- /*
- File: InputSprocket.h
- Contains: Games Sprockets: InputSprocket interfaaces
- Version: Technology: InputSprocket 1.7
- Release: QuickTime 6.0.2
- Copyright: (c) 1996-2001 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
- Bugs?: For bug reports, consult the following page on
- the World Wide Web:
- */
- #ifndef __INPUTSPROCKET__
- #define __INPUTSPROCKET__
- #ifndef __DESKBUS__
- #include "DeskBus.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __DIALOGS__
- #include "Dialogs.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __EVENTS__
- #include "Events.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __ICONS__
- #include "Icons.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __MACTYPES__
- #include "MacTypes.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __MACERRORS__
- #include "MacErrors.h"
- #endif
- #pragma once
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #pragma import on
- #endif
- #pragma options align=power
- #pragma pack(push, 2)
- #pragma pack(2)
- #endif
- #endif /* !defined(USE_OLD_INPUT_SPROCKET_LABELS) */
- #endif /* !defined(USE_OLD_ISPNEED_STRUCT) */
- /* ********************* data types ********************* */
- typedef struct OpaqueISpDeviceReference* ISpDeviceReference;
- typedef struct OpaqueISpElementReference* ISpElementReference;
- typedef struct OpaqueISpElementListReference* ISpElementListReference;
- /* ISpDeviceClass is a general classs of device, example: keyboard, mouse, joystick */
- typedef OSType ISpDeviceClass;
- /* ISpDeviceIdentifier is a specific device, example: standard 1-button mouse, 105key ext. kbd. */
- typedef OSType ISpDeviceIdentifier;
- typedef OSType ISpElementLabel;
- typedef OSType ISpElementKind;
- /* *************** resources **************** */
- enum {
- kISpApplicationResourceType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('isap'),
- kISpSetListResourceType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('setl'),
- kISpSetDataResourceType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('setd')
- };
- struct ISpApplicationResourceStruct {
- UInt32 flags;
- UInt32 reserved1;
- UInt32 reserved2;
- UInt32 reserved3;
- };
- typedef struct ISpApplicationResourceStruct ISpApplicationResourceStruct;
- enum {
- kISpAppResFlag_UsesInputSprocket = 0x00000001, /* true if the application uses InputSprocket*/
- kISpAppResFlag_UsesISpInit = 0x00000002 /* true if the calls ISpInit (ie, uses the high level interface, calls ISpConfigure, has a needs list, etc...)*/
- };
- /*
- * ISpDeviceDefinition
- *
- * This structure provides all the available
- * information for an input device within the system
- *
- */
- struct ISpDeviceDefinition {
- Str63 deviceName; /* a human readable name of the device */
- ISpDeviceClass theDeviceClass; /* general classs of device example : keyboard, mouse, joystick */
- ISpDeviceIdentifier theDeviceIdentifier; /* every distinguishable device should have an OSType */
- UInt32 permanentID; /* a cross reboot id unique within that deviceType, 0 if not possible */
- UInt32 flags; /* status flags */
- UInt32 permanentIDExtend; /* extension of permanentID, so 64 bits total are now significant */
- UInt32 reserved2;
- UInt32 reserved3;
- };
- typedef struct ISpDeviceDefinition ISpDeviceDefinition;
- enum {
- kISpDeviceFlag_HandleOwnEmulation = 1
- };
- /*
- * ISpElementEvent, ISpElementEventPtr
- *
- * This is the structure that event data is passed in.
- *
- */
- struct ISpElementEvent {
- AbsoluteTime when; /* this is absolute time on PCI or later, otherwise it is */
- /* 0 for the hi 32 bits and TickCount for the low 32 bits */
- ISpElementReference element; /* a reference to the element that generated this event */
- UInt32 refCon; /* for application usage, 0 on the global list */
- UInt32 data; /* the data for this event */
- };
- typedef struct ISpElementEvent ISpElementEvent;
- typedef ISpElementEvent * ISpElementEventPtr;
- /*
- * ISpElementInfo, ISpElementInfoPtr
- *
- * This is the generic definition of an element.
- * Every element must contain this information.
