- /*
- File: AppleTalk.h
- Contains: AppleTalk Interfaces.
- Version: Technology: System 8.5
- Release: QuickTime 6.0.2
- Copyright: (c) 1985-2001 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved
- Bugs?: For bug reports, consult the following page on
- the World Wide Web:
- */
- #ifndef __APPLETALK__
- #define __APPLETALK__
- #ifndef __MACTYPES__
- #include "MacTypes.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __OSUTILS__
- #include "OSUtils.h"
- #endif
- #pragma once
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #pragma import on
- #endif
- #pragma options align=mac68k
- #pragma pack(push, 2)
- #pragma pack(2)
- #endif
- enum {
- /* Driver unit numbers (ADSP is dynamic) */
- mppUnitNum = 9, /* MPP unit number */
- atpUnitNum = 10, /* ATP unit number */
- xppUnitNum = 40 /* XPP unit number */
- };
- enum {
- /* Driver refNums (ADSP is dynamic) */
- mppRefNum = -10, /* MPP reference number */
- atpRefNum = -11, /* ATP reference number */
- xppRefNum = -41 /* XPP reference number */
- };
- enum {
- /* .MPP csCodes */
- lookupReply = 242, /* This command queued to ourself */
- writeLAP = 243, /* Write out LAP packet */
- detachPH = 244, /* Detach LAP protocol handler */
- attachPH = 245, /* Attach LAP protocol handler */
- writeDDP = 246, /* Write out DDP packet */
- closeSkt = 247, /* Close DDP socket */
- openSkt = 248, /* Open DDP socket */
- loadNBP = 249, /* Load NBP command-executing code */
- lastResident = 249, /* Last resident command */
- confirmName = 250, /* Confirm name */
- lookupName = 251, /* Look up name on internet */
- removeName = 252, /* Remove name from Names Table */
- registerName = 253, /* Register name in Names Table */
- killNBP = 254, /* Kill outstanding NBP request */
- unloadNBP = 255, /* Unload NBP command code */
- setSelfSend = 256, /* MPP: Set to allow writes to self */
- SetMyZone = 257, /* Set my zone name */
- GetATalkInfo = 258, /* get AppleTalk information */
- ATalkClosePrep = 259 /* AppleTalk close query */
- };
- enum {
- /* .ATP csCodes */
- nSendRequest = 248, /* NSendRequest code */
- relRspCB = 249, /* Release RspCB */
- closeATPSkt = 250, /* Close ATP socket */
- addResponse = 251, /* Add response code | Require open skt */
- sendResponse = 252, /* Send response code */
- getRequest = 253, /* Get request code */
- openATPSkt = 254, /* Open ATP socket */
- sendRequest = 255, /* Send request code */
- relTCB = 256, /* Release TCB */
- killGetReq = 257, /* Kill GetRequest */
- killSendReq = 258, /* Kill SendRequest */
- killAllGetReq = 259 /* Kill all getRequests for a skt */
- };
- enum {
- /* .XPP csCodes */
- openSess = 255, /* Open session */
- closeSess = 254, /* Close session */
- userCommand = 253, /* User command */
- userWrite = 252, /* User write */
- getStatus = 251, /* Get status */
- afpCall = 250, /* AFP command (buffer has command code) */
- getParms = 249, /* Get parameters */
- abortOS = 248, /* Abort open session request */
- closeAll = 247, /* Close all open sessions */
- xCall = 246 /* .XPP extended calls */
- };
- enum {
- /* Transition Queue transition types */
- ATTransOpen = 0, /*AppleTalk has opened*/
- ATTransClose = 2, /*AppleTalk is about to close*/
- ATTransClosePrep = 3, /*Is it OK to close AppleTalk ?*/
- ATTransCancelClose = 4 /*Cancel the ClosePrep transition*/
- };
- enum {
- afpByteRangeLock = 1, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpVolClose = 2, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpDirClose = 3, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpForkClose = 4, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpCopyFile = 5, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpDirCreate = 6, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpFileCreate = 7, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpDelete = 8, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpEnumerate = 9, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpFlush = 10, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpForkFlush = 11, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpGetDirParms = 12, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpGetFileParms = 13, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpGetForkParms = 14, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpGetSInfo = 15, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpGetSParms = 16, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpGetVolParms = 17, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpLogin = 18, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpContLogin = 19, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpLogout = 20, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpMapID = 21, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpMapName = 22, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpMove = 23, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpOpenVol = 24, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpOpenDir = 25, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpOpenFork = 26, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpRead = 27, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpRename = 28, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpSetDirParms = 29, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpSetFileParms = 30, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpSetForkParms = 31, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpSetVolParms = 32, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpWrite = 33, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpGetFlDrParms = 34, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpSetFlDrParms = 35, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpDTOpen = 48, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpDTClose = 49, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpGetIcon = 51, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpGtIcnInfo = 52, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpAddAPPL = 53, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpRmvAPPL = 54, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpGetAPPL = 55, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpAddCmt = 56, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpRmvCmt = 57, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpGetCmt = 58, /*AFPCall command codes*/
- afpAddIcon = 192 /*Special code for ASP Write commands*/
- };
- enum {
- xppLoadedBit = 5, /* XPP bit in PortBUse */
- scbMemSize = 192, /* Size of memory for SCB */
- xppFlagClr = 0 /* Cs for AFPCommandBlock */
- };
- enum {
- xppFlagSet = 128 /* StartEndFlag & NewLineFlag fields. */
- };
- enum {
- lapSize = 20,
- ddpSize = 26,
- nbpSize = 26,
- atpSize = 56
- };
- enum {
- atpXOvalue = 32, /*ATP exactly-once bit */
- atpEOMvalue = 16, /*ATP End-Of-Message bit */
- atpSTSvalue = 8, /*ATP Send-Transmission-Status bit */
