- /*
- File: CardServices.h
- Contains: The client interface to Card and Socket Services.
- Version: Technology: System 7.5
- Release: QuickTime 6.0.2
- Copyright: (c) 1994-2001 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
- Bugs?: For bug reports, consult the following page on
- the World Wide Web:
- */
- #ifndef __CARDSERVICES__
- #define __CARDSERVICES__
- #ifndef __MACTYPES__
- #include "MacTypes.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __PCCARDTUPLES__
- #include "PCCardTuples.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __MIXEDMODE__
- #include "MixedMode.h"
- #endif
- #pragma once
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #pragma import on
- #endif
- #pragma options align=mac68k
- #pragma pack(push, 2)
- #pragma pack(2)
- #endif
- /* miscellaneous*/
- enum {
- CS_MAX_SOCKETS = 32 /* a long is used as a socket bitmap*/
- };
- /* Will move to <Traps.h>*/
- enum {
- _PCCardDispatch = 0xAAF0 /* Card Services entry trap*/
- };
- /* Will move to <Errors.h>*/
- /* result codes*/
- enum {
- kCSBadAdapterErr = -9050, /* invalid adapter number*/
- kCSBadAttributeErr = -9051, /* specified attributes field value is invalid*/
- kCSBadBaseErr = -9052, /* specified base system memory address is invalid*/
- kCSBadEDCErr = -9053, /* specified EDC generator specified is invalid*/
- kCSBadIRQErr = -9054, /* specified IRQ level is invalid*/
- kCSBadOffsetErr = -9055, /* specified PC card memory array offset is invalid*/
- kCSBadPageErr = -9056, /* specified page is invalid*/
- kCSBadSizeErr = -9057, /* specified size is invalid*/
- kCSBadSocketErr = -9058, /* specified logical or physical socket number is invalid*/
- kCSBadTypeErr = -9059, /* specified window or interface type is invalid*/
- kCSBadVccErr = -9060, /* specified Vcc power level index is invalid*/
- kCSBadVppErr = -9061, /* specified Vpp1 or Vpp2 power level index is invalid*/
- kCSBadWindowErr = -9062, /* specified window is invalid*/
- kCSBadArgLengthErr = -9063, /* ArgLength argument is invalid*/
- kCSBadArgsErr = -9064, /* values in argument packet are invalid*/
- kCSBadHandleErr = -9065, /* clientHandle is invalid*/
- kCSBadCISErr = -9066, /* CIS on card is invalid*/
- kCSBadSpeedErr = -9067, /* specified speed is unavailable*/
- kCSReadFailureErr = -9068, /* unable to complete read request*/
- kCSWriteFailureErr = -9069, /* unable to complete write request*/
- kCSGeneralFailureErr = -9070, /* an undefined error has occurred*/
- kCSNoCardErr = -9071, /* no PC card in the socket*/
- kCSUnsupportedFunctionErr = -9072, /* function is not supported by this implementation*/
- kCSUnsupportedModeErr = -9073, /* mode is not supported*/
- kCSBusyErr = -9074, /* unable to process request at this time - try later*/
- kCSWriteProtectedErr = -9075, /* media is write-protected*/
- kCSConfigurationLockedErr = -9076, /* a configuration has already been locked*/
- kCSInUseErr = -9077, /* requested resource is being used by a client*/
- kCSNoMoreItemsErr = -9078, /* there are no more of the requested item*/
- kCSOutOfResourceErr = -9079 /* Card Services has exhausted the resource*/
- };
- /* messages sent to client's event handler*/
- enum {
- kCSNullMessage = 0x00, /* no messages pending (not sent to clients)*/
- kCSCardInsertionMessage = 0x01, /* card has been inserted into the socket*/
- kCSCardRemovalMessage = 0x02, /* card has been removed from the socket*/
- kCSCardLockMessage = 0x03, /* card is locked into the socket with a mechanical latch*/
- kCSCardUnlockMessage = 0x04, /* card is no longer locked into the socket*/
- kCSCardReadyMessage = 0x05, /* card is ready to be accessed*/
- kCSCardResetMessage = 0x06, /* physical reset has completed*/
- kCSInsertionRequestMessage = 0x07, /* request to insert a card using insertion motor*/
- kCSInsertionCompleteMessage = 0x08, /* insertion motor has finished inserting a card*/
- kCSEjectionRequestMessage = 0x09, /* user or other client is requesting a card ejection*/
- kCSEjectionFailedMessage = 0x0A, /* eject failure due to electrical/mechanical problems*/
- kCSPMResumeMessage = 0x0B, /* power management resume (TBD)*/
- kCSPMSuspendMessage = 0x0C, /* power management suspend (TBD)*/
- kCSResetPhysicalMessage = 0x0D, /* physical reset is about to occur on this card*/
- kCSResetRequestMessage = 0x0E, /* physical reset has been requested by a client*/
- kCSResetCompleteMessage = 0x0F, /* ResetCard() background reset has completed*/
- kCSBatteryDeadMessage = 0x10, /* battery is no longer useable, data will be lost*/
- kCSBatteryLowMessage = 0x11, /* battery is weak and should be replaced*/
- kCSWriteProtectMessage = 0x12, /* card is now write protected*/
- kCSWriteEnabledMessage = 0x13, /* card is now write enabled*/
- kCSClientInfoMessage = 0x14, /* client is to return client information*/
- kCSSSUpdatedMessage = 0x15, /* AddSocketServices/ReplaceSocket services has changed SS support*/
- kCSFunctionInterruptMessage = 0x16, /* card function interrupt*/
- kCSAccessErrorMessage = 0x17, /* client bus errored on access to socket*/
- kCSCardUnconfiguredMessage = 0x18, /* a CARD_READY was delivered to all clients and no client */
- /* requested a configuration for the socket*/
- kCSStatusChangedMessage = 0x19 /* status change for cards in I/O mode*/
- };
- /*
- The following is a mapping of the PCMCIA name space to the Macintosh name space.
