- /*****************************************************************
- |
- | AP4 - Sample Description Objects
- |
- | Copyright 2002 Gilles Boccon-Gibod & Julien Boeuf
- |
- |
- | This file is part of Bento4/AP4 (MP4 Atom Processing Library).
- |
- | Unless you have obtained Bento4 under a difference license,
- | this version of Bento4 is Bento4|GPL.
- | Bento4|GPL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- | the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- | any later version.
- |
- | Bento4|GPL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- | GNU General Public License for more details.
- |
- | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- | along with Bento4|GPL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
- | Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
- | 02111-1307, USA.
- |
- ****************************************************************/
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- | includes
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include "Ap4.h"
- #include "Ap4ByteStream.h"
- #include "Ap4DataBuffer.h"
- #include "Ap4Atom.h"
- #include "Ap4EsDescriptor.h"
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- | class references
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- class AP4_SampleEntry;
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- | AP4_SampleDescription
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- class AP4_SampleDescription
- {
- public:
- // type constants of the sample description
- enum Type {
- TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0x00,
- TYPE_MPEG = 0x01,
- };
- // constructors & destructor
- AP4_SampleDescription(Type type) : m_Type(type) {}
- virtual ~AP4_SampleDescription() {}
- // accessors
- Type GetType() const { return m_Type; }
- // factories
- virtual AP4_Atom* ToAtom() const = 0;
- protected:
- Type m_Type;
- };
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- | AP4_UnknownSampleDescription
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- class AP4_UnknownSampleDescription : public AP4_SampleDescription
- {
- public:
- // methods
- AP4_UnknownSampleDescription(AP4_SampleEntry* sample_entry);
- ~AP4_UnknownSampleDescription();
- AP4_SampleEntry* GetSampleEntry() { return m_SampleEntry; }
- AP4_Atom* ToAtom() const;
- protected:
- AP4_SampleEntry* m_SampleEntry;
- };
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- | AP4_MpegSampleDescription
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- class AP4_MpegSampleDescription : public AP4_SampleDescription
- {
- public:
- // types
- typedef AP4_UI08 StreamType;
- typedef AP4_UI08 OTI;
- // class methods
- const char* GetStreamTypeString(StreamType type);
- const char* GetObjectTypeString(OTI oti);
- // constructors & destructor
- AP4_MpegSampleDescription(StreamType stream_type,
- OTI oti,
- const AP4_DataBuffer* decoder_info,
- AP4_UI32 buffer_size,
- AP4_UI32 max_bitrate,
- AP4_UI32 avg_bitrate);
- virtual ~AP4_MpegSampleDescription();
- // accessors
- AP4_Byte GetStreamType() const { return m_StreamType; }
- AP4_Byte GetObjectTypeId() const { return m_ObjectTypeId; }
- const AP4_DataBuffer* GetDecoderInfo() const { return m_DecoderInfo; }
- AP4_UI32 GetBufferSize() const { return m_BufferSize; }
- AP4_UI32 GetMaxBitrate() const { return m_MaxBitrate; }
- AP4_UI32 GetAvgBitrate() const { return m_AvgBitrate; }
- // methods
- AP4_EsDescriptor* CreateEsDescriptor() const;
- protected:
- // members
- StreamType m_StreamType;
- OTI m_ObjectTypeId;
- AP4_DataBuffer* m_DecoderInfo;
- AP4_UI32 m_BufferSize;
- AP4_UI32 m_MaxBitrate;
- AP4_UI32 m_AvgBitrate;
- };
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- | AP4_MpegSystemSampleDescription
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- class AP4_MpegSystemSampleDescription : public AP4_MpegSampleDescription
- {
- public:
- // constructor
- AP4_MpegSystemSampleDescription(StreamType type,
