- /*
- File: TextCommon.h
- Contains: TextEncoding-related types and constants, and prototypes for related functions
- Version: Technology: Mac OS 9.0
- Release: QuickTime 6.0.2
- Copyright: (c) 1995-2001 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
- Bugs?: For bug reports, consult the following page on
- the World Wide Web:
- http://developer.apple.com/bugreporter/
- */
- #ifndef __TEXTCOMMON__
- #define __TEXTCOMMON__
- #ifndef __MACTYPES__
- #include "MacTypes.h"
- #endif
- #pragma once
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #pragma import on
- #endif
- #pragma options align=mac68k
- #pragma pack(push, 2)
- #pragma pack(2)
- #endif
- /* TextEncodingBase type & values */
- /* (values 0-32 correspond to the Script Codes defined in Inside Macintosh: Text pages 6-52 and 6-53 */
- typedef UInt32 TextEncodingBase;
- enum {
- /* Mac OS encodings*/
- kTextEncodingMacRoman = 0L,
- kTextEncodingMacJapanese = 1,
- kTextEncodingMacChineseTrad = 2,
- kTextEncodingMacKorean = 3,
- kTextEncodingMacArabic = 4,
- kTextEncodingMacHebrew = 5,
- kTextEncodingMacGreek = 6,
- kTextEncodingMacCyrillic = 7,
- kTextEncodingMacDevanagari = 9,
- kTextEncodingMacGurmukhi = 10,
- kTextEncodingMacGujarati = 11,
- kTextEncodingMacOriya = 12,
- kTextEncodingMacBengali = 13,
- kTextEncodingMacTamil = 14,
- kTextEncodingMacTelugu = 15,
- kTextEncodingMacKannada = 16,
- kTextEncodingMacMalayalam = 17,
- kTextEncodingMacSinhalese = 18,
- kTextEncodingMacBurmese = 19,
- kTextEncodingMacKhmer = 20,
- kTextEncodingMacThai = 21,
- kTextEncodingMacLaotian = 22,
- kTextEncodingMacGeorgian = 23,
- kTextEncodingMacArmenian = 24,
- kTextEncodingMacChineseSimp = 25,
- kTextEncodingMacTibetan = 26,
- kTextEncodingMacMongolian = 27,
- kTextEncodingMacEthiopic = 28,
- kTextEncodingMacCentralEurRoman = 29,
- kTextEncodingMacVietnamese = 30,
- kTextEncodingMacExtArabic = 31, /* The following use script code 0, smRoman*/
- kTextEncodingMacSymbol = 33,
- kTextEncodingMacDingbats = 34,
- kTextEncodingMacTurkish = 35,
- kTextEncodingMacCroatian = 36,
- kTextEncodingMacIcelandic = 37,
- kTextEncodingMacRomanian = 38,
- kTextEncodingMacCeltic = 39,
- kTextEncodingMacGaelic = 40, /* Beginning in Mac OS 8.5, the following meta-value is used to indicate Unicode in some parts*/
- /* of the Mac OS which previously only expected a Mac OS script code. In some of these places,*/
- /* only 7 bits are available to indicate encoding (script code), so kTextEncodingUnicodeDefault*/
- /* cannot be used. For example, kTextEncodingMacUnicode can be used to indicate Unicode in the*/
- /* 7-bit script code field of a Unicode input method's ComponentDescription.componentFlags field;*/
- /* it can also be used to indicate Unicode in the 16-bit script code field of an AppleEvent's*/
- /* typeIntlWritingCode text tag.*/
- kTextEncodingMacUnicode = 0x7E, /* Meta-value, Unicode as a Mac encoding*/
- /* The following use script code 4, smArabic*/
- kTextEncodingMacFarsi = 0x8C, /* Like MacArabic but uses Farsi digits*/
- /* The following use script code 7, smCyrillic*/
- kTextEncodingMacUkrainian = 0x98, /* Meta-value in TEC 1.5 & later; maps to kTextEncodingMacCyrillic variant */
- /* The following use script code 28, smEthiopic*/
