- /*
- File: DigitalSignature.h
- Contains: Digital Signature Interfaces.
- Version: Technology: AOCE toolbox 1.02
- Release: QuickTime 6.0.2
- Copyright: (c) 1994-2001 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.
- Bugs?: For bug reports, consult the following page on
- the World Wide Web:
- */
- #ifndef __MACTYPES__
- #include "MacTypes.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __MIXEDMODE__
- #include "MixedMode.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __FILES__
- #include "Files.h"
- #endif
- #pragma once
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #pragma import on
- #endif
- #pragma options align=mac68k
- #pragma pack(push, 2)
- #pragma pack(2)
- #endif
- /* values of SIGNameAttributeType */
- enum {
- kSIGCountryCode = 0,
- kSIGOrganization = 1,
- kSIGStreetAddress = 2,
- kSIGState = 3,
- kSIGLocality = 4,
- kSIGCommonName = 5,
- kSIGTitle = 6,
- kSIGOrganizationUnit = 7,
- kSIGPostalCode = 8
- };
- typedef unsigned short SIGNameAttributeType;
- /*
- Certificate status codes returned in SIGCertInfo or SIGSignerInfo from
- either SIGGetCertInfo or SIGGetSignerInfo respectively. kSIGValid means that
- the certificate is currently valid. kSIGPending means the certificate is
- currently not valid - but will be. kSIGExpired means the certificate has
- expired. A time is always associated with a SIGCertStatus. In each case the
- time has a specific interpretation. When the status is kSIGValid the time is
- when the certificate will expire. When the status is kSIGPending the time is
- when the certificate will become valid. When the status is kSIGExpired the time
- is when the certificate expired. In the SIGCertInfo structure, the startDate
- and endDate fields hold the appropriate date information. In the SIGSignerInfo
- structure, this information is provided in the certSetStatusTime field. In the
- SIGSignerInfo struct, the status time is actually represented by the SIGSignatureStatus
- field which can contain any of the types below. NOTE: The only time you will get
- a kSIGInvalid status is when it pertains to a SIGSignatureStatus field and only when
- you get a signature that was created after the certificates expiration date, something
- we are not allowing on the Mac but that may not be restricted on other platforms. Also,
- it will not be possible to get a kSIGPending value for SIGSignatureStatus on the Mac but
- possibly allowed by other platforms.
- */
- /* Values for SIGCertStatus or SIGSignatureStatus */
- enum {
- kSIGValid = 0, /* possible for either a SIGCertStatus or SIGSignatureStatus */
- kSIGPending = 1, /* possible for either a SIGCertStatus or SIGSignatureStatus */
- kSIGExpired = 2, /* possible for either a SIGCertStatus or SIGSignatureStatus * possible only for a SIGSignatureStatus */
- kSIGInvalid = 3
- };
- typedef unsigned short SIGCertStatus;
- typedef unsigned short SIGSignatureStatus;
- /* Number of bytes needed for a digest record when using SIGDigest */
- enum {
- kSIGDigestSize = 16
- };
- typedef Byte SIGDigestData[16];
- typedef Byte * SIGDigestDataPtr;
- struct SIGCertInfo {
- unsigned long startDate; /* cert start validity date */
- unsigned long endDate; /* cert end validity date */
- SIGCertStatus certStatus; /* see comment on SIGCertStatus for definition */
- unsigned long certAttributeCount; /* number of name attributes in this cert */
- unsigned long issuerAttributeCount; /* number of name attributes in this certs issuer */
- Str255 serialNumber; /* cert serial number */
- };
- typedef struct SIGCertInfo SIGCertInfo;
- typedef SIGCertInfo * SIGCertInfoPtr;
- struct SIGSignerInfo {
- unsigned long signingTime; /* time of signing */
- unsigned long certCount; /* number of certificates in the cert set */
- unsigned long certSetStatusTime; /* Worst cert status time. See comment on SIGCertStatus for definition */
- SIGSignatureStatus signatureStatus; /* The status of the signature. See comment on SIGCertStatus for definition*/
- };
- typedef struct SIGSignerInfo SIGSignerInfo;
- typedef SIGSignerInfo * SIGSignerInfoPtr;
- struct SIGNameAttributesInfo {
- Boolean onNewLevel;
- Boolean filler1;
- SIGNameAttributeType attributeType;
- ScriptCode attributeScript;
- Str255 attribute;
- };
- typedef struct SIGNameAttributesInfo SIGNameAttributesInfo;
- typedef SIGNameAttributesInfo * SIGNameAttributesInfoPtr;
- typedef Ptr SIGContextPtr;
- typedef Ptr SIGSignaturePtr;
- /*
- Certificates are always in order. That is, the signers cert is always 0, the
- issuer of the signers cert is always 1 etc... to the number of certificates-1.
