- /*
- * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Gabest
- * http://www.gabest.org
- *
- * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- * http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
- *
- */
- #include "StdAfx.h"
- #include "OggSplitter.h"
- #include "......DSUtilDSUtil.h"
- #include <initguid.h>
- #include "........includeoggOggDS.h"
- #include "........includemoreuuids.h"
- const AMOVIESETUP_MEDIATYPE sudPinTypesIn[] =
- {
- };
- const AMOVIESETUP_PIN sudpPins[] =
- {
- {L"Input", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, &CLSID_NULL, NULL, countof(sudPinTypesIn), sudPinTypesIn},
- };
- const AMOVIESETUP_FILTER sudFilter[] =
- {
- {&__uuidof(COggSplitterFilter), L"Ogg Splitter", MERIT_NORMAL+1, countof(sudpPins), sudpPins},
- {&__uuidof(COggSourceFilter), L"Ogg Source", MERIT_NORMAL+1, 0, NULL},
- };
- CFactoryTemplate g_Templates[] =
- {
- {sudFilter[0].strName, sudFilter[0].clsID, CreateInstance<COggSplitterFilter>, NULL, &sudFilter[0]},
- {sudFilter[1].strName, sudFilter[1].clsID, CreateInstance<COggSourceFilter>, NULL, &sudFilter[1]},
- };
- int g_cTemplates = countof(g_Templates);
- STDAPI DllRegisterServer()
- {
- RegisterSourceFilter(
- CLSID_AsyncReader,
- _T("0,4,,4F676753"), // OggS
- _T(".ogg"), _T(".ogm"), NULL);
- return AMovieDllRegisterServer2(TRUE);
- }
- STDAPI DllUnregisterServer()
- {
- UnRegisterSourceFilter(MEDIASUBTYPE_Ogg);
- return AMovieDllRegisterServer2(FALSE);
- }
- BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HANDLE hModule, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved)
- {
- return DllEntryPoint((HINSTANCE)hModule, dwReason, 0); // "DllMain" of the dshow baseclasses;
- }
- #endif
- //
- // bitstream
- //
- class bitstream
- {
- BYTE* m_p;
- int m_len, m_pos;
- public:
- bitstream(BYTE* p, int len, bool rev = false) : m_p(p), m_len(len*8) {m_pos = !rev ? 0 : len*8;}
- bool hasbits(int cnt)
- {
- int pos = m_pos+cnt;
- return(pos >= 0 && pos < m_len);
- }
- unsigned int showbits(int cnt) // a bit unclean, but works and can read backwards too! :P
- {
- if(!hasbits(cnt)) {ASSERT(0); return 0;}
- unsigned int ret = 0, off = 0;
- BYTE* p = m_p;
- if(cnt < 0)
- {
- p += (m_pos+cnt)>>3;
- off = (m_pos+cnt)&7;
- cnt = abs(cnt);
- ret = (*p++&(~0<<off))>>off; off = 8 - off; cnt -= off;
- }
- else
- {
- p += m_pos>>3;
- off = m_pos&7;
- ret = (*p++>>off)&((1<<min(cnt,8))-1); off = 0; cnt -= 8 - off;
- }
- while(cnt > 0) {ret |= (*p++&((1<<min(cnt,8))-1)) << off; off += 8; cnt -= 8;}
- return ret;
- }
- unsigned int getbits(int cnt)
- {
- unsigned int ret = showbits(cnt);
- m_pos += cnt;
- return ret;
- }
- };
- //
- // COggSplitterFilter
- //
- COggSplitterFilter::COggSplitterFilter(LPUNKNOWN pUnk, HRESULT* phr)
- : CBaseSplitterFilter(NAME("COggSplitterFilter"), pUnk, phr, __uuidof(this))
- {
- }
- COggSplitterFilter::~COggSplitterFilter()
- {
- }
- HRESULT COggSplitterFilter::CreateOutputs(IAsyncReader* pAsyncReader)
- {
- CheckPointer(pAsyncReader, E_POINTER);
- m_pFile.Free();
- m_pFile.Attach(new COggFile(pAsyncReader, hr));
- if(!m_pFile) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
- if(FAILED(hr)) {m_pFile.Free(); return hr;}
- m_rtNewStart = m_rtCurrent = 0;
- m_rtNewStop = m_rtStop = 0;
- m_rtDuration = 0;
- m_pFile->Seek(0);
- OggPage page;
- for(int i = 0, nWaitForMore = 0; m_pFile->Read(page); i++)
- {
- BYTE* p = page.GetData();
- if(!(page.m_hdr.header_type_flag & OggPageHeader::continued))
- {
- BYTE type = *p++;
- if(!(type&1) && nWaitForMore == 0)
- break;
- CStringW name;
- name.Format(L"Stream %d", i);
- if(type == 1 && (page.m_hdr.header_type_flag & OggPageHeader::first))
- {
- CAutoPtr<CBaseSplitterOutputPin> pPinOut;
