- /*
- File: TranslationExtensions.h
- Contains: Macintosh Easy Open Translation Extension Interfaces.
- Version: Technology: Macintosh Easy Open 1.1
- Release: QuickTime 6.0.2
- Copyright: (c) 1989-2001 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
- Bugs?: For bug reports, consult the following page on
- the World Wide Web:
- */
- #ifndef __MACTYPES__
- #include "MacTypes.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __FILES__
- #include "Files.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __QUICKDRAW__
- #include "Quickdraw.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __COMPONENTS__
- #include "Components.h"
- #endif
- #pragma once
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #pragma import on
- #endif
- #pragma options align=mac68k
- #pragma pack(push, 2)
- #pragma pack(2)
- #endif
- enum {
- kSupportsFileTranslation = 1,
- kSupportsScrapTranslation = 2,
- kTranslatorCanGenerateFilename = 4
- };
- /* better names for 4-char codes*/
- typedef OSType FileType;
- typedef ResType ScrapType;
- typedef unsigned long TranslationAttributes;
- enum {
- taDstDocNeedsResourceFork = 1,
- taDstIsAppTranslation = 2
- };
- struct FileTypeSpec {
- FileType format;
- long hint;
- TranslationAttributes flags; /* taDstDocNeedsResourceFork, taDstIsAppTranslation*/
- OSType catInfoType;
- OSType catInfoCreator;
- };
- typedef struct FileTypeSpec FileTypeSpec;
- struct FileTranslationList {
- unsigned long modDate;
- unsigned long groupCount;
- /* unsigned long group1SrcCount;*/
- /* unsigned long group1SrcEntrySize = sizeof(FileTypeSpec);*/
- /* FileTypeSpec group1SrcTypes[group1SrcCount]*/
- /* unsigned long group1DstCount;*/
- /* unsigned long group1DstEntrySize = sizeof(FileTypeSpec);*/
- /* FileTypeSpec group1DstTypes[group1DstCount]*/
- };
- typedef struct FileTranslationList FileTranslationList;
- typedef FileTranslationList * FileTranslationListPtr;
- typedef FileTranslationListPtr * FileTranslationListHandle;
- struct ScrapTypeSpec {
- ScrapType format;
- long hint;
- };
- typedef struct ScrapTypeSpec ScrapTypeSpec;
- struct ScrapTranslationList {
- unsigned long modDate;
- unsigned long groupCount;
- /* unsigned long group1SrcCount;*/
- /* unsigned long group1SrcEntrySize = sizeof(ScrapTypeSpec);*/
- /* ScrapTypeSpec group1SrcTypes[group1SrcCount]*/
- /* unsigned long group1DstCount;*/
- /* unsigned long group1DstEntrySize = sizeof(ScrapTypeSpec);*/
- /* ScrapTypeSpec group1DstTypes[group1DstCount]*/
- };
- typedef struct ScrapTranslationList ScrapTranslationList;
- typedef ScrapTranslationList * ScrapTranslationListPtr;
- typedef ScrapTranslationListPtr * ScrapTranslationListHandle;
- /* definition of callbacks to update progress dialog*/
- typedef long TranslationRefNum;
- /*****************************************************************************************
- *
- * This routine sets the advertisement in the top half of the progress dialog.
- * It is called once at the beginning of your DoTranslateFile routine.
- *
- * Enter: refNum Translation reference supplied to DoTranslateFile.
- * advertisement A handle to the picture to display. This must be non-purgable.
- * Before returning from DoTranslateFile, you should dispose
- * of the memory. (Normally, it is in the temp translation heap
- * so it is cleaned up for you.)
- *
- * Exit: returns noErr, paramErr, or memFullErr
- */
- SetTranslationAdvertisement (TranslationRefNum refNum,
- PicHandle advertisement) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7002, 0xABFC);
- /*****************************************************************************************
- *
- * This routine updates the progress bar in the progress dialog.
- * It is called repeatedly from within your DoTranslateFile routine.
- * It should be called often, so that the user will get feedback if he tries to cancel.
- *
- * Enter: refNum translation reference supplied to DoTranslateFile.
- * progress percent complete (0-100)
- *
- * Exit: canceled TRUE if the user clicked the Cancel button, FALSE otherwise
- * returns noErr, paramErr, or memFullErr
- */
- UpdateTranslationProgress (TranslationRefNum refNum,
- short percentDone,
- Boolean * canceled) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7001, 0xABFC);
- /* ComponentMgr selectors for routines*/
- enum {
- kTranslateGetFileTranslationList = 0, /* component selectors*/
- kTranslateIdentifyFile = 1,
- kTranslateTranslateFile = 2,
- kTranslateGetTranslatedFilename = 3,
- kTranslateGetScrapTranslationList = 10, /* skip to scrap routines*/
- kTranslateIdentifyScrap = 11,
- kTranslateTranslateScrap = 12,
- kTranslateGetScrapTranslationListConsideringData = 13
- };
- /* Routines to implment in a file translation extension*/
- typedef CALLBACK_API( ComponentResult , DoGetFileTranslationListProcPtr )(ComponentInstance self, FileTranslationListHandle translationList);
- typedef CALLBACK_API( ComponentResult , DoIdentifyFileProcPtr )(ComponentInstance self, const FSSpec *theDocument, FileType *docType);
- typedef CALLBACK_API( ComponentResult , DoTranslateFileProcPtr )(ComponentInstance self, TranslationRefNum refNum, const FSSpec *sourceDocument, FileType srcType, long srcTypeHint, const FSSpec *dstDoc, FileType dstType, long dstTypeHint);
- typedef CALLBACK_API( ComponentResult , DoGetTranslatedFilenameProcPtr )(ComponentInstance self, FileType dstType, long dstTypeHint, FSSpec *theDocument);
- /* Routine to implement in a scrap translation extension*/
- typedef CALLBACK_API( ComponentResult , DoGetScrapTranslationListProcPtr )(ComponentInstance self, ScrapTranslationListHandle list);
- typedef CALLBACK_API( ComponentResult , DoIdentifyScrapProcPtr )(ComponentInstance self, const void *dataPtr, Size dataLength, ScrapType *dataFormat);
- typedef CALLBACK_API( ComponentResult , DoTranslateScrapProcPtr )(ComponentInstance self, TranslationRefNum refNum, const void *srcDataPtr, Size srcDataLength, ScrapType srcType, long srcTypeHint, Handle dstData, ScrapType dstType, long dstTypeHint);
- #pragma options align=reset
- #pragma pack(pop)
- #pragma pack()
- #endif
- #pragma import off
- #pragma import reset
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif