资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* MPEG4 Visual Texture Coding (VTC) Mode Software */
- /* */
- /* This software was jointly developed by the following participants: */
- /* */
- /* Single-quant, multi-quant and flow control */
- /* are provided by Sarnoff Corporation */
- /* Iraj Sodagar (iraj@sarnoff.com) */
- /* Hung-Ju Lee (hjlee@sarnoff.com) */
- /* Paul Hatrack (hatrack@sarnoff.com) */
- /* Shipeng Li (shipeng@sarnoff.com) */
- /* Bing-Bing Chai (bchai@sarnoff.com) */
- /* B.S. Srinivas (bsrinivas@sarnoff.com) */
- /* */
- /* Bi-level is provided by Texas Instruments */
- /* Jie Liang (liang@ti.com) */
- /* */
- /* Shape Coding is provided by OKI Electric Industry Co., Ltd. */
- /* Zhixiong Wu (sgo@hlabs.oki.co.jp) */
- /* Yoshihiro Ueda (yueda@hlabs.oki.co.jp) */
- /* Toshifumi Kanamaru (kanamaru@hlabs.oki.co.jp) */
- /* */
- /* OKI, Sharp, Sarnoff, TI and Microsoft contributed to bitstream */
- /* exchange and bug fixing. */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* In the course of development of the MPEG-4 standard, this software */
- /* module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 tools as */
- /* specified by the MPEG-4 standard. */
- /* */
- /* The copyright of this software belongs to ISO/IEC. ISO/IEC gives use */
- /* of the MPEG-4 standard free license to use this software module or */
- /* modifications thereof for hardware or software products claiming */
- /* conformance to the MPEG-4 standard. */
- /* */
- /* Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software */
- /* products are advised that use may infringe existing patents. The */
- /* original developers of this software module and their companies, the */
- /* subsequent editors and their companies, and ISO/IEC have no liability */
- /* and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software module or */
- /* modification thereof in an implementation. */
- /* */
- /* Permission is granted to MPEG members to use, copy, modify, */
- /* and distribute the software modules ( or portions thereof ) */
- /* for standardization activity within ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11. */
- /* */
- /* Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 ISO/IEC */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /************************************************************/
- /* Sarnoff Very Low Bit Rate Still Image Coder */
- /* Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 Sarnoff Corporation */
- /************************************************************/
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "basic.hpp"
- #include "dataStruct.hpp"
- #include "startcode.hpp"
- #include "bitpack.hpp"
- #include "msg.hpp"
- #include "globals.hpp"
- #include "states.hpp" // hjlee 0901
- CVTCEncoder::CVTCEncoder()
- {
- m_cImagePath = new Char[80];
- m_cSegImagePath = new Char[80];
- m_cOutBitsFile = new Char[80];
- mzte_codec.m_cBitFile = new Char[80];
- }
- CVTCEncoder::~CVTCEncoder()
- {
- delete m_cImagePath;
- delete m_cSegImagePath;
- delete m_cOutBitsFile;
- delete mzte_codec.m_cBitFile;
- }
- //CVTCEncoder::CVTCEncoder(
- Void CVTCEncoder::init(
- Char* cImagePath,
- UInt uiAlphaChannel,