- kTextEncodingMacInuit = 0xEC, /* The following use script code 32, smUnimplemented*/
- kTextEncodingMacVT100 = 0xFC, /* VT100/102 font from Comm Toolbox: Latin-1 repertoire + box drawing etc*/
- /* Special Mac OS encodings*/
- kTextEncodingMacHFS = 0xFF, /* Meta-value, should never appear in a table.*/
- /* Unicode & ISO UCS encodings begin at 0x100*/
- kTextEncodingUnicodeDefault = 0x0100, /* Meta-value, should never appear in a table.*/
- kTextEncodingUnicodeV1_1 = 0x0101,
- kTextEncodingISO10646_1993 = 0x0101, /* Code points identical to Unicode 1.1*/
- kTextEncodingUnicodeV2_0 = 0x0103, /* New location for Korean Hangul*/
- kTextEncodingUnicodeV2_1 = 0x0103, /* We treat both Unicode 2.0 and Unicode 2.1 as 2.1*/
- /* ISO 8-bit and 7-bit encodings begin at 0x200*/
- kTextEncodingISOLatin1 = 0x0201, /* ISO 8859-1*/
- kTextEncodingISOLatin2 = 0x0202, /* ISO 8859-2*/
- kTextEncodingISOLatin3 = 0x0203, /* ISO 8859-3*/
- kTextEncodingISOLatin4 = 0x0204, /* ISO 8859-4*/
- kTextEncodingISOLatinCyrillic = 0x0205, /* ISO 8859-5*/
- kTextEncodingISOLatinArabic = 0x0206, /* ISO 8859-6, = ASMO 708, =DOS CP 708*/
- kTextEncodingISOLatinGreek = 0x0207, /* ISO 8859-7*/
- kTextEncodingISOLatinHebrew = 0x0208, /* ISO 8859-8*/
- kTextEncodingISOLatin5 = 0x0209, /* ISO 8859-9*/
- kTextEncodingISOLatin6 = 0x020A, /* ISO 8859-10 */
- kTextEncodingISOLatin7 = 0x020D, /* ISO 8859-13, Baltic Rim */
- kTextEncodingISOLatin8 = 0x020E, /* ISO 8859-14, Celtic */
- kTextEncodingISOLatin9 = 0x020F, /* ISO 8859-15, 8859-1 changed for EURO & CP1252 letters */
- /* MS-DOS & Windows encodings begin at 0x400*/
- kTextEncodingDOSLatinUS = 0x0400, /* code page 437*/
- kTextEncodingDOSGreek = 0x0405, /* code page 737 (formerly code page 437G)*/
- kTextEncodingDOSBalticRim = 0x0406, /* code page 775*/
- kTextEncodingDOSLatin1 = 0x0410, /* code page 850, "Multilingual"*/
- kTextEncodingDOSGreek1 = 0x0411, /* code page 851*/
- kTextEncodingDOSLatin2 = 0x0412, /* code page 852, Slavic*/
- kTextEncodingDOSCyrillic = 0x0413, /* code page 855, IBM Cyrillic*/
- kTextEncodingDOSTurkish = 0x0414, /* code page 857, IBM Turkish*/
- kTextEncodingDOSPortuguese = 0x0415, /* code page 860*/
- kTextEncodingDOSIcelandic = 0x0416, /* code page 861*/
- kTextEncodingDOSHebrew = 0x0417, /* code page 862*/
- kTextEncodingDOSCanadianFrench = 0x0418, /* code page 863*/
- kTextEncodingDOSArabic = 0x0419, /* code page 864*/
- kTextEncodingDOSNordic = 0x041A, /* code page 865*/
- kTextEncodingDOSRussian = 0x041B, /* code page 866*/
- kTextEncodingDOSGreek2 = 0x041C, /* code page 869, IBM Modern Greek*/
- kTextEncodingDOSThai = 0x041D, /* code page 874, also for Windows*/
- kTextEncodingDOSJapanese = 0x0420, /* code page 932, also for Windows; Shift-JIS with additions*/
- kTextEncodingDOSChineseSimplif = 0x0421, /* code page 936, also for Windows; was EUC-CN, now GBK (EUC-CN extended)*/
- kTextEncodingDOSKorean = 0x0422, /* code page 949, also for Windows; Unified Hangul Code (EUC-KR extended)*/
- kTextEncodingDOSChineseTrad = 0x0423, /* code page 950, also for Windows; Big-5*/
- kTextEncodingWindowsLatin1 = 0x0500, /* code page 1252*/
- kTextEncodingWindowsANSI = 0x0500, /* code page 1252 (alternate name)*/
- kTextEncodingWindowsLatin2 = 0x0501, /* code page 1250, Central Europe*/
