- /*
- File: UnicodeUtilities.h
- Contains: Types, constants, prototypes for Unicode Utilities (Unicode input and text utils)
- Version: Technology: Mac OS 9.0
- Release: QuickTime 6.0.2
- Copyright: (c) 1997-2001 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
- Bugs?: For bug reports, consult the following page on
- the World Wide Web:
- http://developer.apple.com/bugreporter/
- */
- #ifndef __MACTYPES__
- #include "MacTypes.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __MACLOCALES__
- #include "MacLocales.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __TEXTCOMMON__
- #include "TextCommon.h"
- #endif
- #pragma once
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #pragma import on
- #endif
- #pragma options align=mac68k
- #pragma pack(push, 2)
- #pragma pack(2)
- #endif
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CONSTANTS & DATA STRUCTURES for UCKeyTranslate & UCKeyboardLayout ('uchr' resource)
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- UCKeyOutput & related stuff
- The interpretation of UCKeyOutput depends on bits 15-14.
- If they are 01, then bits 0-13 are an index in UCKeyStateRecordsIndex (resource-wide list).
- If they are 10, then bits 0-13 are an index in UCKeySequenceDataIndex (resource-wide list),
- or if UCKeySequenceDataIndex is not present or the index is beyond the end of the list,
- then bits 0-15 are a single Unicode character.
- Otherwise, bits 0-15 are a single Unicode character; a value of 0xFFFE-0xFFFF means no character
- output.
- UCKeyCharSeq is similar, but does not support indices in UCKeyStateRecordsIndex. For bits 15-14:
- If they are 10, then bits 0-13 are an index in UCKeySequenceDataIndex (resource-wide list),
- or if UCKeySequenceDataIndex is not present or the index is beyond the end of the list,
- then bits 0-15 are a single Unicode character.
- Otherwise, bits 0-15 are a single Unicode character; a value of 0xFFFE-0xFFFF means no character
- output.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- typedef UInt16 UCKeyOutput;
- typedef UInt16 UCKeyCharSeq;
- enum {
- kUCKeyOutputStateIndexMask = 0x4000,
- kUCKeyOutputSequenceIndexMask = 0x8000,
- kUCKeyOutputTestForIndexMask = 0xC000, /* test bits 14-15*/
- kUCKeyOutputGetIndexMask = 0x3FFF /* get bits 0-13*/
- };
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- UCKeyStateRecord & related stuff
- The UCKeyStateRecord information is used as follows. If the current state is zero,
- output stateZeroCharData and set the state to stateZeroNextState. If the current state
- is non-zero and there is an entry for it in stateEntryData, then output the corresponding
- charData and set the state to nextState. Otherwise, output the state terminator from
- UCKeyStateTerminators for the current state (or nothing if there is no UCKeyStateTerminators
- table or it has no entry for the current state), then output stateZeroCharData and set the
- state to stateZeroNextState.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- struct UCKeyStateRecord {
- UCKeyCharSeq stateZeroCharData;
- UInt16 stateZeroNextState;
- UInt16 stateEntryCount;
- UInt16 stateEntryFormat;
- /* This is followed by an array of stateEntryCount elements*/
- /* in the specified format. Here we just show a dummy array.*/
- UInt32 stateEntryData[1];
- };
- typedef struct UCKeyStateRecord UCKeyStateRecord;
- /*
- Here are the codes for entry formats currently defined.
- Each entry maps from curState to charData and nextState.
- */
- enum {
- kUCKeyStateEntryTerminalFormat = 0x0001,
- kUCKeyStateEntryRangeFormat = 0x0002
- };
- /*
- For UCKeyStateEntryTerminal -
- nextState is always 0, so we don't have a field for it
- */
- struct UCKeyStateEntryTerminal {
- UInt16 curState;
- UCKeyCharSeq charData;
- };
- typedef struct UCKeyStateEntryTerminal UCKeyStateEntryTerminal;
- /*
- For UCKeyStateEntryRange -
- If curState >= curStateStart and curState <= curStateStart+curStateRange,
- then it matches the entry, and we transform charData and nextState as follows:
- If charData < 0xFFFE, then charData += (curState-curStateStart)*deltaMultiplier
- If nextState != 0, then nextState += (curState-curStateStart)*deltaMultiplier
- */
- struct UCKeyStateEntryRange {
- UInt16 curStateStart;
- UInt8 curStateRange;
- UInt8 deltaMultiplier;
- UCKeyCharSeq charData;
- UInt16 nextState;
- };
- typedef struct UCKeyStateEntryRange UCKeyStateEntryRange;
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- UCKeyboardLayout & related stuff
- The UCKeyboardLayout struct given here is only for the resource header. It specifies
- offsets to the various subtables which each have their own structs, given below.
