- /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- *
- * $Id: bit_manager.h,v 1.2 2005/01/30 05:11:40 gabest Exp $ $Name: $
- *
- * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
- *
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- * Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for
- * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
- *
- * The Original Code is BBC Research and Development code.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is the British Broadcasting
- * Corporation.
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004.
- * All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s): Thomas Davies (Original Author),
- * Robert Scott Ladd,
- * Tim Borer
- * Anuradha Suraparaju
- *
- * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
- * the GNU General Public License Version 2 (the "GPL"), or the GNU Lesser
- * Public License Version 2.1 (the "LGPL"), in which case the provisions of
- * the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead of those above. If you wish to
- * allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the either
- * the GPL or LGPL and not to allow others to use your version of this file
- * under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above
- * and replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL
- * or LGPL. If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use
- * your version of this file under the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL
- * or the LGPL.
- * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
- #ifndef _BIT_MANAGER_H_
- #define _BIT_MANAGER_H_
- #include <libdirac_common/arrays.h>
- #include <cstring>
- #include <vector>
- #include <iostream>
- namespace dirac
- {
- //! Prefix for all start codes
- const unsigned int START_CODE_PREFIX = 0x42424344; //BBCD
- const unsigned int START_CODE_PREFIX_BYTE0 =
- (START_CODE_PREFIX >> 24) & 0xFF;
- const unsigned int START_CODE_PREFIX_BYTE1 =
- (START_CODE_PREFIX >> 16) & 0xFF;
- const unsigned int START_CODE_PREFIX_BYTE2 =
- (START_CODE_PREFIX >> 8) & 0xFF;
- const unsigned int START_CODE_PREFIX_BYTE3 =
- //! Random Access Point (RAP) Intra Frame start Code
- const unsigned char RAP_START_CODE = 0xD7;
- //! Non-RAP Intra Frame start code
- const unsigned char IFRAME_START_CODE = 0xD6;
- //! L1 Frame start code
- const unsigned char L1FRAME_START_CODE = 0xD4;
- //! L2 Frame start code
- const unsigned char L2FRAME_START_CODE = 0xD5;
- //! Sequence end code
- const unsigned char SEQ_END_CODE = 0xD0;
- //! Not a start code but part of data
- const unsigned char NOT_START_CODE = 0xFF;
- //! Bitstream version
- const unsigned char BITSTREAM_VERSION = 0x02; //0.2
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //--------------Bit output stuff--------------//
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////
- class UnitOutputManager;
- class FrameOutputManager;
- class SequenceOutputManager;
- //! Class for managing bit- and byte-oriented output.
- /*!
- A class for managing bit- and byte-oriented output. Wraps around
- an ostream object but stores data in memory until told told to
- write out in order to support data re-ordering - for example
- writing a header once the subsequent data has been obtained.
- Implementation to be reviewed in future. TJD 13 April 2004.
- */
- class BasicOutputManager
- {
- // Data cannot be written to file directly, only by other o/p classes
- friend class UnitOutputManager;
- friend class FrameOutputManager;
- friend class SequenceOutputManager;
- public:
- //! Constructor
- /*!
- Constructor requires an ostream object pointer.
- param out_data the output stream object pointer
- */
- BasicOutputManager(std::ostream* out_data );
- //Copy constructor is default shallow copy
- //Operator= is default shallow=
- //! Destructor
- ~BasicOutputManager(){}
- //! Write a bit out.
- /*!
- Write a bit out to the internal data cache.
- */
- void OutputBit(const bool& bit);
- //! Write a bit out and increment count
- /*!
- Write a bit out to the internal data cache and increment the
- count of bits written.
- */
- void OutputBit(const bool& bit,int& count);
- //! Write a byte out.
- /*!
- Write a byte out to the internal data cache.
- */
- void OutputByte(const char& byte);
- //! Write a null-terminated set of bytes out.
- /*!
- Write a null-terminated set of bytes out to the internal data cache.
- */
- void OutputBytes(char* str_array);
- //! Write a number of bytes out.
- /*!
- Write a number of bytes out to the internal data cache.
- */
- void OutputBytes(char* str_array,int num);
- //! Return the number of bytes last output to file.
- /*!
- Return the number of bytes last output to file.
- */
- size_t GetNumBytes() const {return m_num_out_bytes;}
- //! Size of the internal data cache in bytes.
- /*!
- Size of the internal data cache in bytes.
