- /*
- * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Gabest
- *
- *
- * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- *
- */
- #include "StdAfx.h"
- #include <mmreg.h>
- #include "MpegSplitterFile.h"
- #include <initguid.h>
- #include "........includemoreuuids.h"
- #define MEGABYTE 1024*1024
- #define ISVALIDPID(pid) (pid >= 0x10 && pid < 0x1fff)
- CMpegSplitterFile::CMpegSplitterFile(IAsyncReader* pAsyncReader, HRESULT& hr)
- : CBaseSplitterFileEx(pAsyncReader, hr)
- , m_type(us)
- , m_rate(0)
- {
- if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = Init();
- }
- HRESULT CMpegSplitterFile::Init()
- {
- // get the type first
- m_type = us;
- Seek(0);
- if(m_type == us)
- {
- int cnt = 0, limit = 4;
- for(trhdr h; cnt < limit && Read(h); cnt++) Seek(;
- if(cnt >= limit) m_type = ts;
- }
- Seek(0);
- if(m_type == us)
- {
- int cnt = 0, limit = 4;
- for(pvahdr h; cnt < limit && Read(h); cnt++) Seek(GetPos() + h.length);
- if(cnt >= limit) m_type = pva;
- }
- Seek(0);
- if(m_type == us)
- {
- BYTE b;
- for(int i = 0; (i < 4 || GetPos() < 65536) && m_type == us && NextMpegStartCode(b); i++)
- {
- if(b == 0xba)
- {
- pshdr h;
- if(Read(h))
- {
- m_type = ps;
- m_rate = h.bitrate/8;
- break;
- }
- }
- else if((b&0xe0) == 0xc0 // audio, 110xxxxx, mpeg1/2/3
- || (b&0xf0) == 0xe0 // video, 1110xxxx, mpeg1/2
- // || (b&0xbd) == 0xbd) // private stream 1, 0xbd, ac3/dts/lpcm/subpic
- || b == 0xbd) // private stream 1, 0xbd, ac3/dts/lpcm/subpic
- {
- peshdr h;
- if(Read(h, b))
- {
- m_type = es;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Seek(0);
- if(m_type == us)
- {
- return E_FAIL;
- }
- //
- if(IsStreaming())
- {
- for(int i = 0; i < 50 && GetLength() < 1024*100 || i < 20; i++)
- Sleep(100);
- }
- // min/max pts & bitrate
- m_rtMin = m_posMin = _I64_MAX;
- m_rtMax = m_posMax = 0;
- CList<__int64> fps;
- for(int i = 0, j = 5; i <= j; i++)
- fps.AddTail(i*GetLength()/j);
- for(__int64 pfp = 0; fps.GetCount(); )
- {
- __int64 fp = fps.RemoveHead();
- fp = min(GetLength() - MEGABYTE/8, fp);
- fp = max(pfp, fp);
- __int64 nfp = fp + (pfp == 0 ? 5*MEGABYTE : MEGABYTE/8);
- if(FAILED(hr = SearchStreams(fp, nfp)))
- return hr;
- pfp = nfp;
- }
- if(m_posMax - m_posMin <= 0 || m_rtMax - m_rtMin <= 0)
- return E_FAIL;
- int indicated_rate = m_rate;
- int detected_rate = 10000000i64 * (m_posMax - m_posMin) / (m_rtMax - m_rtMin);
- // normally "detected" should always be less than "indicated", but sometimes it can be a few percent higher (+10% is allowed here)
- // (update: also allowing +/-50k/s)
- if(indicated_rate == 0 || ((float)detected_rate / indicated_rate) < 1.1
- || abs(detected_rate - indicated_rate) < 50*1024)
- m_rate = detected_rate;
- else ; // TODO: in this case disable seeking, or try doing something less drastical...
