- /*
- File: OCEMail.h
- Contains: Apple Open Collaboration Environment OCEMail Interfaces.
- Version: Technology: AOCE Toolbox 1.02
- Release: QuickTime 6.0.2
- Copyright: (c) 1994-2001 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
- Bugs?: For bug reports, consult the following page on
- the World Wide Web:
- http://developer.apple.com/bugreporter/
- */
- #ifndef __OCEMAIL__
- #define __OCEMAIL__
- #ifndef __MACTYPES__
- #include "MacTypes.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __FILES__
- #include "Files.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __TEXTEDIT__
- #include "TextEdit.h"
- #endif
- #include "DigitalSignature.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __OCE__
- #include "OCE.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __OCEAUTHDIR__
- #include "OCEAuthDir.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __OCEMESSAGING__
- #include "OCEMessaging.h"
- #endif
- #pragma once
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #pragma import on
- #endif
- #pragma options align=mac68k
- #pragma pack(push, 2)
- #pragma pack(2)
- #endif
- /**************************************************************************************/
- /* Common Definitions */
- /**************************************************************************************/
- /* reference to a new or open letter or message */
- typedef long MailMsgRef;
- /* reference to an open msam queue */
- typedef long MSAMQueueRef;
- /* identifies slots managed by a PMSAM */
- typedef unsigned short MSAMSlotID;
- /* reference to an active mailbox */
- typedef long MailboxRef;
- /* identifies slots within a mailbox */
- typedef unsigned short MailSlotID;
- /* identifies a letter in a mailbox */
- struct MailSeqNum {
- MailSlotID slotID;
- long seqNum;
- };
- typedef struct MailSeqNum MailSeqNum;
- /* A MailBuffer is used to describe a buffer used for an IO operation.
- The location of the buffer is pointed to by 'buffer'.
- When reading, the size of the buffer is 'bufferSize'
- and the size of data actually read is 'dataSize'.
- When writing, the size of data to be written is 'bufferSize'
- and the size of data actually written is 'dataSize'.
- */
- struct MailBuffer {
- long bufferSize;
- void * buffer;
- long dataSize;
- };
- typedef struct MailBuffer MailBuffer;
- /* A MailReply is used to describe a commonly used reply buffer format.
- It contains a count of tuples followed by an array of tuples.
- The format of the tuple itself depends on each particular call.
- */
- struct MailReply {
- unsigned short tupleCount;
- /* tuple[tupleCount] */
- };
- typedef struct MailReply MailReply;
- /* Shared Memory Communication Area used when Mail Manager sends
- High Level Events to a PMSAM.
- */
- struct SMCA {
- unsigned short smcaLength; /* includes size of smcaLength field */
- OSErr result;
- long userBytes;
- union {
- CreationID slotCID; /* for create/modify/delete slot calls */
- long msgHint; /* for kMailEPPCMsgOpened */
- } u;
- };
- typedef struct SMCA SMCA;
- /**************************************************************************************/
- /* Value of creator and types fields for messages and blocks defined by MailManager */
- enum {
- kMailAppleMailCreator = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('apml'), /* message and letter block creator */
- kMailLtrMsgType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('lttr'), /* message type of letters, reports */
- kMailLtrHdrType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('lthd'), /* contains letter header */
- kMailContentType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('body'), /* contains content of letter */
- kMailEnclosureListType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('elst'), /* contains list of enclosures */
- kMailEnclosureDesktopType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('edsk'), /* contains desktop mgr info for enclosures */
- kMailEnclosureFileType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('asgl'), /* contains a file enclosure, format is defined by AppleSingle */
- kMailImageBodyType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('imag'), /* contains image of letter */
- kMailMSAMType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('gwyi'), /* contains msam specific information */
- kMailTunnelLtrType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('tunl'), /* used to read a tunnelled message */
- kMailHopInfoType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('hopi'), /* used to read hopInfo for a tunnelled message */
- kMailReportType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rpti'), /* contains report info */
- kMailFamily = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('mail'), /* Defines family of "mail" msgs: content, header, etc */
- kMailFamilyFile = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('file') /* Defines family of "direct display" msgs */
- };
- /*
- kMailImageBodyType:
- format is struct TPfPgDir - in Printing.h
- * struct TPfPgDir {
- * short pageCount; - number of pages in the image.
- * long iPgPos[129]; - iPgPos[n] is the offset from the start of the block
- * - to image of page n.
- * - iPgPos[n+1] - iPgPos[n] is the length of page n.
- kMailReportType:
- Reports have the isReport bit set in MailIndications and contain a block of type kMailReport.
