- /*
- File: SFNTLayoutTypes.h
- Contains: SFNT file layout structures and constants.
- Version: Technology: Mac OS 8
- Release: QuickTime 6.0.2
- Copyright: (c) 1994-2001 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
- Bugs?: For bug reports, consult the following page on
- the World Wide Web:
- http://developer.apple.com/bugreporter/
- */
- #ifndef __MACTYPES__
- #include "MacTypes.h"
- #endif
- #pragma once
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #pragma import on
- #endif
- #pragma options align=mac68k
- #pragma pack(push, 2)
- #pragma pack(2)
- #endif
- /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /*
- The following values can be used to set run feature values. Note that unless the
- feature is defaulted differently in different fonts, the zero value for the
- selectors represents the default value. Check the following URL site for further info:
- "http://fonts.apple.com/Registry"
- */
- enum {
- kAllTypographicFeaturesType = 0,
- kAllTypeFeaturesOnSelector = 0,
- kAllTypeFeaturesOffSelector = 1,
- kLigaturesType = 1,
- kRequiredLigaturesOnSelector = 0,
- kRequiredLigaturesOffSelector = 1,
- kCommonLigaturesOnSelector = 2,
- kCommonLigaturesOffSelector = 3,
- kRareLigaturesOnSelector = 4,
- kRareLigaturesOffSelector = 5,
- kLogosOnSelector = 6,
- kLogosOffSelector = 7,
- kRebusPicturesOnSelector = 8,
- kRebusPicturesOffSelector = 9,
- kDiphthongLigaturesOnSelector = 10,
- kDiphthongLigaturesOffSelector = 11,
- kSquaredLigaturesOnSelector = 12,
- kSquaredLigaturesOffSelector = 13,
- kAbbrevSquaredLigaturesOnSelector = 14,
- kAbbrevSquaredLigaturesOffSelector = 15,
- kCursiveConnectionType = 2,
- kUnconnectedSelector = 0,
- kPartiallyConnectedSelector = 1,
- kCursiveSelector = 2,
- kLetterCaseType = 3,
- kUpperAndLowerCaseSelector = 0,
- kAllCapsSelector = 1,
- kAllLowerCaseSelector = 2,
- kSmallCapsSelector = 3,
- kInitialCapsSelector = 4,
- kInitialCapsAndSmallCapsSelector = 5,
- kVerticalSubstitutionType = 4,
- kSubstituteVerticalFormsOnSelector = 0,
- kSubstituteVerticalFormsOffSelector = 1,
- kLinguisticRearrangementType = 5,
- kLinguisticRearrangementOnSelector = 0,
- kLinguisticRearrangementOffSelector = 1,
- kNumberSpacingType = 6,
- kMonospacedNumbersSelector = 0,
- kProportionalNumbersSelector = 1, /* kAppleReserved1Type = 7, */
- kSmartSwashType = 8,
- kWordInitialSwashesOnSelector = 0,
- kWordInitialSwashesOffSelector = 1,
- kWordFinalSwashesOnSelector = 2,
- kWordFinalSwashesOffSelector = 3,
- kLineInitialSwashesOnSelector = 4,
- kLineInitialSwashesOffSelector = 5,
- kLineFinalSwashesOnSelector = 6,
- kLineFinalSwashesOffSelector = 7,
- kNonFinalSwashesOnSelector = 8,
- kNonFinalSwashesOffSelector = 9,
- kDiacriticsType = 9,
- kShowDiacriticsSelector = 0,
- kHideDiacriticsSelector = 1,
- kDecomposeDiacriticsSelector = 2,
- kVerticalPositionType = 10,
- kNormalPositionSelector = 0,
- kSuperiorsSelector = 1,
- kInferiorsSelector = 2,
- kOrdinalsSelector = 3,
- kFractionsType = 11,
- kNoFractionsSelector = 0,
- kVerticalFractionsSelector = 1,
- kDiagonalFractionsSelector = 2, /* kAppleReserved2Type = 12, */
- kOverlappingCharactersType = 13,
- kPreventOverlapOnSelector = 0,
- kPreventOverlapOffSelector = 1,
- kTypographicExtrasType = 14,
- kHyphensToEmDashOnSelector = 0,
- kHyphensToEmDashOffSelector = 1,
- kHyphenToEnDashOnSelector = 2,
- kHyphenToEnDashOffSelector = 3,
- kSlashedZeroOnSelector = 4,
- kSlashedZeroOffSelector = 5,
- kFormInterrobangOnSelector = 6,
- kFormInterrobangOffSelector = 7,
- kSmartQuotesOnSelector = 8,
- kSmartQuotesOffSelector = 9,
- kPeriodsToEllipsisOnSelector = 10,
- kPeriodsToEllipsisOffSelector = 11,
- kMathematicalExtrasType = 15,
- kHyphenToMinusOnSelector = 0,
- kHyphenToMinusOffSelector = 1,
- kAsteriskToMultiplyOnSelector = 2,
- kAsteriskToMultiplyOffSelector = 3,
- kSlashToDivideOnSelector = 4,
- kSlashToDivideOffSelector = 5,
- kInequalityLigaturesOnSelector = 6,
- kInequalityLigaturesOffSelector = 7,
- kExponentsOnSelector = 8,
- kExponentsOffSelector = 9,
- kOrnamentSetsType = 16,
- kNoOrnamentsSelector = 0,
- kDingbatsSelector = 1,
- kPiCharactersSelector = 2,
- kFleuronsSelector = 3,
- kDecorativeBordersSelector = 4,
- kInternationalSymbolsSelector = 5,
- kMathSymbolsSelector = 6,
- kCharacterAlternativesType = 17,
- kNoAlternatesSelector = 0,
- kDesignComplexityType = 18,
- kDesignLevel1Selector = 0,
