- /*
- File: Script.h
- Contains: Script Manager interfaces
- Version: Technology: Mac OS 8
- Release: QuickTime 6.0.2
- Copyright: (c) 1986-2001 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved
- Bugs?: For bug reports, consult the following page on
- the World Wide Web:
- */
- #ifndef __SCRIPT__
- #define __SCRIPT__
- #ifndef __MACTYPES__
- #include "MacTypes.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __QUICKDRAW__
- #include "Quickdraw.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __INTLRESOURCES__
- #include "IntlResources.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __EVENTS__
- #include "Events.h"
- #endif
- #pragma once
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #pragma import on
- #endif
- #pragma options align=mac68k
- #pragma pack(push, 2)
- #pragma pack(2)
- #endif
- /* Meta script codes:*/
- enum {
- smSystemScript = -1, /* designates system script.*/
- smCurrentScript = -2, /* designates current font script.*/
- smAllScripts = -3 /* designates any script*/
- };
- /*
- Script codes:
- These specify a Mac OS encoding that is related to a FOND ID range.
- Some of the encodings have several variants (e.g. for different localized systems)
- which all share the same script code.
- Not all of these script codes are currently supported by Apple software.
- Notes:
- - Script code 0 (smRoman) is also used (instead of smGreek) for the Greek encoding
- in the Greek localized system.
- - Script code 28 (smEthiopic) is also used for the Inuit encoding in the Inuktitut
- system.
- */
- enum {
- smRoman = 0,
- smJapanese = 1,
- smTradChinese = 2, /* Traditional Chinese*/
- smKorean = 3,
- smArabic = 4,
- smHebrew = 5,
- smGreek = 6,
- smCyrillic = 7,
- smRSymbol = 8, /* Right-left symbol*/
- smDevanagari = 9,
- smGurmukhi = 10,
- smGujarati = 11,
- smOriya = 12,
- smBengali = 13,
- smTamil = 14,
- smTelugu = 15,
- smKannada = 16, /* Kannada/Kanarese*/
- smMalayalam = 17,
- smSinhalese = 18,
- smBurmese = 19,
- smKhmer = 20, /* Khmer/Cambodian*/
- smThai = 21,
- smLao = 22,
- smGeorgian = 23,
- smArmenian = 24,
- smSimpChinese = 25, /* Simplified Chinese*/
- smTibetan = 26,
- smMongolian = 27,
- smEthiopic = 28,
- smGeez = 28, /* Synonym for smEthiopic*/
- smCentralEuroRoman = 29, /* For Czech, Slovak, Polish, Hungarian, Baltic langs*/
- smVietnamese = 30,
- smExtArabic = 31, /* extended Arabic*/
- smUninterp = 32 /* uninterpreted symbols, e.g. palette symbols*/
- };
- /* Extended script code for full Unicode input*/
- enum {
- smUnicodeScript = 0x7E
- };
- /* Obsolete script code names (kept for backward compatibility):*/
- enum {
- smChinese = 2, /* (Use smTradChinese or smSimpChinese)*/
- smRussian = 7, /* Use smCyrillic*/
- /* smMaldivian = 25: deleted, no code for Maldivian*/
- smLaotian = 22, /* Use smLao */
- smAmharic = 28, /* Use smEthiopic or smGeez*/
- smSlavic = 29, /* Use smCentralEuroRoman*/
- smEastEurRoman = 29, /* Use smCentralEuroRoman*/
- smSindhi = 31, /* Use smExtArabic*/
- smKlingon = 32
- };
- /*
- Language codes:
- These specify a language implemented using a particular Mac OS encoding.
- Not all of these language codes are currently supported by Apple software.
- */
- enum {
- langEnglish = 0, /* smRoman script*/
- langFrench = 1, /* smRoman script*/
- langGerman = 2, /* smRoman script*/
- langItalian = 3, /* smRoman script*/
- langDutch = 4, /* smRoman script*/
- langSwedish = 5, /* smRoman script*/
- langSpanish = 6, /* smRoman script*/
- langDanish = 7, /* smRoman script*/
- langPortuguese = 8, /* smRoman script*/
- langNorwegian = 9, /* smRoman script*/
- langHebrew = 10, /* smHebrew script*/
- langJapanese = 11, /* smJapanese script*/
- langArabic = 12, /* smArabic script*/
- langFinnish = 13, /* smRoman script*/
- langGreek = 14, /* Greek script using smRoman script code*/
- langIcelandic = 15, /* modified smRoman/Icelandic script*/
- langMaltese = 16, /* Roman script*/
- langTurkish = 17, /* modified smRoman/Turkish script*/
- langCroatian = 18, /* modified smRoman/Croatian script*/
- langTradChinese = 19, /* Chinese (Mandarin) in traditional characters*/
- langUrdu = 20, /* smArabic script*/
- langHindi = 21, /* smDevanagari script*/
- langThai = 22, /* smThai script*/
- langKorean = 23 /* smKorean script*/
- };
- enum {
- langLithuanian = 24, /* smCentralEuroRoman script*/
- langPolish = 25, /* smCentralEuroRoman script*/
- langHungarian = 26, /* smCentralEuroRoman script*/
- langEstonian = 27, /* smCentralEuroRoman script*/
- langLatvian = 28, /* smCentralEuroRoman script*/
- langSami = 29, /* language of the Sami people of N. Scandinavia */
- langFaroese = 30, /* modified smRoman/Icelandic script */
- langFarsi = 31, /* modified smArabic/Farsi script*/
- langPersian = 31, /* Synonym for langFarsi*/
- langRussian = 32, /* smCyrillic script*/
- langSimpChinese = 33, /* Chinese (Mandarin) in simplified characters*/
- langFlemish = 34, /* smRoman script*/
- langIrishGaelic = 35, /* smRoman or modified smRoman/Celtic script (without dot above) */
- langAlbanian = 36, /* smRoman script*/
- langRomanian = 37, /* modified smRoman/Romanian script*/
- langCzech = 38, /* smCentralEuroRoman script*/
- langSlovak = 39, /* smCentralEuroRoman script*/
