decode the bitstream */
- /* initialize the PEZW codec */
- Max_Bitplane = SPlayer[col][0].SNR_scalability_levels;
- PEZW_decode_init (levels, w, h);
- if(col==0) /* the bitplane level of Y is assumed to be larger than U,V */
- {
- PEZW_bitstream = (unsigned char ***) calloc(levels,sizeof(int **));
- for(i=0;i<levels;i++)
- PEZW_bitstream[i]= (unsigned char **)calloc(Max_Bitplane,sizeof(int *));
- splev0_bitstream = (unsigned char **)calloc(Max_Bitplane,sizeof(char *));
- splev0_bitstream_len = (int *)calloc(Max_Bitplane,sizeof(int));
- Init_Bufsize = (int **) calloc(levels,sizeof(int *));
- for(i=0;i<levels;i++)
- Init_Bufsize[i]= (int *)calloc(Max_Bitplane,sizeof(int));
- /* decoded bytes */
- decoded_bytes = (int **)calloc(tree_depth,sizeof(int *));
- for (i=0;i<tree_depth;i++)
- decoded_bytes[i]=(int *)calloc(Max_Bitplane,sizeof(int));
- /* bits_to_go structure */
- bits_to_go_inBuffer = (unsigned char **)calloc(tree_depth,sizeof(char *));
- for (i=0;i<tree_depth;i++)
- bits_to_go_inBuffer[i]=(unsigned char *)calloc(Max_Bitplane,sizeof(char));
- }
- /* get the bitstreams for each color */
- /* for YUV420, the U,V color component has one less level */
- if(col==1)
- splev_start=1;
- else
- splev_start=0;
- for (splev=0;splev<levels-spatial_leveloff;splev++) /* from coarse scale to fine scale */
- {
- for(snrlev=SPlayer[0][splev].SNR_scalability_levels-1;snrlev>=Min_Bitplane;snrlev--) /* from msb to lsb */
- {
- /* for SPlayer, snrlayer 0 means msb bits, need to invert order */
- bplane = SPlayer[col][splev].SNR_scalability_levels-snrlev-1;
- if(col==0)
- {
- Init_Bufsize[splev][snrlev] = SPlayer[0][splev].SNRlayer[bplane].snr_bitstream.length;
- PEZW_bitstream[splev][snrlev] = (unsigned char *) SPlayer[0][splev].SNRlayer[bplane];
- if(splev==0){
- splev0_bitstream[snrlev] = PEZW_bitstream[0][snrlev];
- splev0_bitstream_len[snrlev] = Init_Bufsize[0][snrlev];
- }
- }
- else{
- Init_Bufsize[splev][snrlev] = Init_Bufsize[splev+splev_start][snrlev];
- PEZW_bitstream[splev][snrlev] = PEZW_bitstream[splev+splev_start][snrlev];
- reach_budget[splev][snrlev] = reach_budget[splev+splev_start][snrlev];
- }
- /* get all zero and subband skipping info. */
- if(splev==0){
- all_non_zero[col] = lshift_by_NBit (splev0_bitstream[snrlev], splev0_bitstream_len[snrlev], 1);
- if(!all_non_zero[col]){
- all_zero[col] = lshift_by_NBit (splev0_bitstream[snrlev], splev0_bitstream_len[snrlev], 1);
- if(!all_zero[col]){
- LH_zero[col] = lshift_by_NBit (splev0_bitstream[snrlev], splev0_bitstream_len[snrlev], 1);
- HL_zero[col] = lshift_by_NBit (splev0_bitstream[snrlev], splev0_bitstream_len[snrlev], 1);
- HH_zero[col] = lshift_by_NBit (splev0_bitstream[snrlev], splev0_bitstream_len[snrlev], 1);
- }
- }
- else
- all_zero[col]=0;
- }
- if(all_zero[col] && (splev==0))
- Max_Bitplane--;
- if(all_zero[col]){
- decoded_bytes[splev][snrlev] = 0;
- continue;
- }
- else /* skip the leading '1' */
- lshift_by_NBit (PEZW_bitstream[splev][snrlev], Init_Bufsize[splev][snrlev], 1);
