- /*
- File: NSL.h
- Contains: Interface to API for using the NSL Manager
- Version: Technology: Mac OS 8.5
- Release: QuickTime 6.0.2
- Copyright: (c) 1985-2001 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved
- Bugs?: For bug reports, consult the following page on
- the World Wide Web:
- http://developer.apple.com/bugreporter/
- */
- #ifndef __NSL__
- #define __NSL__
- #ifndef __CODEFRAGMENTS__
- #include "CodeFragments.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __EVENTS__
- #include "Events.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __THREADS__
- #include "Threads.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __MACERRORS__
- #include "MacErrors.h"
- #endif
- #pragma once
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #pragma import on
- #endif
- #pragma options align=mac68k
- #pragma pack(push, 2)
- #pragma pack(2)
- #endif
- enum {
- kNSLMinSystemVersion = 0x0900, /* equivalent to 9.0*/
- kNSLMinOTVersion = 0x0130 /* equivalent to 1.3*/
- };
- enum {
- kNSLDefaultListSize = 256 /* default list size for service and protocol lists*/
- };
- enum {
- kNSLURLDelimiter = ',' /* delimits URL's within memory buffers*/
- };
- #define kNSLErrorNoErr {noErr, kNSLNoContext} /* an initializer for the NSLError struct */
- enum {
- kNSLNoContext = 0 /* the default context for NSLError structs*/
- };
- struct NSLError {
- OSStatus theErr;
- UInt32 theContext;
- };
- typedef struct NSLError NSLError;
- typedef NSLError * NSLErrorPtr;
- enum {
- /* Constants to use with NSLPrepareRequest*/
- /* kNSLDuplicateSearchInProgress is not strictly an error. The client is free to ignore*/
- /* this result, and nothing bad will happen if it does. It is*/
- /* informational only.*/
- kNSLDuplicateSearchInProgress = 100,
- kNSLUserCanceled = userCanceledErr, /* User hit cancel from the NSLStandardGetURL dialog */
- /* Invalid enumeratorRef */
- kNSLInvalidEnumeratorRef = 0 /* this is not an error; it is the equiv to a NULL ptr*/
- };
- typedef UInt16 NSLSearchState;
- enum {
- /* State codes for notifiers.*/
- kNSLSearchStateBufferFull = 1,
- kNSLSearchStateOnGoing = 2,
- kNSLSearchStateComplete = 3,
- kNSLSearchStateStalled = 4,
- kNSLWaitingForContinue = 5
- };
- typedef UInt32 NSLEventCode;
- enum {
- /* Event codes*/
- kNSLServicesLookupDataEvent = 6,
- kNSLNeighborhoodLookupDataEvent = 7,
- kNSLNewDataEvent = 8,
- kNSLContinueLookupEvent = 9
- };
- typedef UInt32 NSLClientRef;
- typedef UInt32 NSLRequestRef;
- typedef UInt32 NSLOneBasedIndex;
- typedef char * NSLPath;
- typedef char * NSLServiceType;
- typedef Handle NSLServicesList;
- typedef unsigned char * NSLNeighborhood;
- /*
- cstring which is a comma delimited list of protocols which can be used to
- create a NSLProtocolList internally
- */
- typedef UInt32 NSLDialogOptionFlags;
- enum {
- kNSLDefaultNSLDlogOptions = 0x00000000, /* use defaults for all the options */
- kNSLNoURLTEField = 0x00000001 /* don't show url text field for manual entry */
- };
- struct NSLDialogOptions {
- UInt16 version;
- NSLDialogOptionFlags dialogOptionFlags; /* option flags for affecting the dialog's behavior */
- Str255 windowTitle;
- Str255 actionButtonLabel; /* label of the default button (or null string for default) */
- Str255 cancelButtonLabel; /* label of the cancel button (or null string for default) */
- Str255 message; /* custom message prompt (or null string for default) */
- };
- typedef struct NSLDialogOptions NSLDialogOptions;
- /* the async information block for client<->manager interaction*/
- struct NSLClientAsyncInfo {
- void * clientContextPtr; /* set by the client for its own use*/
- void * mgrContextPtr; /* set by NSL mgr; ptr to request object ptr*/
- char * resultBuffer;
- long bufferLen;
- long maxBufferSize;
- UInt32 startTime; /* when the search starts, to use with maxSearchTime to determine time-out condition*/
- UInt32 intStartTime; /* used with alertInterval*/
- UInt32 maxSearchTime; /* total time for search, in ticks (0 == no time limit)*/
- UInt32 alertInterval; /* call client's notifier or return, every this many ticks ( 0 == don't use this param)*/
