- /*
- File: MoviesFormat.h
- Contains: QuickTime Interfaces.
- Version: Technology: QuickTime 6.0
- Release: QuickTime 6.0.2
- Copyright: (c) 1990-2001 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved
- Bugs?: For bug reports, consult the following page on
- the World Wide Web:
- */
- #ifndef __MOVIESFORMAT__
- #define __MOVIESFORMAT__
- #ifndef __MACTYPES__
- #include "MacTypes.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __MOVIES__
- #include "Movies.h"
- #endif
- #pragma once
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #pragma import on
- #endif
- #pragma options align=mac68k
- #pragma pack(push, 2)
- #pragma pack(2)
- #endif
- enum {
- kMovieVersion = 0 /* version number of the format here described */
- };
- /****************************************
- *
- * General Types -
- * These types are used in more than one of the
- * directory types.
- *
- ****************************************/
- /* MoviesUserData is the type used for user data in movie and track directories */
- struct MoviesUserData {
- long size; /* size of this user data */
- long udType; /* type of user data */
- char data[1]; /* the user data */
- };
- typedef struct MoviesUserData MoviesUserData;
- struct UserDataAtom {
- long size;
- long atomType;
- MoviesUserData userData[1];
- };
- typedef struct UserDataAtom UserDataAtom;
- /* MoviesDataDescription tells us where the data for the movie or track lives.
- The data can follow the directory, be in the datafork of the same file as the directory resource,
- be in the resource fork of the same file as the directory resource, be in another file in the
- data fork or resource fork, or require a specific bottleneck to fetch the data. */
- /****************************************
- *
- * MediaDirectory information -
- * The MediaDirectory is tightly coupled to the data.
- *
- ****************************************/
- struct SampleDescriptionAtom {
- long size;
- long atomType; /* = 'stsd' */
- long flags; /* 1 byte of version / 3 bytes of flags */
- long numEntries;
- SampleDescription sampleDescTable[1];
- };
- typedef struct SampleDescriptionAtom SampleDescriptionAtom;
- /* TimeToSampleNum maps physical sample time to physical sample number. */
- struct TimeToSampleNum {
- long sampleCount;
- TimeValue sampleDuration;
- };
- typedef struct TimeToSampleNum TimeToSampleNum;
- struct TimeToSampleNumAtom {
- long size;
- long atomType; /* = 'stts' */
- long flags; /* 1 byte of version / 3 bytes of flags */
- long numEntries;
- TimeToSampleNum timeToSampleNumTable[1];
- };
- typedef struct TimeToSampleNumAtom TimeToSampleNumAtom;
- /* SyncSamples is a list of the physical samples which are self contained. */
- struct SyncSampleAtom {
- long size;
- long atomType; /* = 'stss' */
- long flags; /* 1 byte of version / 3 bytes of flags */
- long numEntries;
- long syncSampleTable[1];
- };
- typedef struct SyncSampleAtom SyncSampleAtom;
- /* SampleToChunk maps physical sample number to chunk number. */
- /* same as SampleToChunk, but redundant first sample is removed */
- struct SampleToChunk {
- long firstChunk;
- long samplesPerChunk;
- long sampleDescriptionID;
- };
- typedef struct SampleToChunk SampleToChunk;
- struct SampleToChunkAtom {
- long size;
- long atomType; /* = 'stsc' */
- long flags; /* 1 byte of version / 3 bytes of flags */
- long numEntries;
- SampleToChunk sampleToChunkTable[1];
- };
- typedef struct SampleToChunkAtom SampleToChunkAtom;
- struct ChunkOffsetAtom {
- long size;
- long atomType; /* = 'stco' */
- long flags; /* 1 byte of version / 3 bytes of flags */
- long numEntries;
- long chunkOffsetTable[1];
- };
- typedef struct ChunkOffsetAtom ChunkOffsetAtom;
- struct SampleSizeAtom {
- long size;
- long atomType; /* = 'stsz' */
- long flags; /* 1 byte of version / 3 bytes of flags */
- long sampleSize;
- long numEntries;
- long sampleSizeTable[1];
- };
- typedef struct SampleSizeAtom SampleSizeAtom;
- struct ShadowSync {
- long fdSampleNum;
- long syncSampleNum;
- };
- typedef struct ShadowSync ShadowSync;
- struct ShadowSyncAtom {
- long size;
- long atomType; /* = 'stsz' */
- long flags; /* 1 byte of version / 3 bytes of flags */
- long numEntries;
- ShadowSync shadowSyncTable[1];
- };
- typedef struct ShadowSyncAtom ShadowSyncAtom;
- struct SampleTableAtom {
- long size;
- long atomType; /* = 'stbl' */
- SampleDescriptionAtom sampleDescription;
- TimeToSampleNumAtom timeToSampleNum;
- SampleToChunkAtom sampleToChunk;
- SyncSampleAtom syncSample;