- } /* end of snrlev */
- } /* end of splev */
- /* allocate wvt_coeffs */
- wvt_coeffs = (WINT **)calloc(h,sizeof(WINT *));
- wvt_coeffs[0] = (WINT *)(SPlayer[col][0].SNRlayer[0];
- for(i=1;i<h;i++)
- wvt_coeffs[i] = wvt_coeffs[0]+i*w;
- if(Max_Bitplane>0){
- /* this step must follow the previous step */
- setbuffer_PEZW_decode ();
- /* decode the bitstream for this color component */
- PEZW_decode_block (wvt_coeffs,w,h);
- /* finish PEZW coding for this color component
- retrun the number of bytes decoded in Init_Bufsize */
- PEZW_decode_done ( );
- for(splev=0;splev<levels-spatial_leveloff;splev++)
- for(snrlev=Min_Bitplane;snrlev<Max_Bitplane;snrlev++)
- {
- total_decoded_bytes += decoded_bytes[splev][snrlev];
- if(col<2){
- /* adjust for residue bits in last byte */
- unsigned char Bit;
- //unsigned char *data;
- PEZW_bitstream[splev][snrlev] += decoded_bytes[splev][snrlev];
- Init_Bufsize[splev][snrlev] -= decoded_bytes[splev][snrlev];
- Bit = (*(PEZW_bitstream[splev][snrlev]-1)>>bits_to_go_inBuffer[splev][snrlev])&0x01;
- if(bits_to_go_inBuffer[splev][snrlev]>0){
- PEZW_bitstream[splev][snrlev]--;
- Init_Bufsize[splev][snrlev]++;
- lshift_by_NBit(PEZW_bitstream[splev][snrlev],Init_Bufsize[splev][snrlev],
- 8-bits_to_go_inBuffer[splev][snrlev]);
- }
- /* check last bit */
- if(!Bit)
- lshift_by_NBit(PEZW_bitstream[splev][snrlev],Init_Bufsize[splev][snrlev],1);
- if((splev==0)&&(col==0)){
- splev0_bitstream[snrlev] = PEZW_bitstream[0][snrlev];
- splev0_bitstream_len[snrlev] = Init_Bufsize[0][snrlev];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* dequantize */
- Quant[col] = SPlayer[col][0].SNRlayer[0].Quant;
- dc_w = w>>levels;
- dc_h = h>>levels;
- for(i=0;i<h;i++)
- for(j=0;j<w;j++)
- {
- if((i<dc_h) && (j<dc_w))
- continue;
- if(wvt_coeffs[i][j]==0)
- temp = 0;
- else
- temp = (int)((abs(wvt_coeffs[i][j])+0.5)*Quant[col]);
- wvt_coeffs[i][j] = (wvt_coeffs[i][j]>0)?temp:-temp;
- }
- /* copy data to structure */
- (SPlayer[col][0].SNRlayer[0] = (WINT *) wvt_coeffs[0];
- /* free memory */
- free(wvt_coeffs);
- }
- printf("total actually decoded bits: %ldn", (total_decoded_bytes+bytes_decoded)*8);
- printf("total actually decoded AC band bits: %ld", total_decoded_bytes*8);
- /* put the decoded wavelet coefficients back into the data structure */
- restore_PEZWdata (SPlayer);
- /* free memory */
- PEZW_freeDec (SPlayer);
- free(SPlayer);
- for(i=0;i<levels;i++)
- free(PEZW_bitstream[i]);
- free(PEZW_bitstream);
- for (i=0;i<levels;i++)
- free(Init_Bufsize[i]);
- free(Init_Bufsize);
- for (i=0;i<levels;i++)
- free(reach_budget[i]);
- free(reach_budget);
- for (i=0;i<levels+1;i++)
- free(bits_to_go_inBuffer[i]);
- free(bits_to_go_inBuffer);
- for (i=0;i<levels+1;i++)
- free(decoded_bytes[i]);
- free(decoded_bytes);
- free(splev0_bitstream);
- free(splev0_bitstream_len);
- }
- /* rate control at decoding */
- void CVTCDecoder::PEZW_decode_ratecontrol (PEZW_SPATIAL_LAYER **SPlayer, int bytes_decoded)
- {
- int i, levels;