- OTI oti,
- const AP4_DataBuffer* decoder_info,
- AP4_UI32 buffer_size,
- AP4_UI32 max_bitrate,
- AP4_UI32 avg_bitrate);
- // methods
- AP4_Atom* ToAtom() const;
- };
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- | AP4_MpegAudioSampleDescription
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- class AP4_MpegAudioSampleDescription : public AP4_MpegSampleDescription
- {
- public:
- // constructor
- AP4_MpegAudioSampleDescription(OTI oti,
- unsigned int sample_rate,
- unsigned int sample_size,
- unsigned int channel_count,
- const AP4_DataBuffer* decoder_info,
- AP4_UI32 buffer_size,
- AP4_UI32 max_bitrate,
- AP4_UI32 avg_bitrate);
- // accessors
- AP4_UI32 GetSampleRate() { return m_SampleRate; }
- AP4_UI16 GetSampleSize() { return m_SampleSize; }
- AP4_UI16 GetChannelCount() { return m_ChannelCount; }
- // methods
- AP4_Atom* ToAtom() const;
- protected:
- // members
- AP4_UI32 m_SampleRate;
- AP4_UI16 m_SampleSize;
- AP4_UI16 m_ChannelCount;
- };
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- | AP4_MpegVideoSampleDescription
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- class AP4_MpegVideoSampleDescription : public AP4_MpegSampleDescription
- {
- public:
- // constructor
- AP4_MpegVideoSampleDescription(OTI oti,
- AP4_UI16 width,
- AP4_UI16 height,
- AP4_UI16 depth,
- const char* compressor_name,
- const AP4_DataBuffer* decoder_info,
- AP4_UI32 buffer_size,
- AP4_UI32 max_bitrate,
- AP4_UI32 avg_bitrate);
- // accessors
- AP4_UI32 GetWidth() { return m_Width; }
- AP4_UI16 GetHeight() { return m_Height; }
- AP4_UI16 GetDepth() { return m_Depth; }
- const char* GetCompressorName() { return m_CompressorName.c_str(); }
- // methods
- AP4_Atom* ToAtom() const;
- protected:
- // members
- AP4_UI16 m_Width;
- AP4_UI16 m_Height;
- AP4_UI16 m_Depth;
- AP4_String m_CompressorName;
- };
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- | constants
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- const AP4_MpegSampleDescription::StreamType AP4_FORBIDDEN_STREAM_TYPE = 0x00;
- const AP4_MpegSampleDescription::StreamType AP4_OD_STREAM_TYPE = 0x01;
- const AP4_MpegSampleDescription::StreamType AP4_CR_STREAM_TYPE = 0x02;
- const AP4_MpegSampleDescription::StreamType AP4_BIFS_STREAM_TYPE = 0x03;
- const AP4_MpegSampleDescription::StreamType AP4_VISUAL_STREAM_TYPE = 0x04;
- const AP4_MpegSampleDescription::StreamType AP4_AUDIO_STREAM_TYPE = 0x05;
- const AP4_MpegSampleDescription::StreamType AP4_MPEG7_STREAM_TYPE = 0x06;
- const AP4_MpegSampleDescription::StreamType AP4_IPMP_STREAM_TYPE = 0x07;
- const AP4_MpegSampleDescription::StreamType AP4_OCI_STREAM_TYPE = 0x08;
- const AP4_MpegSampleDescription::StreamType AP4_MPEGJ_STREAM_TYPE = 0x09;
- const AP4_MpegSampleDescription::OTI AP4_MPEG4_SYSTEM_OTI = 0x01;
- const AP4_MpegSampleDescription::OTI AP4_MPEG4_SYSTEM_COR_OTI = 0x02;
- const AP4_MpegSampleDescription::OTI AP4_MPEG4_VISUAL_OTI = 0x20;
- const AP4_MpegSampleDescription::OTI AP4_MPEG4_AUDIO_OTI = 0x40;
- const AP4_MpegSampleDescription::OTI AP4_MPEG2_VISUAL_SIMPLE_OTI = 0x60;
- const AP4_MpegSampleDescription::OTI AP4_MPEG2_VISUAL_MAIN_OTI = 0x61;
- const AP4_MpegSampleDescription::OTI AP4_MPEG2_VISUAL_SNR_OTI = 0x62;
- const AP4_MpegSampleDescription::OTI AP4_MPEG2_VISUAL_SPATIAL_OTI = 0x63;
- const AP4_MpegSampleDescription::OTI AP4_MPEG2_VISUAL_HIGH_OTI = 0x64;
- const AP4_MpegSampleDescription::OTI AP4_MPEG2_VISUAL_422_OTI = 0x65;
- const AP4_MpegSampleDescription::OTI AP4_MPEG2_AAC_AUDIO_MAIN_OTI = 0x66;
- const AP4_MpegSampleDescription::OTI AP4_MPEG2_AAC_AUDIO_LC_OTI = 0x67;
- const AP4_MpegSampleDescription::OTI AP4_MPEG2_AAC_AUDIO_SSRP_OTI = 0x68;
- const AP4_MpegSampleDescription::OTI AP4_MPEG2_PART3_AUDIO_OTI = 0x69;
- const AP4_MpegSampleDescription::OTI AP4_MPEG1_VISUAL_OTI = 0x6A;
- const AP4_MpegSampleDescription::OTI AP4_MPEG1_AUDIO_OTI = 0x6B;
- const AP4_MpegSampleDescription::OTI AP4_JPEG_OTI = 0x6C;