- /*
- File: AppleEvents.h
- Contains: AppleEvent Package Interfaces.
- Version: Technology: System 7.5
- Release: QuickTime 6.0.2
- Copyright: (c) 1989-2001 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved
- Bugs?: For bug reports, consult the following page on
- the World Wide Web:
- */
- #ifndef __APPLEEVENTS__
- #define __APPLEEVENTS__
- #ifndef __MACTYPES__
- #include "MacTypes.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __MIXEDMODE__
- #include "MixedMode.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __NOTIFICATION__
- #include "Notification.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __EVENTS__
- #include "Events.h"
- #endif
- /*
- Note: The functions and types for the building and parsing AppleEvent
- messages has moved to AEDataModel.h
- */
- #ifndef __AEDATAMODEL__
- #include "AEDataModel.h"
- #endif
- #pragma once
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #pragma import on
- #endif
- #pragma options align=mac68k
- #pragma pack(push, 2)
- #pragma pack(2)
- #endif
- enum {
- /* Keywords for Apple event parameters */
- keyDirectObject = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('----'),
- keyErrorNumber = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('errn'),
- keyErrorString = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('errs'),
- keyProcessSerialNumber = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('psn '), /* Keywords for special handlers */
- keyPreDispatch = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('phac'), /* preHandler accessor call */
- keySelectProc = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('selh'), /* more selector call */
- /* Keyword for recording */
- keyAERecorderCount = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('recr'), /* available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater */
- /* Keyword for version information */
- keyAEVersion = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('vers') /* available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater */
- };
- /* Event Class */
- enum {
- kCoreEventClass = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('aevt')
- };
- /* Event ID's */
- enum {
- kAEOpenApplication = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('oapp'),
- kAEOpenDocuments = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('odoc'),
- kAEPrintDocuments = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('pdoc'),
- kAEQuitApplication = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('quit'),
- kAEAnswer = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ansr'),
- kAEApplicationDied = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('obit')
- };
- /* Constants for recording */
- enum {
- kAEStartRecording = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('reca'), /* available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater */
- kAEStopRecording = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('recc'), /* available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater */
- kAENotifyStartRecording = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rec1'), /* available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater */
- kAENotifyStopRecording = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rec0'), /* available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater */
- kAENotifyRecording = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('recr') /* available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater */
- };
- /* parameter to AESend */
- typedef OptionBits AESendOptions;
- enum {
- kAENeverInteract = 0x00000010, /* server should not interact with user */
- kAECanInteract = 0x00000020, /* server may try to interact with user */
- kAEAlwaysInteract = 0x00000030, /* server should always interact with user where appropriate */
- kAECanSwitchLayer = 0x00000040, /* interaction may switch layer */
- kAEDontRecord = 0x00001000, /* don't record this event - available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater */
- kAEDontExecute = 0x00002000, /* don't send the event for recording - available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater */
- kAEProcessNonReplyEvents = 0x00008000 /* allow processing of non-reply events while awaiting synchronous AppleEvent reply */
- };
- typedef SInt32 AESendMode;
- enum {
- kAENoReply = 0x00000001, /* sender doesn't want a reply to event */
- kAEQueueReply = 0x00000002, /* sender wants a reply but won't wait */
- kAEWaitReply = 0x00000003, /* sender wants a reply and will wait */
- kAEDontReconnect = 0x00000080, /* don't reconnect if there is a sessClosedErr from PPCToolbox */
- kAEWantReceipt = 0x00000200 /* (nReturnReceipt) sender wants a receipt of message */
- };
- /* Constants for timeout durations */
- enum {
- kAEDefaultTimeout = -1, /* timeout value determined by AEM */
- kNoTimeOut = -2 /* wait until reply comes back, however long it takes */
- };
- /* priority param of AESend */
- typedef SInt16 AESendPriority;
- enum {
- kAENormalPriority = 0x00000000, /* post message at the end of the event queue */
- kAEHighPriority = 0x00000001 /* post message at the front of the event queue (same as nAttnMsg) */
- };
- typedef SInt8 AEEventSource;
- enum {
- kAEUnknownSource = 0,