- atpTIDValidvalue = 2, /*ATP trans. ID valid bit */
- atpSendChkvalue = 1 /*ATP send checksum bit */
- };
- enum {
- zipGetLocalZones = 5,
- zipGetZoneList = 6,
- zipGetMyZone = 7
- };
- enum {
- LAPMgrPtr = 0x0B18 /*Entry point for LAP Manager*/
- };
- enum {
- LAPMgrCall = 2, /*Offset to LAP routines*/
- LAddAEQ = 23, /*LAPAddATQ routine selector*/
- LRmvAEQ = 24 /*LAPRmvATQ routine selector*/
- };
- #define MPPioCompletion MPP.ioCompletion
- #define MPPioResult MPP.ioResult
- #define MPPioRefNum MPP.ioRefNum
- #define MPPcsCode MPP.csCode
- #define LAPprotType LAP.protType
- #define LAPwdsPointer LAP.u.wdsPointer
- #define LAPhandler LAP.u.handler
- #define DDPsocket DDP.socket
- #define DDPchecksumFlag DDP.checksumFlag
- #define DDPwdsPointer DDP.u.wdsPointer
- #define DDPlistener DDP.u.listener
- #define NBPinterval NBP.interval
- #define NBPcount NBP.count
- #define NBPntQElPtr NBP.nbpPtrs.ntQElPtr
- #define NBPentityPtr NBP.nbpPtrs.entityPtr
- #define NBPverifyFlag NBP.parm.verifyFlag
- #define NBPretBuffPtr NBP.parm.Lookup.retBuffPtr
- #define NBPretBuffSize NBP.parm.Lookup.retBuffSize
- #define NBPmaxToGet NBP.parm.Lookup.maxToGet
- #define NBPnumGotten NBP.parm.Lookup.numGotten
- #define NBPconfirmAddr NBP.parm.Confirm.confirmAddr
- #define NBPnKillQEl NBPKILL.nKillQEl
- #define NBPnewSocket NBP.parm.Confirm.newSocket
- #define ATPioCompletion ATP.ioCompletion
- #define ATPioResult ATP.ioResult
- #define ATPuserData ATP.userData
- #define ATPreqTID ATP.reqTID
- #define ATPioRefNum ATP.ioRefNum
- #define ATPcsCode ATP.csCode
- #define ATPatpSocket ATP.atpSocket
- #define ATPatpFlags ATP.atpFlags
- #define ATPaddrBlock ATP.addrBlock
- #define ATPreqLength ATP.reqLength
- #define ATPreqPointer ATP.reqPointer
- #define ATPbdsPointer ATP.bdsPointer
- #define ATPtimeOutVal SREQ.timeOutVal
- #define ATPnumOfResps SREQ.numOfResps
- #define ATPretryCount SREQ.retryCount
- #define ATPnumOfBuffs OTH1.u.numOfBuffs
- #define ATPbitMap OTH1.u.bitMap
- #define ATPrspNum OTH1.u.rspNum
- #define ATPbdsSize OTH2.bdsSize
- #define ATPtransID OTH2.transID
- #define ATPaKillQEl KILL.aKillQEl
- enum {
- tLAPRead = 0,
- tLAPWrite = 1,
- tDDPRead = 2,
- tDDPWrite = 3,
- tNBPLookup = 4,
- tNBPConfirm = 5,
- tNBPRegister = 6,
- tATPSndRequest = 7,
- tATPGetRequest = 8,
- tATPSdRsp = 9,
- tATPAddRsp = 10,
- tATPRequest = 11,
- tATPResponse = 12
- };
- typedef SInt8 ABCallType;
- enum {
- lapProto = 0,
- ddpProto = 1,
- nbpProto = 2,
- atpProto = 3
- };
- typedef UInt8 ABProtoType;
- typedef Byte ABByte;
- struct LAPAdrBlock {
- UInt8 dstNodeID;
- UInt8 srcNodeID;
- ABByte lapProtType;
- UInt8 filler; /* Filler for proper byte alignment*/
- };
- typedef struct LAPAdrBlock LAPAdrBlock;
- typedef struct ATQEntry ATQEntry;
- typedef ATQEntry * ATQEntryPtr;
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( long , ATalkTransitionEventProcPtr )(long eventCode, ATQEntryPtr qElem, void *eventParameter);
- typedef STACK_UPP_TYPE(ATalkTransitionEventProcPtr) ATalkTransitionEventUPP;
- typedef ATalkTransitionEventUPP ATalkTransitionEvent;
- struct ATQEntry {
- struct ATQEntry * qLink; /*next queue entry*/
- short qType; /*queue type*/
- ATalkTransitionEventUPP CallAddr; /*your routine descriptor*/
- };
- /*
- Real definition of EntityName is 3 PACKED strings of any length (32 is just an example). No
- offests for Asm since each String address must be calculated by adding length byte to last string ptr.
- In Pascal, String(32) will be 34 bytes long since fields never start on an odd byte unless they are
- only a byte long. So this will generate correct looking interfaces for Pascal and C, but they will not
- be the same, which is OK since they are not used.
- */
- struct EntityName {
- Str32Field objStr;
- Str32Field typeStr;
- Str32Field zoneStr;
- };
- typedef struct EntityName EntityName;
- typedef EntityName * EntityPtr;
- struct AddrBlock {
- UInt16 aNet;
- UInt8 aNode;
- UInt8 aSocket;
- };
- typedef struct AddrBlock AddrBlock;
- struct RetransType {
- UInt8 retransInterval;
- UInt8 retransCount;
- };
- typedef struct RetransType RetransType;
- struct BDSElement {
- short buffSize;
- void * buffPtr;
- short dataSize;
- long userBytes;
- };
- typedef struct BDSElement BDSElement;
- typedef BDSElement BDSType[8];
- typedef BDSElement * BDSPtr;
- typedef char BitMapType;
- struct ATLAPRec {
- ABCallType abOpcode;
- SInt8 filler; /* Filler for proper byte alignment*/
- short abResult;
- long abUserReference;
- LAPAdrBlock lapAddress;
- short lapReqCount;
- short lapActCount;
- void * lapDataPtr;
- };
- typedef struct ATLAPRec ATLAPRec;
- typedef ATLAPRec * ATLAPRecPtr;
- typedef ATLAPRecPtr * ATLAPRecHandle;
- struct ATDDPRec {
- ABCallType abOpcode;
- SInt8 filler; /* Filler for proper byte alignment*/
- short abResult;
- long abUserReference;
- short ddpType;
- short ddpSocket;
- AddrBlock ddpAddress;
- short ddpReqCount;
- short ddpActCount;
- void * ddpDataPtr;
- short ddpNodeID;
- };
- typedef struct ATDDPRec ATDDPRec;
- typedef ATDDPRec * ATDDPRecPtr;
- typedef ATDDPRecPtr * ATDDPRecHandle;
- struct ATNBPRec {
- ABCallType abOpcode;
- SInt8 filler; /* Filler for proper byte alignment*/
- short abResult;
- long abUserReference;
- EntityPtr nbpEntityPtr;
- void * nbpBufPtr;
- short nbpBufSize;
- short nbpDataField;
- AddrBlock nbpAddress;
- RetransType nbpRetransmitInfo;
- };
- typedef struct ATNBPRec ATNBPRec;
- typedef ATNBPRec * ATNBPRecPtr;
- typedef ATNBPRecPtr * ATNBPRecHandle;
- struct ATATPRec {
- ABCallType abOpcode;
- SInt8 filler1; /* Filler for proper byte alignment*/
- short abResult;
- long abUserReference;
- short atpSocket;
- AddrBlock atpAddress;
- short atpReqCount;
- void * atpDataPtr;
- BDSPtr atpRspBDSPtr;
- BitMapType atpBitMap;
- SInt8 filler2; /* Filler for proper byte alignment*/
- short atpTransID;
- short atpActCount;
- long atpUserData;
- Boolean atpXO;
- Boolean atpEOM;
- short atpTimeOut;
- short atpRetries;
- short atpNumBufs;
- short atpNumRsp;
- short atpBDSSize;
- long atpRspUData;
- void * atpRspBuf;
- short atpRspSize;
- };
- typedef struct ATATPRec ATATPRec;
- typedef ATATPRec * ATATPRecPtr;
- typedef ATATPRecPtr * ATATPRecHandle;
- struct AFPCommandBlock {
- UInt8 cmdByte;
- UInt8 startEndFlag;
- short forkRefNum;
- long rwOffset;
- long reqCount;
- UInt8 newLineFlag;
- char newLineChar;
- };
- typedef struct AFPCommandBlock AFPCommandBlock;
- typedef union MPPParamBlock MPPParamBlock;
- typedef union ATPParamBlock ATPParamBlock;
- typedef union XPPParamBlock XPPParamBlock;
- typedef MPPParamBlock * MPPPBPtr;
- typedef ATPParamBlock * ATPPBPtr;
- typedef XPPParamBlock * XPPParmBlkPtr;
- typedef CALLBACK_API( void , MPPCompletionProcPtr )(MPPPBPtr thePBptr);
- /*
- WARNING: MPPCompletionProcPtr uses register based parameters under classic 68k
- and cannot be written in a high-level language without
- the help of mixed mode or assembly glue.