- kTextEncodingWindowsCyrillic = 0x0502, /* code page 1251, Slavic Cyrillic*/
- kTextEncodingWindowsGreek = 0x0503, /* code page 1253*/
- kTextEncodingWindowsLatin5 = 0x0504, /* code page 1254, Turkish*/
- kTextEncodingWindowsHebrew = 0x0505, /* code page 1255*/
- kTextEncodingWindowsArabic = 0x0506, /* code page 1256*/
- kTextEncodingWindowsBalticRim = 0x0507, /* code page 1257*/
- kTextEncodingWindowsVietnamese = 0x0508, /* code page 1258*/
- kTextEncodingWindowsKoreanJohab = 0x0510, /* code page 1361, for Windows NT*/
- /* Various national standards begin at 0x600*/
- kTextEncodingUS_ASCII = 0x0600,
- kTextEncodingJIS_X0201_76 = 0x0620, /* JIS Roman and 1-byte katakana (halfwidth)*/
- kTextEncodingJIS_X0208_83 = 0x0621,
- kTextEncodingJIS_X0208_90 = 0x0622,
- kTextEncodingJIS_X0212_90 = 0x0623,
- kTextEncodingJIS_C6226_78 = 0x0624,
- kTextEncodingGB_2312_80 = 0x0630,
- kTextEncodingGBK_95 = 0x0631, /* annex to GB 13000-93; for Windows 95; EUC-CN extended*/
- kTextEncodingKSC_5601_87 = 0x0640, /* same as KSC 5601-92 without Johab annex*/
- kTextEncodingKSC_5601_92_Johab = 0x0641, /* KSC 5601-92 Johab annex*/
- kTextEncodingCNS_11643_92_P1 = 0x0651, /* CNS 11643-1992 plane 1*/
- kTextEncodingCNS_11643_92_P2 = 0x0652, /* CNS 11643-1992 plane 2*/
- kTextEncodingCNS_11643_92_P3 = 0x0653, /* CNS 11643-1992 plane 3 (was plane 14 in 1986 version)*/
- /* ISO 2022 collections begin at 0x800*/
- kTextEncodingISO_2022_JP = 0x0820,
- kTextEncodingISO_2022_JP_2 = 0x0821,
- kTextEncodingISO_2022_CN = 0x0830,
- kTextEncodingISO_2022_CN_EXT = 0x0831,
- kTextEncodingISO_2022_KR = 0x0840, /* EUC collections begin at 0x900*/
- kTextEncodingEUC_JP = 0x0920, /* ISO 646, 1-byte katakana, JIS 208, JIS 212*/
- kTextEncodingEUC_CN = 0x0930, /* ISO 646, GB 2312-80*/
- kTextEncodingEUC_TW = 0x0931, /* ISO 646, CNS 11643-1992 Planes 1-16*/
- kTextEncodingEUC_KR = 0x0940, /* ISO 646, KS C 5601-1987*/
- /* Misc standards begin at 0xA00*/
- kTextEncodingShiftJIS = 0x0A01, /* plain Shift-JIS*/
- kTextEncodingKOI8_R = 0x0A02, /* Russian internet standard*/
- kTextEncodingBig5 = 0x0A03, /* Big-5 (has variants)*/
- kTextEncodingMacRomanLatin1 = 0x0A04, /* Mac OS Roman permuted to align with ISO Latin-1*/
- kTextEncodingHZ_GB_2312 = 0x0A05, /* HZ (RFC 1842, for Chinese mail & news)*/
- /* Other platform encodings*/
- kTextEncodingNextStepLatin = 0x0B01, /* NextStep encoding*/
- /* EBCDIC & IBM host encodings begin at 0xC00*/
- kTextEncodingEBCDIC_US = 0x0C01, /* basic EBCDIC-US*/
- kTextEncodingEBCDIC_CP037 = 0x0C02, /* code page 037, extended EBCDIC (Latin-1 set) for US,Canada...*/
- /* Special values*/
- kTextEncodingMultiRun = 0x0FFF, /* Multi-encoding text with external run info*/
- kTextEncodingUnknown = 0xFFFF, /* Unknown or unspecified */
- /* The following are older names for backward compatibility*/
- kTextEncodingMacTradChinese = 2,
- kTextEncodingMacRSymbol = 8,
- kTextEncodingMacSimpChinese = 25,
- kTextEncodingMacGeez = 28,
- kTextEncodingMacEastEurRoman = 29,
- kTextEncodingMacUninterp = 32
- };
- /* TextEncodingVariant type & values */
- typedef UInt32 TextEncodingVariant;
- enum {
- /* Default TextEncodingVariant, for any TextEncodingBase*/
- kTextEncodingDefaultVariant = 0, /* Variants of kTextEncodingMacRoman */
