- /*************************************************************************
- vStrip by [maven] (maven@maven.de)
- udf.c: routines for udf-parsing (because windows just doesn't cut it),
- refs: udf102.pdf, udf200.pdf, ecma 167
- (tabsize 2)
- *************************************************************************/
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "udf.h"
- static bool aspi_GetSectorInfo(const HANDLE hDrive, DWORD* sec_size, DWORD* max_sec)
- {
- size.LowPart = GetFileSize(hDrive, (DWORD*)&size.HighPart);
- *sec_size = 2048;
- *max_sec = size.QuadPart / *sec_size;
- return true;
- }
- static bool aspi_ReadSectors(const HANDLE hDrive, int lba, int nSectors, DWORD sec_size, BYTE* sector)
- {
- DWORD nbr = 0;
- return lba*sec_size == SetFilePointer(hDrive, lba*sec_size, NULL, FILE_BEGIN)
- && ReadFile(hDrive, sector, nSectors*sec_size, &nbr, NULL);
- }
- static bool udf_GetLBA(const tp_udf_FileEntry fe, const DWORD sec_size, DWORD *start, DWORD *end)
- {
- if (fe->LengthofAllocationDescriptors == 0)
- return false;
- switch (fe->ICBTag.Flags & udf_icbf_Mask)
- {
- case udf_icbf_ShortAd:
- {
- tp_udf_short_ad ad = (tp_udf_short_ad)(fe->ExtendedAttributes + fe->LengthofExtendedAttributes);
- *start = ad->Location;
- *end = *start + ((ad->Length & udf_LengthMask) - 1) / sec_size;
- return true;
- }
- break;
- case udf_icbf_LongAd:
- {
- tp_udf_long_ad ad = (tp_udf_long_ad)(fe->ExtendedAttributes + fe->LengthofExtendedAttributes);
- *start = ad->Location.Location; // ignore partition number
- *end = *start + ((ad->Length & udf_LengthMask) - 1) / sec_size;
- return true;
- }
- break;
- case udf_icbf_ExtAd:
- {
- tp_udf_ext_ad ad = (tp_udf_ext_ad)(fe->ExtendedAttributes + fe->LengthofExtendedAttributes);
- *start = ad->Location.Location; // ignore partition number
- *end = *start + ((ad->Length & udf_LengthMask) - 1) / sec_size;
- return true;
- }
- break;
- }
- return false;
- }
- tp_udf_file udf_get_root(const HANDLE hDrive, const WORD partition_number)
- {
- BYTE sector[fio_SECTOR_SIZE];
- tp_udf_tag tag = (tp_udf_tag)sector;
- DWORD sec_size, max_sec, i, j;
- DWORD MVDS_lba, MVDS_lba_end, MVDS_back_lba, MVDS_back_lba_end;
- DWORD FileDescriptorSequence_lba, FileDescriptorSequence_lba_end;
- DWORD partition_lba, parent_icb;
- tp_udf_AnchorVolumeDescriptorPointer avd;
- bool res, part_valid, vol_valid;
- if (!aspi_GetSectorInfo(hDrive, &sec_size, &max_sec))
- return NULL;
- if (sec_size != fio_SECTOR_SIZE || max_sec < 256)
- return NULL;
- // read AnchorVolumeDescriptorPointer at 256 (or MaxSec) (Tag == 2)
- res = aspi_ReadSectors(hDrive, 256, 1, sec_size, sector);
- if (!res || tag->TagIdentifier != udf_TAG_AnchorVolumeDescriptor)
- {
- res = aspi_ReadSectors(hDrive, max_sec, 1, sec_size, sector);
- if (!res || tag->TagIdentifier != udf_TAG_AnchorVolumeDescriptor)
- return NULL;
- }
- // check Static Structures
- // get MainVolumeDescriptorSequence Location & Length
- avd = (tp_udf_AnchorVolumeDescriptorPointer)sector;
- MVDS_lba = avd->MainVolumeDescriptorSequenceExtent.Location;
- MVDS_lba_end = MVDS_lba + (avd->MainVolumeDescriptorSequenceExtent.Length - 1) / sec_size;
- MVDS_back_lba = avd->ReserveVolumeDescriptorSequenceExtent.Location;
- MVDS_back_lba_end = MVDS_back_lba + (avd->ReserveVolumeDescriptorSequenceExtent.Length - 1) / sec_size;
- // read MVDS_Location..MVDS_Location + (MVDS_Length - 1) / SectorSize sectors
- part_valid = vol_valid = false;
- i = 1;
- do
- { // try twice (if we need to) for ReserveAnchor
- j = MVDS_lba;
- do
- {
