- /*
- File: QuickTimeMusic.h
- Contains: QuickTime Interfaces.
- Version: Technology: QuickTime 6.0
- Release: QuickTime 6.0.2
- Copyright: (c) 1990-2001 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved
- Bugs?: For bug reports, consult the following page on
- the World Wide Web:
- http://developer.apple.com/bugreporter/
- */
- #ifndef __QUICKTIMEMUSIC__
- #define __QUICKTIMEMUSIC__
- #ifndef __COMPONENTS__
- #include "Components.h"
- #endif
- #include "ImageCompression.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __MOVIES__
- #include "Movies.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __QUICKDRAW__
- #include "Quickdraw.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __VIDEO__
- #include "Video.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __MACMEMORY__
- #include "MacMemory.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __SOUND__
- #include "Sound.h"
- #endif
- #ifndef __ENDIAN__
- #include "Endian.h"
- #endif
- #pragma once
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- #pragma import on
- #endif
- #pragma options align=mac68k
- #pragma pack(push, 2)
- #pragma pack(2)
- #endif
- enum {
- kaiToneDescType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('tone'),
- kaiNoteRequestInfoType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ntrq'),
- kaiKnobListType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('knbl'),
- kaiKeyRangeInfoType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sinf'),
- kaiSampleDescType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sdsc'),
- kaiSampleInfoType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('smin'),
- kaiSampleDataType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('sdat'),
- kaiSampleDataQUIDType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('quid'),
- kaiInstInfoType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('iinf'),
- kaiPictType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('pict'),
- kaiWriterType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('﹚rt'),
- kaiCopyrightType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ヽpy'),
- kaiOtherStrType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('str '),
- kaiInstrumentRefType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('iref'),
- kaiInstGMQualityType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('qual'),
- kaiLibraryInfoType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('linf'),
- kaiLibraryDescType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ldsc')
- };
- struct InstLibDescRec {
- Str31 libIDName;
- };
- typedef struct InstLibDescRec InstLibDescRec;
- struct InstKnobRec {
- BigEndianLong number;
- BigEndianLong value;
- };
- typedef struct InstKnobRec InstKnobRec;
- enum {
- kInstKnobMissingUnknown = 0,
- kInstKnobMissingDefault = (1 << 0)
- };
- struct InstKnobList {
- BigEndianLong knobCount;
- BigEndianLong knobFlags;
- InstKnobRec knob[1];
- };
- typedef struct InstKnobList InstKnobList;
- enum {
- kMusicLoopTypeNormal = 0,
- kMusicLoopTypePalindrome = 1 /* back & forth*/
- };
- enum {
- instSamplePreProcessFlag = 1 << 0
- };
- struct InstSampleDescRec {
- BigEndianOSType dataFormat;
- BigEndianShort numChannels;
- BigEndianShort sampleSize;
- BigEndianUnsignedFixed sampleRate;
- BigEndianShort sampleDataID;
- BigEndianLong offset; /* offset within SampleData - this could be just for internal use*/
- BigEndianLong numSamples; /* this could also just be for internal use, we'll see*/
- BigEndianLong loopType;
- BigEndianLong loopStart;
- BigEndianLong loopEnd;
- BigEndianLong pitchNormal;
- BigEndianLong pitchLow;
- BigEndianLong pitchHigh;
- };
- typedef struct InstSampleDescRec InstSampleDescRec;
- typedef Handle AtomicInstrument;
- typedef Ptr AtomicInstrumentPtr;
- enum {
- kQTMIDIComponentType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('midi')
- };