- if(!memcmp(p, "vorbis", 6))
- {
- name.Format(L"Vorbis %d", i);
- pPinOut.Attach(new COggVorbisOutputPin((OggVorbisIdHeader*)(p+6), name, this, this, &hr));
- nWaitForMore++;
- }
- else if(!memcmp(p, "video", 5))
- {
- name.Format(L"Video %d", i);
- pPinOut.Attach(new COggVideoOutputPin((OggStreamHeader*)p, name, this, this, &hr));
- }
- else if(!memcmp(p, "audio", 5))
- {
- name.Format(L"Audio %d", i);
- pPinOut.Attach(new COggAudioOutputPin((OggStreamHeader*)p, name, this, this, &hr));
- }
- else if(!memcmp(p, "text", 4))
- {
- name.Format(L"Text %d", i);
- pPinOut.Attach(new COggTextOutputPin((OggStreamHeader*)p, name, this, this, &hr));
- }
- else if(!memcmp(p, "Direct Show Samples embedded in Ogg", 35))
- {
- name.Format(L"DirectShow %d", i);
- pPinOut.Attach(new COggDirectShowOutputPin((AM_MEDIA_TYPE*)(p+35+sizeof(GUID)), name, this, this, &hr));
- }
- AddOutputPin(page.m_hdr.bitstream_serial_number, pPinOut);
- }
- if(type == 3 && !memcmp(p, "vorbis", 6))
- {
- if(COggSplitterOutputPin* pOggPin =
- dynamic_cast<COggSplitterOutputPin*>(GetOutputPin(page.m_hdr.bitstream_serial_number)))
- {
- pOggPin->AddComment(p+6, page.GetSize()-6-1);
- }
- }
- }
- if(COggVorbisOutputPin* pOggVorbisPin =
- dynamic_cast<COggVorbisOutputPin*>(GetOutputPin(page.m_hdr.bitstream_serial_number)))
- {
- pOggVorbisPin->UnpackInitPage(page);
- if(pOggVorbisPin->IsInitialized()) nWaitForMore--;
- }
- }
- if(m_pOutputs.IsEmpty())
- return E_FAIL;
- m_pFile->Seek(max(m_pFile->GetLength()-65536, 0));
- while(m_pFile->Read(page))
- {
- COggSplitterOutputPin* pOggPin = dynamic_cast<COggSplitterOutputPin*>(GetOutputPin(page.m_hdr.bitstream_serial_number));
- if(!pOggPin) {ASSERT(0); continue;}
- if(page.m_hdr.granule_position == -1) continue;
- REFERENCE_TIME rt = pOggPin->GetRefTime(page.m_hdr.granule_position);
- m_rtDuration = max(rt, m_rtDuration);
- }
- m_rtNewStart = m_rtCurrent = 0;
- m_rtNewStop = m_rtStop = m_rtDuration;
- // comments
- {
- CAtlMap<CStringW, CStringW, CStringElementTraits<CStringW> > tagmap;
- tagmap[L"TITLE"] = L"TITL";
- tagmap[L"ARTIST"] = L"AUTH"; // not quite
- tagmap[L"COPYRIGHT"] = L"CPYR";
- tagmap[L"DESCRIPTION"] = L"DESC";
- POSITION pos2 = tagmap.GetStartPosition();
- while(pos2)
- {
- CStringW oggtag, dsmtag;
- tagmap.GetNextAssoc(pos2, oggtag, dsmtag);
- POSITION pos = m_pOutputs.GetHeadPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- COggSplitterOutputPin* pOggPin = dynamic_cast<COggSplitterOutputPin*>((CBaseOutputPin*)m_pOutputs.GetNext(pos));
- if(!pOggPin) continue;
- CStringW value = pOggPin->GetComment(oggtag);
- if(!value.IsEmpty())
- {
- SetProperty(dsmtag, value);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- POSITION pos = m_pOutputs.GetHeadPosition();
- while(pos && !ChapGetCount())
- {
- COggSplitterOutputPin* pOggPin = dynamic_cast<COggSplitterOutputPin*>((CBaseOutputPin*)m_pOutputs.GetNext(pos));
- if(!pOggPin) continue;
- for(int i = 1; pOggPin; i++)
- {
- CStringW key;
- key.Format(L"CHAPTER%02d", i);
- CStringW time = pOggPin->GetComment(key);
- if(time.IsEmpty()) break;
- key.Format(L"CHAPTER%02dNAME", i);
- CStringW name = pOggPin->GetComment(key);
- if(name.IsEmpty()) name.Format(L"Chapter %d", i);
- int h, m, s, ms;
- WCHAR c;
- if(7 != swscanf(time, L"%d%c%d%c%d%c%d", &h, &c, &m, &c, &s, &c, &ms)) break;
- REFERENCE_TIME rt = ((((REFERENCE_TIME)h*60+m)*60+s)*1000+ms)*10000;
- ChapAppend(rt, name);
- }
- }
- }
- return m_pOutputs.GetCount() > 0 ? S_OK : E_FAIL;
- }
- bool COggSplitterFilter::DemuxInit()
- {
- if(!m_pFile) return(false);
- return(true);
- }
- void COggSplitterFilter::DemuxSeek(REFERENCE_TIME rt)
- {
- if(rt <= 0)
- {
- m_pFile->Seek(0);
- }
- else if(m_rtDuration > 0)
- {
- // oh, the horror...