- res = aspi_ReadSectors(hDrive, j++, 1, sec_size, sector);
- if (res)
- {
- if (tag->TagIdentifier == udf_TAG_PartitionDescriptor && !part_valid)
- { // get stuff out of partition
- tp_udf_PartitionDescriptor par = (tp_udf_PartitionDescriptor )sector;
- part_valid = par->PartitionNumber == partition_number;
- if (part_valid)
- { // extract par->PartitionStartingLocation, par->PartitionLength
- partition_lba = par->PartitionStartingLocation;
- }
- }
- else if (tag->TagIdentifier == udf_TAG_LogicalVolumeDescriptor && !vol_valid)
- { // get stuff out of volume
- tp_udf_LogicalVolumeDescriptor vol = (tp_udf_LogicalVolumeDescriptor)sector;
- // check_volume sector size
- vol_valid = (vol->LogicalBlockSize == sec_size) && (partition_number == vol->FileSetDescriptorSequence.Location.PartitionNumber);
- if (vol_valid)
- { // extract vol->FileSetDescriptorSequence
- FileDescriptorSequence_lba = vol->FileSetDescriptorSequence.Location.Location;
- FileDescriptorSequence_lba_end = FileDescriptorSequence_lba + ((vol->FileSetDescriptorSequence.Length & udf_LengthMask) - 1) / sec_size;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- tag->TagIdentifier = 0;
- } while (j <= MVDS_lba_end && tag->TagIdentifier != udf_TAG_TerminatingDescriptor && ((!part_valid) || (!vol_valid)));
- if ((!part_valid) || (!vol_valid))
- { // try backup
- MVDS_lba = MVDS_back_lba;
- MVDS_lba_end = MVDS_back_lba_end;
- }
- } while (i-- && ((!part_valid) || (!vol_valid)));
- if (part_valid && vol_valid)
- { // read FileSetDescriptor, get RootDir Location & Length, RootDir Length != 0
- res = aspi_ReadSectors(hDrive, FileDescriptorSequence_lba + partition_lba, 1, sec_size, sector);
- if (res && tag->TagIdentifier == udf_TAG_FileSetDescriptor)
- {
- tp_udf_FileSetDescriptor fsd = (tp_udf_FileSetDescriptor)sector;
- if (partition_number == fsd->RootDirectoryICB.Location.PartitionNumber)
- {
- parent_icb = fsd->RootDirectoryICB.Location.Location;
- res = aspi_ReadSectors(hDrive, partition_lba + parent_icb, 1, sec_size, sector);
- if (res && tag->TagIdentifier == udf_TAG_FileEntry)
- {
- tp_udf_FileEntry fe = (tp_udf_FileEntry)sector;
- if (fe->ICBTag.FileType == udf_FT_Directory)
- {
- tp_udf_file root = (tp_udf_file)malloc(sizeof *root);
- root->partition_lba = partition_lba;
- udf_GetLBA(fe, sec_size, &root->dir_lba, &root->dir_end_lba);
- root->dir_left = (DWORD)fe->InformationLength; // don't want directories of more than 4gb
- root->sector = NULL;
- root->fid = NULL;
- root->sec_size = sec_size;
- strcpy(root->name, "/");
- root->is_dir = true;
- root->is_parent = false;
- return root;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- static void udf_GetName(const BYTE *data, const DWORD len, char *target)
- {
- DWORD p = 1, i = 0;
- if (len == 0 || !(data[0] & 0x18))
- target[0] = ' ';
- if (data[0] & 0x10)
- { // ignore MSB of unicode16
- p++;
- while (p < len)
- target[i++] = data[p += 2];
- }
- else
- {
- while (p < len)
- target[i++] = data[p++];
- }
- target[i]=' ';
- }
- tp_udf_file udf_get_sub(const HANDLE hDrive, tp_udf_file f)
- {
- if (f->is_dir && !f->is_parent && f->fid)
- {
- BYTE sector[fio_SECTOR_SIZE];
- tp_udf_tag tag = (tp_udf_tag)sector;
- bool res;
- res = aspi_ReadSectors(hDrive, f->partition_lba + f->fid->ICB.Location.Location, 1, f->sec_size, sector);
- if (res && tag->TagIdentifier == udf_TAG_FileEntry)
- {
- tp_udf_FileEntry fe = (tp_udf_FileEntry)sector;
- if (fe->ICBTag.FileType == udf_FT_Directory)
- {
- tp_udf_file newf = (tp_udf_file)malloc(sizeof *newf);
- strcpy(newf->name, f->name); // maybe just ""?