- enum {
- kOMSComponentSubType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('OMS '),
- kFMSComponentSubType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('FMS '),
- kMIDIManagerComponentSubType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('mmgr'),
- kOSXMIDIComponentSubType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('osxm')
- };
- typedef ComponentInstance QTMIDIComponent;
- enum {
- kMusicPacketPortLost = 1, /* received when application loses the default input port */
- kMusicPacketPortFound = 2, /* received when application gets it back out from under someone else's claim */
- kMusicPacketTimeGap = 3 /* data[0] = number of milliseconds to keep the MIDI line silent */
- };
- enum {
- kAppleSysexID = 0x11, /* apple sysex is followed by 2-byte command. 0001 is the command for samplesize */
- kAppleSysexCmdSampleSize = 0x0001, /* 21 bit number in 3 midi bytes follows sysex ID and 2 cmd bytes */
- kAppleSysexCmdSampleBreak = 0x0002, /* specifies that the sample should break right here */
- kAppleSysexCmdAtomicInstrument = 0x0010, /* contents of atomic instrument handle */
- kAppleSysexCmdDeveloper = 0x7F00 /* F0 11 7F 00 ww xx yy zz ... F7 is available for non-Apple developers, where wxyz is unique app signature with 8th bit cleared, unique to developer, and 00 and 7f are reserved */
- };
- struct MusicMIDIPacket {
- unsigned short length;
- unsigned long reserved; /* if length zero, then reserved = above enum */
- UInt8 data[249];
- };
- typedef struct MusicMIDIPacket MusicMIDIPacket;
- typedef CALLBACK_API( ComponentResult , MusicMIDISendProcPtr )(ComponentInstance self, long refCon, MusicMIDIPacket *mmp);
- typedef CALLBACK_API( ComponentResult , MusicMIDIReadHookProcPtr )(MusicMIDIPacket *mp, long myRefCon);
- typedef STACK_UPP_TYPE(MusicMIDISendProcPtr) MusicMIDISendUPP;
- typedef STACK_UPP_TYPE(MusicMIDIReadHookProcPtr) MusicMIDIReadHookUPP;
- enum {
- kSynthesizerConnectionFMS = 1, /* this connection imported from FMS */
- kSynthesizerConnectionMMgr = 2, /* this connection imported from the MIDI Mgr */
- kSynthesizerConnectionOMS = 4, /* this connection imported from OMS */
- kSynthesizerConnectionQT = 8, /* this connection is a QuickTime-only port */
- kSynthesizerConnectionOSXMIDI = 16, /* this connection is an OS X CoreMIDI port */
- /* lowest five bits are mutually exclusive; combinations reserved for future use.*/
- kSynthesizerConnectionUnavailable = 256 /* port exists, but cannot be used just now */
- };
- /*
- The sampleBankFile field of this structure can be used to pass in a pointer to an FSSpec
- that represents a SoundFont 2 or DLS file (otherwise set it to NULL ).
- You then pass in a structure with this field set (all other fields should be zero) to
- NARegisterMusicDevice:
- - with synthType as kSoftSynthComponentSubType
- - with name being used to return to the application the "name" of the synth
- that should be used in the synthesiserName field of the ToneDescription structure
- and is also used to retrieve a particular MusicComponent with the
- NAGetRegisteredMusicDevice call
- This call will create a MusicComponent of kSoftSynthComponentSubType, with the specified
- sound bank as the sample data source.
- */
- struct SynthesizerConnections {
- OSType clientID;
- OSType inputPortID; /* terminology death: this port is used to SEND to the midi synth */
- OSType outputPortID; /* terminology death: this port receives from a keyboard or other control device */
- long midiChannel; /* The system channel; others are configurable (or the nubus slot number) */
- long flags;
- long unique; /* unique id may be used instead of index, to getinfo and unregister calls */
- FSSpecPtr sampleBankFile; /* see notes above */
- long reserved2; /* should be zero */
- };
- typedef struct SynthesizerConnections SynthesizerConnections;
- struct QTMIDIPort {
- SynthesizerConnections portConnections;
