- /*****************************************************************
- |
- | AP4 - ByteStream Interface
- |
- | Copyright 2002 Gilles Boccon-Gibod
- |
- |
- | This file is part of Bento4/AP4 (MP4 Atom Processing Library).
- |
- | Unless you have obtained Bento4 under a difference license,
- | this version of Bento4 is Bento4|GPL.
- | Bento4|GPL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- | the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- | any later version.
- |
- | Bento4|GPL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- | GNU General Public License for more details.
- |
- | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- | along with Bento4|GPL; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the
- | Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
- | 02111-1307, USA.
- |
- ****************************************************************/
- #ifndef _AP4_BYTE_STREAM_H_
- #define _AP4_BYTE_STREAM_H_
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- | includes
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #include "Ap4Types.h"
- #include "Ap4Interfaces.h"
- #include "Ap4Results.h"
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- | AP4_ByteStream
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- class AP4_ByteStream : public AP4_Referenceable
- {
- public:
- // methods
- virtual AP4_Result Read(void* buffer,
- AP4_Size bytes_to_read,
- AP4_Size* bytes_read = 0) = 0;
- virtual AP4_Result ReadUI64(AP4_UI64& value);
- virtual AP4_Result ReadUI32(AP4_UI32& value);
- virtual AP4_Result ReadUI24(AP4_UI32& value);
- virtual AP4_Result ReadUI16(AP4_UI16& value);
- virtual AP4_Result ReadUI08(AP4_UI08& value);
- virtual AP4_Result ReadString(char* buffer, AP4_Size size);
- virtual AP4_Result Write(const void* buffer,
- AP4_Size bytes_to_write,
- AP4_Size* bytes_written = 0) = 0;
- virtual AP4_Result WriteString(const char* stringBuffer);
- virtual AP4_Result WriteUI64(AP4_UI64 value);
- virtual AP4_Result WriteUI32(AP4_UI32 value);
- virtual AP4_Result WriteUI24(AP4_UI32 value);
- virtual AP4_Result WriteUI16(AP4_UI16 value);
- virtual AP4_Result WriteUI08(AP4_UI08 value);
- virtual AP4_Result Seek(AP4_Offset offset) = 0;
- virtual AP4_Result Tell(AP4_Offset& offset) = 0;
- virtual AP4_Result GetSize(AP4_Size& size) = 0;
- virtual AP4_Result CopyTo(AP4_ByteStream& stream, AP4_Size size);
- };
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- | AP4_SubStream
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- class AP4_SubStream : public AP4_ByteStream
- {
- public:
- AP4_SubStream(AP4_ByteStream& container, AP4_Offset offset, AP4_Size size);
- // AP4_ByteStream methods
- AP4_Result Read(void* buffer,
- AP4_Size bytes_to_read,
- AP4_Size* bytes_read = 0);
- AP4_Result Write(const void* buffer,
- AP4_Size bytes_to_write,
- AP4_Size* bytes_written = 0);
- AP4_Result Seek(AP4_Offset offset);
- AP4_Result Tell(AP4_Offset& offset) {
- offset = m_Position;
- return AP4_SUCCESS;
- }
- AP4_Result GetSize(AP4_Size& size) {
- size = m_Size;
- return AP4_SUCCESS;
- }
- // AP4_Referenceable methods
- void AddReference();
- void Release();
- protected:
- virtual ~AP4_SubStream();
- private:
- AP4_ByteStream& m_Container;
- AP4_Offset m_Offset;
- AP4_Size m_Size;
- AP4_Offset m_Position;
- AP4_Cardinal m_ReferenceCount;
- };
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- | AP4_MemoryByteStream
- +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- class AP4_MemoryByteStream : public AP4_ByteStream
- {
- public:
- AP4_MemoryByteStream(AP4_Size size);
- AP4_MemoryByteStream(AP4_UI08* buffer, AP4_Size size);
- // AP4_ByteStream methods
- AP4_Result Read(void* buffer,
- AP4_Size bytes_to_read,
- AP4_Size* bytes_read = 0);
- AP4_Result Write(const void* buffer,
- AP4_Size bytes_to_write,
- AP4_Size* bytes_written = 0);
- AP4_Result Seek(AP4_Offset offset);
- AP4_Result Tell(AP4_Offset& offset) {
- offset = m_Position;
- return AP4_SUCCESS;
- }
- AP4_Result GetSize(AP4_Size& size) {
- size = m_Size;
- return AP4_SUCCESS;
- }
- // AP4_Referenceable methods
- void AddReference();
- void Release();
- // methods
- AP4_UI08* GetBuffer() { return m_Buffer; }
- protected:
- virtual ~AP4_MemoryByteStream();
- private:
- bool m_BufferIsLocal;
- AP4_UI08* m_Buffer;
- AP4_Size m_Size;
- AP4_Offset m_Position;
- AP4_Cardinal m_ReferenceCount;
- };
- #endif // _AP4_BYTE_STREAM_H_