- /*
- * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Gabest
- *
- *
- * This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- * any later version.
- *
- * This Program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with GNU Make; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- *
- *
- */
- #include "StdAfx.h"
- #include <mmreg.h>
- #include "MatroskaSplitter.h"
- #include "......DSUtilDSUtil.h"
- #include <initguid.h>
- #include "........includematroskamatroska.h"
- #include "........includeoggOggDS.h"
- #include "........includemoreuuids.h"
- using namespace MatroskaReader;
- const AMOVIESETUP_MEDIATYPE sudPinTypesIn[] =
- {
- {&MEDIATYPE_Stream, &MEDIASUBTYPE_Matroska},
- };
- const AMOVIESETUP_PIN sudpPins[] =
- {
- {L"Input", FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, &CLSID_NULL, NULL, countof(sudPinTypesIn), sudPinTypesIn},
- };
- const AMOVIESETUP_FILTER sudFilter[] =
- {
- {&__uuidof(CMatroskaSplitterFilter), L"Matroska Splitter", MERIT_NORMAL, countof(sudpPins), sudpPins},
- {&__uuidof(CMatroskaSourceFilter), L"Matroska Source", MERIT_NORMAL, 0, NULL},
- };
- CFactoryTemplate g_Templates[] =
- {
- {sudFilter[0].strName, sudFilter[0].clsID, CreateInstance<CMatroskaSplitterFilter>, NULL, &sudFilter[0]},
- {sudFilter[1].strName, sudFilter[1].clsID, CreateInstance<CMatroskaSourceFilter>, NULL, &sudFilter[1]},
- };
- int g_cTemplates = countof(g_Templates);
- STDAPI DllRegisterServer()
- {
- RegisterSourceFilter(
- CLSID_AsyncReader,
- _T("0,4,,1A45DFA3"),
- _T(".mkv"), _T(".mka"), _T(".mks"), NULL);
- return AMovieDllRegisterServer2(TRUE);
- }
- STDAPI DllUnregisterServer()
- {
- UnRegisterSourceFilter(MEDIASUBTYPE_Matroska);
- return AMovieDllRegisterServer2(FALSE);
- }
- BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HANDLE hModule, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved)
- {
- return DllEntryPoint((HINSTANCE)hModule, dwReason, 0); // "DllMain" of the dshow baseclasses;
- }
- #endif
- //
- // CMatroskaSplitterFilter
- //
- CMatroskaSplitterFilter::CMatroskaSplitterFilter(LPUNKNOWN pUnk, HRESULT* phr)
- : CBaseSplitterFilter(NAME("CMatroskaSplitterFilter"), pUnk, phr, __uuidof(this))
- {
- }
- CMatroskaSplitterFilter::~CMatroskaSplitterFilter()
- {
- }
- STDMETHODIMP CMatroskaSplitterFilter::NonDelegatingQueryInterface(REFIID riid, void** ppv)
- {
- CheckPointer(ppv, E_POINTER);
- return
- QI(ITrackInfo)
- __super::NonDelegatingQueryInterface(riid, ppv);
- }
- #include <vector>
- HRESULT CMatroskaSplitterFilter::CreateOutputs(IAsyncReader* pAsyncReader)
- {
- CheckPointer(pAsyncReader, E_POINTER);
- m_pFile.Free();
- m_pTrackEntryMap.RemoveAll();
- m_pOrderedTrackArray.RemoveAll();
- m_pFile.Attach(new CMatroskaFile(pAsyncReader, hr));
- if(!m_pFile) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
- if(FAILED(hr)) {m_pFile.Free(); return hr;}
- m_rtNewStart = m_rtCurrent = 0;
- m_rtNewStop = m_rtStop = 0;
- int iVideo = 1, iAudio = 1, iSubtitle = 1;
- POSITION pos = m_pFile->m_segment.Tracks.GetHeadPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- Track* pT = m_pFile->m_segment.Tracks.GetNext(pos);
- POSITION pos2 = pT->TrackEntries.GetHeadPosition();
- while(pos2)
- {
- TrackEntry* pTE = pT->TrackEntries.GetNext(pos2);
- if(!pTE->Expand(pTE->CodecPrivate, ContentEncoding::TracksPrivateData))
- continue;
- CStringA CodecID = pTE->CodecID.ToString();
- CStringW Name;
- Name.Format(L"Output %I64d", (UINT64)pTE->TrackNumber);
- CMediaType mt;
- CArray<CMediaType> mts;
- mt.SetSampleSize(1);
- if(pTE->TrackType == TrackEntry::TypeVideo)
- {
- Name.Format(L"Video %d", iVideo++);
- mt.majortype = MEDIATYPE_Video;
- if(CodecID == "V_MS/VFW/FOURCC")
- {
- mt.formattype = FORMAT_VideoInfo;
- VIDEOINFOHEADER* pvih = (VIDEOINFOHEADER*)mt.AllocFormatBuffer(sizeof(VIDEOINFOHEADER) + pTE->CodecPrivate.GetCount() - sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER));
- memset(mt.Format(), 0, mt.FormatLength());
- memcpy(&pvih->bmiHeader, (BYTE*)pTE->CodecPrivate, pTE->CodecPrivate.GetCount());
- mt.subtype = FOURCCMap(pvih->bmiHeader.biCompression);
- switch(pvih->bmiHeader.biCompression)
- {
- case BI_RGB: case BI_BITFIELDS: mt.subtype =
- pvih->bmiHeader.biBitCount == 1 ? MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB1 :
- pvih->bmiHeader.biBitCount == 4 ? MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB4 :
- pvih->bmiHeader.biBitCount == 8 ? MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB8 :
- pvih->bmiHeader.biBitCount == 16 ? MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB565 :
- pvih->bmiHeader.biBitCount == 24 ? MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24 :
- pvih->bmiHeader.biBitCount == 32 ? MEDIASUBTYPE_ARGB32 :
- break;
- // case BI_RLE8: mt.subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB8; break;
- // case BI_RLE4: mt.subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB4; break;
- }
- mts.Add(mt);
- }
- else if(CodecID == "V_UNCOMPRESSED")
- {
- }
- else if(CodecID.Find("V_MPEG4/ISO/AVC") == 0)
- {
- if(pTE->CodecPrivate.GetSize() >= 6)
- {
- BYTE sps = pTE->CodecPrivate[5] & 0x1f;