- clock_t t1 = clock();
- __int64 len = m_pFile->GetLength();
- __int64 startpos = len * rt/m_rtDuration;
- __int64 diff = 0;
- REFERENCE_TIME rtMinDiff = _I64_MAX;
- while(1)
- {
- __int64 endpos = startpos;
- REFERENCE_TIME rtPos = -1;
- OggPage page;
- m_pFile->Seek(startpos);
- while(m_pFile->Read(page, false))
- {
- if(page.m_hdr.granule_position == -1) continue;
- COggSplitterOutputPin* pOggPin = dynamic_cast<COggSplitterOutputPin*>(GetOutputPin(page.m_hdr.bitstream_serial_number));
- if(!pOggPin) {ASSERT(0); continue;}
- rtPos = pOggPin->GetRefTime(page.m_hdr.granule_position);
- endpos = m_pFile->GetPos();
- break;
- }
- __int64 rtDiff = rtPos - rt;
- if(rtDiff < 0)
- {
- rtDiff = -rtDiff;
- if(rtDiff < 1000000 || rtDiff >= rtMinDiff)
- {
- m_pFile->Seek(startpos);
- break;
- }
- rtMinDiff = rtDiff;
- }
- __int64 newpos = startpos;
- if(rtPos < rt && rtPos < m_rtDuration)
- {
- newpos = startpos + (__int64)((1.0*(rt - rtPos)/(m_rtDuration - rtPos)) * (len - startpos)) + 1024;
- if(newpos < endpos) newpos = endpos + 1024;
- }
- else if(rtPos > rt && rtPos > 0)
- {
- newpos = startpos - (__int64)((1.0*(rtPos - rt)/(rtPos - 0)) * (startpos - 0)) - 1024;
- if(newpos >= startpos) newpos = startpos - 1024;
- }
- else if(rtPos == rt)
- {
- m_pFile->Seek(startpos);
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- ASSERT(0);
- m_pFile->Seek(0);
- break;
- }
- diff = newpos - startpos;
- startpos = max(min(newpos, len), 0);
- }
- TRACE(_T("****** t1: %dn"), clock() - t1);
- t1 = clock();
- m_pFile->Seek(startpos);
- POSITION pos = m_pOutputs.GetHeadPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- CBaseSplitterOutputPin* pPin = m_pOutputs.GetNext(pos);
- COggVideoOutputPin* pOggVideoPin = dynamic_cast<COggVideoOutputPin*>(pPin);
- if(!pOggVideoPin) continue;
- bool fKeyFrameFound = false, fSkipKeyFrame = true;
- __int64 endpos = _I64_MAX;
- while(!(fKeyFrameFound && !fSkipKeyFrame) && startpos > 0)
- {
- OggPage page;
- while(!(fKeyFrameFound && !fSkipKeyFrame) && m_pFile->GetPos() < endpos && m_pFile->Read(page))
- {
- if(page.m_hdr.granule_position == -1) continue;
- COggSplitterOutputPin* pOggPin = dynamic_cast<COggSplitterOutputPin*>(GetOutputPin(page.m_hdr.bitstream_serial_number));
- if(pOggPin != pOggVideoPin) continue;
- REFERENCE_TIME rtPos = pOggPin->GetRefTime(page.m_hdr.granule_position);
- if(rtPos > rt)
- break;
- if(!fKeyFrameFound)
- {
- pOggPin->UnpackPage(page);
- CAutoPtr<OggPacket> p;
- while(p = pOggPin->GetPacket())
- {
- if(p->bSyncPoint)
- {
- fKeyFrameFound = true;
- fSkipKeyFrame = p->fSkip;
- }
- }
- if(fKeyFrameFound) break;
- }
- else
- {
- pOggPin->UnpackPage(page);
- CAutoPtr<OggPacket> p;
- while(p = pOggPin->GetPacket())
- {
- if(!p->fSkip)
- {
- fSkipKeyFrame = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if(!(fKeyFrameFound && !fSkipKeyFrame)) {endpos = startpos; startpos = max(startpos - 10*65536, 0);}
- m_pFile->Seek(startpos);
- }
- TRACE(_T("****** t2: %dn"), clock() - t1);
- t1 = clock();
- #ifdef DEBUG
- // verify kf
- {
- fKeyFrameFound = false;
- OggPage page;
- while(!fKeyFrameFound && m_pFile->Read(page))
- {
- if(page.m_hdr.granule_position == -1) continue;
- COggSplitterOutputPin* pOggPin = dynamic_cast<COggSplitterOutputPin*>(GetOutputPin(page.m_hdr.bitstream_serial_number));