- You can use this constant for readability in your code.
- */
- enum {
- kSIGSignerCertIndex = 0
- };
- /*
- Call back procedure supplied by developer, return false to cancel the current
- process.
- */
- typedef CALLBACK_API( Boolean , SIGStatusProcPtr )(void );
- typedef STACK_UPP_TYPE(SIGStatusProcPtr) SIGStatusUPP;
- NewSIGStatusUPP (SIGStatusProcPtr userRoutine);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- DisposeSIGStatusUPP (SIGStatusUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(Boolean)
- InvokeSIGStatusUPP (SIGStatusUPP userUPP);
- #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */
- #else
- enum { uppSIGStatusProcInfo = 0x00000010 }; /* pascal 1_byte Func() */
- #define NewSIGStatusUPP(userRoutine) (SIGStatusUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppSIGStatusProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
- #define DisposeSIGStatusUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
- #define InvokeSIGStatusUPP(userUPP) (Boolean)CALL_ZERO_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppSIGStatusProcInfo)
- #endif
- /* support for pre-Carbon UPP routines: NewXXXProc and CallXXXProc */
- #define NewSIGStatusProc(userRoutine) NewSIGStatusUPP(userRoutine)
- #define CallSIGStatusProc(userRoutine) InvokeSIGStatusUPP(userRoutine)
- /*
- Resource id's of standard signature icon suite, all sizes and colors are available.
- */
- enum {
- kSIGSignatureIconResID = -16797,
- kSIGValidSignatureIconResID = -16799,
- kSIGInvalidSignatureIconResID = -16798
- };
- /* ------------------------------- CONTEXT CALLS -------------------------------
- To use the Digital Signature toolbox you will need a SIGContextPtr. To create
- a SIGContextPtr you simply call SIGNewContext and it will create and initialize
- a context for you. To free the memory occupied by the context and invalidate
- its internal data, call SIGDisposeContext. An initialized context has no notion
- of the type of operation it will be performing however, once you call
- SIGSignPrepare SIGVerifyPrepare, or SIGDigestPrepare, the contexts operation
- type is set and to switch to another type of operation will require creating a
- new context. Be sure to pass the same context to corresponding toolbox calls
- (ie SIGSignPrepare, SIGProcessData, SIGSign) in other words mixing lets say
- signing and verify calls with the same context is not allowed.
- */
- SIGNewContext (SIGContextPtr * context) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0002, 0x076C, 0xAA5D);
- SIGDisposeContext (SIGContextPtr context) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0002, 0x076D, 0xAA5D);
- /* ------------------------------- SIGNING CALLS -------------------------------
- Once you have created a SIGContextPtr, you create a signature by calling
- SIGSignPrepare once, followed by n calls to SIGProcessData, followed by one call
- toRcpt SIGSign. To create another signature on different data but for the same
- signer, don't dispose of the context and call SIGProcessData for the new data
- followed by a call SIGSign again. In this case the signer will not be prompted
- for their signer and password again as it was already provided. Once you call
- SIGDisposeContext, all signer information will be cleared out of the context and
- the signer will be re-prompted. The signer file FSSpecPtr should be set to nil
- if you want the toolbox to use the last signer by default or prompt for a signer
- if none exists. The prompt parameter can be used to pass a string to be displayed
- in the dialog that prompts the user for their password. If the substring "^1"
- (without the quotes) is in the prompt string, then the toolbox will replace it
- with the name of the signer from the signer selected by the user. If an empty
- string is passed, the following default string will be sent to the toolbox
- "pSigning as ^1.". You can call any of the utility routines after SIGSignPrepare
- or SIGSign to get information about the signer or certs.