- kMacRomanDefaultVariant = 0, /* meta value, maps to 1 or 2 depending on System */
- kMacRomanCurrencySignVariant = 1, /* Mac OS version < 8.5, 0xDB is CURRENCY SIGN*/
- kMacRomanEuroSignVariant = 2, /* Mac OS version >= 8.5, 0xDB is EURO SIGN */
- /* Variants of kTextEncodingMacCyrillic (for TEC 1.5 and later) */
- kMacCyrillicDefaultVariant = 0, /* meta value, maps to 1, 2, or 3 depending on System*/
- kMacCyrillicCurrSignStdVariant = 1, /* Mac OS < 9.0 (RU,BG), 0xFF = CURRENCY SIGN, 0xA2/0xB6 = CENT / PARTIAL DIFF.*/
- kMacCyrillicCurrSignUkrVariant = 2, /* Mac OS < 9.0 (UA,LangKit), 0xFF = CURRENCY SIGN, 0xA2/0xB6 = GHE WITH UPTURN*/
- kMacCyrillicEuroSignVariant = 3, /* Mac OS >= 9.0, 0xFF is EURO SIGN, 0xA2/0xB6 = GHE WITH UPTURN*/
- /* Variants of kTextEncodingMacIcelandic */
- kMacIcelandicStdDefaultVariant = 0, /* meta value, maps to 2 or 4 depending on System */
- kMacIcelandicTTDefaultVariant = 1, /* meta value, maps to 3 or 5 depending on System */
- /* The following are for Mac OS version < 8.5, 0xDB is CURRENCY SIGN */
- kMacIcelandicStdCurrSignVariant = 2, /* 0xBB/0xBC are fem./masc. ordinal indicators*/
- kMacIcelandicTTCurrSignVariant = 3, /* 0xBB/0xBC are fi/fl ligatures*/
- /* The following are for Mac OS version >= 8.5, 0xDB is EURO SIGN */
- kMacIcelandicStdEuroSignVariant = 4, /* 0xBB/0xBC are fem./masc. ordinal indicators*/
- kMacIcelandicTTEuroSignVariant = 5, /* 0xBB/0xBC are fi/fl ligatures*/
- /* Variants of kTextEncodingMacCroatian */
- kMacCroatianDefaultVariant = 0, /* meta value, maps to 1 or 2 depending on System */
- kMacCroatianCurrencySignVariant = 1, /* Mac OS version < 8.5, 0xDB is CURRENCY SIGN */
- kMacCroatianEuroSignVariant = 2, /* Mac OS version >= 8.5, 0xDB is EURO SIGN */
- /* Variants of kTextEncodingMacRomanian */
- kMacRomanianDefaultVariant = 0, /* meta value, maps to 1 or 2 depending on System */
- kMacRomanianCurrencySignVariant = 1, /* Mac OS version < 8.5, 0xDB is CURRENCY SIGN */
- kMacRomanianEuroSignVariant = 2, /* Mac OS version >= 8.5, 0xDB is EURO SIGN */
- /* Variants of kTextEncodingMacJapanese*/
- kMacJapaneseStandardVariant = 0,
- kMacJapaneseStdNoVerticalsVariant = 1,
- kMacJapaneseBasicVariant = 2,
- kMacJapanesePostScriptScrnVariant = 3,
- kMacJapanesePostScriptPrintVariant = 4,
- kMacJapaneseVertAtKuPlusTenVariant = 5, /* Variants of kTextEncodingMacArabic*/
- kMacArabicStandardVariant = 0, /* 0xC0 is 8-spoke asterisk, 0x2A & 0xAA are asterisk (e.g. Cairo)*/
- kMacArabicTrueTypeVariant = 1, /* 0xC0 is asterisk, 0x2A & 0xAA are multiply signs (e.g. Baghdad)*/
- kMacArabicThuluthVariant = 2, /* 0xC0 is Arabic five-point star, 0x2A & 0xAA are multiply signs*/
- kMacArabicAlBayanVariant = 3, /* 8-spoke asterisk, multiply sign, Koranic ligatures & parens*/
- /* Variants of kTextEncodingMacFarsi*/
- kMacFarsiStandardVariant = 0, /* 0xC0 is 8-spoke asterisk, 0x2A & 0xAA are asterisk (e.g. Tehran)*/
- kMacFarsiTrueTypeVariant = 1, /* asterisk, multiply signs, Koranic ligatures, geometric shapes*/
- /* Variants of kTextEncodingMacHebrew*/
- kMacHebrewStandardVariant = 0,
- kMacHebrewFigureSpaceVariant = 1, /* Variants of kTextEncodingMacVT100 */
- kMacVT100DefaultVariant = 0, /* meta value, maps to 1 or 2 depending on System */