- Char* cSegImagePath,
- UInt uiAlphaTh,
- UInt uiChangeCRDisable,
- Char* cOutBitsFile,
- UInt uiColors,
- UInt uiFrmWidth,
- UInt uiFrmHeight,
- UInt uiWvtType,
- UInt uiWvtDownload, // hjlee 0901
- UInt uiWvtDecmpLev,
- UInt uiWvtUniform, // hjlee 0901
- Int* iWvtFilters, // hjlee 0901
- UInt uiQuantType,
- UInt uiScanDirection,
- Bool bStartCodeEnable,
- UInt uiTargetSpatialLev,
- UInt uiTargetSNRLev,
- UInt uiQdcY,
- UInt uiQdcUV,
- UInt uiSpatialLev ,
- UInt defaultSpatialScale, // hjlee 0901
- Int *lastWvtDecompInSpaLayer, // hjlee 0901
- SNR_PARAM** Qinfo
- )
- {
- // input/output
- strcpy(m_cImagePath,cImagePath);
- strcpy(m_cSegImagePath,cSegImagePath);
- strcpy(m_cOutBitsFile,cOutBitsFile);
- strcpy(mzte_codec.m_cBitFile,cOutBitsFile);
- mzte_codec.m_iAlphaChannel = (int)uiAlphaChannel;
- mzte_codec.m_iAlphaTh = (int)uiAlphaTh;
- mzte_codec.m_iChangeCRDisable = (int)uiChangeCRDisable;
- mzte_codec.m_iBitDepth = 8;
- mzte_codec.m_iColorFormat = 0;
- mzte_codec.m_iColors = (int)uiColors;
- mzte_codec.m_iWidth = (int)uiFrmWidth;
- mzte_codec.m_iHeight = (int)uiFrmHeight;
- mzte_codec.m_iWvtType = (int)uiWvtType;
- mzte_codec.m_iWvtDecmpLev = (int)uiWvtDecmpLev;
- mzte_codec.m_iQuantType = (int)uiQuantType;
- mzte_codec.m_iScanDirection = (int)uiScanDirection;
- mzte_codec.m_bStartCodeEnable = bStartCodeEnable;
- mzte_codec.m_iSpatialLev = (int)uiSpatialLev;
- mzte_codec.m_iTargetSpatialLev = (int)uiTargetSpatialLev;
- mzte_codec.m_iTargetSNRLev = (int)uiTargetSNRLev;
- mzte_codec.m_iWvtDownload = (int)uiWvtDownload; // hjlee 0901
- mzte_codec.m_iWvtUniform = (int)uiWvtUniform;// hjlee 0901
- mzte_codec.m_WvtFilters = (int *)iWvtFilters; // hjlee 0901
- mzte_codec.m_defaultSpatialScale = (int)defaultSpatialScale; // hjlee 0901
- if (uiQuantType == 2) {
- if (uiSpatialLev != uiWvtDecmpLev) {
- /* read in usedefault */
- mzte_codec.m_defaultSpatialScale=(int)defaultSpatialScale;
- if (defaultSpatialScale==0) {
- int spa_lev;
- /* read in spatial layer info */
- for (spa_lev=0; spa_lev<(int)uiSpatialLev-1; ++spa_lev)
- mzte_codec.m_lastWvtDecompInSpaLayer[spa_lev][0]
- = lastWvtDecompInSpaLayer[spa_lev];
- }
- }
- }
- for (int i=0; i<(int)uiColors; i++)
- mzte_codec.m_Qinfo[i] = Qinfo[i];
- mzte_codec.m_iQDC[0] = (int)uiQdcY;
- mzte_codec.m_iQDC[1] = mzte_codec.m_iQDC[2] = (int)uiQdcUV;
- mzte_codec.m_iDCWidth = GetDCWidth();
- mzte_codec.m_iDCHeight = GetDCHeight();
- mzte_codec.m_iSingleBitFile = 1;
- // mzte_codec.m_cBitFile = NULL;
- mzte_codec.m_cBitFileAC = NULL;
- // check parameter
- if (mzte_codec.m_iQuantType==1 && mzte_codec.m_iScanDirection==0)
- mzte_codec.m_bStartCodeEnable = 0;
- }
- /*******************************************************/
- /* Flush buffer and close file. Only and must be used */
- /* by encoder to close bitstream file */
- /*******************************************************/
- Void CVTCEncoder::flush_buffer_file()
- {
- flush_bits();
- flush_bytes();
- }
- Void CVTCEncoder::close_buffer_file(FILE *fp)
- {
- flush_buffer_file();
- fclose(fp);
- }
- //Void CVTCEncoder::header_Enc(FILTER *wvtfilter) // hjlee 0901
- Void CVTCEncoder::header_Enc(FILTER **wvtfilter) // hjlee 0901
- {
- Int texture_object_id=0;