- This block has a header, IPMReportBlockHeader,
- followed by an array of elements, each of type IPMRecipientReport
- Various families used by mail or related msgs
- */
- /**************************************************************************************/
- typedef unsigned short MailAttributeID;
- /* Values of MailAttributeID */
- /* Message store attributes - stored in the catalog */
- /* Will always be present in a letter and have fixed sizes */
- enum {
- kMailLetterFlagsBit = 1, /* MailLetterFlags */
- /* Letter attributes - stored in the letter will always be present in a letter and have fixed sizes */
- kMailIndicationsBit = 3, /* MailIndications */
- kMailMsgTypeBit = 4, /* OCECreatorType */
- kMailLetterIDBit = 5, /* MailLetterID */
- kMailSendTimeStampBit = 6, /* MailTime */
- kMailNestingLevelBit = 7, /* MailNestingLevel */
- kMailMsgFamilyBit = 8, /* OSType */
- /* Letter attributes - stored in the letter may be present in a letter and have fixed sizes */
- kMailReplyIDBit = 9, /* MailLetterID */
- kMailConversationIDBit = 10, /* MailLetterID */
- /* Letter attributes - stored in the letter may be present in a letter and have variable length sizes */
- kMailSubjectBit = 11, /* RString */
- kMailFromBit = 12, /* MailRecipient */
- kMailToBit = 13, /* MailRecipient */
- kMailCcBit = 14, /* MailRecipient */
- kMailBccBit = 15 /* MailRecipient */
- };
- typedef unsigned long MailAttributeMask;
- /* Values of MailAttributeMask */
- enum {
- kMailLetterFlagsMask = 1L << (kMailLetterFlagsBit - 1),
- kMailIndicationsMask = 1L << (kMailIndicationsBit - 1),
- kMailMsgTypeMask = 1L << (kMailMsgTypeBit - 1),
- kMailLetterIDMask = 1L << (kMailLetterIDBit - 1),
- kMailSendTimeStampMask = 1L << (kMailSendTimeStampBit - 1),
- kMailNestingLevelMask = 1L << (kMailNestingLevelBit - 1),
- kMailMsgFamilyMask = 1L << (kMailMsgFamilyBit - 1),
- kMailReplyIDMask = 1L << (kMailReplyIDBit - 1),
- kMailConversationIDMask = 1L << (kMailConversationIDBit - 1),
- kMailSubjectMask = 1L << (kMailSubjectBit - 1),
- kMailFromMask = 1L << (kMailFromBit - 1),
- kMailToMask = 1L << (kMailToBit - 1),
- kMailCcMask = 1L << (kMailCcBit - 1),
- kMailBccMask = 1L << (kMailBccBit - 1)
- };
- typedef unsigned long MailAttributeBitmap;
- /**************************************************************************************/
- typedef unsigned short MailLetterSystemFlags;
- /* Values of MailLetterSystemFlags */
- /* letter is available locally (either by nature or via cache) */
- enum {
- kMailIsLocalBit = 2
- };
- enum {
- kMailIsLocalMask = 1L << kMailIsLocalBit
- };
- typedef unsigned short MailLetterUserFlags;
- enum {
- kMailReadBit = 0, /* this letter has been opened */
- kMailDontArchiveBit = 1, /* this letter is not to be archived either because it has already been archived or it should not be archived. */
- kMailInTrashBit = 2 /* this letter is in trash */
- };
- /* Values of MailLetterUserFlags */
- enum {
- kMailReadMask = 1L << kMailReadBit,
- kMailDontArchiveMask = 1L << kMailDontArchiveBit,
- kMailInTrashMask = 1L << kMailInTrashBit
- };
- struct MailLetterFlags {
- MailLetterSystemFlags sysFlags;
- MailLetterUserFlags userFlags;
- };
- typedef struct MailLetterFlags MailLetterFlags;
- struct MailMaskedLetterFlags {
- MailLetterFlags flagMask; /* flags that are to be set */
- MailLetterFlags flagValues; /* and their values */
- };
- typedef struct MailMaskedLetterFlags MailMaskedLetterFlags;
- enum {
- kMailOriginalInReportBit = 1,
- kMailNonReceiptReportsBit = 3,
- kMailReceiptReportsBit = 4,
- kMailForwardedBit = 5,
- kMailPriorityBit = 6,
- kMailIsReportWithOriginalBit = 8,
- kMailIsReportBit = 9,
- kMailHasContentBit = 10,
- kMailHasSignatureBit = 11,
- kMailAuthenticatedBit = 12,
- kMailSentBit = 13,
- kMailNativeContentBit = 14,
- kMailImageContentBit = 15,
- kMailStandardContentBit = 16
- };
- /* Values of MailIndications */
- enum {
- kMailStandardContentMask = 1L << (kMailStandardContentBit - 1),
- kMailImageContentMask = 1L << (kMailImageContentBit - 1),
- kMailNativeContentMask = 1L << (kMailNativeContentBit - 1),
- kMailSentMask = 1L << (kMailSentBit - 1),
- kMailAuthenticatedMask = 1L << (kMailAuthenticatedBit - 1),
- kMailHasSignatureMask = 1L << (kMailHasSignatureBit - 1),
- kMailHasContentMask = 1L << (kMailHasContentBit - 1),
- kMailIsReportMask = 1L << (kMailIsReportBit - 1),
- kMailIsReportWithOriginalMask = 1L << (kMailIsReportWithOriginalBit - 1),
- kMailPriorityMask = 3L << (kMailPriorityBit - 1),
- kMailForwardedMask = 1L << (kMailForwardedBit - 1),
- kMailReceiptReportsMask = 1L << (kMailReceiptReportsBit - 1),
- kMailNonReceiptReportsMask = 1L << (kMailNonReceiptReportsBit - 1),
- kMailOriginalInReportMask = 3L << (kMailOriginalInReportBit - 1)
- };
- typedef unsigned long MailIndications;
- /* values of the field originalInReport in MailIndications */
- enum {
- kMailNoOriginal = 0, /* do not enclose original in reports */
- kMailEncloseOnNonReceipt = 3 /* enclose original in non-delivery reports */
- };
- typedef IPMMsgID MailLetterID;
- struct MailTime {
- UTCTime time; /* current UTC(GMT) time */
- UTCOffset offset; /* offset from GMT */
- };
- typedef struct MailTime MailTime;
- /* innermost letter has nestingLevel 0 */
- typedef unsigned short MailNestingLevel;
- typedef OCERecipient MailRecipient;
- /**************************************************************************************/
- enum {
- kMailTextSegmentBit = 0,
- kMailPictSegmentBit = 1,
- kMailSoundSegmentBit = 2,
- kMailStyledTextSegmentBit = 3,
- kMailMovieSegmentBit = 4
- };
- typedef unsigned short MailSegmentMask;
- /* Values of MailSegmentMask */
- enum {
- kMailTextSegmentMask = 1L << kMailTextSegmentBit,
- kMailPictSegmentMask = 1L << kMailPictSegmentBit,
- kMailSoundSegmentMask = 1L << kMailSoundSegmentBit,
- kMailStyledTextSegmentMask = 1L << kMailStyledTextSegmentBit,