- These two enum lists will be removed and given to developers as a separate file.
- */
- enum {
- SUCCESS = noErr,
- BAD_ADAPTER = kCSBadAdapterErr,
- BAD_ATTRIBUTE = kCSBadAttributeErr,
- BAD_BASE = kCSBadBaseErr,
- BAD_OFFSET = kCSBadOffsetErr,
- BAD_PAGE = kCSBadPageErr,
- BAD_SIZE = kCSBadSizeErr,
- BAD_SOCKET = kCSBadSocketErr,
- BAD_TYPE = kCSBadTypeErr,
- BAD_VCC = kCSBadVccErr,
- BAD_VPP = kCSBadVppErr,
- BAD_WINDOW = kCSBadWindowErr,
- BAD_ARG_LENGTH = kCSBadArgLengthErr,
- BAD_ARGS = kCSBadArgsErr,
- BAD_HANDLE = kCSBadHandleErr,
- BAD_SPEED = kCSBadSpeedErr,
- READ_FAILURE = kCSReadFailureErr,
- WRITE_FAILURE = kCSWriteFailureErr,
- GENERAL_FAILURE = kCSGeneralFailureErr,
- NO_CARD = kCSNoCardErr,
- UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTION = kCSUnsupportedFunctionErr,
- UNSUPPORTED_MODE = kCSUnsupportedModeErr,
- BUSY = kCSBusyErr,
- WRITE_PROTECTED = kCSWriteProtectedErr,
- CONFIGURATION_LOCKED = kCSConfigurationLockedErr,
- IN_USE = kCSInUseErr,
- NO_MORE_ITEMS = kCSNoMoreItemsErr,
- OUT_OF_RESOURCE = kCSOutOfResourceErr
- };
- /* messages sent to client's event handler*/
- enum {
- NULL_MESSAGE = kCSNullMessage,
- CARD_INSERTION = kCSCardInsertionMessage,
- CARD_REMOVAL = kCSCardRemovalMessage,
- CARD_LOCK = kCSCardLockMessage,
- CARD_UNLOCK = kCSCardUnlockMessage,
- CARD_READY = kCSCardReadyMessage,
- CARD_RESET = kCSCardResetMessage,
- INSERTION_REQUEST = kCSInsertionRequestMessage,
- INSERTION_COMPLETE = kCSInsertionCompleteMessage,
- EJECTION_REQUEST = kCSEjectionRequestMessage,
- EJECTION_FAILED = kCSEjectionFailedMessage,
- PM_RESUME = kCSPMResumeMessage,
- PM_SUSPEND = kCSPMSuspendMessage,
- RESET_PHYSICAL = kCSResetPhysicalMessage,
- RESET_REQUEST = kCSResetRequestMessage,
- RESET_COMPLETE = kCSResetCompleteMessage,
- BATTERY_DEAD = kCSBatteryDeadMessage,
- BATTERY_LOW = kCSBatteryLowMessage,
- WRITE_PROTECT = kCSWriteProtectMessage,
- WRITE_ENABLED = kCSWriteEnabledMessage,
- CLIENT_INFO = kCSClientInfoMessage,
- SS_UPDATED = kCSSSUpdatedMessage,
- FUNCTION_INTERRUPT = kCSFunctionInterruptMessage,
- ACCESS_ERROR = kCSAccessErrorMessage,
- CARD_UNCONFIGURED = kCSCardUnconfiguredMessage,
- STATUS_CHANGED = kCSStatusChangedMessage
- };
- /*---------------- CSAccessConfigurationRegister ----------------*/
- struct AccessConfigurationRegisterPB {
- UInt16 socket; /* -> global socket number*/
- UInt8 action; /* -> read/write*/
- UInt8 offset; /* -> offset from config register base*/
- UInt8 value; /* <-> value to read/write*/
- UInt8 padding[1]; /* */
- };
- typedef struct AccessConfigurationRegisterPB AccessConfigurationRegisterPB;
- /* 'action' field values*/
- enum {
- kCSReadConfigRegister = 0x00,
- kCSWriteConfigRegister = 0x01
- };
- /*---------------- CSGetCardServicesInfo ----------------*/
- struct GetCardServicesInfoPB {
- UInt8 signature[2]; /* <- two ascii chars 'CS'*/
- UInt16 count; /* <- total number of sockets installed*/
- UInt16 revision; /* <- BCD*/
- UInt16 csLevel; /* <- BCD*/
- UInt16 reserved; /* -> zero*/
- UInt16 vStrLen; /* <-> in: client's buffer size, out: vendor string length*/
- UInt8 * vendorString; /* <-> in: pointer to buffer to hold CS vendor string (zero-terminated)*/
- /* out: CS vendor string copied to buffer*/
- };
- typedef struct GetCardServicesInfoPB GetCardServicesInfoPB;
- /*---------------- CSGetClientInfo ----------------*/
- /* upper byte of attributes is kCSClientInfoSubfunction*/
- struct ClientInfoParam {
- UInt32 clientHandle; /* -> clientHandle returned by RegisterClient*/
- UInt16 attributes; /* <-> subfunction + bitmapped client attributes*/
- UInt16 revision; /* <- BCD value of client's revision*/
- UInt16 csLevel; /* <- BCD value of CS release*/
- UInt16 revDate; /* <- revision date: y[15-9], m[8-5], d[4-0]*/
- SInt16 nameLen; /* <-> in: max length of client name string, out: actual length*/
- SInt16 vStringLen; /* <-> in: max length of vendor string, out: actual length*/
- UInt8 * nameString; /* <- pointer to client name string (zero-terminated)*/
- UInt8 * vendorString; /* <- pointer to vendor string (zero-terminated)*/
- };
- typedef struct ClientInfoParam ClientInfoParam;
- /*
- upper byte of attributes is kCSCardNameSubfunction,
- kCSCardTypeSubfunction,
- kCSHelpStringSubfunction
- */
- struct AlternateTextStringParam {
- UInt32 clientHandle; /* -> clientHandle returned by RegisterClient*/
- UInt16 attributes; /* <-> subfunction + bitmapped client attributes*/
- UInt16 socket; /* -> logical socket number*/
- UInt16 reserved; /* -> zero*/
- SInt16 length; /* <-> in: max length of string, out: actual length*/
- UInt8 * text; /* <- pointer to string (zero-terminated)*/
- };
- typedef struct AlternateTextStringParam AlternateTextStringParam;
- /* upper byte of attributes is kCSCardIconSubfunction*/
- struct AlternateCardIconParam {
- UInt32 clientHandle; /* -> clientHandle returned by RegisterClient*/
- UInt16 attributes; /* <-> subfunction + bitmapped client attributes*/
- UInt16 socket; /* -> logical socket number*/
- Handle iconSuite; /* <- handle to icon suite containing all icons*/
- };
- typedef struct AlternateCardIconParam AlternateCardIconParam;
- /* upper byte of attributes is kCSActionProcSubfunction*/
- struct CustomActionProcParam {
- UInt32 clientHandle; /* -> clientHandle returned by RegisterClient*/
- UInt16 attributes; /* <-> subfunction + bitmapped client attributes*/
- UInt16 socket; /* -> logical socket number*/
- };
- typedef struct CustomActionProcParam CustomActionProcParam;
- struct GetClientInfoPB {
- union {
- ClientInfoParam clientInfo;
- AlternateTextStringParam alternateTextString;
- AlternateCardIconParam alternateIcon;
- CustomActionProcParam customActionProc;
- } u;
- };
- typedef struct GetClientInfoPB GetClientInfoPB;
- /* 'attributes' field values*/
- enum {
- kCSMemoryClient = 0x0001,
- kCSIOClient = 0x0004,
- kCSClientTypeMask = 0x0007,
- kCSShareableCardInsertEvents = 0x0008,
- kCSExclusiveCardInsertEvents = 0x0010,
- kCSInfoSubfunctionMask = 0xFF00,
- kCSClientInfoSubfunction = 0x0000,
- kCSCardNameSubfunction = 0x8000,
- kCSCardTypeSubfunction = 0x8100,
- kCSHelpStringSubfunction = 0x8200,
- kCSCardIconSubfunction = 0x8300,
- kCSActionProcSubfunction = 0x8400
- };
- /*
- ---------------- CSGetConfigurationInfo ----------------
- ---------------- CSModifyConfiguration ----------------
- ---------------- CSRequestConfiguration ----------------
- */
- struct GetModRequestConfigInfoPB {
- UInt32 clientHandle; /* -> clientHandle returned by RegisterClient*/
- UInt16 socket; /* -> logical socket number*/
- UInt16 attributes; /* <-> bitmap of configuration attributes*/
- UInt8 vcc; /* <-> Vcc setting*/
- UInt8 vpp1; /* <-> Vpp1 setting*/
- UInt8 vpp2; /* <-> Vpp2 setting*/
- UInt8 intType; /* <-> interface type (memory or memory+I/O)*/
- UInt32 configBase; /* <-> card base address of configuration registers*/
- UInt8 status; /* <-> card status register setting, if present*/
- UInt8 pin; /* <-> card pin register setting, if present*/
- UInt8 copy; /* <-> card socket/copy register setting, if present*/
- UInt8 configIndex; /* <-> card option register setting, if present*/
- UInt8 present; /* <-> bitmap of which configuration registers are present*/
- UInt8 firstDevType; /* <- from DeviceID tuple*/
- UInt8 funcCode; /* <- from FuncID tuple*/
- UInt8 sysInitMask; /* <- from FuncID tuple*/
- UInt16 manufCode; /* <- from ManufacturerID tuple*/
- UInt16 manufInfo; /* <- from ManufacturerID tuple*/
- UInt8 cardValues; /* <- valid card register values*/
- UInt8 padding[1]; /* */
- };
- typedef struct GetModRequestConfigInfoPB GetModRequestConfigInfoPB;
- /* 'attributes' field values*/
- enum {
- kCSExclusivelyUsed = 0x0001,
- kCSEnableIREQs = 0x0002,
- kCSVccChangeValid = 0x0004,
- kCSVpp1ChangeValid = 0x0008,
- kCSVpp2ChangeValid = 0x0010,
- kCSValidClient = 0x0020,
- kCSSleepPower = 0x0040, /* request that power be applied to socket during Sleep*/
- kCSLockSocket = 0x0080,
- kCSTurnOnInUse = 0x0100
- };
- /* 'intType' field values*/
- enum {
- kCSMemoryInterface = 0x01,
- kCSMemory_And_IO_Interface = 0x02
- };
- /* 'present' field values*/
- enum {
- kCSOptionRegisterPresent = 0x01,
- kCSStatusRegisterPresent = 0x02,
- kCSPinReplacementRegisterPresent = 0x04,
- kCSCopyRegisterPresent = 0x08
- };
- /* 'cardValues' field values*/
- enum {
- kCSOptionValueValid = 0x01,
- kCSStatusValueValid = 0x02,
- kCSPinReplacementValueValid = 0x04,
- kCSCopyValueValid = 0x08
- };
- /*
- ---------------- CSGetClientEventMask ----------------
- ---------------- CSSetClientEventMask ----------------
- */
- struct GetSetClientEventMaskPB {
- UInt32 clientHandle; /* -> clientHandle returned by RegisterClient*/
- UInt16 attributes; /* <-> bitmap of attributes*/
- UInt16 eventMask; /* <-> bitmap of events to be passed to client for this socket*/
- UInt16 socket; /* -> logical socket number*/
- };
- typedef struct GetSetClientEventMaskPB GetSetClientEventMaskPB;
- /* 'attributes' field values*/
- enum {
- kCSEventMaskThisSocketOnly = 0x0001
- };
- /* 'eventMask' field values*/
- enum {
- kCSWriteProtectEvent = 0x0001,
- kCSCardLockChangeEvent = 0x0002,
- kCSEjectRequestEvent = 0x0004,
- kCSInsertRequestEvent = 0x0008,
- kCSBatteryDeadEvent = 0x0010,
- kCSBatteryLowEvent = 0x0020,
- kCSReadyChangeEvent = 0x0040,
- kCSCardDetectChangeEvent = 0x0080,
- kCSPMChangeEvent = 0x0100,
- kCSResetEvent = 0x0200,
- kCSSSUpdateEvent = 0x0400,
- kCSFunctionInterrupt = 0x0800,
- kCSAllEvents = 0xFFFF
- };
- /*
- ---------------- CSGetFirstClient ----------------
- ---------------- CSGetNextClient ----------------
- */
- struct GetClientPB {
- UInt32 clientHandle; /* <- clientHandle for this client*/
- UInt16 socket; /* -> logical socket number*/
- UInt16 attributes; /* -> bitmap of attributes*/
- };
- typedef struct GetClientPB GetClientPB;
- /* 'attributes' field values*/
- enum {
- kCSClientsForAllSockets = 0x0000,
- kCSClientsThisSocketOnly = 0x0001
- };
- /*
- ---------------- CSGetFirstTuple ----------------
- ---------------- CSGetNextTuple ----------------
- ---------------- CSGetTupleData ----------------
- */
- struct GetTuplePB {
- UInt16 socket; /* -> logical socket number*/
- UInt16 attributes; /* -> bitmap of attributes*/
- UInt8 desiredTuple; /* -> desired tuple code value, or $FF for all*/
- UInt8 tupleOffset; /* -> offset into tuple from link byte*/
- UInt16 flags; /* <-> internal use*/
- UInt32 linkOffset; /* <-> internal use*/
- UInt32 cisOffset; /* <-> internal use*/
- union {
- struct {
- UInt8 tupleCode; /* <- tuple code found*/
