- /*
- * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Gabest
- *
- *
- * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- *
- */
- #include "stdafx.h"
- #include "MemSubPic.h"
- // color conv
- unsigned char Clip_base[256*3];
- unsigned char* Clip = Clip_base + 256;
- const int c2y_cyb = int(0.114*219/255*65536+0.5);
- const int c2y_cyg = int(0.587*219/255*65536+0.5);
- const int c2y_cyr = int(0.299*219/255*65536+0.5);
- const int c2y_cu = int(1.0/2.018*1024+0.5);
- const int c2y_cv = int(1.0/1.596*1024+0.5);
- int c2y_yb[256];
- int c2y_yg[256];
- int c2y_yr[256];
- const int y2c_cbu = int(2.018*65536+0.5);
- const int y2c_cgu = int(0.391*65536+0.5);
- const int y2c_cgv = int(0.813*65536+0.5);
- const int y2c_crv = int(1.596*65536+0.5);
- int y2c_bu[256];
- int y2c_gu[256];
- int y2c_gv[256];
- int y2c_rv[256];
- const int cy_cy = int(255.0/219.0*65536+0.5);
- const int cy_cy2 = int(255.0/219.0*32768+0.5);
- bool fColorConvInitOK = false;
- void ColorConvInit()
- {
- if(fColorConvInitOK) return;
- int i;
- for(i = 0; i < 256; i++)
- {
- Clip_base[i] = 0;
- Clip_base[i+256] = i;
- Clip_base[i+512] = 255;
- }
- for(i = 0; i < 256; i++)
- {
- c2y_yb[i] = c2y_cyb*i;
- c2y_yg[i] = c2y_cyg*i;
- c2y_yr[i] = c2y_cyr*i;
- y2c_bu[i] = y2c_cbu*(i-128);
- y2c_gu[i] = y2c_cgu*(i-128);
- y2c_gv[i] = y2c_cgv*(i-128);
- y2c_rv[i] = y2c_crv*(i-128);
- }
- fColorConvInitOK = true;
- }
- #define rgb2yuv(r1,g1,b1,r2,g2,b2)
- int y1 = (c2y_yb[b1] + c2y_yg[g1] + c2y_yr[r1] + 0x108000) >> 16;
- int y2 = (c2y_yb[b2] + c2y_yg[g2] + c2y_yr[r2] + 0x108000) >> 16;
- int scaled_y = (y1+y2-32) * cy_cy2;
- unsigned char u = Clip[(((((b1+b2)<<15) - scaled_y) >> 10) * c2y_cu + 0x800000 + 0x8000) >> 16];
- unsigned char v = Clip[(((((r1+r2)<<15) - scaled_y) >> 10) * c2y_cv + 0x800000 + 0x8000) >> 16];
- //
- // CMemSubPic
- //
- CMemSubPic::CMemSubPic(SubPicDesc& spd)
- : m_spd(spd)
- {
- m_maxsize.SetSize(spd.w, spd.h);
- m_rcDirty.SetRect(0, 0, spd.w, spd.h);
- }
- CMemSubPic::~CMemSubPic()
- {
- delete [] m_spd.bits, m_spd.bits = NULL;
- }
- // ISubPic
- STDMETHODIMP_(void*) CMemSubPic::GetObject()
- {
- return (void*)&m_spd;
- }
- STDMETHODIMP CMemSubPic::GetDesc(SubPicDesc& spd)
- {
- spd.type = m_spd.type;
- spd.w =;
- spd.h =;
- spd.bpp = m_spd.bpp;
- spd.pitch = m_spd.pitch;
- spd.bits = m_spd.bits;
- spd.bitsU = m_spd.bitsU;
- spd.bitsV = m_spd.bitsV;
- spd.vidrect = m_vidrect;
- return S_OK;
- }
- STDMETHODIMP CMemSubPic::CopyTo(ISubPic* pSubPic)
