- README for the Dirac video codec
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- by Thomas Davies, BBC R&D (
- 1. Executive Summary
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Dirac is an open source video codec. It uses a traditional hybrid video codec
- architecture, but with the wavelet transform instead of the usual block
- transforms. Motion compensation uses overlapped blocks to reduce block
- artefacts that would upset the transform coding stage.
- Dirac can code just about any size of video, from streaming up to HD and
- beyond, although certain presets are defined for different applications and
- standards. These cover the parameters that need to be set for the encoder to
- work, such as block sizes and temporal prediction structures, which must
- otherwise be set by hand.
- Dirac is intended to develop into real coding and decoding software, capable
- of plugging into video processing applications and media players that need
- compression. It is intended to develop into a simple set of reliable but
- effective coding tools that work over a wide variety of content and formats,
- using well-understood compression techniques, in a clear and accessible
- software structure. It is not intended as a demonstration or reference coder.
- 2. Documentation
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- A user guide and a guide to the software is in progress. More details on
- running the codec can be found at
- 3. Building and installing
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- GNU/Linux, Unix, MacOS X, Cygwin, Mingw
- ---------------------------------------
- ./configure --enable-debug
- (to enable extra debug compile options)
- OR
- ./configure --enable-profile
- (to enable the g++ profiling flag -pg)
- OR
- ./configure --enable-debug --enable-profile
- (to enable extra debug compile options and profiling options)
- OR
- ./configure
- By default, both shared and static libraries are built. To build all-static
- libraries use
- ./configure --disable-shared
- To build shared libraries only use
- ./configure --disable-static
- make
- make install
- The INSTALL file documents arguments to ./configure such as
- --prefix=/usr/local (specify the installation location prefix).
- MSYS and Microsoft Visual C++
- -----------------------------
- Download and install the no-cost Microsoft C++ compiler from
- Download and install MSYS (the MinGW Minimal SYStem), MSYS-1.0.10.exe,
- from An MSYS icon will be available
- on the desktop.
- Click on the MSYS icon on the desktop to open a MSYS shell window.
- Create a .profile file to set up the environment variables required.
- vi .profile
- Include the following three lines in the .profile file.
- export PATH=/c/Program Files/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin:$PATH
- export INCLUDE=/c/Program Files/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include
- export LIB=/c/Program Files/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/lib
- (Replace /c/Program Files/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/ with
- the location where VC++ 2003 is installed if necessary)
- Exit from the MSYS shell and click on the MSYS icon on the desktop to open
- a new MSYS shell window for the .profile to take effect.
- Change directory to the directory where Dirac was unpacked. By default
- only the dynamic libraries are built.
- ./configure CXX=cl --enable-debug
- (to enable extra debug compile options)
- OR
- ./configure CXX=cl --disable-shared
- (to build static libraries)
- OR
- ./configure CXX=cl
- make
- make install
- The INSTALL file documents arguments to ./configure such as
- --prefix=/usr/local (specify the installation location prefix).
- Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2003
- ------------------------------
- The MS VC++ .NET 2003 solution and project files are in win32/VS2003
- directory. Double-click on the solution file, dirac.sln, in the
- win32/VS2003 directory. The target 'Everything' builds the codec
- libraries and utilities. Four build-types are supported
- Debug - builds unoptimised encoder and decoder dlls with debug symbols
- Release - builds optimised encoder and decoder dlls
- Static-Debug - builds unoptimised encoder and decoder static libraries
- with debug symbols
- Static-Release - builds optimised encoder and decoder static libraries
- Static libraries are created in the win32/VS2003/lib/<build-type> directory.
- Encoder and Decoder dlls and import libraries, encoder and decoder apps are
- created in the win32/VS2003/bin/<build-type> directory. The "C" public API
- is exported using the _declspec(dllexport) mechanism.
- Conversion utilites are created in the
- win32/VS2003/utils/conversion/<build-type> directory. Only static versions
- are built.
- Instrumentation utility is created in the
- win32/VS2003/utils/instrumentation/<build-type> directory. Only static
- versions are built.
- 4. Running the example programs
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- 4.1 Command-line parameters
- At the moment there is a simple command-line parser class which is
- used in all the executables. The general procedure for running a program
- is to type:
- prog_name -<flag_name> flag_val ... param1 param2 ...
- In other words, options are prefixed by a dash; some options take values,
- while others are boolean options that enable specific features. For example:
- When running the encoder, the -qf options requires a numeric argument
- specifying the "quality factor" for encoding. The -verbose option enables
- detailed output and does not require an argument.
- Running any program without arguments will display a list of parameters and
- options.
- 4.2 File formats
- The example coder and decoder use a temporary file format which consists of
- raw 8-bit planar YUV data together with a header file. This means that data
- is stored bytewise, with a frame of Y followed by a frame of U followed by
- a frame of V, all scanned in the usual raster order.
- Other file formats are supported by means of conversion utilities that
- may be found in the subdirectory util/conversion. These will convert to
- and from raw RGB format, and support all the standard raw YUV formats as
- well as bitmaps. Raw RGB can be obtained as an output from standard conversion
- utilities such as ImageMagick.
- Once a raw YUV file has been made, in order to run the codec, a header must be
- constructed. The header records such picture information as: the picture
- dimensions, which are taken to be those of the luminance or Y component, and
- other metadata. The other metadata consists of the chroma format, the frame
- rate in Hertz, a flag indicating interlace and, if interlace, a flag
- indicating whether the interlace is top-field first. The chroma format setting
- records whether the video is sampled 4:4:4, 4:2:2, 4:1:1 or 4:2:0, and is
- essential. The frame rate setting is used to calculate bit-rate for the
- encoder, and display rate for the decoder, and if omitted a rate of 12Hz is
- assumed.