- Str63 portName;
- };
- typedef struct QTMIDIPort QTMIDIPort;
- struct QTMIDIPortList {
- short portCount;
- QTMIDIPort port[1];
- };
- typedef struct QTMIDIPortList QTMIDIPortList;
- typedef QTMIDIPortList * QTMIDIPortListPtr;
- typedef QTMIDIPortListPtr * QTMIDIPortListHandle;
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- QTMIDIGetMIDIPorts (QTMIDIComponent ci,
- QTMIDIPortListHandle * inputPorts,
- QTMIDIPortListHandle * outputPorts) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x0001, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- QTMIDIUseSendPort (QTMIDIComponent ci,
- long portIndex,
- long inUse) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x0002, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- QTMIDISendMIDI (QTMIDIComponent ci,
- long portIndex,
- MusicMIDIPacket * mp) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x0003, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- QTMIDIUseReceivePort (QTMIDIComponent ci,
- long portIndex,
- MusicMIDIReadHookUPP readHook,
- long refCon) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x000C, 0x0004, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- enum {
- kMusicComponentType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('musi'),
- kInstrumentComponentType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('inst')
- };
- enum {
- kSoftSynthComponentSubType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('ss '),
- kGMSynthComponentSubType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('gm ')
- };
- typedef ComponentInstance MusicComponent;
- /* MusicSynthesizerFlags*/
- enum {
- kSynthesizerDynamicVoice = 1 << 0, /* can assign voices on the fly (else, polyphony is very important */
- kSynthesizerUsesMIDIPort = 1 << 1, /* must be patched through MIDI Manager */
- kSynthesizerMicrotone = 1 << 2, /* can play microtonal scales */
- kSynthesizerHasSamples = 1 << 3, /* synthesizer has some use for sampled data */
- kSynthesizerMixedDrums = 1 << 4, /* any part can play drum parts, total = instrument parts */
- kSynthesizerSoftware = 1 << 5, /* implemented in main CPU software == uses cpu cycles */
- kSynthesizerHardware = 1 << 6, /* is a hardware device (such as nubus, or maybe DSP?) */
- kSynthesizerDynamicChannel = 1 << 7, /* can move any part to any channel or disable each part. (else we assume it lives on all channels in masks) */
- kSynthesizerHogsSystemChannel = 1 << 8, /* can be channelwise dynamic, but always responds on its system channel */
- kSynthesizerHasSystemChannel = 1 << 9, /* has some "system channel" notion to distinguish it from multiple instances of the same device (GM devices dont) */
- kSynthesizerSlowSetPart = 1 << 10, /* SetPart() and SetPartInstrumentNumber() calls do not have rapid response, may glitch notes */
- kSynthesizerOffline = 1 << 12, /* can enter an offline synthesis mode */
- kSynthesizerGM = 1 << 14, /* synth is a GM device */
- kSynthesizerDLS = 1 << 15, /* synth supports DLS level 1 */
- kSynthesizerSoundLocalization = 1 << 16 /* synth supports extremely baroque, nonstandard, and proprietary "apple game sprockets" localization parameter set */
- };
- /*
- * Note that these controller numbers
- * are _not_ identical to the MIDI controller numbers.
- * These are _signed_ 8.8 values, and the LSB's are
- * always sent to a MIDI device. Controllers 32-63 are
- * reserved (for MIDI, they are LSB's for 0-31, but we
- * always send both).
- *
- * The full range, therefore, is -128.00 to 127.7f.
- *
- * _Excepting_ _volume_, all controls default to zero.
- *
- * Pitch bend is specified in fractional semitones! No
- * more "pitch bend range" nonsense. You can bend as far
- * as you want, any time you want.
- */
- typedef SInt32 MusicController;
- enum {
- kControllerModulationWheel = 1,
- kControllerBreath = 2,
- kControllerFoot = 4,