- UInt8 tupleLink; /* <- link value for tuple found*/
- } TuplePB;
- struct {
- UInt16 tupleDataMax; /* -> maximum size of tuple data area*/
- UInt16 tupleDataLen; /* <- number of bytes in tuple body*/
- TupleBody tupleData; /* <- tuple data*/
- } TupleDataPB;
- } u;
- };
- typedef struct GetTuplePB GetTuplePB;
- /* 'attributes' field values*/
- enum {
- kCSReturnLinkTuples = 0x0001
- };
- /*
- ---------------- CSRequestSocketMask ----------------
- ---------------- CSReleaseSocketMask ----------------
- */
- struct ReqRelSocketMaskPB {
- UInt32 clientHandle; /* -> clientHandle returned by RegisterClient*/
- UInt16 socket; /* -> logical socket*/
- UInt16 eventMask; /* -> bitmap of events to be passed to client for this socket*/
- };
- typedef struct ReqRelSocketMaskPB ReqRelSocketMaskPB;
- /* 'eventMask' field values (see above for Get/SetClientEventMask*/
- /*---------------- CSGetStatus ----------------*/
- struct GetStatusPB {
- UInt16 socket; /* -> logical socket number*/
- UInt16 cardState; /* <- current state of installed card*/
- UInt16 socketState; /* <- current state of the socket*/
- };
- typedef struct GetStatusPB GetStatusPB;
- /* 'cardState' field values*/
- enum {
- kCSWriteProtected = 0x0001,
- kCSCardLocked = 0x0002,
- kCSEjectRequest = 0x0004,
- kCSInsertRequest = 0x0008,
- kCSBatteryDead = 0x0010,
- kCSBatteryLow = 0x0020,
- kCSReady = 0x0040,
- kCSCardDetected = 0x0080
- };
- /* 'socketState' field values*/
- enum {
- kCSWriteProtectChanged = 0x0001,
- kCSCardLockChanged = 0x0002,
- kCSEjectRequestPending = 0x0004,
- kCSInsertRequestPending = 0x0008,
- kCSBatteryDeadChanged = 0x0010,
- kCSBatteryLowChanged = 0x0020,
- kCSReadyChanged = 0x0040,
- kCSCardDetectChanged = 0x0080
- };
- /*
- ---------------- CSModifyWindow ----------------
- ---------------- CSReleaseWindow ----------------
- ---------------- CSRequestWindow ----------------
- */
- struct ReqModRelWindowPB {
- UInt32 clientHandle; /* -> clientHandle returned by RegisterClient*/
- UInt32 windowHandle; /* <-> window descriptor*/
- UInt16 socket; /* -> logical socket number*/
- UInt16 attributes; /* -> window attributes (bitmap)*/
- UInt32 base; /* <-> system base address*/
- UInt32 size; /* <-> memory window size*/
- UInt8 accessSpeed; /* -> window access speed (bitmap)*/
- /* (not applicable for I/O mode)*/
- UInt8 padding[1]; /* */
- };
- typedef struct ReqModRelWindowPB ReqModRelWindowPB;
- /* 'attributes' field values*/
- enum {
- kCSMemoryWindow = 0x0001,
- kCSIOWindow = 0x0002,
- kCSAttributeWindow = 0x0004, /* not normally used by Card Services clients*/
- kCSWindowTypeMask = 0x0007,
- kCSEnableWindow = 0x0008,
- kCSAccessSpeedValid = 0x0010,
- kCSLittleEndian = 0x0020, /* configure socket for little endianess*/
- kCS16BitDataPath = 0x0040,
- kCSWindowPaged = 0x0080, /* */
- kCSWindowShared = 0x0100,
- kCSWindowFirstShared = 0x0200, /* */
- kCSWindowProgrammable = 0x0400 /* */
- };
- /* 'accessSpeed' field values*/
- enum {
- kCSDeviceSpeedCodeMask = 0x07,
- kCSSpeedExponentMask = 0x07,
- kCSSpeedMantissaMask = 0x78,
- kCSUseWait = 0x80,
- kCSAccessSpeed250nsec = 0x01,
- kCSAccessSpeed200nsec = 0x02,
- kCSAccessSpeed150nsec = 0x03,
- kCSAccessSpeed100nsec = 0x04,
- kCSExtAccSpeedMant1pt0 = 0x01,
- kCSExtAccSpeedMant1pt2 = 0x02,
- kCSExtAccSpeedMant1pt3 = 0x03,
- kCSExtAccSpeedMant1pt5 = 0x04,
- kCSExtAccSpeedMant2pt0 = 0x05,
- kCSExtAccSpeedMant2pt5 = 0x06,
- kCSExtAccSpeedMant3pt0 = 0x07,
- kCSExtAccSpeedMant3pt5 = 0x08,
- kCSExtAccSpeedMant4pt0 = 0x09,
