- /*
- File: PCCard.h
- Contains: PC Card Family Programming interface
- Version: Technology: System 7.5
- Release: QuickTime 6.0.2
- Copyright: (c) 1996-2001 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- Bugs?: For bug reports, consult the following page on
- the World Wide Web:
- http://developer.apple.com/bugreporter/
- */
- #ifndef __PCCARD__
- #define __PCCARD__
- #ifndef __MACTYPES__
- #include "MacTypes.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __NAMEREGISTRY__
- #include "NameRegistry.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __MACERRORS__
- #include "MacErrors.h"
- #endif
- #pragma once
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #pragma import on
- #endif
- #pragma options align=power
- #pragma pack(push, 2)
- #pragma pack(2)
- #endif
- enum {
- kServiceCategoryPCCard = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('pccd')
- };
- typedef UInt32 PCCardEvent;
- typedef UInt32 PCCardEventMask;
- typedef UInt32 PCCardClientID;
- typedef UInt32 PCCardTimerID;
- typedef UInt32 PCCardSocket;
- typedef UInt32 PCCardWindowID;
- typedef UInt32 PCCardWindowType;
- typedef UInt32 PCCardWindowSize;
- typedef UInt32 PCCardWindowOffset;
- typedef UInt32 PCCardWindowAlign;
- typedef OptionBits PCCardWindowState;
- typedef UInt32 PCCardAccessSpeed;
- typedef UInt32 PCCardWindowParam;
- typedef UInt32 PCCardPage;
- typedef UInt32 PCCardVoltage;
- /*
- Several of the client notification bit flags have been REMOVED since the first
- release of this header. These were unused codes that were either
- copied directly from PC Card 2.x, or from the PCMCIA standard. In all cases,
- they were completely unimplemented and would never be sent under PCCard 3.0.
- The removed flags are:
- kPCCardClientInfoMessage, kPCCardSSUpdatedMessage,
- and kPCCardFunctionInterruptMessage.
- If your software used any of these flags, you should delete any references
- to them. These event codes are being recycled for new features.
- */
- /* Client notification bit flags */
- enum {
- kPCCardNullMessage = 0x00000000, /* no messages pending (not sent to clients)*/
- kPCCardInsertionMessage = 0x00000001, /* card has been inserted into the socket*/
- kPCCardRemovalMessage = 0x00000002, /* card has been removed from the socket- do not touch hardware!*/
- /* Lock and Unlock may be used for a hardware locking card-cage. */
- kPCCardLockMessage = 0x00000004, /* card is locked into the socket with a mechanical latch */
- kPCCardUnlockMessage = 0x00000008, /* card is no longer locked into the socket */
- /* Ready and Reset are holdovers from PC Card 2.x, but someone might be using them (!?) */
- kPCCardReadyMessage = 0x00000010, /* card is ready to be accessed -- do not use! this event is never sent! (use kPCCardInsertion instead) */
- kPCCardResetMessage = 0x00000020, /* physical reset has completed -- do not use! this event is never sent! (use kPCCardResetComplete instead) */
- /* InsertionRequest and InsertionComplete may be used with certain cages (??) */
- kPCCardInsertionRequestMessage = 0x00000040, /* request to insert a card using insertion motor */
- kPCCardInsertionCompleteMessage = 0x00000080, /* insertion motor has finished inserting a card */
- kPCCardEjectionRequestMessage = 0x00000100, /* user or other client is requesting a card ejection*/
- kPCCardEjectionCompleteMessage = 0x00000200, /* card ejection succeeded- do not touch hardware! */
- kPCCardEjectionFailedMessage = 0x00000400, /* eject failure due to electrical/mechanical problems*/