- langSlovenian = 40, /* modified smRoman/Croatian script*/
- langYiddish = 41, /* smHebrew script*/
- langSerbian = 42, /* smCyrillic script*/
- langMacedonian = 43, /* smCyrillic script*/
- langBulgarian = 44, /* smCyrillic script*/
- langUkrainian = 45, /* modified smCyrillic/Ukrainian script*/
- langByelorussian = 46, /* smCyrillic script*/
- langBelorussian = 46 /* Synonym for langByelorussian */
- };
- enum {
- langUzbek = 47, /* Cyrillic script*/
- langKazakh = 48, /* Cyrillic script*/
- langAzerbaijani = 49, /* Azerbaijani in Cyrillic script*/
- langAzerbaijanAr = 50, /* Azerbaijani in Arabic script*/
- langArmenian = 51, /* smArmenian script*/
- langGeorgian = 52, /* smGeorgian script*/
- langMoldavian = 53, /* smCyrillic script*/
- langKirghiz = 54, /* Cyrillic script*/
- langTajiki = 55, /* Cyrillic script*/
- langTurkmen = 56, /* Cyrillic script*/
- langMongolian = 57, /* Mongolian in smMongolian script*/
- langMongolianCyr = 58, /* Mongolian in Cyrillic script*/
- langPashto = 59, /* Arabic script*/
- langKurdish = 60, /* smArabic script*/
- langKashmiri = 61, /* Arabic script*/
- langSindhi = 62, /* Arabic script*/
- langTibetan = 63, /* smTibetan script*/
- langNepali = 64, /* smDevanagari script*/
- langSanskrit = 65, /* smDevanagari script*/
- langMarathi = 66, /* smDevanagari script*/
- langBengali = 67, /* smBengali script*/
- langAssamese = 68, /* smBengali script*/
- langGujarati = 69, /* smGujarati script*/
- langPunjabi = 70 /* smGurmukhi script*/
- };
- enum {
- langOriya = 71, /* smOriya script*/
- langMalayalam = 72, /* smMalayalam script*/
- langKannada = 73, /* smKannada script*/
- langTamil = 74, /* smTamil script*/
- langTelugu = 75, /* smTelugu script*/
- langSinhalese = 76, /* smSinhalese script*/
- langBurmese = 77, /* smBurmese script*/
- langKhmer = 78, /* smKhmer script*/
- langLao = 79, /* smLao script*/
- langVietnamese = 80, /* smVietnamese script*/
- langIndonesian = 81, /* smRoman script*/
- langTagalog = 82, /* Roman script*/
- langMalayRoman = 83, /* Malay in smRoman script*/
- langMalayArabic = 84, /* Malay in Arabic script*/
- langAmharic = 85, /* smEthiopic script*/
- langTigrinya = 86, /* smEthiopic script*/
- langOromo = 87, /* smEthiopic script*/
- langSomali = 88, /* smRoman script*/
- langSwahili = 89, /* smRoman script*/
- langKinyarwanda = 90, /* smRoman script*/
- langRuanda = 90, /* synonym for langKinyarwanda*/
- langRundi = 91, /* smRoman script*/
- langNyanja = 92, /* smRoman script*/
- langChewa = 92, /* synonym for langNyanja*/
- langMalagasy = 93, /* smRoman script*/
- langEsperanto = 94 /* Roman script*/
- };
- enum {
- langWelsh = 128, /* modified smRoman/Celtic script*/
- langBasque = 129, /* smRoman script*/
- langCatalan = 130, /* smRoman script*/
- langLatin = 131, /* smRoman script*/
- langQuechua = 132, /* smRoman script*/
- langGuarani = 133, /* smRoman script*/
- langAymara = 134, /* smRoman script*/
- langTatar = 135, /* Cyrillic script*/
- langUighur = 136, /* Arabic script*/
- langDzongkha = 137, /* (lang of Bhutan) smTibetan script*/
- langJavaneseRom = 138, /* Javanese in smRoman script*/
- langSundaneseRom = 139, /* Sundanese in smRoman script*/
- langGalician = 140, /* smRoman script*/
- langAfrikaans = 141 /* smRoman script */
- };
- enum {
- langBreton = 142, /* smRoman or modified smRoman/Celtic script */
- langInuktitut = 143, /* Inuit script using smEthiopic script code */
- langScottishGaelic = 144, /* smRoman or modified smRoman/Celtic script */
- langManxGaelic = 145, /* smRoman or modified smRoman/Celtic script */
- langIrishGaelicScript = 146, /* modified smRoman/Gaelic script (using dot above) */
- langTongan = 147, /* smRoman script */
- langGreekPoly = 148, /* smGreek script */
- langGreenlandic = 149 /* smRoman script */
- };
- enum {
- langUnspecified = 32767 /* Special code for use in resources (such as 'itlm') */
- };
- /*
- Obsolete language code names (kept for backward compatibility):
- Misspelled, ambiguous, misleading, considered pejorative, archaic, etc.
- */
- enum {
- langPortugese = 8, /* Use langPortuguese*/
- langMalta = 16, /* Use langMaltese*/
- langYugoslavian = 18, /* (use langCroatian, langSerbian, etc.)*/
- langChinese = 19, /* (use langTradChinese or langSimpChinese)*/
- langLettish = 28, /* Use langLatvian */
- langLapponian = 29, /* Use langSami*/
- langLappish = 29, /* Use langSami*/
- langSaamisk = 29, /* Use langSami */
- langFaeroese = 30, /* Use langFaroese */
- langIrish = 35, /* Use langIrishGaelic */
- langGalla = 87, /* Use langOromo */
- langAfricaans = 141 /* Use langAfrikaans */
- };
- /*
- Region codes:
- These typically specify a combination of a language code and a particular region.
- Some of these numeric values are reserved just for extra resource IDs associated
- with certain regions; these are not actual region codes, and are noted in the comments.
- Not all of the region codes are currently supported by Apple software.
- When relevant, the following list also provides:
- - The Apple part number (P/N) code for software localized for the specified region.
- - The two-letter ISO language and country codes (from ISO 639 and ISO 3166). The
- language code (lowercase) is first, then '_', then the country code (uppercase).