- kCSExtAccSpeedMant4pt5 = 0x0A,
- kCSExtAccSpeedMant5pt0 = 0x0B,
- kCSExtAccSpeedMant5pt5 = 0x0C,
- kCSExtAccSpeedMant6pt0 = 0x0D,
- kCSExtAccSpeedMant7pt0 = 0x0E,
- kCSExtAccSpeedMant8pt0 = 0x0F,
- kCSExtAccSpeedExp1ns = 0x00,
- kCSExtAccSpeedExp10ns = 0x01,
- kCSExtAccSpeedExp100ns = 0x02,
- kCSExtAccSpeedExp1us = 0x03,
- kCSExtAccSpeedExp10us = 0x04,
- kCSExtAccSpeedExp100us = 0x05,
- kCSExtAccSpeedExp1ms = 0x06,
- kCSExtAccSpeedExp10ms = 0x07
- };
- /*
- ---------------- CSRegisterClient ----------------
- ---------------- CSDeregisterClient ----------------
- */
- struct ClientCallbackPB {
- UInt16 message; /* -> which event this is*/
- UInt16 socket; /* -> logical socket number*/
- UInt16 info; /* -> function-specific*/
- UInt16 misc; /* -> function-specific*/
- Ptr reserved; /* -> pointer to MTD request block*/
- Ptr buffer; /* -> function-specific*/
- Ptr clientData; /* -> pointer to client's data (from RegisterClient)*/
- };
- typedef struct ClientCallbackPB ClientCallbackPB;
- typedef ClientCallbackPB * ClientCallbackPBPtr;
- typedef CALLBACK_API( UInt16 , PCCardCSClientProcPtr )(ClientCallbackPBPtr ccPBPtr);
- typedef STACK_UPP_TYPE(PCCardCSClientProcPtr) PCCardCSClientUPP;
- NewPCCardCSClientUPP (PCCardCSClientProcPtr userRoutine);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- DisposePCCardCSClientUPP (PCCardCSClientUPP userUPP);
- InvokePCCardCSClientUPP (ClientCallbackPBPtr ccPBPtr,
- PCCardCSClientUPP userUPP);
- #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */
- #else
- enum { uppPCCardCSClientProcInfo = 0x000000E0 }; /* pascal 2_bytes Func(4_bytes) */
- #define NewPCCardCSClientUPP(userRoutine) (PCCardCSClientUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppPCCardCSClientProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
- #define DisposePCCardCSClientUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
- #define InvokePCCardCSClientUPP(ccPBPtr, userUPP) (UInt16)CALL_ONE_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppPCCardCSClientProcInfo, (ccPBPtr))
- #endif
- /* support for pre-Carbon UPP routines: NewXXXProc and CallXXXProc */
- #define NewPCCardCSClientProc(userRoutine) NewPCCardCSClientUPP(userRoutine)
- #define CallPCCardCSClientProc(userRoutine, ccPBPtr) InvokePCCardCSClientUPP(ccPBPtr, userRoutine)
- struct RegisterClientPB {
- UInt32 clientHandle; /* <- client descriptor*/
- PCCardCSClientUPP clientEntry; /* -> universal procPtr to client's event handler*/
- UInt16 attributes; /* -> bitmap of client attributes*/
- UInt16 eventMask; /* -> bitmap of events to notify client*/
- Ptr clientData; /* -> pointer to client's data*/
- UInt16 version; /* -> Card Services version this client expects*/
- };
- typedef struct RegisterClientPB RegisterClientPB;
- /* 'attributes' field values (see GetClientInfo)*/
- /*
- kCSMemoryClient = 0x0001,
- kCSIOClient = 0x0004,
- kCSShareableCardInsertEvents = 0x0008,
- kCSExclusiveCardInsertEvents = 0x0010
- */
- /*---------------- CSReleaseConfiguration ----------------*/
- struct ReleaseConfigurationPB {
- UInt32 clientHandle; /* -> clientHandle returned by RegisterClient*/
- UInt16 socket; /* -> */
- };
- typedef struct ReleaseConfigurationPB ReleaseConfigurationPB;
- /*---------------- CSResetCard ----------------*/
- struct ResetCardPB {
- UInt32 clientHandle; /* -> clientHandle returned by RegisterClient*/
- UInt16 socket; /* -> */
- UInt16 attributes; /* -> xxx*/
- };
- typedef struct ResetCardPB ResetCardPB;
- /*---------------- CSValidateCIS ----------------*/