- Int texture_object_layer_shape=mzte_codec.m_iAlphaChannel;
- Int wavelet_stuffing = 0x0f;
- // Int wavelet_upload;
- Int wavelet_uniform; // hjlee 0901
- Int i; // hjlee 0901
- /*------- Write header info to bitstream file -------*/
- emit_bits((UShort)(STILL_TEXTURE_OBJECT_START_CODE>>16), 16);
- emit_bits((UShort)texture_object_id, 16);
- emit_bits((UShort)MARKER_BIT, 1);
- emit_bits((UShort)(mzte_codec.m_iWvtType==0?0:1), 1); // hjlee 0901
- emit_bits((UShort)mzte_codec.m_iWvtDownload, 1); // hjlee 0901
- emit_bits((UShort)mzte_codec.m_iWvtDecmpLev, 4); // hjlee 0901
- emit_bits((UShort)mzte_codec.m_iScanDirection,1);
- emit_bits((UShort)mzte_codec.m_bStartCodeEnable, 1);
- emit_bits((UShort)texture_object_layer_shape, 2);
- emit_bits((UShort)mzte_codec.m_iQuantType, 2);
- /* hjlee 0901 */
- if (mzte_codec.m_iQuantType==2) {
- Int i;
- emit_bits((UShort)mzte_codec.m_iSpatialLev, 4);
- /* Calc number decomp layers for all spatial layers */
- if (mzte_codec.m_iSpatialLev == 1)
- {
- mzte_codec.m_lastWvtDecompInSpaLayer[0][0]=mzte_codec.m_iWvtDecmpLev-1;
- }
- else if (mzte_codec.m_iSpatialLev != mzte_codec.m_iWvtDecmpLev)
- {
- emit_bits((UShort)mzte_codec.m_defaultSpatialScale, 1);
- if (mzte_codec.m_defaultSpatialScale==0)
- {
- /* For the 1st spatial_scalability_levels-1 layers the luma componant
- of lastWvtDecompInSpaLayer should have been filled in from the
- parameter file. */
- for (i=0; i<mzte_codec.m_iSpatialLev-1; ++i)
- emit_bits((UShort)mzte_codec.m_lastWvtDecompInSpaLayer[i][0], 4);
- mzte_codec.m_lastWvtDecompInSpaLayer[mzte_codec.m_iSpatialLev-1][0]
- =mzte_codec.m_iWvtDecmpLev-1;
- }
- else
- {
- Int sp0;
- sp0=mzte_codec.m_iWvtDecmpLev-mzte_codec.m_iSpatialLev;
- mzte_codec.m_lastWvtDecompInSpaLayer[0][0]=sp0;
- for (i=1; i<mzte_codec.m_iSpatialLev; ++i)
- mzte_codec.m_lastWvtDecompInSpaLayer[i][0]=sp0+i;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (i=0; i<mzte_codec.m_iSpatialLev; ++i)
- mzte_codec.m_lastWvtDecompInSpaLayer[i][0]=i;
- }
- /* Calculate for chroma (one less than luma) */
- for (i=0; i<mzte_codec.m_iSpatialLev; ++i)
- mzte_codec.m_lastWvtDecompInSpaLayer[i][1]
- =mzte_codec.m_lastWvtDecompInSpaLayer[i][2]
- =mzte_codec.m_lastWvtDecompInSpaLayer[i][0]-1;
- }
- if (mzte_codec.m_iWvtDownload == 1) {
- // hjlee 0901
- wavelet_uniform = (mzte_codec.m_iWvtUniform!=0)?1:0;
- emit_bits((UShort)wavelet_uniform, 1);
- if(wavelet_uniform) {
- upload_wavelet_filters(wvtfilter[0]);
- }
- else {
- for(i=0;i<mzte_codec.m_iWvtDecmpLev;i++)
- upload_wavelet_filters(wvtfilter[i]);
- }
- }
- emit_bits((UShort)wavelet_stuffing, 3);
- if (texture_object_layer_shape == 0x00) {
- emit_bits((UShort)mzte_codec.m_iRealWidth, 15);
- emit_bits((UShort)MARKER_BIT, 1);
- emit_bits((UShort)mzte_codec.m_iRealHeight, 15);
- emit_bits((UShort)MARKER_BIT, 1);
- }
- else { /* Arbitrary shape info, SL */
- emit_bits((UShort)mzte_codec.m_iOriginX, 15); /*horizontal_ref */
- emit_bits((UShort)MARKER_BIT, 1); /* marker_bit */
- emit_bits((UShort)mzte_codec.m_iOriginY, 15); /*vertical_ref */
- emit_bits((UShort)MARKER_BIT, 1); /* marker_bit */
- emit_bits((UShort)mzte_codec.m_iWidth, 15); /* object_width */
- emit_bits((UShort)MARKER_BIT, 1); /* marker_bit */