- */
- enum {
- /* P/N ISO codes comments*/
- verUS = 0, /* en_US*/
- verFrance = 1, /* F fr_FR*/
- verBritain = 2, /* B en_GB*/
- verGermany = 3, /* D de_DE*/
- verItaly = 4, /* T it_IT*/
- verNetherlands = 5, /* N nl_NL*/
- verFlemish = 6, /* FN nl_BE Flemish (Dutch) for Belgium */
- verSweden = 7, /* S sv_SE*/
- verSpain = 8, /* E es_ES Spanish for Spain*/
- verDenmark = 9, /* DK da_DK*/
- verPortugal = 10, /* PO pt_PT Portuguese for Portugal*/
- verFrCanada = 11, /* C fr_CA French for Canada*/
- verNorway = 12, /* H no_NO Bokm.l*/
- verIsrael = 13, /* HB iw_IL Hebrew*/
- verJapan = 14, /* J ja_JP*/
- verAustralia = 15, /* X en_AU English for Australia*/
- verArabic = 16, /* AB ar Arabic for N Africa, Arabian peninsula, Levant*/
- verFinland = 17, /* K fi_FI*/
- verFrSwiss = 18, /* SF fr_CH French Swiss*/
- verGrSwiss = 19, /* SD de_CH German Swiss*/
- verGreece = 20, /* GR el_GR Monotonic Greek (modern)*/
- verIceland = 21, /* IS is_IS*/
- verMalta = 22, /* MA mt_MT*/
- verCyprus = 23, /* CY _CY Greek or Turkish language? Checking...*/
- verTurkey = 24, /* TU tr_TR*/
- verYugoCroatian = 25 /* YU Croatian for Yugoslavia; now use verCroatia (68)*/
- };
- enum {
- verNetherlandsComma = 26, /* ID for KCHR resource - Dutch*/
- verBelgiumLuxPoint = 27, /* ID for KCHR resource - Belgium*/
- verCanadaComma = 28, /* ID for KCHR resource - Canadian ISO*/
- verCanadaPoint = 29, /* ID for KCHR resource - Canadian; now unused*/
- vervariantPortugal = 30, /* ID for resource; now unused*/
- vervariantNorway = 31, /* ID for resource; now unused*/
- vervariantDenmark = 32 /* ID for KCHR resource - Danish Mac Plus*/
- };
- enum {
- verIndiaHindi = 33, /* hi_IN Hindi for India*/
- verPakistanUrdu = 34, /* UR ur_PK Urdu for Pakistan */
- verTurkishModified = 35,
- verItalianSwiss = 36, /* ST it_CH Italian Swiss*/
- verInternational = 37, /* Z en English for international use */
- /* 38 is unassigned*/
- verRomania = 39, /* RO ro_RO*/
- verGreecePoly = 40, /* Polytonic Greek (classical) */
- verLithuania = 41, /* LT lt_LT*/
- verPoland = 42, /* PL pl_PL*/
- verHungary = 43, /* MG hu_HU*/
- verEstonia = 44, /* EE et_EE*/
- verLatvia = 45, /* LV lv_LV*/
- verSami = 46, /* se */
- verFaroeIsl = 47, /* FA fo_FO */
- verIran = 48, /* PS fa_IR Persian/Farsi*/
- verRussia = 49, /* RS ru_RU Russian*/
- verIreland = 50, /* GA ga_IE Irish Gaelic for Ireland (without dot above) */
- verKorea = 51, /* KH ko_KR*/
- verChina = 52, /* CH zh_CN Simplified Chinese*/
- verTaiwan = 53, /* TA zh_TW Traditional Chinese*/
- verThailand = 54, /* TH th_TH*/
- verScriptGeneric = 55, /* SS Generic script system (no language or script) */
- verCzech = 56, /* CZ cs_CZ*/
- verSlovak = 57, /* SL sk_SK*/
- verFarEastGeneric = 58, /* FE Generic Far East system (no language or script) */
- verMagyar = 59, /* Unused; see verHungary*/
- verBengali = 60, /* bn Bangladesh or India*/
- verByeloRussian = 61 /* BY be_BY*/
- };
- enum {
- verUkraine = 62, /* UA uk_UA*/
- /* 63 is unassigned*/
- verGreeceAlt = 64, /* unused */
- verSerbian = 65, /* SR sr_YU, sh_YU */
- verSlovenian = 66, /* SV sl_SI */
- verMacedonian = 67, /* MD mk_MK */
- verCroatia = 68, /* CR hr_HR, sh_HR*/
- /* 69 is unassigned*/
- /* 70 is unassigned*/
- verBrazil = 71, /* BR pt_BR Portuguese for Brazil*/
- verBulgaria = 72, /* BG bg_BG*/
- verCatalonia = 73, /* CA ca_ES Catalan for Spain*/
- verMultilingual = 74, /* ZM (no language or script)*/
- verScottishGaelic = 75, /* GD gd*/
- verManxGaelic = 76, /* GV gv Isle of Man*/
- verBreton = 77, /* BZ br*/
- verNunavut = 78, /* IU iu_CA Inuktitut for Canada*/
- verWelsh = 79, /* CU cy*/
- /* 80 is ID for KCHR resource - Canadian CSA*/
- verIrishGaelicScript = 81, /* GS ga_IE Irish Gaelic for Ireland (using dot above)*/
- verEngCanada = 82, /* V en_CA English for Canada*/
- verBhutan = 83, /* BH dz_BT Dzongkha for Bhutan*/
- verArmenian = 84, /* HY hy_AM*/
- verGeorgian = 85, /* KR ka_GE*/
- verSpLatinAmerica = 86, /* LA es Spanish for Latin America*/
- /* 87 is ID for KCHR resource - Spanish ISO*/
- verTonga = 88, /* TS to_TO*/
- /* 89 is ID for KCHR resource - Polish Modified*/
- /* 90 is ID for KCHR resource - Catalan ISO*/
- verFrenchUniversal = 91, /* fr French generic*/
- verAustria = 92, /* AU de_AT German for Austria*/
- /* Y 93 is unused alternate for verSpLatinAmerica*/
- verGujarati = 94, /* gu_IN*/
- verPunjabi = 95, /* pa Pakistan or India*/
- verIndiaUrdu = 96, /* ur_IN Urdu for India*/
- verVietnam = 97 /* vi_VN*/
- };
- enum {
- verFrBelgium = 98, /* BF fr_BE French for Belgium */
- verUzbek = 99, /* BD uz_UZ */
- verSingapore = 100, /* SG */
- verNynorsk = 101, /* NY _NO Norwegian Nynorsk */
- verAfrikaans = 102, /* AK af_ZA */
- verEsperanto = 103, /* eo */
- verMarathi = 104, /* mr_IN */
- verTibetan = 105, /* bo */
- verNepal = 106, /* ne_NP */
- verGreenland = 107 /* kl */
- };
- /*
- Other extra resource IDs assigned in the same number space:
- 179 is ID for KCHR & itl_ resources - Cornish
- 581 is ID for KCHR resource - Irish Gaelic script alternate
- 582 is ID for KCHR resource - Ogham
- 779 is ID for KCHR resource - Welsh alternate
- 1111 is ID for KCHR resource - French numeric
- */
- /*
- Obsolete region code names (kept for backward compatibility):
- Misspelled or alternate form, ambiguous, misleading, considered pejorative, archaic, etc.