- *
- */
- struct ISpElementInfo {
- ISpElementLabel theLabel;
- ISpElementKind theKind;
- Str63 theString;
- UInt32 reserved1;
- UInt32 reserved2;
- };
- typedef struct ISpElementInfo ISpElementInfo;
- typedef ISpElementInfo * ISpElementInfoPtr;
- typedef UInt32 ISpNeedFlagBits;
- struct ISpNeed {
- Str63 name;
- short iconSuiteResourceId; /* resource id of the icon suite */
- short reserved;
- ISpElementKind theKind;
- ISpElementLabel theLabel;
- ISpNeedFlagBits flags;
- UInt32 reserved1;
- UInt32 reserved2;
- UInt32 reserved3;
- };
- typedef struct ISpNeed ISpNeed;
- #else
- struct ISpNeed {
- Str63 name; /* human-readable string */
- short iconSuiteResourceId; /* resource id of the icon suite */
- UInt8 playerNum; /* used for multi-player support */
- UInt8 group; /* used to group related needs (eg, look left and look right button needs) */
- ISpElementKind theKind;
- ISpElementLabel theLabel;
- ISpNeedFlagBits flags;
- UInt32 reserved1;
- UInt32 reserved2;
- UInt32 reserved3;
- };
- typedef struct ISpNeed ISpNeed;
- enum {
- kISpNeedFlag_NoMultiConfig = 0x00000001, /* once this need is autoconfigured to one device dont autoconfigure to anything else*/
- kISpNeedFlag_Utility = 0x00000002, /* this need is a utility function (like show framerate) which would not typically be assigned to anything but the keyboard*/
- kISpNeedFlag_PolledOnly = 0x00000004,
- kISpNeedFlag_EventsOnly = 0x00000008,
- kISpNeedFlag_NoAutoConfig = 0x00000010, /* this need can be set normally, but will not ever be auto configured*/
- kISpNeedFlag_NoConfig = 0x00000020, /* this need can not be changed by the user*/
- kISpNeedFlag_Invisible = 0x00000040, /* this need can not be seen by the user*/
- /* *** kISpElementKind specific flags ****/
- /* these are flags specific to kISpElementKind_Button*/
- kISpNeedFlag_Button_AlreadyAxis = 0x10000000, /* there is a axis version of this button need*/
- kISpNeedFlag_Button_ClickToggles = 0x20000000,
- kISpNeedFlag_Button_ActiveWhenDown = 0x40000000,
- kISpNeedFlag_Button_AlreadyDelta = (long)0x80000000, /* there is a delta version of this button need*/
- /* these are flags specific to kISpElementKind_DPad*/
- /* these are flags specific to kISpElementKind_Axis*/
- kISpNeedFlag_Axis_AlreadyButton = 0x10000000, /* there is a button version of this axis need*/
- kISpNeedFlag_Axis_Asymetric = 0x20000000, /* this axis need is asymetric */
- kISpNeedFlag_Axis_AlreadyDelta = 0x40000000, /* there is a delta version of this axis need*/
- /* these are flags specific to kISpElementKind_Delta*/
- kISpNeedFlag_Delta_AlreadyAxis = 0x10000000, /* there is a axis version of this delta need*/
- kISpNeedFlag_Delta_AlreadyButton = 0x20000000 /* there is a button version of this delta need*/
- };
- /*
- *
- * These are the current built values for ISpDeviceClass
- *
- */
- enum {
- kISpDeviceClass_SpeechRecognition = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('talk'),
- kISpDeviceClass_Mouse = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('mous'),
- kISpDeviceClass_Keyboard = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('keyd'),
- kISpDeviceClass_Joystick = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('joys'),
- kISpDeviceClass_Gamepad = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('gmpd'),
- kISpDeviceClass_Wheel = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('whel'),
- kISpDeviceClass_Pedals = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('pedl'),
- kISpDeviceClass_Levers = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('levr'),
- kISpDeviceClass_Tickle = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('tckl'), /* a device of this class requires ISpTickle*/
- kISpDeviceClass_Unknown = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('????')
- };
- /*
- * These are the current built in ISpElementKind's
- *
- * These are all OSTypes.
- *
- */
- enum {
- kISpElementKind_Button = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('butn'),
- kISpElementKind_DPad = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dpad'),
- kISpElementKind_Axis = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('axis'),
- kISpElementKind_Delta = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dlta'),
- kISpElementKind_Movement = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('move'),
- kISpElementKind_Virtual = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('virt')
- };
- /*
- *
- * These are the current built in ISpElementLabel's
- *
- * These are all OSTypes.
- *
- */
- enum {
- /* axis */
- kISpElementLabel_XAxis = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('xaxi'),
- kISpElementLabel_YAxis = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('yaxi'),
- kISpElementLabel_ZAxis = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('zaxi'),
- kISpElementLabel_Rx = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rxax'),
- kISpElementLabel_Ry = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ryax'),
- kISpElementLabel_Rz = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rzax'),
- kISpElementLabel_Gas = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('gasp'),
- kISpElementLabel_Brake = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('brak'),
- kISpElementLabel_Clutch = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cltc'),
- kISpElementLabel_Throttle = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('thrt'),
- kISpElementLabel_Trim = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('trim'), /* direction pad */
- kISpElementLabel_POVHat = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('povh'),
- kISpElementLabel_PadMove = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('move'), /* buttons */
- kISpElementLabel_Fire = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('fire'),
- kISpElementLabel_Start = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('strt'),
- kISpElementLabel_Select = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('optn'), /* Pause/Resume was changed into 2 needs: Quit and start/pause */
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_PauseResume = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('strt')
- };
- enum {
- /* generic */
- kISpElementLabel_None = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('none'), /* axis */
- kISpElementLabel_Axis_XAxis = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('xaxi'),
- kISpElementLabel_Axis_YAxis = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('yaxi'),