- */
- SIGSignPrepare (SIGContextPtr context,
- const FSSpec * signerFile,
- ConstStr255Param prompt,
- Size * signatureSize) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0008, 0x076E, 0xAA5D);
- SIGSign (SIGContextPtr context,
- SIGSignaturePtr signature,
- SIGStatusUPP statusProc) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0006, 0x076F, 0xAA5D);
- /* ------------------------------- VERIFYING CALLS -------------------------------
- Once you have created a SIGContextPtr, you verify a signature by calling
- SIGVerifyPrepare once, followed by n calls to SIGProcessData, followed by one
- call to SIGVerify. Check the return code from SIGVerify to see if the signature
- verified or not (noErr is returned on success otherwise the appropriate error
- code). Upon successfull verification, you can call any of the utility routines
- toRcpt find out who signed the data.
- */
- SIGVerifyPrepare (SIGContextPtr context,
- SIGSignaturePtr signature,
- Size signatureSize,
- SIGStatusUPP statusProc) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0008, 0x0770, 0xAA5D);
- SIGVerify (SIGContextPtr context) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0002, 0x0771, 0xAA5D);
- /* ------------------------------ DIGESTING CALLS ------------------------------
- Once you have created a SIGContextPtr, you create a digest by calling
- SIGDigestPrepare once, followed by n calls to SIGProcessData, followed by one
- call to SIGDigest. You can dispose of the context after SIGDigest as the
- SIGDigestData does not reference back into it. SIGDigest returns the digest in
- digest.
- */
- SIGDigestPrepare (SIGContextPtr context) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0002, 0x0772, 0xAA5D);
- SIGDigest (SIGContextPtr context,
- SIGDigestData digest) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0004, 0x0773, 0xAA5D);
- /* ------------------------------ PROCESSING DATA ------------------------------
- To process data during a digest, sign, or verify operation call SIGProcessData
- as many times as necessary and with any sized blocks of data. The data needs to
- be processed in the same order during corresponding sign and verify operations
- but does not need to be processed in the same sized chunks (i.e., the toolbox
- just sees it as a continuous bit stream).
- */
- SIGProcessData (SIGContextPtr context,
- const void * data,
- Size dataSize) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0006, 0x0774, 0xAA5D);
- /* ------------------------------- UTILITY CALLS -------------------------------
- Given a context that has successfully performed a verification SIGShowSigner
- will display a modal dialog with the entire distinguished name of the person
- who signed the data. the prompt (if supplied) will appear at the top of the
- dialog. If no prompt is specified, the default prompt "pVerification
- Successfull." will appear.
- Given a context that has been populated by calling SIGSignPrepare, SIGSign or a
- successful SIGVerify, you can make the remaining utility calls:
- SIGGetSignerInfo will return the SignerInfo record. The certCount can be used
- toRcpt index into the certificate set when calling SIGGetCertInfo,
- SIGGetCertNameAttributes or SIGGetCertIssuerNameAttributes. The signingTime is
- only defined if the call is made after SIGSign or SIGVerify. The certSetStatus
- will tell you the best status of the entire certificate set while
- certSetStatusTime will correspond to the time associated with that status (see
- definitions above).
- SIGGetCertInfo will return the SIGCertInfo record when given a valid index into
- the cert set in certIndex. Note: The cert at index kSIGSignerCertIndex is
- always the signers certificate. The serial number, start date and end date
- are there should you wish to display that info. The certAttributeCount and
- issuerAttributeCount provide the number of parts in the name of that certificate
- or that certificates issuer respectively. You use these numbers to index into
- either SIGGetCertNameAttributes or SIGGetCertIssuerNameAttributes to retrieve
- the name. The certStatus will tell you the status of the certificate while
- certStatusTime will correspond to the time associated with that status (see
- definitions above).