- UInt32 totalItems; /* total number of tuples currently in buffer*/
- UInt32 alertThreshold; /* call client's notifier or return, every this many items found ( 0 == don't use this param)*/
- NSLSearchState searchState;
- NSLError searchResult;
- NSLEventCode searchDataType; /* this is a data type code which allows the client's asyncNotifier to properly*/
- /* handle the data in resultBuffer.*/
- };
- typedef struct NSLClientAsyncInfo NSLClientAsyncInfo;
- typedef NSLClientAsyncInfo * NSLClientAsyncInfoPtr;
- /* the async information block plugin<->manager interaction*/
- struct NSLPluginAsyncInfo {
- void * mgrContextPtr; /* set by NSL mgr; ptr to request object ptr*/
- void * pluginContextPtr; /* set/used by individual plugins*/
- void * pluginPtr; /* ptr to the plugin object waiting for continue lookup call*/
- char * resultBuffer; /* set by plugin to point at data*/
- long bufferLen;
- long maxBufferSize;
- UInt32 maxSearchTime; /* total time for search, in ticks (0 == no time limit)*/
- UInt32 reserved1;
- UInt32 reserved2;
- UInt32 reserved3;
- NSLClientRef clientRef;
- NSLRequestRef requestRef;
- NSLSearchState searchState;
- OSStatus searchResult;
- };
- typedef struct NSLPluginAsyncInfo NSLPluginAsyncInfo;
- typedef NSLPluginAsyncInfo * NSLPluginAsyncInfoPtr;
- /* the mgr asynchronous notifier routine.*/
- typedef CALLBACK_API( void , NSLMgrNotifyProcPtr )(NSLPluginAsyncInfo *thePluginAsyncInfo);
- /* the client asynchronous notifier routine.*/
- typedef CALLBACK_API( void , NSLClientNotifyProcPtr )(NSLClientAsyncInfo *theClientAsyncInfo);
- typedef STACK_UPP_TYPE(NSLMgrNotifyProcPtr) NSLMgrNotifyUPP;
- typedef STACK_UPP_TYPE(NSLClientNotifyProcPtr) NSLClientNotifyUPP;
- NewNSLMgrNotifyUPP (NSLMgrNotifyProcPtr userRoutine);
- NewNSLClientNotifyUPP (NSLClientNotifyProcPtr userRoutine);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- DisposeNSLMgrNotifyUPP (NSLMgrNotifyUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- DisposeNSLClientNotifyUPP (NSLClientNotifyUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- InvokeNSLMgrNotifyUPP (NSLPluginAsyncInfo * thePluginAsyncInfo,
- NSLMgrNotifyUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- InvokeNSLClientNotifyUPP (NSLClientAsyncInfo * theClientAsyncInfo,
- NSLClientNotifyUPP userUPP);
- #else
- enum { uppNSLMgrNotifyProcInfo = 0x000000C0 }; /* pascal no_return_value Func(4_bytes) */
- enum { uppNSLClientNotifyProcInfo = 0x000000C0 }; /* pascal no_return_value Func(4_bytes) */
- #define NewNSLMgrNotifyUPP(userRoutine) (NSLMgrNotifyUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppNSLMgrNotifyProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
- #define NewNSLClientNotifyUPP(userRoutine) (NSLClientNotifyUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppNSLClientNotifyProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
- #define DisposeNSLMgrNotifyUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
- #define DisposeNSLClientNotifyUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
- #define InvokeNSLMgrNotifyUPP(thePluginAsyncInfo, userUPP) CALL_ONE_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppNSLMgrNotifyProcInfo, (thePluginAsyncInfo))
- #define InvokeNSLClientNotifyUPP(theClientAsyncInfo, userUPP) CALL_ONE_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppNSLClientNotifyProcInfo, (theClientAsyncInfo))
- #endif
- /* support for pre-Carbon UPP routines: NewXXXProc and CallXXXProc */
- #define NewNSLMgrNotifyProc(userRoutine) NewNSLMgrNotifyUPP(userRoutine)
- #define NewNSLClientNotifyProc(userRoutine) NewNSLClientNotifyUPP(userRoutine)
- #define CallNSLMgrNotifyProc(userRoutine, thePluginAsyncInfo) InvokeNSLMgrNotifyUPP(thePluginAsyncInfo, userRoutine)
- #define CallNSLClientNotifyProc(userRoutine, theClientAsyncInfo) InvokeNSLClientNotifyUPP(theClientAsyncInfo, userRoutine)
- /*
- this struct is a format for dealing with our internal data representation. Typed data will be contiguous chunk of
- memory, with the first 4 bytes being a data "descriptor".