- */
- typedef CALLBACK_API( void , ATPCompletionProcPtr )(ATPPBPtr thePBptr);
- /*
- WARNING: ATPCompletionProcPtr uses register based parameters under classic 68k
- and cannot be written in a high-level language without
- the help of mixed mode or assembly glue.
- */
- typedef CALLBACK_API( void , XPPCompletionProcPtr )(XPPParmBlkPtr thePBptr);
- /*
- WARNING: XPPCompletionProcPtr uses register based parameters under classic 68k
- and cannot be written in a high-level language without
- the help of mixed mode or assembly glue.
- */
- typedef CALLBACK_API( void , AttnRoutineProcPtr )(short sessRefnum, short attnBytes);
- /*
- WARNING: AttnRoutineProcPtr uses register based parameters under classic 68k
- and cannot be written in a high-level language without
- the help of mixed mode or assembly glue.
- */
- typedef REGISTER_UPP_TYPE(MPPCompletionProcPtr) MPPCompletionUPP;
- typedef REGISTER_UPP_TYPE(ATPCompletionProcPtr) ATPCompletionUPP;
- typedef REGISTER_UPP_TYPE(XPPCompletionProcPtr) XPPCompletionUPP;
- typedef REGISTER_UPP_TYPE(AttnRoutineProcPtr) AttnRoutineUPP;
- struct WDSElement {
- short entryLength;
- Ptr entryPtr;
- };
- typedef struct WDSElement WDSElement;
- struct NTElement {
- AddrBlock nteAddress; /*network address of entity*/
- SInt8 filler;
- SInt8 entityData[99]; /*Object, Type & Zone*/
- };
- typedef struct NTElement NTElement;
- struct NamesTableEntry {
- Ptr qNext; /*ptr to next NTE*/
- NTElement nt;
- };
- typedef struct NamesTableEntry NamesTableEntry;
- typedef CALLBACK_API( Boolean , MPPProtocolHandlerProcPtr )(Ptr SCCAddr1, Ptr SCCAddr2, Ptr MPPLocalVars, Ptr nextFreeByteInRHA, Ptr ReadPacketAndReadRestPtr, short numBytesLeftToReadInPacket);
- typedef CALLBACK_API( Boolean , DDPSocketListenerProcPtr )(Ptr SCCAddr1, Ptr SCCAddr2, Ptr MPPLocalVars, Ptr nextFreeByteInRHA, Ptr ReadPacketAndReadRestPtr, UInt8 packetDestinationNumber, short numBytesLeftToReadInPacket);
- typedef STACK_UPP_TYPE(MPPProtocolHandlerProcPtr) MPPProtocolHandlerUPP;
- typedef STACK_UPP_TYPE(DDPSocketListenerProcPtr) DDPSocketListenerUPP;
- /*
- MPPProtocolHandlerProcs and DDPSocketListenerProcs cannot be written
- in or called from a high-level language without the help of mixed mode
- or assembly glue because they use the following parameter-passing conventions:
- typedef Boolean (*MPPProtocolHandlerProcPtr)(Ptr SCCAddr1, Ptr SCCAddr2,
- Ptr MPPLocalVars, Ptr nextFreeByteInRHA, Ptr ReadPacketAndReadRestPtr,
- short numBytesLeftToReadInPacket);
- In:
- => SCCAddr1 A0.L
- => SCCAddr2 A1.L
- => MPPLocalVars A2.L
- => nextFreeByteInRHA A3.L
- => ReadPacketAndReadRestPtr A4.L
- => numBytesLeftToReadInPacket D1.W
- Out:
- <= Boolean Z bit of CCR
- typedef Boolean (*DDPSocketListenerProcPtr)(Ptr SCCAddr1, Ptr SCCAddr2,
- Ptr MPPLocalVars, Ptr nextFreeByteInRHA, Ptr ReadPacketAndReadRestPtr,
- UInt8 packetDestinationNumber, short numBytesLeftToReadInPacket);
- In:
- => SCCAddr1 A0.L
- => SCCAddr2 A1.L
- => MPPLocalVars A2.L
- => nextFreeByteInRHA A3.L
- => ReadPacketAndReadRestPtr A4.L
- => packetDestinationNumber D0.B
- => numBytesLeftToReadInPacket D1.W
- Out:
- <= Boolean Z bit of CCR
- */
- struct MPPparms {
- QElem * qLink; /*next queue entry*/
- short qType; /*queue type*/
- short ioTrap; /*routine trap*/
- Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*routine address*/
- ATPCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*ATPCompletionUPP or MPPCompletionUPP*/
- OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/
- long userData; /*Command result (ATP user bytes)*/
- short reqTID; /*request transaction ID*/
- short ioRefNum; /*driver reference number*/
- short csCode; /*Call command code*/
- };
- typedef struct MPPparms MPPparms;
- struct LAPparms {
- QElem * qLink; /*next queue entry*/
- short qType; /*queue type*/
- short ioTrap; /*routine trap*/
- Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*routine address*/
- ATPCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*ATPCompletionUPP or MPPCompletionUPP*/
- OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/
- long userData; /*Command result (ATP user bytes)*/
- short reqTID; /*request transaction ID*/
- short ioRefNum; /*driver reference number*/
- short csCode; /*Call command code*/
- UInt8 protType; /*ALAP protocol Type */
- UInt8 filler;
- union {
- void * wdsPointer; /*-> write data structure*/
- MPPProtocolHandlerUPP handler; /*-> protocol handler routine*/
- } u;
- };
- typedef struct LAPparms LAPparms;
- struct DDPparms {
- QElem * qLink; /*next queue entry*/
- short qType; /*queue type*/
- short ioTrap; /*routine trap*/
- Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*routine address*/
- ATPCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*ATPCompletionUPP or MPPCompletionUPP*/
- OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/
- long userData; /*Command result (ATP user bytes)*/
- short reqTID; /*request transaction ID*/
- short ioRefNum; /*driver reference number*/
- short csCode; /*Call command code*/
- UInt8 socket; /*socket number */
- UInt8 checksumFlag; /*check sum flag */
- union {
- void * wdsPointer; /*-> write data structure*/
- DDPSocketListenerUPP listener; /*->write data structure or -> Listener*/
- } u;
- };
- typedef struct DDPparms DDPparms;
- union NBPPtrs {
- Ptr ntQElPtr;
- Ptr entityPtr;
- };
- typedef union NBPPtrs NBPPtrs;
- union LookupConfirmParams {
- UInt8 verifyFlag;
- struct {
- void * retBuffPtr;
- short retBuffSize;
- short maxToGet;
- short numGotten;
- } Lookup;
- struct {
- AddrBlock confirmAddr;
- UInt8 newSocket;