- std::vector<BYTE> avcC;
- for(int i = 0, j = pTE->CodecPrivate.GetSize(); i < j; i++)
- avcC.push_back(pTE->CodecPrivate[i]);
- std::vector<BYTE> sh;
- unsigned jj = 6;
- while (sps--) {
- if (jj + 2 > avcC.size())
- goto avcfail;
- unsigned spslen = ((unsigned)avcC[jj] << 8) | avcC[jj+1];
- if (jj + 2 + spslen > avcC.size())
- goto avcfail;
- unsigned cur = sh.size();
- sh.resize(cur + spslen + 2, 0);
- std::copy(avcC.begin() + jj, avcC.begin() + jj + 2 + spslen,sh.begin() + cur);
- jj += 2 + spslen;
- }
- if (jj + 1 > avcC.size())
- continue;
- unsigned pps = avcC[jj++];
- while (pps--) {
- if (jj + 2 > avcC.size())
- goto avcfail;
- unsigned ppslen = ((unsigned)avcC[jj] << 8) | avcC[jj+1];
- if (jj + 2 + ppslen > avcC.size())
- goto avcfail;
- unsigned cur = sh.size();
- sh.resize(cur + ppslen + 2, 0);
- std::copy(avcC.begin() + jj, avcC.begin() + jj + 2 + ppslen, sh.begin() + cur);
- jj += 2 + ppslen;
- }
- goto avcsuccess;
- avcfail:
- continue;
- avcsuccess:
- CArray<BYTE> data;
- data.SetSize(sh.size());
- std::copy(sh.begin(), sh.end(), (BYTE*)data.GetData());
- mt.subtype = FOURCCMap('1CVA');
- mt.formattype = FORMAT_MPEG2Video;
- MPEG2VIDEOINFO* pm2vi = (MPEG2VIDEOINFO*)mt.AllocFormatBuffer(FIELD_OFFSET(MPEG2VIDEOINFO, dwSequenceHeader) + data.GetSize());
- memset(mt.Format(), 0, mt.FormatLength());
- pm2vi->hdr.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(pm2vi->hdr.bmiHeader);
- pm2vi->hdr.bmiHeader.biWidth = (LONG)pTE->v.PixelWidth;
- pm2vi->hdr.bmiHeader.biHeight = (LONG)pTE->v.PixelHeight;
- pm2vi->hdr.bmiHeader.biCompression = '1cva';
- pm2vi->hdr.bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1;
- pm2vi->hdr.bmiHeader.biBitCount = 24;
- pm2vi->dwProfile = pTE->CodecPrivate[1];
- pm2vi->dwLevel = pTE->CodecPrivate[3];
- pm2vi->dwFlags = (pTE->CodecPrivate[4] & 3) + 1;
- BYTE* pSequenceHeader = (BYTE*)pm2vi->dwSequenceHeader;
- memcpy(pSequenceHeader, data.GetData(), data.GetSize());
- pm2vi->cbSequenceHeader = data.GetSize();
- mts.Add(mt);
- }
- }
- else if(CodecID.Find("V_MPEG4/") == 0) // TODO: find out which V_MPEG4/*/* ids can be mapped to 'mp4v'
- {
- mt.subtype = FOURCCMap('v4pm');
- mt.formattype = FORMAT_VideoInfo;
- memset(pvih, 0, mt.FormatLength());
- pvih->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(pvih->bmiHeader);
- pvih->bmiHeader.biWidth = (LONG)pTE->v.PixelWidth;
- pvih->bmiHeader.biHeight = (LONG)pTE->v.PixelHeight;
- pvih->bmiHeader.biCompression = 'v4pm';
- mts.Add(mt);
- // TODO: add (-1,0) dummy frame to timeoverride when it is /asp (that is having b-frames almost certainly)
- }
- else if(CodecID.Find("V_REAL/RV") == 0)
- {
- mt.subtype = FOURCCMap('00VR' + ((CodecID[9]-0x30)<<16));
- mt.formattype = FORMAT_VideoInfo;
- VIDEOINFOHEADER* pvih = (VIDEOINFOHEADER*)mt.AllocFormatBuffer(sizeof(VIDEOINFOHEADER) + pTE->CodecPrivate.GetCount());
- memset(mt.Format(), 0, mt.FormatLength());
- memcpy(mt.Format() + sizeof(VIDEOINFOHEADER), pTE->CodecPrivate.GetData(), pTE->CodecPrivate.GetCount());
- pvih->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(pvih->bmiHeader);
- pvih->bmiHeader.biWidth = (LONG)pTE->v.PixelWidth;
- pvih->bmiHeader.biHeight = (LONG)pTE->v.PixelHeight;
- pvih->bmiHeader.biCompression = mt.subtype.Data1;
- mts.Add(mt);
- }
- else if(CodecID == "V_DIRAC")
- {
- mt.subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_DiracVideo;
- mt.formattype = FORMAT_DiracVideoInfo;
- DIRACINFOHEADER* dvih = (DIRACINFOHEADER*)mt.AllocFormatBuffer(FIELD_OFFSET(DIRACINFOHEADER, dwSequenceHeader) + pTE->CodecPrivate.GetSize());
- memset(mt.Format(), 0, mt.FormatLength());
- dvih->hdr.bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(dvih->hdr.bmiHeader);
- dvih->hdr.bmiHeader.biWidth = (LONG)pTE->v.PixelWidth;
- dvih->hdr.bmiHeader.biHeight = (LONG)pTE->v.PixelHeight;
- dvih->hdr.dwPictAspectRatioX = dvih->hdr.bmiHeader.biWidth;
- dvih->hdr.dwPictAspectRatioY = dvih->hdr.bmiHeader.biHeight;
- BYTE* pSequenceHeader = (BYTE*)dvih->dwSequenceHeader;
- memcpy(pSequenceHeader, pTE->CodecPrivate.GetData(), pTE->CodecPrivate.GetSize());
- dvih->cbSequenceHeader = pTE->CodecPrivate.GetSize();
- mts.Add(mt);
- }
- else if(CodecID == "V_MPEG2")
- {
- BYTE* seqhdr = pTE->CodecPrivate.GetData();
- DWORD len = pTE->CodecPrivate.GetSize();
- int w = pTE->v.PixelWidth;
- int h = pTE->v.PixelHeight;
- if(MakeMPEG2MediaType(mt, seqhdr, len, w, h))
- mts.Add(mt);
- }
- /*
- else if(CodecID == "V_DSHOW/MPEG1VIDEO") // V_MPEG1
- {
- mt.majortype = MEDIATYPE_Video;
- mt.subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_MPEG1Payload;
- mt.formattype = FORMAT_MPEGVideo;
- MPEG1VIDEOINFO* pm1vi = (MPEG1VIDEOINFO*)mt.AllocFormatBuffer(pTE->CodecPrivate.GetSize());
- memcpy(pm1vi, pTE->CodecPrivate.GetData(), pTE->CodecPrivate.GetSize());
- mt.SetSampleSize(pm1vi->hdr.bmiHeader.biWidth*pm1vi->hdr.bmiHeader.biHeight*4);
- mts.Add(mt);
- }
- */
- REFERENCE_TIME AvgTimePerFrame = 0;
- if(pTE->v.FramePerSec > 0)
- AvgTimePerFrame = (REFERENCE_TIME)(10000000i64 / pTE->v.FramePerSec);
- else if(pTE->DefaultDuration > 0)