- emit_bits((UShort)mzte_codec.m_iHeight, 15); /* object_height */
- emit_bits((UShort)MARKER_BIT, 1); /* marker_bit */
- noteProgress("Merge Shape Bitstream ....");
- // MergeShapeBitstream();
- }
- }
- /**********************************************************/
- /* put quant value and maximums on the bitstream */
- /* put quant value and maximums on the bitstream */
- Void CVTCEncoder::Put_Quant_and_Max(SNR_IMAGE *snr_image, Int spaLayer, Int color)
- {
- /* put quant value and maximums on the bitstream */
- put_param(snr_image->quant, 7);
- // emit_bits((UShort)MARKER_BIT, 1); // 1124
- {
- Int l;
- for (l=0; l<=mzte_codec.m_lastWvtDecompInSpaLayer[spaLayer][color];++l)
- {
- emit_bits((UShort)snr_image->wvtDecompNumBitPlanes[l],5);
- if (((l+1) % 4) == 0)
- emit_bits((UShort)MARKER_BIT, 1);
- }
- }
- }
- // hjlee 0901
- Void CVTCEncoder::Put_Quant_and_Max_SQBB(SNR_IMAGE *snr_image, Int spaLayer,
- Int color)
- {
- /* put quant value and maximums on the bitstream */
- if ((color==0 && spaLayer==0) || (color>0 && spaLayer==1))
- put_param(snr_image->quant, 7);
- if (color==0)
- emit_bits((UShort)snr_image->wvtDecompNumBitPlanes[spaLayer],5);
- else if (spaLayer)
- emit_bits((UShort)snr_image->wvtDecompNumBitPlanes[spaLayer-1],5);
- }
- /**********************************************************/
- Void CVTCEncoder::textureLayerDC_Enc()
- {
- Int col, err;
- noteProgress("Encoding DC coefficients....");
- for (col=0; col<mzte_codec.m_iColors; col++)
- {
- /* Set global color variable */
- mzte_codec.m_iCurColor=col;
- /* initialize DC coefficient info */
- if ((err=ztqInitDC(0, col)))
- errorHandler("ztqInitDC");
- /* quantize DC coefficients */
- if ((err=encQuantizeDC(col)))
- errorHandler("encQuantizeDC");
- /* losslessly encoding DC coefficients */
- wavelet_dc_encode(col);
- // writeStats();
- }
- noteProgress("Completed encoding DC coefficients.");
- }
- /**********************************************************/
- Void CVTCEncoder::TextureSpatialLayerSQNSC_enc(Int spa_lev)
- {
- Int col;
- SNR_IMAGE *snr_image; // hjlee 0901
- /* hjlee 0901 */
- /* hjlee 0827 */
- for (col=0; col<mzte_codec.m_iColors; col++) {
- snr_image = &(mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[col].SNRlayer.snr_image);
- Put_Quant_and_Max_SQBB(snr_image, spa_lev, col);
- }
- for (col=0; col<mzte_codec.m_iColors; col++) {
- noteProgress("Single-Quant Mode (Band by Band) - Spatial %d, SNR 0, "
- "Color %d",spa_lev,col);
- mzte_codec.m_iCurColor = col;
- if (spa_lev !=0 || col ==0) {
- wavelet_higher_bands_encode_SQ_band(col);
- }
- }
- }
- Void CVTCEncoder::TextureSpatialLayerSQ_enc(Int spa_lev, FILE *bitfile)
- {
- Char fname[100]; // hjlee
- /*------- AC: Open and initialize bitstream file -------*/
- if (mzte_codec.m_iSingleBitFile==0)
- {
- sprintf(fname,mzte_codec.m_cBitFileAC,spa_lev,0);
- if ((bitfile=fopen(fname,"wb"))==NULL)
- errorHandler("Can't open file '%s' for writing.",fname);
- }
- /* initialize the buffer */
- init_bit_packing_fp(bitfile,1);
- /*------- AC: Write header info to bitstream file -------*/
- emit_bits(TEXTURE_SPATIAL_LAYER_START_CODE >> 16, 16);
- emit_bits(spa_lev, 5);
- TextureSpatialLayerSQNSC_enc(spa_lev);