- kControllerPortamentoTime = 5, /* time in 8.8 seconds, portamento on/off is omitted, 0 time = 'off' */
- kControllerVolume = 7, /* main volume control */
- kControllerBalance = 8,
- kControllerPan = 10, /* 0 - "default", 1 - n: positioned in output 1-n (incl fractions) */
- kControllerExpression = 11, /* secondary volume control */
- kControllerLever1 = 16, /* general purpose controllers */
- kControllerLever2 = 17, /* general purpose controllers */
- kControllerLever3 = 18, /* general purpose controllers */
- kControllerLever4 = 19, /* general purpose controllers */
- kControllerLever5 = 80, /* general purpose controllers */
- kControllerLever6 = 81, /* general purpose controllers */
- kControllerLever7 = 82, /* general purpose controllers */
- kControllerLever8 = 83, /* general purpose controllers */
- kControllerPitchBend = 32, /* positive & negative semitones, with 8 bits fraction, same units as transpose controllers*/
- kControllerAfterTouch = 33, /* aka channel pressure */
- kControllerPartTranspose = 40, /* identical to pitchbend, for overall part xpose */
- kControllerTuneTranspose = 41, /* another pitchbend, for "song global" pitch offset */
- kControllerPartVolume = 42, /* another volume control, passed right down from note allocator part volume */
- kControllerTuneVolume = 43, /* another volume control, used for "song global" volume - since we share one synthesizer across multiple tuneplayers*/
- kControllerSustain = 64, /* boolean - positive for on, 0 or negative off */
- kControllerPortamento = 65, /* boolean*/
- kControllerSostenuto = 66, /* boolean */
- kControllerSoftPedal = 67, /* boolean */
- kControllerReverb = 91,
- kControllerTremolo = 92,
- kControllerChorus = 93,
- kControllerCeleste = 94,
- kControllerPhaser = 95,
- kControllerEditPart = 113, /* last 16 controllers 113-128 and above are global controllers which respond on part zero */
- kControllerMasterTune = 114,
- kControllerMasterTranspose = 114, /* preferred*/
- kControllerMasterVolume = 115,
- kControllerMasterCPULoad = 116,
- kControllerMasterPolyphony = 117,
- kControllerMasterFeatures = 118
- };
- /* ID's of knobs supported by the QuickTime Music Synthesizer built into QuickTime*/
- enum {
- kQTMSKnobStartID = 0x02000000,
- kQTMSKnobVolumeAttackTimeID = 0x02000001,
- kQTMSKnobVolumeDecayTimeID = 0x02000002,
- kQTMSKnobVolumeSustainLevelID = 0x02000003,
- kQTMSKnobVolumeRelease1RateID = 0x02000004,
- kQTMSKnobVolumeDecayKeyScalingID = 0x02000005,
- kQTMSKnobVolumeReleaseTimeID = 0x02000006,
- kQTMSKnobVolumeLFODelayID = 0x02000007,
- kQTMSKnobVolumeLFORampTimeID = 0x02000008,
- kQTMSKnobVolumeLFOPeriodID = 0x02000009,
- kQTMSKnobVolumeLFOShapeID = 0x0200000A,
- kQTMSKnobVolumeLFODepthID = 0x0200000B,
- kQTMSKnobVolumeOverallID = 0x0200000C,
- kQTMSKnobVolumeVelocity127ID = 0x0200000D,
- kQTMSKnobVolumeVelocity96ID = 0x0200000E,
- kQTMSKnobVolumeVelocity64ID = 0x0200000F,
- kQTMSKnobVolumeVelocity32ID = 0x02000010,
- kQTMSKnobVolumeVelocity16ID = 0x02000011, /* Pitch related knobs*/
- kQTMSKnobPitchTransposeID = 0x02000012,
- kQTMSKnobPitchLFODelayID = 0x02000013,
- kQTMSKnobPitchLFORampTimeID = 0x02000014,
- kQTMSKnobPitchLFOPeriodID = 0x02000015,
- kQTMSKnobPitchLFOShapeID = 0x02000016,
- kQTMSKnobPitchLFODepthID = 0x02000017,
- kQTMSKnobPitchLFOQuantizeID = 0x02000018, /* Stereo related knobs*/
- kQTMSKnobStereoDefaultPanID = 0x02000019,
- kQTMSKnobStereoPositionKeyScalingID = 0x0200001A,
- kQTMSKnobPitchLFOOffsetID = 0x0200001B,
- kQTMSKnobExclusionGroupID = 0x0200001C, /* Misc knobs, late additions*/
- kQTMSKnobSustainTimeID = 0x0200001D,
- kQTMSKnobSustainInfiniteID = 0x0200001E,
- kQTMSKnobVolumeLFOStereoID = 0x0200001F,
- kQTMSKnobVelocityLowID = 0x02000020,
- kQTMSKnobVelocityHighID = 0x02000021,
- kQTMSKnobVelocitySensitivityID = 0x02000022,
- kQTMSKnobPitchSensitivityID = 0x02000023,
- kQTMSKnobVolumeLFODepthFromWheelID = 0x02000024,