- struct ValidateCISPB {
- UInt16 socket; /* -> */
- UInt16 chains; /* -> whether link/null tuples should be included*/
- };
- typedef struct ValidateCISPB ValidateCISPB;
- /*
- ---------------- CSRequestIO ----------------
- ---------------- CSReleaseIO ----------------
- */
- struct ReqRelIOPB {
- UInt32 clientHandle; /* -> clientHandle returned by RegisterClient*/
- UInt16 socket; /* -> socket number*/
- UInt16 reserved;
- UInt16 basePort1; /* -> base I/O port for range*/
- UInt8 numPorts1; /* -> number of ports (e.g., bytes).*/
- UInt8 attributes1; /* -> attributes*/
- UInt16 basePort2; /* -> base I/O port for range*/
- UInt8 numPorts2; /* -> number of ports*/
- UInt8 attributes2; /* -> attributes*/
- UInt8 ioAddrLines; /* -> number of I/O lines decoded by card*/
- UInt8 reserved1;
- };
- typedef struct ReqRelIOPB ReqRelIOPB;
- /*---------------- CSVendorSpecific ----------------*/
- struct VendorSpecificPB {
- UInt32 clientHandle; /* -> clientHandle returned by RegisterClient*/
- UInt16 vsCode;
- UInt16 socket;
- UInt32 dataLen; /* -> length of buffer pointed to by vsDataPtr*/
- UInt8 * vsDataPtr; /* -> Card Services version this client expects*/
- };
- typedef struct VendorSpecificPB VendorSpecificPB;
- /* 'vsCode' field values*/
- enum {
- vsAppleReserved = 0x0000,
- vsEjectCard = 0x0001,
- vsGetCardInfo = 0x0002,
- vsEnableSocketEvents = 0x0003,
- vsGetCardLocationIcon = 0x0004,
- vsGetCardLocationText = 0x0005,
- vsGetAdapterInfo = 0x0006
- };
- /*
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- GetAdapterInfo parameter block (vendor-specific call #6)
- */
- struct GetAdapterInfoPB {
- UInt32 attributes; /* <- capabilties of socket's adapter*/
- UInt16 revision; /* <- id of adapter*/
- UInt16 reserved; /* */
- UInt16 numVoltEntries; /* <- number of valid voltage values*/
- UInt8 * voltages; /* <-> array of BCD voltage values*/
- };
- typedef struct GetAdapterInfoPB GetAdapterInfoPB;
- /* 'attributes' field values*/
- enum {
- kCSLevelModeInterrupts = 0x00000001,
- kCSPulseModeInterrupts = 0x00000002,
- kCSProgrammableWindowAddr = 0x00000004,
- kCSProgrammableWindowSize = 0x00000008,
- kCSSocketSleepPower = 0x00000010,
- kCSSoftwareEject = 0x00000020,
- kCSLockableSocket = 0x00000040,
- kCSInUseIndicator = 0x00000080
- };
- /*
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- GetCardInfo parameter block (vendor-specific call #2)
- */
- struct GetCardInfoPB {
- UInt8 cardType; /* <- type of card in this socket (defined at top of file)*/
- UInt8 subType; /* <- more detailed card type (defined at top of file)*/
- UInt16 reserved; /* <-> reserved (should be set to zero)*/
- UInt16 cardNameLen; /* -> maximum length of card name to be returned*/
- UInt16 vendorNameLen; /* -> maximum length of vendor name to be returned*/
- UInt8 * cardName; /* -> pointer to card name string (read from CIS), or nil*/
- UInt8 * vendorName; /* -> pointer to vendor name string (read from CIS), or nil*/
- };
- typedef struct GetCardInfoPB GetCardInfoPB;
- /* GetCardInfo card types*/
- enum {
- kCSUnknownCardType = 0,
- kCSMultiFunctionCardType = 1,
- kCSMemoryCardType = 2,
- kCSSerialPortCardType = 3,
- kCSSerialOnlyType = 0,
- kCSDataModemType = 1,
- kCSFaxModemType = 2,
- kCSFaxAndDataModemMask = (kCSDataModemType | kCSFaxModemType),
- kCSVoiceEncodingType = 4,
- kCSParallelPortCardType = 4,
- kCSFixedDiskCardType = 5,
- kCSUnknownFixedDiskType = 0,
- kCSATAInterface = 1,
- kCSRotatingDevice = (0 << 7),
- kCSSiliconDevice = (1 << 7),
