- /*
- File: GXLayout.h
- Contains: QuickDraw GX layout routine interfaces.
- Version: Technology: Quickdraw GX 1.1
- Release: QuickTime 6.0.2
- Copyright: (c) 1994-2001 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
- Bugs?: For bug reports, consult the following page on
- the World Wide Web:
- http://developer.apple.com/bugreporter/
- */
- #ifndef __GXLAYOUT__
- #define __GXLAYOUT__
- #include "ConditionalMacros.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __GXTYPES__
- #include "GXTypes.h"
- #endif
- #pragma once
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #pragma import on
- #endif
- #pragma options align=mac68k
- #pragma pack(push, 2)
- #pragma pack(2)
- #endif
- #if defined(__MWERKS__) && TARGET_CPU_68K
- #pragma push
- #pragma pointers_in_D0
- #endif
- EXTERN_API_C( gxShape )
- GXNewLayout (long textRunCount,
- const short textRunLengths[],
- const void * text[],
- long styleRunCount,
- const short styleRunLengths[],
- const gxStyle styles[],
- long levelRunCount,
- const short levelRunLengths[],
- const short levels[],
- const gxLayoutOptions * layoutOptions,
- const gxPoint * position) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0000, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( long )
- GXGetLayout (gxShape layout,
- void * text,
- long * styleRunCount,
- short styleRunLengths[],
- gxStyle styles[],
- long * levelRunCount,
- short levelRunLengths[],
- short levels[],
- gxLayoutOptions * layoutOptions,
- gxPoint * position) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0001, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( void )
- GXSetLayout (gxShape layout,
- long textRunCount,
- const short textRunLengths[],
- const void * text[],
- long styleRunCount,
- const short styleRunLengths[],
- const gxStyle styles[],
- long levelRunCount,
- const short levelRunLengths[],
- const short levels[],
- const gxLayoutOptions * layoutOptions,
- const gxPoint * position) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0002, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( void )
- GXDrawLayout (long textRunCount,
- const short textRunLengths[],
- const void * text[],
- long styleRunCount,
- const short styleRunLengths[],
- const gxStyle styles[],
- long levelRunCount,
- const short levelRunLengths[],
- const short levels[],
- const gxLayoutOptions * layoutOptions,
- const gxPoint * position) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0003, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( void )
- GXSetLayoutParts (gxShape layout,
- gxByteOffset oldStartOffset,
- gxByteOffset oldEndOffset,
- long newTextRunCount,
- const short newTextRunLengths[],
- const void * newText[],
- long newStyleRunCount,
- const short newStyleRunLengths[],
- const gxStyle newStyles[],
- long newLevelRunCount,
- const short newLevelRunLengths[],
- const short newLevels[]) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0004, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( void )
- GXSetLayoutShapeParts (gxShape layout,
- gxByteOffset startOffset,
- gxByteOffset endOffset,
- gxShape insert) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0005, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( long )
- GXGetLayoutParts (gxShape layout,
- gxByteOffset startOffset,
- gxByteOffset endOffset,
- void * text,
- long * styleRunCount,
- short styleRunLengths[],
- gxStyle styles[],
- long * levelRunCount,
- short levelRunLengths[],
- short levels[]) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0006, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( gxShape )
- GXGetLayoutShapeParts (gxShape layout,
- gxByteOffset startOffset,
- gxByteOffset endOffset,
- gxShape dest) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0007, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( long )
- GXGetLayoutGlyphs (gxShape layout,
- gxGlyphcode * glyphs,
- gxPoint positions[],
- long advance[],
- gxPoint tangents[],
- long * runCount,
- short styleRuns[],
- gxStyle glyphStyles[]) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0008, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( gxByteOffset )
- GXHitTestLayout (gxShape layout,
- const gxPoint * hitDown,
- gxHighlightType highlightType,
- gxLayoutHitInfo * hitInfo,
- gxShape hitTrackingArea) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0009, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( gxShape )
- GXGetLayoutHighlight (gxShape layout,
- gxByteOffset startOffset,
- gxByteOffset endOffset,
- gxHighlightType highlightType,
- gxShape highlight) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x000A, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( gxShape )
- GXGetLayoutVisualHighlight (gxShape layout,
- gxByteOffset startOffset,
- long startLeadingEdge,
- gxByteOffset endOffset,
- long endLeadingEdge,
- gxHighlightType highlightType,
- gxShape highlight) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x000B, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( gxShape )
- GXGetLayoutCaret (gxShape layout,
- gxByteOffset offset,
- gxHighlightType highlightType,
- gxCaretType caretType,
- gxShape caret) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x000C, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( gxByteOffset )
- GXGetLayoutBreakOffset (gxShape layout,
- gxByteOffset startOffset,
- Fixed lineWidth,
- long hyphenationCount,
- const gxByteOffset hyphenationPoints[],
- Boolean * startIsStaked,
- gxByteOffset * priorStake,
- gxByteOffset * nextStake) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x000D, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( Fixed )
- GXGetLayoutRangeWidth (gxShape layout,
- gxByteOffset startOffset,
- gxByteOffset endOffset,
- gxShape supplementaryText) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x000E, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( gxShape )
- GXNewLayoutFromRange (gxShape layout,
- gxByteOffset startOffset,
- gxByteOffset endOffset,
- const gxLayoutOptions * layoutOptions,
- gxShape supplementaryText) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x000F, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( gxShape )
- GXGetCaretAngleArea (gxShape layout,
- const gxPoint * hitPoint,
- gxHighlightType highlightType,
- gxShape caretArea,
- short * returnedRise,
- short * returnedRun) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0010, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( void )
- GXGetStyleBaselineDeltas (gxStyle baseStyle,
- gxBaselineType baseType,
- gxBaselineDeltas returnedDeltas) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0011, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( gxByteOffset )
- GXGetRightVisualOffset (gxShape layout,
- gxByteOffset currentOffset) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0012, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( gxByteOffset )
- GXGetLeftVisualOffset (gxShape layout,
- gxByteOffset currentOffset) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0013, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( void )
- GXGetCompoundCharacterLimits (gxShape layout,