- kMacVT100CurrencySignVariant = 1, /* Mac OS version < 8.5, 0xDB is CURRENCY SIGN */
- kMacVT100EuroSignVariant = 2, /* Mac OS version >= 8.5, 0xDB is EURO SIGN */
- /* Variants of Unicode & ISO 10646 encodings*/
- kUnicodeNoSubset = 0,
- kUnicodeCanonicalDecompVariant = 2, /* canonical decomposition; excludes composed characters*/
- /* Variants of Big-5 encoding*/
- kBig5_BasicVariant = 0,
- kBig5_StandardVariant = 1, /* 0xC6A1-0xC7FC: kana, Cyrillic, enclosed numerics*/
- kBig5_ETenVariant = 2, /* adds kana, Cyrillic, radicals, etc with hi bytes C6-C8,F9*/
- /* Unicode variants not yet supported (and not fully defined)*/
- kUnicodeNoCompatibilityVariant = 1,
- kUnicodeNoComposedVariant = 3,
- kUnicodeNoCorporateVariant = 4, /* The following are older names for backward compatibility*/
- kMacRomanStandardVariant = 0,
- kMacIcelandicStandardVariant = 0,
- kMacIcelandicTrueTypeVariant = 1,
- kJapaneseStandardVariant = 0,
- kJapaneseStdNoVerticalsVariant = 1,
- kJapaneseBasicVariant = 2,
- kJapanesePostScriptScrnVariant = 3,
- kJapanesePostScriptPrintVariant = 4,
- kJapaneseVertAtKuPlusTenVariant = 5, /* kJapaneseStdNoOneByteKanaVariant = 6, // replaced by kJapaneseNoOneByteKanaOption*/
- /* kJapaneseBasicNoOneByteKanaVariant = 7, // replaced by kJapaneseNoOneByteKanaOption */
- kHebrewStandardVariant = 0,
- kHebrewFigureSpaceVariant = 1,
- kUnicodeMaxDecomposedVariant = 2, /* replaced by kUnicodeCanonicalDecompVariant*/
- /* The following Japanese variant options were never supported and are now deprecated.*/
- /* In TEC 1.4 and later their functionality is replaced by the Unicode Converter options listed.*/
- kJapaneseNoOneByteKanaOption = 0x20, /* replaced by UnicodeConverter option kUnicodeNoHalfwidthCharsBit*/
- kJapaneseUseAsciiBackslashOption = 0x40 /* replaced by UnicodeConverter option kUnicodeForceASCIIRangeBit*/
- };
- /* TextEncodingFormat type & values */
- typedef UInt32 TextEncodingFormat;
- enum {
- /* Default TextEncodingFormat for any TextEncodingBase*/
- kTextEncodingDefaultFormat = 0, /* Formats for Unicode & ISO 10646*/
- kUnicode16BitFormat = 0,
- kUnicodeUTF7Format = 1,
- kUnicodeUTF8Format = 2,
- kUnicode32BitFormat = 3
- };
- /* TextEncoding type */
- typedef UInt32 TextEncoding;
- /* name part selector for GetTextEncodingName*/
- typedef UInt32 TextEncodingNameSelector;
- enum {
- kTextEncodingFullName = 0,
- kTextEncodingBaseName = 1,
- kTextEncodingVariantName = 2,
- kTextEncodingFormatName = 3
- };
- /* Types used in conversion */
- struct TextEncodingRun {
- ByteOffset offset;
- TextEncoding textEncoding;
- };
- typedef struct TextEncodingRun TextEncodingRun;
- typedef TextEncodingRun * TextEncodingRunPtr;
- typedef const TextEncodingRun * ConstTextEncodingRunPtr;
- struct ScriptCodeRun {
- ByteOffset offset;
- ScriptCode script;
- };
- typedef struct ScriptCodeRun ScriptCodeRun;
- typedef ScriptCodeRun * ScriptCodeRunPtr;
- typedef const ScriptCodeRun * ConstScriptCodeRunPtr;
- typedef UInt8 * TextPtr;
- typedef const UInt8 * ConstTextPtr;
- /* Basic types for Unicode characters and strings:*/
- typedef UniChar * UniCharArrayPtr;
- typedef const UniChar * ConstUniCharArrayPtr;
- /*
- UniCharArrayHandle is a handle type to correspond to UniCharArrayPtr,
- i.e. a handle to an array of UniChars (UInt16s).