- kDesignLevel2Selector = 1,
- kDesignLevel3Selector = 2,
- kDesignLevel4Selector = 3,
- kDesignLevel5Selector = 4,
- kStyleOptionsType = 19,
- kNoStyleOptionsSelector = 0,
- kDisplayTextSelector = 1,
- kEngravedTextSelector = 2,
- kIlluminatedCapsSelector = 3,
- kTitlingCapsSelector = 4,
- kTallCapsSelector = 5,
- kCharacterShapeType = 20,
- kTraditionalCharactersSelector = 0,
- kSimplifiedCharactersSelector = 1,
- kJIS1978CharactersSelector = 2,
- kJIS1983CharactersSelector = 3,
- kJIS1990CharactersSelector = 4,
- kTraditionalAltOneSelector = 5,
- kTraditionalAltTwoSelector = 6,
- kTraditionalAltThreeSelector = 7,
- kTraditionalAltFourSelector = 8,
- kTraditionalAltFiveSelector = 9,
- kExpertCharactersSelector = 10,
- kNumberCaseType = 21,
- kLowerCaseNumbersSelector = 0,
- kUpperCaseNumbersSelector = 1,
- kTextSpacingType = 22,
- kProportionalTextSelector = 0,
- kMonospacedTextSelector = 1,
- kHalfWidthTextSelector = 2,
- kNormallySpacedTextSelector = 3,
- kTransliterationType = 23,
- kNoTransliterationSelector = 0,
- kHanjaToHangulSelector = 1,
- kHiraganaToKatakanaSelector = 2,
- kKatakanaToHiraganaSelector = 3,
- kKanaToRomanizationSelector = 4,
- kRomanizationToHiraganaSelector = 5,
- kRomanizationToKatakanaSelector = 6,
- kHanjaToHangulAltOneSelector = 7,
- kHanjaToHangulAltTwoSelector = 8,
- kHanjaToHangulAltThreeSelector = 9,
- kAnnotationType = 24,
- kNoAnnotationSelector = 0,
- kBoxAnnotationSelector = 1,
- kRoundedBoxAnnotationSelector = 2,
- kCircleAnnotationSelector = 3,
- kInvertedCircleAnnotationSelector = 4,
- kParenthesisAnnotationSelector = 5,
- kPeriodAnnotationSelector = 6,
- kRomanNumeralAnnotationSelector = 7,
- kDiamondAnnotationSelector = 8,
- kKanaSpacingType = 25,
- kFullWidthKanaSelector = 0,
- kProportionalKanaSelector = 1,
- kIdeographicSpacingType = 26,
- kFullWidthIdeographsSelector = 0,
- kProportionalIdeographsSelector = 1,
- kCJKRomanSpacingType = 103,
- kHalfWidthCJKRomanSelector = 0,
- kProportionalCJKRomanSelector = 1,
- kDefaultCJKRomanSelector = 2,
- kFullWidthCJKRomanSelector = 3,
- kLastFeatureType = -1
- };
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* ---------------- Table Specific Typedefs and Constants -------------------- */
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* FORMATS FOR TABLE: lookup tables - used within various other tables */
- enum {
- kSFNTLookupSimpleArray = 0, /* a simple array indexed by glyph code */
- kSFNTLookupSegmentSingle = 2, /* segment mapping to single value */
- kSFNTLookupSegmentArray = 4, /* segment mapping to lookup array */
- kSFNTLookupSingleTable = 6, /* sorted list of glyph, value pairs */
- kSFNTLookupTrimmedArray = 8 /* a simple trimmed array indexed by glyph code */
- };
- typedef UInt16 SFNTLookupTableFormat;
- typedef UInt16 SFNTLookupValue;
- typedef UInt16 SFNTLookupOffset;
- typedef UInt32 SFNTLookupKind;
- /*
- A BinarySearchHeader defines the five standard fields needed to perform quick
- lookups in a lookup table (note that using UInt16s, and not ItemCounts or
- similar types, is important here, since these tables are in fonts, and the
- documented font formats specify 16-bit quantities).
- */
- struct SFNTLookupBinarySearchHeader {
- UInt16 unitSize; /* size of a unit in bytes */
- UInt16 nUnits; /* number of units in table */
- UInt16 searchRange; /* (largest power of two <= nUnits) * unitSize */
- UInt16 entrySelector; /* log2 (largest power of two <= nUnits) */
- UInt16 rangeShift; /* (nUnits - largest power of two <= nUnits) * unitSize */
- };
- typedef struct SFNTLookupBinarySearchHeader SFNTLookupBinarySearchHeader;
- /* A format 0 lookup table maps all glyphs in the font to lookup values */
- struct SFNTLookupArrayHeader {
- SFNTLookupValue lookupValues[1];
- };
- typedef struct SFNTLookupArrayHeader SFNTLookupArrayHeader;
- /* A format 8 lookup table maps some range of glyphs in the font to lookup values */
- struct SFNTLookupTrimmedArrayHeader {
- UInt16 firstGlyph;
- UInt16 count;
- SFNTLookupValue valueArray[1];
- };
- typedef struct SFNTLookupTrimmedArrayHeader SFNTLookupTrimmedArrayHeader;
- /*
- Format 2 and format 4 lookup tables map ranges of glyphs to either single lookup
- values (format 2), or per-glyph lookup values (format 4). Since both formats
- use the same kind of data, only one unified set of segment-related structures
- is defined.