- AvgTimePerFrame = (REFERENCE_TIME)pTE->DefaultDuration / 100;
- if(AvgTimePerFrame)
- {
- for(int i = 0; i < mts.GetCount(); i++)
- {
- if(mts[i].formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo
- || mts[i].formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo2
- || mts[i].formattype == FORMAT_MPEG2Video)
- {
- ((VIDEOINFOHEADER*)mts[i].Format())->AvgTimePerFrame = AvgTimePerFrame;
- }
- }
- }
- if(pTE->v.DisplayWidth != 0 && pTE->v.DisplayHeight != 0)
- {
- for(int i = 0; i < mts.GetCount(); i++)
- {
- if(mts[i].formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo)
- {
- DWORD bmi = mts[i].FormatLength() - FIELD_OFFSET(VIDEOINFOHEADER, bmiHeader);
- mt.formattype = FORMAT_VideoInfo2;
- mt.AllocFormatBuffer(vih2 + bmi);
- memcpy(mt.Format(), mts[i].Format(), vih1);
- memset(mt.Format() + vih1, 0, vih2 - vih1);
- memcpy(mt.Format() + vih2, mts[i].Format() + vih1, bmi);
- ((VIDEOINFOHEADER2*)mt.Format())->dwPictAspectRatioX = (DWORD)pTE->v.DisplayWidth;
- ((VIDEOINFOHEADER2*)mt.Format())->dwPictAspectRatioY = (DWORD)pTE->v.DisplayHeight;
- mts.InsertAt(i++, mt);
- }
- else if(mts[i].formattype == FORMAT_MPEG2Video)
- {
- ((MPEG2VIDEOINFO*)mts[i].Format())->hdr.dwPictAspectRatioX = (DWORD)pTE->v.DisplayWidth;
- ((MPEG2VIDEOINFO*)mts[i].Format())->hdr.dwPictAspectRatioY = (DWORD)pTE->v.DisplayHeight;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if(pTE->TrackType == TrackEntry::TypeAudio)
- {
- Name.Format(L"Audio %d", iAudio++);
- mt.majortype = MEDIATYPE_Audio;
- mt.formattype = FORMAT_WaveFormatEx;
- WAVEFORMATEX* pwfe = (WAVEFORMATEX*)mt.AllocFormatBuffer(sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX));
- memset(pwfe, 0, mt.FormatLength());
- pwfe->nChannels = (WORD)pTE->a.Channels;
- pwfe->nSamplesPerSec = (DWORD)pTE->a.SamplingFrequency;
- pwfe->wBitsPerSample = (WORD)pTE->a.BitDepth;
- pwfe->nBlockAlign = (WORD)((pwfe->nChannels * pwfe->wBitsPerSample) / 8);
- pwfe->nAvgBytesPerSec = pwfe->nSamplesPerSec * pwfe->nBlockAlign;
- mt.SetSampleSize(256000);
- if(CodecID == "A_VORBIS")
- {
- BYTE* p = (BYTE*)pTE->CodecPrivate;
- CArray<long> sizes;
- for(BYTE n = *p++; n > 0; n--)
- {
- long size = 0;
- do {size += *p;} while(*p++ == 0xff);
- sizes.Add(size);
- }
- long totalsize = 0;
- for(int i = 0; i < sizes.GetCount(); i++)
- totalsize += sizes[i];
- sizes.Add(pTE->CodecPrivate.GetSize() - (p - (BYTE*)pTE->CodecPrivate) - totalsize);
- totalsize += sizes[sizes.GetCount()-1];
- if(sizes.GetCount() == 3)
- {
- mt.subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_Vorbis2;
- mt.formattype = FORMAT_VorbisFormat2;
- VORBISFORMAT2* pvf2 = (VORBISFORMAT2*)mt.AllocFormatBuffer(sizeof(VORBISFORMAT2) + totalsize);
- memset(pvf2, 0, mt.FormatLength());
- pvf2->Channels = (WORD)pTE->a.Channels;
- pvf2->SamplesPerSec = (DWORD)pTE->a.SamplingFrequency;
- pvf2->BitsPerSample = (DWORD)pTE->a.BitDepth;
- BYTE* p2 = mt.Format() + sizeof(VORBISFORMAT2);
- for(int i = 0; i < sizes.GetCount(); p += sizes[i], p2 += sizes[i], i++)
- memcpy(p2, p, pvf2->HeaderSize[i] = sizes[i]);
- mts.Add(mt);
- }
- mt.subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_Vorbis;
- mt.formattype = FORMAT_VorbisFormat;
- VORBISFORMAT* pvf = (VORBISFORMAT*)mt.AllocFormatBuffer(sizeof(VORBISFORMAT));
- memset(pvf, 0, mt.FormatLength());
- pvf->nChannels = (WORD)pTE->a.Channels;
- pvf->nSamplesPerSec = (DWORD)pTE->a.SamplingFrequency;
- pvf->nMinBitsPerSec = pvf->nMaxBitsPerSec = pvf->nAvgBitsPerSec = -1;
- mts.Add(mt);
- }
- else if(CodecID == "A_MPEG/L3")
- {
- mt.subtype = FOURCCMap(pwfe->wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_MP3);
- mts.Add(mt);
- }
- else if(CodecID == "A_MPEG/L2")
- {
- mt.subtype = FOURCCMap(pwfe->wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_MPEG);
- mts.Add(mt);
- }
- else if(CodecID == "A_AC3")
- {
- mt.subtype = FOURCCMap(pwfe->wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_DOLBY_AC3);
- mts.Add(mt);
- }
- else if(CodecID == "A_DTS")
- {
- mt.subtype = FOURCCMap(pwfe->wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_DVD_DTS);
- mts.Add(mt);
- }
- else if(CodecID == "A_FLAC")
- {
- mt.subtype = FOURCCMap(pwfe->wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_FLAC);
- pwfe->cbSize = pTE->CodecPrivate.GetCount();
- BYTE* pExtra = mt.ReallocFormatBuffer(sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX) + pTE->CodecPrivate.GetCount()) + sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX);
- memcpy(pExtra, pTE->CodecPrivate.GetData(), pTE->CodecPrivate.GetCount());
- mts.Add(mt);
- mts.InsertAt(0, mt);
- }
- else if(CodecID == "A_TTA1")
- {
- mt.subtype = FOURCCMap(pwfe->wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_TTA1);
- mts.Add(mt);
- }
- else if(CodecID == "A_MS/ACM")
- {
- pwfe = (WAVEFORMATEX*)mt.AllocFormatBuffer(pTE->CodecPrivate.GetCount());
- memcpy(pwfe, (WAVEFORMATEX*)(BYTE*)pTE->CodecPrivate, pTE->CodecPrivate.GetCount());
- mt.subtype = FOURCCMap(pwfe->wFormatTag);
- mts.Add(mt);
- }
- else if(CodecID == "A_PCM/INT/LIT")
- {
- mt.subtype = FOURCCMap(pwfe->wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM);