- SInt8 filler; /* Filler for proper byte alignment*/
- } Confirm;
- };
- typedef union LookupConfirmParams LookupConfirmParams;
- struct NBPparms {
- QElem * qLink; /*next queue entry*/
- short qType; /*queue type*/
- short ioTrap; /*routine trap*/
- Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*routine address*/
- ATPCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*ATPCompletionUPP or MPPCompletionUPP*/
- OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/
- long userData; /*Command result (ATP user bytes)*/
- short reqTID; /*request transaction ID*/
- short ioRefNum; /*driver reference number*/
- short csCode; /*Call command code*/
- UInt8 interval; /*retry interval */
- UInt8 count; /*retry count */
- NBPPtrs nbpPtrs;
- LookupConfirmParams parm;
- };
- typedef struct NBPparms NBPparms;
- struct SetSelfparms {
- QElem * qLink; /*next queue entry*/
- short qType; /*queue type*/
- short ioTrap; /*routine trap*/
- Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*routine address*/
- ATPCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*ATPCompletionUPP or MPPCompletionUPP*/
- OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/
- long userData; /*Command result (ATP user bytes)*/
- short reqTID; /*request transaction ID*/
- short ioRefNum; /*driver reference number*/
- short csCode; /*Call command code*/
- UInt8 newSelfFlag; /*self-send toggle flag */
- UInt8 oldSelfFlag; /*previous self-send state */
- };
- typedef struct SetSelfparms SetSelfparms;
- struct NBPKillparms {
- QElem * qLink; /*next queue entry*/
- short qType; /*queue type*/
- short ioTrap; /*routine trap*/
- Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*routine address*/
- ATPCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*ATPCompletionUPP or MPPCompletionUPP*/
- OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/
- long userData; /*Command result (ATP user bytes)*/
- short reqTID; /*request transaction ID*/
- short ioRefNum; /*driver reference number*/
- short csCode; /*Call command code*/
- void * nKillQEl; /*ptr to i/o queue element to cancel */
- };
- typedef struct NBPKillparms NBPKillparms;
- struct GetAppleTalkInfoParm {
- QElem * qLink; /*next queue entry*/
- short qType; /*queue type*/
- short ioTrap; /*routine trap*/
- Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*routine address*/
- ATPCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*ATPCompletionUPP or MPPCompletionUPP*/
- OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/
- long userData; /*Command result (ATP user bytes)*/
- short reqTID; /*request transaction ID*/
- short ioRefNum; /*driver reference number*/
- short csCode; /*Call command code*/
- /*max. concurrent NBP requests*/
- short version; /*requested info version*/
- void * varsPtr; /*pointer to well known MPP vars*/
- void * DCEPtr; /*pointer to MPP DCE*/
- short portID; /*port number [0..7]*/
- long configuration; /*32-bit configuration word*/
- short selfSend; /*non zero if SelfSend enabled*/
- short netLo; /*low value of network range*/
- short netHi; /*high value of network range*/
- long ourAdd; /*our 24-bit AppleTalk address*/
- long routerAddr; /*24-bit address of (last) router*/
- short numOfPHs; /*max. number of protocol handlers*/
- short numOfSkts; /*max. number of static sockets*/
- short numNBPEs; /*max. concurrent NBP requests*/
- void * nTQueue; /*pointer to registered name queue*/
- short LAlength; /*length in bytes of data link addr*/
- void * linkAddr; /*data link address returned*/
- Ptr zoneName; /*zone name returned*/
- };
- typedef struct GetAppleTalkInfoParm GetAppleTalkInfoParm;
- struct ATalkClosePrepParm {
- QElem * qLink; /*next queue entry*/
- short qType; /*queue type*/
- short ioTrap; /*routine trap*/
- Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*routine address*/
- ATPCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*ATPCompletionUPP or MPPCompletionUPP*/
- OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/
- long userData; /*Command result (ATP user bytes)*/
- short reqTID; /*request transaction ID*/
- short ioRefNum; /*driver reference number*/
- short csCode; /*Call command code*/
- Ptr appName; /*pointer to application name in buffer*/
- };
- typedef struct ATalkClosePrepParm ATalkClosePrepParm;
- union MPPParamBlock {
- MPPparms MPP; /*General MPP parms*/
- LAPparms LAP; /*ALAP calls*/
- DDPparms DDP; /*DDP calls*/
- NBPparms NBP; /*NBP calls*/
- SetSelfparms SETSELF;
- NBPKillparms NBPKILL;
- GetAppleTalkInfoParm GAIINFO;
- ATalkClosePrepParm ATALKCLOSE;
- };
- struct XPPPrmBlk {
- QElem * qLink;
- short qType;
- short ioTrap;
- Ptr ioCmdAddr;
- XPPCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long cmdResult;
- short ioVRefNum;
- short ioRefNum;
- short csCode;
- short sessRefnum; /*Offset to session refnum */
- UInt8 aspTimeout; /*Timeout for ATP */
- UInt8 aspRetry; /*Retry count for ATP */
- short cbSize; /*Command block size */
- Ptr cbPtr; /*Command block pointer */
- short rbSize; /*Reply buffer size */
- Ptr rbPtr; /*Reply buffer pointer */
- short wdSize; /*Write Data size*/
- Ptr wdPtr; /*Write Data pointer*/
- UInt8 ccbStart[296]; /*CCB memory allocated for driver afpWrite max size(CCB)=296 all other calls=150*/
- };
- typedef struct XPPPrmBlk XPPPrmBlk;
- struct ASPGetparmsBlk {
- QElem * qLink;
- short qType;
- short ioTrap;
- Ptr ioCmdAddr;
- XPPCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long cmdResult;
- short ioVRefNum;
- short ioRefNum;
- short csCode;
- short aspMaxCmdSize; /*For SPGetParms*/
- short aspQuantumSize;
- short numSesss;
- };
- typedef struct ASPGetparmsBlk ASPGetparmsBlk;
- struct ASPAbortPrm {
- QElem * qLink;
- short qType;
- short ioTrap;
- Ptr ioCmdAddr;
- XPPCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long cmdResult;
- short ioVRefNum;
- short ioRefNum;
- short csCode;
- Ptr abortSCBPtr; /*SCB pointer for AbortOS */
- };
- typedef struct ASPAbortPrm ASPAbortPrm;
- struct ASPOpenPrm {
- QElem * qLink;
- short qType;
- short ioTrap;
- Ptr ioCmdAddr;
- XPPCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long cmdResult;
- short ioVRefNum;
- short ioRefNum;
- short csCode;
- short sessRefnum; /*Offset to session refnum */
- UInt8 aspTimeout; /*Timeout for ATP */
- UInt8 aspRetry; /*Retry count for ATP */
- AddrBlock serverAddr; /*Server address block */
- Ptr scbPointer; /*SCB pointer */
- AttnRoutineUPP attnRoutine; /*Attention routine pointer*/
- };
- typedef struct ASPOpenPrm ASPOpenPrm;
- typedef ASPOpenPrm * ASPOpenPrmPtr;
- struct AFPLoginPrm {
- QElem * qLink;
- short qType;
- short ioTrap;
- Ptr ioCmdAddr;
- XPPCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long cmdResult;
- short ioVRefNum;
- short ioRefNum;
- short csCode;
- short sessRefnum; /*Offset to session refnum */
- UInt8 aspTimeout; /*Timeout for ATP */
- UInt8 aspRetry; /*Retry count for ATP */
- short cbSize; /*Command block size */
- void * cbPtr; /*Command block pointer */
- short rbSize; /*Reply buffer size */
- void * rbPtr; /*Reply buffer pointer */
- AddrBlock afpAddrBlock; /*block in AFP login */
- void * afpSCBPtr; /*SCB pointer in AFP login */
- AttnRoutineUPP afpAttnRoutine; /*routine pointer in AFP login */
- UInt8 ccbFill[144]; /*CCB memory allocated for driver Login needs only 150 bytes BUT CCB really starts in the middle of AFPSCBPtr and also clobbers AFPAttnRoutine. */
- };
- typedef struct AFPLoginPrm AFPLoginPrm;
- struct XCallParam {
- QElem * qLink;
- short qType;
- short ioTrap;
- Ptr ioCmdAddr;
- XPPCompletionUPP ioCompletion;
- OSErr ioResult;
- long cmdResult;
- short ioVRefNum;
- short ioRefNum;
- short csCode;
- short xppSubCode;
- UInt8 xppTimeout; /*retry interval (seconds)*/
- UInt8 xppRetry; /*retry count*/
- short filler1;
- void * zipBuffPtr; /*pointer to buffer (must be 578 bytes)*/
- short zipNumZones; /*no. of zone names in this response*/
- UInt8 zipLastFlag; /*non-zero if no more zones*/
- UInt8 filler2; /*filler*/
- UInt8 zipInfoField[70]; /*on initial call, set first word to zero*/
- };
- typedef struct XCallParam XCallParam;
- union XPPParamBlock {
- XPPPrmBlk XPP;
- ASPGetparmsBlk GETPARM;
- ASPAbortPrm ABORT;
- ASPOpenPrm OPEN;
- AFPLoginPrm LOGIN;
- XCallParam XCALL;
- };
- struct ATPparms {
- QElem * qLink; /*next queue entry*/
- short qType; /*queue type*/
- short ioTrap; /*routine trap*/
- Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*routine address*/
- ATPCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*ATPCompletionUPP or MPPCompletionUPP*/
- OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/
- long userData; /*Command result (ATP user bytes)*/
- short reqTID; /*request transaction ID*/
- short ioRefNum; /*driver reference number*/
- short csCode; /*Call command code*/
- UInt8 atpSocket; /*currbitmap for requests or ATP socket number*/
- UInt8 atpFlags; /*control information*/
- AddrBlock addrBlock; /*source/dest. socket address*/
- short reqLength; /*request/response length*/
- void * reqPointer; /*->request/response Data*/
- void * bdsPointer; /*->response BDS */
- };
- typedef struct ATPparms ATPparms;
- struct SendReqparms {
- QElem * qLink; /*next queue entry*/
- short qType; /*queue type*/
- short ioTrap; /*routine trap*/
- Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*routine address*/
- ATPCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*ATPCompletionUPP or MPPCompletionUPP*/
- OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/
- long userData; /*Command result (ATP user bytes)*/
- short reqTID; /*request transaction ID*/
- short ioRefNum; /*driver reference number*/
- short csCode; /*Call command code*/
- UInt8 atpSocket; /*currbitmap for requests or ATP socket number*/
- UInt8 atpFlags; /*control information*/
- AddrBlock addrBlock; /*source/dest. socket address*/
- short reqLength; /*request/response length*/
- void * reqPointer; /*->request/response Data*/
- void * bdsPointer; /*->response BDS */
- UInt8 numOfBuffs; /*numOfBuffs */
- UInt8 timeOutVal; /*timeout interval */
- UInt8 numOfResps; /*number of responses actually received */
- UInt8 retryCount; /*number of retries */
- short intBuff; /*used internally for NSendRequest */
- UInt8 TRelTime; /*TRelease time for extended send request */
- SInt8 filler0;
- };
- typedef struct SendReqparms SendReqparms;
- struct ATPmisc1 {
- QElem * qLink; /*next queue entry*/
- short qType; /*queue type*/
- short ioTrap; /*routine trap*/
- Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*routine address*/
- ATPCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*ATPCompletionUPP or MPPCompletionUPP*/
- OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/
- long userData; /*Command result (ATP user bytes)*/
- short reqTID; /*request transaction ID*/
- short ioRefNum; /*driver reference number*/
- short csCode; /*Call command code*/
- UInt8 atpSocket; /*currbitmap for requests or ATP socket number*/
- UInt8 atpFlags; /*control information*/
- AddrBlock addrBlock; /*source/dest. socket address*/
- short reqLength; /*request/response length*/
- void * reqPointer; /*->request/response Data*/
- void * bdsPointer; /*->response BDS */
- union {
- UInt8 bitMap; /*bitmap received */