- kMailMovieSegmentMask = 1L << kMailMovieSegmentBit
- };
- typedef unsigned short MailSegmentType;
- /* Values of MailSegmentType */
- enum {
- kMailInvalidSegmentType = 0,
- kMailTextSegmentType = 1,
- kMailPictSegmentType = 2,
- kMailSoundSegmentType = 3,
- kMailStyledTextSegmentType = 4,
- kMailMovieSegmentType = 5
- };
- /**************************************************************************************/
- enum {
- kMailErrorLogEntryVersion = 0x0101,
- kMailMSAMErrorStringListID = 128, /* These 'STR#' resources should be */
- kMailMSAMActionStringListID = 129 /* in the PMSAM resource fork */
- };
- typedef unsigned short MailLogErrorType;
- /* Values of MailLogErrorType */
- enum {
- kMailELECorrectable = 0,
- kMailELEError = 1,
- kMailELEWarning = 2,
- kMailELEInformational = 3
- };
- typedef short MailLogErrorCode;
- /* Values of MailLogErrorCode */
- enum {
- kMailMSAMErrorCode = 0, /* positive codes are indices into PMSAM defined strings */
- kMailMiscError = -1, /* negative codes are OCE defined */
- kMailNoModem = -2 /* modem required, but missing */
- };
- struct MailErrorLogEntryInfo {
- short version;
- UTCTime timeOccurred; /* do not fill in */
- Str31 reportingPMSAM; /* do not fill in */
- Str31 reportingMSAMSlot; /* do not fill in */
- MailLogErrorType errorType;
- MailLogErrorCode errorCode;
- short errorResource; /* resources are valid if */
- short actionResource; /* errorCode = kMailMSAMErrorCode index starts from 1 */
- unsigned long filler;
- unsigned short filler2;
- };
- typedef struct MailErrorLogEntryInfo MailErrorLogEntryInfo;
- /**************************************************************************************/
- typedef short MailBlockMode;
- /* Values of MailBlockMode */
- enum {
- kMailFromStart = 1, /* write data from offset calculated from */
- kMailFromLEOB = 2, /* start of block, end of block, */
- kMailFromMark = 3 /* or from the current mark */
- };
- struct MailEnclosureInfo {
- StringPtr enclosureName;
- CInfoPBPtr catInfo;
- StringPtr comment;
- void * icon;
- };
- typedef struct MailEnclosureInfo MailEnclosureInfo;
- /**************************************************************************************/
- enum {
- kOCESetupLocationNone = 0, /* disconnect state */
- kOCESetupLocationMax = 8 /* maximum location value */
- };
- typedef char OCESetupLocation;
- /* location state is a bitmask, 0x1=>1st location active,
- * 0x2 => 2nd, 0x4 => 3rd, etc.
- */
- #define MailLocationMask(locationNumber) (1<<((locationNumber)-1))
- typedef UInt8 MailLocationFlags;
- struct MailLocationInfo {
- OCESetupLocation location;
- MailLocationFlags active;
- };
- typedef struct MailLocationInfo MailLocationInfo;
- /**************************************************************************************/
- /* Definitions for Personal MSAMs */
- /**************************************************************************************/
- enum {
- kMailEPPCMsgVersion = 3
- };
- struct MailEPPCMsg {
- short version;
- union {
- SMCA * theSMCA; /* for 'crsl', 'mdsl', 'dlsl', 'sndi', 'msgo', 'admn' */
- long sequenceNumber; /* for 'inqu', 'dlom' */
- MailLocationInfo locationInfo; /* for 'locc' */
- } u;
- };
- typedef struct MailEPPCMsg MailEPPCMsg;
- /* Values of OCE defined High Level Event message classes */
- enum {
- kMailEPPCCreateSlot = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('crsl'),
- kMailEPPCModifySlot = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('mdsl'),
- kMailEPPCDeleteSlot = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dlsl'),
- kMailEPPCShutDown = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('quit'),
- kMailEPPCMailboxOpened = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('mbop'),
- kMailEPPCMailboxClosed = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('mbcl'),
- kMailEPPCMsgPending = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('msgp'),
- kMailEPPCSendImmediate = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sndi'),
- kMailEPPCContinue = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cont'),
- kMailEPPCSchedule = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sked'),
- kMailEPPCAdmin = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('admn'),
- kMailEPPCInQUpdate = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('inqu'),
- kMailEPPCMsgOpened = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('msgo'),
- kMailEPPCDeleteOutQMsg = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dlom'),
- kMailEPPCWakeup = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('wkup'),
- kMailEPPCLocationChanged = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('locc')
- };
- union MailTimer {
- long frequency; /* how often to connect */
- long connectTime; /* time since midnight */
- };
- typedef union MailTimer MailTimer;
- enum {
- kMailTimerOff = 0, /* control is off */
- kMailTimerTime = 1, /* specifies connect time (relative to midnight) */
- kMailTimerFrequency = 2 /* specifies connect frequency */
- };
- typedef Byte MailTimerKind;
- struct MailTimers {
- MailTimerKind sendTimeKind; /* either kMailTimerTime or kMailTimerFrequency */
- MailTimerKind receiveTimeKind; /* either kMailTimerTime or kMailTimerFrequency */
- MailTimer send;
- MailTimer receive;
- };
- typedef struct MailTimers MailTimers;
- struct MailStandardSlotInfoAttribute {
- short version;
- MailLocationFlags active; /* active if MailLocationMask(i) is set */
- Byte padByte;
- MailTimers sendReceiveTimer;
- };
- typedef struct MailStandardSlotInfoAttribute MailStandardSlotInfoAttribute;
- typedef union MSAMParam TempMSAMParam;
- typedef CALLBACK_API( void , MSAMIOCompletionProcPtr )(TempMSAMParam *paramBlock);
- /*
- WARNING: MSAMIOCompletionProcPtr uses register based parameters under classic 68k
- and cannot be written in a high-level language without
- the help of mixed mode or assembly glue.