- */
- struct SFNTLookupSegment {
- UInt16 lastGlyph;
- UInt16 firstGlyph;
- UInt16 value[1];
- };
- typedef struct SFNTLookupSegment SFNTLookupSegment;
- struct SFNTLookupSegmentHeader {
- SFNTLookupBinarySearchHeader binSearch;
- SFNTLookupSegment segments[1];
- };
- typedef struct SFNTLookupSegmentHeader SFNTLookupSegmentHeader;
- /* A format 6 lookup table maps single glyphs to lookup values. */
- struct SFNTLookupSingle {
- UInt16 glyph;
- UInt16 value[1];
- };
- typedef struct SFNTLookupSingle SFNTLookupSingle;
- struct SFNTLookupSingleHeader {
- SFNTLookupBinarySearchHeader binSearch;
- SFNTLookupSingle entries[1];
- };
- typedef struct SFNTLookupSingleHeader SFNTLookupSingleHeader;
- /* The format-specific part of the subtable header */
- union SFNTLookupFormatSpecificHeader {
- SFNTLookupArrayHeader theArray;
- SFNTLookupSegmentHeader segment;
- SFNTLookupSingleHeader single;
- SFNTLookupTrimmedArrayHeader trimmedArray;
- };
- typedef union SFNTLookupFormatSpecificHeader SFNTLookupFormatSpecificHeader;
- /* The overall subtable header */
- struct SFNTLookupTable {
- SFNTLookupTableFormat format; /* table format */
- SFNTLookupFormatSpecificHeader fsHeader; /* format specific header */
- };
- typedef struct SFNTLookupTable SFNTLookupTable;
- typedef SFNTLookupTable * SFNTLookupTablePtr;
- typedef SFNTLookupTablePtr * SFNTLookupTableHandle;
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- enum {
- kSTClassEndOfText = 0,
- kSTClassOutOfBounds = 1,
- kSTClassDeletedGlyph = 2,
- kSTClassEndOfLine = 3,
- kSTSetMark = 0x8000,
- kSTNoAdvance = 0x4000,
- kSTMarkEnd = 0x2000,
- kSTLigActionMask = 0x3FFF,
- kSTRearrVerbMask = 0x000F
- };
- typedef UInt8 STClass;
- typedef UInt8 STEntryIndex;
- struct STHeader {
- UInt8 filler;
- STClass nClasses;
- UInt16 classTableOffset;
- UInt16 stateArrayOffset;
- UInt16 entryTableOffset;
- };
- typedef struct STHeader STHeader;
- struct STClassTable {
- UInt16 firstGlyph;
- UInt16 nGlyphs;
- STClass classes[1];
- };
- typedef struct STClassTable STClassTable;
- struct STEntryZero {
- UInt16 newState;
- UInt16 flags;
- };
- typedef struct STEntryZero STEntryZero;
- struct STEntryOne {
- UInt16 newState;
- UInt16 flags;
- UInt16 offset1;
- };
- typedef struct STEntryOne STEntryOne;
- struct STEntryTwo {
- UInt16 newState;
- UInt16 flags;
- UInt16 offset1;
- UInt16 offset2;
- };
- typedef struct STEntryTwo STEntryTwo;
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* FORMATS FOR TABLE: 'lcar' */
- enum {
- kLCARTag = 0x6C636172, /* 'lcar' */
- kLCARCurrentVersion = 0x00010000, /* current version number for 'lcar' table */
- kLCARLinearFormat = 0,
- kLCARCtlPointFormat = 1
- };
- /* TYPES */
- struct LcarCaretClassEntry {
- UInt16 count;
- UInt16 partials[1]; /* these are either FUnits or control-point numbers */
- };
- typedef struct LcarCaretClassEntry LcarCaretClassEntry;
- struct LcarCaretTable {
- Fixed version;
- UInt16 format;
- SFNTLookupTable lookup;
- };
- typedef struct LcarCaretTable LcarCaretTable;
- typedef LcarCaretTable * LcarCaretTablePtr;
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* FORMATS FOR TABLE: 'just' */
- enum {
- kJUSTTag = 0x6A757374, /* 'just' */
- kJUSTCurrentVersion = 0x00010000,
- kJUSTStandardFormat = 0,
- kJUSTnoGlyphcode = 0xFFFF, /* used in a pcConditionalAddAction */
- kJUSTpcDecompositionAction = 0,
- kJUSTpcUnconditionalAddAction = 1,
- kJUSTpcConditionalAddAction = 2,
- kJUSTpcGlyphStretchAction = 3,
- kJUSTpcDuctilityAction = 4,
- kJUSTpcGlyphRepeatAddAction = 5
- };
- /* Justification priority levels */
- enum {
- kJUSTKashidaPriority = 0,
- kJUSTSpacePriority = 1,
- kJUSTLetterPriority = 2,
- kJUSTNullPriority = 3,
- kJUSTPriorityCount = 4
- };
- /* Justification flags */
- enum {
- kJUSTOverridePriority = 0x8000,
- kJUSTOverrideLimits = 0x4000,
- kJUSTOverrideUnlimited = 0x2000,
- kJUSTUnlimited = 0x1000,
- kJUSTPriorityMask = 0x0003
- };
- /* TYPES */
- typedef UInt16 JustPCActionType;
- typedef UInt16 JustificationFlags;
- /* A JustPCDecompositionAction defines a ligature decomposition action. */
- struct JustPCDecompositionAction {
- Fixed lowerLimit;
- Fixed upperLimit;
- UInt16 order;
- UInt16 count;
- UInt16 glyphs[1];
- };
- typedef struct JustPCDecompositionAction JustPCDecompositionAction;
- /* A JUSTPCUnconditionalAddAction defines an unconditional glyph add action. */
- typedef UInt16 JustPCUnconditionalAddAction;
- /*
- A JUSTPCConditionalAddAction defines a glyph substitution and add action. If the addGlyph
- is equal to kJUSTnoGlyphcode, then no glyph will be added, and the justification for
- the line will be redone.