- if(pOggPin != pOggVideoPin) continue;
- REFERENCE_TIME rtPos = pOggPin->GetRefTime(page.m_hdr.granule_position);
- if(rtPos > rt)
- break;
- pOggPin->UnpackPage(page);
- CAutoPtr<OggPacket> p;
- while(p = pOggPin->GetPacket())
- {
- if(p->bSyncPoint)
- {
- fKeyFrameFound = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- ASSERT(fKeyFrameFound);
- m_pFile->Seek(startpos);
- }
- TRACE(_T("****** t3: %dn"), clock() - t1);
- t1 = clock();
- #endif
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- bool COggSplitterFilter::DemuxLoop()
- {
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- OggPage page;
- while(SUCCEEDED(hr) && !CheckRequest(NULL) && m_pFile->Read(page, true, GetRequestHandle()))
- {
- COggSplitterOutputPin* pOggPin = dynamic_cast<COggSplitterOutputPin*>(GetOutputPin(page.m_hdr.bitstream_serial_number));
- if(!pOggPin) {ASSERT(0); continue;}
- if(!pOggPin->IsConnected()) continue;
- if(FAILED(hr = pOggPin->UnpackPage(page))) {ASSERT(0); break;}
- CAutoPtr<OggPacket> p;
- while(!CheckRequest(NULL) && SUCCEEDED(hr) && (p = pOggPin->GetPacket()))
- {
- if(!p->fSkip)
- hr = DeliverPacket(p);
- }
- }
- return(true);
- }
- //
- // COggSourceFilter
- //
- COggSourceFilter::COggSourceFilter(LPUNKNOWN pUnk, HRESULT* phr)
- : COggSplitterFilter(pUnk, phr)
- {
- m_clsid = __uuidof(this);
- m_pInput.Free();
- }
- //
- // COggSplitterOutputPin
- //
- COggSplitterOutputPin::COggSplitterOutputPin(LPCWSTR pName, CBaseFilter* pFilter, CCritSec* pLock, HRESULT* phr)
- : CBaseSplitterOutputPin(pName, pFilter, pLock, phr)
- {
- ResetState(-1);
- }
- void COggSplitterOutputPin::AddComment(BYTE* p, int len)
- {
- bitstream bs(p, len);
- bs.getbits(bs.getbits(32)*8);
- for(int n = bs.getbits(32); n-- > 0; )
- {
- CStringA str;
- for(int len = bs.getbits(32); len-- > 0; )
- str += (CHAR)bs.getbits(8);
- CList<CStringA> sl;
- Explode(str, sl, '=', 2);
- if(sl.GetCount() == 2)
- {
- CAutoPtr<CComment> p(new CComment(UTF8To16(sl.GetHead()), UTF8To16(sl.GetTail())));
- if(p->m_key == L"LANGUAGE")
- {
- CString lang = ISO6392ToLanguage(sl.GetTail()), iso6392 = LanguageToISO6392(CString(p->m_value));
- if(p->m_value.GetLength() == 3 && !lang.IsEmpty())
- {
- SetName(CStringW(lang));
- SetProperty(L"LANG", p->m_value);
- }
- else if(!iso6392.IsEmpty())
- {
- SetName(p->m_value);
- SetProperty(L"LANG", CStringW(iso6392));
- }
- else
- {
- SetName(p->m_value);
- SetProperty(L"NAME", p->m_value);
- }
- }
- m_pComments.AddTail(p);
- }
- }
- ASSERT(bs.getbits(1) == 1);
- }
- CStringW COggSplitterOutputPin::GetComment(CStringW key)
- {
- key.MakeUpper();
- CList<CStringW> sl;
- POSITION pos = m_pComments.GetHeadPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- CComment* p = m_pComments.GetNext(pos);
- if(key == p->m_key) sl.AddTail(p->m_value);
- }
- return Implode(sl, ';');
- }
- void COggSplitterOutputPin::ResetState(DWORD seqnum)
- {
- CAutoLock csAutoLock(&m_csPackets);
- m_packets.RemoveAll();
- m_lastpacket.Free();
- m_lastseqnum = seqnum;
- m_rtLast = 0;
- m_fSkip = true;
- }
- HRESULT COggSplitterOutputPin::UnpackPage(OggPage& page)
- {
- if(m_lastseqnum != page.m_hdr.page_sequence_number-1)
- {
- ResetState(page.m_hdr.page_sequence_number);