- */
- typedef REGISTER_UPP_TYPE(MSAMIOCompletionProcPtr) MSAMIOCompletionUPP;
- struct PMSAMGetMSAMRecordPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- CreationID msamCID;
- };
- typedef struct PMSAMGetMSAMRecordPB PMSAMGetMSAMRecordPB;
- struct PMSAMOpenQueuesPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MSAMQueueRef inQueueRef;
- MSAMQueueRef outQueueRef;
- MSAMSlotID msamSlotID;
- long filler[2];
- };
- typedef struct PMSAMOpenQueuesPB PMSAMOpenQueuesPB;
- typedef unsigned short PMSAMStatus;
- /* Values of PMSAMStatus */
- enum {
- kPMSAMStatusPending = 1, /* for inQueue and outQueue */
- kPMSAMStatusError = 2, /* for inQueue and outQueue */
- kPMSAMStatusSending = 3, /* for outQueue only */
- kPMSAMStatusCaching = 4, /* for inQueue only */
- kPMSAMStatusSent = 5 /* for outQueue only */
- };
- struct PMSAMSetStatusPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MSAMQueueRef queueRef;
- long seqNum;
- long msgHint; /* for posting cache error,set this to 0 when report outq status */
- PMSAMStatus status;
- };
- typedef struct PMSAMSetStatusPB PMSAMSetStatusPB;
- struct PMSAMLogErrorPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MSAMSlotID msamSlotID; /* 0 for PMSAM errors */
- MailErrorLogEntryInfo * logEntry;
- long filler[2];
- };
- typedef struct PMSAMLogErrorPB PMSAMLogErrorPB;
- /****************************************************************************************/
- enum {
- kMailMsgSummaryVersion = 1
- };
- struct MailMasterData {
- MailAttributeBitmap attrMask; /* indicates attributes present in MsgSummary */
- MailLetterID messageID;
- MailLetterID replyID;
- MailLetterID conversationID;
- };
- typedef struct MailMasterData MailMasterData;
- /* Values for addressedToMe in struct MailCoreData */
- enum {
- kAddressedAs_TO = 0x01,
- kAddressedAs_CC = 0x02,
- kAddressedAs_BCC = 0x04
- };
- struct MailCoreData {
- MailLetterFlags letterFlags;
- unsigned long messageSize;
- MailIndications letterIndications;
- OCECreatorType messageType;
- MailTime sendTime;
- OSType messageFamily;
- unsigned char reserved;
- unsigned char addressedToMe;
- char agentInfo[6]; /* 6 bytes of special info [set to zero] */
- /* these are variable length and even padded */
- RString32 sender; /* recipient's entityName (trunc)*/
- RString32 subject; /* subject maybe truncated */
- };
- typedef struct MailCoreData MailCoreData;
- struct MSAMMsgSummary {
- short version; /* following flags are defaulted by Toolbox */
- Boolean msgDeleted; /* true if msg is to be deleted by PMSAM */
- Boolean msgUpdated; /* true if msgSummary was updated by MailManager */
- Boolean msgCached; /* true if msg is in the slot's InQueue */
- Byte padByte;
- MailMasterData masterData;
- MailCoreData coreData;
- };
- typedef struct MSAMMsgSummary MSAMMsgSummary;
- /* PMSAM can put up to 128 bytes of private msg summary data */
- enum {
- kMailMaxPMSAMMsgSummaryData = 128
- };
- struct PMSAMCreateMsgSummaryPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MSAMQueueRef inQueueRef;
- long seqNum; /* <- seq of the new message */
- MSAMMsgSummary * msgSummary; /* attributes and mask filled in */
- MailBuffer * buffer; /* PMSAM specific data to be appended */
- };
- typedef struct PMSAMCreateMsgSummaryPB PMSAMCreateMsgSummaryPB;
- struct PMSAMPutMsgSummaryPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MSAMQueueRef inQueueRef;
- long seqNum;
- MailMaskedLetterFlags * letterFlags; /* if not nil, then set msgStoreFlags */
- MailBuffer * buffer; /* PMSAM specific data to be overwritten */
- };
- typedef struct PMSAMPutMsgSummaryPB PMSAMPutMsgSummaryPB;
- struct PMSAMGetMsgSummaryPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MSAMQueueRef inQueueRef;
- long seqNum;
- MSAMMsgSummary * msgSummary; /* if not nil, then read in the msgSummary */
- MailBuffer * buffer; /* PMSAM specific data to be read */
- unsigned short msgSummaryOffset; /* offset of PMSAM specific data from start of MsgSummary */
- };
- typedef struct PMSAMGetMsgSummaryPB PMSAMGetMsgSummaryPB;
- /****************************************************************************************/
- /* Definitions for Server MSAMs */
- /**************************************************************************************/
- typedef unsigned short SMSAMAdminCode;
- /* Values of SMSAMAdminCode */
- enum {
- kSMSAMNotifyFwdrSetupChange = 1,
- kSMSAMNotifyFwdrNameChange = 2,
- kSMSAMNotifyFwdrPwdChange = 3,
- kSMSAMGetDynamicFwdrParams = 4
- };
- typedef unsigned long SMSAMSlotChanges;
- enum {
- kSMSAMFwdrHomeInternetChangedBit = 0,
- kSMSAMFwdrConnectedToChangedBit = 1,
- kSMSAMFwdrForeignRLIsChangedBit = 2,
- kSMSAMFwdrMnMServerChangedBit = 3
- };
- /* Values of SMSAMSlotChanges */
- enum {
- kSMSAMFwdrEverythingChangedMask = -1,
- kSMSAMFwdrHomeInternetChangedMask = 1L << kSMSAMFwdrHomeInternetChangedBit,
- kSMSAMFwdrConnectedToChangedMask = 1L << kSMSAMFwdrConnectedToChangedBit,
- kSMSAMFwdrForeignRLIsChangedMask = 1L << kSMSAMFwdrForeignRLIsChangedBit,
- kSMSAMFwdrMnMServerChangedMask = 1L << kSMSAMFwdrMnMServerChangedBit
- };
- /* kSMSAMNotifyFwdrSetupChange */
- struct SMSAMSetupChange {
- SMSAMSlotChanges whatChanged; /* --> bitmap of what parameters changed */
- AddrBlock serverHint; /* --> try this ADAP server first */
- };
- typedef struct SMSAMSetupChange SMSAMSetupChange;
- /* kSMSAMNotifyFwdrNameChange */
- struct SMSAMNameChange {
- RString newName; /* --> msams new name */