- */
- typedef UniCharArrayPtr * UniCharArrayHandle;
- /*
- UniCharArrayOffset is used to indicate an edge offset in an array
- of UniChars (UInt16s).
- */
- typedef UInt32 UniCharArrayOffset;
- /* enums for TextEncoding Conversion routines*/
- enum {
- kTextScriptDontCare = -128,
- kTextLanguageDontCare = -128,
- kTextRegionDontCare = -128
- };
- /* struct for TECGetInfo*/
- struct TECInfo {
- UInt16 format; /* format code for this struct*/
- UInt16 tecVersion; /* TEC version in BCD, e.g. 0x0121 for 1.2.1*/
- UInt32 tecTextConverterFeatures; /* bitmask indicating TEC features/fixes*/
- UInt32 tecUnicodeConverterFeatures; /* bitmask indicating UnicodeConverter features/fixes*/
- UInt32 tecTextCommonFeatures; /* bitmask indicating TextCommon features/fixes*/
- Str31 tecTextEncodingsFolderName; /* localized name of Text Encodings folder (pascal string)*/
- Str31 tecExtensionFileName; /* localized name of TEC extension (pascal string)*/
- UInt16 tecLowestTEFileVersion; /* Lowest version (BCD) of all files in Text Encodings folder*/
- UInt16 tecHighestTEFileVersion; /* Highest version (BCD) of all files in Text Encodings folder*/
- };
- typedef struct TECInfo TECInfo;
- typedef TECInfo * TECInfoPtr;
- typedef TECInfoPtr * TECInfoHandle;
- /* Value for TECInfo format code*/
- enum {
- kTECInfoCurrentFormat = 2 /* any future formats will just add fields at the end*/
- };
- /*
- Defined feature/fix bits for tecUnicodeConverterFeatures field
- Bit: Meaning if set:
- ---- ---------------
- kTECKeepInfoFixBit Unicode Converter no longer ignores other control flags if
- kUnicodeKeepInfoBit is set. Bug fix in TEC Manager 1.2.1.
- kTECFallbackTextLengthFixBit Unicode Converter honors the *srcConvLen and *destConvLen
- returned by caller-supplied fallback handler for any status it
- returns except for kTECUnmappableElementErr (previously it only
- honored these values if noErr was returned). Bug fix in TEC
- Manager 1.2.1.
- kTECTextRunBitClearFixBit ConvertFromUnicodeToTextRun & ConvertFromUnicodeToScriptCodeRun
- function correctly if the kUnicodeTextRunBit is set (previously
- their determination of best target encoding was incorrect). Bug
- fix in TEC Manager 1.3.
- kTECTextToUnicodeScanFixBit ConvertFromTextToUnicode uses an improved scanner and maintains
- some resulting state information, which it uses for mapping.
- This has several effects:
- - Improved mapping of 0x30-0x39 digits in Mac OS Arabic, fewer
- direction overrides when mapping Mac OS Arabic & Hebrew, and
- improved mapping of certain characters in Indic encodings.
- - Malformed input produces kTextMalformedInputErr.
- - ConvertFromTextToUnicode accepts and uses the control flags
- kUnicodeKeepInfoMask and kUnicodeStringUnterminatedMask.
- Bug fix and enhancement in TEC Manager 1.3.
- kTECAddForceASCIIChangesBit Define new control flag bits kUnicodeForceASCIIRangeBit and
- kUnicodeNoHalfwidthCharsBit for use with
- ConvertFromTextToUnicode, ConvertFromUnicodeToText, etc.
- Enhancement in TEC Manager 1.4.
- kTECPreferredEncodingFixBit CreateUnicodeToTextRunInfo and related functions fix a problem
- that occurred when a preferred encoding was specified that did
- not match the System script; the preferred script was not
- actually placed first in the ordered list of encodings to use.