- {
- if(FAILED(hr = __super::CopyTo(pSubPic)))
- return hr;
- SubPicDesc src, dst;
- if(FAILED(GetDesc(src)) || FAILED(pSubPic->GetDesc(dst)))
- return E_FAIL;
- int w = m_rcDirty.Width(), h = m_rcDirty.Height();
- BYTE* s = (BYTE*)src.bits + src.pitch* + m_rcDirty.left*4;
- BYTE* d = (BYTE*)dst.bits + dst.pitch* + m_rcDirty.left*4;
- for(int j = 0; j < h; j++, s += src.pitch, d += dst.pitch)
- memcpy(d, s, w*4);
- return S_OK;
- }
- STDMETHODIMP CMemSubPic::ClearDirtyRect(DWORD color)
- {
- if(m_rcDirty.IsRectEmpty())
- return S_FALSE;
- BYTE* p = (BYTE*)m_spd.bits + m_spd.pitch* + m_rcDirty.left*(m_spd.bpp>>3);
- for(int j = 0, h = m_rcDirty.Height(); j < h; j++, p += m_spd.pitch)
- {
- // memsetd(p, 0, m_rcDirty.Width());
- int w = m_rcDirty.Width();
- __asm
- {
- mov eax, color
- mov ecx, w
- mov edi, p
- cld
- rep stosd
- }
- }
- m_rcDirty.SetRectEmpty();
- return S_OK;
- }
- STDMETHODIMP CMemSubPic::Lock(SubPicDesc& spd)
- {
- return GetDesc(spd);
- }
- STDMETHODIMP CMemSubPic::Unlock(RECT* pDirtyRect)
- {
- m_rcDirty = pDirtyRect ? *pDirtyRect : CRect(0,0,m_spd.w,m_spd.h);
- if(m_rcDirty.IsRectEmpty())
- return S_OK;
- if(m_spd.type == MSP_YUY2 || m_spd.type == MSP_YV12 || m_spd.type == MSP_IYUV || m_spd.type == MSP_AYUV)
- {
- ColorConvInit();
- if(m_spd.type == MSP_YUY2 || m_spd.type == MSP_YV12 || m_spd.type == MSP_IYUV)
- {
- m_rcDirty.left &= ~1;
- m_rcDirty.right = (m_rcDirty.right+1)&~1;
- if(m_spd.type == MSP_YV12 || m_spd.type == MSP_IYUV)
- {
- &= ~1;
- m_rcDirty.bottom = (m_rcDirty.bottom+1)&~1;
- }
- }
- }
- int w = m_rcDirty.Width(), h = m_rcDirty.Height();
- BYTE* top = (BYTE*)m_spd.bits + m_spd.pitch* + m_rcDirty.left*4;
- BYTE* bottom = top + m_spd.pitch*h;
- if(m_spd.type == MSP_RGB16)
- {
- for(; top < bottom ; top += m_spd.pitch)
- {
- DWORD* s = (DWORD*)top;
- DWORD* e = s + w;
- for(; s < e; s++)
- {
- *s = ((*s>>3)&0x1f000000)|((*s>>8)&0xf800)|((*s>>5)&0x07e0)|((*s>>3)&0x001f);
- // *s = (*s&0xff000000)|((*s>>8)&0xf800)|((*s>>5)&0x07e0)|((*s>>3)&0x001f);
- }
- }
- }
- else if(m_spd.type == MSP_RGB15)
- {
- for(; top < bottom; top += m_spd.pitch)
- {
- DWORD* s = (DWORD*)top;
- DWORD* e = s + w;
- for(; s < e; s++)
- {
- *s = ((*s>>3)&0x1f000000)|((*s>>9)&0x7c00)|((*s>>6)&0x03e0)|((*s>>3)&0x001f);
- // *s = (*s&0xff000000)|((*s>>9)&0x7c00)|((*s>>6)&0x03e0)|((*s>>3)&0x001f);
- }
- }
- }
- else if(m_spd.type == MSP_YUY2 || m_spd.type == MSP_YV12 || m_spd.type == MSP_IYUV)
- {