- The keyboardTypeHeadList array selects table offsets that depend on keyboardType. The
- first entry in keyboardTypeHeadList is the default entry, which will be used if the
- keyboardType passed to UCKeyTranslate does not match any other entry - i.e. does not fall
- within the range keyboardTypeFirst..keyboardTypeLast for some entry. The first entry
- should have keyboardTypeFirst = keyboardTypeLast = 0.
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- struct UCKeyboardTypeHeader {
- UInt32 keyboardTypeFirst; /* first keyboardType in this entry*/
- UInt32 keyboardTypeLast; /* last keyboardType in this entry*/
- ByteOffset keyModifiersToTableNumOffset; /* required*/
- ByteOffset keyToCharTableIndexOffset; /* required*/
- ByteOffset keyStateRecordsIndexOffset; /* 0 => no table*/
- ByteOffset keyStateTerminatorsOffset; /* 0 => no table*/
- ByteOffset keySequenceDataIndexOffset; /* 0 => no table*/
- };
- typedef struct UCKeyboardTypeHeader UCKeyboardTypeHeader;
- struct UCKeyboardLayout {
- /* header only; other tables accessed via offsets*/
- UInt16 keyLayoutHeaderFormat; /* =kUCKeyLayoutHeaderFormat*/
- UInt16 keyLayoutDataVersion; /* 0x0100 = 1.0, 0x0110 = 1.1, etc.*/
- ByteOffset keyLayoutFeatureInfoOffset; /* may be 0 */
- ItemCount keyboardTypeCount; /* Dimension for keyboardTypeHeadList[] */
- UCKeyboardTypeHeader keyboardTypeList[1];
- };
- typedef struct UCKeyboardLayout UCKeyboardLayout;
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- struct UCKeyLayoutFeatureInfo {
- UInt16 keyLayoutFeatureInfoFormat; /* =kUCKeyLayoutFeatureInfoFormat*/
- UInt16 reserved;
- UniCharCount maxOutputStringLength; /* longest possible output string*/
- };
- typedef struct UCKeyLayoutFeatureInfo UCKeyLayoutFeatureInfo;
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- struct UCKeyModifiersToTableNum {
- UInt16 keyModifiersToTableNumFormat; /* =kUCKeyModifiersToTableNumFormat*/
- UInt16 defaultTableNum; /* For modifier combos not in tableNum[]*/
- ItemCount modifiersCount; /* Dimension for tableNum[]*/
- UInt8 tableNum[1];
- /* Then there is padding to a 4-byte boundary with bytes containing 0, if necessary.*/
- };
- typedef struct UCKeyModifiersToTableNum UCKeyModifiersToTableNum;
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- struct UCKeyToCharTableIndex {
- UInt16 keyToCharTableIndexFormat; /* =kUCKeyToCharTableIndexFormat*/
- UInt16 keyToCharTableSize; /* Max keyCode (128 for ADB keyboards)*/
- ItemCount keyToCharTableCount; /* Dimension for keyToCharTableOffsets[] (usually 6 to 12 tables)*/
- ByteOffset keyToCharTableOffsets[1];
- /* Each offset in keyToCharTableOffsets is from the beginning of the resource to a*/
- /* table as follows:*/
- /* UCKeyOutput keyToCharData[keyToCharTableSize];*/
- /* These tables follow the UCKeyToCharTableIndex.*/
- /* Then there is padding to a 4-byte boundary with bytes containing 0, if necessary.*/
- };
- typedef struct UCKeyToCharTableIndex UCKeyToCharTableIndex;
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- struct UCKeyStateRecordsIndex {
- UInt16 keyStateRecordsIndexFormat; /* =kUCKeyStateRecordsIndexFormat*/
- UInt16 keyStateRecordCount; /* Dimension for keyStateRecordOffsets[]*/
- ByteOffset keyStateRecordOffsets[1];
- /* Each offset in keyStateRecordOffsets is from the beginning of the resource to a*/
- /* UCKeyStateRecord. These UCKeyStateRecords follow the keyStateRecordOffsets[] array.*/
- /* Then there is padding to a 4-byte boundary with bytes containing 0, if necessary.*/