- UInt8 numOfBuffs; /*number of responses being sent*/
- UInt8 rspNum; /*sequence number*/
- } u;
- };
- typedef struct ATPmisc1 ATPmisc1;
- struct ATPmisc2 {
- QElem * qLink; /*next queue entry*/
- short qType; /*queue type*/
- short ioTrap; /*routine trap*/
- Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*routine address*/
- ATPCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*ATPCompletionUPP or MPPCompletionUPP*/
- OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/
- long userData; /*Command result (ATP user bytes)*/
- short reqTID; /*request transaction ID*/
- short ioRefNum; /*driver reference number*/
- short csCode; /*Call command code*/
- UInt8 atpSocket; /*currbitmap for requests or ATP socket number*/
- UInt8 atpFlags; /*control information*/
- AddrBlock addrBlock; /*source/dest. socket address*/
- short reqLength; /*request/response length*/
- void * reqPointer; /*->request/response Data*/
- void * bdsPointer; /*->response BDS */
- UInt8 filler;
- UInt8 bdsSize; /*number of BDS elements */
- short transID; /*transaction ID recd. */
- };
- typedef struct ATPmisc2 ATPmisc2;
- struct Killparms {
- QElem * qLink; /*next queue entry*/
- short qType; /*queue type*/
- short ioTrap; /*routine trap*/
- Ptr ioCmdAddr; /*routine address*/
- ATPCompletionUPP ioCompletion; /*ATPCompletionUPP or MPPCompletionUPP*/
- OSErr ioResult; /*result code*/
- long userData; /*Command result (ATP user bytes)*/
- short reqTID; /*request transaction ID*/
- short ioRefNum; /*driver reference number*/
- short csCode; /*Call command code*/
- UInt8 atpSocket; /*currbitmap for requests or ATP socket number*/
- UInt8 atpFlags; /*control information*/
- AddrBlock addrBlock; /*source/dest. socket address*/
- short reqLength; /*request/response length*/
- void * reqPointer; /*->request/response Data*/
- void * bdsPointer; /*->response BDS */
- void * aKillQEl; /*ptr to i/o queue element to cancel*/
- };
- typedef struct Killparms Killparms;
- union ATPParamBlock {
- ATPparms ATP; /*General ATP parms*/
- SendReqparms SREQ; /*sendrequest parms*/
- ATPmisc1 OTH1; /*and a few others*/
- ATPmisc2 OTH2; /*and a few others*/
- Killparms KILL; /*and a few others*/
- };
- EXTERN_API(ATalkTransitionEventUPP)
- NewATalkTransitionEventUPP (ATalkTransitionEventProcPtr userRoutine);
- NewMPPCompletionUPP (MPPCompletionProcPtr userRoutine);
- NewATPCompletionUPP (ATPCompletionProcPtr userRoutine);
- NewXPPCompletionUPP (XPPCompletionProcPtr userRoutine);
- EXTERN_API(AttnRoutineUPP)
- NewAttnRoutineUPP (AttnRoutineProcPtr userRoutine);
- EXTERN_API(MPPProtocolHandlerUPP)
- NewMPPProtocolHandlerUPP (MPPProtocolHandlerProcPtr userRoutine);
- EXTERN_API(DDPSocketListenerUPP)
- NewDDPSocketListenerUPP (DDPSocketListenerProcPtr userRoutine);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- DisposeATalkTransitionEventUPP (ATalkTransitionEventUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- DisposeMPPCompletionUPP (MPPCompletionUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- DisposeATPCompletionUPP (ATPCompletionUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- DisposeXPPCompletionUPP (XPPCompletionUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- DisposeAttnRoutineUPP (AttnRoutineUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- DisposeMPPProtocolHandlerUPP (MPPProtocolHandlerUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- DisposeDDPSocketListenerUPP (DDPSocketListenerUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(long)
- InvokeATalkTransitionEventUPP (long eventCode,
- ATQEntryPtr qElem,
- void * eventParameter,
- ATalkTransitionEventUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- InvokeMPPCompletionUPP (MPPPBPtr thePBptr,
- MPPCompletionUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- InvokeATPCompletionUPP (ATPPBPtr thePBptr,
- ATPCompletionUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- InvokeXPPCompletionUPP (XPPParmBlkPtr thePBptr,
- XPPCompletionUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- InvokeAttnRoutineUPP (short sessRefnum,
- short attnBytes,
- AttnRoutineUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(Boolean)
- InvokeMPPProtocolHandlerUPP (Ptr SCCAddr1,
- Ptr SCCAddr2,
- Ptr MPPLocalVars,
- Ptr nextFreeByteInRHA,
- Ptr ReadPacketAndReadRestPtr,
- short numBytesLeftToReadInPacket,
- MPPProtocolHandlerUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(Boolean)
- InvokeDDPSocketListenerUPP (Ptr SCCAddr1,
- Ptr SCCAddr2,
- Ptr MPPLocalVars,
- Ptr nextFreeByteInRHA,
- Ptr ReadPacketAndReadRestPtr,
- UInt8 packetDestinationNumber,
- short numBytesLeftToReadInPacket,
- DDPSocketListenerUPP userUPP);
- #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */
- #else
- enum { uppATalkTransitionEventProcInfo = 0x00000FF1 }; /* 4_bytes Func(4_bytes, 4_bytes, 4_bytes) */
- enum { uppMPPCompletionProcInfo = 0x00009802 }; /* register no_return_value Func(4_bytes:A0) */
- enum { uppATPCompletionProcInfo = 0x00009802 }; /* register no_return_value Func(4_bytes:A0) */
- enum { uppXPPCompletionProcInfo = 0x00009802 }; /* register no_return_value Func(4_bytes:A0) */
- enum { uppAttnRoutineProcInfo = 0x00061002 }; /* register no_return_value Func(2_bytes:D0, 2_bytes:D1) */
- enum { uppMPPProtocolHandlerProcInfo = 0x0000007F }; /* SPECIAL_CASE_PROCINFO(7) */
- enum { uppDDPSocketListenerProcInfo = 0x0000008F }; /* SPECIAL_CASE_PROCINFO(8) */
- #define NewATalkTransitionEventUPP(userRoutine) (ATalkTransitionEventUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppATalkTransitionEventProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