- /*------- AC: Close bitstream file -------*/
- if (mzte_codec.m_iSingleBitFile)
- flush_buffer_file();
- else
- close_buffer_file(bitfile);
- }
- Void CVTCEncoder::textureLayerSQ_Enc(FILE *bitfile)
- {
- Int col, err, spa_lev;
- SNR_IMAGE *snr_image;
- noteProgress("Encoding AC coefficients - Single-Quant Mode....");
- /*------- AC: Set spatial and SNR levels to zero -------*/
- mzte_codec.m_iCurSpatialLev = 0;
- mzte_codec.m_iCurSNRLev = 0;
- // mzte_codec.m_iSpatialLev=1; // hjlee 0901
- setSpatialLayerDimsSQ(0); // hjlee 0901
- for (col=0; col<mzte_codec.m_iColors; col++)
- {
- snr_image=&(mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[col].SNRlayer.snr_image);
- /* Set global color variable */
- mzte_codec.m_iCurColor = col;
- snr_image->quant = mzte_codec.m_Qinfo[col][0].Quant[0];
- /* initialization of spatial dimensions for each color component */
- setSpatialLevelAndDimensions(0, col);
- /* initialize AC coefficient info for each color component */
- if ((err=ztqInitAC(0, col)))
- errorHandler("ztqInitAC");
- /* quantize and mark zerotree structure for AC coefficients */
- if ((err=encQuantizeAndMarkAC(col)))
- errorHandler("encQuantizeAndMarkAC");
- }
- /*------- AC: encode all color components -------*/
- if (mzte_codec.m_iScanDirection==0) /* tree-depth scan */
- {
- /* put quant value and maximums on the bitstream */
- for(col=0;col<mzte_codec.m_iColors; col++){
- snr_image=&(mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[col].SNRlayer.snr_image);
- Put_Quant_and_Max(snr_image,0,col); // hjlee 0901
- }
- /* losslessly encoding AC coefficients */
- wavelet_higher_bands_encode_SQ_tree();
- }
- else /* band by band scan */
- {
- setSpatialLayerDimsSQ(1); // hjlee 0901
- /* Assumes all three color components have the same number of SNR
- levels */
- for (col=0; col<mzte_codec.m_iColors; col++)
- mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[col].SNR_scalability_levels = 1;
- /* Loop through spatial layers */
- for (spa_lev=0; spa_lev<mzte_codec.m_iSpatialLev;
- spa_lev++)
- {
- mzte_codec.m_iCurSpatialLev=spa_lev;
- for (col=0; col<mzte_codec.m_iColors; col++)
- setSpatialLevelAndDimensions(spa_lev,col);
- /*----- AC: Set global spatial layer. -----*/
- mzte_codec.m_iCurSpatialLev = spa_lev;
- /* Update spatial level coeff info if changing spatial levels.
- Do this for all color components */
- if (mzte_codec.m_bStartCodeEnable) {
- TextureSpatialLayerSQ_enc(spa_lev,bitfile);
- }
- else
- TextureSpatialLayerSQNSC_enc(spa_lev);
- }
- }
- /* store the max snr_lev and spa_lev so that the decoder can
- decode the bitstream up to the max level. */
- mzte_codec.m_iTargetSpatialLev = 1;
- mzte_codec.m_iTargetSNRLev = 1;
- noteProgress("Completed encoding AC coefficients - Single-Quant Mode.");
- }
- /**********************************************************/
- Void CVTCEncoder::TextureSNRLayerMQ_encode(Int spa_lev, Int snr_lev, FILE *fp)
- {
- SNR_IMAGE *snr_image;
- Int col;
- static Int texture_snr_layer_id=0;
- if(mzte_codec.m_bStartCodeEnable){
- noteProgress("Encoding Multi-Quant Mode Layer with SNR start code....");
- /* header */
- emit_bits((UShort)texture_snr_layer_start_code>>16,16);
- emit_bits((UShort)texture_snr_layer_start_code,16);