- kQTMSKnobPitchLFODepthFromWheelID = 0x02000025, /* Volume Env again*/
- kQTMSKnobVolumeExpOptionsID = 0x02000026, /* Env1*/
- kQTMSKnobEnv1AttackTimeID = 0x02000027,
- kQTMSKnobEnv1DecayTimeID = 0x02000028,
- kQTMSKnobEnv1SustainLevelID = 0x02000029,
- kQTMSKnobEnv1SustainTimeID = 0x0200002A,
- kQTMSKnobEnv1SustainInfiniteID = 0x0200002B,
- kQTMSKnobEnv1ReleaseTimeID = 0x0200002C,
- kQTMSKnobEnv1ExpOptionsID = 0x0200002D, /* Env2*/
- kQTMSKnobEnv2AttackTimeID = 0x0200002E,
- kQTMSKnobEnv2DecayTimeID = 0x0200002F,
- kQTMSKnobEnv2SustainLevelID = 0x02000030,
- kQTMSKnobEnv2SustainTimeID = 0x02000031,
- kQTMSKnobEnv2SustainInfiniteID = 0x02000032,
- kQTMSKnobEnv2ReleaseTimeID = 0x02000033,
- kQTMSKnobEnv2ExpOptionsID = 0x02000034, /* Pitch Env*/
- kQTMSKnobPitchEnvelopeID = 0x02000035,
- kQTMSKnobPitchEnvelopeDepthID = 0x02000036, /* Filter*/
- kQTMSKnobFilterKeyFollowID = 0x02000037,
- kQTMSKnobFilterTransposeID = 0x02000038,
- kQTMSKnobFilterQID = 0x02000039,
- kQTMSKnobFilterFrequencyEnvelopeID = 0x0200003A,
- kQTMSKnobFilterFrequencyEnvelopeDepthID = 0x0200003B,
- kQTMSKnobFilterQEnvelopeID = 0x0200003C,
- kQTMSKnobFilterQEnvelopeDepthID = 0x0200003D, /* Reverb Threshhold*/
- kQTMSKnobReverbThresholdID = 0x0200003E,
- kQTMSKnobVolumeAttackVelScalingID = 0x0200003F,
- kQTMSKnobLastIDPlus1 = 0x02000040
- };
- enum {
- kControllerMaximum = 0x00007FFF, /* +01111111.11111111 */
- kControllerMinimum = (long)0xFFFF8000 /* -10000000.00000000 */
- };
- struct SynthesizerDescription {
- OSType synthesizerType; /* synthesizer type (must be same as component subtype) */
- Str31 name; /* text name of synthesizer type */
- unsigned long flags; /* from the above enum */
- unsigned long voiceCount; /* maximum polyphony */
- unsigned long partCount; /* maximum multi-timbrality (and midi channels) */
- unsigned long instrumentCount; /* non gm, built in (rom) instruments only */
- unsigned long modifiableInstrumentCount; /* plus n-more are user modifiable */
- unsigned long channelMask; /* (midi device only) which channels device always uses */
- unsigned long drumPartCount; /* maximum multi-timbrality of drum parts */
- unsigned long drumCount; /* non gm, built in (rom) drumkits only */
- unsigned long modifiableDrumCount; /* plus n-more are user modifiable */
- unsigned long drumChannelMask; /* (midi device only) which channels device always uses */
- unsigned long outputCount; /* number of audio outputs (usually two) */
- unsigned long latency; /* response time in .Sec */
- unsigned long controllers[4]; /* array of 128 bits */
- unsigned long gmInstruments[4]; /* array of 128 bits */
- unsigned long gmDrums[4]; /* array of 128 bits */
- };
- typedef struct SynthesizerDescription SynthesizerDescription;
- enum {
- kVoiceCountDynamic = -1 /* constant to use to specify dynamic voicing */
- };
- struct ToneDescription {
- BigEndianOSType synthesizerType; /* synthesizer type */
- Str31 synthesizerName; /* name of instantiation of synth */
- Str31 instrumentName; /* preferred name for human use */
- BigEndianLong instrumentNumber; /* inst-number used if synth-name matches */
- BigEndianLong gmNumber; /* Best matching general MIDI number */
- };
- typedef struct ToneDescription ToneDescription;
- enum {
- kFirstGMInstrument = 0x00000001,
- kLastGMInstrument = 0x00000080,
- kFirstGSInstrument = 0x00000081,
- kLastGSInstrument = 0x00003FFF,
- kFirstDrumkit = 0x00004000, /* (first value is "no drum". instrument numbers from 16384->16384+128 are drumkits, and for GM they are _defined_ drumkits! */
- kLastDrumkit = 0x00004080,
- kFirstROMInstrument = 0x00008000,
- kLastROMInstrument = 0x0000FFFF,
- kFirstUserInstrument = 0x00010000,
- kLastUserInstrument = 0x0001FFFF
- };
- /* InstrumentMatch*/
- enum {
- kInstrumentMatchSynthesizerType = 1,
- kInstrumentMatchSynthesizerName = 2,
- kInstrumentMatchName = 4,
- kInstrumentMatchNumber = 8,