- kPCCardPMResumeMessage = 0x00000800, /* power management resume */
- kPCCardPMSuspendMessage = 0x00001000, /* power management suspend */
- kPCCardPMSuspendRequest = 0x00002000, /* power management sleep request */
- kPCCardPMSuspendRevoke = 0x00004000, /* power management sleep revoke */
- kPCCardResetPhysicalMessage = 0x00008000, /* physical reset is about to occur on this card -- this event is never sent! */
- kPCCardResetRequestMessage = 0x00010000, /* physical reset has been requested by a client*/
- kPCCardResetCompleteMessage = 0x00020000, /* ResetCard() background reset has completed*/
- kPCCardBatteryDeadMessage = 0x00040000, /* battery is no longer useable, data will be lost*/
- kPCCardBatteryLowMessage = 0x00080000, /* battery is weak and should be replaced*/
- kPCCardWriteProtectMessage = 0x00100000, /* card is now write protected*/
- kPCCardWriteEnabledMessage = 0x00200000, /* card is now write enabled*/
- kPCCardDisplayEjectDSATMessage = 0x00400000, /* about to display a DSAT for the user to re-insert a manually ejected card */
- kPCCardUnexpectedRemovalMessage = 0x02000000, /* card has unexpectedly been manually ejected */
- /* Unconfigured is a (currently unused) holdover from PC Card 2.x */
- kPCCardUnconfiguredMessage = 0x04000000, /* a CARD_READY was delivered to all clients and no client */
- /* requested a configuration for the socket -- this event is never sent under PCCard 3.0! */
- kPCCardStatusChangedMessage = 0x08000000, /* status change for cards in I/O mode*/
- kPCCardTimerExpiredMessage = 0x10000000, /* message sent when requested time has expired */
- kPCCardRequestAttentionMessage = 0x20000000,
- kPCCardEraseCompleteMessage = 0x40000000,
- kPCCardRegistrationCompleteMessage = (long)0x80000000, /* notifications available only in PCCard 3.1 and later */
- kPCCardPMEnabledMessage = 0x00800000 /* power management has been enabled by the user; if appropriate, clients should call PCCardSetPowerLevel(off) */
- };
- typedef OptionBits PCCardWindowAttributes;
- /* window state (values of PCCardWindowAttributes) */
- enum {
- kWSCommon = 0x0001, /* common memory window */
- kWSAttribute = 0x0002, /* attribute memory window*/
- kWSIO = 0x0004, /* I/O window*/
- kWSCardBus = 0x0800, /* CardBus bridge window */
- kWSTypeMask = 0x0807, /* window type mask*/
- kWSEnabled = 0x0008, /* window enabled*/
- kWS8bit = 0x0010, /* 8-bit data width window*/
- kWS16bit = 0x0020, /* 16-bit data width window*/
- kWS32bit = 0x0040, /* 32-bit data width window*/
- kWSAutoSize = 0x0080, /* auto-size data width window*/
- kWSWidthMask = 0x00F0, /* window data width mask*/
- kWSProtected = 0x0100, /* window write protected*/
- kWSPrefetchable = 0x0200, /* bridge window prefetchable*/
- kWSPageShared = 0x0400, /* page register is shared*/
- kWSWindowSizeOffset = 0x4000,
- kWSChangeAccessSpeed = 0x8000 /* Used by CSModifyWindow only */
- };
- /* window speed (sample values of PCCardAccessSpeed) for use in PCCardRequestWindow */
- enum {
- kAccessSpeed600ns = 0x006A,
- kAccessSpeed500ns = 0x005A,
- kAccessSpeed400ns = 0x004A,
- kAccessSpeed300ns = 0x003A,
- kAccessSpeed250ns = 0x0001,
- kAccessSpeed200ns = 0x0002,
- kAccessSpeed150ns = 0x0003,
- kAccessSpeed100ns = 0x0004
- };
- typedef UInt32 PCCardInterfaceType;
- /* InterfaceType bit-mask (values of PCCardInterfaceType) */
- enum {
- kIFTypeMask = 0x03, /* IO & memory type mask*/
- kIFCardBus = 0x00, /* if bits 0 & 1 are zero then cardbus interface*/