- long decoded_bits=bytes_decoded;
- int splayer, snrlev, bplane;
- int MaxBitplanes;
- int last_bplane = 0, last_splayer = 0, adjusted_rate=0;
- int diffrate;
- int min_snrlev;
- levels = mzte_codec.m_iWvtDecmpLev;
- /* allocate rate control structure */
- reach_budget = (unsigned char **) calloc(levels,sizeof(char *));
- for(i=0;i<levels;i++)
- reach_budget[i]= (unsigned char *)calloc(Max_Bitplane,sizeof(char));
- /* target bitplane */
- Min_Bitplane = SPlayer[0][0].SNR_scalability_levels-PEZW_target_snr_levels;
- if ( Min_Bitplane < 0)
- Min_Bitplane = 0;
- /* target spatial level */
- spatial_leveloff = mzte_codec.m_iWvtDecmpLev-PEZW_target_spatial_levels;
- if (spatial_leveloff <0)
- spatial_leveloff=0;
- /* figure out the target snr and spatial layer
- and the length for the last layer for target_bitrate options */
- MaxBitplanes = SPlayer[0][0].SNR_scalability_levels;
- if ((decoded_bits < PEZW_target_bitrate/8) && (PEZW_target_bitrate >0)){
- if(mzte_codec.m_iScanOrder==1)
- {
- for (splayer=0;splayer<mzte_codec.m_iWvtDecmpLev-spatial_leveloff ;splayer++)
- for (snrlev=MaxBitplanes-1;snrlev>=Min_Bitplane;snrlev--)
- {
- /* for SPlayer, snrlayer 0 means msb bits, need to invert order */
- bplane = SPlayer[0][splayer].SNR_scalability_levels
- -snrlev-1;
- decoded_bits += SPlayer[0][splayer].SNRlayer[bplane].snr_bitstream.length;
- if ( decoded_bits >= mzte_codec.m_iTargetBitrate/8){
- adjusted_rate = 1;
- last_bplane = bplane;
- last_splayer = splayer;
- goto outside;
- }
- }
- }
- else if (mzte_codec.m_iScanOrder==0)
- {
- for (snrlev=MaxBitplanes-1;snrlev>=Min_Bitplane;snrlev--)
- for (splayer=0;splayer<mzte_codec.m_iWvtDecmpLev-spatial_leveloff ;splayer++)
- {
- /* for SPlayer, snrlayer 0 means msb bits, need to invert order */
- bplane = SPlayer[0][splayer].SNR_scalability_levels
- -snrlev-1;
- decoded_bits += SPlayer[0][splayer].SNRlayer[bplane].snr_bitstream.length;
- if ( decoded_bits >= PEZW_target_bitrate/8){
- adjusted_rate = 1;
- last_bplane = bplane;
- last_splayer = splayer;
- goto outside;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- outside:
- if(adjusted_rate){
- diffrate = decoded_bits - PEZW_target_bitrate/8;
- SPlayer[0][last_splayer].SNRlayer[last_bplane].snr_bitstream.length
- -= diffrate;
- /* set up target snr and spatial levels, as well as
- the rate control matrix */
- if (mzte_codec.m_iScanOrder==0){
- min_snrlev = MaxBitplanes-1-last_bplane;
- for (splayer=last_splayer;splayer<mzte_codec.m_iWvtDecmpLev-spatial_leveloff;splayer++)
- reach_budget[splayer][min_snrlev] = 1;
- reach_budget[last_splayer][min_snrlev]=0;
- Min_Bitplane = min_snrlev;
- }
- else if (mzte_codec.m_iScanOrder==1){
- min_snrlev = MaxBitplanes-1-last_bplane;
- for (bplane=min_snrlev;bplane>=Min_Bitplane;bplane--)
- reach_budget[last_splayer][bplane] = 1;
- reach_budget[last_splayer][min_snrlev]=0;
- spatial_leveloff = mzte_codec.m_iWvtDecmpLev-1-last_splayer;
- }
- decoded_bits = PEZW_target_bitrate;
- }
- return;
- }