- #ifndef DEBUG
- if(m_streams[video].GetCount() || m_streams[subpic].GetCount())
- {
- stream s;
- = MEDIATYPE_Video;
- = FORMAT_None;
- m_streams[subpic].Insert(s);
- }
- #endif
- Seek(0);
- return S_OK;
- }
- REFERENCE_TIME CMpegSplitterFile::NextPTS(DWORD TrackNum)
- {
- __int64 rtpos = -1;
- BYTE b;
- while(GetPos() < GetLength())
- {
- if(m_type == ps || m_type == es)
- {
- if(!NextMpegStartCode(b)) // continue;
- {ASSERT(0); break;}
- rtpos = GetPos()-4;
- if(b >= 0xbd && b < 0xf0)
- {
- peshdr h;
- if(!Read(h, b) || !h.len) continue;
- __int64 pos = GetPos();
- if(h.fpts && AddStream(0, b, h.len) == TrackNum)
- {
- ASSERT(h.pts >= m_rtMin && h.pts <= m_rtMax);
- rt = h.pts;
- break;
- }
- Seek(pos + h.len);
- }
- }
- else if(m_type == ts)
- {
- trhdr h;
- if(!Read(h)) continue;
- rtpos = GetPos()-4;
- if(h.payload && h.payloadstart && ISVALIDPID(
- {
- peshdr h2;
- if(NextMpegStartCode(b, 4) && Read(h2, b)) // pes packet
- {
- if(h2.fpts && AddStream(, b, h.bytes - (GetPos() - rtpos)) == TrackNum)
- {
- ASSERT(h2.pts >= m_rtMin && h2.pts <= m_rtMax);
- rt = h2.pts;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- Seek(;
- }
- else if(m_type == pva)
- {
- pvahdr h;
- if(!Read(h)) continue;
- if(h.fpts)
- {
- rt = h.pts;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(rtpos >= 0) Seek(rtpos);
- if(rt >= 0) rt -= m_rtMin;
- return rt;
- }
- HRESULT CMpegSplitterFile::SearchStreams(__int64 start, __int64 stop)
- {
- Seek(start);
- stop = min(stop, GetLength());
- while(GetPos() < stop)
- {
- BYTE b;
- if(m_type == ps || m_type == es)
- {
- if(!NextMpegStartCode(b)) continue;
- if(b == 0xba) // program stream header
- {
- pshdr h;
- if(!Read(h)) continue;
- }
- else if(b == 0xbb) // program stream system header
- {
- pssyshdr h;
- if(!Read(h)) continue;
- }
- else if(b >= 0xbd && b < 0xf0) // pes packet
- {
- peshdr h;
- if(!Read(h, b)) continue;
- if(h.type == mpeg2 && h.scrambling) {ASSERT(0); return E_FAIL;}
- if(h.fpts)
- {
- if(m_rtMin == _I64_MAX) {m_rtMin = h.pts; m_posMin = GetPos();}
- if(m_rtMin < h.pts && m_rtMax < h.pts) {m_rtMax = h.pts; m_posMax = GetPos();}
- /*
- int rate = 10000000i64 * (m_posMax - m_posMin) / (m_rtMax - m_rtMin);
- if(m_rate == 0) m_rate = rate;
- TRACE(_T("rate = %d (%d), (h.pts = %I64d)n"), rate, rate - m_rate, h.pts);
- m_rate = rate;
- */
- }
- __int64 pos = GetPos();
- AddStream(0, b, h.len);
- if(h.len) Seek(pos + h.len);
- }
- }
- else if(m_type == ts)
- {
- trhdr h;
- if(!Read(h)) continue;
- // if(h.scrambling) {ASSERT(0); return E_FAIL;}
- __int64 pos = GetPos();
- if(h.payload && ISVALIDPID(
- {
- peshdr h2;
- if(h.payloadstart && NextMpegStartCode(b, 4) && Read(h2, b)) // pes packet
- {
- if(h2.type == mpeg2 && h2.scrambling) {ASSERT(0); return E_FAIL;}
- if(h2.fpts)
- {
- if(m_rtMin == _I64_MAX) {m_rtMin = h2.pts; m_posMin = GetPos();}
- if(m_rtMin < h2.pts && m_rtMax < h2.pts) {m_rtMax = h2.pts; m_posMax = GetPos();}
- }
- }
- else
- {
- b = 0;
- }
- AddStream(, b, h.bytes - (GetPos() - pos));
- }
- Seek(;
- }
- else if(m_type == pva)
- {
- pvahdr h;
- if(!Read(h)) continue;
- if(h.fpts)
- {
- if(m_rtMin == _I64_MAX) {m_rtMin = h.pts; m_posMin = GetPos();}
- if(m_rtMin < h.pts && m_rtMax < h.pts) {m_rtMax = h.pts; m_posMax = GetPos();}
- }
- __int64 pos = GetPos();
- if(h.streamid == 1) AddStream(h.streamid, 0xe0, h.length);
- else if(h.streamid == 2) AddStream(h.streamid, 0xc0, h.length);
- if(h.length) Seek(pos + h.length);
- }
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- DWORD CMpegSplitterFile::AddStream(WORD pid, BYTE pesid, DWORD len)
- {
- if(pid)
- {
- if(pesid) m_pid2pes[pid] = pesid;
- else m_pid2pes.Lookup(pid, pesid);