- kIFMemory = 0x01, /* if bit 0 set memory IF*/
- kIFIO = 0x02, /* if bit 1 set IO IF*/
- kIFReserved = 0x03, /* bits 0 and 1 set is reserved */
- kIFDMA = 0x08, /* if bit 3 set DMA supported*/
- kIFVSKey = 0x10, /* if bit 4 set supports low Voltage key*/
- kIF33VCC = 0x20, /* if bit 5 set socket suports 3.3v*/
- kIFXXVCC = 0x40, /* if bit 6 set socket supports X.X voltage*/
- kIFYYVCC = 0x80 /* if bit 7 set socket supports Y.Y voltage*/
- };
- typedef UInt32 PCCardCustomInterfaceID;
- /* Custom Interface Identifiers (values of PCCardCustomInterfaceID) */
- enum {
- kIFCustom_None = 0x00, /* no custom interface ID */
- kIFCustom_ZOOM = 0x41 /* ZOOM Video Mode custom interface identifier */
- };
- typedef OptionBits PCCardConfigOptions;
- /* Bit mask values for PCCardConfigOptions in the configuration calls */
- enum {
- kEnableIRQSteering = 0x0002,
- kIRQChangeValid = 0x0004,
- kVppChangeValid = 0x0010,
- kEnableDMAChannel = 0x0040,
- kDMAChangeValid = 0x0080,
- kVSOverride = 0x0200 /* Bits 10..31 reserved */
- };
- /*
- Configuration Registers Presence Mask for the FCR
- Used by PCCardConfigPresentMask
- */
- enum {
- kConfigOptionPresent = 0x00000001,
- kConfigStatusPresent = 0x00000002,
- kPinReplacePresent = 0x00000004,
- kSocketCopyPresent = 0x00000008,
- kExtendedStatusPresent = 0x00000010,
- kIOBase0Present = 0x00000020,
- kIOBase1Present = 0x00000040,
- kIOBase2Present = 0x00000080,
- kIOBase3Present = 0x00000100,
- kIOLimitPresent = 0x00000200
- };
- typedef UInt32 PCCardConfigPresentMask;
- typedef UInt32 PCCardConfigRegisterIndex;
- typedef UInt32 PCCardConfigRegisterOffset;
- struct PCCardFunctionConfigReg {
- Byte configOptionReg;
- Byte configStatusReg;
- Byte pinReplaceReg;
- Byte socketCopyReg;
- Byte extendedStatusReg;
- Byte ioBase0;
- Byte ioBase1;
- Byte ioBase2;
- Byte ioBase3;
- Byte ioLimit;
- };
- typedef struct PCCardFunctionConfigReg PCCardFunctionConfigReg;
- typedef OptionBits PCCardSocketStatus;
- /* general socket status bits (values of PCCardSocketStatus) */
- enum {
- kSTBatteryDead = 0x0001, /* battery dead*/
- kSTBatteryLow = 0x0002, /* battery low*/
- kSTBatteryGood = 0x0004, /* battery good*/
- kSTPower = 0x0008, /* power is applied*/
- kST16bit = 0x0010, /* 16-bit PC Card present*/
- kSTCardBus = 0x0020, /* CardBus PC Card present*/
- kSTMemoryCard = 0x0040, /* memory card present*/
- kSTIOCard = 0x0080, /* I/O card present*/
- kSTNotACard = 0x0100, /* unrecognizable PC Card detected*/
- kSTReady = 0x0200, /* ready*/
- kSTWriteProtect = 0x0400, /* card is write-protected*/
- kSTDataLost = 0x0800, /* data may have been lost due to card removal*/
- kSTRingIndicate = 0x1000, /* ring indicator is active*/
- kSTReserved = 0xE000
- };
- /* Bit mask for PCCardPowerOptions in the power management calls */
- typedef OptionBits PCCardPowerOptions;
- enum {
- kPCCardPowerOn = 0x00000001,
- kPCCardPowerOff = 0x00000002,
- kPCCardLowPower = 0x00000004
- };
- typedef OptionBits PCCardAdapterCapabilities;
- typedef UInt32 PCCardAdapterPowerState;
- typedef OptionBits PCCardSCEvents;
- typedef UInt32 PCCardWindow;
- typedef UInt32 PCCardIRQ;
- typedef UInt32 PCCardDMA;
- /* Selectors for PCCardGetGlobalOptions */
- /* The type of the "value" parameter is provided for each selector. */
- typedef UInt32 PCCardOptionSelector;
- enum {
- kPCCardPowerManagementAttrib = 1 /* value = (Boolean*) enabled */
- };
- /* Types and structures for accessing the PCCard Assigned-Address property.*/