- SIGGetCertNameAttributes and SIGGetCertIssuerNameAttributes return name parts
- of the certificate at certIndex and attributeIndex. The newLevel return value
- tells you wether the name attribute returned is at the same level in the name
- hierarchy as the previous attribute. The type return value tells you the type
- of attribute returned. nameAttribute is the actual string containing the name
- attribute. So, if you wanted to display the entire distinguished name of the
- person who's signature was just validated you could do something like this;
- (...... variable declarations and verification code would preceed this sample ......)
- error = SIGGetCertInfo(verifyContext, kSIGSignerCertIndex, &certInfo);
- HandleErr(error);
- for (i = 0; i <= certInfo.certAttributeCount-1; i++)
- {
- error = SIGGetCertNameAttributes(
- verifyContext, kSIGSignerCertIndex, i, &newLevel, &type, theAttribute);
- HandleErr(error);
- DisplayNamePart(theAttribute, type, newLevel);
- }
- */
- SIGShowSigner (SIGContextPtr context,
- ConstStr255Param prompt) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0004, 0x0775, 0xAA5D);
- SIGGetSignerInfo (SIGContextPtr context,
- SIGSignerInfo * signerInfo) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0004, 0x0776, 0xAA5D);
- SIGGetCertInfo (SIGContextPtr context,
- unsigned long certIndex,
- SIGCertInfo * certInfo) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0006, 0x0777, 0xAA5D);
- SIGGetCertNameAttributes (SIGContextPtr context,
- unsigned long certIndex,
- unsigned long attributeIndex,
- SIGNameAttributesInfo * attributeInfo) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0008, 0x0778, 0xAA5D);
- SIGGetCertIssuerNameAttributes (SIGContextPtr context,
- unsigned long certIndex,
- unsigned long attributeIndex,
- SIGNameAttributesInfo * attributeInfo) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0008, 0x0779, 0xAA5D);
- /* --------------------------- FILE SIGN & VERIFY CALLS --------------------------
- These calls allow you to detect the presence of a standard signtaure in a file as
- well as sign and verify files in a standard way. An example of this is the Finder,
- which uses these calls to allow the user to "drop sign" a file.
- To detect if a file is signed in the standard way, pass the FSSpec of the file to SIGFileIsSigned.
- A result of noErr means the file is in fact signed, otherwise, a kSIGNoSignature error will
- be returned.
- Once you have created a SIGContextPtr, you can make calls to either sign or verify a file in
- a standard way:
- To sign a file, call SIGSignPrepare followed by 'n' number of calls to SIGSignFile,
- passing it the file spec for each file you wish to sign in turn. You supply the context, the signature
- size that was returned from SIGSignPrepare and an optional call back proc. The call will take care of all
- the processing of data and affixing the signature to the file. If a signature already exists in the file,
- it is replaced with the newly created signature.
- To verify a file that was signed using SIGSignFile, call SIGVerifyFile passing it a new context and
- the file spec. Once this call has completed, if the verification is successfull, you can pass the context
- to SIGShowSigner to display the name of the person who signed the file.
- */
- SIGFileIsSigned (const FSSpec * fileSpec) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0002, 0x09C4, 0xAA5D);
- SIGSignFile (SIGContextPtr context,
- Size signatureSize,
- const FSSpec * fileSpec,
- SIGStatusUPP statusProc) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0008, 0x09C5, 0xAA5D);
- SIGVerifyFile (SIGContextPtr context,
- const FSSpec * fileSpec,
- SIGStatusUPP statusProc) FOURWORDINLINE(0x203C, 0x0006, 0x09C6, 0xAA5D);
- #endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */
- #pragma options align=reset
- #pragma pack(pop)
- #pragma pack()
- #endif
- #pragma import off
- #pragma import reset
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* __DIGITALSIGNATURE__ */