- */
- struct JustPCConditionalAddAction {
- Fixed substThreshhold; /* threshhold of growth factor at which subst occurs */
- UInt16 addGlyph;
- UInt16 substGlyph;
- };
- typedef struct JustPCConditionalAddAction JustPCConditionalAddAction;
- /* A PCDuctilityAction defines a ductile axis along which the glyph will be varied. */
- struct JustPCDuctilityAction {
- UInt32 ductilityAxis;
- Fixed minimumLimit;
- Fixed noStretchValue;
- Fixed maximumLimit;
- };
- typedef struct JustPCDuctilityAction JustPCDuctilityAction;
- /*
- A PCGlyphRepetitionAction defines a glyph which will not be stretched or otherwise
- transformed, but rather which will be emplaced however many times are needed to fill
- the needed gap.
- */
- struct JustPCGlyphRepeatAddAction {
- UInt16 flags;
- UInt16 glyph;
- };
- typedef struct JustPCGlyphRepeatAddAction JustPCGlyphRepeatAddAction;
- /* PCActionSubrecords contain the actual postcompensation actions. */
- struct JustPCActionSubrecord {
- UInt16 theClass; /* justification class value associated with this rec */
- JustPCActionType theType;
- UInt32 length;
- UInt32 data; /* not really a UInt32; cast as ptr to appropriate action */
- };
- typedef struct JustPCActionSubrecord JustPCActionSubrecord;
- /* The set of postcompensation records is defined in a PCAction struct. */
- struct JustPCAction {
- UInt32 actionCount; /* long for alignment purposes */
- JustPCActionSubrecord actions[1];
- };
- typedef struct JustPCAction JustPCAction;
- /*
- JustWidthDeltaEntry is the justification table entry structure. The justClass value (which is
- actually limited to 7 bits by the state table structure) is defined as a long for PPC alignment reasons.
- */
- struct JustWidthDeltaEntry {
- UInt32 justClass;
- Fixed beforeGrowLimit; /* ems AW can grow by at most on LT */
- Fixed beforeShrinkLimit; /* ems AW can shrink by at most on LT */
- Fixed afterGrowLimit; /* ems AW can grow by at most on RB */
- Fixed afterShrinkLimit; /* ems AW can shrink by at most on RB */
- JustificationFlags growFlags; /* flags controlling grow case */
- JustificationFlags shrinkFlags; /* flags controlling shrink case */
- };
- typedef struct JustWidthDeltaEntry JustWidthDeltaEntry;
- struct JustWidthDeltaGroup {
- UInt32 count;
- JustWidthDeltaEntry entries[1];
- };
- typedef struct JustWidthDeltaGroup JustWidthDeltaGroup;
- /* Overall structure of a postcompensation table is defined in PostcompTable. */
- struct JustPostcompTable {
- SFNTLookupTable lookupTable;
- /* action records here */
- };
- typedef struct JustPostcompTable JustPostcompTable;
- struct JustDirectionTable {
- UInt16 justClass; /* offset to state table (0=none) */
- UInt16 widthDeltaClusters; /* offset to clusters */
- UInt16 postcomp; /* offset to postcomp table (0=none) */
- SFNTLookupTable lookup;
- };
- typedef struct JustDirectionTable JustDirectionTable;
- struct JustTable {
- Fixed version;
- UInt16 format;
- UInt16 horizHeaderOffset;
- UInt16 vertHeaderOffset;
- };
- typedef struct JustTable JustTable;
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* FORMATS FOR TABLE: 'opbd' */
- enum {
- kOPBDTag = 0x6F706264, /* 'opbd' */
- kOPBDCurrentVersion = 0x00010000,
- kOPBDDistanceFormat = 0,
- kOPBDControlPointFormat = 1
- };
- /* TYPES */
- typedef UInt16 OpbdTableFormat;
- /*
- The OpbdSideValues struct is the lookup result from the FindSingle call for the
- optical tables. It contains the 4 FUnit values that are relevant to the specified
- glyph, or the 4 control gxPoint values.
- */
- struct OpbdSideValues {
- SInt16 leftSideShift;
- SInt16 topSideShift;
- SInt16 rightSideShift;
- SInt16 bottomSideShift;
- };
- typedef struct OpbdSideValues OpbdSideValues;
- struct OpbdTable {
- Fixed version;
- OpbdTableFormat format;
- SFNTLookupTable lookupTable;
- };
- typedef struct OpbdTable OpbdTable;
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* FORMATS FOR TABLE: 'mort' */
- enum {
- kMORTTag = 0x6D6F7274, /* 'mort' */
- kMORTCurrentVersion = 0x00010000, /* current version number for 'mort' table */
- /* Coverage masks */
- kMORTCoverVertical = 0x8000,
- kMORTCoverDescending = 0x4000,
- kMORTCoverIgnoreVertical = 0x2000,
- kMORTCoverTypeMask = 0x000F, /* Subtable types */
- kMORTRearrangementType = 0,
- kMORTContextualType = 1,
- kMORTLigatureType = 2,
- kMORTSwashType = 4,
- kMORTInsertionType = 5, /* Ligature subtable constants */
- kMORTLigLastAction = (long)0x80000000,
- kMORTLigStoreLigature = 0x40000000,
- kMORTLigFormOffsetMask = 0x3FFFFFFF,
- kMORTLigFormOffsetShift = 2, /* Rearrangement subtable actions */
- kMORTraNoAction = 0, /* no action */
- kMORTraxA = 1, /* Ax => xA */
- kMORTraDx = 2, /* xD => Dx */
- kMORTraDxA = 3, /* AxD => DxA */
- kMORTraxAB = 4, /* ABx => xAB */
- kMORTraxBA = 5, /* ABx => xBA */
- kMORTraCDx = 6, /* xCD => CDx */
- kMORTraDCx = 7, /* xCD => DCx */
- kMORTraCDxA = 8, /* AxCD => CDxA */
- kMORTraDCxA = 9, /* AxCD => DCxA */
- kMORTraDxAB = 10, /* ABxD => DxAB */
- kMORTraDxBA = 11, /* ABxD => DxBA */
- kMORTraCDxAB = 12, /* ABxCD => CDxAB */
- kMORTraCDxBA = 13, /* ABxCD => CDxBA */
- kMORTraDCxAB = 14, /* ABxCD => DCxAB */
- kMORTraDCxBA = 15, /* ABxCD => DCxBA */
- /* Insertion subtable constants */
- kMORTDoInsertionsBefore = 0x80,
- kMORTIsSplitVowelPiece = 0x40,
- kMORTInsertionsCountMask = 0x3F,
- kMORTCurrInsertKashidaLike = 0x2000,
- kMORTMarkInsertKashidaLike = 0x1000,
- kMORTCurrInsertBefore = 0x0800,
- kMORTMarkInsertBefore = 0x0400,
- kMORTMarkJustTableCountMask = 0x3F80,
- kMORTMarkJustTableCountShift = 7, /* JustTableIndex for marked character */
- kMORTCurrJustTableCountMask = 0x007F,
- kMORTCurrJustTableCountShift = 0, /* JustTableIndex for current character */
- kMORTCurrInsertCountMask = 0x03E0,
- kMORTCurrInsertCountShift = 5, /* count to insert after current glyphRec */
- kMORTMarkInsertCountMask = 0x001F,
- kMORTMarkInsertCountShift = 0 /* count to insert after marked glyphRec */
- };
- /* TYPES */
- typedef UInt32 MortSubtableMaskFlags;
- typedef UInt32 MortLigatureActionEntry;
- struct MortRearrangementSubtable {
- STHeader header;
- };
- typedef struct MortRearrangementSubtable MortRearrangementSubtable;
- struct MortContextualSubtable {
- STHeader header;
- UInt16 substitutionTableOffset;
- };
- typedef struct MortContextualSubtable MortContextualSubtable;
- struct MortLigatureSubtable {
- STHeader header;
- UInt16 ligatureActionTableOffset;
- UInt16 componentTableOffset;
- UInt16 ligatureTableOffset;
- };
- typedef struct MortLigatureSubtable MortLigatureSubtable;
- struct MortSwashSubtable {
- SFNTLookupTable lookup;
- };
- typedef struct MortSwashSubtable MortSwashSubtable;
- struct MortInsertionSubtable {
- STHeader header;
- };
- typedef struct MortInsertionSubtable MortInsertionSubtable;
- union MortSpecificSubtable {
- MortRearrangementSubtable rearrangement;
- MortContextualSubtable contextual;
- MortLigatureSubtable ligature;
- MortSwashSubtable swash;
- MortInsertionSubtable insertion;
- };
- typedef union MortSpecificSubtable MortSpecificSubtable;
- struct MortSubtable {
- UInt16 length;
- UInt16 coverage;
- MortSubtableMaskFlags flags;
- MortSpecificSubtable u;
- };
- typedef struct MortSubtable MortSubtable;
- struct MortFeatureEntry {
- UInt16 featureType;
- UInt16 featureSelector;
- MortSubtableMaskFlags enableFlags;
- MortSubtableMaskFlags disableFlags;
- };
- typedef struct MortFeatureEntry MortFeatureEntry;
- struct MortChain {
- MortSubtableMaskFlags defaultFlags; /* default flags for this chain */
- UInt32 length; /* byte length of this chain */
- UInt16 nFeatures; /* number of feature entries */
- UInt16 nSubtables; /* number of subtables */
- MortFeatureEntry featureEntries[1];
- /* the subtables follow */
- };
- typedef struct MortChain MortChain;
- struct MortTable {
- Fixed version;
- UInt32 nChains;
- MortChain chains[1];
- };
- typedef struct MortTable MortTable;
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* FORMATS FOR TABLE: 'prop' */
- enum {
- kPROPTag = 0x70726F70, /* 'prop' */
- kPROPCurrentVersion = 0x00020000, /* current version number for 'prop' table */
- kPROPPairOffsetShift = 8,
- kPROPPairOffsetSign = 7,
- kPROPIsFloaterMask = 0x8000, /* glyph is floater */
- kPROPCanHangLTMask = 0x4000, /* glyph can hang left/top */
- kPROPCanHangRBMask = 0x2000, /* glyph can hang right/bottom */
- kPROPUseRLPairMask = 0x1000, /* if glyph lands in RL streak, use paired glyph */
- kPROPPairOffsetMask = 0x0F00, /* 4-bit signed offset to other pair member */
- kPROPRightConnectMask = 0x0080, /* glyph connects to glyph on right */
- kPROPZeroReserved = 0x0060, /* must be zero */
- kPROPDirectionMask = 0x001F /* direction bits */
- };
- /* These are the Unicode direction classes (plus the Special European Number class). */
- enum {
- kPROPLDirectionClass = 0, /* Left-to-Right */
- kPROPRDirectionClass = 1, /* Right-to-Left */
- kPROPALDirectionClass = 2, /* Right-to-Left Arabic Letter */
- kPROPENDirectionClass = 3, /* European Number */
- kPROPESDirectionClass = 4, /* European Number Seperator */
- kPROPETDirectionClass = 5, /* European Number Terminator */
- kPROPANDirectionClass = 6, /* Arabic Number */
- kPROPCSDirectionClass = 7, /* Common Number Seperator */
- kPROPPSDirectionClass = 8, /* Paragraph Seperator (also referred to as Block Separator) */
- kPROPSDirectionClass = 9, /* Segment Seperator */
- kPROPWSDirectionClass = 10, /* Whitespace */
- kPROPONDirectionClass = 11, /* Other Neutral */
- kPROPSENDirectionClass = 12, /* Special European Number (not a Unicode class) */
- kPROPLREDirectionClass = 13, /* Left-to-Right Embeding */
- kPROPLRODirectionClass = 14, /* Left-to-Right Override */
- kPROPRLEDirectionClass = 15, /* Right-to-Left Embeding */
- kPROPRLODirectionClass = 16, /* Right-to-Left Override */
- kPROPPDFDirectionClass = 17, /* Pop Directional Format */
- kPROPNSMDirectionClass = 18, /* Non-Spacing Mark */
- kPROPBNDirectionClass = 19, /* Boundary Neutral */
- kPROPNumDirectionClasses = 20 /* Number of Unicode directional types + Special European Number */
- };
- /* TYPES */
- typedef UInt16 PropCharProperties;
- struct PropTable {
- Fixed version;
- UInt16 format;
- PropCharProperties defaultProps;
- SFNTLookupTable lookup;
- };
- typedef struct PropTable PropTable;
- struct PropLookupSegment {
- UInt16 lastGlyph;
- UInt16 firstGlyph;
- UInt16 value;
- };
- typedef struct PropLookupSegment PropLookupSegment;
- struct PropLookupSingle {
- UInt16 glyph;
- PropCharProperties props;
- };
- typedef struct PropLookupSingle PropLookupSingle;
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* FORMATS FOR TABLE: 'trak' */
- enum {
- kTRAKTag = 0x7472616B, /* 'trak' */
- kTRAKCurrentVersion = 0x00010000, /* current version number for 'trak' table */
- kTRAKUniformFormat = 0 /* kTRAKPerGlyphFormat = 2*/
- };
- /* TYPES */
- typedef SInt16 TrakValue;
- struct TrakTableEntry {
- Fixed track;
- UInt16 nameTableIndex;
- UInt16 sizesOffset; /* offset to array of TrackingValues */
- };
- typedef struct TrakTableEntry TrakTableEntry;
- struct TrakTableData {
- UInt16 nTracks;
- UInt16 nSizes;
- UInt32 sizeTableOffset;
- TrakTableEntry trakTable[1];
- };
- typedef struct TrakTableData TrakTableData;
- struct TrakTable {
- Fixed version;
- UInt16 format;
- UInt16 horizOffset;
- UInt16 vertOffset;
- };
- typedef struct TrakTable TrakTable;
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* FORMATS FOR TABLE: 'kern' */
- enum {
- kKERNTag = 0x6B65726E, /* 'kern' */
- kKERNCurrentVersion = 0x00010000,
- kKERNVertical = 0x8000, /* set if this table has vertical kerning information */
- kKERNResetCrossStream = 0x8000, /* this value in a cross-stream table means reset to zero */
- kKERNCrossStream = 0x4000, /* set if this table contains cross-stream kerning values */
- kKERNVariation = 0x2000, /* set if this table contains variation kerning values */
- kKERNUnusedBits = 0x1F00, /* UNUSED, MUST BE ZERO */
- kKERNFormatMask = 0x00FF /* format of this subtable */
- };
- enum {
- kKERNOrderedList = 0, /* ordered list of kerning pairs */
- kKERNStateTable = 1, /* state table for n-way contextual kerning */
- kKERNSimpleArray = 2, /* simple n X m array of kerning values */
- kKERNIndexArray = 3 /* modifed version of SimpleArray */
- };
- /* Message Type Flags */
- enum {
- kKERNLineStart = 0x00000001, /* Array of glyphs starts a line */
- kKERNLineEndKerning = 0x00000002, /* Array of glyphs ends a line */
- kKERNNoCrossKerning = 0x00000004, /* Prohibit cross kerning */
- kKERNNotesRequested = 0x00000008, /* Caller wants kerning notes */
- kKERNNoStakeNote = 1, /* Indicates a glyph was involved in a kerning pair/group */
- kKERNCrossStreamResetNote = 2, /* Indicates a return-to-baseline in cross-stream kerning */
- kKERNNotApplied = 0x00000001 /* All kerning values were zero, kerning call had no effect */
- };
- /* TYPES */
- typedef UInt8 KernTableFormat;
- typedef UInt16 KernSubtableInfo;
- typedef SInt16 KernKerningValue;
- typedef UInt16 KernArrayOffset;
- /* header for version 0 kerning table */
- struct KernVersion0Header {
- UInt16 version; /* font version number (will be 0!) */
- UInt16 nTables; /* number of subtables present */
- UInt16 firstSubtable[1]; /* first subtable starts here */
- };
- typedef struct KernVersion0Header KernVersion0Header;
- /* Header for a kerning table */
- struct KernTableHeader {
- Fixed version; /* font version number (currently 1.0) */
- SInt32 nTables; /* number of subtables present */
- UInt16 firstSubtable[1]; /* first subtable starts here */
- };
- typedef struct KernTableHeader KernTableHeader;
- typedef KernTableHeader * KernTableHeaderPtr;
- typedef KernTableHeaderPtr * KernTableHeaderHandle;
- /*
- F O R M A T S P E C I F I C D E F I N I T I O N S
- kernOrderedList:
- The table is a sorted list of [left glyph, right glyph, value] triples.
- There's enough information in the header so that the list can be
- efficiently binary searched.
- */
- /* defines a single kerning pair of Glyphcodes */
- struct KernKerningPair {
- UInt16 left;
- UInt16 right;
- };
- typedef struct KernKerningPair KernKerningPair;
- /* a single list entry */
- struct KernOrderedListEntry {
- KernKerningPair pair; /* the kerning pair */
- KernKerningValue value; /* the kerning value for the above pair */
- };
- typedef struct KernOrderedListEntry KernOrderedListEntry;
- typedef KernOrderedListEntry * KernOrderedListEntryPtr;
- /* the header information for binary searching the list */
- struct KernOrderedListHeader {
- UInt16 nPairs; /* number of kerning pairs in table */
- UInt16 searchRange; /* (largest power of two <= nPairs) * entry size */
- UInt16 entrySelector; /* log2 (largest power of two <= nPairs) */
- UInt16 rangeShift; /* (nPairs - largest power of two <= nPairs) * entry size */
- UInt16 table[1]; /* entries are first glyph, second glyph, and value */
- };
- typedef struct KernOrderedListHeader KernOrderedListHeader;
- /* KernStateTable: like the the generic state tables */
- struct KernStateHeader {
- STHeader header; /* state table header */
- UInt16 valueTable; /* offset to kerning value table */
- UInt8 firstTable[1]; /* first table starts here */
- };
- typedef struct KernStateHeader KernStateHeader;
- struct KernStateEntry {
- UInt16 newState;
- UInt16 flags; /* flags per above enum */
- };
- typedef struct KernStateEntry KernStateEntry;
- /*
- Kern offset table header.
- The offset table is a trimmed array from firstGlyph to limitGlyph.
- Glyphs outside of this range should get zero for right-hand glyphs
- and the offset of the beginning of the kerning array for left-hand glyphs.
- */
- struct KernOffsetTable {
- UInt16 firstGlyph; /* first glyph in class range */
- UInt16 nGlyphs; /* number of glyphs in class range */
- KernArrayOffset offsetTable[1]; /* offset table starts here */
- };
- typedef struct KernOffsetTable KernOffsetTable;
- typedef KernOffsetTable * KernOffsetTablePtr;
- /* Header information for accessing offset tables and kerning array */
- /*
- KernSimpleArray:
- The array is an nXm array of kenring values. Each row in the array
- represents one left-hand glyph, and each column one right-hand glyph.
- The zeroth row and column always represent glyphs that are out of bounds
- and will always contain zero.
- A pair is looked up by indexing the left-hand glyph through the left
- offset table, the right-hand glyph through the right offset table,
- adding both offsets to the starting address of the kerning array,
- and fetching the kerning value pointed to.