- mts.Add(mt);
- }
- else if(CodecID == "A_PCM/FLOAT/IEEE")
- {
- mt.subtype = FOURCCMap(pwfe->wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT);
- mts.Add(mt);
- }
- else if(CodecID.Find("A_AAC/") == 0)
- {
- mt.subtype = FOURCCMap(pwfe->wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_AAC);
- BYTE* pExtra = mt.ReallocFormatBuffer(sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX)+5) + sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX);
- (pwfe = (WAVEFORMATEX*)mt.pbFormat)->cbSize = 2;
- int profile;
- if(CodecID.Find("/MAIN") > 0) profile = 0;
- else if(CodecID.Find("/SBR") > 0) profile = -1;
- else if(CodecID.Find("/LC") > 0) profile = 1;
- else if(CodecID.Find("/SSR") > 0) profile = 2;
- else if(CodecID.Find("/LTP") > 0) profile = 3;
- else continue;
- WORD cbSize = MakeAACInitData(pExtra, profile, pwfe->nSamplesPerSec, pTE->a.Channels);
- mts.Add(mt);
- if(profile < 0)
- {
- pwfe->cbSize = cbSize;
- pwfe->nSamplesPerSec *= 2;
- pwfe->nAvgBytesPerSec *= 2;
- mts.InsertAt(0, mt);
- }
- }
- else if(CodecID.Find("A_REAL/") == 0 && CodecID.GetLength() >= 11)
- {
- mt.bTemporalCompression = TRUE;
- mt.subtype = FOURCCMap((DWORD)CodecID[7]|((DWORD)CodecID[8]<<8)|((DWORD)CodecID[9]<<16)|((DWORD)CodecID[10]<<24));
- BYTE* p = mt.ReallocFormatBuffer(sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX) + pTE->CodecPrivate.GetCount());
- memcpy(p + sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX), pTE->CodecPrivate.GetData(), pTE->CodecPrivate.GetCount());
- mts.Add(mt);
- }
- }
- else if(pTE->TrackType == TrackEntry::TypeSubtitle)
- {
- if(iSubtitle == 1) InstallFonts();
- Name.Format(L"Subtitle %d", iSubtitle++);
- mt.SetSampleSize(1);
- if(CodecID == "S_TEXT/ASCII")
- {
- mt.majortype = MEDIATYPE_Text;
- mt.subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_NULL;
- mt.formattype = FORMAT_None;
- mts.Add(mt);
- }
- else
- {
- mt.majortype = MEDIATYPE_Subtitle;
- mt.formattype = FORMAT_SubtitleInfo;
- SUBTITLEINFO* psi = (SUBTITLEINFO*)mt.AllocFormatBuffer(sizeof(SUBTITLEINFO) + pTE->CodecPrivate.GetSize());
- memset(psi, 0, mt.FormatLength());
- strncpy(psi->IsoLang, pTE->Language, countof(psi->IsoLang)-1);
- wcsncpy(psi->TrackName, pTE->Name, countof(psi->TrackName)-1);
- memcpy(mt.pbFormat + (psi->dwOffset = sizeof(SUBTITLEINFO)), pTE->CodecPrivate.GetData(), pTE->CodecPrivate.GetSize());
- mt.subtype =
- CodecID == "S_TEXT/SSA" || CodecID == "S_SSA" ? MEDIASUBTYPE_SSA :
- CodecID == "S_TEXT/ASS" || CodecID == "S_ASS" ? MEDIASUBTYPE_ASS :
- CodecID == "S_TEXT/USF" || CodecID == "S_USF" ? MEDIASUBTYPE_USF :
- if(mt.subtype != MEDIASUBTYPE_NULL)
- mts.Add(mt);
- }
- }
- if(mts.IsEmpty())
- {
- TRACE(_T("CMatroskaSourceFilter: Unsupported TrackType %s (%I64d)n"), CString(CodecID), (UINT64)pTE->TrackType);
- continue;
- }
- Name = CStringW(pTE->Language.IsEmpty() ? L"English" : CStringW(ISO6392ToLanguage(pTE->Language)))
- + (pTE->Name.IsEmpty() ? L"" : L", " + pTE->Name)
- + (L" (" + Name + L")");
- CAutoPtr<CBaseSplitterOutputPin> pPinOut(new CMatroskaSplitterOutputPin((int)pTE->MinCache, pTE->DefaultDuration/100, mts, Name, this, this, &hr));
- if(!pTE->Name.IsEmpty()) pPinOut->SetProperty(L"NAME", pTE->Name);
- if(pTE->Language.GetLength() == 3) pPinOut->SetProperty(L"LANG", CStringW(CString(pTE->Language)));
- AddOutputPin((DWORD)pTE->TrackNumber, pPinOut);
- m_pTrackEntryMap[(DWORD)pTE->TrackNumber] = pTE;
- m_pOrderedTrackArray.Add(pTE);
- }
- }
- Info& info = m_pFile->m_segment.SegmentInfo;
- m_rtNewStart = m_rtCurrent = 0;
- m_rtNewStop = m_rtStop = (REFERENCE_TIME)(info.Duration*info.TimeCodeScale/100);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- /*
- for(int i = 1, j = GetChapterCount(CHAPTER_ROOT_ID); i <= j; i++)
- {
- UINT id = GetChapterId(CHAPTER_ROOT_ID, i);
- struct ChapterElement ce;
- BOOL b = GetChapterInfo(id, &ce);
- BSTR bstr = GetChapterStringInfo(id, "eng", "");
- if(bstr) ::SysFreeString(bstr);
- }
- */
- #endif
- SetProperty(L"TITL", info.Title);
- // TODO
- // resources
- {
- POSITION pos = m_pFile->m_segment.Attachments.GetHeadPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- Attachment* pA = m_pFile->m_segment.Attachments.GetNext(pos);
- POSITION pos = pA->AttachedFiles.GetHeadPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- AttachedFile* pF = pA->AttachedFiles.GetNext(pos);
- CArray<BYTE> pData;
- pData.SetSize(pF->FileDataLen);
- m_pFile->Seek(pF->FileDataPos);
- if(SUCCEEDED(m_pFile->Read(pData.GetData(), pData.GetSize())))
- ResAppend(pF->FileName, pF->FileDescription, CStringW(pF->FileMimeType), pData.GetData(), pData.GetSize());
- }
- }
- }
- // chapters
- if(ChapterAtom* caroot = m_pFile->m_segment.FindChapterAtom(0))
- {
- CStringA str;
- str.ReleaseBufferSetLength(GetLocaleInfoA(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME, str.GetBuffer(3), 3));
- CStringA ChapLanguage = CStringA(ISO6391To6392(str));
- if(ChapLanguage.GetLength() < 3) ChapLanguage = "eng";
- POSITION pos = caroot->ChapterAtoms.GetHeadPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- // ca == caroot->ChapterAtoms.GetNext(pos) ?
