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Visual C++
- /* $Id: imagebox.cpp,v 1.2 2001/04/19 18:32:09 wmay Exp $ */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* MPEG4 Visual Texture Coding (VTC) Mode Software */
- /* */
- /* This software was jointly developed by the following participants: */
- /* */
- /* Single-quant, multi-quant and flow control */
- /* are provided by Sarnoff Corporation */
- /* Iraj Sodagar ( */
- /* Hung-Ju Lee ( */
- /* Paul Hatrack ( */
- /* Shipeng Li ( */
- /* Bing-Bing Chai ( */
- /* B.S. Srinivas ( */
- /* */
- /* Bi-level is provided by Texas Instruments */
- /* Jie Liang ( */
- /* */
- /* Shape Coding is provided by OKI Electric Industry Co., Ltd. */
- /* Zhixiong Wu ( */
- /* Yoshihiro Ueda ( */
- /* Toshifumi Kanamaru ( */
- /* */
- /* OKI, Sharp, Sarnoff, TI and Microsoft contributed to bitstream */
- /* exchange and bug fixing. */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* In the course of development of the MPEG-4 standard, this software */
- /* module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 tools as */
- /* specified by the MPEG-4 standard. */
- /* */
- /* The copyright of this software belongs to ISO/IEC. ISO/IEC gives use */
- /* of the MPEG-4 standard free license to use this software module or */
- /* modifications thereof for hardware or software products claiming */
- /* conformance to the MPEG-4 standard. */
- /* */
- /* Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software */
- /* products are advised that use may infringe existing patents. The */
- /* original developers of this software module and their companies, the */
- /* subsequent editors and their companies, and ISO/IEC have no liability */
- /* and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software module or */
- /* modification thereof in an implementation. */
- /* */
- /* Permission is granted to MPEG members to use, copy, modify, */
- /* and distribute the software modules ( or portions thereof ) */
- /* for standardization activity within ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11. */
- /* */
- /* Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 ISO/IEC */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /************************************************************/
- /* Sarnoff Very Low Bit Rate Still Image Coder */
- /* Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 Sarnoff Corporation */
- /************************************************************/
- /* imagebox.c -- extend/crop an image to a box of the minimal multiples of
- 2^Decomposition Level size that contains the object, according
- to the mask information */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <memory.h>
- #include "basic.hpp"
- #include "dwt.h"
- #ifndef __cplusplus
- static Int LCM(Int x, Int y);
- static Int GCD(Int x, Int y);
- #endif
- /* Function: GetBox()
- Description: get the bounding box of the image object
- Input:
- InImage -- Input image data, data type defined by DataType;
- InMask -- Input image mask, can be NULL if Shape == RECTANGULAR;
- RealWidth, RealHeight -- the size of the actual image;
- Nx, Ny -- specify that OriginX and OriginY must be multiple of Nx and Ny
- to accomdate different color compoents configuration:
- Examples:
- for 420: Nx Ny
- Y: 2 2
- U,V: 1 1
- for 422:
- Y: 2 1
- for 444:
- Y,U,V: 1 1
- for mono:
- Y: 1 1
- for YUV9:
- Y: 4 4
- U,V: 1 1
- DataType -- 0 - UChar 1- UShort for InImage and OutImage
- Shape -- if -1, the SHAPE is rectangular, else arbitary shape and
- Shape defines the mask value of an object, useful for
- multiple objects coding
- nLevels -- levels of decomposition
- Output:
- OutImage -- Output image within the bounding box (can be cropped or
- extended version of the InImage)
- OutMask -- Output image mask, extended area is marked as Don't-care
- VirtualWidth, VirtualHeight -- size of the output image
- OriginX, OriginY -- origins of the output image relative to the original
- image
- Return: DWT_NOVALID_PIXEL if the mask are all zeros, otherwise DWT_OK
- if no error;
- Note: The caller should free the memory OutImage and OutMask allocated by this program
- after it finishes using them.
