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Visual C++
- /* $Id: dwt.h,v 1.2 2001/04/19 18:32:09 wmay Exp $ */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* MPEG4 Visual Texture Coding (VTC) Mode Software */
- /* */
- /* This software was jointly developed by the following participants: */
- /* */
- /* Single-quant, multi-quant and flow control */
- /* are provided by Sarnoff Corporation */
- /* Iraj Sodagar (iraj@sarnoff.com) */
- /* Hung-Ju Lee (hjlee@sarnoff.com) */
- /* Paul Hatrack (hatrack@sarnoff.com) */
- /* Shipeng Li (shipeng@sarnoff.com) */
- /* Bing-Bing Chai (bchai@sarnoff.com) */
- /* B.S. Srinivas (bsrinivas@sarnoff.com) */
- /* */
- /* Bi-level is provided by Texas Instruments */
- /* Jie Liang (liang@ti.com) */
- /* */
- /* Shape Coding is provided by OKI Electric Industry Co., Ltd. */
- /* Zhixiong Wu (sgo@hlabs.oki.co.jp) */
- /* Yoshihiro Ueda (yueda@hlabs.oki.co.jp) */
- /* Toshifumi Kanamaru (kanamaru@hlabs.oki.co.jp) */
- /* */
- /* OKI, Sharp, Sarnoff, TI and Microsoft contributed to bitstream */
- /* exchange and bug fixing. */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* In the course of development of the MPEG-4 standard, this software */
- /* module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 tools as */
- /* specified by the MPEG-4 standard. */
- /* */
- /* The copyright of this software belongs to ISO/IEC. ISO/IEC gives use */
- /* of the MPEG-4 standard free license to use this software module or */
- /* modifications thereof for hardware or software products claiming */
- /* conformance to the MPEG-4 standard. */
- /* */
- /* Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software */
- /* products are advised that use may infringe existing patents. The */
- /* original developers of this software module and their companies, the */
- /* subsequent editors and their companies, and ISO/IEC have no liability */
- /* and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software module or */
- /* modification thereof in an implementation. */
- /* */
- /* Permission is granted to MPEG members to use, copy, modify, */
- /* and distribute the software modules ( or portions thereof ) */
- /* for standardization activity within ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11. */
- /* */
- /* Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 ISO/IEC */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /************************************************************/
- /* Sarnoff Very Low Bit Rate Still Image Coder */
- /* Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 Sarnoff Corporation */
- /************************************************************/
- /* DWT and inverse DWT header file
- Created by Shipeng Li, Sarnoff Corporation, Jan. 1998
- Copyright (c) Sarnoff Corporation
- */
- #ifndef _DWT_H_
- #define _DWT_H_
- #define UChar UChar
- // hjlee 0901
- #ifdef DATA
- #undef DATA
- #endif
- #define DATA Int
- #ifdef INT
- #undef INT
- #endif
- #define INT Int
- #define ROUNDDIV(x, y) ((x)>0?(Int)(((Int)(x)+((y)>>1))/(y)):(Int)(((Int)(x)-((y)>>1)) /(y)))
- enum { /* DWT or IDWT return values */
- };
- #endif
- #define RECTANGULAR -1
- /* Image data type */
- enum {
- };
- enum { /* filter class */
- };
- enum {
- };
- enum {
- };
- enum {
- };
- #define DWT_OUT0 0
- #define DWT_IN 1
- #define DWT_OUT1 2
- #define DWT_OUT2 3
- #define DWT_OUT3 4
- enum { /* filter type */
- };
- typedef struct {
- Int DWT_Class;
- /* 0: Odd Symmetric 1: Even Symmetric 2: Orthogonal (not supported)
- Note: This is not defined by MPEG4-CD syntax but should be, since different
- wavelets corresponds to different extension.