- Bug fix in TEC Manager 1.4.
- kTECAddTextRunHeuristicsBit Define new control flag bit kUnicodeTextRunHeuristicsBit for
- use with ConvertFromUnicodeToTextRun.
- kTECAddFallbackInterruptBit Define new option kUnicodeFallbackInterruptSafeMask for use
- with SetFallbackUnicodeToText. If a client fallback handler is
- installed without specifying this bit, ConvertFromUnicodeToText
- will HLock the tables it uses (in case the fallback handler
- moves memory); otherwise, it won't.
- */
- enum {
- kTECKeepInfoFixBit = 0,
- kTECFallbackTextLengthFixBit = 1,
- kTECTextRunBitClearFixBit = 2,
- kTECTextToUnicodeScanFixBit = 3,
- kTECAddForceASCIIChangesBit = 4,
- kTECPreferredEncodingFixBit = 5,
- kTECAddTextRunHeuristicsBit = 6,
- kTECAddFallbackInterruptBit = 7
- };
- enum {
- kTECKeepInfoFixMask = 1L << kTECKeepInfoFixBit,
- kTECFallbackTextLengthFixMask = 1L << kTECFallbackTextLengthFixBit,
- kTECTextRunBitClearFixMask = 1L << kTECTextRunBitClearFixBit,
- kTECTextToUnicodeScanFixMask = 1L << kTECTextToUnicodeScanFixBit,
- kTECAddForceASCIIChangesMask = 1L << kTECAddForceASCIIChangesBit,
- kTECPreferredEncodingFixMask = 1L << kTECPreferredEncodingFixBit,
- kTECAddTextRunHeuristicsMask = 1L << kTECAddTextRunHeuristicsBit,
- kTECAddFallbackInterruptMask = 1L << kTECAddFallbackInterruptBit
- };
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- CONSTANTS & DATA STRUCTURES for Unicode Properties
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- typedef SInt32 UCCharPropertyType;
- enum {
- kUCCharPropTypeGenlCategory = 1, /* requests enumeration value*/
- kUCCharPropTypeCombiningClass = 2, /* requests numeric value 0..255*/
- kUCCharPropTypeBidiCategory = 3 /* requests enumeration value*/
- };
- typedef UInt32 UCCharPropertyValue;
- /* General Category enumeration values (requested by kUCCharPropTypeGenlCategory)*/
- enum {
- /* Normative categories:*/
- kUCGenlCatOtherNotAssigned = 0, /* Cn Other, Not Assigned*/
- kUCGenlCatOtherControl = 1, /* Cc Other, Control*/
- kUCGenlCatOtherFormat = 2, /* Cf Other, Format*/
- kUCGenlCatOtherSurrogate = 3, /* Cs Other, Surrogate*/
- kUCGenlCatOtherPrivateUse = 4, /* Co Other, Private Use*/
- kUCGenlCatMarkNonSpacing = 5, /* Mn Mark, Non-Spacing*/
- kUCGenlCatMarkSpacingCombining = 6, /* Mc Mark, Spacing Combining*/
- kUCGenlCatMarkEnclosing = 7, /* Me Mark, Enclosing*/
- kUCGenlCatNumberDecimalDigit = 8, /* Nd Number, Decimal Digit*/
- kUCGenlCatNumberLetter = 9, /* Nl Number, Letter*/
- kUCGenlCatNumberOther = 10, /* No Number, Other*/
- kUCGenlCatSeparatorSpace = 11, /* Zs Separator, Space*/
- kUCGenlCatSeparatorLine = 12, /* Zl Separator, Line*/
- kUCGenlCatSeparatorParagraph = 13, /* Zp Separator, Paragraph*/
- /* Informative categories:*/
- kUCGenlCatLetterUppercase = 14, /* Lu Letter, Uppercase*/
- kUCGenlCatLetterLowercase = 15, /* Ll Letter, Lowercase*/
- kUCGenlCatLetterTitlecase = 16, /* Lt Letter, Titlecase*/
- kUCGenlCatLetterModifier = 17, /* Lm Letter, Modifier*/
- kUCGenlCatLetterOther = 18, /* Lo Letter, Other*/
- kUCGenlCatPunctConnector = 20, /* Pc Punctuation, Connector*/
- kUCGenlCatPunctDash = 21, /* Pd Punctuation, Dash*/
- kUCGenlCatPunctOpen = 22, /* Ps Punctuation, Open*/
- kUCGenlCatPunctClose = 23, /* Pe Punctuation, Close*/