- #define NewMPPCompletionUPP(userRoutine) (MPPCompletionUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppMPPCompletionProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
- #define NewATPCompletionUPP(userRoutine) (ATPCompletionUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppATPCompletionProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
- #define NewXPPCompletionUPP(userRoutine) (XPPCompletionUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppXPPCompletionProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
- #define NewAttnRoutineUPP(userRoutine) (AttnRoutineUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppAttnRoutineProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
- #define NewMPPProtocolHandlerUPP(userRoutine) (MPPProtocolHandlerUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppMPPProtocolHandlerProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
- #define NewDDPSocketListenerUPP(userRoutine) (DDPSocketListenerUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppDDPSocketListenerProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
- #define DisposeATalkTransitionEventUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
- #define DisposeMPPCompletionUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
- #define DisposeATPCompletionUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
- #define DisposeXPPCompletionUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
- #define DisposeAttnRoutineUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
- #define DisposeMPPProtocolHandlerUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
- #define DisposeDDPSocketListenerUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
- #define InvokeATalkTransitionEventUPP(eventCode, qElem, eventParameter, userUPP) (long)CALL_THREE_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppATalkTransitionEventProcInfo, (eventCode), (qElem), (eventParameter))
- #pragma parameter InvokeMPPCompletionUPP(__A0, __A1)
- void InvokeMPPCompletionUPP(MPPPBPtr thePBptr, MPPCompletionUPP userUPP) = 0x4E91;
- #else
- #define InvokeMPPCompletionUPP(thePBptr, userUPP) CALL_ONE_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppMPPCompletionProcInfo, (thePBptr))
- #endif
- #pragma parameter InvokeATPCompletionUPP(__A0, __A1)
- void InvokeATPCompletionUPP(ATPPBPtr thePBptr, ATPCompletionUPP userUPP) = 0x4E91;
- #else
- #define InvokeATPCompletionUPP(thePBptr, userUPP) CALL_ONE_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppATPCompletionProcInfo, (thePBptr))
- #endif
- #pragma parameter InvokeXPPCompletionUPP(__A0, __A1)
- void InvokeXPPCompletionUPP(XPPParmBlkPtr thePBptr, XPPCompletionUPP userUPP) = 0x4E91;
- #else
- #define InvokeXPPCompletionUPP(thePBptr, userUPP) CALL_ONE_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppXPPCompletionProcInfo, (thePBptr))
- #endif
- #pragma parameter InvokeAttnRoutineUPP(__D0, __D1, __A0)
- void InvokeAttnRoutineUPP(short sessRefnum, short attnBytes, AttnRoutineUPP userUPP) = 0x4E90;
- #else
- #define InvokeAttnRoutineUPP(sessRefnum, attnBytes, userUPP) CALL_TWO_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppAttnRoutineProcInfo, (sessRefnum), (attnBytes))
- #endif
- #define InvokeMPPProtocolHandlerUPP(SCCAddr1, SCCAddr2, MPPLocalVars, nextFreeByteInRHA, ReadPacketAndReadRestPtr, numBytesLeftToReadInPacket, userUPP) (Boolean)CALL_SIX_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppMPPProtocolHandlerProcInfo, (SCCAddr1), (SCCAddr2), (MPPLocalVars), (nextFreeByteInRHA), (ReadPacketAndReadRestPtr), (numBytesLeftToReadInPacket))
- #define InvokeDDPSocketListenerUPP(SCCAddr1, SCCAddr2, MPPLocalVars, nextFreeByteInRHA, ReadPacketAndReadRestPtr, packetDestinationNumber, numBytesLeftToReadInPacket, userUPP) (Boolean)CALL_SEVEN_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppDDPSocketListenerProcInfo, (SCCAddr1), (SCCAddr2), (MPPLocalVars), (nextFreeByteInRHA), (ReadPacketAndReadRestPtr), (packetDestinationNumber), (numBytesLeftToReadInPacket))
- #endif
- /* support for pre-Carbon UPP routines: NewXXXProc and CallXXXProc */
- #define NewATalkTransitionEventProc(userRoutine) NewATalkTransitionEventUPP(userRoutine)
- #define NewMPPCompletionProc(userRoutine) NewMPPCompletionUPP(userRoutine)
- #define NewATPCompletionProc(userRoutine) NewATPCompletionUPP(userRoutine)
- #define NewXPPCompletionProc(userRoutine) NewXPPCompletionUPP(userRoutine)
- #define NewAttnRoutineProc(userRoutine) NewAttnRoutineUPP(userRoutine)
- #define NewMPPProtocolHandlerProc(userRoutine) NewMPPProtocolHandlerUPP(userRoutine)
- #define NewDDPSocketListenerProc(userRoutine) NewDDPSocketListenerUPP(userRoutine)
- #define CallATalkTransitionEventProc(userRoutine, eventCode, qElem, eventParameter) InvokeATalkTransitionEventUPP(eventCode, qElem, eventParameter, userRoutine)
- #define CallMPPCompletionProc(userRoutine, thePBptr) InvokeMPPCompletionUPP(thePBptr, userRoutine)
- #define CallATPCompletionProc(userRoutine, thePBptr) InvokeATPCompletionUPP(thePBptr, userRoutine)
- #define CallXPPCompletionProc(userRoutine, thePBptr) InvokeXPPCompletionUPP(thePBptr, userRoutine)
- #define CallAttnRoutineProc(userRoutine, sessRefnum, attnBytes) InvokeAttnRoutineUPP(sessRefnum, attnBytes, userRoutine)
- #define CallMPPProtocolHandlerProc(userRoutine, SCCAddr1, SCCAddr2, MPPLocalVars, nextFreeByteInRHA, ReadPacketAndReadRestPtr, numBytesLeftToReadInPacket) InvokeMPPProtocolHandlerUPP(SCCAddr1, SCCAddr2, MPPLocalVars, nextFreeByteInRHA, ReadPacketAndReadRestPtr, numBytesLeftToReadInPacket, userRoutine)