- }
- else
- {
- m_lastseqnum = page.m_hdr.page_sequence_number;
- }
- POSITION first = page.m_lens.GetHeadPosition();
- while(first && page.m_lens.GetAt(first) == 255) page.m_lens.GetNext(first);
- if(!first) first = page.m_lens.GetTailPosition();
- POSITION last = page.m_lens.GetTailPosition();
- while(last && page.m_lens.GetAt(last) == 255) page.m_lens.GetPrev(last);
- if(!last) last = page.m_lens.GetTailPosition();
- BYTE* pData = page.GetData();
- int i = 0, j = 0, len = 0;
- for(POSITION pos = page.m_lens.GetHeadPosition(); pos; page.m_lens.GetNext(pos))
- {
- len = page.m_lens.GetAt(pos);
- j += len;
- if(len < 255 || pos == page.m_lens.GetTailPosition())
- {
- if(first == pos && (page.m_hdr.header_type_flag & OggPageHeader::continued))
- {
- // ASSERT(m_lastpacket);
- if(m_lastpacket)
- {
- int size = m_lastpacket->pData.GetSize();
- m_lastpacket->pData.SetSize(size + j-i);
- memcpy(m_lastpacket->pData.GetData() + size, pData + i, j-i);
- CAutoLock csAutoLock(&m_csPackets);
- if(len < 255) m_packets.AddTail(m_lastpacket);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- CAutoPtr<OggPacket> p(new OggPacket());
- if(last == pos && page.m_hdr.granule_position != -1)
- {
- p->bDiscontinuity = m_fSkip;
- REFERENCE_TIME rtLast = m_rtLast;
- m_rtLast = GetRefTime(page.m_hdr.granule_position);
- // some bad encodings have a +/-1 frame difference from the normal timeline,
- // but these seem to cancel eachother out nicely so we can just ignore them
- // to make it play a bit more smooth.
- if(abs(rtLast - m_rtLast) == GetRefTime(1)) m_rtLast = rtLast; // FIXME
- m_fSkip = false;
- }
- p->TrackNumber = page.m_hdr.bitstream_serial_number;
- if(S_OK == UnpackPacket(p, pData + i, j-i))
- {
- if(p->TrackNumber == 0)
- TRACE(_T("[%d]: %d, %I64d -> %I64d (skip=%d, disc=%d, sync=%d)n"),
- (int)p->TrackNumber, p->pData.GetSize(), p->rtStart, p->rtStop,
- (int)m_fSkip, (int)p->bDiscontinuity, (int)p->bSyncPoint);
- CAutoLock csAutoLock(&m_csPackets);
- m_rtLast = p->rtStop;
- p->fSkip = m_fSkip;
- if(len < 255) m_packets.AddTail(p);
- else m_lastpacket = p;
- }
- }
- i = j;
- }
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- CAutoPtr<OggPacket> COggSplitterOutputPin::GetPacket()
- {
- CAutoPtr<OggPacket> p;
- CAutoLock csAutoLock(&m_csPackets);
- if(m_packets.GetCount()) p = m_packets.RemoveHead();
- return p;
- }
- HRESULT COggSplitterOutputPin::DeliverEndFlush()
- {
- ResetState();
- return __super::DeliverEndFlush();
- }
- HRESULT COggSplitterOutputPin::DeliverNewSegment(REFERENCE_TIME tStart, REFERENCE_TIME tStop, double dRate)
- {
- ResetState();
- return __super::DeliverNewSegment(tStart, tStop, dRate);
- }
- //
- // COggVorbisOutputPin
- //
- COggVorbisOutputPin::COggVorbisOutputPin(OggVorbisIdHeader* h, LPCWSTR pName, CBaseFilter* pFilter, CCritSec* pLock, HRESULT* phr)
- : COggSplitterOutputPin(pName, pFilter, pLock, phr)
- {
- m_audio_sample_rate = h->audio_sample_rate;
- m_blocksize[0] = 1<<h->blocksize_0;
- m_blocksize[1] = 1<<h->blocksize_1;
- m_lastblocksize = 0;
- CMediaType mt;
- mt.InitMediaType();
- mt.majortype = MEDIATYPE_Audio;
- mt.subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_Vorbis;
- mt.formattype = FORMAT_VorbisFormat;