- The header file is made using the make_header tool in subdirectory
- picheader/make_header. It's in text format so can also be edited manually.
- Example.
- Compress an image sequence of 100 frames of 352x288 video in tiff format.
- Step 1.
- Use your favourite conversion routine to produce a single raw RGB file of
- all the data. If your routine converts frame-by-frame then you will
- need to concatenate the output.
- Step 2.
- Convert from RGB to the YUV format of your choice. For example, to do
- 420, type
- RGBtoYUV420 <file.rgb >file.yuv 352 288 100
- Note that this uses stdin and stdout to read and write the data.
- Step 3.
- Make the appropriate header to accompany the raw data file:
- make_header -xl 720 -yl 576 -cformat format420 -framerate 25 -interlace file
- This writes file.hdr with the corresponding parameters.
- Step 4.
- Run the encoder. This will produce a locally decoded output in the
- same format.
- Step 5.
- Convert back to RGB.
- YUV420toRGB <file.yuv >file.rgb 352 288 100
- Step 6.
- Use your favourite conversion utility to convert to the format of your
- choice.
- You can also use the transcode utility to convert data to and from Dirac's
- native formats (see
- This example uses a 720x576x50 DV source, and transcodes to 720x576 YUV in
- 4:2:0 chroma format. Cascading codecs (DV + Dirac) is generally a bad idea
- - use this only if you don't have any other source of uncompressed video.
- transcode -i source.dv -x auto,null --dv_yuy2_mode -k -V -y raw,null -o file.avi
- tcextract -i test.avi -x rgb > file.yuv
- make_header -xl 720 -yl 576 -cformat format420 -framerate 25 -interlace file
- Viewing and playback utilities for uncompressed video include MPlayer and
- ImageMagick's display command.
- Continuing the 352x288 4:2:0 example above, to display a single frame
- of raw YUV with ImageMagick use the following (use <spacebar> to see
- subsequent frames):
- display -size 352x288 test.yuv
- Raw YUV 420 data can also be played back in MPlayer - use the following
- MPlayer command:
- mplayer -fps 15 -rawvideo on:size=152064:w=352:h=288 test.yuv
- (at the time of writing MPlayer could not playback 4:2:2 or 4:4:4 YUV data)
- 4.3 Encoding
- There are a large number of parameters that can be used to run the encoder,
- all of which are listed below, and which are set using the same conventions as
- for make_header. However, things are simplified by using presets for different
- applications. These set such things as block sizes and overlaps for motion
- estimation and compensation (the codec used overlapped blocks), and
- psychovisual weighting. They also define the context in which other parameters
- like quality factors, operate. The presets are:
- CIF : for CIF video
- SD576 : for standard definition video
- HD720 : for 1280x720 High Definition progressive video
- HD1080 : for 1920/1440x1080 High Definition progressive video [not yet supported]
- The other useful parameter is the quality factor qf. This is a number from 0
- to 10. The higher the number, the better the quality. The encoder attempts to
- adapt the encoding process to produce constant quality across the sequence.
- (Due to variations in the content, it may not exactly achieve this.)
- Simple coding example. Code an SD sequence to high quality.
- Solution.
- dirac_encoder -SD576 -qf 9 test test_out
- will read test.yuv and test.hdr as input, and output a compressed bitstream
- test_out.drc as well as locally-decoded files test_out.yuv and test_out.hdr.
- Other parameters.
- verbose : turn on verbosity (if you don't, you won't see the final bitrate!)
- start : code from this frame number
- stop : code up until this frame number
- L1_sep : the separation between L1 frames (frames that are predicted but
- also used as reference frames, like P frames in MPEG-2)
- num_L1 : the number of L1 frames before the next intra frame
- xblen : the width of blocks used for motion compensation
- yblen : the height of blocks used for motion compensation
- xbsep : the horizontal separation between blocks. Always <xblen
- ybsep : the vertical separation between blocks. Always <yblen
- cpd : normalised viewing distance parameter, in cycles per degree.
- nolocal : Do no generate diagnostics and locally decoded output
- Using -start and -stop allows a small section to be coded, rather than the
- whole thing.
- Modifying L1_sep and num_L1 allows for new GOP structures to be used, and
- should be entirely safe. There are two non-GOP modes that can also be used for
- encoding: setting num_L1=0 gives I-frame only coding, and setting num_L1<0
- will produce a sequence with infinitely many L1 frames i.e. with a single I
- frame at the beginning of the sequence.
- Modifying the block parameters is strongly deprecated: it's likely to break
- the encoder as there are many constraints. Modifying cpd will not break
- anything, but will change the way noise is distributed which may be more (or
- less) suitable for your application. Setting cpd equal zero turns off
- perceptual weighting altogether.
- Block separations must currently be set so that an integral number of
- macroblocks fits into the frame horizontally and vertically. A macroblock is a
- 4x4 set of blocks, so 4xblen must divide the frame width and 4yblen the frame
- height.
- 4.4 Decoding
- Decoding is much simpler. Just point the decoder input at the bitstream and the
- output to a file:
- dirac_decoder -verbose test_enc test_dec
- will decode into test_dec.{yuv,hdr} with running commentary.