- SampleSizeAtom sampleSize;
- ChunkOffsetAtom chunkOffset;
- ShadowSyncAtom shadowSync;
- };
- typedef struct SampleTableAtom SampleTableAtom;
- struct PublicHandlerInfo {
- long flags; /* 1 byte of version / 3 bytes of flags */
- long componentType;
- long componentSubType;
- long componentManufacturer;
- long componentFlags;
- long componentFlagsMask;
- char componentName[1];
- };
- typedef struct PublicHandlerInfo PublicHandlerInfo;
- struct HandlerAtom {
- long size;
- long atomType; /* = 'hdlr' */
- PublicHandlerInfo hInfo;
- };
- typedef struct HandlerAtom HandlerAtom;
- /* a data reference is a private structure */
- typedef long DataRefAtom;
- struct DataInfoAtom {
- long size;
- long atomType; /* = 'dinf' */
- DataRefAtom dataRef;
- };
- typedef struct DataInfoAtom DataInfoAtom;
- struct RgnAtom {
- long size;
- long atomType;
- short rgnSize;
- Rect rgnBBox;
- char data[1];
- };
- typedef struct RgnAtom RgnAtom;
- struct MatteCompressedAtom {
- long size;
- long atomType;
- long flags; /* 1 byte of version / 3 bytes of flags */
- ImageDescription matteImageDescription;
- char matteData[1];
- };
- typedef struct MatteCompressedAtom MatteCompressedAtom;
- struct MatteAtom {
- long size;
- long atomType;
- MatteCompressedAtom aCompressedMatte;
- };
- typedef struct MatteAtom MatteAtom;
- struct ClippingAtom {
- long size;
- long atomType;
- RgnAtom aRgnClip;
- };
- typedef struct ClippingAtom ClippingAtom;
- /***********************
- * Media Info Example Structures
- ***********************/
- struct VideoMediaInfoHeader {
- long flags; /* 1 byte of version / 3 bytes of flags */
- short graphicsMode; /* for QD - transfer mode */
- short opColorRed; /* opcolor for transfer mode */
- short opColorGreen;
- short opColorBlue;
- };
- typedef struct VideoMediaInfoHeader VideoMediaInfoHeader;
- struct VideoMediaInfoHeaderAtom {
- long size; /* size of Media info */
- long atomType; /* = 'vmhd' */
- VideoMediaInfoHeader vmiHeader;
- };
- typedef struct VideoMediaInfoHeaderAtom VideoMediaInfoHeaderAtom;
- struct VideoMediaInfo {
- long size; /* size of Media info */
- long atomType; /* = 'minf' */
- VideoMediaInfoHeaderAtom header;
- HandlerAtom dataHandler;
- DataInfoAtom dataInfo;
- SampleTableAtom sampleTable;
- };
- typedef struct VideoMediaInfo VideoMediaInfo;
- struct SoundMediaInfoHeader {
- long flags; /* 1 byte of version / 3 bytes of flags */
- short balance;
- short rsrvd;
- };
- typedef struct SoundMediaInfoHeader SoundMediaInfoHeader;
- struct SoundMediaInfoHeaderAtom {
- long size; /* size of Media info */
- long atomType; /* = 'vmhd' */
- SoundMediaInfoHeader smiHeader;
- };
- typedef struct SoundMediaInfoHeaderAtom SoundMediaInfoHeaderAtom;
- struct SoundMediaInfo {
- long size; /* size of Media info */
- long atomType; /* = 'minf' */
- SoundMediaInfoHeaderAtom header;
- HandlerAtom dataHandler;
- DataRefAtom dataReference;
- SampleTableAtom sampleTable;
- };
- typedef struct SoundMediaInfo SoundMediaInfo;
- /* whatever data the media handler needs goes after the atomType */
- struct MediaInfo {
- long size;
- long atomType;
- };
- typedef struct MediaInfo MediaInfo;
- /***********************
- * Media Directory Structures
- ***********************/
- struct MediaHeader {
- long flags; /* 1 byte of version / 3 bytes of flags */
- long creationTime; /* seconds since Jan 1904 when directory was created */
- long modificationTime; /* seconds since Jan 1904 when directory was appended */
- TimeValue timeScale; /* start time for Media (Media time) */
- TimeValue duration; /* length of Media (Media time) */
- short language;
- short quality;
- };
- typedef struct MediaHeader MediaHeader;
- struct MediaHeaderAtom {
- long size;
- long atomType;
- MediaHeader header;
- };
- typedef struct MediaHeaderAtom MediaHeaderAtom;
- struct MediaDirectory {
- long size;
- long atomType; /* = 'mdia' */
- MediaHeaderAtom mediaHeader; /* standard Media information */
- HandlerAtom mediaHandler;
- MediaInfo mediaInfo;
- };
- typedef struct MediaDirectory MediaDirectory;
- /***********************
- * Track Structures
- ***********************/
- enum {
- TrackEnable = 1 << 0,
- TrackInMovie = 1 << 1,
- TrackInPreview = 1 << 2,
- TrackInPoster = 1 << 3
- };
- struct TrackHeader {
- long flags; /* 1 byte of version / 3 bytes of flags */
- long creationTime; /* seconds since Jan 1904 when directory was created */
- long modificationTime; /* seconds since Jan 1904 when directory was appended */