- #define kPCCardAssignedAddressProperty "assigned-addresses"
- enum {
- kPCCardNonRelocatableSpace = 0x80,
- kPCCardPrefetchableSpace = 0x40,
- kPCCard16BitSpace = 0x20,
- kPCCardAddressTypeCodeMask = 0x07,
- kPCCardConfigSpace = 0,
- kPCCardIOSpace = 1,
- kPCCardMemorySpace = 2,
- kPCCardAttributeMemorySpace = 4
- };
- typedef UInt8 PCCardAddressSpaceFlags;
- enum {
- kPCCardSocketNumberMask = 0xF8,
- kPCCardFunctionNumberMask = 0x07
- };
- typedef UInt8 PCCardSocketFunction;
- typedef UInt8 PCCardBusNumber;
- typedef UInt8 PCCardRegisterNumber;
- /*
- note: this structure is similar, but not the same as the PCIAssignedAddress structure
- 16-bit cards use this structure, CardBus cards use PCIAssignedAddress
- */
- struct PCCardAssignedAddress {
- PCCardAddressSpaceFlags addressSpaceFlags;
- UInt8 reserved;
- PCCardSocketFunction socketFunctionNumber;
- PCCardRegisterNumber registerNumber;
- UInt32 address;
- UInt32 size;
- };
- typedef struct PCCardAssignedAddress PCCardAssignedAddress;
- typedef PCCardAssignedAddress * PCCardAssignedAddressPtr;
- #define GetPCCardIsNonRelocatable( AssignedAddressPtr ) ((AssignedAddressPtr)->addressSpaceFlags & kPCCardNonRelocatableSpace)
- #define GetPCCardIsPrefetchable( AssignedAddressPtr ) ((AssignedAddressPtr)->addressSpaceFlags & kPCCardPrefetchableSpace)
- #define GetPCCardIs16BitSpace( AssignedAddressPtr ) ((AssignedAddressPtr)->addressSpaceFlags & kPCCard16BitSpace)
- #define GetPCCardAddressSpaceType( AssignedAddressPtr ) ((AssignedAddressPtr)->addressSpaceFlags & kPCCardAddressTypeCodeMask)
- #define GetPCCardSocketNumber( AssignedAddressPtr ) (((AssignedAddressPtr)->socketFunctionNumber & kPCCardSocketNumberMask) >> 3)
- #define GetPCCardFunctionNumber( AssignedAddressPtr ) ((AssignedAddressPtr)->socketFunctionNumber & kPCCardFunctionNumberMask)
- #define GetPCCardRegisterNumber( AssignedAddressPtr ) ((AssignedAddressPtr)->registerNumber)
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Client Support
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Prototype for client callback */
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , PCCardEventHandler )(PCCardEvent theEvent, PCCardSocket vSocket, UInt32 device, UInt32 info, UInt32 MTDRequest, UInt32 *Buffer, UInt32 misc, UInt32 status, void *clientParam);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardRegisterClient (const RegEntryID * deviceRef,
- PCCardEventMask eventMask,
- PCCardEventHandler clientCallBack,
- void * clientParam,
- PCCardClientID * newClientID);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardDeRegisterClient (PCCardClientID theClientID);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardRegisterTimer (PCCardClientID registeredClientID,
- PCCardTimerID * lpNewTimerID,
- long delay);
- EXTERN_API_C( void )
- PCCardDeRegisterTimer (PCCardTimerID timerID);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardSetEventMask (PCCardClientID theClientID,
- PCCardEventMask newEventMask);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardGetEventMask (PCCardClientID theClientID,
- PCCardEventMask * newEventMask);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardGetCardServicesInfo (ItemCount * socketCount,
- UInt32 * complianceLevel,
- UInt32 * version);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardGetSocketRef (PCCardSocket vSocket,
- RegEntryID * socketRef);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardGetCardRef (PCCardSocket vSocket,