- Ref. "Shape Adpative Discrete Wavelet Transform for Arbitrarily-Shaped
- Visual Object Coding" S. Li and W. Li (submitted to IEEE T-CSVT)
- */
- Int DWT_Type;
- /* 0: Short Coeff; 1: Double Coeff */
- Int HPLength;
- Int LPLength;
- Void *HPCoeff;
- Void *LPCoeff;
- Int Scale;
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- #define DWT_S VTCDWT::
- #define IDWT_S VTCIDWT::
- class VTCDWT {
- public:
- /* Wavelet Decomposition function used by encoder */
- // hjlee 0901
- INT do_DWT(Void *InData, UChar *InMask, Int Width, Int Height, Int nLevels,
- Int InDataType, FILTER **Filter, DATA *OutCoeff, UChar *OutMask);
- /* Remove DC Mean */
- INT RemoveDCMean(Int *Coeff, UChar *Mask, INT Width, INT Height, INT nLevels);
- private:
- Int DecomposeOneLevelDbl(double *OutCoeff, UChar *OutMask, Int Width,
- Int Height, Int level, FILTER *Filter);
- Int DecomposeOneLevelInt(Int *OutCoeff, UChar *OutMask, Int Width,
- Int Height, Int level, FILTER *Filter,
- Int MaxCoeff, Int MinCoeff);
- Int SADWT1dInt(Int *InBuf, UChar *InMaskBuf, Int *OutBuf,
- UChar *OutMaskBuf, Int Length, FILTER *Filter,
- Int Direction);
- Int SADWT1dOddSymInt(Int *InBuf, UChar *InMaskBuf, Int *OutBuf,
- UChar *OutMaskBuf, Int Length, FILTER *Filter,
- Int Direction);
- Int DecomposeSegmentOddSymInt(Int *In, Int *OutL, Int *OutH,
- Int PosFlag, Int Length, FILTER *Filter);
- Int SADWT1dEvenSymInt(Int *InBuf, UChar *InMaskBuf, Int *OutBuf,
- UChar *OutMaskBuf, Int Length, FILTER *Filter,
- Int Direction);
- Int DecomposeSegmentEvenSymInt(Int *In, Int *OutL, Int *OutH,
- Int PosFlag, Int Length, FILTER *Filter);
- Int SADWT1dDbl(double *InBuf, UChar *InMaskBuf, double *OutBuf,
- UChar *OutMaskBuf, Int Length, FILTER *Filter,
- Int Direction);
- Int SADWT1dOddSymDbl(double *InBuf, UChar *InMaskBuf, double *OutBuf,
- UChar *OutMaskBuf, Int Length, FILTER *Filter,
- Int Direction);
- Int DecomposeSegmentOddSymDbl(double *In, double *OutL, double *OutH,
- Int PosFlag, Int Length, FILTER *Filter);
- Int SADWT1dEvenSymDbl(double *InBuf, UChar *InMaskBuf, double *OutBuf,
- UChar *OutMaskBuf, Int Length, FILTER *Filter,
- Int Direction);
- Int DecomposeSegmentEvenSymDbl(double *In, double *OutL, double *OutH,
- Int PosFlag, Int Length, FILTER *Filter);
- };
- class VTCIDWT {
- public:
- /* Wavelet Synthesis function used by decoder */
- // hjlee 0901
- INT do_iDWT(DATA *InCoeff, UChar *InMask, Int Width, Int Height, Int CurLevel,
- Int DstLevel, Int OutDataType, FILTER **Filter, Void *OutData,
- UChar *OutMask, Int UpdateInput, Int FullSizeOut);
- /* Addback DC Mean */
- Void AddDCMean(Int *Coeff, UChar *Mask, INT Width,
- INT Height, INT nLevels, INT DCMean);
- private:
- //hjlee 0901
- Int iDWTInt(Int *InCoeff, UChar *InMask, Int Width, Int Height, Int CurLevel,
- Int DstLevel, Int OutDataType, FILTER **Filter, Void *OutData,
- UChar *OutMask, Int UpdateInput, Int FullSizeOut);
- Int iDWTDbl(Int *InCoeff, UChar *InMask, Int Width, Int Height, Int CurLevel,
- Int DstLevel, Int OutDataType, FILTER **Filter, Void *OutData,
- UChar *OutMask, Int UpdateInput, Int FullSizeOut);
- Int SynthesizeOneLevelInt(Int *OutCoeff, UChar *OutMask, Int Width,
- Int Height, Int level, FILTER *Filter,