- if(ChapterAtom* ca = m_pFile->m_segment.FindChapterAtom(caroot->ChapterAtoms.GetNext(pos)->ChapterUID))
- {
- CStringW name, first;
- POSITION pos = ca->ChapterDisplays.GetHeadPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- ChapterDisplay* cd = ca->ChapterDisplays.GetNext(pos);
- if(first.IsEmpty()) first = cd->ChapString;
- if(cd->ChapLanguage == ChapLanguage) name = cd->ChapString;
- }
- ChapAppend(ca->ChapterTimeStart / 100 - m_pFile->m_rtOffset, !name.IsEmpty() ? name : first);
- }
- }
- }
- return m_pOutputs.GetCount() > 0 ? S_OK : E_FAIL;
- }
- void CMatroskaSplitterFilter::InstallFonts()
- {
- POSITION pos = m_pFile->m_segment.Attachments.GetHeadPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- Attachment* pA = m_pFile->m_segment.Attachments.GetNext(pos);
- POSITION p2 = pA->AttachedFiles.GetHeadPosition();
- while(p2)
- {
- AttachedFile* pF = pA->AttachedFiles.GetNext(p2);
- if(pF->FileMimeType == "application/x-truetype-font")
- {
- // assume this is a font resource
- if(BYTE* pData = new BYTE[(UINT)pF->FileDataLen])
- {
- m_pFile->Seek(pF->FileDataPos);
- if(SUCCEEDED(m_pFile->Read(pData, pF->FileDataLen)))
- m_fontinst.InstallFont(pData, (UINT)pF->FileDataLen);
- delete [] pData;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void CMatroskaSplitterFilter::SendVorbisHeaderSample()
- {
- POSITION pos = m_pTrackEntryMap.GetStartPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- DWORD TrackNumber = 0;
- TrackEntry* pTE = NULL;
- m_pTrackEntryMap.GetNextAssoc(pos, TrackNumber, pTE);
- CBaseSplitterOutputPin* pPin = GetOutputPin(TrackNumber);
- if(!(pTE && pPin && pPin->IsConnected()))
- continue;
- if(pTE->CodecID.ToString() == "A_VORBIS" && pPin->CurrentMediaType().subtype == MEDIASUBTYPE_Vorbis
- && pTE->CodecPrivate.GetSize() > 0)
- {
- BYTE* ptr = (BYTE*)pTE->CodecPrivate;
- CList<long> sizes;
- long last = 0;
- for(BYTE n = *ptr++; n > 0; n--)
- {
- long size = 0;
- do {size += *ptr;} while(*ptr++ == 0xff);
- sizes.AddTail(size);
- last += size;
- }
- sizes.AddTail(pTE->CodecPrivate.GetSize() - (ptr - (BYTE*)pTE->CodecPrivate) - last);
- hr = S_OK;
- POSITION pos = sizes.GetHeadPosition();
- while(pos && SUCCEEDED(hr))
- {
- long len = sizes.GetNext(pos);
- CAutoPtr<Packet> p(new Packet());
- p->TrackNumber = (DWORD)pTE->TrackNumber;
- p->rtStart = 0; p->rtStop = 1;
- p->bSyncPoint = FALSE;
- p->pData.SetSize(len);
- memcpy(p->pData.GetData(), ptr, len);
- ptr += len;
- hr = DeliverPacket(p);
- }
- if(FAILED(hr))
- TRACE(_T("ERROR: Vorbis initialization failed for stream %I64dn"), TrackNumber);
- }
- }
- }
- bool CMatroskaSplitterFilter::DemuxInit()
- {
- CMatroskaNode Root(m_pFile);
- if(!m_pFile
- || !(m_pSegment = Root.Child(0x18538067))
- || !(m_pCluster = m_pSegment->Child(0x1F43B675)))
- return(false);
- // reindex if needed
- if(m_pFile->m_segment.Cues.GetCount() == 0)
- {
- m_nOpenProgress = 0;
- m_pFile->m_segment.SegmentInfo.Duration.Set(0);
- UINT64 TrackNumber = m_pFile->m_segment.GetMasterTrack();
- CAutoPtr<Cue> pCue(new Cue());
- do
- {
- Cluster c;
- c.ParseTimeCode(m_pCluster);
- m_pFile->m_segment.SegmentInfo.Duration.Set((float)c.TimeCode - m_pFile->m_rtOffset/10000);
- CAutoPtr<CuePoint> pCuePoint(new CuePoint());
- CAutoPtr<CueTrackPosition> pCueTrackPosition(new CueTrackPosition());
- pCuePoint->CueTime.Set(c.TimeCode);
- pCueTrackPosition->CueTrack.Set(TrackNumber);
- pCueTrackPosition->CueClusterPosition.Set(m_pCluster->m_filepos - m_pSegment->m_start);
- pCuePoint->CueTrackPositions.AddTail(pCueTrackPosition);
- pCue->CuePoints.AddTail(pCuePoint);
- m_nOpenProgress = m_pFile->GetPos()*100/m_pFile->GetLength();
- DWORD cmd;
- if(CheckRequest(&cmd))
- {
- if(cmd == CMD_EXIT) m_fAbort = true;
- else Reply(S_OK);
- }
- }
- while(!m_fAbort && m_pCluster->Next(true));
- m_nOpenProgress = 100;
- if(!m_fAbort) m_pFile->m_segment.Cues.AddTail(pCue);
- m_fAbort = false;
- }
- m_pCluster.Free();
- m_pBlock.Free();
- return(true);
- }
- void CMatroskaSplitterFilter::DemuxSeek(REFERENCE_TIME rt)
- {
- m_pCluster = m_pSegment->Child(0x1F43B675);
- m_pBlock.Free();
- if(rt > 0)
- {
- rt += m_pFile->m_rtOffset;
- QWORD lastCueClusterPosition = -1;
- Segment& s = m_pFile->m_segment;
- UINT64 TrackNumber = s.GetMasterTrack();
- POSITION pos1 = s.Cues.GetHeadPosition();