- emit_bits((UShort)texture_snr_layer_id++,5);
- }
- else
- noteProgress("Encoding Multi-Quant Mode Layer without SNR start code....");
- noteProgress("Multi-Quant Mode - Spatial %d, SNR %d", spa_lev,snr_lev);
- for(col=0;
- col < NCOL;
- col++)
- {
- noteDetail("width=%d height=%d",mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[col].width,
- mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[col].height);
- /* Set global color variable */
- mzte_codec.m_iCurColor = col;
- /* Set quant value */
- snr_image=&(mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[col].SNRlayer.snr_image);
- snr_image->quant = mzte_codec.m_Qinfo[col][spa_lev].Quant[snr_lev];
- noteDebug("AC quant=%d",
- mzte_codec.m_Qinfo[col][spa_lev].Quant[snr_lev]);
- /* initialization of spatial dimensions for each color component */
- if (snr_lev==0)
- setSpatialLevelAndDimensions(spa_lev, col);
- /* get maximum residual value - this one is derived from user Q inputs not
- actual values. Also assign skip modes. */
- updateResidMaxAndAssignSkips(col);
- noteDebug("resid_max=%dn",snr_image->residual_max);
- /* quantize and mark zerotree structure for AC coefficients */
- if (encQuantizeAndMarkAC(col))
- errorHandler("encQuantizeAndMarkAC");
- // Put_Quant_and_Max(snr_image); // hjlee 0901
- Put_Quant_and_Max(snr_image,spa_lev,col); // hjlee 0901
- }
- wavelet_higher_bands_encode_MQ(mzte_codec.m_iScanDirection);
- for(col=0;
- col < NCOL;
- col++)
- {
- /* Set global color variable */
- mzte_codec.m_iCurColor = col;
- /* Update states of AC coefficients */
- if (encUpdateStateAC(mzte_codec.m_iCurColor))
- errorHandler("encUpdateStateAC");
- }
- }
- Void CVTCEncoder::textureLayerMQ_Enc(FILE *bitfile)
- {
- Int err, spa_lev, snr_lev=0, snr_scalability_levels;
- Char fname[100]; // hjlee
- getSpatialLayerDims(); // hjlee 0901
- // hjlee 0901
- /*------- AC: Initialize QList Structure -------*/
- if ((err=ztqQListInit()))
- errorHandler("Allocating memory for QList information.");
- /* Initialize coeffs */
- setSpatialLevelAndDimensions(0,0);
- if ((err=ztqInitAC(0,0)))
- errorHandler("ztqInitAC");
- if (mzte_codec.m_iColors > 1)
- {
- if (mzte_codec.m_lastWvtDecompInSpaLayer[0][1]<0)
- setSpatialLevelAndDimensions(1,1);
- else
- setSpatialLevelAndDimensions(0,1);
- if ((err=ztqInitAC(0,1)))
- errorHandler("ztqInitAC");
- }
- if (mzte_codec.m_iColors > 2)
- {
- if (mzte_codec.m_lastWvtDecompInSpaLayer[0][2]<0)
- setSpatialLevelAndDimensions(1,2);
- else
- setSpatialLevelAndDimensions(0,2);
- if ((err=ztqInitAC(0,2)))
- errorHandler("ztqInitAC");
- }
- /* Loop through spatial layers */
- for (spa_lev=0; spa_lev<mzte_codec.m_iSpatialLev;
- spa_lev++)
- {
- /*----- AC: Set global spatial layer and SNR scalability level. -----*/
- /* Assumes all three color components have the same number of SNR
- levels */
- mzte_codec.m_iCurSpatialLev = spa_lev;
- mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[0].SNR_scalability_levels =
- mzte_codec.m_Qinfo[0][spa_lev].SNR_scalability_levels;
- snr_scalability_levels = mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[0].SNR_scalability_levels;
- /* Update spatial level coeff info if changing spatial levels.
