- /*****************************************************************
- |
- | AP4 - Hint Track Reader
- |
- | Copyright 2002-2005 Gilles Boccon-Gibod & Julien Boeuf
- |
- |
- | This file is part of Bento4/AP4 (MP4 Atom Processing Library).
- |
- | Unless you have obtained Bento4 under a difference license,
- | this version of Bento4 is Bento4|GPL.
- | Bento4|GPL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- | the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- | any later version.
- |
- | Bento4|GPL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- | GNU General Public License for more details.
- |
- | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- | along with Bento4|GPL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
- | Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
- | 02111-1307, USA.
- |
- ****************************************************************/
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- | includes
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include "Ap4HintTrackReader.h"
- #include "Ap4DataBuffer.h"
- #include "Ap4Track.h"
- #include "Ap4Movie.h"
- #include "Ap4SdpAtom.h"
- #include "Ap4RtpHint.h"
- #include "Ap4TrakAtom.h"
- #include "Ap4TrefTypeAtom.h"
- #include "Ap4TimsAtom.h"
- #include "Ap4Utils.h"
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- | AP4_HintTrackReader::AP4_HintTrackReader
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- AP4_HintTrackReader::AP4_HintTrackReader(AP4_Track& hint_track,
- AP4_Movie& movie,
- AP4_UI32 ssrc /* = 0 */) :
- m_HintTrack(hint_track),
- m_MediaTrack(NULL),
- m_MediaTimeScale(0),
- m_RtpSampleData(NULL),
- m_Ssrc(ssrc),
- m_SampleIndex(0),
- m_PacketIndex(0),
- m_RtpSequenceStart(0),
- m_RtpTimeStampStart(0),
- m_RtpTimeScale(0)
- {
- // check the type
- if (m_HintTrack.GetType() != AP4_Track::TYPE_HINT)
- throw AP4_Exception(AP4_ERROR_INVALID_TRACK_TYPE);
- // get the media track
- AP4_TrakAtom* hint_trak_atom = hint_track.GetTrakAtom();
- AP4_Atom* atom = hint_trak_atom->FindChild("tref/hint");
- if (atom != NULL) {
- AP4_UI32 media_track_id = ((AP4_TrefTypeAtom*) atom)->m_TrackIds[0];
- m_MediaTrack = movie.GetTrack(media_track_id);
- // get the media time scale
- m_MediaTimeScale = m_MediaTrack->GetMediaTimeScale();
- }
- // initiate random generator
- srand(time(NULL));
- // rtp sequence start init TODO!!
- m_RtpSequenceStart = rand();
- // rtp timestamp start init TODO!!
- m_RtpTimeStampStart = rand();
- // rtp time scale
- atom = hint_trak_atom->FindChild("mdia/minf/stbl/rtp /tims");
- if (atom) {
- AP4_TimsAtom* tims = (AP4_TimsAtom*)atom;
- m_RtpTimeScale = tims->GetTimeScale();
- }
- // generate a random ssrc if = 0
- if (m_Ssrc == 0) {
- m_Ssrc = rand();
- }
- // get the first sample
- GetRtpSample(0);
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- | AP4_HintTrackReader::~AP4_HintTrackReader
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- AP4_HintTrackReader::~AP4_HintTrackReader()
- {
- delete m_RtpSampleData;
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- | AP4_HintTrackReader::GetRtpSample
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- AP4_Result
- AP4_HintTrackReader::GetRtpSample(AP4_Ordinal index)
- {
- // get the sample
- AP4_Result result = m_HintTrack.GetSample(index, m_CurrentHintSample);
- if (AP4_FAILED(result)) return result;
- // renew the sample data
- delete m_RtpSampleData;
- AP4_ByteStream& rtp_data_stream = *m_CurrentHintSample.GetDataStream();
- rtp_data_stream.Seek(m_CurrentHintSample.GetOffset());
- m_RtpSampleData = new AP4_RtpSampleData(rtp_data_stream,
- m_CurrentHintSample.GetSize());
- // reinit the packet index
- m_PacketIndex = 0;
- // release the stream
- rtp_data_stream.Release();
- return AP4_SUCCESS;
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- | AP4_HintTrackReader::GetCurrentTimeStampMs
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- AP4_TimeStamp
- AP4_HintTrackReader::GetCurrentTimeStampMs()
- {
- return AP4_ConvertTime(m_CurrentHintSample.GetCts(),
- m_HintTrack.GetMediaTimeScale(),
- 1000);
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- | AP4_HintTrackReader::Rewind
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- AP4_Result
- AP4_HintTrackReader::Rewind()
- {
- m_SampleIndex = 0;
- return GetRtpSample(m_SampleIndex);
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- | AP4_HintTrackReader::GetSdpText
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- AP4_Result
- AP4_HintTrackReader::GetSdpText(AP4_String& sdp_text)
- {
- AP4_Atom* sdp_atom = m_HintTrack.GetTrakAtom()->FindChild("udta/hnti/sdp ");
- if (sdp_atom == NULL) return AP4_FAILURE;
- // C cast is OK because we know the type of the atom