- */
- size_t Size() const {return m_buffer.size();}
- private:
- // Number of output bytes written
- size_t m_num_out_bytes;
- std::ostream* m_op_ptr;
- // Buffer used to store output prior to saving to file
- std::vector<char> m_buffer;
- // Char used for temporary storage of op data bits
- char m_current_byte;
- // Used to set individual bit within the current header byte
- int m_output_mask;
- //functions
- //! Write all data to file.
- /*!
- Dump the internal data cache to the internal ostream object.
- */
- void WriteToFile();
- //Initialise the output stream.
- void InitOutputStream();
- //Clean out any remaining output bits to the buffer
- void FlushOutput();
- //! Write an ignore code
- /*!
- Write a skip interpret start prefix byte out to the internal data
- cache.
- */
- void OutputSkipInterpretStartPrefixByte();
- };
- //! A class for handling data output, including headers.
- /*!
- A class for handling data output, including headers and reordering.
- */
- class UnitOutputManager
- {
- // Only the FrameOutputManager can make this class write data to file
- friend class FrameOutputManager;
- public:
- //! Constructor.
- /*!
- Constructor wraps around a pointer to an ostream object, and
- initialises two BasicOutputManager objects for header and data
- */
- UnitOutputManager(std::ostream* out_data );
- //Copy constructor is default shallow copy
- //Operator= is default shallow=
- //! Destructor
- ~UnitOutputManager(){}
- //! Handles the header bits.
- /*!
- A BasicOutputManager object for handling the header bits.
- */
- BasicOutputManager& Header(){return m_header;}
- //! Handles the data bits.
- /*!
- A BasicOutputManager object for handling the data bits.
- */
- BasicOutputManager& Data(){return m_data;}
- //! Returns the total number of bytes written in the last unit coded.
- /*!
- Returns the total number of bytes written in the last unit coded - header + data.
- */
- const size_t GetUnitBytes() const {return m_unit_bytes;}
- //! Returns the total number of header bytes written in the last unit coded.
- const size_t GetUnitHeaderBytes() const {return m_unit_head_bytes;}
- private:
- // basic output managers for the header and data
- BasicOutputManager m_header,m_data;
- // total number of bytes written in the last unit coded
- size_t m_unit_bytes;
- // number of data bytes for the last unit coded
- size_t m_unit_data_bytes;
- // number of data bytes for the last unit coded
- size_t m_unit_head_bytes;
- // functions
- //! Writes the bit caches to file.
- /*!
- Writes the header bits to the ostream, followed by the data bits.
- */
- void WriteToFile();
- };
- class FrameOutputManager
- {
- public:
- // Only the SequenceOutputManager can make this class write data to file
- friend class SequenceOutputManager;
- //! Constructor
- /*
- Constructs a class which manages output for an entire frame.
- param out_data pointer to the output stream
- param num_bands the number of subbands per component
- */
- FrameOutputManager( std::ostream* out_data , const int num_bands=13 );
- //! Destructor
- ~FrameOutputManager();
- //! Set the number of bands there will be in a component
- void SetNumBands( const int num_bands );
- //! Get an output manager for a subband
- /*!
- Get an output manager for a subband.
- param csort the component (Y, U or V)
- param band_num the number of the subband
- */
- UnitOutputManager& BandOutput( const int csort , const int band_num );
- //! Get an output manager for a subband
- /*!
- Get an output manager for a subband.
- param csort the component (Y, U or V)
- param band_num the number of the subband
- */
- const UnitOutputManager& BandOutput( const int csort , const int band_num ) const;
- //! Get an output manager for MV data
- /*!
- Get an output manager for MV data
- */
- UnitOutputManager& MVOutput(){ return *m_mv_data; }
- //! Get an output manager for MV data
- /*!