- */
- Int VTCIMAGEBOX::GetBox(Void *InImage, Void **OutImage,
- Int RealWidth, Int RealHeight,
- Int VirtualWidth, Int VirtualHeight,
- Int OriginX, Int OriginY, Int DataType)
- {
- Int origin_x, origin_y;
- Int virtual_width, virtual_height;
- UChar *data, *indata;
- Int wordsize = (DataType==DWT_USHORT_ENUM)?2:1;
- Int i, j;
- Int real_width, real_height;
- Int max_x, max_y;
- Int rows, cols;
- real_width = RealWidth;
- real_height = RealHeight;
- origin_x = OriginX;
- origin_y = OriginY;
- virtual_width = VirtualWidth;
- virtual_height = VirtualHeight;
- /* allocate proper memory and initialize */
- if ((data = (UChar *)malloc(sizeof(UChar)*virtual_width*virtual_height*wordsize)) == NULL) {
- }
- memset(data, (Char )0, sizeof(UChar)*virtual_width*virtual_height*wordsize);
- /* calculate clip area */
- max_y = origin_y+virtual_height;
- max_y = (max_y<real_height)?max_y:real_height;
- rows = max_y - origin_y;
- max_x = origin_x+virtual_width;
- max_x = (max_x<real_width)?max_x:real_width;
- cols = max_x - origin_x;
- indata = (UChar *)InImage;
- /* fill out data */
- for(i=0, j=origin_y*real_width+origin_x; i< rows*virtual_width;
- i+=virtual_width, j+=real_width) {
- memcpy(data+i, indata+j, wordsize*cols);
- }
- *OutImage = data;
- return(DWT_OK);
- }
- /* Function: GetMaskBox()
- Description: get the bounding box of the mask of image object
- Input:
- InMask -- Input image mask, can be NULL if Shape == RECTANGULAR;
- RealWidth, RealHeight -- the size of the actual image;
- Nx, Ny -- specify that OriginX and OriginY must be multiple of Nx and Ny
- to accomdate different color compoents configuration:
- Examples:
- for 420: Nx Ny
- Y: 2 2
- U,V: 1 1
- for 422:
- Y: 2 1
- for 444:
- Y,U,V: 1 1
- for mono:
- Y: 1 1
- for YUV9:
- Y: 4 4
- U,V: 1 1
- Shape -- if -1, the SHAPE is rectangular, else arbitary shape and
- Shape defines the mask value of an object, useful for
- multiple objects coding
- nLevels -- levels of decomposition
- Output:
- OutMask -- Output image mask, extended area is marked as Don't-care
- VirtualWidth, VirtualHeight -- size of the output image
- OriginX, OriginY -- origins of the output image relative to the original
- image
- Return: DWT_NOVALID_PIXEL if the mask are all zeros, otherwise DWT_OK
- if no error;
- Note: The caller should free the memory OutMask allocated by this program
- after it finishes using them.
- */
- Int VTCIMAGEBOX:: GetMaskBox(UChar *InMask, UChar **OutMask,
- Int RealWidth, Int RealHeight,
- Int Nx, Int Ny,
- Int *VirtualWidth, Int *VirtualHeight,
- Int *OriginX, Int *OriginY, Int Shape, Int nLevels)
- {
- Int origin_x, origin_y;
- Int virtual_width, virtual_height;
- UChar *mask;
- Int blocksize = 1 << nLevels;
- Int i, j;
- Int real_width, real_height;
- Int max_x, max_y;
- Int min_x, min_y;
- Int rows, cols;
- UChar *a, *b, *f;
- if(blocksize%Nx!=0) blocksize = LCM(blocksize,Nx);
- if(blocksize%Ny!=0) blocksize = LCM(blocksize,Ny);
- real_width = RealWidth;
- real_height = RealHeight;
- if(Shape != RECTANGULAR) {
- /* to search for the upper left corner of the bounding box of
- arbitrarily shaped object */
- min_x = real_width;
- min_y = real_height;
- max_x = 0;
- max_y =0;
- for(i=0,j=0;j < real_height; j++,i+=real_width){
- a=InMask+i;
- f = InMask+i+real_width;
- for(; a< f; a++){
- if(*a == Shape) {
- min_y = j;
- goto minx;
- }
- }
- }
- minx:
- for(i=0;i < real_width;i++){
- a=InMask+i;
- f=InMask+i+real_width*real_height;
- for(; a<f; a+=real_width){
- if(*a == Shape) {
- min_x = i;
- goto maxy;
- }
- }
- }
- maxy:
- for(j=real_height-1,i= (real_height-1)*real_width;j>=0 ;j--, i-=real_width){
- a = InMask+i;
- f = InMask+i+real_width;;
- for(; a <f; a++) {
- if(*a == Shape) {
- max_y = j;