- sdp_text = ((AP4_SdpAtom*) sdp_atom)->GetSdpText();
- return AP4_SUCCESS;
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- | AP4_HintTrackReader::SeekToTimeStampMs
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- AP4_Result
- AP4_HintTrackReader::SeekToTimeStampMs(AP4_TimeStamp desired_ts,
- AP4_TimeStamp& actual_ts)
- {
- // get the sample index
- AP4_Cardinal index;
- AP4_Result result = m_HintTrack.GetSampleIndexForTimeStampMs(desired_ts, index);
- if (AP4_FAILED(result)) return result;
- // get the current sample based on the index and renew the sample data
- result = GetRtpSample(index);
- if (AP4_FAILED(result)) return result;
- // set the actual ts
- actual_ts = GetCurrentTimeStampMs();
- return AP4_SUCCESS;
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- | AP4_HintTrackReader::GetNextPacket
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- AP4_Result
- AP4_HintTrackReader::GetNextPacket(AP4_DataBuffer& packet_data,
- AP4_TimeStamp& ts_ms)
- {
- AP4_Result result = AP4_SUCCESS;
- // get the next rtp sample if needed
- AP4_List<AP4_RtpPacket>* packets = &m_RtpSampleData->GetPackets();
- while (m_PacketIndex == packets->ItemCount()) { // while: handle the 0 packet case
- result = GetRtpSample(++m_SampleIndex);
- if (AP4_FAILED(result)) return result;
- packets = &m_RtpSampleData->GetPackets();
- }
- // get the packet
- AP4_RtpPacket* packet;
- result = packets->Get(m_PacketIndex++, packet);
- if (AP4_FAILED(result)) return result;
- // build it
- result = BuildRtpPacket(packet, packet_data);
- if (AP4_FAILED(result)) return result;
- // set the time stamp
- ts_ms = GetCurrentTimeStampMs();
- return result;
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- | AP4_HintTrackReader::BuildRtpPacket
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- AP4_Result
- AP4_HintTrackReader::BuildRtpPacket(AP4_RtpPacket* packet,
- AP4_DataBuffer& packet_data)
- {
- // set the data size
- AP4_Result result = packet_data.SetDataSize(packet->GetConstructedDataSize());
- if (AP4_FAILED(result)) return result;
- // now write
- AP4_ByteStream* stream =
- new AP4_MemoryByteStream(packet_data.UseData(), packet_data.GetDataSize());
- // header + ssrc
- stream->WriteUI08(0x80 | (packet->GetPBit() << 5) | (packet->GetXBit() << 4));
- stream->WriteUI08((packet->GetMBit() << 7) | packet->GetPayloadType());
- stream->WriteUI16(m_RtpSequenceStart + packet->GetSequenceSeed());
- stream->WriteUI32(m_RtpTimeStampStart + m_CurrentHintSample.GetCts() + packet->GetTimeStampOffset());
- stream->WriteUI32(m_Ssrc);
- AP4_List<AP4_RtpConstructor>::Item* constructors_it
- = packet->GetConstructors().FirstItem();
- while (constructors_it != NULL) {
- AP4_RtpConstructor* constructor = constructors_it->GetData();
- // add data to the packet according to the constructor
- switch (constructor->GetType()) {
- // nothing to do here
- break;
- result = WriteImmediateRtpData(
- (AP4_ImmediateRtpConstructor*) constructor, stream);
- if (AP4_FAILED(result)) return result;
- break;
- result = WriteSampleRtpData(
- (AP4_SampleRtpConstructor*) constructor, stream);
- if (AP4_FAILED(result)) return result;
- break;
- default:
- // unknown constructor type
- return AP4_FAILURE;
- }
- // iterate
- constructors_it = constructors_it->GetNext();
- }
- // release the stream
- stream->Release();
- return result;
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- | AP4_HintTrackReader::WriteImmediateRtpData
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- AP4_Result
- AP4_HintTrackReader::WriteImmediateRtpData(AP4_ImmediateRtpConstructor* constructor,
- AP4_ByteStream* data_stream)
- {
- const AP4_DataBuffer& data_buffer = constructor->GetData();
- return data_stream->Write(data_buffer.GetData(), data_buffer.GetDataSize());
- }
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- | AP4_HintTrackReader::WriteSampleRtpData
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- AP4_Result
- AP4_HintTrackReader::WriteSampleRtpData(AP4_SampleRtpConstructor* constructor,
- AP4_ByteStream* data_stream)
- {
- AP4_Track* referenced_track = NULL;
- if (constructor->GetTrackRefIndex() == 0xFF) {
- // data is in the hint track
- referenced_track = &m_HintTrack;
- } else {
- // check if we have a media track
- if (m_MediaTrack == NULL) return AP4_FAILURE;
- referenced_track = m_MediaTrack;
- }
- // write the sample data
- AP4_Sample sample;
- AP4_Result result = referenced_track->GetSample(constructor->GetSampleNum()-1, // adjust
- sample);
- AP4_DataBuffer buffer(constructor->GetLength());
- result = sample.ReadData(
- buffer, constructor->GetLength(), constructor->GetSampleOffset());
- if (AP4_FAILED(result)) return result;
- // write the data
- return data_stream->Write(buffer.GetData(), buffer.GetDataSize());
- }