- kCSVideoAdaptorCardType = 6,
- kCSNetworkAdaptorCardType = 7,
- kCSAIMSCardType = 8,
- kCSNumCardTypes = 9
- };
- /*
- NOTE: These prototypes conflict with PCCardEnablerPlugin.*
- You cannot use both PCCardEnablerPlugin.h and CardServices.h
- */
- CSVendorSpecific (VendorSpecificPB * pb) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7000, 0xAAF0);
- CSRegisterClient (RegisterClientPB * pb) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7001, 0xAAF0);
- CSDeregisterClient (RegisterClientPB * pb) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7002, 0xAAF0);
- CSGetFirstTuple (GetTuplePB * pb) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7003, 0xAAF0);
- CSGetNextTuple (GetTuplePB * pb) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7004, 0xAAF0);
- CSGetTupleData (GetTuplePB * pb) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7005, 0xAAF0);
- CSGetConfigurationInfo (GetModRequestConfigInfoPB * pb) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7006, 0xAAF0);
- CSGetCardServicesInfo (GetCardServicesInfoPB * pb) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7007, 0xAAF0);
- CSGetStatus (GetStatusPB * pb) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7008, 0xAAF0);
- CSValidateCIS (ValidateCISPB * pb) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7009, 0xAAF0);
- CSGetFirstClient (GetClientPB * pb) TWOWORDINLINE(0x700F, 0xAAF0);
- CSGetNextClient (GetClientPB * pb) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7010, 0xAAF0);
- CSGetClientInfo (GetClientInfoPB * pb) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7011, 0xAAF0);
- CSResetCard (ResetCardPB * pb) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7012, 0xAAF0);
- CSRequestWindow (ReqModRelWindowPB * pb) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7013, 0xAAF0);
- CSModifyWindow (ReqModRelWindowPB * pb) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7014, 0xAAF0);
- CSReleaseWindow (ReqModRelWindowPB * pb) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7015, 0xAAF0);
- CSRequestConfiguration (GetModRequestConfigInfoPB * pb) TWOWORDINLINE(0x701B, 0xAAF0);
- CSModifyConfiguration (GetModRequestConfigInfoPB * pb) TWOWORDINLINE(0x701C, 0xAAF0);
- CSAccessConfigurationRegister (AccessConfigurationRegisterPB * pb) TWOWORDINLINE(0x701D, 0xAAF0);
- CSReleaseConfiguration (ReleaseConfigurationPB * pb) TWOWORDINLINE(0x701E, 0xAAF0);
- CSGetClientEventMask (GetSetClientEventMaskPB * pb) TWOWORDINLINE(0x701F, 0xAAF0);
- CSSetClientEventMask (GetSetClientEventMaskPB * pb) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7020, 0xAAF0);
- CSRequestSocketMask (ReqRelSocketMaskPB * pb) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7021, 0xAAF0);
- CSReleaseSocketMask (ReqRelSocketMaskPB * pb) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7022, 0xAAF0);
- /*
- Additional calls which are required for all I/O clients when running on
- systems which do not reserve dedicated I/O-spaces for each PC Card.
- */
- CSRequestIO (ReqRelIOPB * pb) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7025, 0xAAF0);
- CSReleaseIO (ReqRelIOPB * pb) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7026, 0xAAF0);
- #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */
- #endif /* !defined(__PCCARDENABLERPLUGIN__) */
- #pragma options align=reset
- #pragma pack(pop)
- #pragma pack()
- #endif
- #pragma import off
- #pragma import reset
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* __CARDSERVICES__ */