- while(pos1)
- {
- Cue* pCue = s.Cues.GetNext(pos1);
- POSITION pos2 = pCue->CuePoints.GetTailPosition();
- while(pos2)
- {
- CuePoint* pCuePoint = pCue->CuePoints.GetPrev(pos2);
- if(rt < s.GetRefTime(pCuePoint->CueTime))
- continue;
- POSITION pos3 = pCuePoint->CueTrackPositions.GetHeadPosition();
- while(pos3)
- {
- CueTrackPosition* pCueTrackPositions = pCuePoint->CueTrackPositions.GetNext(pos3);
- if(TrackNumber != pCueTrackPositions->CueTrack)
- continue;
- if(lastCueClusterPosition == pCueTrackPositions->CueClusterPosition)
- continue;
- lastCueClusterPosition = pCueTrackPositions->CueClusterPosition;
- m_pCluster->SeekTo(m_pSegment->m_start + pCueTrackPositions->CueClusterPosition);
- m_pCluster->Parse();
- bool fFoundKeyFrame = false;
- /*
- if(pCueTrackPositions->CueBlockNumber > 0)
- {
- // TODO: CueBlockNumber only tells the block num of the track and not for all mixed in the cluster
- m_nLastBlock = (int)pCueTrackPositions->CueBlockNumber;
- fFoundKeyFrame = true;
- }
- else
- */
- {
- Cluster c;
- c.ParseTimeCode(m_pCluster);
- if(CAutoPtr<CMatroskaNode> pBlock = m_pCluster->GetFirstBlock())
- {
- bool fPassedCueTime = false;
- do
- {
- CBlockGroupNode bgn;
- if(pBlock->m_id == 0xA0)
- {
- bgn.Parse(pBlock, true);
- }
- else if(pBlock->m_id == 0xA3)
- {
- CAutoPtr<BlockGroup> bg(new BlockGroup());
- bg->Block.Parse(pBlock, true);
- if(!(bg->Block.Lacing & 0x80)) bg->ReferenceBlock.Set(0); // not a kf
- bgn.AddTail(bg);
- }
- POSITION pos4 = bgn.GetHeadPosition();
- while(!fPassedCueTime && pos4)
- {
- BlockGroup* bg = bgn.GetNext(pos4);
- if(bg->Block.TrackNumber == pCueTrackPositions->CueTrack && rt < s.GetRefTime(c.TimeCode + bg->Block.TimeCode)
- || rt + 5000000i64 < s.GetRefTime(c.TimeCode + bg->Block.TimeCode)) // allow 500ms difference between tracks, just in case intreleaving wasn't that much precise
- {
- fPassedCueTime = true;
- }
- else if(bg->Block.TrackNumber == pCueTrackPositions->CueTrack && !bg->ReferenceBlock.IsValid())
- {
- fFoundKeyFrame = true;
- m_pBlock = pBlock->Copy();
- }
- }
- }
- while(!fPassedCueTime && pBlock->NextBlock());
- }
- }
- if(fFoundKeyFrame)
- pos1 = pos2 = pos3 = NULL;
- }
- }
- }
- if(!m_pBlock)
- {
- m_pCluster = m_pSegment->Child(0x1F43B675);
- }
- }
- }
- bool CMatroskaSplitterFilter::DemuxLoop()
- {
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- SendVorbisHeaderSample(); // HACK: init vorbis decoder with the headers
- do
- {
- Cluster c;
- c.ParseTimeCode(m_pCluster);
- if(!m_pBlock) m_pBlock = m_pCluster->GetFirstBlock();
- if(!m_pBlock) continue;
- do
- {
- CBlockGroupNode bgn;
- if(m_pBlock->m_id == 0xA0)
- {
- bgn.Parse(m_pBlock, true);
- }
- else if(m_pBlock->m_id == 0xA3)
- {
- CAutoPtr<BlockGroup> bg(new BlockGroup());
- bg->Block.Parse(m_pBlock, true);
- if(!(bg->Block.Lacing & 0x80)) bg->ReferenceBlock.Set(0); // not a kf
- bgn.AddTail(bg);
- }
- while(bgn.GetCount())
- {
- CAutoPtr<MatroskaPacket> p(new MatroskaPacket());
- p->bg = bgn.RemoveHead();
- p->bSyncPoint = !p->bg->ReferenceBlock.IsValid();
- p->TrackNumber = (DWORD)p->bg->Block.TrackNumber;
- TrackEntry *pTE = m_pTrackEntryMap[p->TrackNumber];
- p->rtStart = m_pFile->m_segment.GetRefTime((REFERENCE_TIME)c.TimeCode + p->bg->Block.TimeCode);
- p->rtStop = p->rtStart + (p->bg->BlockDuration.IsValid() ? m_pFile->m_segment.GetRefTime(p->bg->BlockDuration) : 1);
- // Fix subtitle with duration = 0
- if(pTE && (pTE->TrackType == TrackEntry::TypeSubtitle) && (!p->bg->BlockDuration.IsValid()))
- {
- p->bg->BlockDuration.Set(1); // just setting it to be valid
- p->rtStop = p->rtStart;
- }
- POSITION pos = p->bg->Block.BlockData.GetHeadPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- CBinary* pb = p->bg->Block.BlockData.GetNext(pos);
- m_pTrackEntryMap[p->TrackNumber]->Expand(*pb, ContentEncoding::AllFrameContents);
- }
- // HACK
- p->rtStart -= m_pFile->m_rtOffset;
- p->rtStop -= m_pFile->m_rtOffset;
- hr = DeliverPacket(p);
- }
- }
- while(m_pBlock->NextBlock() && SUCCEEDED(hr) && !CheckRequest(NULL));
- m_pBlock.Free();
- }
- while(m_pFile->GetPos() < m_pFile->m_segment.pos + m_pFile->m_segment.len
- && m_pCluster->Next(true) && SUCCEEDED(hr) && !CheckRequest(NULL));
- m_pCluster.Free();
- return(true);
- }
- // IMediaSeeking