- long trackID;
- long reserved1;
- TimeValue duration; /* length of track (track time) */
- long reserved2;
- long reserved3;
- short layer;
- short alternateGroup;
- short volume;
- short reserved4;
- MatrixRecord matrix;
- Fixed trackWidth;
- Fixed trackHeight;
- };
- typedef struct TrackHeader TrackHeader;
- struct TrackHeaderAtom {
- long size; /* size of track header */
- long atomType; /* = 'tkhd' */
- TrackHeader header;
- };
- typedef struct TrackHeaderAtom TrackHeaderAtom;
- struct EditListType {
- TimeValue trackDuration;
- TimeValue mediaTime;
- Fixed mediaRate;
- };
- typedef struct EditListType EditListType;
- struct EditListAtom {
- long size;
- long atomType; /* = elst */
- long flags; /* 1 byte of version / 3 bytes of flags */
- long numEntries;
- EditListType editListTable[1];
- };
- typedef struct EditListAtom EditListAtom;
- struct EditsAtom {
- long size;
- long atomType; /* = edts */
- EditListAtom editList;
- };
- typedef struct EditsAtom EditsAtom;
- struct TrackLoadSettings {
- TimeValue preloadStartTime;
- TimeValue preloadDuration;
- long preloadFlags;
- long defaultHints;
- };
- typedef struct TrackLoadSettings TrackLoadSettings;
- struct TrackLoadSettingsAtom {
- long size;
- long atomType; /* = load */
- TrackLoadSettings settings;
- };
- typedef struct TrackLoadSettingsAtom TrackLoadSettingsAtom;
- struct TrackDirectory {
- long size;
- long atomType; /* = 'trak' */
- TrackHeaderAtom trackHeader; /* standard track information */
- ClippingAtom trackClip;
- EditsAtom edits;
- MediaDirectory media;
- UserDataAtom userData; /* space for extending with new data types */
- };
- typedef struct TrackDirectory TrackDirectory;
- /****************************************
- *
- * MovieDirectory -
- * The MovieDirectory is the top level structure which
- * holds the TrackInstance describing where the
- * TrackDirectories are.
- *
- ****************************************/
- struct MovieHeader {
- long flags; /* 1 byte of version / 3 bytes of flags */
- long creationTime; /* seconds since Jan 1904 when directory was created */
- long modificationTime; /* seconds since Jan 1904 when directory was appended */
- TimeValue timeScale; /* Time specifications */
- TimeValue duration;
- Fixed preferredRate; /* rate at which to play this movie */
- short preferredVolume; /* volume to play movie at */
- short reserved1;
- long preferredLong1;
- long preferredLong2;
- MatrixRecord matrix;
- TimeValue previewTime; /* time in track the proxy begins (track time) */
- TimeValue previewDuration; /* how long the proxy lasts (track time) */
- TimeValue posterTime; /* time in track the proxy begins (track time) */
- TimeValue selectionTime; /* time in track the proxy begins (track time) */
- TimeValue selectionDuration; /* time in track the proxy begins (track time) */
- TimeValue currentTime; /* time in track the proxy begins (track time) */
- long nextTrackID; /* next value to use for a TrackID */
- };
- typedef struct MovieHeader MovieHeader;
- struct MovieHeaderAtom {
- long size;
- long atomType; /* = 'mvhd' */
- MovieHeader header;
- };
- typedef struct MovieHeaderAtom MovieHeaderAtom;
- struct TrackDirectoryEntry {
- TrackDirectory trackDirectory; /* Track directory information */
- };
- typedef struct TrackDirectoryEntry TrackDirectoryEntry;
- struct MovieDirectory {
- long size;
- long atomType; /* = 'moov' */
- MovieHeaderAtom header;
- ClippingAtom movieClip;
- /* Track Directories */
- TrackDirectoryEntry track[1]; /* Track directory information */
- /* User data for Movie */
- UserDataAtom userData; /* space for user extensions */
- };
- typedef struct MovieDirectory MovieDirectory;
- /****************************************
- ****************************************/
- /* Movie formats and tags */
- enum {
- /* some system defined format IDs */
- };
- /* atom id's */
- enum {
- MovieAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('moov'),
- MovieHeaderAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('mvhd'),
- ClipAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('clip'),
- RgnClipAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('crgn'),
- MatteAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('matt'),
- MatteCompAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('kmat'),
- TrackAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('trak'),
- UserDataAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('udta'),
- TrackHeaderAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('tkhd'),
- EditsAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('edts'),
- EditListAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('elst'),
- MediaAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('mdia'),
- MediaHeaderAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('mdhd'),
- MediaInfoAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('minf'),
- VideoMediaInfoHeaderAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('vmhd'),
- SoundMediaInfoHeaderAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('smhd'),
- GenericMediaInfoHeaderAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('gmhd'),
- GenericMediaInfoAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('gmin'),
- DataInfoAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dinf'),
- DataRefAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dref'),
- SampleTableAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('stbl'),
- STSampleDescAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('stsd'),
- STTimeToSampAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('stts'),
- STSyncSampleAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('stss'),
- STSampleToChunkAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('stsc'),
- STShadowSyncAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('stsh'),
- HandlerAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('hdlr'),
- STSampleSizeAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('stsz'),
- STChunkOffsetAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('stco'),
- STChunkOffset64AID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('co64'),
- STSampleIDAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('stid'),
- DataRefContainerAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('drfc'),
- TrackReferenceAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('tref'),
- ColorTableAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ctab'),
- LoadSettingsAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('load'),
- PropertyAtomAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('code'),
- InputMapAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('imap'),
- MovieBufferHintsAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('mbfh'),
- MovieDataRefAliasAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('mdra'),
- SoundLocalizationAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sloc'),
- CompressedMovieAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cmov'),
- CompressedMovieDataAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('cmvd'),
- DataCompressionAtomAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('dcom'),
- ReferenceMovieRecordAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rmra'),
- ReferenceMovieDescriptorAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rmda'),
- ReferenceMovieDataRefAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rdrf'),
- ReferenceMovieVersionCheckAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rmvc'),
- ReferenceMovieDataRateAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rmdr'),
- ReferenceMovieComponentCheckAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rmcd'),
- ReferenceMovieQualityAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rmqu'),
- ReferenceMovieLanguageAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rmla'),
- ReferenceMovieCPURatingAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rmcs'),
- ReferenceMovieAlternateGroupAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rmag'),
- ReferenceMovieNetworkStatusAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rnet'),
- CloneMediaAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('clon'),
- FileTypeAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ftyp'),
- SecureContentInfoAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sinf'),
- SecureContentSchemeTypeAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('schm'),
- SecureContentSchemeInfoAID = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('schi')
- };
- /* Text ATOM definitions*/
- struct TextBoxAtom {
- long size;
- long atomType; /* = 'tbox' */
- Rect textBox; /* New text box (overrides defaultTextBox)*/
- };
- typedef struct TextBoxAtom TextBoxAtom;
- struct HiliteAtom {
- long size;
- long atomType; /* = 'hlit' */
- long selStart; /* hilite selection start character*/
- long selEnd; /* hilite selection end character*/
- };
