资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /* $Id: download_filter.cpp,v 1.3 2001/09/05 19:50:26 wmay Exp $ */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* MPEG4 Visual Texture Coding (VTC) Mode Software */
- /* */
- /* This software was jointly developed by the following participants: */
- /* */
- /* Single-quant, multi-quant and flow control */
- /* are provided by Sarnoff Corporation */
- /* Iraj Sodagar ( */
- /* Hung-Ju Lee ( */
- /* Paul Hatrack ( */
- /* Shipeng Li ( */
- /* Bing-Bing Chai ( */
- /* B.S. Srinivas ( */
- /* */
- /* Bi-level is provided by Texas Instruments */
- /* Jie Liang ( */
- /* */
- /* Shape Coding is provided by OKI Electric Industry Co., Ltd. */
- /* Zhixiong Wu ( */
- /* Yoshihiro Ueda ( */
- /* Toshifumi Kanamaru ( */
- /* */
- /* OKI, Sharp, Sarnoff, TI and Microsoft contributed to bitstream */
- /* exchange and bug fixing. */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* In the course of development of the MPEG-4 standard, this software */
- /* module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 tools as */
- /* specified by the MPEG-4 standard. */
- /* */
- /* The copyright of this software belongs to ISO/IEC. ISO/IEC gives use */
- /* of the MPEG-4 standard free license to use this software module or */
- /* modifications thereof for hardware or software products claiming */
- /* conformance to the MPEG-4 standard. */
- /* */
- /* Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software */
- /* products are advised that use may infringe existing patents. The */
- /* original developers of this software module and their companies, the */
- /* subsequent editors and their companies, and ISO/IEC have no liability */
- /* and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software module or */
- /* modification thereof in an implementation. */
- /* */
- /* Permission is granted to MPEG members to use, copy, modify, */
- /* and distribute the software modules ( or portions thereof ) */
- /* for standardization activity within ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11. */
- /* */
- /* Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 ISO/IEC */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /************************************************************/
- /* Sarnoff Very Low Bit Rate Still Image Coder */
- /* Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 Sarnoff Corporation */
- /************************************************************/
- /************************************************************/
- /* Filename: download_filter.c */
- /* Author: Bing-Bing Chai */
- /* Date: Jan. 30, 1998 */
- /* */
- /* Descriptions: */
- /* This file contains the routines to up/download */
- /* wavelet filters when desired. Proper conversions from */
- /* Floating poInt to Int are taken care of whenever */
- /* needed. */
- /* */
- /* It is assumed that Short and Float */
- /* are 2 bytes, and 4 bytes respectively. */
- /* */
- /************************************************************/
- #define DOWN_DEBUG 0
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "dataStruct.hpp"
- #include "startcode.hpp"
- #include "dwt.h"
- #include "errorHandler.hpp"
- #include "msg.hpp"
- #include "bitpack.hpp"
- #include "download_filter.h"
- Void CVTCCommon::check_marker(Int marker_bit)
- {
- if(marker_bit != MARKER_BIT)
- errorHandler("Error in download wavelet filtersn");
- }
- Void CVTCCommon::check_symmetry(FILTER *filter)
- {
- Int i,half;
- /* -------- check lowpass filter --------- */
- half=filter->LPLength>>1;
- if(half<<1==filter->LPLength)
- filter->DWT_Class=DWT_EVEN_SYMMETRIC; /* even filter */
- else
- filter->DWT_Class=DWT_ODD_SYMMETRIC; /* odd filter */
- for(i=0;i<half;i++)
- if(filter->DWT_Type == 0){
- if(((Short*)filter->LPCoeff)[i] !=
- ((Short*)filter->LPCoeff)[filter->LPLength-i-1])
- errorHandler("Lowpass filter is not symmetric.n");
- }
- else
- if(((double*)filter->LPCoeff)[i] !=
- ((double*)filter->LPCoeff)[filter->LPLength-i-1])
- errorHandler("Lowpass filter is not symmetric.n");
- /* -------- check highpass filter ---------- */
- half=filter->HPLength>>1;
- /* check for error */
- if(half<<1==filter->HPLength && filter->DWT_Class==DWT_ODD_SYMMETRIC)
- errorHandler("Lowpass filter has odd taps, while highpass filter has even"
- " taps->n");
- if(half<<1!=filter->HPLength && filter->DWT_Class==DWT_EVEN_SYMMETRIC)