- for(; top < bottom ; top += m_spd.pitch)
- {
- BYTE* s = top;
- BYTE* e = s + w*4;
- for(; s < e; s+=8) // ARGB ARGB -> AxYU AxYV
- {
- if((s[3]+s[7]) < 0x1fe)
- {
- s[1] = (c2y_yb[s[0]] + c2y_yg[s[1]] + c2y_yr[s[2]] + 0x108000) >> 16;
- s[5] = (c2y_yb[s[4]] + c2y_yg[s[5]] + c2y_yr[s[6]] + 0x108000) >> 16;
- int scaled_y = (s[1]+s[5]-32) * cy_cy2;
- s[0] = Clip[(((((s[0]+s[4])<<15) - scaled_y) >> 10) * c2y_cu + 0x800000 + 0x8000) >> 16];
- s[4] = Clip[(((((s[2]+s[6])<<15) - scaled_y) >> 10) * c2y_cv + 0x800000 + 0x8000) >> 16];
- }
- else
- {
- s[1] = s[5] = 0x10;
- s[0] = s[4] = 0x80;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if(m_spd.type == MSP_AYUV)
- {
- for(; top < bottom ; top += m_spd.pitch)
- {
- BYTE* s = top;
- BYTE* e = s + w*4;
- for(; s < e; s+=4) // ARGB -> AYUV
- {
- if(s[3] < 0xff)
- {
- int y = (c2y_yb[s[0]] + c2y_yg[s[1]] + c2y_yr[s[2]] + 0x108000) >> 16;
- int scaled_y = (y-32) * cy_cy;
- s[1] = Clip[((((s[0]<<16) - scaled_y) >> 10) * c2y_cu + 0x800000 + 0x8000) >> 16];
- s[0] = Clip[((((s[2]<<16) - scaled_y) >> 10) * c2y_cv + 0x800000 + 0x8000) >> 16];
- s[2] = y;
- }
- else
- {
- s[0] = s[1] = 0x80;
- s[2] = 0x10;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- STDMETHODIMP CMemSubPic::AlphaBlt(RECT* pSrc, RECT* pDst, SubPicDesc* pTarget)
- {
- ASSERT(pTarget);
- if(!pSrc || !pDst || !pTarget)
- return E_POINTER;
- const SubPicDesc& src = m_spd;
- SubPicDesc dst = *pTarget; // copy, because we might modify it
- if(src.type != dst.type)
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- CRect rs(*pSrc), rd(*pDst);
- if(dst.h < 0)
- {
- dst.h = -dst.h;
- rd.bottom = dst.h - rd.bottom;
- = dst.h -;
- }
- if(rs.Width() != rd.Width() || rs.Height() != abs(rd.Height()))
- return E_INVALIDARG;
- int w = rs.Width(), h = rs.Height();
- BYTE* s = (BYTE*)src.bits + src.pitch* + rs.left*4;
- BYTE* d = (BYTE*)dst.bits + dst.pitch* + ((rd.left*dst.bpp)>>3);
- if( > rd.bottom)
- {
- if(dst.type == MSP_RGB32 || dst.type == MSP_RGB24
- || dst.type == MSP_RGB16 || dst.type == MSP_RGB15
- || dst.type == MSP_YUY2 || dst.type == MSP_AYUV)
- {
- d = (BYTE*)dst.bits + dst.pitch*( + (rd.left*dst.bpp>>3);
- }
- else if(dst.type == MSP_YV12 || dst.type == MSP_IYUV)
- {
- d = (BYTE*)dst.bits + dst.pitch*( + (rd.left*8>>3);
- }
- else
- {
- return E_NOTIMPL;
- }
- dst.pitch = -dst.pitch;
- }
- for(int j = 0; j < h; j++, s += src.pitch, d += dst.pitch)
- {
- if(dst.type == MSP_RGB32 || dst.type == MSP_AYUV)
- {
- BYTE* s2 = s;