- */
- struct NSLTypedData {
- unsigned long dataType;
- unsigned long lengthOfData;
- /* void* theData; */
- };
- typedef struct NSLTypedData NSLTypedData;
- typedef NSLTypedData * NSLTypedDataPtr;
- #define kNSLDataType 'NSL_'
- /*
- This is just a header at the beginning of a handle that stores our list of service types.
- Each service type is a pascal string, so each service type starts after the end of the
- previous one.
- */
- struct NSLServicesListHeader {
- unsigned long numServices;
- unsigned long logicalLen; /* length of all usable data in handle*/
- /* Ptr firstService; */
- };
- typedef struct NSLServicesListHeader NSLServicesListHeader;
- typedef NSLServicesListHeader * NSLServicesListHeaderPtr;
- /* some defs for common protocols*/
- #define kSLPProtocolType "SLP"
- #define kDNSProtocolType "DNS"
- #define kLDAPProtocolType "LDAP"
- #define kNBPProtocolType "NBP"
- /*
- general information from a plug-in. Includes supported protocols, data types and services,
- as well as an info/comment string describing the function of the plug-in in human-readable
- form. The offsets point to the beginning of each list of data returned, and the protocol
- data offset is the startOfData member of the struct
- */
- struct NSLPluginData {
- long reserved1;
- long reserved2;
- long reserved3;
- Boolean supportsRegistration;
- Boolean isPurgeable;
- UInt16 totalLen; /* length of everything, including header*/
- UInt16 dataTypeOffset;
- UInt16 serviceListOffset;
- UInt16 protocolListOffset;
- UInt16 commentStringOffset;
- /* char* startOfData; */
- /* protocol data is first on the list*/
- };
- typedef struct NSLPluginData NSLPluginData;
- typedef NSLPluginData * NSLPluginDataPtr;
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Finding out if the library is present and getting its version
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- EXTERN_API( UInt32 )
- NSLLibraryVersion (void);
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- inline pascal Boolean NSLLibraryPresent() { return NSLLibraryVersion != (void*)kUnresolvedCFragSymbolAddress; }
- #else
- #define NSLLibraryPresent() ((NSLLibraryVersion != (void*)kUnresolvedCFragSymbolAddress))
- #endif
- typedef CALLBACK_API( Boolean , NSLURLFilterProcPtr )(char *url, Str255 displayString)/* optional filter function */;
- /* you can provide for calls to NSLStandardGetURL*/
- typedef CALLBACK_API( void , NSLEventProcPtr )(EventRecord *newEvent, void *userContext)/* optional callback routine for getting Events while the dialog is up */;
- typedef STACK_UPP_TYPE(NSLURLFilterProcPtr) NSLURLFilterUPP;
- typedef STACK_UPP_TYPE(NSLEventProcPtr) NSLEventUPP;
- NewNSLURLFilterUPP (NSLURLFilterProcPtr userRoutine);
- NewNSLEventUPP (NSLEventProcPtr userRoutine);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- DisposeNSLURLFilterUPP (NSLURLFilterUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- DisposeNSLEventUPP (NSLEventUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(Boolean)
- InvokeNSLURLFilterUPP (char * url,
- Str255 displayString,
- NSLURLFilterUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- InvokeNSLEventUPP (EventRecord * newEvent,
- void * userContext,
- NSLEventUPP userUPP);
- #else
- enum { uppNSLURLFilterProcInfo = 0x000003D0 }; /* pascal 1_byte Func(4_bytes, 4_bytes) */
- enum { uppNSLEventProcInfo = 0x000003C0 }; /* pascal no_return_value Func(4_bytes, 4_bytes) */
- #define NewNSLURLFilterUPP(userRoutine) (NSLURLFilterUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppNSLURLFilterProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
- #define NewNSLEventUPP(userRoutine) (NSLEventUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppNSLEventProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
- #define DisposeNSLURLFilterUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
- #define DisposeNSLEventUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
- #define InvokeNSLURLFilterUPP(url, displayString, userUPP) (Boolean)CALL_TWO_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppNSLURLFilterProcInfo, (url), (displayString))
- #define InvokeNSLEventUPP(newEvent, userContext, userUPP) CALL_TWO_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppNSLEventProcInfo, (newEvent), (userContext))
- #endif
- /* support for pre-Carbon UPP routines: NewXXXProc and CallXXXProc */
- #define NewNSLURLFilterProc(userRoutine) NewNSLURLFilterUPP(userRoutine)
- #define NewNSLEventProc(userRoutine) NewNSLEventUPP(userRoutine)
- #define CallNSLURLFilterProc(userRoutine, url, displayString) InvokeNSLURLFilterUPP(url, displayString, userRoutine)
- #define CallNSLEventProc(userRoutine, newEvent, userContext) InvokeNSLEventUPP(newEvent, userContext, userRoutine)
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- High level API calls: the following two calls are ALL an application needs
- to register/deregister its service.