- typedef struct HiliteAtom HiliteAtom;
- struct KaraokeRec {
- TimeValue timeVal;
- short beginHilite;
- short endHilite;
- };
- typedef struct KaraokeRec KaraokeRec;
- struct KaraokeAtom {
- long numEntries;
- KaraokeRec karaokeEntries[1];
- };
- typedef struct KaraokeAtom KaraokeAtom;
- /* for ReferenceMovieDataRefRecord.flags*/
- enum {
- kDataRefIsSelfContained = (1 << 0)
- };
- struct ReferenceMovieDataRefRecord {
- long flags;
- OSType dataRefType;
- long dataRefSize;
- char dataRef[1];
- };
- typedef struct ReferenceMovieDataRefRecord ReferenceMovieDataRefRecord;
- /* for VersionCheckRecord.checkType*/
- enum {
- kVersionCheckMin = 0, /* val1 is the min. version required*/
- kVersionCheckMask = 1 /* (gestalt return value & val2) must == val1*/
- };
- struct QTAltVersionCheckRecord {
- long flags; /* currently always 0*/
- OSType gestaltTag;
- UInt32 val1;
- UInt32 val2;
- short checkType;
- };
- typedef struct QTAltVersionCheckRecord QTAltVersionCheckRecord;
- /* some helpful constants for DataRateRecord.dataRate */
- enum {
- kDataRate144ModemRate = 1400L,
- kDataRate288ModemRate = 2800L,
- kDataRateISDNRate = 5600L,
- kDataRateDualISDNRate = 11200L,
- kDataRate256kbpsRate = 25600L,
- kDataRate384kbpsRate = 38400L,
- kDataRate512kbpsRate = 51200L,
- kDataRate768kbpsRate = 76800L,
- kDataRate1MbpsRate = 100000L,
- kDataRateT1Rate = 150000L,
- kDataRateInfiniteRate = 0x7FFFFFFF,
- kDataRateDefaultIfNotSet = kDataRateISDNRate
- };
- struct QTAltDataRateRecord {
- long flags; /* currently always 0*/
- long dataRate;
- };
- typedef struct QTAltDataRateRecord QTAltDataRateRecord;
- struct QTAltComponentCheckRecord {
- long flags; /* currently always 0 */
- ComponentDescription cd;
- unsigned long minVersion;
- };
- typedef struct QTAltComponentCheckRecord QTAltComponentCheckRecord;
- struct QTAltLanguageRecord {
- long flags; /* currently always 0*/
- short language;
- };
- typedef struct QTAltLanguageRecord QTAltLanguageRecord;
- enum {
- kQTCPUSpeed1Rating = 100, /* slowest*/
- kQTCPUSpeed2Rating = 200,
- kQTCPUSpeed3Rating = 300,
- kQTCPUSpeed4Rating = 400,
- kQTCPUSpeed5Rating = 500 /* fastest*/
- };
- struct QTAltCPURatingRecord {
- UInt32 flags; /* currently always 0*/
- UInt16 speed;
- };
- typedef struct QTAltCPURatingRecord QTAltCPURatingRecord;
- struct ReferenceMovieNetworkStatusRecord {
- UInt32 flags; /* currently always 0*/
- UInt32 valueCount; /* how many status values are in array*/
- long netStatusValues[1]; /* a value from kQTNetworkStatus... constants*/
- };
- typedef struct ReferenceMovieNetworkStatusRecord ReferenceMovieNetworkStatusRecord;
- struct CloneRecord {
- long flags;
- long masterTrackID; /* track ID of the track we're cloning */
- };
- typedef struct CloneRecord CloneRecord;
- struct CloneAtom {
- long size;
- long atomType; /* = clon */
- CloneRecord cloneInfo;
- };
- typedef struct CloneAtom CloneAtom;
- struct FileTypeAtom {
- long size;
- long atomType; /* = 'ftyp' */
- long majorBrand; /* best use brand */
- long minorVersion;
- long compatibleBrands[4]; /* 1 or greater */
- };
- typedef struct FileTypeAtom FileTypeAtom;
- enum {
- kQTFileTypeBrandQuickTimeMovie = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('qt '), /* QuickTime movie files*/
- kQTFileTypeBrandISOFile = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('isom'), /* ISO Base Media files*/
- kQTFileTypeBrandMPEG4v1 = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('mp41'), /* MPEG-4 (ISO/IEC 14496-1) version 1 files*/
- kQTFileTypeBrandMPEG4v2 = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('mp42') /* MPEG-4 (ISO/IEC 14496-1) version 2 files*/
- };
- struct SecureContentInfoAtom {
- long size;
- long atomType; /* = 'sinf' */
- };
- typedef struct SecureContentInfoAtom SecureContentInfoAtom;
- struct SecureContentSchemeTypeAtom {
- long size;
- long atomType; /* = 'schm' */
- long flags; /* 1 byte of version / 3 bytes of flags */
- long schemeType;
- UInt16 schemeVersion;
- /* if flags & 1, C string holding URL for security component server*/
- };
- typedef struct SecureContentSchemeTypeAtom SecureContentSchemeTypeAtom;
- struct SecureContentSchemeInfoAtom {
- long size;
- long atomType; /* = 'schi' */
- };
- typedef struct SecureContentSchemeInfoAtom SecureContentSchemeInfoAtom;
- #pragma options align=reset
- #pragma pack(pop)
- #pragma pack()
- #endif
- #pragma import off
- #pragma import reset
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* __MOVIESFORMAT__ */