- kISpElementLabel_Axis_ZAxis = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('zaxi'),
- kISpElementLabel_Axis_Rx = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rxax'),
- kISpElementLabel_Axis_Ry = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ryax'),
- kISpElementLabel_Axis_Rz = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rzax'),
- kISpElementLabel_Axis_Roll = kISpElementLabel_Axis_Rz,
- kISpElementLabel_Axis_Pitch = kISpElementLabel_Axis_Rx,
- kISpElementLabel_Axis_Yaw = kISpElementLabel_Axis_Ry,
- kISpElementLabel_Axis_RollTrim = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rxtm'),
- kISpElementLabel_Axis_PitchTrim = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('trim'),
- kISpElementLabel_Axis_YawTrim = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rytm'),
- kISpElementLabel_Axis_Gas = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('gasp'),
- kISpElementLabel_Axis_Brake = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('brak'),
- kISpElementLabel_Axis_Clutch = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cltc'),
- kISpElementLabel_Axis_Throttle = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('thrt'),
- kISpElementLabel_Axis_Trim = kISpElementLabel_Axis_PitchTrim,
- kISpElementLabel_Axis_Rudder = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rudd'),
- kISpElementLabel_Axis_ToeBrake = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('toeb'), /* delta */
- kISpElementLabel_Delta_X = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('xdlt'),
- kISpElementLabel_Delta_Y = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ydlt'),
- kISpElementLabel_Delta_Z = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('zdlt'),
- kISpElementLabel_Delta_Rx = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rxdl'),
- kISpElementLabel_Delta_Ry = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rydl'),
- kISpElementLabel_Delta_Rz = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rzdl'),
- kISpElementLabel_Delta_Roll = kISpElementLabel_Delta_Rz,
- kISpElementLabel_Delta_Pitch = kISpElementLabel_Delta_Rx,
- kISpElementLabel_Delta_Yaw = kISpElementLabel_Delta_Ry,
- kISpElementLabel_Delta_Cursor_X = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('curx'),
- kISpElementLabel_Delta_Cursor_Y = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cury'), /* direction pad */
- kISpElementLabel_Pad_POV = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('povh'), /* up/down/left/right*/
- kISpElementLabel_Pad_Move = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('move'), /* up/down/left/right*/
- kISpElementLabel_Pad_POV_Horiz = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('hpov'), /* forward/back/left/right*/
- kISpElementLabel_Pad_Move_Horiz = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('hmov'), /* forward/back/left/right*/
- /* buttons */
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_Fire = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('fire'),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_SecondaryFire = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sfir'),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_Jump = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('jump'),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_Quit = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('strt'), /* kISpElementLabel_Btn_Quit automatically binds to escape */
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_StartPause = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('paus'),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_Select = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('optn'),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_SlideLeft = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('blft'),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_SlideRight = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('brgt'),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_MoveForward = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('btmf'),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_MoveBackward = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('btmb'),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_TurnLeft = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('bttl'),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_TurnRight = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('bttr'),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_LookLeft = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('btll'),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_LookRight = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('btlr'),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_LookUp = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('btlu'),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_LookDown = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('btld'),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_Next = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('btnx'),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_Previous = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('btpv'),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_SideStep = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('side'),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_Run = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('quik'),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_Look = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('blok'),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_Minimum = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('min '),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_Decrement = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('decr'),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_Center = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cent'),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_Increment = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('incr'),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_Maximum = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('max '),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_10Percent = FOUR_CHAR_CODE(' 10 '),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_20Percent = FOUR_CHAR_CODE(' 20 '),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_30Percent = FOUR_CHAR_CODE(' 30 '),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_40Percent = FOUR_CHAR_CODE(' 40 '),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_50Percent = FOUR_CHAR_CODE(' 50 '),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_60Percent = FOUR_CHAR_CODE(' 60 '),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_70Percent = FOUR_CHAR_CODE(' 70 '),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_80Percent = FOUR_CHAR_CODE(' 80 '),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_90Percent = FOUR_CHAR_CODE(' 90 '),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_MouseOne = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('mou1'),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_MouseTwo = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('mou2'),
- kISpElementLabel_Btn_MouseThree = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('mou3')
- };
- /*
- *
- * direction pad data & configuration information
- *
- */
- typedef UInt32 ISpDPadData;
- enum {
- kISpPadIdle = 0,
- kISpPadLeft = 1,
- kISpPadUpLeft = 2,
- kISpPadUp = 3,
- kISpPadUpRight = 4,
- kISpPadRight = 5,
- kISpPadDownRight = 6,
- kISpPadDown = 7,
- kISpPadDownLeft = 8
- };
- struct ISpDPadConfigurationInfo {
- UInt32 id; /* ordering 1..n, 0 = no relavent ordering of direction pads */
- Boolean fourWayPad; /* true if this pad can only produce idle + four directions */
- };
- typedef struct ISpDPadConfigurationInfo ISpDPadConfigurationInfo;
- /*
- *
- * button data & configuration information
- *
- */
- typedef UInt32 ISpButtonData;
- enum {
- kISpButtonUp = 0,
- kISpButtonDown = 1
- };
- struct ISpButtonConfigurationInfo {
- UInt32 id; /* ordering 1..n, 0 = no relavent ordering of buttons */
- };
- typedef struct ISpButtonConfigurationInfo ISpButtonConfigurationInfo;
- /*
- *
- * axis data & configuration information
- *
- */
- typedef UInt32 ISpAxisData;
- #define kISpAxisMinimum 0x00000000U
- #define kISpAxisMiddle 0x7FFFFFFFU
- #define kISpAxisMaximum 0xFFFFFFFFU
- struct ISpAxisConfigurationInfo {
- Boolean symetricAxis; /* axis is symetric, i.e. a joystick is symetric and a gas pedal is not */
- };
- typedef struct ISpAxisConfigurationInfo ISpAxisConfigurationInfo;
- typedef Fixed ISpDeltaData;
- struct ISpDeltaConfigurationInfo {
- UInt32 reserved1;
- UInt32 reserved2;
- };
- typedef struct ISpDeltaConfigurationInfo ISpDeltaConfigurationInfo;
- struct ISpMovementData {
- ISpAxisData xAxis;
- ISpAxisData yAxis;
- ISpDPadData direction; /* ISpDPadData version of the movement */
- };
- typedef struct ISpMovementData ISpMovementData;
- struct ISpMovementConfigurationInfo {
- UInt32 reserved1;
- UInt32 reserved2;
- };
- typedef struct ISpMovementConfigurationInfo ISpMovementConfigurationInfo;
- enum {
- kISpVirtualElementFlag_UseTempMem = 1
- };
- enum {
- kISpElementListFlag_UseTempMem = 1
- };
- enum {
- kISpFirstIconSuite = 30000,
- kISpLastIconSuite = 30100,
- kISpNoneIconSuite = 30000
- };
- /* ********************* user level functions ********************* */
- /*
- *
- * startup / shutdown
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpStartup (void);
- /* 1.1 or later*/
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpShutdown (void);
- /* 1.1 or later*/
- /*
- *
- * polling
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpTickle (void);
- /* 1.1 or later*/
- /********** user interface functions **********/
- EXTERN_API_C( NumVersion )
- ISpGetVersion (void);
- /*
- *
- * ISpElement_NewVirtual(ISpElementReference *outElement);
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpElement_NewVirtual (UInt32 dataSize,
- ISpElementReference * outElement,
- UInt32 flags);
- /*
- *
- * ISpElement_NewVirtualFromNeeds(UInt32 count, ISpNeeds *needs, ISpElementReference *outElements);
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpElement_NewVirtualFromNeeds (UInt32 count,
- ISpNeed * needs,
- ISpElementReference * outElements,
- UInt32 flags);
- /*
- *
- * ISpElement_DisposeVirtual(inElement);
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpElement_DisposeVirtual (UInt32 count,
- ISpElementReference * inElements);
- /*
- * ISpInit
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpInit (UInt32 count,
- ISpNeed * needs,
- ISpElementReference * inReferences,
- OSType appCreatorCode,
- OSType subCreatorCode,
- UInt32 flags,
- short setListResourceId,
- UInt32 reserved);
- /*
- * ISpConfigure
- *
- */
- #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( Boolean , ISpEventProcPtr )(EventRecord *inEvent);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpConfigure (ISpEventProcPtr inEventProcPtr);
- /*
- *
- * ISpStop
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpStop (void);
- /*
- *
- * ISpSuspend, ISpResume
- *
- * ISpSuspend turns all devices off and allocates memory so that the state may be later resumed.
- * ISpResume resumes to the previous state of the system after a suspend call.
- *
- * Return Codes
- * memFullErr
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpSuspend (void);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpResume (void);
- /*
- * ISpDevices_Extract, ISpDevices_ExtractByClass, ISpDevices_ExtractByIdentifier
- *
- * These will extract as many device references from the system wide list as will fit in your buffer.
- *
- * inBufferCount - the size of your buffer (in units of sizeof(ISpDeviceReference)) this may be zero
- * buffer - a pointer to your buffer
- * outCount - contains the number of devices in the system
- *
- * ISpDevices_ExtractByClass extracts and counts devices of the specified ISpDeviceClass
- * ISpDevices_ExtractByIdentifier extracts and counts devices of the specified ISpDeviceIdentifier
- *
- * Return Codes
- * paramErr
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpDevices_Extract (UInt32 inBufferCount,
- UInt32 * outCount,
- ISpDeviceReference * buffer);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpDevices_ExtractByClass (ISpDeviceClass inClass,
- UInt32 inBufferCount,
- UInt32 * outCount,
- ISpDeviceReference * buffer);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpDevices_ExtractByIdentifier (ISpDeviceIdentifier inIdentifier,
- UInt32 inBufferCount,
- UInt32 * outCount,
- ISpDeviceReference * buffer);
- /*
- * ISpDevices_ActivateClass, ISpDevices_DeactivateClass, ISpDevices_Activate, ISpDevices_Deactivate, ISpDevice_IsActive
- *
- * ISpDevices_Activate, ISpDevices_Deactivate
- *
- * This will activate/deactivate a block of devices.