- VORBISFORMAT* vf = (VORBISFORMAT*)mt.AllocFormatBuffer(sizeof(VORBISFORMAT));
- memset(mt.Format(), 0, mt.FormatLength());
- vf->nChannels = h->audio_channels;
- vf->nSamplesPerSec = h->audio_sample_rate;
- vf->nAvgBitsPerSec = h->bitrate_nominal;
- vf->nMinBitsPerSec = h->bitrate_minimum;
- vf->nMaxBitsPerSec = h->bitrate_maximum;
- vf->fQuality = -1;
- mt.SetSampleSize(8192);
- m_mts.Add(mt);
- mt.InitMediaType();
- mt.majortype = MEDIATYPE_Audio;
- mt.subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_Vorbis2;
- mt.formattype = FORMAT_VorbisFormat2;
- VORBISFORMAT2* vf2 = (VORBISFORMAT2*)mt.AllocFormatBuffer(sizeof(VORBISFORMAT2));
- memset(mt.Format(), 0, mt.FormatLength());
- vf2->Channels = h->audio_channels;
- vf2->SamplesPerSec = h->audio_sample_rate;
- mt.SetSampleSize(8192);
- m_mts.InsertAt(0, mt);
- }
- REFERENCE_TIME COggVorbisOutputPin::GetRefTime(__int64 granule_position)
- {
- REFERENCE_TIME rt = granule_position * 10000000 / m_audio_sample_rate;
- return rt;
- }
- HRESULT COggVorbisOutputPin::UnpackInitPage(OggPage& page)
- {
- HRESULT hr = __super::UnpackPage(page);
- while(m_packets.GetCount())
- {
- Packet* p = m_packets.GetHead();
- if(p->pData.GetCount() >= 6 && p->pData.GetData()[0] == 0x05)
- {
- // yeah, right, we are going to be parsing this backwards! :P
- bitstream bs(p->pData.GetData(), p->pData.GetCount(), true);
- while(bs.hasbits(-1) && bs.getbits(-1) != 1);
- for(int cnt = 0; bs.hasbits(-8-16-16-1-6); cnt++)
- {
- unsigned int modes = bs.showbits(-6)+1;
- unsigned int mapping = bs.getbits(-8);
- unsigned int transformtype = bs.getbits(-16);
- unsigned int windowtype = bs.getbits(-16);
- unsigned int blockflag = bs.getbits(-1);
- if(transformtype != 0 || windowtype != 0)
- {
- ASSERT(modes == cnt);
- break;
- }
- m_blockflags.InsertAt(0, !!blockflag);
- }
- }
- int cnt = m_initpackets.GetCount();
- if(cnt <= 3)
- {
- ASSERT(p->pData.GetCount() >= 6 && p->pData.GetData()[0] == 1+cnt*2);
- VORBISFORMAT2* vf2 = (VORBISFORMAT2*)m_mts[0].Format();
- vf2->HeaderSize[cnt] = p->pData.GetSize();
- int len = m_mts[0].FormatLength();
- memcpy(
- m_mts[0].ReallocFormatBuffer(len + p->pData.GetSize()) + len,
- p->pData.GetData(), p->pData.GetSize());
- }
- m_initpackets.AddTail(m_packets.RemoveHead());
- }
- return hr;
- }
- HRESULT COggVorbisOutputPin::UnpackPacket(CAutoPtr<OggPacket>& p, BYTE* pData, int len)
- {
- if(len > 0 && m_blockflags.GetCount())
- {
- bitstream bs(pData, len);
- if(bs.getbits(1) == 0)
- {
- int x = m_blockflags.GetCount()-1, n = 0;
- while(x) {n++; x >>= 1;}
- DWORD blocksize = m_blocksize[m_blockflags[bs.getbits(n)]?1:0];
- if(m_lastblocksize) m_rtLast += GetRefTime((m_lastblocksize + blocksize) >> 2);
- m_lastblocksize = blocksize;
- }
- }
- p->bSyncPoint = TRUE;
- p->rtStart = m_rtLast;
- p->rtStop = m_rtLast+1;
- p->pData.SetSize(len);
- memcpy(p->pData.GetData(), pData, len);
- return S_OK;
- }
- HRESULT COggVorbisOutputPin::DeliverPacket(CAutoPtr<OggPacket> p)
- {
- if(p->pData.GetSize() > 0 && (p->pData.GetData()[0]&1))
- return S_OK;
- return __super::DeliverPacket(p);
- }
- HRESULT COggVorbisOutputPin::DeliverNewSegment(REFERENCE_TIME tStart, REFERENCE_TIME tStop, double dRate)
- {
- HRESULT hr = __super::DeliverNewSegment(tStart, tStop, dRate);
- m_lastblocksize = 0;