- If you use these, you don't need to make any of the other calls to NSLAPI
- (including NSLOpenNavigationAPI)
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /* <--- error code from registration */
- /* ---> urlToRegister is a null terminated url that has only legal characters defined for URLs. Use HexEncodeText to encode*/
- /* portions of the url that have illegal characters */
- /* ---> neighborhoodToRegisterIn is an optional parameter for explicitly defining a neighborhood to register in.
- If parameter is NULL, then the plugins will determine where to register the service */
- NSLStandardRegisterURL (NSLPath urlToRegister,
- NSLNeighborhood neighborhoodToRegisterIn) /* can be NULL */;
- /* <--- error code from registration */
- /* ---> urlToRegister is a null terminated url that has only legal characters defined for URLs. Use HexEncodeText to encode*/
- /* portions of the url that have illegal characters */
- /* ---> neighborhoodToDeregisterIn is an optional parameter for explicitly defining a neighborhood to register in.
- If parameter is NULL, then the plugins will determine where to register the service */
- NSLStandardDeregisterURL (NSLPath urlToDeregister,
- NSLNeighborhood neighborhoodToDeregisterIn) /* can be NULL */;
- /* <--- function returns OSStatus of the operation. noErr will be returned if valid, kNSLUserCanceled will be returned if the user cancels */
- /* ---> dialogOptions */
- /* ---> eventProc */
- /* ---> eventProcContextPtr */
- /* ---> filterProc */
- /* ---> serviceTypeList */
- /* <--- userSelectedURL */
- /* NSLDialogOptions* dialogOptions */
- /*
- dialogOptions is a user defined structure defining the look, feel and operation of NSLStandardGetURL dialog
- default behavior can be achieved by passing in a pointer to a structure that has been filled out by a previous
- call to NSLGetDefaultDialogOptions or by passing in NULL.
- */
- /* NSLEventUPP eventProc */
- /*
- the eventProc is a callback NSLURLFilterUPP that will
- get called with Events that the dialog doesn't handle. If you pass in nil,
- you won't get update events while the NSLStandardGetURL dialog is open.
- */
- /* void* eventProcContextPtr */
- /* you can provide a pointer to some contextual data that you want to have sent to your eventProc filter*/
- /* NSLURLFilterProcPtr filterProc */
- /*
- the filter param is a callback NSLURLFilterUPP that
- will get called (if not nil) for each url that is going to be displayed in
- the dialog's result list. A result of false will not include the url for the
- user to select from. You also have the option of handling the way the url looks
- in the dialog listing by copying the preferred name into the displayString
- parameter. (If left alone, NSLStandardGetURL dialog will strip the service type
- portion off the url).
- */
- /* char* serviceTypeList */
- /*
- the serviceTypeList parameter is a null terminated string that will
- directly affect the contents of the services popup in the dialog.
- The structure of this string is a set of tuples as follows:
- Name of ServiceType as to be represented in the popup followed by
- a comma delimted list of service descriptors (ie http,https) that will
- used in the search of that type. Each comma delimited tuple is delimited
- by semi-colons.
- */
- /*
- For example:
- If you want to search for services of type http (web), https (secure web),
- and ftp, you could pass in the string "Web Servers,http,https;FTP Servers,ftp".