- gxByteOffset trial,
- gxByteOffset * minOffset,
- gxByteOffset * maxOffset,
- Boolean * onBoundary) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0014, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( void )
- GXGetOffsetGlyphs (gxShape layout,
- gxByteOffset trial,
- long leadingEdge,
- gxLayoutOffsetState * offsetState,
- unsigned short * firstGlyph,
- unsigned short * secondGlyph) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0015, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( void )
- GXGetGlyphOffset (gxShape layout,
- long trial,
- long onLeftTop,
- gxByteOffset * offset,
- Boolean * leadingEdge,
- Boolean * wasRealCharacter) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0016, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( void )
- GXGetLayoutSpan (gxShape layout,
- Fixed * lineAscent,
- Fixed * lineDescent) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0017, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( void )
- GXSetLayoutSpan (gxShape layout,
- Fixed lineAscent,
- Fixed lineDescent) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0018, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( Fixed )
- GXGetLayoutJustificationGap (gxShape layout) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0279, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( void )
- GXGetLayoutJustificationFactors (gxShape layout,
- Fixed constrainedFactors[],
- Fixed unconstrainedFactors[]) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x027A, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( void )
- GXSetStyleRunControls (gxStyle target,
- const gxRunControls * runControls) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0019, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( void )
- GXSetStyleRunPriorityJustOverride (gxStyle target,
- const gxPriorityJustificationOverride * priorityJustificationOverride) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x001A, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( void )
- GXSetStyleRunGlyphJustOverrides (gxStyle target,
- long count,
- const gxGlyphJustificationOverride glyphJustificationOverrides[]) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x001B, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( void )
- GXSetStyleRunGlyphSubstitutions (gxStyle target,
- long count,
- const gxGlyphSubstitution glyphSubstitutions[]) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x001C, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( void )
- GXSetStyleRunFeatures (gxStyle target,
- long count,
- const gxRunFeature runFeatures[]) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x001D, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( void )
- GXSetStyleRunKerningAdjustments (gxStyle target,
- long count,
- const gxKerningAdjustment kerningAdjustments[]) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x001E, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( void )
- GXSetShapeRunControls (gxShape target,
- const gxRunControls * runControls) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x001F, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( void )
- GXSetShapeRunPriorityJustOverride (gxShape target,
- const gxPriorityJustificationOverride * priorityJustificationOverride) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0020, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( void )
- GXSetShapeRunGlyphJustOverrides (gxShape target,
- long count,
- const gxGlyphJustificationOverride glyphJustificationOverrides[]) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0021, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( void )
- GXSetShapeRunGlyphSubstitutions (gxShape target,
- long count,
- const gxGlyphSubstitution glyphSubstitutions[]) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0022, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( void )
- GXSetShapeRunFeatures (gxShape target,
- long count,
- const gxRunFeature runFeatures[]) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0023, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( void )
- GXSetShapeRunKerningAdjustments (gxShape target,
- long count,
- const gxKerningAdjustment kerningAdjustments[]) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0024, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( long )
- GXGetStyleRunControls (gxStyle source,
- gxRunControls * runControls) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0025, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( long )
- GXGetStyleRunPriorityJustOverride (gxStyle source,
- gxPriorityJustificationOverride * priorityJustificationOverride) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0026, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( long )
- GXGetStyleRunGlyphJustOverrides (gxStyle source,
- gxGlyphJustificationOverride glyphJustificationOverrides[]) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0027, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( long )
- GXGetStyleRunGlyphSubstitutions (gxStyle source,
- gxGlyphSubstitution glyphSubstitutions[]) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0028, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( long )
- GXGetStyleRunFeatures (gxStyle source,
- gxRunFeature runFeatures[]) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0029, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( long )
- GXGetStyleRunKerningAdjustments (gxStyle source,
- gxKerningAdjustment kerningAdjustments[]) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x002A, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( long )
- GXGetShapeRunControls (gxShape source,
- gxRunControls * runControls) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x002B, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( long )
- GXGetShapeRunPriorityJustOverride (gxShape source,
- gxPriorityJustificationOverride * priorityJustificationOverride) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x002C, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( long )
- GXGetShapeRunGlyphJustOverrides (gxShape source,
- gxGlyphJustificationOverride glyphJustificationOverrides[]) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x002D, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( long )
- GXGetShapeRunGlyphSubstitutions (gxShape source,
- gxGlyphSubstitution glyphSubstitutions[]) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x002E, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( long )
- GXGetShapeRunFeatures (gxShape source,
- gxRunFeature runFeatures[]) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x002F, 0xA832);
- EXTERN_API_C( long )
- GXGetShapeRunKerningAdjustments (gxShape source,
- gxKerningAdjustment kerningAdjustments[]) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0030, 0xA832);
- #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */
- #if defined(__MWERKS__) && TARGET_CPU_68K
- #pragma pop
- #endif
- #pragma options align=reset
- #pragma pack(pop)
- #pragma pack()
- #endif
- #pragma import off
- #pragma import reset
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* __GXLAYOUT__ */