- #define CallDDPSocketListenerProc(userRoutine, SCCAddr1, SCCAddr2, MPPLocalVars, nextFreeByteInRHA, ReadPacketAndReadRestPtr, packetDestinationNumber, numBytesLeftToReadInPacket) InvokeDDPSocketListenerUPP(SCCAddr1, SCCAddr2, MPPLocalVars, nextFreeByteInRHA, ReadPacketAndReadRestPtr, packetDestinationNumber, numBytesLeftToReadInPacket, userRoutine)
- OpenXPP (short * xppRefnum);
- ASPOpenSession (XPPParmBlkPtr thePBptr,
- Boolean async);
- ASPCloseSession (XPPParmBlkPtr thePBptr,
- Boolean async);
- ASPAbortOS (XPPParmBlkPtr thePBptr,
- Boolean async);
- ASPGetParms (XPPParmBlkPtr thePBptr,
- Boolean async);
- ASPCloseAll (XPPParmBlkPtr thePBptr,
- Boolean async);
- ASPUserWrite (XPPParmBlkPtr thePBptr,
- Boolean async);
- ASPUserCommand (XPPParmBlkPtr thePBptr,
- Boolean async);
- ASPGetStatus (XPPParmBlkPtr thePBptr,
- Boolean async);
- #define ASPGetStatusSync(paramBlock) ASPGetStatus((paramBlock), false)
- AFPCommand (XPPParmBlkPtr thePBptr,
- Boolean async);
- GetLocalZones (XPPParmBlkPtr thePBptr,
- Boolean async);
- GetZoneList (XPPParmBlkPtr thePBptr,
- Boolean async);
- GetMyZone (XPPParmBlkPtr thePBptr,
- Boolean async);
- PAttachPH (MPPPBPtr thePBptr,
- Boolean async);
- PDetachPH (MPPPBPtr thePBptr,
- Boolean async);
- PWriteLAP (MPPPBPtr thePBptr,
- Boolean async);
- POpenSkt (MPPPBPtr thePBptr,
- Boolean async);
- PCloseSkt (MPPPBPtr thePBptr,
- Boolean async);
- PWriteDDP (MPPPBPtr thePBptr,
- Boolean async);
- PRegisterName (MPPPBPtr thePBptr,
- Boolean async);
- PLookupName (MPPPBPtr thePBptr,
- Boolean async);
- #define PLookupNameSync(paramBlock) PLookupName((paramBlock), false)
- PConfirmName (MPPPBPtr thePBptr,
- Boolean async);
- PRemoveName (MPPPBPtr thePBptr,
- Boolean async);
- PSetSelfSend (MPPPBPtr thePBptr,
- Boolean async);
- PKillNBP (MPPPBPtr thePBptr,
- Boolean async);
- PGetAppleTalkInfo (MPPPBPtr thePBptr,
- Boolean async);
- PATalkClosePrep (MPPPBPtr thePBptr,
- Boolean async);
- POpenATPSkt (ATPPBPtr thePBptr,
- Boolean async);
- PCloseATPSkt (ATPPBPtr thePBPtr,
- Boolean async);
- PSendRequest (ATPPBPtr thePBPtr,
- Boolean async);
- PGetRequest (ATPPBPtr thePBPtr,
- Boolean async);
- PSendResponse (ATPPBPtr thePBPtr,
- Boolean async);
- PAddResponse (ATPPBPtr thePBPtr,
- Boolean async);
- PRelTCB (ATPPBPtr thePBPtr,
- Boolean async);
- PRelRspCB (ATPPBPtr thePBPtr,
- Boolean async);
- PNSendRequest (ATPPBPtr thePBPtr,
- Boolean async);
- PKillSendReq (ATPPBPtr thePBPtr,
- Boolean async);
- PKillGetReq (ATPPBPtr thePBPtr,
- Boolean async);
- ATPKillAllGetReq (ATPPBPtr thePBPtr,
- Boolean async);
- EXTERN_API( void )
- BuildLAPwds (Ptr wdsPtr,
- Ptr dataPtr,
- short destHost,
- short prototype,
- short frameLen);
- EXTERN_API( void )
- BuildDDPwds (Ptr wdsPtr,
- Ptr headerPtr,
- Ptr dataPtr,
- AddrBlock netAddr,
- short ddpType,
- short dataLen);
- EXTERN_API( void )
- NBPSetEntity (Ptr buffer,
- ConstStr32Param nbpObject,
- ConstStr32Param nbpType,
- ConstStr32Param nbpZone);
- EXTERN_API( void )
- NBPSetNTE (Ptr ntePtr,
- ConstStr32Param nbpObject,
- ConstStr32Param nbpType,
- ConstStr32Param nbpZone,
- short socket);
- EXTERN_API( short )
- GetBridgeAddress (void);
- EXTERN_API( short )
- BuildBDS (Ptr buffPtr,
- Ptr bdsPtr,
- short buffSize);
- MPPOpen (void);
- LAPAddATQ (ATQEntryPtr theATQEntry);
- LAPRmvATQ (ATQEntryPtr theATQEntry);
- ATPLoad (void);
- ATPUnload (void);
- NBPExtract (Ptr theBuffer,
- short numInBuf,
- short whichOne,
- EntityName * abEntity,
- AddrBlock * address);
- GetNodeAddress (short * myNode,
- short * myNet);
- EXTERN_API( Boolean )
- IsMPPOpen (void);
- EXTERN_API( Boolean )
- IsATPOpen (void);
- EXTERN_API( void )
- ATEvent (long event,
- Ptr infoPtr);
- ATPreFlightEvent (long event,
- long cancel,
- Ptr infoPtr);
- /*
- The following routines are obsolete and will not be supported on
- PowerPC. Equivalent functionality is provided by the routines
- above.
- */
- #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */
- #if TARGET_CPU_68K
- MPPClose (void);
- LAPOpenProtocol (ABByte theLAPType,
- Ptr protoPtr);
- LAPCloseProtocol (ABByte theLAPType);
- LAPWrite (ATLAPRecHandle abRecord,
- Boolean async);
- LAPRead (ATLAPRecHandle abRecord,
- Boolean async);
- LAPRdCancel (ATLAPRecHandle abRecord);
- DDPOpenSocket (short * theSocket,
- Ptr sktListener);
- DDPCloseSocket (short theSocket);
- DDPRead (ATDDPRecHandle abRecord,
- Boolean retCksumErrs,
- Boolean async);
- DDPWrite (ATDDPRecHandle abRecord,
- Boolean doChecksum,
- Boolean async);
- DDPRdCancel (ATDDPRecHandle abRecord);
- ATPOpenSocket (AddrBlock addrRcvd,
- short * atpSocket);
- ATPCloseSocket (short atpSocket);
- ATPSndRequest (ATATPRecHandle abRecord,
- Boolean async);
- ATPRequest (ATATPRecHandle abRecord,
- Boolean async);
- ATPReqCancel (ATATPRecHandle abRecord,
- Boolean async);
- ATPGetRequest (ATATPRecHandle abRecord,
- Boolean async);
- ATPSndRsp (ATATPRecHandle abRecord,
- Boolean async);
- ATPAddRsp (ATATPRecHandle abRecord);
- ATPResponse (ATATPRecHandle abRecord,
- Boolean async);
- ATPRspCancel (ATATPRecHandle abRecord,
- Boolean async);
- NBPRegister (ATNBPRecHandle abRecord,
- Boolean async);
- NBPLookup (ATNBPRecHandle abRecord,
- Boolean async);
- NBPConfirm (ATNBPRecHandle abRecord,
- Boolean async);
- NBPRemove (EntityPtr abEntity);
- NBPLoad (void);
- NBPUnload (void);
- #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */
- #endif /* TARGET_CPU_68K */
- #pragma options align=reset
- #pragma pack(pop)
- #pragma pack()
- #endif
- #pragma import off
- #pragma import reset
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* __APPLETALK__ */