- AddrBlock serverHint; /* --> try this ADAP server first */
- };
- typedef struct SMSAMNameChange SMSAMNameChange;
- /* kSMSAMNotifyFwdrPasswordChange */
- struct SMSAMPasswordChange {
- RString newPassword; /* --> msams new password */
- AddrBlock serverHint; /* --> try this ADAP server first */
- };
- typedef struct SMSAMPasswordChange SMSAMPasswordChange;
- /* kSMSAMGetDynamicFwdrParams */
- struct SMSAMDynamicParams {
- unsigned long curDiskUsed; /* <-- amount of disk space used by msam */
- unsigned long curMemoryUsed; /* <-- amount of memory used by msam */
- };
- typedef struct SMSAMDynamicParams SMSAMDynamicParams;
- struct SMSAMAdminEPPCRequest {
- SMSAMAdminCode adminCode;
- union {
- SMSAMSetupChange setupChange;
- SMSAMNameChange nameChange;
- SMSAMPasswordChange passwordChange;
- SMSAMDynamicParams dynamicParams;
- } u;
- };
- typedef struct SMSAMAdminEPPCRequest SMSAMAdminEPPCRequest;
- struct SMSAMSetupPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- RecordIDPtr serverMSAM;
- RStringPtr password;
- OSType gatewayType;
- RStringPtr gatewayTypeDescription;
- AddrBlock catalogServerHint;
- };
- typedef struct SMSAMSetupPB SMSAMSetupPB;
- struct SMSAMStartupPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- AuthIdentity msamIdentity;
- MSAMQueueRef queueRef;
- };
- typedef struct SMSAMStartupPB SMSAMStartupPB;
- struct SMSAMShutdownPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MSAMQueueRef queueRef;
- };
- typedef struct SMSAMShutdownPB SMSAMShutdownPB;
- /****************************************************************************************/
- /* Definitions for reading and writing MSAM Letters */
- /****************************************************************************************/
- struct MSAMEnumeratePB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MSAMQueueRef queueRef;
- long startSeqNum;
- long nextSeqNum;
- /* buffer contains a Mail Reply. Each tuple is a MSAMEnumerateInQReply when enumerating the inQueue MSAMEnumerateOutQReply when enumerating the outQueue */
- MailBuffer buffer;
- };
- typedef struct MSAMEnumeratePB MSAMEnumeratePB;
- struct MSAMEnumerateInQReply {
- long seqNum;
- Boolean msgDeleted; /* true if msg is to be deleted by PMSAM */
- Boolean msgUpdated; /* true if MsgSummary has been updated by TB */
- Boolean msgCached; /* true if msg is in the incoming queue */
- Byte padByte;
- };
- typedef struct MSAMEnumerateInQReply MSAMEnumerateInQReply;
- struct MSAMEnumerateOutQReply {
- long seqNum;
- Boolean done; /* true if all responsible recipients have been processed */
- IPMPriority priority;
- OSType msgFamily;
- long approxSize;
- Boolean tunnelForm; /* true if this letter has to be tunnelled */
- Byte padByte;
- NetworkSpec nextHop; /* valid if tunnelForm is true */
- OCECreatorType msgType;
- };
- typedef struct MSAMEnumerateOutQReply MSAMEnumerateOutQReply;
- struct MSAMDeletePB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MSAMQueueRef queueRef;
- long seqNum;
- Boolean msgOnly; /* only valid for PMSAM & inQueue */
- /* set true to delete message but not msgSummary */
- Byte padByte;
- /* only valid for SMSAM & tunnelled messages */
- OSErr result;
- };
- typedef struct MSAMDeletePB MSAMDeletePB;
- struct MSAMOpenPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MSAMQueueRef queueRef;
- long seqNum;
- MailMsgRef mailMsgRef;
- };
- typedef struct MSAMOpenPB MSAMOpenPB;
- struct MSAMOpenNestedPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MailMsgRef mailMsgRef;
- MailMsgRef nestedRef;
- };
- typedef struct MSAMOpenNestedPB MSAMOpenNestedPB;
- struct MSAMClosePB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MailMsgRef mailMsgRef;
- };
- typedef struct MSAMClosePB MSAMClosePB;
- struct MSAMGetMsgHeaderPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MailMsgRef mailMsgRef;
- IPMHeaderSelector selector;
- Boolean filler1;
- unsigned long offset;
- MailBuffer buffer;
- unsigned long remaining;
- };
- typedef struct MSAMGetMsgHeaderPB MSAMGetMsgHeaderPB;
- /* MSAMGetAttributesPB.buffer returned will contain the attribute values of
- the attributes indicated in responseMask,
- from the attribute indicated by the least significant bit set
- to the attribute indicated by the most significant bit set.
- Note that recipients - from, to, cc, bcc cannot be read using
- this call. Use GetRecipients to read these.
- */
- struct MSAMGetAttributesPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MailMsgRef mailMsgRef;
- MailAttributeBitmap requestMask; /* kMailIndicationsBit thru kMailSubjectBit */
- MailBuffer buffer;
- MailAttributeBitmap responseMask;
- Boolean more;
- Boolean filler1;
- };
- typedef struct MSAMGetAttributesPB MSAMGetAttributesPB;
- /* attrID value to get resolved recipient list */
- enum {
- kMailResolvedList = 0
- };
- struct MailOriginalRecipient {
- short index;
- };
- typedef struct MailOriginalRecipient MailOriginalRecipient;
- /* Followed by OCEPackedRecipient */
- struct MailResolvedRecipient {
- short index;
- short recipientFlags;
- Boolean responsible;
- Byte padByte;
- };
- typedef struct MailResolvedRecipient MailResolvedRecipient;
- /* Followed by OCEPackedRecipient */
- /* MSAMGetRecipientsPB.buffer contains a Mail Reply. Each tuple is a
- MailOriginalRecipient if getting original recipients
- ie the attrID is kMail[From, To, Cc, Bcc]Bit
- MailResolvedRecipient if getting resolved reicpients
- ie the attrID is kMailResolvedList
- Both tuples are word alligned.