- BYTE* s2end = s2 + w*4;
- DWORD* d2 = (DWORD*)d;
- for(; s2 < s2end; s2 += 4, d2++)
- {
- if(s2[3] < 0xff)
- {
- *d2 = (((((*d2&0x00ff00ff)*s2[3])>>8) + (*((DWORD*)s2)&0x00ff00ff))&0x00ff00ff)
- | (((((*d2&0x0000ff00)*s2[3])>>8) + (*((DWORD*)s2)&0x0000ff00))&0x0000ff00);
- }
- }
- }
- else if(dst.type == MSP_RGB24)
- {
- BYTE* s2 = s;
- BYTE* s2end = s2 + w*4;
- BYTE* d2 = d;
- for(; s2 < s2end; s2 += 4, d2 += 3)
- {
- if(s2[3] < 0xff)
- {
- d2[0] = ((d2[0]*s2[3])>>8) + s2[0];
- d2[1] = ((d2[1]*s2[3])>>8) + s2[1];
- d2[2] = ((d2[2]*s2[3])>>8) + s2[2];
- }
- }
- }
- else if(dst.type == MSP_RGB16)
- {
- BYTE* s2 = s;
- BYTE* s2end = s2 + w*4;
- WORD* d2 = (WORD*)d;
- for(; s2 < s2end; s2 += 4, d2++)
- {
- if(s2[3] < 0x1f)
- {
- *d2 = (WORD)((((((*d2&0xf81f)*s2[3])>>5) + (*(DWORD*)s2&0xf81f))&0xf81f)
- | (((((*d2&0x07e0)*s2[3])>>5) + (*(DWORD*)s2&0x07e0))&0x07e0));
- /* *d2 = (WORD)((((((*d2&0xf800)*s2[3])>>8) + (*(DWORD*)s2&0xf800))&0xf800)
- | (((((*d2&0x07e0)*s2[3])>>8) + (*(DWORD*)s2&0x07e0))&0x07e0)
- | (((((*d2&0x001f)*s2[3])>>8) + (*(DWORD*)s2&0x001f))&0x001f));
- */
- }
- }
- }
- else if(dst.type == MSP_RGB15)
- {
- BYTE* s2 = s;
- BYTE* s2end = s2 + w*4;
- WORD* d2 = (WORD*)d;
- for(; s2 < s2end; s2 += 4, d2++)
- {
- if(s2[3] < 0x1f)
- {
- *d2 = (WORD)((((((*d2&0x7c1f)*s2[3])>>5) + (*(DWORD*)s2&0x7c1f))&0x7c1f)
- | (((((*d2&0x03e0)*s2[3])>>5) + (*(DWORD*)s2&0x03e0))&0x03e0));
- /* *d2 = (WORD)((((((*d2&0x7c00)*s2[3])>>8) + (*(DWORD*)s2&0x7c00))&0x7c00)
- | (((((*d2&0x03e0)*s2[3])>>8) + (*(DWORD*)s2&0x03e0))&0x03e0)
- | (((((*d2&0x001f)*s2[3])>>8) + (*(DWORD*)s2&0x001f))&0x001f));
- */ }
- }
- }
- else if(dst.type == MSP_YUY2)
- {
- // BYTE y1, y2, u, v;
- unsigned int ia, c;
- BYTE* s2 = s;
- BYTE* s2end = s2 + w*4;
- DWORD* d2 = (DWORD*)d;
- for(; s2 < s2end; s2 += 8, d2++)
- {
- ia = (s2[3]+s2[7])>>1;
- if(ia < 0xff)
- {
- /* y1 = (BYTE)(((((*d2&0xff)-0x10)*s2[3])>>8) + s2[1]); // + y1;
- y2 = (BYTE)((((((*d2>>16)&0xff)-0x10)*s2[7])>>8) + s2[5]); // + y2;
- u = (BYTE)((((((*d2>>8)&0xff)-0x80)*ia)>>8) + s2[0]); // + u;
- v = (BYTE)((((((*d2>>24)&0xff)-0x80)*ia)>>8) + s2[4]); // + v;
- *d2 = (v<<24)|(y2<<16)|(u<<8)|y1;
- */
- static const __int64 _8181 = 0x0080001000800010i64;
- ia = (ia<<24)|(s2[7]<<16)|(ia<<8)|s2[3];
- c = (s2[4]<<24)|(s2[5]<<16)|(s2[0]<<8)|s2[1]; // (v<<24)|(y2<<16)|(u<<8)|y1;
- __asm
- {
- mov esi, s2
- mov edi, d2
- pxor mm0, mm0
- movq mm1, _8181
- movd mm2, c
- punpcklbw mm2, mm0