- };
- typedef struct UCKeyStateRecordsIndex UCKeyStateRecordsIndex;
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- struct UCKeyStateTerminators {
- UInt16 keyStateTerminatorsFormat; /* =kUCKeyStateTerminatorsFormat*/
- UInt16 keyStateTerminatorCount; /* Dimension for keyStateTerminators[] (# of nonzero states)*/
- UCKeyCharSeq keyStateTerminators[1];
- /* Note: keyStateTerminators[0] is terminator for state 1, etc.*/
- /* Then there is padding to a 4-byte boundary with bytes containing 0, if necessary.*/
- };
- typedef struct UCKeyStateTerminators UCKeyStateTerminators;
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- struct UCKeySequenceDataIndex {
- UInt16 keySequenceDataIndexFormat; /* =kUCKeySequenceDataIndexFormat*/
- UInt16 charSequenceCount; /* Dimension of charSequenceOffsets[] is charSequenceCount+1*/
- UInt16 charSequenceOffsets[1];
- /* Each offset in charSequenceOffsets is in bytes, from the beginning of*/
- /* UCKeySequenceDataIndex to a sequence of UniChars; the next offset indicates the*/
- /* end of the sequence. The UniChar sequences follow the UCKeySequenceDataIndex.*/
- /* Then there is padding to a 4-byte boundary with bytes containing 0, if necessary.*/
- };
- typedef struct UCKeySequenceDataIndex UCKeySequenceDataIndex;
- /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* Current format codes for the various tables (bits 12-15 indicate which table)*/
- enum {
- kUCKeyLayoutHeaderFormat = 0x1002,
- kUCKeyLayoutFeatureInfoFormat = 0x2001,
- kUCKeyModifiersToTableNumFormat = 0x3001,
- kUCKeyToCharTableIndexFormat = 0x4001,
- kUCKeyStateRecordsIndexFormat = 0x5001,
- kUCKeyStateTerminatorsFormat = 0x6001,
- kUCKeySequenceDataIndexFormat = 0x7001
- };
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Constants for keyAction parameter in UCKeyTranslate()
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- enum {
- kUCKeyActionDown = 0, /* key is going down*/
- kUCKeyActionUp = 1, /* key is going up*/
- kUCKeyActionAutoKey = 2, /* auto-key down*/
- kUCKeyActionDisplay = 3 /* get information for key display (as in Key Caps) */
- };
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Bit assignments & masks for keyTranslateOptions parameter in UCKeyTranslate()
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- enum {
- kUCKeyTranslateNoDeadKeysBit = 0 /* Prevents setting any new dead-key states*/
- };
- enum {
- kUCKeyTranslateNoDeadKeysMask = 1L << kUCKeyTranslateNoDeadKeysBit
- };
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CONSTANTS & DATA STRUCTURES for Unicode Collation
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /* constant for LocaleOperationClass*/
- enum {
- kUnicodeCollationClass = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ucol')
- };
- typedef struct OpaqueCollatorRef* CollatorRef;
- typedef UInt32 UCCollateOptions;
- enum {
- /* Sensitivity options*/
- kUCCollateComposeInsensitiveMask = 1L << 1,
- kUCCollateWidthInsensitiveMask = 1L << 2,
- kUCCollateCaseInsensitiveMask = 1L << 3,
- kUCCollateDiacritInsensitiveMask = 1L << 4, /* Other general options */
- kUCCollatePunctuationSignificantMask = 1L << 15, /* Number-handling options */
- kUCCollateDigitsOverrideMask = 1L << 16,
- kUCCollateDigitsAsNumberMask = 1L << 17
- };
- enum {
- kUCCollateStandardOptions = kUCCollateComposeInsensitiveMask | kUCCollateWidthInsensitiveMask
- };
- /*
- Special values to specify various invariant orders for UCCompareTextNoLocale.