- */
- enum {
- verFrBelgiumLux = 6, /* Incorrect; 6 is Flemish, not French, for Belgium; use verFlemish */
- verBelgiumLux = 6, /* Use verFlemish*/
- verArabia = 16, /* Use verArabic*/
- verYugoslavia = 25, /* Use verYugoCroatian (same number, now unused), or newer verCroatia*/
- verIndia = 33, /* Use verIndiaHindi*/
- verPakistan = 34, /* Use verPakistanUrdu */
- verRumania = 39, /* Alternate for verRomania */
- verGreekAncient = 40, /* Use verGreecePoly */
- verLapland = 46, /* Use verSami */
- verFaeroeIsl = 47, /* Use verFaroeIsl */
- verGenericFE = 58, /* Use verFarEastGeneric */
- verBelarus = 61, /* Alternate for verByelorussian */
- verUkrania = 62, /* Use verUkraine*/
- verAlternateGr = 64, /* Use verGreeceAlt */
- verSerbia = 65, /* Alternate for verSerbian */
- verSlovenia = 66, /* Alternate for verSlovenian */
- verMacedonia = 67, /* Alternate for verMacedonian */
- verBrittany = 77, /* Alternate for verBreton */
- verWales = 79, /* Alternate for verWelsh */
- verArmenia = 84, /* Alternate for verArmenian */
- verGeorgia = 85, /* Alternate for verGeorgian */
- verAustriaGerman = 92, /* Use verAustria */
- verTibet = 105 /* Use verTibetan */
- };
- enum {
- minCountry = verUS,
- maxCountry = verGreenland
- };
- enum {
- /* Calendar Codes */
- calGregorian = 0,
- calArabicCivil = 1,
- calArabicLunar = 2,
- calJapanese = 3,
- calJewish = 4,
- calCoptic = 5,
- calPersian = 6
- };
- enum {
- /* Integer Format Codes */
- intWestern = 0,
- intArabic = 1,
- intRoman = 2,
- intJapanese = 3,
- intEuropean = 4,
- intOutputMask = 0x8000
- };
- enum {
- /* CharByte byte types */
- smSingleByte = 0,
- smFirstByte = -1,
- smLastByte = 1,
- smMiddleByte = 2
- };
- enum {
- /* CharType field masks */
- smcTypeMask = 0x000F,
- smcReserved = 0x00F0,
- smcClassMask = 0x0F00,
- smcOrientationMask = 0x1000, /*two-byte script glyph orientation*/
- smcRightMask = 0x2000,
- smcUpperMask = 0x4000,
- smcDoubleMask = 0x8000
- };
- enum {
- /* Basic CharType character types */
- smCharPunct = 0x0000,
- smCharAscii = 0x0001,
- smCharEuro = 0x0007,
- smCharExtAscii = 0x0007, /* More correct synonym for smCharEuro */
- /* Additional CharType character types for script systems */
- smCharKatakana = 0x0002, /*Japanese Katakana*/
- smCharHiragana = 0x0003, /*Japanese Hiragana*/
- smCharIdeographic = 0x0004, /*Hanzi, Kanji, Hanja*/
- smCharTwoByteGreek = 0x0005, /*2-byte Greek in Far East systems*/
- smCharTwoByteRussian = 0x0006, /*2-byte Cyrillic in Far East systems*/
- smCharBidirect = 0x0008, /*Arabic/Hebrew*/
- smCharContextualLR = 0x0009, /*Contextual left-right: Thai, Indic scripts*/
- smCharNonContextualLR = 0x000A, /*Non-contextual left-right: Cyrillic, Greek*/
- smCharHangul = 0x000C, /*Korean Hangul*/
- smCharJamo = 0x000D, /*Korean Jamo*/
- smCharBopomofo = 0x000E, /*Chinese Bopomofo*/
- smCharGanaKana = 0x000F, /*Shared for Japanese Hiragana & Katakana*/
- /* old names for some of above, for backward compatibility */
- smCharFISKana = 0x0002, /*Katakana*/
- smCharFISGana = 0x0003, /*Hiragana*/
- smCharFISIdeo = 0x0004 /*Hanzi, Kanji, Hanja*/
- };
- enum {
- smCharFISGreek = 0x0005, /*2-byte Greek in Far East systems*/
- smCharFISRussian = 0x0006, /*2-byte Cyrillic in Far East systems*/
- /* CharType classes for punctuation (smCharPunct) */
- smPunctNormal = 0x0000,
- smPunctNumber = 0x0100,
- smPunctSymbol = 0x0200,
- smPunctBlank = 0x0300, /* Additional CharType classes for punctuation in two-byte systems */
- smPunctRepeat = 0x0400, /* repeat marker */
- smPunctGraphic = 0x0500, /* line graphics */
- /* CharType Katakana and Hiragana classes for two-byte systems */
- smKanaSmall = 0x0100, /*small kana character*/
- smKanaHardOK = 0x0200, /*can have dakuten*/
- smKanaSoftOK = 0x0300, /*can have dakuten or han-dakuten*/
- /* CharType Ideographic classes for two-byte systems */
- smIdeographicLevel1 = 0x0000, /*level 1 char*/
- smIdeographicLevel2 = 0x0100, /*level 2 char*/
- smIdeographicUser = 0x0200, /*user char*/
- /* old names for above, for backward compatibility */
- smFISClassLvl1 = 0x0000, /*level 1 char*/
- smFISClassLvl2 = 0x0100, /*level 2 char*/
- smFISClassUser = 0x0200, /*user char*/
- /* CharType Jamo classes for Korean systems */
- smJamoJaeum = 0x0000, /*simple consonant char*/
- smJamoBogJaeum = 0x0100, /*complex consonant char*/
- smJamoMoeum = 0x0200, /*simple vowel char*/
- smJamoBogMoeum = 0x0300 /*complex vowel char*/
- };
- enum {
- /* CharType glyph orientation for two-byte systems */
- smCharHorizontal = 0x0000, /* horizontal character form, or for both */
- smCharVertical = 0x1000, /* vertical character form */
- /* CharType directions */
- smCharLeft = 0x0000,
- smCharRight = 0x2000, /* CharType case modifers */
- smCharLower = 0x0000,
- smCharUpper = 0x4000, /* CharType character size modifiers (1 or multiple bytes). */
- smChar1byte = 0x0000,
- smChar2byte = 0x8000
- };
- enum {
- /* TransliterateText target types for Roman */
- smTransAscii = 0, /*convert to ASCII*/
- smTransNative = 1, /*convert to font script*/
- smTransCase = 0xFE, /*convert case for all text*/
- smTransSystem = 0xFF, /*convert to system script*/
- /* TransliterateText target types for two-byte scripts */
- smTransAscii1 = 2, /*1-byte Roman*/
- smTransAscii2 = 3, /*2-byte Roman*/
- smTransKana1 = 4, /*1-byte Japanese Katakana*/
- smTransKana2 = 5 /*2-byte Japanese Katakana*/
- };
- enum {
- smTransGana2 = 7, /*2-byte Japanese Hiragana (no 1-byte Hiragana)*/
- smTransHangul2 = 8, /*2-byte Korean Hangul*/
- smTransJamo2 = 9, /*2-byte Korean Jamo*/