- */
- struct MSAMGetRecipientsPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MailMsgRef mailMsgRef;
- MailAttributeID attrID; /* kMailFromBit thru kMailBccBit */
- unsigned short startIndex; /* starts at 1 */
- MailBuffer buffer;
- unsigned short nextIndex;
- Boolean more;
- Boolean filler1;
- };
- typedef struct MSAMGetRecipientsPB MSAMGetRecipientsPB;
- struct MSAMGetContentPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MailMsgRef mailMsgRef;
- MailSegmentMask segmentMask;
- MailBuffer buffer;
- StScrpRec * textScrap;
- ScriptCode script;
- MailSegmentType segmentType;
- Boolean endOfScript;
- Boolean endOfSegment;
- Boolean endOfContent;
- Boolean filler1;
- long segmentLength; /* NEW: <- valid first call in a segment */
- long segmentID; /* NEW: <-> identifier for this segment */
- };
- typedef struct MSAMGetContentPB MSAMGetContentPB;
- struct MSAMGetEnclosurePB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MailMsgRef mailMsgRef;
- Boolean contentEnclosure;
- Byte padByte;
- MailBuffer buffer;
- Boolean endOfFile;
- Boolean endOfEnclosures;
- };
- typedef struct MSAMGetEnclosurePB MSAMGetEnclosurePB;
- struct MailBlockInfo {
- OCECreatorType blockType;
- unsigned long offset;
- unsigned long blockLength;
- };
- typedef struct MailBlockInfo MailBlockInfo;
- struct MSAMEnumerateBlocksPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MailMsgRef mailMsgRef;
- unsigned short startIndex; /* starts at 1 */
- MailBuffer buffer;
- /* buffer contains a Mail Reply. Each tuple is a MailBlockInfo */
- unsigned short nextIndex;
- Boolean more;
- Boolean filler1;
- };
- typedef struct MSAMEnumerateBlocksPB MSAMEnumerateBlocksPB;
- struct MSAMGetBlockPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MailMsgRef mailMsgRef;
- OCECreatorType blockType;
- unsigned short blockIndex;
- MailBuffer buffer;
- unsigned long dataOffset;
- Boolean endOfBlock;
- Byte padByte;
- unsigned long remaining;
- };
- typedef struct MSAMGetBlockPB MSAMGetBlockPB;
- */
- /* not valid for tunnel form letters */
- struct MSAMMarkRecipientsPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MSAMQueueRef queueRef;
- long seqNum;
- MailBuffer buffer; /* buffer contains a Mail Reply. Each tuple is an unsigned short, the index of a recipient to be marked. */
- };
- typedef struct MSAMMarkRecipientsPB MSAMMarkRecipientsPB;
- /*
- * same as MSAMMarkRecipients except it takes a mailMsgRef instead of
- * queueRef, seqNum
- */
- /* not valid for tunnel form letters */
- struct MSAMnMarkRecipientsPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MailMsgRef mailMsgRef;
- MailBuffer buffer; /* buffer contains a Mail Reply. Each tuple is an unsigned short, the index of a recipient to be marked. */
- };
- typedef struct MSAMnMarkRecipientsPB MSAMnMarkRecipientsPB;
- /****************************************************************************************/
- struct MSAMCreatePB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MSAMQueueRef queueRef;
- Boolean asLetter; /* indicate if we should create as letter or msg */
- Boolean filler1;
- IPMMsgType msgType; /* up to application discretion: must be of IPMSenderTag kIPMOSFormatType for asLetter=true */
- long refCon; /* for messages only */
- long seqNum; /* set if creating message in the inQueue */
- Boolean tunnelForm; /* if true tunnelForm else newForm */
- Boolean bccRecipients; /* true if creating letter with bcc recipients */
- MailMsgRef newRef;
- };
- typedef struct MSAMCreatePB MSAMCreatePB;
- struct MSAMBeginNestedPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MailMsgRef mailMsgRef;
- long refCon; /* for messages only */
- IPMMsgType msgType;
- };
- typedef struct MSAMBeginNestedPB MSAMBeginNestedPB;
- struct MSAMEndNestedPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MailMsgRef mailMsgRef;
- };
- typedef struct MSAMEndNestedPB MSAMEndNestedPB;
- struct MSAMSubmitPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MailMsgRef mailMsgRef;
- Boolean submitFlag;
- Byte padByte;
- MailLetterID msgID;
- };
- typedef struct MSAMSubmitPB MSAMSubmitPB;
- struct MSAMPutMsgHeaderPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MailMsgRef mailMsgRef;
- OCERecipient * replyQueue;
- IPMSender * sender;
- IPMNotificationType deliveryNotification;
- IPMPriority priority;
- };
- typedef struct MSAMPutMsgHeaderPB MSAMPutMsgHeaderPB;
- struct MSAMPutAttributePB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MailMsgRef mailMsgRef;
- MailAttributeID attrID; /* kMailIndicationsBit thru kMailSubjectBit */
- MailBuffer buffer;
- };
- typedef struct MSAMPutAttributePB MSAMPutAttributePB;
- struct MSAMPutRecipientPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MailMsgRef mailMsgRef;
- MailAttributeID attrID; /* kMailFromBit thru kMailBccBit */
- MailRecipient * recipient;
- Boolean responsible; /* valid for server and message msams only */
- Boolean filler1;
- };
- typedef struct MSAMPutRecipientPB MSAMPutRecipientPB;
- struct MSAMPutContentPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MailMsgRef mailMsgRef;
- MailSegmentType segmentType;
- Boolean append;
- Byte padByte;
- MailBuffer buffer;
- StScrpRec * textScrap;
- Boolean startNewScript;
- Boolean filler1;
- ScriptCode script; /* valid only if startNewScript is true */
- };
- typedef struct MSAMPutContentPB MSAMPutContentPB;
- struct MSAMPutEnclosurePB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MailMsgRef mailMsgRef;
- Boolean contentEnclosure;
- Byte padByte;
- Boolean hfs; /* true => in file system, false => in memory */