- Int MaxCoeff, Int MinCoeff, Int ZeroHigh);
- Int iSADWT1dInt(Int *InBuf, UChar *InMaskBuf, Int *OutBuf,
- UChar *OutMaskBuf, Int Length, FILTER *Filter,
- Int Direction, Int ZeroHigh);
- Int iSADWT1dOddSymInt(Int *InBuf, UChar *InMaskBuf, Int *OutBuf,
- UChar *OutMaskBuf, Int Length, FILTER *Filter,
- Int Direction, Int ZeroHigh);
- Int SynthesizeSegmentOddSymInt(Int *Out, Int *InL, Int *InH,
- Int PosFlag, Int Length, FILTER *Filter, Int ZeroHigh);
- Int iSADWT1dEvenSymInt(Int *InBuf, UChar *InMaskBuf, Int *OutBuf,
- UChar *OutMaskBuf, Int Length, FILTER *Filter,
- Int Direction, Int ZeroHigh);
- Int SynthesizeSegmentEvenSymInt(Int *Out, Int *InL, Int *InH,
- Int PosFlag, Int Length, FILTER *Filter, Int ZeroHigh);
- Int SynthesizeOneLevelDbl(double *OutCoeff, UChar *OutMask, Int Width,
- Int Height, Int level, FILTER *Filter, Int ZeroHigh);
- Int iSADWT1dDbl(double *InBuf, UChar *InMaskBuf, double *OutBuf,
- UChar *OutMaskBuf, Int Length, FILTER *Filter,
- Int Direction, Int ZeroHigh);
- Int iSADWT1dOddSymDbl(double *InBuf, UChar *InMaskBuf, double *OutBuf,
- UChar *OutMaskBuf, Int Length, FILTER *Filter,
- Int Direction, Int ZeroHigh);
- Int SynthesizeSegmentOddSymDbl(double *Out, double *InL, double *InH,
- Int PosFlag, Int Length, FILTER *Filter, Int ZeroHigh);
- Int iSADWT1dEvenSymDbl(double *InBuf, UChar *InMaskBuf, double *OutBuf,
- UChar *OutMaskBuf, Int Length, FILTER *Filter,
- Int Direction, Int ZeroHigh);
- Int SynthesizeSegmentEvenSymDbl(double *Out, double *InL, double *InH,
- Int PosFlag, Int Length, FILTER *Filter, Int ZeroHigh);
- };
- class VTCDWTMASK {
- public:
- /* Mask Decomposition function used by Decoder */
- Int do_DWTMask(UChar *InMask, UChar *OutMask, Int Width, Int Height, Int nLevels,
- FILTER **Filter); // hjlee 0901
- private:
- Int DecomposeMaskOneLevel(UChar *OutMask, Int Wdith,
- Int Height, Int level, FILTER *Filter);
- Int SADWTMask1d(UChar *InMaskBuf, UChar *OutMaskBuf, Int Length,
- FILTER *Filter, Int Direction);
- Int SADWTMask1dOddSym( UChar *InMaskBuf, UChar *OutMaskBuf,
- Int Length, FILTER *Filter, Int Direction);
- Int SADWTMask1dEvenSym( UChar *InMaskBuf, UChar *OutMaskBuf,
- Int Length, FILTER *Filter, Int Direction);
- };
- public:
- // hjlee 0901
- Int GetBox(Void *InImage, Void **OutImage,
- Int RealWidth, Int RealHeight,
- Int VirtualWidth, Int VirtualHeight,
- Int OriginX, Int OriginY, Int DataType);
- INT GetMaskBox(UChar *InMask, UChar **OutMask,
- INT RealWidth, INT RealHeight,
- INT Nx, INT Ny,
- INT *VirtualWidth, INT *VirtualHeight,
- INT *OriginX, INT *OriginY, INT Shape, INT nLevels);
- INT PutBox(Void *InImage, UChar *InMask, Void *OutImage, UChar *OutMask,
- INT RealWidth, INT RealHeight,
- INT VirtualWidth, INT VirtualHeight,
- INT OriginX, INT OriginY, INT DataType, INT Shape);
- // hjlee 0901
- Void SubsampleMask(UChar *InMask, UChar **OutMask,
- Int Width, Int Height,
- FILTER *filter);
- INT ExtendMaskBox(UChar *InMask, UChar **OutMask,
- INT InWidth, INT InHeight,
- INT Nx, INT Ny,
- INT *OutWidth, INT *OutHeight,
- INT nLevels);
- private:
- Int LCM(Int x, Int y);
- Int GCD(Int x, Int y);
- };
- #endif /* __cplusplus */
- #endif /*_DWT_H_ */