- smTransBopomofo2 = 10, /*2-byte Chinese Bopomofo*/
- /* TransliterateText target modifiers */
- smTransLower = 0x4000, /*target becomes lowercase*/
- smTransUpper = 0x8000, /*target becomes uppercase*/
- /* TransliterateText resource format numbers */
- smTransRuleBaseFormat = 1, /*Rule based trsl resource format */
- smTransHangulFormat = 2, /*Table based Hangul trsl resource format*/
- /* TransliterateText property flags */
- smTransPreDoubleByting = 1, /*Convert all text to double byte before transliteration*/
- smTransPreLowerCasing = 2 /*Convert all text to lower case before transliteration*/
- };
- enum {
- /* TransliterateText source mask - general */
- smMaskAll = (long)0xFFFFFFFF, /*Convert all text*/
- /* TransliterateText source masks */
- smMaskAscii = 0x00000001, /*2^smTransAscii*/
- smMaskNative = 0x00000002, /*2^smTransNative*/
- /* TransliterateText source masks for two-byte scripts */
- smMaskAscii1 = 0x00000004, /*2^smTransAscii1*/
- smMaskAscii2 = 0x00000008, /*2^smTransAscii2*/
- smMaskKana1 = 0x00000010, /*2^smTransKana1*/
- smMaskKana2 = 0x00000020, /*2^smTransKana2*/
- smMaskGana2 = 0x00000080, /*2^smTransGana2*/
- smMaskHangul2 = 0x00000100, /*2^smTransHangul2*/
- smMaskJamo2 = 0x00000200, /*2^smTransJamo2*/
- smMaskBopomofo2 = 0x00000400 /*2^smTransBopomofo2*/
- };
- enum {
- /* Result values from GetScriptManagerVariable and SetScriptManagerVariable calls. */
- smNotInstalled = 0, /*routine not available in script*/
- smBadVerb = -1, /*Bad verb passed to a routine*/
- smBadScript = -2 /*Bad script code passed to a routine*/
- };
- enum {
- /* Values for script redraw flag. */
- smRedrawChar = 0, /*Redraw character only*/
- smRedrawWord = 1, /*Redraw entire word (2-byte systems)*/
- smRedrawLine = -1 /*Redraw entire line (bidirectional systems)*/
- };
- enum {
- /* GetScriptManagerVariable and SetScriptManagerVariable verbs */
- smVersion = 0, /*Script Manager version number*/
- smMunged = 2, /*Globals change count*/
- smEnabled = 4, /*Count of enabled scripts, incl Roman*/
- smBidirect = 6, /*At least one bidirectional script*/
- smFontForce = 8, /*Force font flag*/
- smIntlForce = 10, /*Force intl flag*/
- smForced = 12, /*Script was forced to system script*/
- smDefault = 14, /*Script was defaulted to Roman script*/
- smPrint = 16, /*Printer action routine*/
- smSysScript = 18, /*System script*/
- smLastScript = 20, /*Last keyboard script*/
- smKeyScript = 22, /*Keyboard script*/
- smSysRef = 24, /*System folder refNum*/
- smKeyCache = 26, /*obsolete*/
- smKeySwap = 28, /*Swapping table handle*/
- smGenFlags = 30, /*General flags long*/
- smOverride = 32, /*Script override flags*/
- smCharPortion = 34, /*Ch vs SpExtra proportion*/
- /* New for System 7.0: */
- smDoubleByte = 36, /*Flag for double-byte script installed*/
- smKCHRCache = 38, /*Returns pointer to KCHR cache*/
- smRegionCode = 40, /*Returns current region code (verXxx)*/
- smKeyDisableState = 42 /*Returns current keyboard disable state*/
- };
- enum {
- /* GetScriptVariable and SetScriptVariable verbs. */
- /* Note: Verbs private to script systems are negative, while */
- /* those general across script systems are non-negative. */
- smScriptVersion = 0, /*Script software version*/
- smScriptMunged = 2, /*Script entry changed count*/
- smScriptEnabled = 4, /*Script enabled flag*/
- smScriptRight = 6, /*Right to left flag*/
- smScriptJust = 8, /*Justification flag*/
- smScriptRedraw = 10, /*Word redraw flag*/
- smScriptSysFond = 12, /*Preferred system font*/
- smScriptAppFond = 14, /*Preferred Application font*/
- smScriptBundle = 16, /*Beginning of itlb verbs*/
- smScriptNumber = 16, /*Script itl0 id*/
- smScriptDate = 18, /*Script itl1 id*/
- smScriptSort = 20, /*Script itl2 id*/
- smScriptFlags = 22, /*flags word*/
- smScriptToken = 24, /*Script itl4 id*/
- smScriptEncoding = 26, /*id of optional itl5, if present*/
- smScriptLang = 28 /*Current language for script*/
- };
- enum {
- smScriptNumDate = 30, /*Script Number/Date formats.*/
- smScriptKeys = 32, /*Script KCHR id*/
- smScriptIcon = 34, /*ID # of SICN or kcs#/kcs4/kcs8 suite*/
- smScriptPrint = 36, /*Script printer action routine*/
- smScriptTrap = 38, /*Trap entry pointer*/
- smScriptCreator = 40, /*Script file creator*/
- smScriptFile = 42, /*Script file name*/
- smScriptName = 44, /*Script name*/
- /* There is a hole here for old Kanji private verbs 46-76 */
- /* New for System 7.0: */
- smScriptMonoFondSize = 78, /*default monospace FOND (hi) & size (lo)*/
- smScriptPrefFondSize = 80, /*preferred FOND (hi) & size (lo)*/
- smScriptSmallFondSize = 82, /*default small FOND (hi) & size (lo)*/
- smScriptSysFondSize = 84, /*default system FOND (hi) & size (lo)*/
- smScriptAppFondSize = 86, /*default app FOND (hi) & size (lo)*/
- smScriptHelpFondSize = 88, /*default Help Mgr FOND (hi) & size (lo)*/
- smScriptValidStyles = 90, /*mask of valid styles for script*/
- smScriptAliasStyle = 92 /*style (set) to use for aliases*/
- };
- /* special negative verbs for Get/SetScriptVariable that were associated with WorldScriptI */
- /* move them here to be public */
- enum {
- /* WorldScript private verbs */
- smLayoutCache = -309, /* HiWrd(param) is # entries, LoWrd is max input length*/
- smOldVerbSupport = -311, /* param is added to old verbs to map to WSI verb*/
- smSetKashidas = -291, /* param is ON or OFF, old verb = -36*/
- smSetKashProp = -287, /* param is kashida proportion, old verb = -32*/
- smScriptSysBase = -281, /* param is associated font to use w/ system font (old verb = -26)*/