- * inDeviceCount - the number of devices to activate / deactivate
- * inDevicesToActivate/inDevicesToDeactivate - a pointer to a block of memory contains the devices references
- *
- * ISpDevices_ActivateClass, ISpDevices_DeactivateClass
- * inClass - the class of devices to activate or deactivate
- *
- * ISpDevice_IsActive
- * inDevice - the device reference that you wish to
- * outIsActive - a boolean value that is true when the device is active
- *
- * Return Codes
- * paramErr
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpDevices_ActivateClass (ISpDeviceClass inClass);
- /* 1.1 or later*/
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpDevices_DeactivateClass (ISpDeviceClass inClass);
- /* 1.1 or later*/
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpDevices_Activate (UInt32 inDeviceCount,
- ISpDeviceReference * inDevicesToActivate);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpDevices_Deactivate (UInt32 inDeviceCount,
- ISpDeviceReference * inDevicesToDeactivate);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpDevice_IsActive (ISpDeviceReference inDevice,
- Boolean * outIsActive);
- /*
- * ISpDevice_GetDefinition
- *
- *
- * inDevice - the device you want to get the definition for
- * inBuflen - the size of the structure (sizeof(ISpDeviceDefinition))
- * outStruct - a pointer to where you want the structure copied
- *
- * Return Codes
- * paramErr
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpDevice_GetDefinition (ISpDeviceReference inDevice,
- UInt32 inBuflen,
- ISpDeviceDefinition * outStruct);
- /*
- *
- * ISpDevice_GetElementList
- *
- * inDevice - the device whose element list you wish to get
- * outElementList - a pointer to where you want a reference to that list stored
- *
- * Return Codes
- * paramErr
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpDevice_GetElementList (ISpDeviceReference inDevice,
- ISpElementListReference * outElementList);
- /*
- *
- * takes an ISpElementReference and returns the group that it is in or 0 if there is
- * no group
- *
- * Return Codes
- * paramErr
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpElement_GetGroup (ISpElementReference inElement,
- UInt32 * outGroup);
- /*
- *
- * takes an ISpElementReference and returns the device that the element belongs
- * to.
- *
- * Return Codes
- * paramErr if inElement is 0 or outDevice is nil
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpElement_GetDevice (ISpElementReference inElement,
- ISpDeviceReference * outDevice);
- /*
- *
- * takes an ISpElementReference and gives the ISpElementInfo for that Element. This is the
- * the set of standard information. You get ISpElementKind specific information
- * through ISpElement_GetConfigurationInfo.
- *
- * Return Codes
- * paramErr if inElement is 0 or outInfo is nil
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpElement_GetInfo (ISpElementReference inElement,
- ISpElementInfoPtr outInfo);
- /*
- *
- *
- *
- * takes an ISpElementReference and gives the ISpElementKind specific configuration information
- *
- * if buflen is not long enough to hold the information ISpElement_GetConfigurationInfo will
- * copy buflen bytes of the data into the block of memory pointed to by configInfo and
- * will return something error.
- *
- * Return Codes
- * paramErr if inElement or configInfo is nil
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpElement_GetConfigurationInfo (ISpElementReference inElement,
- UInt32 buflen,
- void * configInfo);
- /*
- *
- * ISpElement_GetSimpleState
- *
- * Takes an ISpElementReference and returns the current state of that element. This is a
- * specialized version of ISpElement_GetComplexState that is only appropriate for elements
- * whose data fits in a signed 32 bit integer.
- *
- *
- *
- * Return Codes
- * paramErr if inElement is 0 or state is nil
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpElement_GetSimpleState (ISpElementReference inElement,
- UInt32 * state);
- /*
- *
- * ISpElement_GetComplexState
- *
- * Takes an ISpElementReference and returns the current state of that element.
- * Will copy up to buflen bytes of the current state of the device into
- * state.
- *
- *
- * Return Codes
- * paramErr if inElement is 0 or state is nil
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpElement_GetComplexState (ISpElementReference inElement,
- UInt32 buflen,
- void * state);
- /*
- * ISpElement_GetNextEvent
- *
- * It takes in an element reference and the buffer size of the ISpElementEventPtr
- * it will set wasEvent to true if there was an event and false otherwise. If there
- * was not enough space to fill in the whole event structure that event will be
- * dequed, as much of the event as will fit in the buffer will by copied and
- * ISpElement_GetNextEvent will return an error.
- *
- * Return Codes
- * paramErr
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpElement_GetNextEvent (ISpElementReference inElement,
- UInt32 bufSize,
- ISpElementEventPtr event,
- Boolean * wasEvent);
- /*
- *
- * ISpElement_Flush
- *
- * It takes an ISpElementReference and flushes all the events on that element. All it guaruntees is
- * that any events that made it to this layer before the time of the flush call will be flushed and
- * it will not flush any events that make it to this layer after the time when the call has returned.
- * What happens to events that occur during the flush is undefined.
- *
- *
- * Return Codes
- * paramErr
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpElement_Flush (ISpElementReference inElement);
- /*
- * ISpElementList_New
- *
- * Creates a new element list and returns it in outElementList. In count specifies
- * the number of element references in the list pointed to by inElements. If inCount
- * is non zero the list is created with inCount elements in at as specified by the
- * inElements parameter. Otherwise the list is created empty.