- Boolean append;
- MailBuffer buffer; /* Unused if hfs == true */
- FSSpec enclosure;
- MailEnclosureInfo addlInfo;
- };
- typedef struct MSAMPutEnclosurePB MSAMPutEnclosurePB;
- struct MSAMPutBlockPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MailMsgRef mailMsgRef;
- long refCon; /* for messages only */
- OCECreatorType blockType;
- Boolean append;
- Boolean filler1;
- MailBuffer buffer;
- MailBlockMode mode; /* if blockType is kMailTunnelLtrType or kMailHopInfoType mode is assumed to be kMailFromMark */
- unsigned long offset;
- };
- typedef struct MSAMPutBlockPB MSAMPutBlockPB;
- /****************************************************************************************/
- struct MSAMCreateReportPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MSAMQueueRef queueRef; /* to distinguish personal and server MSAMs */
- MailMsgRef mailMsgRef;
- MailLetterID msgID; /* kMailLetterIDBit of letter being reported upon */
- MailRecipient * sender; /* sender of the letter you are creating report on */
- };
- typedef struct MSAMCreateReportPB MSAMCreateReportPB;
- struct MSAMPutRecipientReportPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MailMsgRef mailMsgRef;
- short recipientIndex; /* recipient index in the original letter */
- OSErr result; /* result of sending the recipient */
- };
- typedef struct MSAMPutRecipientReportPB MSAMPutRecipientReportPB;
- /****************************************************************************************/
- struct MailWakeupPMSAMPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- CreationID pmsamCID;
- MailSlotID mailSlotID;
- };
- typedef struct MailWakeupPMSAMPB MailWakeupPMSAMPB;
- struct MailCreateMailSlotPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MailboxRef mailboxRef;
- long timeout;
- CreationID pmsamCID;
- SMCA smca;
- };
- typedef struct MailCreateMailSlotPB MailCreateMailSlotPB;
- struct MailModifyMailSlotPB {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- MailboxRef mailboxRef;
- long timeout;
- CreationID pmsamCID;
- SMCA smca;
- };
- typedef struct MailModifyMailSlotPB MailModifyMailSlotPB;
- union MSAMParam {
- struct {
- void * qLink;
- long reservedH1;
- long reservedH2;
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long saveA5;
- short reqCode;
- } header;
- PMSAMGetMSAMRecordPB pmsamGetMSAMRecord;
- PMSAMOpenQueuesPB pmsamOpenQueues;
- PMSAMSetStatusPB pmsamSetStatus;
- PMSAMLogErrorPB pmsamLogError;
- SMSAMSetupPB smsamSetup;
- SMSAMStartupPB smsamStartup;
- SMSAMShutdownPB smsamShutdown;
- MSAMEnumeratePB msamEnumerate;
- MSAMDeletePB msamDelete;
- MSAMOpenPB msamOpen;
- MSAMOpenNestedPB msamOpenNested;
- MSAMClosePB msamClose;
- MSAMGetMsgHeaderPB msamGetMsgHeader;
- MSAMGetAttributesPB msamGetAttributes;
- MSAMGetRecipientsPB msamGetRecipients;
- MSAMGetContentPB msamGetContent;
- MSAMGetEnclosurePB msamGetEnclosure;
- MSAMEnumerateBlocksPB msamEnumerateBlocks;
- MSAMGetBlockPB msamGetBlock;
- MSAMMarkRecipientsPB msamMarkRecipients;
- MSAMnMarkRecipientsPB msamnMarkRecipients;
- MSAMCreatePB msamCreate;
- MSAMBeginNestedPB msamBeginNested;
- MSAMEndNestedPB msamEndNested;
- MSAMSubmitPB msamSubmit;
- MSAMPutMsgHeaderPB msamPutMsgHeader;
- MSAMPutAttributePB msamPutAttribute;
- MSAMPutRecipientPB msamPutRecipient;
- MSAMPutContentPB msamPutContent;
- MSAMPutEnclosurePB msamPutEnclosure; /* this field is SYSTEM8_DEPRECATED*/
- MSAMPutBlockPB msamPutBlock;
- MSAMCreateReportPB msamCreateReport; /* Reports and Error Handling Calls */
- MSAMPutRecipientReportPB msamPutRecipientReport;
- PMSAMCreateMsgSummaryPB pmsamCreateMsgSummary;
- PMSAMPutMsgSummaryPB pmsamPutMsgSummary;
- PMSAMGetMsgSummaryPB pmsamGetMsgSummary;
- MailWakeupPMSAMPB wakeupPMSAM;
- MailCreateMailSlotPB createMailSlot;
- MailModifyMailSlotPB modifyMailSlot;
- };
- typedef union MSAMParam MSAMParam;
- NewMSAMIOCompletionUPP (MSAMIOCompletionProcPtr userRoutine);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- DisposeMSAMIOCompletionUPP (MSAMIOCompletionUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- InvokeMSAMIOCompletionUPP (TempMSAMParam * paramBlock,
- MSAMIOCompletionUPP userUPP);
- #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */
- #else
- enum { uppMSAMIOCompletionProcInfo = 0x00009802 }; /* register no_return_value Func(4_bytes:A0) */
- #define NewMSAMIOCompletionUPP(userRoutine) (MSAMIOCompletionUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppMSAMIOCompletionProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
- #define DisposeMSAMIOCompletionUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
- #pragma parameter InvokeMSAMIOCompletionUPP(__A0, __A1)
- void InvokeMSAMIOCompletionUPP(TempMSAMParam * paramBlock, MSAMIOCompletionUPP userUPP) = 0x4E91;
- #else
- #define InvokeMSAMIOCompletionUPP(paramBlock, userUPP) CALL_ONE_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppMSAMIOCompletionProcInfo, (paramBlock))
- #endif
- #endif
- /* support for pre-Carbon UPP routines: NewXXXProc and CallXXXProc */
- #define NewMSAMIOCompletionProc(userRoutine) NewMSAMIOCompletionUPP(userRoutine)
- #define CallMSAMIOCompletionProc(userRoutine, paramBlock) InvokeMSAMIOCompletionUPP(paramBlock, userRoutine)
- /* ASYNCHRONOUS ONLY, client must call WaitNextEvent */
- MailCreateMailSlot (MSAMParam * paramBlock) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x7001, 0x1F00, 0x3F3C, 0x052B, 0xAA5E);
- /* ASYNCHRONOUS ONLY, client must call WaitNextEvent */
- MailModifyMailSlot (MSAMParam * paramBlock) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x7001, 0x1F00, 0x3F3C, 0x052C, 0xAA5E);