- kUCGenlCatPunctInitialQuote = 24, /* Pi Punctuation, Initial quote*/
- kUCGenlCatPunctFinalQuote = 25, /* Pf Punctuation, Final quote*/
- kUCGenlCatPunctOther = 26, /* Po Punctuation, Other*/
- kUCGenlCatSymbolMath = 28, /* Sm Symbol, Math*/
- kUCGenlCatSymbolCurrency = 29, /* Sc Symbol, Currency*/
- kUCGenlCatSymbolModifier = 30, /* Sk Symbol, Modifier*/
- kUCGenlCatSymbolOther = 31 /* So Symbol, Other*/
- };
- /* Bidirectional Category enumeration values (requested by kUCCharPropTypeBidiCategory)*/
- enum {
- kUCBidiCatNotApplicable = 0, /* for now use this for unassigned*/
- /* Strong types:*/
- kUCBidiCatLeftRight = 1, /* L Left-Right*/
- kUCBidiCatRightLeft = 2, /* R Right-Left*/
- /* Weak types:*/
- kUCBidiCatEuroNumber = 3, /* EN European Number*/
- kUCBidiCatEuroNumberSeparator = 4, /* ES European Number Separator*/
- kUCBidiCatEuroNumberTerminator = 5, /* ET European Number Terminator*/
- kUCBidiCatArabicNumber = 6, /* AN Arabic Number*/
- kUCBidiCatCommonNumberSeparator = 7, /* CS Common Number Separator*/
- /* Separators:*/
- kUCBidiCatBlockSeparator = 8, /* B Block Separator*/
- kUCBidiCatSegmentSeparator = 9, /* S Segment Separator*/
- /* Neutrals:*/
- kUCBidiCatWhitespace = 10, /* WS Whitespace*/
- kUCBidiCatOtherNeutral = 11 /* ON Other Neutrals (unassigned codes could use this)*/
- };
- /* Prototypes for TextEncoding functions*/
- EXTERN_API( TextEncoding )
- CreateTextEncoding (TextEncodingBase encodingBase,
- TextEncodingVariant encodingVariant,
- TextEncodingFormat encodingFormat);
- EXTERN_API( TextEncodingBase )
- GetTextEncodingBase (TextEncoding encoding);
- EXTERN_API( TextEncodingVariant )
- GetTextEncodingVariant (TextEncoding encoding);
- EXTERN_API( TextEncodingFormat )
- GetTextEncodingFormat (TextEncoding encoding);
- EXTERN_API( TextEncoding )
- ResolveDefaultTextEncoding (TextEncoding encoding);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- GetTextEncodingName (TextEncoding iEncoding,
- TextEncodingNameSelector iNamePartSelector,
- RegionCode iPreferredRegion,
- TextEncoding iPreferredEncoding,
- ByteCount iOutputBufLen,
- ByteCount * oNameLength,
- RegionCode * oActualRegion, /* can be NULL */
- TextEncoding * oActualEncoding, /* can be NULL */
- TextPtr oEncodingName);
- EXTERN_API( OSStatus )
- TECGetInfo (TECInfoHandle * tecInfo);
- EXTERN_API( OSStatus )
- UpgradeScriptInfoToTextEncoding (ScriptCode iTextScriptID,
- LangCode iTextLanguageID,
- RegionCode iRegionID,
- ConstStr255Param iTextFontname,
- TextEncoding * oEncoding);
- EXTERN_API( OSStatus )
- RevertTextEncodingToScriptInfo (TextEncoding iEncoding,
- ScriptCode * oTextScriptID,
- LangCode * oTextLanguageID, /* can be NULL */
- Str255 oTextFontname) /* can be NULL */;
- EXTERN_API( OSStatus )
- NearestMacTextEncodings (TextEncoding generalEncoding,
- TextEncoding * bestMacEncoding,
- TextEncoding * alternateMacEncoding);
- EXTERN_API_C( OSStatus )
- UCGetCharProperty (const UniChar * charPtr,
- UniCharCount textLength,
- UCCharPropertyType propType,
- UCCharPropertyValue * propValue);
- #pragma options align=reset
- #pragma pack(pop)
- #pragma pack()
- #endif
- #pragma import off
- #pragma import reset
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* __TEXTCOMMON__ */