- Do this for all color components. */
- if (spa_lev != 0)
- {
- for (mzte_codec.m_iCurColor = 0; mzte_codec.m_iCurColor<mzte_codec.m_iColors;
- mzte_codec.m_iCurColor++)
- {
- setSpatialLevelAndDimensions(mzte_codec.m_iCurSpatialLev,
- mzte_codec.m_iCurColor);
- // hjlee 0901
- if (mzte_codec.m_lastWvtDecompInSpaLayer[spa_lev-1][mzte_codec.m_iCurColor]
- >=0)
- spatialLayerChangeUpdate(mzte_codec.m_iCurColor);
- }
- }
- if (!mzte_codec.m_bStartCodeEnable)
- /*------- AC: Write header info to bitstream file -------*/
- emit_bits(snr_scalability_levels, 5);
- /* Loop through SNR layers */
- for (snr_lev=0; snr_lev<snr_scalability_levels; snr_lev++)
- {
- /*----- AC: Set global SNR layer -----*/
- mzte_codec.m_iCurSNRLev = snr_lev;
- if (mzte_codec.m_bStartCodeEnable)
- {
- /*------- AC: Open and initialize bitstream file -------*/
- if (mzte_codec.m_iSingleBitFile==0)
- {
- sprintf(fname,mzte_codec.m_cBitFileAC,
- mzte_codec.m_iCurSpatialLev, mzte_codec.m_iCurSNRLev);
- if ((bitfile=fopen(fname,"wb"))==NULL)
- errorHandler("Can't open file '%s' for writing.",fname);
- }
- /* initialize the buffer */
- init_bit_packing_fp(bitfile,1);
- if (snr_lev==0) {
- /*------- AC: Write header info to bitstream file -------*/
- emit_bits(TEXTURE_SPATIAL_LAYER_START_CODE >> 16, 16);
- emit_bits(spa_lev, 5);
- emit_bits(snr_scalability_levels, 5);
- flush_bits(); /* byte alignment before start code */
- }
- }
- /*------- AC: Quantize and encode all color components -------*/
- TextureSNRLayerMQ_encode(spa_lev, snr_lev, bitfile);
- if (mzte_codec.m_bStartCodeEnable)
- {
- if (mzte_codec.m_iSingleBitFile)
- flush_buffer_file();
- else
- close_buffer_file(bitfile);
- }
- } /* snr_lev */
- } /* spa_lev */
- /* store the max snr_lev and spa_lev so that the decoder can
- decode the bitstream up to the max level. */
- mzte_codec.m_iTargetSpatialLev = spa_lev;
- mzte_codec.m_iTargetSNRLev = snr_lev;
- /*------- AC: Free Qlist structure -------*/
- ztqQListExit();
- }
- /**********************************************************/
- Void CVTCEncoder::TextureObjectLayer_enc(FILTER **wvtfilter)
- //Void CVTCEncoder::TextureObjectLayer_enc(FILTER *wvtfilter) // hjlee 0901
- {
- FILE *bitfile;
- /*------- DC: Open and initialize bitstream file -------*/
- if ((bitfile=fopen(mzte_codec.m_cBitFile,"wb"))==NULL)
- errorHandler("Can't open file '%s' for writing.",
- mzte_codec.m_cBitFile);
- /* for PEZW, always enabled */
- if (mzte_codec.m_iQuantType == BILEVEL_Q)
- mzte_codec.m_bStartCodeEnable = 1;
- /* initialize variables */
- init_bit_packing_fp(bitfile,1);
- /* Write header info to bitstream */
- header_Enc(wvtfilter);
- /*------- DC: Quantize and encode all color components -------*/
- textureLayerDC_Enc();
- /*------- DC: Close bitstream file -------*/
- /* hjlee 001 */
- if (mzte_codec.m_bStartCodeEnable){
- if(mzte_codec.m_iSingleBitFile)
- flush_buffer_file();
- else
- close_buffer_file(bitfile);
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------*/
- /*--------------------- AC ------------------------*/
- /*-------------------------------------------------*/
- /*------- AC: SINGLE-QUANT MODE -------*/
- if (mzte_codec.m_iQuantType == SINGLE_Q)
- textureLayerSQ_Enc(bitfile);
- /*------- AC: MULTI-QUANT MODE -------*/
- else if (mzte_codec.m_iQuantType == MULTIPLE_Q)
- textureLayerMQ_Enc(bitfile);
- else if (mzte_codec.m_iQuantType == BILEVEL_Q) {
- textureLayerBQ_Enc(bitfile);
- }
- if (mzte_codec.m_iSingleBitFile){
- if(!mzte_codec.m_bStartCodeEnable)
- close_buffer_file(bitfile);
- else
- fclose(bitfile);
- }
- }
- /**************************************************************/
- Void CVTCEncoder::encode()
- {
- FILTER **synfilter,**anafilter; // hjlee 0901
- Int i; // hjlee 0901