- This would result in a popup list with two items ("Web Servers" and "FTP Servers")
- and searches performed on them will provide results of type http and https for the
- first, and ftp for the second.
- */
- /*
- Results list Icons:
- NSLStandardGetURL provides icons in its listings for the following types:
- "http", "https", "ftp", "afp", "lpr", "LaserWriter", "AFPServer"
- any other types will get a generic icon. However, you can provide icons
- if you wish by including an '#ics8' resource id at the end of your comma
- delimited list. The dialog will then use that icon if found in its results
- list. This icon will be used for all types in a tuple.
- For example:
- The param "Web Servers,http,https;Telnet Servers,telnet;NFS Servers,nfs,129"
- would result in lists of http and https services to be shown with their default
- icons, telnet servers would be shown with the default misc. icon and nfs
- servers would be shown with your icon at resource id 129.
- */
- /* char** url */
- /*
- pass in the address of a char* and it will point to the resulting url. If the user
- cancels (the function returns false), the pointer will be set to nil. If the function
- returns true (user selected a url), then you must call NSLFreeURL on the pointer when
- you are done with it.
- */
- /*
- Call this to have the user select a url based service from a dialog.
- Function takes on input an optional filter proc, a serviceTypeList, and an address to a Ptr.
- Function sets the value of the Ptr to a newly created c-style null terminated string
- containing the user's choice of URL.
- */
- EXTERN_API( OSStatus )
- NSLStandardGetURL (NSLDialogOptions * dialogOptions, /* can be NULL */
- NSLEventUPP eventProc, /* can be NULL */
- void * eventProcContextPtr, /* can be NULL */
- NSLURLFilterUPP filterProc, /* can be NULL */
- char * serviceTypeList,
- char ** userSelectedURL);
- /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- EXTERN_API( OSStatus )
- NSLHexEncodeText (const char * rawText,
- UInt16 rawTextLen,
- char * newTextBuffer,
- UInt16 * newTextBufferLen,
- Boolean * textChanged);
- EXTERN_API( OSStatus )
- NSLHexDecodeText (const char * encodedText,
- UInt16 encodedTextLen,
- char * decodedTextBuffer,
- UInt16 * decodedTextBufferLen,
- Boolean * textChanged);
- EXTERN_API( OSStatus )
- NSLGetDefaultDialogOptions (NSLDialogOptions * dialogOptions);
- /* <--- function returns null (useful for setting variable at same time as freeing it */
- /* ---> url is memory created by a call to NSLStandardGetURL */
- EXTERN_API( char *)
- NSLFreeURL (char * url);
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Basic API Utility calls: sufficient to create, and parse data structures
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- EXTERN_API( NSLServicesList )
- NSLMakeNewServicesList (const char * initialServiceList);
- NSLAddServiceToServicesList (NSLServicesList serviceList,
- NSLServiceType serviceType);
- EXTERN_API( void )
- NSLDisposeServicesList (NSLServicesList theList);
- /*
- The name reflects the name of the Neighborhood, i.e. "apple.com." or "AppleTalk Zone One".
- The protocolList is a comma delimited list of protocols that the Neighborhood might exist in.
- If the user passes in NULL, then all protocols will be queried. The result must be disposed
- of by the user by calling NSLFreeNeighborhood.
- */
- EXTERN_API( NSLNeighborhood )
- NSLMakeNewNeighborhood (const char * name,
- const char * protocolList) /* can be NULL */;
- /* creates an exact copy of an existing neighborhood */
- EXTERN_API( NSLNeighborhood )
- NSLCopyNeighborhood (NSLNeighborhood neighborhood);
- EXTERN_API( NSLNeighborhood )
- NSLFreeNeighborhood (NSLNeighborhood neighborhood);
- EXTERN_API( void )
- NSLGetNameFromNeighborhood (NSLNeighborhood neighborhood,
- char ** name,
- long * length);
- /*
- create a block of formatted data, pointed to by newDataPtr. This will be used
- in calls (typically request-related calls) for plug-ins that handle the NSL data type.
- */
- EXTERN_API( OSStatus )
- NSLMakeServicesRequestPB (NSLServicesList serviceList,
- NSLTypedDataPtr * newDataPtr);
- /* releases any storage created with MakeXXXPB calls, associated with TypedData.*/
- EXTERN_API( NSLTypedDataPtr )
- NSLFreeTypedDataPtr (NSLTypedDataPtr nslTypeData);
- /*
- utility function that returns whether a url was found, a pointer to the beginning
- of the url, and the length of the URL.