- STDMETHODIMP CMatroskaSplitterFilter::GetDuration(LONGLONG* pDuration)
- {
- CheckPointer(pDuration, E_POINTER);
- CheckPointer(m_pFile, VFW_E_NOT_CONNECTED);
- Segment& s = m_pFile->m_segment;
- *pDuration = s.GetRefTime((INT64)s.SegmentInfo.Duration);
- return S_OK;
- }
- // IKeyFrameInfo
- STDMETHODIMP CMatroskaSplitterFilter::GetKeyFrameCount(UINT& nKFs)
- {
- if(!m_pFile) return E_UNEXPECTED;
- HRESULT hr = S_OK;
- nKFs = 0;
- POSITION pos = m_pFile->m_segment.Cues.GetHeadPosition();
- while(pos) nKFs += m_pFile->m_segment.Cues.GetNext(pos)->CuePoints.GetCount();
- return hr;
- }
- STDMETHODIMP CMatroskaSplitterFilter::GetKeyFrames(const GUID* pFormat, REFERENCE_TIME* pKFs, UINT& nKFs)
- {
- CheckPointer(pFormat, E_POINTER);
- CheckPointer(pKFs, E_POINTER);
- if(!m_pFile) return E_UNEXPECTED;
- UINT nKFsTmp = 0;
- POSITION pos1 = m_pFile->m_segment.Cues.GetHeadPosition();
- while(pos1 && nKFsTmp < nKFs)
- {
- Cue* pCue = m_pFile->m_segment.Cues.GetNext(pos1);
- POSITION pos2 = pCue->CuePoints.GetHeadPosition();
- while(pos2 && nKFsTmp < nKFs)
- pKFs[nKFsTmp++] = m_pFile->m_segment.GetRefTime(pCue->CuePoints.GetNext(pos2)->CueTime);
- }
- nKFs = nKFsTmp;
- return S_OK;
- }
- //
- // CMatroskaSourceFilter
- //
- CMatroskaSourceFilter::CMatroskaSourceFilter(LPUNKNOWN pUnk, HRESULT* phr)
- : CMatroskaSplitterFilter(pUnk, phr)
- {
- m_clsid = __uuidof(this);
- m_pInput.Free();
- }
- //
- // CMatroskaSplitterOutputPin
- //
- CMatroskaSplitterOutputPin::CMatroskaSplitterOutputPin(
- int nMinCache, REFERENCE_TIME rtDefaultDuration,
- CArray<CMediaType>& mts, LPCWSTR pName, CBaseFilter* pFilter, CCritSec* pLock, HRESULT* phr)
- : CBaseSplitterOutputPin(mts, pName, pFilter, pLock, phr)
- , m_nMinCache(nMinCache), m_rtDefaultDuration(rtDefaultDuration)
- {
- m_nMinCache = max(m_nMinCache, 1);
- }
- CMatroskaSplitterOutputPin::~CMatroskaSplitterOutputPin()
- {
- }
- HRESULT CMatroskaSplitterOutputPin::DeliverEndFlush()
- {
- {
- CAutoLock cAutoLock(&m_csQueue);
- m_packets.RemoveAll();
- m_rob.RemoveAll();
- m_tos.RemoveAll();
- }
- return __super::DeliverEndFlush();
- }
- HRESULT CMatroskaSplitterOutputPin::DeliverEndOfStream()
- {
- CAutoLock cAutoLock(&m_csQueue);
- // send out the last remaining packets from the queue
- while(m_rob.GetCount())
- {
- MatroskaPacket* mp = m_rob.RemoveHead();
- if(m_rob.GetCount() && !mp->bg->BlockDuration.IsValid())
- mp->rtStop = m_rob.GetHead()->rtStart;
- else if(m_rob.GetCount() == 0 && m_rtDefaultDuration > 0)
- mp->rtStop = mp->rtStart + m_rtDefaultDuration;
- timeoverride to = {mp->rtStart, mp->rtStop};
- m_tos.AddTail(to);
- }
- while(m_packets.GetCount())
- {
- HRESULT hr = DeliverBlock(m_packets.RemoveHead());
- if(hr != S_OK) return hr;
- }
- return __super::DeliverEndOfStream();
- }
- HRESULT CMatroskaSplitterOutputPin::DeliverPacket(CAutoPtr<Packet> p)
- {
- MatroskaPacket* mp = dynamic_cast<MatroskaPacket*>(p.m_p);
- if(!mp) return __super::DeliverPacket(p);
- // don't try to understand what's happening here, it's magic
- CAutoLock cAutoLock(&m_csQueue);
- CAutoPtr<MatroskaPacket> p2;
- p.Detach();
- p2.Attach(mp);
- m_packets.AddTail(p2);
- POSITION pos = m_rob.GetTailPosition();
- for(int i = m_nMinCache-1; i > 0 && pos && mp->bg->ReferencePriority < m_rob.GetAt(pos)->bg->ReferencePriority; i--)
- m_rob.GetPrev(pos);
- if(!pos) m_rob.AddHead(mp);
- else m_rob.InsertAfter(pos, mp);
- mp = NULL;
- if(m_rob.GetCount() == m_nMinCache+1)
- {
- ASSERT(m_nMinCache > 0);
- pos = m_rob.GetHeadPosition();
- MatroskaPacket* mp1 = m_rob.GetNext(pos);
- MatroskaPacket* mp2 = m_rob.GetNext(pos);
- if(!mp1->bg->BlockDuration.IsValid())
- {
- mp1->bg->BlockDuration.Set(1); // just to set it valid
- if(mp1->rtStart >= mp2->rtStart)
- {
- /* CString str;
- str.Format(_T("mp1->rtStart (%I64d) >= mp2->rtStart (%I64d)!!!n"), mp1->rtStart, mp2->rtStart);
- AfxMessageBox(str);
- */
- // TRACE(_T("mp1->rtStart (%I64d) >= mp2->rtStart (%I64d)!!!n"), mp1->rtStart, mp2->rtStart);
- }
- else
- {
- mp1->rtStop = mp2->rtStart;
- }
- }
- }
- while(m_packets.GetCount())
- {
- mp = m_packets.GetHead();
- if(!mp->bg->BlockDuration.IsValid()) break;
- mp = m_rob.RemoveHead();
- timeoverride to = {mp->rtStart, mp->rtStop};
- m_tos.AddTail(to);
- HRESULT hr = DeliverBlock(m_packets.RemoveHead());