- RegEntryID * cardRef);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardGetDeviceRef (PCCardSocket vSocket,
- UInt32 device,
- RegEntryID * deviceRef);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardGetSocketAndDeviceFromDeviceRef (const RegEntryID * deviceRef,
- PCCardSocket * vSocket,
- UInt32 * device);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardGetCardRefFromDeviceRef (const RegEntryID * deviceRef,
- RegEntryID * cardRef);
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Resource Management
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardRequestWindow (const RegEntryID * deviceRef,
- PCCardWindowAttributes windowAttributes,
- LogicalAddress * windowBase,
- ByteCount * windowSize,
- PCCardAccessSpeed * windowSpeed,
- PCCardWindowOffset * windowOffset,
- PCCardWindowID * windowID);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardModifyWindow (PCCardWindowID windowID,
- PCCardWindowAttributes windowAttributes,
- PCCardAccessSpeed windowSpeed,
- PCCardWindowOffset windowOffset);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardReleaseWindow (PCCardWindowID windowID);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardInquireWindow (const RegEntryID * deviceRef,
- PCCardWindowID windowID,
- PCCardWindowAttributes * windowAttributes,
- LogicalAddress * windowBase,
- ByteCount * windowSize,
- PCCardAccessSpeed * windowSpeed,
- PCCardWindowOffset * windowOffset);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardGetStatus (const RegEntryID * deviceRef,
- UInt32 * currentState,
- UInt32 * changedState,
- PCCardVoltage * Vcc,
- PCCardVoltage * Vpp);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardRequestConfiguration (const RegEntryID * deviceRef,
- PCCardConfigOptions configOptions,
- PCCardInterfaceType ifType,
- PCCardCustomInterfaceID ifCustomType,
- PCCardVoltage vcc,
- PCCardVoltage vpp,
- LogicalAddress configRegistersBase,
- PCCardConfigPresentMask configRegistersPresent,
- PCCardFunctionConfigReg * configRegisterValues);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardReleaseConfiguration (const RegEntryID * deviceRef);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardModifyConfiguration (const RegEntryID * deviceRef,
- PCCardConfigOptions configOptions,
- PCCardVoltage vpp);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardReadConfigurationRegister (const RegEntryID * deviceRef,
- PCCardConfigRegisterIndex whichRegister,
- PCCardConfigRegisterOffset offset,
- UInt8 * value);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardWriteConfigurationRegister (const RegEntryID * deviceRef,
- PCCardConfigRegisterIndex whichRegister,
- PCCardConfigRegisterOffset offset,
- UInt8 value);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardResetFunction (const RegEntryID * deviceRef);
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Client Utilities
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */
- typedef UInt8 PCCardTupleKind;
- typedef struct OpaquePCCardTupleIterator* PCCardTupleIterator;
- EXTERN_API_C( PCCardTupleIterator )
- PCCardNewTupleIterator (void);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardDisposeTupleIterator (PCCardTupleIterator tupleIterator);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardGetFirstTuple (const RegEntryID * deviceID,
- PCCardTupleKind desiredTuple,
- PCCardTupleIterator tupleIterator,
- void * dataBuffer,
- UInt32 * dataBufferSize,
- PCCardTupleKind * foundTuple,
