- /********************************************************************
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2002 Sven Wiegand <>
- *
- * You can use this and modify this in any way you want,
- *
- * Redistribution is appreciated.
- *
- * $Workfile:$
- * $Revision: 1.2 $
- * $Modtime:$
- * $Author: gabest $
- *
- * Revision History:
- * $History:$
- *
- *********************************************************************/
- #if !defined(AFX_PROPPAGEFRAME_H__B968548B_F0B4_4C35_85DD_C44242A9D368__INCLUDED_)
- #define AFX_PROPPAGEFRAME_H__B968548B_F0B4_4C35_85DD_C44242A9D368__INCLUDED_
- #if _MSC_VER > 1000
- #pragma once
- #endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
- namespace TreePropSheet
- {
- /**
- An object of an CPropertyPageFrame-derived class is used by
- CTreePropSheet to display a frame for the property pages.
- Derived classes have to implement at least the Create() and the
- GetWnd() method, which
- returns a pointer to the CWnd-obect of the window, that has been
- created by the call to the Create() method. An implementation can
- provide the CWnd-object by using it as a property or by deriving
- from CWnd or a more specialiced class. This way has been choosen
- instead of deriving CPropPageFrame from CWnd, to allow derived class
- to derive from more specialized classes than CWnd
- (i.e. CStatic, etc.). From the WM_PAINT-handler of your derived class
- you have to call the Draw()-method.
- Most implementations will also implement the DrawCaption() and
- DrawMsg() methods, to provide custom drawing functionality.
- @author Sven Wiegand
- */
- class /*AFX_EXT_CLASS*/ CPropPageFrame
- {
- // Construction/Destruction
- public:
- CPropPageFrame();
- virtual ~CPropPageFrame();
- // Operations
- public:
- /**
- Has to create a window with the specified properties.
- @param dwWindowStyle
- Standard window styles, to apply to the window to create.
- @param rect
- Position and size of the window to create.
- @param pwndParent
- Parent window. (Never be NULL).
- @param nID
- Window id.
- @return
- TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
- */
- virtual BOOL Create(DWORD dwWindowStyle, const RECT &rect, CWnd *pwndParent, UINT nID) = 0;
- /**
- Returns a pointer to the window object, that represents the frame.
- */
- virtual CWnd* GetWnd() = 0;
- /**
- Enables or disables page caption.
- This default implementation calls the SafeUpdateWindow() method
- with the caption rectangle, to force it to be redrawn.
- */
- virtual void ShowCaption(BOOL bEnable);
- /**
- Returns TRUE if captions are enabled, FALSE otherwise.
- */
- BOOL GetShowCaption() const;
- /**
- Sets the height of the caption in pixels. This value is ignored
- until the caption is enabled by ShowCaption(TRUE).
- This default implementation calls the SafeUpdateWindow() method
- with the caption rectangle, to force it to be redrawn.
- */
- virtual void SetCaptionHeight(int nCaptionHeight);
- /**
- Returns the caption height, that has been most recently set by a
- call to the SetCaptionHeight() method.
- */
- int GetCaptionHeight() const;
- /**
- Sets caption text an icon.
- This default implementation calls the SafeUpdateWindow() method
- with the caption rectangle, to force it to be redrawn.
- @param lpszCaption
- Text to display for the caption.
- @param hIcon
- Icon to display for the caption.
- */
- virtual void SetCaption(LPCTSTR lpszCaption, HICON hIcon = NULL);
- /**
- Returns the caption, that has been set most recently using the
- SetCaption() method.
- @param pIcon
- Pointer to a HICON variable, that should receive the handle of
- the currently set icon or NULL, if there is no icon or a NULL
- pointer, if the caller is not interested in the icon.
- @return
- The text that has been set most recently using the SetCaption()
- method.
- */
- CString GetCaption(HICON *pIcon = NULL) const;
- /**
- Sets the text to display.
- This default implementation calls the SafeUpdateWindow() method
- with the message rectangle, to force it to be redrawn.
- */
- virtual void SetMsgText(LPCTSTR lpszMsg);
- /**
- Returns the text currently displayed.
- */
- CString GetMsgText() const;
- /**
- Specifies the format to draw the text with, set by SetMsgText().