- smScriptAppBase = -283, /* param is associated font to use w/ app font (old verb = -28)*/
- smScriptFntBase = -285, /* param is associated font to use w/ all other fonts (old verb = -30)*/
- smScriptLigatures = -263, /* old verb = -8*/
- smScriptNumbers = -267 /* old verb = -12*/
- };
- enum {
- /* Special script code values for International Utilities */
- iuSystemScript = -1, /* <obsolete> system script */
- iuCurrentScript = -2 /* <obsolete> current script (for font of grafPort) */
- };
- enum {
- /* Negative verbs for KeyScript */
- smKeyNextScript = -1, /* Switch to next available script */
- smKeySysScript = -2, /* Switch to the system script */
- smKeySwapScript = -3, /* Switch to previously-used script */
- /* New for System 7.0: */
- smKeyNextKybd = -4, /* Switch to next keyboard in current keyscript */
- smKeySwapKybd = -5, /* Switch to previously-used keyboard in current keyscript */
- smKeyDisableKybds = -6, /* Disable keyboards not in system or Roman script */
- smKeyEnableKybds = -7, /* Re-enable keyboards for all enabled scripts */
- smKeyToggleInline = -8, /* Toggle inline input for current keyscript */
- smKeyToggleDirection = -9, /* Toggle default line direction (TESysJust) */
- smKeyNextInputMethod = -10, /* Switch to next input method in current keyscript */
- smKeySwapInputMethod = -11, /* Switch to last-used input method in current keyscript */
- smKeyDisableKybdSwitch = -12, /* Disable switching from the current keyboard */
- smKeySetDirLeftRight = -15, /* Set default line dir to left-right, align left */
- smKeySetDirRightLeft = -16, /* Set default line dir to right-left, align right */
- smKeyRoman = -17 /* Set keyscript to Roman. Does nothing if Roman-only system, unlike KeyScript(smRoman) which forces an update to current default Roman keyboard */
- };
- /* Optional font and keyboard script synchronization */
- enum {
- /* One more flag in the smGenFlags long. */
- smfDisableKeyScriptSync = 27 /*Disable font and keyboard script synchronization*/
- };
- enum {
- /* We should define masks, too. */
- smfDisableKeyScriptSyncMask = 1L << smfDisableKeyScriptSync /*Disable font and keyboard script synchronization mask*/
- };
- enum {
- /* Force keyboard script switching flag and mask for zero and positive KeyScript verbs */
- smKeyForceKeyScriptBit = 7, /* Force keyboard script switching flag */
- smKeyForceKeyScriptMask = 1 << smKeyForceKeyScriptBit /* its mask */
- };
- enum {
- /* Bits in the smScriptFlags word */
- /* (bits above 8 are non-static) */
- smsfIntellCP = 0, /*Script has intelligent cut & paste*/
- smsfSingByte = 1, /*Script has only single bytes*/
- smsfNatCase = 2, /*Native chars have upper & lower case*/
- smsfContext = 3, /*Script is contextual*/
- smsfNoForceFont = 4, /*Script will not force characters*/
- smsfB0Digits = 5, /*Script has alternate digits at B0-B9*/
- smsfAutoInit = 6, /*Auto initialize the script*/
- smsfUnivExt = 7, /*Script is handled by universal extension*/
- smsfSynchUnstyledTE = 8, /*Script synchronizes for unstyled TE*/
- smsfForms = 13, /*Uses contextual forms for letters*/
- smsfLigatures = 14, /*Uses contextual ligatures*/
- smsfReverse = 15, /*Reverses native text, right-left*/
- /* Bits in the smGenFlags long. */
- /* First (high-order) byte is set from itlc flags byte. */
- smfShowIcon = 31, /*Show icon even if only one script*/
- smfDualCaret = 30, /*Use dual caret for mixed direction text*/
- smfNameTagEnab = 29, /*Reserved for internal use*/
- smfUseAssocFontInfo = 28 /*Use the associated font info for FontMetrics calls <48>*/
- };
- enum {
- /* Roman script constants */
- /* The following are here for backward compatibility, but should not be used. */
- /* This information should be obtained using GetScript. */
- romanSysFond = 0x3FFF, /*system font id number*/
- romanAppFond = 3, /*application font id number*/
- romanFlags = 0x0007, /*roman settings*/
- /* Script Manager font equates. */
- smFondStart = 0x4000, /*start from 16K*/
- smFondEnd = 0xC000, /*past end of range at 48K*/
- /* Miscellaneous font equates. */
- smUprHalfCharSet = 0x80 /*first char code in top half of std char set*/
- };
- enum {
- /* Character Set Extensions */
- diaeresisUprY = 0xD9,
- fraction = 0xDA,
- intlCurrency = 0xDB,
- leftSingGuillemet = 0xDC,
- rightSingGuillemet = 0xDD,
- fiLigature = 0xDE,
- flLigature = 0xDF,
- dblDagger = 0xE0,
- centeredDot = 0xE1,
- baseSingQuote = 0xE2,
- baseDblQuote = 0xE3,
- perThousand = 0xE4,
- circumflexUprA = 0xE5,
- circumflexUprE = 0xE6,
- acuteUprA = 0xE7,
- diaeresisUprE = 0xE8,
- graveUprE = 0xE9,
- acuteUprI = 0xEA,
- circumflexUprI = 0xEB,
- diaeresisUprI = 0xEC,
- graveUprI = 0xED,
- acuteUprO = 0xEE,
- circumflexUprO = 0xEF,
- appleLogo = 0xF0,
- graveUprO = 0xF1,
- acuteUprU = 0xF2,
- circumflexUprU = 0xF3,
- graveUprU = 0xF4,
- dotlessLwrI = 0xF5,
- circumflex = 0xF6,
- tilde = 0xF7,
- macron = 0xF8,
- breveMark = 0xF9,
- overDot = 0xFA,
- ringMark = 0xFB,
- cedilla = 0xFC,
- doubleAcute = 0xFD,
- ogonek = 0xFE,
- hachek = 0xFF
- };
- enum {
- /* ScriptTokenType values */
- tokenIntl = 4, /*the itl resource number of the tokenizer*/
- tokenEmpty = -1 /*used internally as an empty flag*/
- };
- enum {
- tokenUnknown = 0, /*chars that do not match a defined token type*/
- tokenWhite = 1, /*white space*/
- tokenLeftLit = 2, /*literal begin*/
- tokenRightLit = 3, /*literal end*/
- tokenAlpha = 4, /*alphabetic*/
- tokenNumeric = 5, /*numeric*/
- tokenNewLine = 6, /*new line*/
- tokenLeftComment = 7, /*open comment*/
- tokenRightComment = 8, /*close comment*/