- // allocate memory for source image
- mzte_codec.m_Image = new PICTURE[3];
- // hjlee 0901
- anafilter = (FILTER **) malloc(sizeof(FILTER *)*mzte_codec.m_iWvtDecmpLev);
- synfilter = (FILTER **) malloc(sizeof(FILTER *)*mzte_codec.m_iWvtDecmpLev);
- if(anafilter == NULL || synfilter == NULL)
- errorHandler("Error allocating memory for filtersn");
- for(i=0;i<mzte_codec.m_iWvtDecmpLev; i++) {
- choose_wavelet_filter(&(anafilter[i]),
- &(synfilter[mzte_codec.m_iWvtDecmpLev-1-i]),
- mzte_codec.m_WvtFilters[mzte_codec.m_iWvtUniform?0:i]);
- }
- // read source image
- read_image( m_cImagePath,
- mzte_codec.m_iWidth,
- mzte_codec.m_iHeight,
- mzte_codec.m_iColors,
- 8,
- mzte_codec.m_Image
- );
- if (mzte_codec.m_iAlphaChannel != 0) { // arbitrary shape coding
- // allocate meory for segmentation
- mzte_codec.m_SegImage = new PICTURE[3];
- // read the segmentation map of the source image */
- mzte_codec.m_iAlphaChannel = read_segimage(m_cSegImagePath,
- mzte_codec.m_Image[0].width,
- mzte_codec.m_Image[0].height,
- mzte_codec.m_iColors,
- mzte_codec.m_Image);
- }
- get_virtual_image(mzte_codec.m_Image,
- mzte_codec.m_iWvtDecmpLev,
- mzte_codec.m_iAlphaChannel,
- mzte_codec.m_iColors,
- mzte_codec.m_iAlphaTh,
- mzte_codec.m_iChangeCRDisable,
- anafilter[0]);
- int col;
- for (/*int*/ col=0; col<mzte_codec.m_iColors; col++) {
- mzte_codec.m_Image[col].height = mzte_codec.m_iHeight >> (Int)(col>0);
- mzte_codec.m_Image[col].width = mzte_codec.m_iWidth >> (Int)(col>0);
- }
- mzte_codec.m_iAcmOrder = 0;
- mzte_codec.m_iAcmMaxFreqChg = 0;
- init_acm_maxf_enc();
- // fprintf(stdout,"init ac model!n");
- int height;
- int width;
- for (col=0; col<mzte_codec.m_iColors; col++) {
- height = mzte_codec.m_Image[col].height;
- width = mzte_codec.m_Image[col].width;
- mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[col].coeffinfo = new COEFFINFO * [height];
- if (mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[col].coeffinfo == NULL)
- exit(fprintf(stderr,"Allocating memory for coefficient structure (I)."));
- mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[col].coeffinfo[0] = new COEFFINFO [height*width];
- if (mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[col].coeffinfo[0] == NULL)
- exit(fprintf(stderr,"Allocating memory for coefficient structure (II)."));
- int y;
- for (/* int*/ y = 1; y < height; ++y)
- mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[col].coeffinfo[y] =
- mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[col].coeffinfo[y-1]+width;
- for (y=0; y<height; y++)
- for (int x=0; x<width; x++) {
- mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[col].coeffinfo[y][x].skip =0;
- }
- }
- // fprintf(stdout,"Coeffinfo memory allocation done!n");
- noteProgress("Wavelet Transform....");
- // choose_wavelet_filter(&anafilter, &synfilter, mzte_codec.m_iWvtType); // hjlee 0901
- perform_DWT(anafilter);
- noteProgress("Completed wavelet transform.");
- TextureObjectLayer_enc(synfilter);
- /*----- free up coeff data structure -----*/
- noteDetail("Freeing up encoding data structures....");
- for (col=0; col<mzte_codec.m_iColors; col++) {
- if (mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[col].coeffinfo[0] != NULL)
- delete (mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[col].coeffinfo[0]);
- mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[col].coeffinfo[0] = NULL;
- if (mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[col].coeffinfo)
- delete (mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[col].coeffinfo);
- mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[col].coeffinfo = NULL;
- }
- noteDetail("Completed freeing up encoding data structures.");
- noteProgress("n----- Encoding Completed. -----n");
- }