- if(m_mt.subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_Vorbis)
- {
- POSITION pos = m_initpackets.GetHeadPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- Packet* pi = m_initpackets.GetNext(pos);
- CAutoPtr<OggPacket> p(new OggPacket());
- p->TrackNumber = pi->TrackNumber;
- p->bDiscontinuity = p->bSyncPoint = TRUE;
- p->rtStart = p->rtStop = 0;
- p->pData.Copy(pi->pData);
- __super::DeliverPacket(p);
- }
- }
- return hr;
- }
- //
- // COggDirectShowOutputPin
- //
- COggDirectShowOutputPin::COggDirectShowOutputPin(AM_MEDIA_TYPE* pmt, LPCWSTR pName, CBaseFilter* pFilter, CCritSec* pLock, HRESULT* phr)
- : COggSplitterOutputPin(pName, pFilter, pLock, phr)
- {
- CMediaType mt;
- memcpy((AM_MEDIA_TYPE*)&mt, pmt, FIELD_OFFSET(AM_MEDIA_TYPE, pUnk));
- mt.SetFormat((BYTE*)(pmt+1), pmt->cbFormat);
- mt.SetSampleSize(1);
- if(mt.majortype == MEDIATYPE_Video) // TODO: find samples for audio and find out what to return in GetRefTime...
- m_mts.Add(mt);
- }
- REFERENCE_TIME COggDirectShowOutputPin::GetRefTime(__int64 granule_position)
- {
- if(m_mt.majortype == MEDIATYPE_Video)
- {
- rt = granule_position * ((VIDEOINFOHEADER*)m_mt.Format())->AvgTimePerFrame;
- }
- else if(m_mt.majortype == MEDIATYPE_Audio)
- {
- rt = granule_position; // ((WAVEFORMATEX*)m_mt.Format())-> // TODO
- }
- return rt;
- }
- HRESULT COggDirectShowOutputPin::UnpackPacket(CAutoPtr<OggPacket>& p, BYTE* pData, int len)
- {
- int i = 0;
- BYTE hdr = pData[i++];
- if(!(hdr&1))
- {
- // TODO: verify if this was still present in the old format (haven't found one sample yet)
- BYTE nLenBytes = (hdr>>6)|((hdr&2)<<1);
- __int64 Length = 0;
- for(int j = 0; j < nLenBytes; j++)
- Length |= (__int64)pData[i++] << (j << 3);
- // TODO: if(len < i) {ASSERT(0); return E_FAIL;}
- p->bSyncPoint = !!(hdr&8);
- p->rtStart = m_rtLast;
- p->rtStop = m_rtLast + (nLenBytes ? GetRefTime(Length) : GetRefTime(1));
- p->pData.SetSize(len - i);
- memcpy(p->pData.GetData(), &pData[i], len - i);
- return S_OK;
- }
- return S_FALSE;
- }
- //
- // COggStreamOutputPin
- //
- COggStreamOutputPin::COggStreamOutputPin(OggStreamHeader* h, LPCWSTR pName, CBaseFilter* pFilter, CCritSec* pLock, HRESULT* phr)
- : COggSplitterOutputPin(pName, pFilter, pLock, phr)
- {
- m_time_unit = h->time_unit;
- m_samples_per_unit = h->samples_per_unit;
- m_default_len = h->default_len;
- }
- REFERENCE_TIME COggStreamOutputPin::GetRefTime(__int64 granule_position)
- {
- return granule_position * m_time_unit / m_samples_per_unit;
- }
- HRESULT COggStreamOutputPin::UnpackPacket(CAutoPtr<OggPacket>& p, BYTE* pData, int len)
- {
- int i = 0;
- BYTE hdr = pData[i++];
- if(!(hdr&1))
- {
- BYTE nLenBytes = (hdr>>6)|((hdr&2)<<1);
- __int64 Length = 0;
- for(int j = 0; j < nLenBytes; j++)
- Length |= (__int64)pData[i++] << (j << 3);
- // TODO: if(len < i) {ASSERT(0); return E_FAIL;}
- p->bSyncPoint = !!(hdr&8);
- p->rtStart = m_rtLast;
- p->rtStop = m_rtLast + (nLenBytes ? GetRefTime(Length) : GetRefTime(m_default_len));
- p->pData.SetSize(len - i);
- memcpy(p->pData.GetData(), &pData[i], len - i);
- return S_OK;
- }
- return S_FALSE;
- }
- //
- // COggVideoOutputPin
- //
- COggVideoOutputPin::COggVideoOutputPin(OggStreamHeader* h, LPCWSTR pName, CBaseFilter* pFilter, CCritSec* pLock, HRESULT* phr)