- goto maxx;
- }
- }
- }
- maxx:
- for(i=real_width-1;i >= 0;i--){
- a=InMask+i;
- f = InMask+i+real_width*real_height;
- for(; a < f; a+=real_width){
- if(*a == Shape) {
- max_x = i;
- goto next;
- }
- }
- }
- next:
- /* quantize the min_x and min_y with Nx and Ny */
- if(min_x%Nx!=0) min_x=min_x/Nx*Nx;
- if(min_y%Ny!=0) min_y=min_y/Ny*Ny;
- if(min_x>max_x || min_y> max_y) {
- return(DWT_NOVALID_PIXEL); /* no valid pixel */
- }
- origin_x = min_x;
- origin_y = min_y;
- virtual_width = max_x-min_x+1;
- virtual_height = max_y-min_y+1;
- /* fprIntf(stderr, "x=%d y=%d w=%d h=%d x2=%d y2=%dn", min_x, min_y, virtual_width, virtual_height, max_x, max_y); */
- }
- else { /* rectangular region */
- origin_x = 0;
- origin_y = 0;
- virtual_width = RealWidth;
- virtual_height = RealHeight;
- }
- /* first ajust the dimension to be multiple of blocksize */
- virtual_width = (virtual_width+(blocksize)-1)/blocksize*blocksize;
- virtual_height = (virtual_height+(blocksize)-1)/blocksize*blocksize;
- if ((mask = (UChar *)malloc(sizeof(UChar)*virtual_width*virtual_height)) == NULL) {
- }
- memset(mask, (Char )0, sizeof(UChar)*virtual_width*virtual_height);
- /* calculate clip area */
- max_y = origin_y+virtual_height;
- max_y = (max_y<real_height)?max_y:real_height;
- rows = max_y - origin_y;
- max_x = origin_x+virtual_width;
- max_x = (max_x<real_width)?max_x:real_width;
- cols = max_x - origin_x;
- /* fill out data */
- for(i=0, j=origin_y*real_width+origin_x; i< rows*virtual_width;
- i+=virtual_width, j+=real_width) {
- if(Shape != RECTANGULAR) {
- f = InMask+j+cols;
- for(a = InMask+j, b=mask+i; a < f; a++, b++) {
- if(*a == (UChar) Shape) *b = DWT_IN;
- }
- }
- else
- memset(mask+i, (Char )DWT_IN, cols);
- }
- *VirtualWidth = virtual_width;
- *VirtualHeight = virtual_height;
- *OriginX = origin_x;
- *OriginY = origin_y;
- *OutMask = mask;
- return(DWT_OK);
- }
- /* Function: ExtendMaskBox()
- Description: extend the size of bounding box of the mask of image object
- to 2^nLevels;
- Input:
- InMask -- Input image mask
- InWidth, InHeight -- the size of the Input Mask;
- Nx, Ny -- specify that OriginX and OriginY must be multiple of Nx and Ny
- to accomdate different color compoents configuration:
- Examples:
- for 420: Nx Ny
- Y: 2 2
- U,V: 1 1
- for 422:
- Y: 2 1
- for 444:
- Y,U,V: 1 1
- for mono:
- Y: 1 1
- for YUV9:
- Y: 4 4
- U,V: 1 1 nLevels -- levels of decomposition
- Output:
- OutMask -- Output image mask, extended area is marked as Don't-care
- OutWidth, OutHeight -- size of the output mask
- Return: DWT_OK if no error;
- Note: The caller should free the memory OutMask allocated by this program
- after it finishes using them.
- */
- Int VTCIMAGEBOX:: ExtendMaskBox(UChar *InMask, UChar **OutMask,
- Int InWidth, Int InHeight,
- Int Nx, Int Ny,
- Int *OutWidth, Int *OutHeight,
- Int nLevels)
- {
- Int out_width, out_height;
- UChar *mask;
- Int blocksize = 1 << nLevels;
- Int i, j;
- UChar *a, *b, *f;
- if(blocksize%Nx!=0) blocksize = LCM(blocksize,Nx);
- if(blocksize%Ny!=0) blocksize = LCM(blocksize,Ny);
- /* first ajust the dimension to be multiple of blocksize */
- out_width = (InWidth+(blocksize)-1)/blocksize*blocksize;
- out_height = (InHeight+(blocksize)-1)/blocksize*blocksize;
- if ((mask = (UChar *)malloc(sizeof(UChar)*out_width*out_height)) == NULL) {
- }
- memset(mask, (Char )0, sizeof(UChar)*out_width*out_height);
- /* fill out data */
- for(i=0, j=0; i< InHeight*out_width;
- i+=out_width, j+=InWidth) {
- f = InMask+j+InWidth;
- for(a = InMask+j, b=mask+i; a < f; a++, b++) {
- if(*a == (UChar) DWT_IN) *b = DWT_IN;
- }
- }
- *OutWidth = out_width;
- *OutHeight = out_height;
- *OutMask = mask;
- return(DWT_OK);
- }
- /* Function: PutBox()