- */
- /* Kern offset table header. */
- /* The offset table is a trimmed array from firstGlyph to limitGlyph. */
- /* Glyphs outside of this range should get zero for right-hand glyphs */
- /* and the offset of the beginning of the kerning array for left- */
- /* hand glyphs. */
- struct KernSimpleArrayHeader {
- UInt16 rowWidth; /* width, in bytes, of a row in the table */
- UInt16 leftOffsetTable; /* offset to left-hand offset table */
- UInt16 rightOffsetTable; /* offset to right-hand offset table */
- KernArrayOffset theArray; /* offset to start of kerning array */
- UInt16 firstTable[1]; /* first offset table starts here... */
- };
- typedef struct KernSimpleArrayHeader KernSimpleArrayHeader;
- /* Index Array */
- struct KernIndexArrayHeader {
- UInt16 glyphCount;
- UInt8 kernValueCount;
- UInt8 leftClassCount;
- UInt8 rightClassCount;
- UInt8 flags; /* set to 0 for now */
- SInt16 kernValue[1]; /* actual kerning values reference by index in kernIndex */
- UInt8 leftClass[1]; /* maps left glyph to offset into kern index */
- UInt8 rightClass[1]; /* maps right glyph to offset into kern index */
- UInt8 kernIndex[1]; /* contains indicies into kernValue */
- };
- typedef struct KernIndexArrayHeader KernIndexArrayHeader;
- /* format specific part of subtable header */
- union KernFormatSpecificHeader {
- KernOrderedListHeader orderedList;
- KernStateHeader stateTable;
- KernSimpleArrayHeader simpleArray;
- KernIndexArrayHeader indexArray;
- };
- typedef union KernFormatSpecificHeader KernFormatSpecificHeader;
- /* version 0 subtable header */
- struct KernVersion0SubtableHeader {
- UInt16 version; /* kerning table version number */
- UInt16 length; /* length in bytes (including this header) */
- KernSubtableInfo stInfo; /* sub-table info */
- KernFormatSpecificHeader fsHeader; /* format specific sub-header */
- };
- typedef struct KernVersion0SubtableHeader KernVersion0SubtableHeader;
- /* Overall Subtable header format */
- struct KernSubtableHeader {
- SInt32 length; /* length in bytes (including this header) */
- KernSubtableInfo stInfo; /* subtable info */
- SInt16 tupleIndex; /* tuple index for variation subtables */
- KernFormatSpecificHeader fsHeader; /* format specific sub-header */
- };
- typedef struct KernSubtableHeader KernSubtableHeader;
- typedef KernSubtableHeader * KernSubtableHeaderPtr;
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- /* FORMATS FOR TABLE: 'bsln' */
- enum {
- kBSLNTag = 0x62736C6E, /* 'bsln' */
- kBSLNCurrentVersion = 0x00010000, /* current version number for 'bsln' table */
- kBSLNDistanceFormatNoMap = 0,
- kBSLNDistanceFormatWithMap = 1,
- kBSLNControlPointFormatNoMap = 2,
- kBSLNControlPointFormatWithMap = 3
- };
- /* Baseline classes and constants */
- enum {
- kBSLNRomanBaseline = 0,
- kBSLNIdeographicCenterBaseline = 1,
- kBSLNIdeographicLowBaseline = 2,
- kBSLNHangingBaseline = 3,
- kBSLNMathBaseline = 4,
- kBSLNLastBaseline = 31,
- kBSLNNumBaselineClasses = kBSLNLastBaseline + 1,
- kBSLNNoBaselineOverride = 255
- };
- /* TYPES */
- typedef UInt32 BslnBaselineClass;
- /* The BslnBaselineRecord array defines the baseline deltas for the line. */
- typedef Fixed BslnBaselineRecord[32];
- /*
- BslnFormat0Part is the format-specific data for a distance table with no mapping (i.e.
- all the glyphs belong to the defaultBaseline).
- */
- struct BslnFormat0Part {
- SInt16 deltas[32];
- };
- typedef struct BslnFormat0Part BslnFormat0Part;
- /* BslnFormat1Part is the format-specific data for a distance table with a gxMapping. */
- struct BslnFormat1Part {
- SInt16 deltas[32];
- SFNTLookupTable mappingData;
- };
- typedef struct BslnFormat1Part BslnFormat1Part;
- /*
- BslnFormat2Part is the format-specific data for a control-point table with no
- mapping (i.e. all the glyphs belong to the defaultBaseline). It specifies a single
- glyph to use and the set of control points in that glyph that designate each of
- the baselines.
- */
- struct BslnFormat2Part {
- UInt16 stdGlyph;
- SInt16 ctlPoints[32];
- };
- typedef struct BslnFormat2Part BslnFormat2Part;
- /*
- BslnFormat3Part is the format-specific data for a distance table with a mapping. Like
- format 2, it contains a single glyph and its set of control-point values for each
- of the baselines.
- */
- struct BslnFormat3Part {
- UInt16 stdGlyph;
- SInt16 ctlPoints[32];
- SFNTLookupTable mappingData;
- };
- typedef struct BslnFormat3Part BslnFormat3Part;
- /* The BslnFormatUnion is a union containing the format-specific parts of the baseline table. */
- union BslnFormatUnion {
- BslnFormat0Part fmt0Part;
- BslnFormat1Part fmt1Part;
- BslnFormat2Part fmt2Part;
- BslnFormat3Part fmt3Part;
- };
- typedef union BslnFormatUnion BslnFormatUnion;
- /* The table format used in BaselineTable */
- typedef UInt16 BslnTableFormat;
- /* BaselineTable defines the top-level format of the baseline table in the font. */
- struct BslnTable {
- Fixed version;
- BslnTableFormat format;
- UInt16 defaultBaseline;
- BslnFormatUnion parts;
- };
- typedef struct BslnTable BslnTable;
- typedef BslnTable * BslnTablePtr;
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- #pragma options align=reset
- #pragma pack(pop)
- #pragma pack()
- #endif
- #pragma import off
- #pragma import reset
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* __SFNTLAYOUTTYPES__ */