- errorHandler("Lowpass filter has even taps, while highpass filter has odd"
- " taps.n");
- if(filter->DWT_Class==DWT_ODD_SYMMETRIC){ /* ODD_SYMMETRIC, symmetric */
- for(i=0;i<half;i++)
- if(filter->DWT_Type == 0){
- if(((Short*)filter->HPCoeff)[i] !=
- ((Short*)filter->HPCoeff)[filter->HPLength-i-1])
- errorHandler("Highpass filter is not symmetric.n");
- }
- else
- if(((double*)filter->HPCoeff)[i] !=
- ((double*)filter->HPCoeff)[filter->HPLength-i-1])
- errorHandler("Highpass filter is not symmetric.n");
- }
- else{ /* EVEN_SYMMETRIC, antisymmetric */
- for(i=0;i<half;i++)
- if(filter->DWT_Type == 0){
- if(((Short*)filter->HPCoeff)[i] !=-
- ((Short*)filter->HPCoeff)[filter->HPLength-i-1])
- errorHandler("Highpass filter is not antisymmetric.n");
- }
- else
- if(((double*)filter->HPCoeff)[i] !=-
- ((double*)filter->HPCoeff)[filter->HPLength-i-1])
- errorHandler("Highpass filter is not antisymmetric.n");
- }
- }
- Void CVTCCommon::upload_wavelet_filters(FILTER *filter)
- {
- Int i;
- Float f;
- Short s;
- UShort *usptr;
- UInt *uIntptr;
- /* poInters to filter taps */
- usptr=(UShort *)&s;
- uIntptr=(UInt *)&f;
- /* filter lengths */
- emit_bits((UShort)filter->LPLength,4);
- emit_bits((UShort)filter->HPLength,4);
- /* upload lowpass filter */
- for(i=0;i<filter->LPLength;i++)
- if(filter->DWT_Type == DWT_INT_TYPE){
- s=((Short*)(filter->LPCoeff))[i];
- emit_bits(*usptr,16);
- emit_bits(MARKER_BIT,1);
- }
- else{
- f=(Float)((double *)filter->LPCoeff)[i];
- emit_bits((UShort)((*uIntptr)>>16),16);
- emit_bits(MARKER_BIT,1);
- emit_bits((UShort)(*uIntptr),16);
- emit_bits(MARKER_BIT,1);
- }
- /* upload highpass filter */
- for(i=0;i<filter->HPLength;i++)
- if(filter->DWT_Type == DWT_INT_TYPE){
- s=((Short*)(filter->HPCoeff))[i];
- emit_bits(*usptr,16);
- emit_bits(MARKER_BIT,1);
- }
- else{
- f=(Float)((double *)filter->HPCoeff)[i];
- emit_bits((UShort)((*uIntptr)>>16),16);
- emit_bits(MARKER_BIT,1);
- emit_bits((UShort)(*uIntptr),16);
- emit_bits(MARKER_BIT,1);
- }
- if(filter->DWT_Type == DWT_INT_TYPE){
- emit_bits((UShort)filter->Scale,16);
- emit_bits(MARKER_BIT,1); /* needed to prevent start code emulation. */
- /* this is not presented in the current syntax */
- }
- }
- Void CVTCCommon::download_wavelet_filters(FILTER **Filter, Int type)
- {
- Int i,marker_bit;
- double *LPD=NULL, *HPD=NULL;
- Short *LPS=NULL, *HPS=NULL,s;
- UShort *usptr;
- UInt *uIntptr;
- Float f;
- FILTER *filter; // hjlee 0901
- usptr=(UShort *)&s;
- uIntptr=(UInt *)&f;
- /* hjlee 0901 */
- filter = (FILTER *)malloc(sizeof(FILTER));
- if(filter == NULL)
- errorHandler("Memory allocation errorn");
- filter->DWT_Type = (type ==0)? DWT_INT_TYPE: DWT_DBL_TYPE;
- /* get filter lengths */
- filter->LPLength=get_X_bits(4);
- filter->HPLength=get_X_bits(4);
- /* allocate memory for filters*/
- if(filter->DWT_Type==DWT_INT_TYPE){
- LPS=(Short *)malloc(sizeof(Short)*filter->LPLength);
- HPS=(Short *)malloc(sizeof(Short)*filter->HPLength);
- if(LPS==NULL || HPS==NULL)
- errorHandler("Cannot allocate memory to download wavelet filtersn");
- filter->LPCoeff=LPS;
- filter->HPCoeff=HPS;
- }
- else{
- LPD=(double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*filter->LPLength);
- HPD=(double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*filter->HPLength);
- if(LPD==NULL || HPD==NULL)
- errorHandler("Cannot allocate memory to download wavelet filtersn");
- filter->LPCoeff=LPD;
- filter->HPCoeff=HPD;
- }
- /* get lowpass filter */
- for(i=0;i<filter->LPLength;i++)
- if(filter->DWT_Type==DWT_INT_TYPE){
- *usptr=get_X_bits(16);
- LPS[i]=s;
- marker_bit=get_X_bits(1);
- check_marker(marker_bit);
- }
- else{
- *uIntptr=get_X_bits(16);
- marker_bit=get_X_bits(1);
- check_marker(marker_bit);
- *uIntptr=((*uIntptr)<<16)+get_X_bits(16);
- marker_bit=get_X_bits(1);
- check_marker(marker_bit);
- LPD[i]=f;
- }
- /* get highpass filter */
- for(i=0;i<filter->HPLength;i++)
- if(filter->DWT_Type==DWT_INT_TYPE){
- *usptr=get_X_bits(16);
- HPS[i]=s;
- marker_bit=get_X_bits(1);
- check_marker(marker_bit);
- }
- else{
- *uIntptr=get_X_bits(16);
- marker_bit=get_X_bits(1);
- check_marker(marker_bit);
- *uIntptr=((*uIntptr)<<16)+get_X_bits(16);
- marker_bit=get_X_bits(1);
- check_marker(marker_bit);
- HPD[i]=f;
- }
- check_symmetry(filter);
- if(filter->DWT_Type==DWT_INT_TYPE){
- filter->Scale=get_X_bits(16);
- marker_bit=get_X_bits(1);
- check_marker(marker_bit);
- }
- }