- Description: put the bounding box of the image object back
- Input:
- InImage -- Input image data, data type defined by DataType;
- InMask -- Input image mask
- RealWidth, RealHeight -- the size of the actual image;
- DataType -- 0 - UChar 1- UShort for InImage and OutImage
- Shape -- if -1, the SHAPE is rectangular, else arbitary shape and
- Shape defines the mask value of an object, useful for
- multiple objects coding
- VirtualWidth, VirtualHeight -- size of the output image
- OriginX, OriginY -- origins of the output image relative to the original
- image
- Output:
- OutImage -- Output image contains the bounding box image
- OutMask -- Output image mask
- Return: DWT_OK if no error;
- */
- Int VTCIMAGEBOX:: PutBox(Void *InImage, UChar *InMask, Void *OutImage, UChar *OutMask,
- Int RealWidth, Int RealHeight,
- Int VirtualWidth, Int VirtualHeight,
- Int OriginX, Int OriginY, Int DataType, Int Shape)
- {
- Int origin_x, origin_y;
- Int virtual_width, virtual_height;
- UChar *data, *indata;
- UChar *mask = NULL;
- Int wordsize = (DataType==DWT_USHORT_ENUM)?2:1;
- Int i, j;
- Int real_width, real_height;
- Int max_x, max_y;
- Int rows, cols;
- UChar *a, *b, *c, *f;
- real_width = RealWidth;
- real_height = RealHeight;
- virtual_width = VirtualWidth;
- virtual_height = VirtualHeight;
- origin_x = OriginX;
- origin_y = OriginY;
- /* allocate proper memory and initialize to zero*/
- data = (UChar *)OutImage;
- memset(data, (Char )0, sizeof(UChar)*real_width*real_height*wordsize);
- if(Shape != RECTANGULAR) {
- mask = OutMask;
- memset(mask, (Char)0, sizeof(UChar)*real_width*real_height);
- }
- /* calculate clip area */
- max_y = origin_y+virtual_height;
- max_y = (max_y<real_height)?max_y:real_height;
- rows = max_y - origin_y;
- max_x = origin_x+virtual_width;
- max_x = (max_x<real_width)?max_x:real_width;
- cols = max_x - origin_x;
- indata = (UChar *)InImage;
- /* fill out data */
- for(i=0, j=origin_y*real_width+origin_x; i< rows*virtual_width;
- i+=virtual_width, j+=real_width) {
- f = InMask+i+cols;
- for(a = data +j*wordsize, b = indata + i*wordsize, c= InMask+i;
- c< f; c++, a+=wordsize, b+=wordsize) {
- if(*c == DWT_IN) {
- memcpy(a, b, wordsize);
- }
- }
- if(Shape != RECTANGULAR) {
- for(a=InMask+i, b = mask+j; a<f; a++, b++) {
- if(*a == DWT_IN) *b=(UChar) Shape;
- }
- }
- }
- return(DWT_OK);
- }
- /* find the least common multiples of two Integers */
- Int VTCIMAGEBOX:: LCM(Int x, Int y)
- {
- return(x*y/GCD(x,y));
- }
- /* find the greatest common divisor of two Integers */
- Int VTCIMAGEBOX:: GCD(Int x, Int y)
- {
- Int i;
- Int k;
- Int d=x<y?x:y; /* the lesser of x and y */
- d = (Int) sqrt((double)d)+1;
- k = 1;
- for(i=d;i>1;i--) {
- if(x%i==0 && y%i==0) {
- k=i;
- break;
- }
- }
- return(k);
- }
- /* Function: SubsampleMask()
- Description: Subsample the Mask;
- Input:
- InMask -- Input mask;
- Nx -- Horizontal subsampling rate;
- Ny -- vertical subsampling rate;
- Shape -- Integer number specify the object in a mask;
- Output:
- OutMask -- Output mask, memory space provided by caller function;
- return: DWT_OK if no error;
- */
- Void VTCIMAGEBOX:: SubsampleMask(UChar *InMask, UChar **OutMask,
- Int Width, Int Height,
- FILTER *filter)
- {
- UChar *a, *b;
- Int width, height;
- Int i,j, k;
- width = (Width >>1);
- height = (Height >>1);
- a = (UChar *)malloc(Width*Height*sizeof(UChar));
- b = (UChar *)malloc(width*height*sizeof(UChar));
- if(a == NULL || b == NULL)
- exit(printf("Error allocation memoryn"));
- // ret=do_DWTMask(InMask, a, Width, Height, 1, &filter);
- // if(ret!=DWT_OK)
- // exit(printf("DWT error code = %dn", ret));
- for(i=0,j=0, k=0; i< height; i++,j+=Width, k+=width){
- memcpy(b+k, a+j, width);
- }
- free(a);
- *OutMask = b;
- }