- This default implementation calls the SafeUpdateWindow() method
- with the message rectangle, to force it to be redrawn.
- @param dwFormat
- Combination of the DT_* flags, specified by the Win32 function
- DrawText().
- */
- virtual void SetMsgFormat(DWORD dwFormat);
- /**
- Returns the format to draw the text with, set by SetMsgText().
- @see SetMsgFormat()
- */
- DWORD GetMsgFormat() const;
- // Overridable implementation helpers
- protected:
- /**
- Draws the whole frame including caption (if enabled) and message.
- This method calculates the rectangles for the message area and
- the caption area using the CalcMsgArea() and the CalcCaptionArea()
- methods, draws then the caption calling the DrawCaption() method
- (only if caption is enabled) and afterwards the message calling
- the DrawMsg() method.
- You should call this method from the WM_PAINT-handler of your
- derived class.
- @param pDc
- Device context to draw in.
- */
- virtual void Draw(CDC *pDc);
- /**
- Calculates the area, the message, set by SetMsgText() should be
- displayed in. The returned rectangle (client coordinates) will be
- passed to DrawMsg().
- This default implementation calls the CalcCaptionArea() method,
- substracts the returned rectangle from the client area and returns
- the result.
- */
- virtual CRect CalcMsgArea();
- /**
- Draws the message with the specified format.
- This default implementation draws the given msg using the specified
- properties.
- @param pDc
- Device context to draw in.
- @param rect
- Rectangle to draw the message in.
- @param lpszMsg
- Message to draw.
- @param dwFormat.
- Combination of the DT_* flags, specified by the Win32 function
- DrawText() to draw the message with.
- */
- virtual void DrawMsg(CDC *pDc, CRect rect, LPCTSTR lpszMsg, DWORD dwFormat);
- /**
- Calculates the caption area. The caption area is the rectangular
- range, the current page's caption should be drawn in.
- The caption can be enabled or disabled using the ShowCaption()
- method. This method should return an empty rect, if the caption
- is disabled. If the caption is enabled the height of the rect
- should be as large, as specified by the latest call to the
- SetCaptionHeight() method.
- The rectangle, returned by this method will be passed to the
- DrawCaption() method to draw the caption.
- If the caption is enabled currently, this default implementation
- returns a rectangle, that has the width of the client area and
- the height, specified by the latest call to SetCaptionHeight(),
- starting and y-position 0. If the caption is disabled at the
- moment, this method returns an empty rectangle with the width of
- the client area.
- */
- virtual CRect CalcCaptionArea();
- /**
- Draws the caption.
- This default implementation draws nothing.
- @param pDc
- Device context to draw in.
- @param rect
- Rectangle to draw the caption in.
- @param lpszCaption
- Text to display in the caption.
- @param hIcon
- Icon to display in the caption.
- */
- virtual void DrawCaption(CDC *pDc, CRect rect, LPCTSTR lpszCaption, HICON hIcon);
- // Implementation helpers
- protected:
- /**
- If the m_hWnd property of the CWnd-object returend by GetWnd()
- specifies a valid window, this method will invalidate the specified
- rectangle, to schedule it for repaint, otherwise the method will
- return without doing anything.
- @param lpRect
- Pointer to the rectangular area, that should be marked for
- repainting or NULL, if the whole client area should be marked
- for repainting.
- */
- void SafeUpdateWindow(LPCRECT lpRect = NULL);
- // Properties
- private:
- /** TRUE if the caption should be drawn, FALSE otherwise. */
- BOOL m_bShowCaption;
- /** Height of the caption in pixels, if it is enabled. */
- int m_nCaptionHeight;
- /** Text to display in the caption. */
- CString m_strCaption;
- /**
- Icon to display in the caption or NULL if no icon should be
- displayed.
- */
- HICON m_hCaptionIcon;
- /** Message text to display. */
- CString m_strMsg;
- /** Style to use when drawing the message text m_strMsg. */
- DWORD m_dwMsgFormat;
- };
- } //namespace TreePropSheet
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Microsoft Visual C++ f黦t unmittelbar vor der vorhergehenden Zeile zus鋞zliche Deklarationen ein.
- #endif // AFX_PROPPAGEFRAME_H__B968548B_F0B4_4C35_85DD_C44242A9D368__INCLUDED_