- *
- *
- * Return Codes
- * out of memory - If it failed to allocate the list because it was out of memory
- it will also set outElementList to 0
- * paramErr if outElementList was nil
- *
- *
- * Special Concerns
- *
- * interrupt unsafe
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpElementList_New (UInt32 inCount,
- ISpElementReference * inElements,
- ISpElementListReference * outElementList,
- UInt32 flags);
- /*
- * ISpElementList_Dispose
- *
- * Deletes an already existing memory list.
- *
- *
- * Return Codes
- * paramErr if inElementList was 0
- *
- *
- * Special Concerns
- *
- * interrupt unsafe
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpElementList_Dispose (ISpElementListReference inElementList);
- /*
- * ISpGetGlobalElementList
- *
- * returns the global element list
- *
- * Return Codes
- * paramErr if outElementList is nil
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpGetGlobalElementList (ISpElementListReference * outElementList);
- /*
- * ISpElementList_AddElement
- *
- * adds an element to the element list
- *
- * Return Codes
- * paramErr if inElementList is 0 or newElement is 0
- * memory error if the system is unable to allocate enough memory
- *
- * Special Concerns
- * interrupt Unsafe
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpElementList_AddElements (ISpElementListReference inElementList,
- UInt32 refCon,
- UInt32 count,
- ISpElementReference * newElements);
- /*
- * ISpElementList_RemoveElement
- *
- * removes the specified element from the element list
- *
- * Return Codes
- * paramErr if inElementList is 0 or oldElement is 0
- * memory error if the system is unable to allocate enough memory
- *
- * Special Concerns
- * interrupt Unsafe
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpElementList_RemoveElements (ISpElementListReference inElementList,
- UInt32 count,
- ISpElementReference * oldElement);
- /*
- * ISpElementList_Extract
- *
- * ISpElementList_Extract will extract as many of the elements from an element list as possible. You pass
- * in an element list, a pointer to an array of element references and the number of elements in that array.
- * It will return how many items are in the element list in the outCount parameter and copy the minimum of
- * that number and the size of the array into the buffer.
- *
- * ByKind and ByLabel are the same except that they will only count and copy element references to elements
- * that have the specified kind and label.
- *
- * Return Codes
- * paramErr
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpElementList_Extract (ISpElementListReference inElementList,
- UInt32 inBufferCount,
- UInt32 * outCount,
- ISpElementReference * buffer);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpElementList_ExtractByKind (ISpElementListReference inElementList,
- ISpElementKind inKind,
- UInt32 inBufferCount,
- UInt32 * outCount,
- ISpElementReference * buffer);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpElementList_ExtractByLabel (ISpElementListReference inElementList,
- ISpElementLabel inLabel,
- UInt32 inBufferCount,
- UInt32 * outCount,
- ISpElementReference * buffer);
- /*
- * ISpElementList_GetNextEvent
- *
- * It takes in an element list reference and the buffer size of the ISpElementEventPtr
- * it will set wasEvent to true if there was an event and false otherwise. If there
- * was not enough space to fill in the whole event structure that event will be
- * dequed, as much of the event as will fit in the buffer will by copied and
- * ISpElementList_GetNextEvent will return an error.
- *
- * Return Codes
- * paramErr
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpElementList_GetNextEvent (ISpElementListReference inElementList,
- UInt32 bufSize,
- ISpElementEventPtr event,
- Boolean * wasEvent);
- /*
- *
- * ISpElementList_Flush
- *
- * It takes an ISpElementListReference and flushes all the events on that list. All it guaruntees is
- * that any events that made it to this layer before the time of the flush call will be flushed and
- * it will not flush any events that make it to this layer after the time when the call has returned.
- * What happens to events that occur during the flush is undefined.
- *
- *
- * Return Codes
- * paramErr
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpElementList_Flush (ISpElementListReference inElementList);
- /*
- *
- * ISpTimeToMicroseconds
- *
- *
- * This function takes time from an input sprocket event and converts it
- * into microseconds. (Version 1.2 or later of InputSprocket.)
- *
- *
- * Return Codes
- * paramErr
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpTimeToMicroseconds (const AbsoluteTime * inTime,
- UnsignedWide * outMicroseconds);
- /*
- *
- * ISpUptime
- *
- *
- * This funtion returns the current machine dependant time, identical in form
- * to that in an InputSprocket event. (Version 1.1 or later of InputSprocket).
- *
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( AbsoluteTime )
- ISpUptime (void);
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* Interfaces for InputSprocket Drivers */
- /* */
- /* These APIs should be called only from InputSprocket drivers */
- /* */
- /* (Moved from InputSprocketDriver.h, which is now obsolete. */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /*
- Resource File Concerns
- 1. All resource ids of a driver should be in the range of 256 to 2048
- and the res file should only be open while the drivers panel is visable.