- kAEDirectCall = 1,
- kAESameProcess = 2,
- kAELocalProcess = 3,
- kAERemoteProcess = 4
- };
- typedef CALLBACK_API( OSErr , AEEventHandlerProcPtr )(const AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, AppleEvent *reply, UInt32 handlerRefcon);
- typedef CALLBACK_API( Boolean , AEIdleProcPtr )(EventRecord *theEvent, long *sleepTime, RgnHandle *mouseRgn);
- typedef CALLBACK_API( Boolean , AEFilterProcPtr )(EventRecord *theEvent, long returnID, long transactionID, const AEAddressDesc *sender);
- typedef STACK_UPP_TYPE(AEEventHandlerProcPtr) AEEventHandlerUPP;
- typedef STACK_UPP_TYPE(AEIdleProcPtr) AEIdleUPP;
- typedef STACK_UPP_TYPE(AEFilterProcPtr) AEFilterUPP;
- NewAEEventHandlerUPP (AEEventHandlerProcPtr userRoutine);
- NewAEIdleUPP (AEIdleProcPtr userRoutine);
- NewAEFilterUPP (AEFilterProcPtr userRoutine);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- DisposeAEEventHandlerUPP (AEEventHandlerUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- DisposeAEIdleUPP (AEIdleUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- DisposeAEFilterUPP (AEFilterUPP userUPP);
- InvokeAEEventHandlerUPP (const AppleEvent * theAppleEvent,
- AppleEvent * reply,
- UInt32 handlerRefcon,
- AEEventHandlerUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(Boolean)
- InvokeAEIdleUPP (EventRecord * theEvent,
- long * sleepTime,
- RgnHandle * mouseRgn,
- AEIdleUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(Boolean)
- InvokeAEFilterUPP (EventRecord * theEvent,
- long returnID,
- long transactionID,
- const AEAddressDesc * sender,
- AEFilterUPP userUPP);
- #else
- enum { uppAEEventHandlerProcInfo = 0x00000FE0 }; /* pascal 2_bytes Func(4_bytes, 4_bytes, 4_bytes) */
- enum { uppAEIdleProcInfo = 0x00000FD0 }; /* pascal 1_byte Func(4_bytes, 4_bytes, 4_bytes) */
- enum { uppAEFilterProcInfo = 0x00003FD0 }; /* pascal 1_byte Func(4_bytes, 4_bytes, 4_bytes, 4_bytes) */
- #define NewAEEventHandlerUPP(userRoutine) (AEEventHandlerUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppAEEventHandlerProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
- #define NewAEIdleUPP(userRoutine) (AEIdleUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppAEIdleProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
- #define NewAEFilterUPP(userRoutine) (AEFilterUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppAEFilterProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
- #define DisposeAEEventHandlerUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
- #define DisposeAEIdleUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
- #define DisposeAEFilterUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
- #define InvokeAEEventHandlerUPP(theAppleEvent, reply, handlerRefcon, userUPP) (OSErr)CALL_THREE_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppAEEventHandlerProcInfo, (theAppleEvent), (reply), (handlerRefcon))
- #define InvokeAEIdleUPP(theEvent, sleepTime, mouseRgn, userUPP) (Boolean)CALL_THREE_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppAEIdleProcInfo, (theEvent), (sleepTime), (mouseRgn))
- #define InvokeAEFilterUPP(theEvent, returnID, transactionID, sender, userUPP) (Boolean)CALL_FOUR_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppAEFilterProcInfo, (theEvent), (returnID), (transactionID), (sender))
- #endif
- /* support for pre-Carbon UPP routines: NewXXXProc and CallXXXProc */
- #define NewAEEventHandlerProc(userRoutine) NewAEEventHandlerUPP(userRoutine)
- #define NewAEIdleProc(userRoutine) NewAEIdleUPP(userRoutine)
- #define NewAEFilterProc(userRoutine) NewAEFilterUPP(userRoutine)
- #define CallAEEventHandlerProc(userRoutine, theAppleEvent, reply, handlerRefcon) InvokeAEEventHandlerUPP(theAppleEvent, reply, handlerRefcon, userRoutine)
- #define CallAEIdleProc(userRoutine, theEvent, sleepTime, mouseRgn) InvokeAEIdleUPP(theEvent, sleepTime, mouseRgn, userRoutine)
- #define CallAEFilterProc(userRoutine, theEvent, returnID, transactionID, sender) InvokeAEFilterUPP(theEvent, returnID, transactionID, sender, userRoutine)
- /**************************************************************************
- The next couple of calls are basic routines used to create, send,
- and process AppleEvents.
- **************************************************************************/
- AESend (const AppleEvent * theAppleEvent,
- AppleEvent * reply,
- AESendMode sendMode,
- AESendPriority sendPriority,
- long timeOutInTicks,
- AEIdleUPP idleProc, /* can be NULL */
- AEFilterUPP filterProc) /* can be NULL */ THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0D17, 0xA816);
- AEProcessAppleEvent (const EventRecord * theEventRecord) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x021B, 0xA816);
- /*
- Note: during event processing, an event handler may realize that it is likely
- to exceed the client's timeout limit. Passing the reply to this
- routine causes a wait event to be generated that asks the client
- for more time.
- */
- AEResetTimer (const AppleEvent * reply) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0219, 0xA816);
- /**************************************************************************
- The following three calls are used to allow applications to behave
- courteously when a user interaction such as a dialog box is needed.