- Get an output manager for MV data
- */
- const UnitOutputManager& MVOutput() const { return *m_mv_data; }
- //! Get an output manager for the frame header
- BasicOutputManager& HeaderOutput(){ return *m_frame_header; }
- //! Return the number of bytes used for each component
- const size_t ComponentBytes( const int comp_num ) const { return m_comp_bytes[comp_num];}
- //! Return the number of header bytes used for each component
- const size_t ComponentHeadBytes( const int comp_num ) const { return m_comp_hdr_bytes[comp_num];}
- //! Return the number of motion vector bytes used
- const size_t MVBytes() const { return m_mv_bytes;}
- //! Return the number of motion vector header bytes used
- const size_t MVHeadBytes() const { return m_mv_hdr_bytes;}
- //! Return the number of bytes used for the whole frame
- const size_t FrameBytes() const { return m_total_bytes;}
- //! Return the number of header bytes used throughout the frame
- const size_t FrameHeadBytes() const { return m_header_bytes;}
- private:
- // Array of subband outputs, 1 for each component and subband
- TwoDArray< UnitOutputManager* > m_data_array;
- // Motion vector output
- UnitOutputManager* m_mv_data;
- // Frame header output
- BasicOutputManager* m_frame_header;
- // The total number of frame bytes
- size_t m_total_bytes;
- // The total number of header bytes
- size_t m_header_bytes;
- // The total number of MV header bytes
- size_t m_mv_hdr_bytes;
- // The total number of MV bytes
- size_t m_mv_bytes;
- // The total number of bytes in each component
- OneDArray< size_t > m_comp_bytes;
- // The total number of header bytes in each component
- OneDArray< size_t > m_comp_hdr_bytes;
- // A copy of a pointer to the output stream
- std::ostream* m_out_stream;
- // Functions
- //! Initialise the band data
- void Init( const int num_bands );
- //! Reset all the data
- void Reset();
- //! Delete all the data
- void DeleteAll();
- //! Write all the frame data to file
- void WriteToFile();
- };
- class SequenceOutputManager
- {
- public:
- //! Constructor
- SequenceOutputManager( std::ostream* out_data );
- //! Return a reference to the output for a single frame
- FrameOutputManager& FrameOutput(){ return m_frame_op_mgr; }
- //! Return a reference to the output for a single frame
- BasicOutputManager& HeaderOutput(){ return m_seq_header; }
- //! Return a reference to the output for the sequence trailer
- BasicOutputManager& TrailerOutput(){ return m_seq_end; }
- //! Reset the frame data without outputting
- void ResetFrame(){ m_frame_op_mgr.Reset(); }
- //! Write the sequence header
- void WriteSeqHeaderToFile();
- //! Write all the frame data to file
- void WriteFrameData();
- //! Write the sequence trailer
- void WriteSeqTrailerToFile();
- //! Return the total number of bytes used for the sequence
- const size_t SequenceBytes() { return m_total_bytes; }
- //! Return the total number of header bytes used throughout the sequence
- const size_t SequenceHeadBytes() { return m_header_bytes; }
- //! Return the total number bytes used for MVs
- const size_t MVBytes() { return m_mv_bytes; }
- //! Return the total number bytes used for a component
- const size_t ComponentBytes( const int comp_num ) { return m_comp_bytes[comp_num]; }
- //! Reset the frame data
- void ResetFrameData();
- private:
- // The frame output manager
- FrameOutputManager m_frame_op_mgr;
- // Output manager for the sequence header
- BasicOutputManager m_seq_header;
- // Output manager for the sequence end
- BasicOutputManager m_seq_end;
- // The total number of bytes in each component
- OneDArray< size_t > m_comp_bytes;
- // The total number of header bits in each component
- OneDArray< size_t > m_comp_hdr_bytes;
- // The number of MV header bytes
- size_t m_mv_hdr_bytes;
- // The total number of MV bytes
- size_t m_mv_bytes;
- // The total number of bytes written so far
- size_t m_total_bytes;
- // The total number of header bytes written so far
- size_t m_header_bytes;
- // The total number of trailer bytes written so far
- size_t m_trailer_bytes;
- };
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////
- //--------------Bit input stuff--------------//
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////
- //! A class for managing bit-wise and byte-wise input.
- class BitInputManager
- {
- public:
- //! Constructor.
- /*!
- Constructor. Wraps around an istream object.
- */
- BitInputManager(std::istream* in_data );
- //Copy constructor is default shallow copy
- //Operator= is default shallow=
- //! Destructor
- ~BitInputManager(){}
- //input functions
- //! Obtain the next bit.
- bool InputBit();
- //! Obtain the next bit, incrementing count.
- bool InputBit(int& count);
- //! Obtain the next bit, incrementing count, if count<max_count; else return 0 (false).
- bool InputBit(int& count, const int max_count);
- //! Obtain the next byte.
- char InputByte();
- //! Obtain a number of bytes.
- void InputBytes(char* cptr,int num);
- //! Move onto the next byte. Needed if a data unit is not an exact number of bytes.
- void FlushInput();
- //! Returns true if we're at the end of the input, false otherwise
- bool End() const ;
- private:
- std::istream* m_ip_ptr;
- // Char used for temporary storage of ip bits
- char m_current_byte;
- // The number of bits left withint the current input byte being decoded
- int m_input_bits_left;
- //used to check if start code is detected
- unsigned int m_shift;
- //functions
- // Initialise the input stream
- void InitInputStream();
- };
- } // namespace dirac
- #endif