- movd mm3, [edi]
- punpcklbw mm3, mm0
- movd mm4, ia
- punpcklbw mm4, mm0
- psrlw mm4, 1
- psubsw mm3, mm1
- pmullw mm3, mm4
- psraw mm3, 7
- paddsw mm3, mm2
- packuswb mm3, mm3
- movd [edi], mm3
- };
- }
- }
- }
- else if(dst.type == MSP_YV12 || dst.type == MSP_IYUV)
- {
- BYTE* s2 = s;
- BYTE* s2end = s2 + w*4;
- BYTE* d2 = d;
- for(; s2 < s2end; s2 += 4, d2++)
- {
- if(s2[3] < 0xff)
- {
- d2[0] = (((d2[0]-0x10)*s2[3])>>8) + s2[1];
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- return E_NOTIMPL;
- }
- }
- dst.pitch = abs(dst.pitch);
- if(dst.type == MSP_YV12 || dst.type == MSP_IYUV)
- {
- int w2 = w/2, h2 = h/2;
- if(!dst.pitchUV)
- {
- dst.pitchUV = dst.pitch/2;
- }
- int sizep4 = dst.pitchUV*dst.h/2;
- BYTE* ss[2];
- ss[0] = (BYTE*)src.bits + src.pitch* + rs.left*4;
- ss[1] = ss[0] + 4;
- if(!dst.bitsU || !dst.bitsV)
- {
- dst.bitsU = (BYTE*)dst.bits + dst.pitch*dst.h;
- dst.bitsV = dst.bitsU + dst.pitchUV*dst.h/2;
- if(dst.type == MSP_YV12)
- {
- BYTE* p = dst.bitsU;
- dst.bitsU = dst.bitsV;
- dst.bitsV = p;
- }
- }
- BYTE* dd[2];
- dd[0] = dst.bitsU + dst.pitchUV* + rd.left/2;
- dd[1] = dst.bitsV + dst.pitchUV* + rd.left/2;
- if( > rd.bottom)
- {
- dd[0] = dst.bitsU + dst.pitchUV*( + rd.left/2;
- dd[1] = dst.bitsV + dst.pitchUV*( + rd.left/2;
- dst.pitchUV = -dst.pitchUV;
- }
- for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
- {
- s = ss[i]; d = dd[i];
- BYTE* is = ss[1-i];
- for(int j = 0; j < h2; j++, s += src.pitch*2, d += dst.pitchUV, is += src.pitch*2)
- {
- BYTE* s2 = s;
- BYTE* s2end = s2 + w*4;
- BYTE* d2 = d;
- BYTE* is2 = is;
- for(; s2 < s2end; s2 += 8, d2++, is2 += 8)
- {
- unsigned int ia = (s2[3]+s2[3+src.pitch]+is2[3]+is2[3+src.pitch])>>2;
- if(ia < 0xff)
- {
- *d2 = (((*d2-0x80)*ia)>>8) + ((s2[0]+s2[src.pitch])>>1);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- __asm emms;
- return S_OK;
- }
- //
- // CMemSubPicAllocator
- //
- CMemSubPicAllocator::CMemSubPicAllocator(int type, SIZE maxsize)
- : ISubPicAllocatorImpl(maxsize, false, false)
- , m_type(type)
- , m_maxsize(maxsize)
- {
- }
- // ISubPicAllocatorImpl
- bool CMemSubPicAllocator::Alloc(bool fStatic, ISubPic** ppSubPic)
- {
- if(!ppSubPic)
- return(false);
- SubPicDesc spd;
- spd.w =;
- spd.h =;
- spd.bpp = 32;
- spd.pitch = (spd.w*spd.bpp)>>3;
- spd.type = m_type;
- if(!(spd.bits = new BYTE[spd.pitch*spd.h]))
- return(false);
- if(!(*ppSubPic = new CMemSubPic(spd)))
- return(false);
- (*ppSubPic)->AddRef();
- return(true);
- }