- tokenLiteral = 9, /*literal*/
- tokenEscape = 10, /*character escape (e.g. '' in "n", "t")*/
- tokenAltNum = 11, /*alternate number (e.g. $B0-B9 in Arabic,Hebrew)*/
- tokenRealNum = 12, /*real number*/
- tokenAltReal = 13, /*alternate real number*/
- tokenReserve1 = 14, /*reserved*/
- tokenReserve2 = 15, /*reserved*/
- tokenLeftParen = 16, /*open parenthesis*/
- tokenRightParen = 17, /*close parenthesis*/
- tokenLeftBracket = 18, /*open square bracket*/
- tokenRightBracket = 19 /*close square bracket*/
- };
- enum {
- tokenLeftCurly = 20, /*open curly bracket*/
- tokenRightCurly = 21, /*close curly bracket*/
- tokenLeftEnclose = 22, /*open guillemet*/
- tokenRightEnclose = 23, /*close guillemet*/
- tokenPlus = 24,
- tokenMinus = 25,
- tokenAsterisk = 26, /*times/multiply*/
- tokenDivide = 27,
- tokenPlusMinus = 28, /*plus or minus symbol*/
- tokenSlash = 29,
- tokenBackSlash = 30,
- tokenLess = 31, /*less than symbol*/
- tokenGreat = 32, /*greater than symbol*/
- tokenEqual = 33,
- tokenLessEqual2 = 34, /*less than or equal, 2 characters (e.g. <=)*/
- tokenLessEqual1 = 35, /*less than or equal, 1 character*/
- tokenGreatEqual2 = 36, /*greater than or equal, 2 characters (e.g. >=)*/
- tokenGreatEqual1 = 37, /*greater than or equal, 1 character*/
- token2Equal = 38, /*double equal (e.g. ==)*/
- tokenColonEqual = 39 /*colon equal*/
- };
- enum {
- tokenNotEqual = 40, /*not equal, 1 character*/
- tokenLessGreat = 41, /*less/greater, Pascal not equal (e.g. <>)*/
- tokenExclamEqual = 42, /*exclamation equal, C not equal (e.g. !=)*/
- tokenExclam = 43, /*exclamation point*/
- tokenTilde = 44, /*centered tilde*/
- tokenComma = 45,
- tokenPeriod = 46,
- tokenLeft2Quote = 47, /*open double quote*/
- tokenRight2Quote = 48, /*close double quote*/
- tokenLeft1Quote = 49, /*open single quote*/
- tokenRight1Quote = 50, /*close single quote*/
- token2Quote = 51, /*double quote*/
- token1Quote = 52, /*single quote*/
- tokenSemicolon = 53,
- tokenPercent = 54,
- tokenCaret = 55,
- tokenUnderline = 56,
- tokenAmpersand = 57,
- tokenAtSign = 58,
- tokenBar = 59 /*vertical bar*/
- };
- enum {
- tokenQuestion = 60,
- tokenPi = 61, /*lower-case pi*/
- tokenRoot = 62, /*square root symbol*/
- tokenSigma = 63, /*capital sigma*/
- tokenIntegral = 64, /*integral sign*/
- tokenMicro = 65,
- tokenCapPi = 66, /*capital pi*/
- tokenInfinity = 67,
- tokenColon = 68,
- tokenHash = 69, /*e.g. #*/
- tokenDollar = 70,
- tokenNoBreakSpace = 71, /*non-breaking space*/
- tokenFraction = 72,
- tokenIntlCurrency = 73,
- tokenLeftSingGuillemet = 74,
- tokenRightSingGuillemet = 75,
- tokenPerThousand = 76,
- tokenEllipsis = 77,
- tokenCenterDot = 78,
- tokenNil = 127
- };
- enum {
- delimPad = -2, /* obsolete, misspelled token names kept for backward compatibility */
- tokenTilda = 44,
- tokenCarat = 55
- };
- enum {
- /* Table selectors for GetItlTable */
- smWordSelectTable = 0, /* get word select break table from 'itl2' */
- smWordWrapTable = 1, /* get word wrap break table from 'itl2' */
- smNumberPartsTable = 2, /* get default number parts table from 'itl4' */
- smUnTokenTable = 3, /* get unToken table from 'itl4' */
- smWhiteSpaceList = 4, /* get white space list from 'itl4' */
- iuWordSelectTable = 0, /* <obsolete> get word select break table from 'itl2' */
- iuWordWrapTable = 1, /* <obsolete> get word wrap break table from 'itl2' */
- iuNumberPartsTable = 2, /* <obsolete> get default number parts table from 'itl4' */
- iuUnTokenTable = 3, /* <obsolete> get unToken table from 'itl4' */
- iuWhiteSpaceList = 4 /* <obsolete> get white space list from 'itl4' */
- };
- /* end of stuff moved from Packages.h */
- enum {
- tokenOK = 0, /* TokenResults */
- tokenOverflow = 1, /* TokenResults */
- stringOverflow = 2, /* TokenResults */
- badDelim = 3, /* TokenResults */
- badEnding = 4, /* TokenResults */
- crash = 5 /* TokenResults */
- };
- typedef SInt8 TokenResults;
- typedef char CharByteTable[256];
- /* "TokenType" was renamed to "ScriptTokenType" because of a name collision in QuickTime 3.0 on other OS's*/
- typedef short ScriptTokenType;
- typedef ScriptTokenType TokenType;
- #endif /* TARGET_OS_MAC */
- typedef ScriptTokenType DelimType[2];
- typedef ScriptTokenType CommentType[4];
- struct TokenRec {
- ScriptTokenType theToken;
- Ptr position; /*pointer into original source*/
- long length; /*length of text in original source*/
- StringPtr stringPosition; /*Pascal/C string copy of identifier*/
- };
- typedef struct TokenRec TokenRec;
- typedef TokenRec * TokenRecPtr;
- struct TokenBlock {
- Ptr source; /*pointer to stream of characters*/
- long sourceLength; /*length of source stream*/
- Ptr tokenList; /*pointer to array of tokens*/
- long tokenLength; /*maximum length of TokenList*/
- long tokenCount; /*number tokens generated by tokenizer*/
- Ptr stringList; /*pointer to stream of identifiers*/
- long stringLength; /*length of string list*/
- long stringCount; /*number of bytes currently used*/
- Boolean doString; /*make strings & put into StringList*/
- Boolean doAppend; /*append to TokenList rather than replace*/
- Boolean doAlphanumeric; /*identifiers may include numeric*/
- Boolean doNest; /*do comments nest?*/
- ScriptTokenType leftDelims[2];
- ScriptTokenType rightDelims[2];
- ScriptTokenType leftComment[4];
- ScriptTokenType rightComment[4];
- ScriptTokenType escapeCode; /*escape symbol code*/
- ScriptTokenType decimalCode;
- Handle itlResource; /*handle to itl4 resource of current script*/
- long reserved[8]; /*must be zero!*/
- };
- typedef struct TokenBlock TokenBlock;