- UInt32 * foundTupleDataSize);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardGetNextTuple (const RegEntryID * deviceRef,
- PCCardTupleKind desiredTuple,
- PCCardTupleIterator tupleIterator,
- void * dataBuffer,
- UInt32 * dataBufferSize,
- PCCardTupleKind * foundTuple,
- UInt32 * foundTupleDataSize);
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Miscellaneous
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardEject (const RegEntryID * cardRef);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardEnableModemSound (const RegEntryID * cardRef,
- Boolean enableSound);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardEnableZoomedVideo (const RegEntryID * cardRef,
- Boolean enableZoomedVideo);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardEnableZoomedVideoSound (const RegEntryID * cardRef,
- Boolean enableSound);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardSetPowerLevel (const RegEntryID * deviceRef,
- PCCardPowerOptions powerLevel);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardSetRingIndicate (const RegEntryID * deviceRef,
- Boolean setRingIndicate);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardGetGlobalOptions (PCCardOptionSelector selector,
- void * value);
- #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */
- typedef UInt32 PCCardDevType;
- typedef UInt32 PCCardSubType;
- /* values for PCCardType and PCCardSubType*/
- enum {
- kPCCardUnknownType = 0,
- kPCCardMultiFunctionType = 1,
- kPCCardMemoryType = 2,
- kPCCardNullSubType = 0, /* Memory sub types */
- kPCCardRomSubType = 1,
- kPCCardOTPromSubType = 2,
- kPCCardEpromSubType = 3,
- kPCCardEEpromSubType = 4,
- kPCCardFlashSubType = 5,
- kPCCardSramSubType = 6,
- kPCCardDramSubType = 7,
- kPCCardSerialPortType = 3,
- kPCCardSerialOnlySubType = 0,
- kPCCardDataModemSubType = 1,
- kPCCardFaxModemSubType = 2,
- kPCCardFaxAndDataModemMask = (kPCCardDataModemSubType | kPCCardFaxModemSubType),
- kPCCardVoiceEncodingSubType = 4,
- kPCCardParallelPortType = 4,
- kPCCardFixedDiskType = 5,
- kPCCardUnknownFixedDiskType = 0,
- kPCCardATAInterfaceDiskSubType = 1,
- kPCCardRotatingDeviceSubType = (0 << 7),
- kPCCardSiliconDevice = (1 << 7),
- kPCCardVideoAdaptorType = 6,
- kPCCardNetworkAdaptorType = 7,
- kPCCardArcNetSubType = 1, /* network sub types */
- kPCCardEthernetSubType = 2,
- kPCCardTokenRingSubType = 3,
- kPCCardLocalTalkSubType = 4,
- kPCCardFDDI_CDDISubType = 5,
- kPCCardATMSubType = 6,
- kPCCardWirelessSubType = 7,
- kPCCardAIMSType = 8,
- kPCCardSCSIType = 9,
- kPCCardSerialBusType = 10,
- kPCCardUSBBusSubType = 1,
- kPCCardFirewireBusSubType = 2
- };
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardGetCardInfo (const RegEntryID * cardRef,
- PCCardDevType * cardType,
- PCCardSubType * cardSubType,
- StringPtr cardName,
- StringPtr vendorName);
- #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */
- enum {
- kPCCard16HardwareType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('pc16'),
- kCardBusHardwareType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cdbs')
- };
- typedef UInt32 PCCardHardwareType;
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- PCCardGetCardType (const RegEntryID * socketRef,
- PCCardHardwareType * cardType);
- #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */
- #pragma options align=reset
- #pragma pack(pop)
- #pragma pack()
- #endif
- #pragma import off
- #pragma import reset
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* __PCCARD__ */