- if(hr != S_OK) return hr;
- }
- return S_OK;
- }
- HRESULT CMatroskaSplitterOutputPin::DeliverBlock(MatroskaPacket* p)
- {
- if(m_tos.GetCount())
- {
- timeoverride to = m_tos.RemoveHead();
- // if(p->TrackNumber == 2)
- TRACE(_T("(track=%d) %I64d, %I64d -> %I64d, %I64d (buffcnt=%d)n"),
- p->TrackNumber, p->rtStart, p->rtStop, to.rtStart, to.rtStop,
- QueueCount());
- /**/
- p->rtStart = to.rtStart;
- p->rtStop = to.rtStop;
- }
- rtStart = p->rtStart,
- rtDelta = (p->rtStop - p->rtStart) / p->bg->Block.BlockData.GetCount(),
- rtStop = p->rtStart + rtDelta;
- POSITION pos = p->bg->Block.BlockData.GetHeadPosition();
- while(pos)
- {
- CAutoPtr<Packet> tmp(new Packet());
- tmp->TrackNumber = p->TrackNumber;
- tmp->bDiscontinuity = p->bDiscontinuity;
- tmp->bSyncPoint = p->bSyncPoint;
- tmp->rtStart = rtStart;
- tmp->rtStop = rtStop;
- tmp->pData.Copy(*p->bg->Block.BlockData.GetNext(pos));
- if(S_OK != (hr = DeliverPacket(tmp))) break;
- rtStart += rtDelta;
- rtStop += rtDelta;
- p->bSyncPoint = false;
- p->bDiscontinuity = false;
- }
- return hr;
- }
- // ITrackInfo
- TrackEntry* CMatroskaSplitterFilter::GetTrackEntryAt(UINT aTrackIdx)
- {
- if(aTrackIdx < 0 || aTrackIdx >= m_pOrderedTrackArray.GetCount())
- return NULL;
- return m_pOrderedTrackArray[aTrackIdx];
- }
- STDMETHODIMP_(UINT) CMatroskaSplitterFilter::GetTrackCount()
- {
- return m_pTrackEntryMap.GetCount();
- }
- STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) CMatroskaSplitterFilter::GetTrackInfo(UINT aTrackIdx, struct TrackElement* pStructureToFill)
- {
- TrackEntry* pTE = GetTrackEntryAt(aTrackIdx);
- if(pTE == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- pStructureToFill->FlagDefault = !!pTE->FlagDefault;
- pStructureToFill->FlagLacing = !!pTE->FlagLacing;
- strncpy(pStructureToFill->Language, pTE->Language, 3);
- if(pStructureToFill->Language[0] == ' ')
- strncpy(pStructureToFill->Language, "eng", 3);
- pStructureToFill->Language[3] = ' ';
- pStructureToFill->MaxCache = (UINT)pTE->MaxCache;
- pStructureToFill->MinCache = (UINT)pTE->MinCache;
- pStructureToFill->Type = (BYTE)pTE->TrackType;
- return TRUE;
- }
- STDMETHODIMP_(BOOL) CMatroskaSplitterFilter::GetTrackExtendedInfo(UINT aTrackIdx, void* pStructureToFill)
- {
- TrackEntry* pTE = GetTrackEntryAt(aTrackIdx);
- if(pTE == NULL)
- return FALSE;
- if(pTE->TrackType == TrackEntry::TypeVideo)
- {
- TrackExtendedInfoVideo* pTEIV = (TrackExtendedInfoVideo*)pStructureToFill;
- pTEIV->AspectRatioType = (BYTE)pTE->v.AspectRatioType;
- pTEIV->DisplayUnit = (BYTE)pTE->v.DisplayUnit;
- pTEIV->DisplayWidth = (UINT)pTE->v.DisplayWidth;
- pTEIV->DisplayHeight = (UINT)pTE->v.DisplayHeight;
- pTEIV->Interlaced = !!pTE->v.FlagInterlaced;
- pTEIV->PixelWidth = (UINT)pTE->v.PixelWidth;
- pTEIV->PixelHeight = (UINT)pTE->v.PixelHeight;
- } else if(pTE->TrackType == TrackEntry::TypeAudio) {
- TrackExtendedInfoAudio* pTEIA = (TrackExtendedInfoAudio*)pStructureToFill;
- pTEIA->BitDepth = (UINT)pTE->a.BitDepth;
- pTEIA->Channels = (UINT)pTE->a.Channels;
- pTEIA->OutputSamplingFrequency = pTE->a.OutputSamplingFrequency;
- pTEIA->SamplingFreq = pTE->a.SamplingFrequency;
- } else {
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- STDMETHODIMP_(BSTR) CMatroskaSplitterFilter::GetTrackName(UINT aTrackIdx)
- {
- TrackEntry* pTE = GetTrackEntryAt(aTrackIdx);
- if(pTE == NULL)
- return NULL;
- return pTE->Name.AllocSysString();
- }
- STDMETHODIMP_(BSTR) CMatroskaSplitterFilter::GetTrackCodecID(UINT aTrackIdx)
- {
- TrackEntry* pTE = GetTrackEntryAt(aTrackIdx);
- if(pTE == NULL)
- return NULL;
- return pTE->CodecID.ToString().AllocSysString();
- }
- STDMETHODIMP_(BSTR) CMatroskaSplitterFilter::GetTrackCodecName(UINT aTrackIdx)
- {
- TrackEntry* pTE = GetTrackEntryAt(aTrackIdx);
- if(pTE == NULL)
- return NULL;
- return pTE->CodecName.AllocSysString();
- }
- STDMETHODIMP_(BSTR) CMatroskaSplitterFilter::GetTrackCodecInfoURL(UINT aTrackIdx)
- {
- TrackEntry* pTE = GetTrackEntryAt(aTrackIdx);
- if(pTE == NULL)
- return NULL;
- return pTE->CodecInfoURL.AllocSysString();
- }
- STDMETHODIMP_(BSTR) CMatroskaSplitterFilter::GetTrackCodecDownloadURL(UINT aTrackIdx)
- {
- TrackEntry* pTE = GetTrackEntryAt(aTrackIdx);
- if(pTE == NULL)
- return NULL;
- return pTE->CodecDownloadURL.AllocSysString();
- }