- typedef TokenBlock * TokenBlockPtr;
- EXTERN_API( short )
- GetSysDirection (void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x3EB8, 0x0BAC);
- EXTERN_API( void )
- SetSysDirection (short value) TWOWORDINLINE(0x31DF, 0x0BAC);
- EXTERN_API( short )
- FontScript (void) FOURWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x8200, 0x0000, 0xA8B5);
- EXTERN_API( short )
- IntlScript (void) FOURWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x8200, 0x0002, 0xA8B5);
- EXTERN_API( void )
- KeyScript (short code) FOURWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x8002, 0x0004, 0xA8B5);
- EXTERN_API( Boolean )
- IsCmdChar (const EventRecord * event,
- short test) FOURWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x8206, 0xFFD0, 0xA8B5);
- EXTERN_API( short )
- FontToScript (short fontNumber) FOURWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x8202, 0x0006, 0xA8B5);
- EXTERN_API( long )
- GetScriptManagerVariable (short selector) FOURWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x8402, 0x0008, 0xA8B5);
- SetScriptManagerVariable (short selector,
- long param) FOURWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x8206, 0x000A, 0xA8B5);
- EXTERN_API( long )
- GetScriptVariable (short script,
- short selector) FOURWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x8404, 0x000C, 0xA8B5);
- SetScriptVariable (short script,
- short selector,
- long param) FOURWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x8208, 0x000E, 0xA8B5);
- EXTERN_API( short )
- CharacterByteType (Ptr textBuf,
- short textOffset,
- ScriptCode script) FOURWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0xC206, 0x0010, 0xA8B5);
- EXTERN_API( short )
- CharacterType (Ptr textBuf,
- short textOffset,
- ScriptCode script) FOURWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0xC206, 0x0012, 0xA8B5);
- TransliterateText (Handle srcHandle,
- Handle dstHandle,
- short target,
- long srcMask,
- ScriptCode script) FOURWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0xC20E, 0x0018, 0xA8B5);
- EXTERN_API( Boolean )
- FillParseTable (CharByteTable table,
- ScriptCode script) FOURWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0xC204, 0x0022, 0xA8B5);
- EXTERN_API( Handle )
- GetIntlResource (short theID) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0006, 0xA9ED);
- EXTERN_API( void )
- ClearIntlResourceCache (void) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0018, 0xA9ED);
- EXTERN_API( void )
- GetIntlResourceTable (ScriptCode script,
- short tableCode,
- Handle * itlHandle,
- long * offset,
- long * length) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0024, 0xA9ED);
- EXTERN_API( UniversalProcPtr )
- GetScriptUtilityAddress (short selector,
- Boolean Before,
- ScriptCode script) FOURWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0xC404, 0x0038, 0xA8B5);
- EXTERN_API( void )
- SetScriptUtilityAddress (short selector,
- Boolean Before,
- UniversalProcPtr routineAddr,
- ScriptCode script) FOURWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0xC008, 0x003A, 0xA8B5);
- EXTERN_API( UniversalProcPtr )
- GetScriptQDPatchAddress (short trapNum,
- Boolean Before,
- Boolean forPrinting,
- ScriptCode script) FOURWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0xC406, 0x003C, 0xA8B5);
- EXTERN_API( void )
- SetScriptQDPatchAddress (short trapNum,
- Boolean Before,
- Boolean forPrinting,
- UniversalProcPtr routineAddr,
- ScriptCode script) FOURWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0xC00A, 0x003E, 0xA8B5);
- EXTERN_API( void )
- SetIntlResource (short refNum,
- short theID,
- Handle intlHandle) THREEWORDINLINE(0x3F3C, 0x0008, 0xA9ED);
- EXTERN_API( short )
- CharByte (Ptr textBuf,
- short textOffset) FOURWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x8206, 0x0010, 0xA8B5);
- EXTERN_API( short )
- CharType (Ptr textBuf,
- short textOffset) FOURWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x8206, 0x0012, 0xA8B5);
- Transliterate (Handle srcHandle,
- Handle dstHandle,
- short target,
- long srcMask) FOURWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x820E, 0x0018, 0xA8B5);
- EXTERN_API( Boolean )
- ParseTable (CharByteTable table) FOURWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x8204, 0x0022, 0xA8B5);
- #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */
- #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */
- EXTERN_API( TokenResults )
- IntlTokenize (TokenBlockPtr tokenParam) FOURWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x8204, 0xFFFA, 0xA8B5);
- #define SetSysJust(newJust) SetSysDirection(newJust)
- #define GetSysJust() GetSysDirection()
- #define Font2Script(fontNumber) FontToScript(fontNumber)
- #define GetEnvirons(verb) GetScriptManagerVariable(verb)
- #define SetEnvirons(verb, param) SetScriptManagerVariable(verb, param)
- #define GetScript(script, verb) GetScriptVariable(script, verb)
- #define SetScript(script, verb, param) SetScriptVariable(script, verb, param)
- #define IUGetIntl(theID) GetIntlResource(theID)
- #define IUSetIntl(refNum, theID, intlHandle) SetIntlResource(refNum, theID, intlHandle)
- #define IUClearCache() ClearIntlResourceCache()
- #define IUGetItlTable(script, tableCode, itlHandle, offset, length)
- GetIntlResourceTable(script, tableCode, itlHandle, offset, length)
- #endif /* OLDROUTINENAMES */
- #pragma options align=reset
- #pragma pack(pop)
- #pragma pack()
- #endif
- #pragma import off
- #pragma import reset
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* __SCRIPT__ */