- newf->sec_size = f->sec_size;
- newf->partition_lba = f->partition_lba;
- udf_GetLBA(fe, f->sec_size, &newf->dir_lba, &newf->dir_end_lba);
- newf->dir_left = (DWORD)fe->InformationLength; // don't want directories of more than 4gb
- newf->sector = NULL;
- newf->fid = NULL;
- newf->is_dir = true;
- newf->is_parent = false;
- return newf;
- }
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- tp_udf_file udf_get_next(const HANDLE hDrive, tp_udf_file f)
- {
- bool res = true;
- if (f->dir_left <= 0)
- {
- f->fid = NULL;
- return NULL;
- }
- if (f->fid)
- { // advance to next FileIdentifierDescriptor
- DWORD ofs = 4 * ((sizeof *(f->fid) + f->fid->LengthofImplementationUse + f->fid->LengthofFileIdentifier + 3) / 4);
- f->fid = (tp_udf_FileIdentifierDescriptor)((BYTE *)f->fid + ofs);
- }
- if (f->fid == NULL)
- {
- DWORD size = f->sec_size * (f->dir_end_lba - f->dir_lba + 1);
- if (!f->sector)
- f->sector = (BYTE*)malloc(size);
- res = aspi_ReadSectors(hDrive, f->partition_lba + f->dir_lba, (WORD)(f->dir_end_lba - f->dir_lba + 1), f->sec_size, f->sector);
- if (res)
- f->fid = (tp_udf_FileIdentifierDescriptor)f->sector;
- else
- f->fid = NULL;
- }
- if (f->fid && f->fid->DescriptorTag.TagIdentifier == udf_TAG_FileIdentifierDescriptor)
- {
- DWORD ofs = 4 * ((sizeof *f->fid + f->fid->LengthofImplementationUse + f->fid->LengthofFileIdentifier + 3) / 4);
- f->dir_left -= ofs;
- f->is_dir = (f->fid->FileCharacteristics & udf_FID_Directory) != 0;
- f->is_parent = (f->fid->FileCharacteristics & udf_FID_Parent) != 0;
- udf_GetName(f->fid->ImplementationUse + f->fid->LengthofImplementationUse, f->fid->LengthofFileIdentifier, f->name);
- return f;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- void udf_free(tp_udf_file f)
- {
- if (f)
- {
- if (f->sector)
- free(f->sector);
- free(f);
- }
- }
- #define udf_PATH_DELIMITERS "/\"
- static tp_udf_file udf_ff_traverse(const HANDLE hDrive, tp_udf_file f, char *token)
- {
- while (udf_get_next(hDrive, f))
- {
- if (stricmp(token, f->name) == 0)
- {
- char *next_tok = strtok(NULL, udf_PATH_DELIMITERS);
- if (!next_tok)
- return f; // found
- else if (f->is_dir)
- {
- tp_udf_file f2 = udf_get_sub(hDrive, f);
- if (f2)
- {
- tp_udf_file f3 = udf_ff_traverse(hDrive, f2, next_tok);
- if (!f3)
- udf_free(f2);
- return f3;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- tp_udf_file udf_find_file(const HANDLE hDrive, const WORD partition, const char *name)
- {
- tp_udf_file f = udf_get_root(hDrive, partition), f2 = NULL;
- if (f)
- {
- char tokenline[udf_MAX_PATHLEN];
- char *token;
- strcpy(tokenline, name);
- token = strtok(tokenline, udf_PATH_DELIMITERS);
- if (token)
- f2 = udf_ff_traverse(hDrive, f, token);
- udf_free(f);
- }
- return f2;
- }
- bool udf_get_lba(const HANDLE hDrive, const tp_udf_file f, DWORD *start_lba, DWORD *end_lba)
- {
- if (f->fid)
- {
- BYTE sector[2048];
- tp_udf_FileEntry fe = (tp_udf_FileEntry)sector;
- bool res;
- res = aspi_ReadSectors(hDrive, f->partition_lba + f->fid->ICB.Location.Location, 1, f->sec_size, sector);
- if (res && fe->DescriptorTag.TagIdentifier == udf_TAG_FileEntry)
- return udf_GetLBA(fe, f->sec_size, start_lba, end_lba);
- }
- return false;
- }