- MPCINFO.DLL by Gabest
- MPCINFO.TXT by Krofinzki
- The dll file reads information from Media Player Classic. Wich is a great player!
- It can be downloaded from:
- This textfile explains how to use mpcinfo.dll with mIRC.
- Functions Explained:
- -------------------
- file $dll(mpcinfo.dll,file,) returns:
- File name, with path.
- Use $nopath($dll(mpcinfo.dll,file,)) if you don't want the path
- size $dll(mpcinfo.dll,size,) returns:
- Size of the file being played (in bytes)
- pos $dll(mpcinfo.dll,pos,) returns:
- Current position of the playback in position/duration form
- Example: 01:34/02:46
- info $dll(mpcinfo.dll,info,)
- All-in-one, "file, size, pos"
- running $dll(mpcinfo.dll,running,) returns:
- 0: File opened, state wrong
- 1: File opened, state matching
- 2: Nothing is opened, or mpc is not running
- stopped $dll(mpcinfo.dll,stopped,) returns:
- 0: File opened, state wrong
- 1: File opened, state matching
- 2: Nothing is opened, or mpc is not running
- paused $dll(mpcinfo.dll,paused,) returns:
- 0: File opened, state wrong
- 1: File opened, state matching
- 2: Nothing is opened, or mpc is not running
- Combined Example:
- ----------------
- Add the following in remotes (Alt+R)
- alias mplayerc {
- if ($dll(mpcinfo.dll,running,) != 2) {
- if ($dll(mpcinfo.dll,file,) != $null) { me watches: $nopath($dll(mpcinfo.dll,file,)) ( $+ $dll(mpcinfo.dll,pos,) $+ ) Size: $round($calc($dll(mpcinfo.dll,size,) / 1024 / 1024 ),1) mb }
- else { echo -a *** Couldn't retrive MplayerC information }
- halt
- }
- else { echo -a *** Media Player Classic is not running }
- }
- Then type /mplayerc in mIRC (Also make sure your playing something in MPC :p)