- **************************************************************************/
- typedef SInt8 AEInteractAllowed;
- enum {
- kAEInteractWithSelf = 0,
- kAEInteractWithLocal = 1,
- kAEInteractWithAll = 2
- };
- AEGetInteractionAllowed (AEInteractAllowed * level) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x021D, 0xA816);
- AESetInteractionAllowed (AEInteractAllowed level) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x011E, 0xA816);
- AEInteractWithUser (long timeOutInTicks,
- NMRecPtr nmReqPtr,
- AEIdleUPP idleProc) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x061C, 0xA816);
- /**************************************************************************
- These calls are used to set up and modify the event dispatch table.
- **************************************************************************/
- AEInstallEventHandler (AEEventClass theAEEventClass,
- AEEventID theAEEventID,
- AEEventHandlerUPP handler,
- long handlerRefcon,
- Boolean isSysHandler) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x091F, 0xA816);
- AERemoveEventHandler (AEEventClass theAEEventClass,
- AEEventID theAEEventID,
- AEEventHandlerUPP handler,
- Boolean isSysHandler) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0720, 0xA816);
- AEGetEventHandler (AEEventClass theAEEventClass,
- AEEventID theAEEventID,
- AEEventHandlerUPP * handler,
- long * handlerRefcon,
- Boolean isSysHandler) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0921, 0xA816);
- /**************************************************************************
- The following four calls are available for applications which need more
- sophisticated control over when and how events are processed. Applications
- which implement multi-session servers or which implement their own
- internal event queueing will probably be the major clients of these
- routines. They can be called from within a handler to prevent the AEM from
- disposing of the AppleEvent when the handler returns. They can be used to
- asynchronously process the event (as MacApp does).
- **************************************************************************/
- AESuspendTheCurrentEvent (const AppleEvent * theAppleEvent) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x022B, 0xA816);
- /*
- Note: The following routine tells the AppleEvent manager that processing
- is either about to resume or has been completed on a previously suspended
- event. The procPtr passed in as the dispatcher parameter will be called to
- attempt to redispatch the event. Several constants for the dispatcher
- parameter allow special behavior. They are:
- - kAEUseStandardDispatch means redispatch as if the event was just
- received, using the standard AppleEvent dispatch mechanism.
- - kAENoDispatch means ignore the parameter.
- Use this in the case where the event has been handled and no
- redispatch is needed.
- - non nil means call the routine which the dispatcher points to.
- */
- /* Constants for Refcon in AEResumeTheCurrentEvent with kAEUseStandardDispatch */
- enum {
- kAEDoNotIgnoreHandler = 0x00000000,
- kAEIgnoreAppPhacHandler = 0x00000001, /* available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater */
- kAEIgnoreAppEventHandler = 0x00000002, /* available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater */
- kAEIgnoreSysPhacHandler = 0x00000004, /* available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater */
- kAEIgnoreSysEventHandler = 0x00000008, /* available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater */
- kAEIngoreBuiltInEventHandler = 0x00000010, /* available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater */
- kAEDontDisposeOnResume = (long)0x80000000 /* available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater */
- };
- /* Constants for AEResumeTheCurrentEvent */
- enum {
- kAENoDispatch = 0, /* dispatch parameter to AEResumeTheCurrentEvent takes a pointer to a dispatch */
- kAEUseStandardDispatch = (long)0xFFFFFFFF /* table, or one of these two constants */
- };
- AEResumeTheCurrentEvent (const AppleEvent * theAppleEvent,
- const AppleEvent * reply,
- AEEventHandlerUPP dispatcher,
- long handlerRefcon) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0818, 0xA816);
- AEGetTheCurrentEvent (AppleEvent * theAppleEvent) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x021A, 0xA816);
- AESetTheCurrentEvent (const AppleEvent * theAppleEvent) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x022C, 0xA816);
- /**************************************************************************
- These calls are used to set up and modify special hooks into the
- AppleEvent manager.
- **************************************************************************/
- AEInstallSpecialHandler (AEKeyword functionClass,
- AEEventHandlerUPP handler,
- Boolean isSysHandler) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0500, 0xA816);
- AERemoveSpecialHandler (AEKeyword functionClass,
- AEEventHandlerUPP handler,
- Boolean isSysHandler) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0501, 0xA816);
- AEGetSpecialHandler (AEKeyword functionClass,
- AEEventHandlerUPP * handler,
- Boolean isSysHandler) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x052D, 0xA816);
- /**************************************************************************
- This call was added in version 1.0.1. If called with the keyword
- keyAERecorderCount ('recr'), the number of recorders that are
- currently active is returned in 'result'
- (available only in vers 1.0.1 and greater).
- **************************************************************************/
- AEManagerInfo (AEKeyword keyWord,
- long * result) THREEWORDINLINE(0x303C, 0x0441, 0xA816);
- #pragma options align=reset
- #pragma pack(pop)
- #pragma pack()
- #endif
- #pragma import off
- #pragma import reset
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* __APPLEEVENTS__ */