- */
- EXTERN_API( Boolean )
- NSLGetNextUrl (NSLClientAsyncInfoPtr infoPtr,
- char ** urlPtr,
- long * urlLength);
- /*
- utility function that returns whether a Neighborhood was found, a pointer to the beginning
- of the Neighborhood, and the length of the Neighborhood.
- */
- EXTERN_API( Boolean )
- NSLGetNextNeighborhood (NSLClientAsyncInfoPtr infoPtr,
- NSLNeighborhood * neighborhood,
- long * neighborhoodLength);
- /*
- NSLErrorToString: convert a numeric error code to its string equivalent. Caller must
- have allocated sufficient space to store both strings. (Max 255 chars each)
- The errorString parameter will return a textual explanation of what is wrong,
- while the solutionString returns a possible solution to get around the problem
- */
- EXTERN_API( OSStatus )
- NSLErrorToString (NSLError theErr,
- char * errorString,
- char * solutionString);
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Basic API calls: sufficient to create simple requests, and receive answers
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- EXTERN_API( OSStatus )
- NSLOpenNavigationAPI (NSLClientRef * newRef);
- EXTERN_API( void )
- NSLCloseNavigationAPI (NSLClientRef theClient);
- /*
- NSLPrepareRequest: creates an NSLRequestRef, sets up some internal data
- notifier is an NSLClientNotifyUPP that will be called when data is available, when the lookup has
- completed, or if an error occurs. When the notifier is called, the cookie will be the NSLRequestRef.
- If notifier is NULL, then the NSLManager will assume that the request is made synchronously. This
- should only be used while in a separate thread, so that the client app can still process events, etc.
- contextPtr is a void* which is passed as the contextPtr argument when the notifier is called.
- upon exit:
- 1) ref will contain a pointer to a NSLRequestRef which must be passed to all other functions
- which require a NSLRequestRef.
- 2) infoPtr will point to a newly created ClientAsycnInfoPtr which will be disposed by the manager when the search is completed
- NOTE: Only one search can be running at a time per clientRef.
- */
- NSLPrepareRequest (NSLClientNotifyUPP notifier,
- void * contextPtr,
- NSLClientRef theClient,
- NSLRequestRef * ref,
- char * bufPtr,
- unsigned long bufLen,
- NSLClientAsyncInfoPtr * infoPtr);
- /*
- NSLStartNeighborhoodLookup: looking for neighborhoods associated with or neighboring a particular neighborhood
- Passing in NULL for neighborhood will generate a list of a default neighborhood(s)
- */
- NSLStartNeighborhoodLookup (NSLRequestRef ref,
- NSLNeighborhood neighborhood,
- NSLClientAsyncInfo * asyncInfo);
- /*
- NSLStartServicesLookup: starts looking for entities if the specified type in the specified neighborhood
- */
- NSLStartServicesLookup (NSLRequestRef ref,
- NSLNeighborhood neighborhood,
- NSLTypedDataPtr requestData,
- NSLClientAsyncInfo * asyncInfo);
- /* NSLContinueLookup: continues a paused/outstanding lookup*/
- NSLContinueLookup (NSLClientAsyncInfo * asyncInfo);
- /* NSLCancelRequest: cancels an ongoing search*/
- NSLCancelRequest (NSLRequestRef ref);
- /*
- NSLDeleteRequest: deletes info associated with this ref. The ClientAsyncInfoPtr will no longer be valid
- This must be called when the client is no longer using this requestRef.