- */
- #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */
- enum {
- kOSType_ISpDriverFileType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('shlb'),
- kOSType_ISpDriverCreator = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('insp')
- };
- /*
- *
- * this function will plot an icon suite of the application (usually for a need)
- *
- */
- ISpPlotAppIconSuite (const Rect * theRect,
- IconAlignmentType align,
- IconTransformType transform,
- short iconSuiteResourceId);
- /* label2,5,6,7, disabled and offline are reserved*/
- #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */
- enum {
- kISpIconTransform_Selected = kTransformSelected, /* choose one of these (optionally) (these all erase what is behind them to the dialog color)*/
- kISpIconTransform_PlotIcon = kTransformLabel1,
- kISpIconTransform_PlotPopupButton = kTransformLabel3,
- kISpIconTransform_PlotButton = kTransformLabel4, /* use this is you want to plot the icon while the devices button is pressed*/
- /* or the devices axis is activated and so on*/
- kISpIconTransform_DeviceActive = kTransformOpen
- };
- typedef UInt32 ISpMetaHandlerSelector;
- enum {
- kISpSelector_Init = 1,
- kISpSelector_Stop = 2,
- kISpSelector_GetSize = 3,
- kISpSelector_HandleEvent = 4,
- kISpSelector_Show = 5,
- kISpSelector_Hide = 6,
- kISpSelector_BeginConfiguration = 7,
- kISpSelector_EndConfiguration = 8,
- kISpSelector_GetIcon = 9,
- kISpSelector_GetState = 10,
- kISpSelector_SetState = 11,
- kISpSelector_Dirty = 12,
- kISpSelector_SetActive = 13,
- kISpSelector_DialogItemHit = 14,
- kISpSelector_Tickle = 15, /* 1.03 and later*/
- kISpSelector_InterruptTickle = 16,
- kISpSelector_Draw = 17,
- kISpSelector_Click = 18,
- kISpSelector_ADBReInit = 19, /* 1.2 and later*/
- kISpSelector_GetCalibration = 20, /* 1.7 and later*/
- kISpSelector_SetCalibration = 21,
- kISpSelector_CalibrateDialog = 22
- };
- /*
- *
- * typedefs for the function pointers the metahandler may return
- *
- */
- /* a generic driver function pointer */
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , ISpDriverFunctionPtr_Generic )(UInt32 refCon, ...);
- /* the meta handler pointer */
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( ISpDriverFunctionPtr_Generic , ISpDriverFunctionPtr_MetaHandler )(UInt32 refCon, ISpMetaHandlerSelector metaHandlerSelector);
- /* the pointers you get through the meta handler */
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , ISpDriverFunctionPtr_Init )(UInt32 refCon, UInt32 count, ISpNeed needs[], ISpElementReference virtualElements[], Boolean used[], OSType appCreatorCode, OSType subCreatorCode, UInt32 reserved, void *reserved2);
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , ISpDriverFunctionPtr_Stop )(UInt32 refCon);
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , ISpDriverFunctionPtr_GetSize )(UInt32 refCon, Point *minimum, Point *best);
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , ISpDriverFunctionPtr_HandleEvent )(UInt32 refCon, EventRecord *theEvent, Boolean *handled);
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , ISpDriverFunctionPtr_Show )(UInt32 refCon, DialogPtr theDialog, short dialogItemNumber, Rect *r);
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , ISpDriverFunctionPtr_Hide )(UInt32 refCon);
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , ISpDriverFunctionPtr_BeginConfiguration )(UInt32 refCon, UInt32 count, ISpNeed needs[]);
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , ISpDriverFunctionPtr_EndConfiguration )(UInt32 refCon, Boolean accept);
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , ISpDriverFunctionPtr_GetIcon )(UInt32 refCon, short *iconSuiteResourceId);
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , ISpDriverFunctionPtr_GetState )(UInt32 refCon, UInt32 buflen, void *buffer, UInt32 *length);
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , ISpDriverFunctionPtr_SetState )(UInt32 refCon, UInt32 length, void *buffer);
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , ISpDriverFunctionPtr_Dirty )(UInt32 refCon, Boolean *dirty);
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , ISpDriverFunctionPtr_SetActive )(UInt32 refCon, Boolean active);
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , ISpDriverFunctionPtr_DialogItemHit )(UInt32 refCon, short itemHit);
- /* 1.03 and later*/
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , ISpDriverFunctionPtr_Tickle )(UInt32 refCon);
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , ISpDriverFunctionPtr_InterruptTickle )(UInt32 refCon);
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , ISpDriverFunctionPtr_Draw )(UInt32 refCon);
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , ISpDriverFunctionPtr_Click )(UInt32 refCon, const EventRecord *event);
- /* 1.2 and later*/
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , ISpDriverFunctionPtr_ADBReInit )(UInt32 refCon, Boolean inPostProcess);
- /* 1.7 and later*/
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , ISpDriverFunctionPtr_GetCalibration )(UInt32 refCon, void *calibration, Size *calibrationSize);
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , ISpDriverFunctionPtr_SetCalibration )(UInt32 refCon, void *calibration, Size calibrationSize);
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , ISpDriverFunctionPtr_CalibrateDialog )(UInt32 refCon, Boolean *changed);
- /* these functions are exported in the driver's pef container (1.7 or later)*/
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpDriver_CheckConfiguration (Boolean * validConfiguration);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpDriver_FindAndLoadDevices (Boolean * keepDriverLoaded);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpDriver_DisposeDevices (void);
- EXTERN_API_C( void )
- ISpDriver_Tickle (void);
- #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , ISpDriver_CheckConfigurationPtr )(Boolean *validConfiguration);
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , ISpDriver_FindAndLoadDevicesPtr )(Boolean *keepDriverLoaded);
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , ISpDriver_DisposeDevicesPtr )(void );
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( void , ISpDriver_TicklePtr )(void );
- /* ********************* driver level functions ********************* */
- /*
- *
- * ISpDevice_New
- *
- * This creates a new device from the device definition structure and returns
- * the result into the device reference.