- These values use the high 8 bits of UCCollateOptions.
- */
- enum {
- kUCCollateTypeHFSExtended = 1
- };
- /* These constants are used for masking and shifting the invariant order type.*/
- enum {
- kUCCollateTypeSourceMask = 0x000000FF,
- kUCCollateTypeShiftBits = 24
- };
- enum {
- kUCCollateTypeMask = kUCCollateTypeSourceMask << kUCCollateTypeShiftBits
- };
- typedef UInt32 UCCollationValue;
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /* constant for LocaleOperationClass*/
- enum {
- kUnicodeTextBreakClass = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ubrk')
- };
- typedef struct OpaqueTextBreakLocatorRef* TextBreakLocatorRef;
- typedef UInt32 UCTextBreakType;
- enum {
- kUCTextBreakCharMask = 1L << 0,
- kUCTextBreakClusterMask = 1L << 2,
- kUCTextBreakWordMask = 1L << 4,
- kUCTextBreakLineMask = 1L << 6
- };
- typedef UInt32 UCTextBreakOptions;
- enum {
- kUCTextBreakLeadingEdgeMask = 1L << 0,
- kUCTextBreakGoBackwardsMask = 1L << 1,
- kUCTextBreakIterateMask = 1L << 2
- };
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- EXTERN_API( OSStatus )
- UCKeyTranslate (const UCKeyboardLayout * keyLayoutPtr,
- UInt16 virtualKeyCode,
- UInt16 keyAction,
- UInt32 modifierKeyState,
- UInt32 keyboardType,
- OptionBits keyTranslateOptions,
- UInt32 * deadKeyState,
- UniCharCount maxStringLength,
- UniCharCount * actualStringLength,
- UniChar unicodeString[]);
- /* Standard collation functions*/
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- UCCreateCollator (LocaleRef locale,
- LocaleOperationVariant opVariant,
- UCCollateOptions options,
- CollatorRef * collatorRef);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- UCGetCollationKey (CollatorRef collatorRef,
- const UniChar * textPtr,
- UniCharCount textLength,
- ItemCount maxKeySize,
- ItemCount * actualKeySize,
- UCCollationValue collationKey[]);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- UCCompareCollationKeys (const UCCollationValue * key1Ptr,
- ItemCount key1Length,
- const UCCollationValue * key2Ptr,
- ItemCount key2Length,
- Boolean * equivalent,
- SInt32 * order);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- UCCompareText (CollatorRef collatorRef,
- const UniChar * text1Ptr,
- UniCharCount text1Length,
- const UniChar * text2Ptr,
- UniCharCount text2Length,
- Boolean * equivalent,
- SInt32 * order);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- UCDisposeCollator (CollatorRef * collatorRef);
- /* Simple collation using default locale*/
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- UCCompareTextDefault (UCCollateOptions options,
- const UniChar * text1Ptr,
- UniCharCount text1Length,
- const UniChar * text2Ptr,
- UniCharCount text2Length,
- Boolean * equivalent,
- SInt32 * order);
- /* Simple locale-independent collation*/
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- UCCompareTextNoLocale (UCCollateOptions options,
- const UniChar * text1Ptr,
- UniCharCount text1Length,
- const UniChar * text2Ptr,
- UniCharCount text2Length,
- Boolean * equivalent,
- SInt32 * order);
- /* Standard text break (text boundary) functions*/
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- UCCreateTextBreakLocator (LocaleRef locale,
- LocaleOperationVariant opVariant,
- UCTextBreakType breakTypes,
- TextBreakLocatorRef * breakRef);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- UCFindTextBreak (TextBreakLocatorRef breakRef,
- UCTextBreakType breakType,
- UCTextBreakOptions options,
- const UniChar * textPtr,
- UniCharCount textLength,
- UniCharArrayOffset startOffset,
- UniCharArrayOffset * breakOffset);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- UCDisposeTextBreakLocator (TextBreakLocatorRef * breakRef);
- #pragma options align=reset
- #pragma pack(pop)
- #pragma pack()
- #endif
- #pragma import off
- #pragma import reset
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* __UNICODEUTILITIES__ */