- : COggStreamOutputPin(h, pName, pFilter, pLock, phr)
- {
- int extra = (int)h->size - sizeof(OggStreamHeader);
- extra = max(extra, 0);
- CMediaType mt;
- mt.majortype = MEDIATYPE_Video;
- mt.subtype = FOURCCMap(MAKEFOURCC(h->subtype[0],h->subtype[1],h->subtype[2],h->subtype[3]));
- mt.formattype = FORMAT_VideoInfo;
- VIDEOINFOHEADER* pvih = (VIDEOINFOHEADER*)mt.AllocFormatBuffer(sizeof(VIDEOINFOHEADER) + extra);
- memset(mt.Format(), 0, mt.FormatLength());
- memcpy(mt.Format() + sizeof(VIDEOINFOHEADER), h+1, extra);
- pvih->AvgTimePerFrame = h->time_unit / h->samples_per_unit;
- pvih->bmiHeader.biWidth = h->v.w;
- pvih->bmiHeader.biHeight = h->v.h;
- pvih->bmiHeader.biBitCount = (WORD)h->bps;
- pvih->bmiHeader.biCompression = mt.subtype.Data1;
- switch(pvih->bmiHeader.biCompression)
- {
- case BI_RGB: case BI_BITFIELDS: mt.subtype =
- pvih->bmiHeader.biBitCount == 1 ? MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB1 :
- pvih->bmiHeader.biBitCount == 4 ? MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB4 :
- pvih->bmiHeader.biBitCount == 8 ? MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB8 :
- pvih->bmiHeader.biBitCount == 16 ? MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB565 :
- pvih->bmiHeader.biBitCount == 24 ? MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24 :
- pvih->bmiHeader.biBitCount == 32 ? MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB32 :
- break;
- case BI_RLE8: mt.subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB8; break;
- case BI_RLE4: mt.subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB4; break;
- }
- mt.SetSampleSize(max(h->buffersize, 1));
- m_mts.Add(mt);
- }
- //
- // COggAudioOutputPin
- //
- COggAudioOutputPin::COggAudioOutputPin(OggStreamHeader* h, LPCWSTR pName, CBaseFilter* pFilter, CCritSec* pLock, HRESULT* phr)
- : COggStreamOutputPin(h, pName, pFilter, pLock, phr)
- {
- int extra = (int)h->size - sizeof(OggStreamHeader);
- extra = max(extra, 0);
- CMediaType mt;
- mt.majortype = MEDIATYPE_Audio;
- mt.subtype = FOURCCMap(strtol(CStringA(h->subtype, 4), NULL, 16));
- mt.formattype = FORMAT_WaveFormatEx;
- WAVEFORMATEX* wfe = (WAVEFORMATEX*)mt.AllocFormatBuffer(sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX) + extra);
- memset(mt.Format(), 0, mt.FormatLength());
- memcpy(mt.Format() + sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX), h+1, extra);
- wfe->cbSize = extra;
- wfe->wFormatTag = (WORD)mt.subtype.Data1;
- wfe->nChannels = h->a.nChannels;
- wfe->nSamplesPerSec = (DWORD)(10000000i64 * h->samples_per_unit / h->time_unit);
- wfe->wBitsPerSample = (WORD)h->bps;
- wfe->nAvgBytesPerSec = h->a.nAvgBytesPerSec; // TODO: verify for PCM
- wfe->nBlockAlign = h->a.nBlockAlign; // TODO: verify for PCM
- mt.SetSampleSize(max(h->buffersize, 1));
- m_mts.Add(mt);
- }
- //
- // COggTextOutputPin
- //
- COggTextOutputPin::COggTextOutputPin(OggStreamHeader* h, LPCWSTR pName, CBaseFilter* pFilter, CCritSec* pLock, HRESULT* phr)
- : COggStreamOutputPin(h, pName, pFilter, pLock, phr)
- {
- CMediaType mt;
- mt.majortype = MEDIATYPE_Text;
- mt.subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_NULL;
- mt.formattype = FORMAT_None;
- mt.SetSampleSize(1);
- m_mts.Add(mt);
- }