- }
- stream s;
- = pid;
- s.pesid = pesid;
- int type = unknown;
- if(pesid >= 0xe0 && pesid < 0xf0) // mpeg video
- {
- __int64 pos = GetPos();
- if(type == unknown)
- {
- CMpegSplitterFile::seqhdr h;
- if(!m_streams[video].Find(s) && Read(h, len, &
- type = video;
- }
- Seek(pos);
- if(type == unknown)
- {
- CMpegSplitterFile::avchdr h;
- if(!m_streams[video].Find(s) && Read(h, len, &
- type = video;
- }
- }
- else if(pesid >= 0xc0 && pesid < 0xe0) // mpeg audio
- {
- __int64 pos = GetPos();
- if(type == unknown)
- {
- CMpegSplitterFile::mpahdr h;
- if(!m_streams[audio].Find(s) && Read(h, len, false, &
- type = audio;
- }
- Seek(pos);
- if(type == unknown)
- {
- CMpegSplitterFile::aachdr h;
- if(!m_streams[audio].Find(s) && Read(h, len, &
- type = audio;
- }
- }
- else if(pesid == 0xbd) // private stream 1
- {
- if(
- {
- if(!m_streams[audio].Find(s))
- {
- __int64 pos = GetPos();
- if(type == unknown)
- {
- CMpegSplitterFile::ac3hdr h;
- if(Read(h, len, &
- type = audio;
- }
- Seek(pos);
- if(type == unknown)
- {
- CMpegSplitterFile::dtshdr h;
- if(Read(h, len, &
- type = audio;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- BYTE b = (BYTE)BitRead(8, true);
- WORD w = (WORD)BitRead(16, true);
- DWORD dw = (DWORD)BitRead(32, true);
- if(b >= 0x80 && b < 0x88 || w == 0x0b77) // ac3
- {
- s.ps1id = (b >= 0x80 && b < 0x88) ? (BYTE)(BitRead(32) >> 24) : 0x80;
- CMpegSplitterFile::ac3hdr h;
- if(!m_streams[audio].Find(s) && Read(h, len, &
- type = audio;
- }
- else if(b >= 0x88 && b < 0x90 || dw == 0x7ffe8001) // dts
- {
- s.ps1id = (b >= 0x88 && b < 0x90) ? (BYTE)(BitRead(32) >> 24) : 0x88;
- CMpegSplitterFile::dtshdr h;
- if(!m_streams[audio].Find(s) && Read(h, len, &
- type = audio;
- }
- else if(b >= 0xa0 && b < 0xa8) // lpcm
- {
- s.ps1id = (b >= 0xa0 && b < 0xa8) ? (BYTE)(BitRead(32) >> 24) : 0xa0;
- CMpegSplitterFile::lpcmhdr h;
- if(Read(h, & && !m_streams[audio].Find(s)) // note the reversed order, the header should be stripped always even if it's not a new stream
- type = audio;
- }
- else if(b >= 0x20 && b < 0x40) // DVD subpic
- {
- s.ps1id = (BYTE)BitRead(8);
- CMpegSplitterFile::dvdspuhdr h;
- if(!m_streams[subpic].Find(s) && Read(h, &
- type = subpic;
- }
- else if(b >= 0x70 && b < 0x80) // SVCD subpic
- {
- s.ps1id = (BYTE)BitRead(8);
- CMpegSplitterFile::svcdspuhdr h;
- if(!m_streams[subpic].Find(s) && Read(h, &
- type = subpic;
- }
- else if(b >= 0x00 && b < 0x10) // CVD subpic
- {
- s.ps1id = (BYTE)BitRead(8);
- CMpegSplitterFile::cvdspuhdr h;
- if(!m_streams[subpic].Find(s) && Read(h, &
- type = subpic;
- }
- else if(w == 0xffa0 || w == 0xffa1) // ps2-mpg audio
- {
- s.ps1id = (BYTE)BitRead(8);
- = (WORD)((BitRead(8) << 8) | BitRead(16)); // pid = 0xa000 | track id
- CMpegSplitterFile::ps2audhdr h;
- if(!m_streams[audio].Find(s) && Read(h, &
- type = audio;
- }
- else if(w == 0xff90) // ps2-mpg ac3 or subtitles
- {
- s.ps1id = (BYTE)BitRead(8);
- = (WORD)((BitRead(8) << 8) | BitRead(16)); // pid = 0x9000 | track id
- w = BitRead(16, true);
- if(w == 0x0b77)
- {
- CMpegSplitterFile::ac3hdr h;
- if(!m_streams[audio].Find(s) && Read(h, len, &
- type = audio;
- }
- else if(w == 0x0000) // usually zero...
- {
- CMpegSplitterFile::ps2subhdr h;
- if(!m_streams[subpic].Find(s) && Read(h, &
- type = subpic;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if(pesid == 0xbe) // padding
- {
- }
- else if(pesid == 0xbf) // private stream 2
- {
- }
- if(type != unknown && !m_streams[type].Find(s))
- {
- if(
- {
- for(int i = 0; i < unknown; i++)
- {
- if(m_streams[i].Find(s)) {/*ASSERT(0);*/ return s;}
- }
- }
- m_streams[type].Insert(s);
- }
- return s;
- }