- *
- * Returns Codes
- * paramErr
- * out of memory
- *
- * Specical Considerations
- * may not be done at interrupt time
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpDevice_New (const ISpDeviceDefinition * inStruct,
- ISpDriverFunctionPtr_MetaHandler metaHandler,
- UInt32 refCon,
- ISpDeviceReference * outReference);
- /*
- * ISpDevice_Dispose
- *
- * This disposes an existing device.
- *
- * Returns Codes
- * paramErr
- *
- * Special Considerations
- * May not be done at interrupt time
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpDevice_Dispose (ISpDeviceReference inReference);
- /*
- *
- * ISpElementDefinitionStruct
- *
- * This is the structure that defines everything static about this
- * element. For each element on your device you will need to
- * fill in one of these structures when your driver loads.
- *
- */
- #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */
- struct ISpElementDefinitionStruct
- {
- ISpDeviceReference device; /* device this element belongs to */
- UInt32 group; /* group this element belongs to or 0 */
- Str63 theString; /* a string that is a human readable identifier for this element, internationalization ? */
- ISpElementKind kind;
- ISpElementLabel label;
- void *configInfo; /* a pointer to the buffer containing the configuration information for this element */
- UInt32 configInfoLength; /* length of that configuration info */
- UInt32 dataSize; /* the size of the data, so we can generate an appropriate buffer */
- UInt32 reserved1;
- UInt32 reserved2;
- UInt32 reserved3;
- };
- typedef struct ISpElementDefinitionStruct ISpElementDefinitionStruct;
- /*
- *
- * ISpElement_New
- *
- * ISpElement_New takes an element definition struct and gives you back a element reference.
- * When you produce data you use that element reference to give the data to the system.
- *
- * Return Codes
- * paramErr
- * memory error
- *
- * Special Considerations
- * The ISpElement_New function may move or purge memory. Your application should not call this function
- * at interrupt time.
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpElement_New (const ISpElementDefinitionStruct * inStruct,
- ISpElementReference * outElement);
- /*
- *
- * ISpElement_Dispose
- *
- * ISpElement_Dispose takes an element reference and deletes it.
- * You should call this function when your driver unloads.
- *
- * Return Codes
- * paramErr
- * memory error
- *
- * Special Considerations
- * The ISpElement_Dispose function may move or purge memory. Your application should not call this function
- * at interrupt time.
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpElement_Dispose (ISpElementReference inElement);
- /*
- *
- * ISpElement_PushSimpleData
- *
- * ISpElement_PushSimpleData is the appropriate way to give the system data if your data fits exactly into
- * a 32 bit signed number. You pass the element reference that goes with the data, the data and the
- * AbsoluteTime that data was produced. If UpTime is not available you should fill time.lo with the
- * TickCount time and time.hi with 0.
- *
- * Return Codes
- * paramErr
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpElement_PushSimpleData (ISpElementReference inElement,
- UInt32 data,
- const AbsoluteTime * time);
- /*
- *
- * ISpElement_PushComplexData
- *
- * ISpElement_PushComplexData is exactly like ISpElement_PushSimpleData except that it is appropriate for times
- * when your data does not fit into a signed 32 bit integer.
- *
- * Instead it takes the length of your data (which must match the datasize field of your ISpElementDefinitionStruct)
- * and a ptr to the devices state.
- *
- * Return Codes
- * paramErr
- *
- */
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- ISpElement_PushComplexData (ISpElementReference inElement,
- UInt32 buflen,
- void * state,
- const AbsoluteTime * time);
- /* *********************************************************************************** */
- #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */
- typedef UInt32 ISpADBDeferRef;
- typedef CALLBACK_API_C( void , ISpADBDeferCallbackProcPtr )(UInt8 adbCommand, void *adbBuffer, UInt32 refcon);
- ISpAllocateADBDeferBlock (ISpADBDeferRef * createBlock);
- ISpDisposeADBDeferBlock (ISpADBDeferRef disposeBlock);
- ISpInstallADBDefer (ISpADBDeferRef refBlock,
- ADBAddress reqAddress,
- ISpADBDeferCallbackProcPtr installProc,
- UInt32 clientRefCon,
- ADBServiceRoutineUPP * prevRoutine,
- Ptr * prevDataArea);
- ISpRemoveADBDefer (ISpADBDeferRef refBlock);
- #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */
- #pragma options align=reset
- #pragma pack(pop)
- #pragma pack()
- #endif
- #pragma import off
- #pragma import reset
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* __INPUTSPROCKET__ */