- /* ASYNCHRONOUS ONLY, client must call WaitNextEvent */
- MailWakeupPMSAM (MSAMParam * paramBlock) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x7001, 0x1F00, 0x3F3C, 0x0507, 0xAA5E);
- /* Personal MSAM Glue Routines */
- PMSAMOpenQueues (MSAMParam * paramBlock) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x7000, 0x1F00, 0x3F3C, 0x0500, 0xAA5E);
- PMSAMSetStatus (MSAMParam * paramBlock,
- Boolean asyncFlag) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0527, 0xAA5E);
- /* SYNC ONLY */
- PMSAMGetMSAMRecord (MSAMParam * paramBlock) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x7000, 0x1F00, 0x3F3C, 0x0506, 0xAA5E);
- /* Server MSAM Glue Routines */
- /* SYNC ONLY */
- SMSAMSetup (MSAMParam * paramBlock) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x7000, 0x1F00, 0x3F3C, 0x0523, 0xAA5E);
- /* SYNC ONLY */
- SMSAMStartup (MSAMParam * paramBlock) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x7000, 0x1F00, 0x3F3C, 0x0501, 0xAA5E);
- SMSAMShutdown (MSAMParam * paramBlock,
- Boolean asyncFlag) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0502, 0xAA5E);
- /* Get Interface Glue Routines */
- MSAMEnumerate (MSAMParam * paramBlock,
- Boolean asyncFlag) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0503, 0xAA5E);
- MSAMDelete (MSAMParam * paramBlock,
- Boolean asyncFlag) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0504, 0xAA5E);
- MSAMMarkRecipients (MSAMParam * paramBlock,
- Boolean asyncFlag) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0505, 0xAA5E);
- MSAMnMarkRecipients (MSAMParam * paramBlock,
- Boolean asyncFlag) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0512, 0xAA5E);
- MSAMOpen (MSAMParam * paramBlock,
- Boolean asyncFlag) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0508, 0xAA5E);
- MSAMOpenNested (MSAMParam * paramBlock,
- Boolean asyncFlag) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0509, 0xAA5E);
- MSAMClose (MSAMParam * paramBlock,
- Boolean asyncFlag) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x050A, 0xAA5E);
- MSAMGetRecipients (MSAMParam * paramBlock,
- Boolean asyncFlag) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x050C, 0xAA5E);
- MSAMGetAttributes (MSAMParam * paramBlock,
- Boolean asyncFlag) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x050B, 0xAA5E);
- MSAMGetContent (MSAMParam * paramBlock,
- Boolean asyncFlag) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x050D, 0xAA5E);
- MSAMGetEnclosure (MSAMParam * paramBlock,
- Boolean asyncFlag) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x050E, 0xAA5E);
- MSAMEnumerateBlocks (MSAMParam * paramBlock,
- Boolean asyncFlag) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x050F, 0xAA5E);
- MSAMGetBlock (MSAMParam * paramBlock,
- Boolean asyncFlag) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0510, 0xAA5E);
- MSAMGetMsgHeader (MSAMParam * paramBlock,
- Boolean asyncFlag) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0511, 0xAA5E);
- /* Put Interface Glue Routines */
- MSAMCreate (MSAMParam * paramBlock,
- Boolean asyncFlag) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0514, 0xAA5E);
- MSAMBeginNested (MSAMParam * paramBlock,
- Boolean asyncFlag) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0515, 0xAA5E);
- MSAMEndNested (MSAMParam * paramBlock) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x7000, 0x1F00, 0x3F3C, 0x0516, 0xAA5E);
- MSAMSubmit (MSAMParam * paramBlock) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x7000, 0x1F00, 0x3F3C, 0x0517, 0xAA5E);
- MSAMPutAttribute (MSAMParam * paramBlock,
- Boolean asyncFlag) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0518, 0xAA5E);
- MSAMPutRecipient (MSAMParam * paramBlock,
- Boolean asyncFlag) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0519, 0xAA5E);
- MSAMPutContent (MSAMParam * paramBlock,
- Boolean asyncFlag) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x051A, 0xAA5E);
- MSAMPutEnclosure (MSAMParam * paramBlock) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x7000, 0x1F00, 0x3F3C, 0x051B, 0xAA5E);
- MSAMPutBlock (MSAMParam * paramBlock,
- Boolean asyncFlag) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x051C, 0xAA5E);
- MSAMPutMsgHeader (MSAMParam * paramBlock,
- Boolean asyncFlag) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x051D, 0xAA5E);
- /* Reports and Error Handling Glue Routines */
- MSAMCreateReport (MSAMParam * paramBlock,
- Boolean asyncFlag) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x051F, 0xAA5E);
- MSAMPutRecipientReport (MSAMParam * paramBlock,
- Boolean asyncFlag) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0520, 0xAA5E);
- PMSAMLogError (MSAMParam * paramBlock) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x7000, 0x1F00, 0x3F3C, 0x0521, 0xAA5E);
- /* MsgSummary Glue Routines */
- PMSAMCreateMsgSummary (MSAMParam * paramBlock,
- Boolean asyncFlag) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0522, 0xAA5E);
- PMSAMPutMsgSummary (MSAMParam * paramBlock,
- Boolean asyncFlag) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0525, 0xAA5E);
- PMSAMGetMsgSummary (MSAMParam * paramBlock,
- Boolean asyncFlag) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0526, 0xAA5E);
- #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */
- #pragma options align=reset
- #pragma pack(pop)
- #pragma pack()
- #endif
- #pragma import off
- #pragma import reset
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* __OCEMAIL__ */