- */
- NSLDeleteRequest (NSLRequestRef ref);
- /*
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Utility API calls: use these accessors to manipulate NSL's typed data
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /* NSLParseServicesRequestPB provides the inverse of NSLMakeRequestPB, filling out the offsets found within newDataPtr*/
- /* <--- returns an OSStatus if any errors occur parsing the data */
- /* <--- newDataPtr is the construct passed to the plugin */
- /* ---> serviceListPtr is the address of a pointer which will be set to point at the portion of the newDataPtr that holds the serviceList to be searched */
- /* ---> serviceListLen is the length of the serviceListPtr data pointed to by serviceListPtr */
- EXTERN_API( OSStatus )
- NSLParseServicesRequestPB (NSLTypedDataPtr newDataPtr,
- char ** serviceListPtr,
- UInt16 * serviceListLen);
- /* NSLParseServiceRegistrationPB provides for breaking apart a registration request from a client to a plugin*/
- /* <--- returns an OSStatus if any errors occur parsing the data */
- /* <--- newDataPtr is the construct passed to the plugin */
- /* ---> neighborhoodPtr gets set to point at the portion of the newDataPtr that contains the neighborhood */
- /* ---> neighborhoodLen is the length of the neighborhood pointed to by neighborhoodPtr */
- /* ---> urlPtr is the address of a pointer which will be set to point at the portion of the newDataPtr that holds the url to be registered */
- /* ---> urlLen is the length of the url data pointed to by urlPtr */
- EXTERN_API( OSStatus )
- NSLParseServiceRegistrationPB (NSLTypedDataPtr newDataPtr,
- NSLNeighborhood * neighborhoodPtr,
- UInt16 * neighborhoodLen,
- char ** urlPtr,
- UInt16 * urlLen);
- /*
- NSLGetErrorStringsFromResource makes a basic assumption!
- errorString and solutionString both point to valid memory of at least 256 bytes!
- */
- /* <--- returns an OSStatus if any errors occur */
- /* ---> theErr is an OSStatus to be matched against a resource list of errors */
- /* ---> fileSpecPtr is a FSSpecPtr to the resource containing the list of errors */
- /* ---> errorResID is the resourceID of the NSLI resource of the list of errors */
- /* <--> errorString is a pointer to valid memory of at least 256 bytes which will be filled out by the error portion of the error string */
- /* <--> solutionString is a pointer to valid memory of at least 256 bytes which will be filled out by the solution portion of the error string */
- EXTERN_API( OSStatus )
- NSLGetErrorStringsFromResource (OSStatus theErr,
- const FSSpec * fileSpecPtr,
- SInt16 errorResID,
- char * errorString,
- char * solutionString);
- /* <--- Returns true if given service is in the given service list */
- /* ---> serviceList is a valid NSLServicesList containing information about services to be searched */
- /* ---> svcToFind is an NSLServiceType of a particular service to check if it is in the serviceList */
- EXTERN_API( Boolean )
- NSLServiceIsInServiceList (NSLServicesList serviceList,
- NSLServiceType svcToFind);
- /* <--- returns an OSStatus if any errors occur parsing the data */
- /* ---> svcString is the address of a pointer which will be set to point at the portion of theURL that holds the serviceType of theURL */
- /* ---> svcLen is the length of the serviceType pointed to by svcString */
- EXTERN_API( OSStatus )
- NSLGetServiceFromURL (char * theURL,
- char ** svcString,
- UInt16 * svcLen);
- /* <--- returns the length of a Neighborhood data structure */
- /* ---> neighborhood is a valid NSLNeighborhood */
- EXTERN_API( long )
- NSLGetNeighborhoodLength (NSLNeighborhood neighborhood);
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Utility API calls: use these routines to separate plugin threads from client threads
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /* this routine works the same as the Thread manager's routine NewThread, except */
- /* that the thread is added to the NSL manager's thread list. */
- NSLNewThread (ThreadStyle threadStyle,
- ThreadEntryProcPtr threadEntry,
- void * threadParam,
- Size stackSize,
- ThreadOptions options,
- void ** threadResult,
- ThreadID * threadMade);
- /* this routine works the same as the Thread manager's routine DisposeThread, except */
- /* that the thread is removed from the NSL manager's thread list. */
- NSLDisposeThread (ThreadID threadToDump,
- void * threadResult,
- Boolean recycleThread);
- typedef NSLClientAsyncInfo ClientAsyncInfo;
- typedef NSLPluginAsyncInfo PluginAsyncInfo;
- typedef NSLTypedData TypedData;
- typedef NSLPluginData PluginData;
- typedef NSLClientAsyncInfoPtr ClientAsyncInfoPtr;
- typedef NSLPluginAsyncInfoPtr PluginAsyncInfoPtr;
- typedef NSLTypedDataPtr TypedDataPtr;
- typedef NSLPluginDataPtr PluginDataPtr;
- #endif /* OLDROUTINENAMES */
- #pragma options align=reset
- #pragma pack(pop)
- #pragma pack()
- #endif
- #pragma import off
- #pragma import reset
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* __NSL__ */