- kInstrumentMatchGMNumber = 16,
- kInstrumentMatchGSNumber = 32
- };
- /* KnobFlags*/
- enum {
- kKnobBasic = 8, /* knob shows up in certain simplified lists of knobs */
- kKnobReadOnly = 16, /* knob value cannot be changed by user or with a SetKnob call */
- kKnobInterruptUnsafe = 32, /* only alter this knob from foreground task time (may access toolbox) */
- kKnobKeyrangeOverride = 64, /* knob can be overridden within a single keyrange (software synth only) */
- kKnobGroupStart = 128, /* knob is first in some logical group of knobs */
- kKnobFixedPoint8 = 1024,
- kKnobFixedPoint16 = 2048, /* One of these may be used at a time. */
- kKnobTypeNumber = 0 << 12,
- kKnobTypeGroupName = 1 << 12, /* "knob" is really a group name for display purposes */
- kKnobTypeBoolean = 2 << 12, /* if range is greater than 1, its a multi-checkbox field */
- kKnobTypeNote = 3 << 12, /* knob range is equivalent to MIDI keys */
- kKnobTypePan = 4 << 12, /* range goes left/right (lose this? ) */
- kKnobTypeInstrument = 5 << 12, /* knob value = reference to another instrument number */
- kKnobTypeSetting = 6 << 12, /* knob value is 1 of n different things (eg, fm algorithms) popup menu */
- kKnobTypeMilliseconds = 7 << 12, /* knob is a millisecond time range */
- kKnobTypePercentage = 8 << 12, /* knob range is displayed as a Percentage */
- kKnobTypeHertz = 9 << 12, /* knob represents frequency */
- kKnobTypeButton = 10 << 12 /* momentary trigger push button */
- };
- enum {
- kUnknownKnobValue = 0x7FFFFFFF, /* a knob with this value means, we don't know it. */
- kDefaultKnobValue = 0x7FFFFFFE /* used to SET a knob to its default value. */
- };
- struct KnobDescription {
- Str63 name;
- long lowValue;
- long highValue;
- long defaultValue; /* a default instrument is made of all default values */
- long flags;
- long knobID;
- };
- typedef struct KnobDescription KnobDescription;
- struct GCInstrumentData {
- ToneDescription tone;
- long knobCount;
- long knob[1];
- };
- typedef struct GCInstrumentData GCInstrumentData;
- typedef GCInstrumentData * GCInstrumentDataPtr;
- typedef GCInstrumentDataPtr * GCInstrumentDataHandle;
- struct InstrumentAboutInfo {
- PicHandle p;
- Str255 author;
- Str255 copyright;
- Str255 other;
- };
- typedef struct InstrumentAboutInfo InstrumentAboutInfo;
- enum {
- notImplementedMusicErr = (0x80000000 | (0xFFFF & (notImplementedMusicOSErr))),
- cantSendToSynthesizerErr = (0x80000000 | (0xFFFF & (cantSendToSynthesizerOSErr))),
- cantReceiveFromSynthesizerErr = (0x80000000 | (0xFFFF & (cantReceiveFromSynthesizerOSErr))),
- illegalVoiceAllocationErr = (0x80000000 | (0xFFFF & (illegalVoiceAllocationOSErr))),
- illegalPartErr = (0x80000000 | (0xFFFF & (illegalPartOSErr))),
- illegalChannelErr = (0x80000000 | (0xFFFF & (illegalChannelOSErr))),
- illegalKnobErr = (0x80000000 | (0xFFFF & (illegalKnobOSErr))),
- illegalKnobValueErr = (0x80000000 | (0xFFFF & (illegalKnobValueOSErr))),
- illegalInstrumentErr = (0x80000000 | (0xFFFF & (illegalInstrumentOSErr))),
- illegalControllerErr = (0x80000000 | (0xFFFF & (illegalControllerOSErr))),
- midiManagerAbsentErr = (0x80000000 | (0xFFFF & (midiManagerAbsentOSErr))),
- synthesizerNotRespondingErr = (0x80000000 | (0xFFFF & (synthesizerNotRespondingOSErr))),
- synthesizerErr = (0x80000000 | (0xFFFF & (synthesizerOSErr))),
- illegalNoteChannelErr = (0x80000000 | (0xFFFF & (illegalNoteChannelOSErr))),
- noteChannelNotAllocatedErr = (0x80000000 | (0xFFFF & (noteChannelNotAllocatedOSErr))),
- tunePlayerFullErr = (0x80000000 | (0xFFFF & (tunePlayerFullOSErr))),
- tuneParseErr = (0x80000000 | (0xFFFF & (tuneParseOSErr)))
- };
- enum {
- kGetAtomicInstNoExpandedSamples = 1 << 0,
- kGetAtomicInstNoOriginalSamples = 1 << 1,
- kGetAtomicInstNoSamples = kGetAtomicInstNoExpandedSamples | kGetAtomicInstNoOriginalSamples,
- kGetAtomicInstNoKnobList = 1 << 2,
- kGetAtomicInstNoInstrumentInfo = 1 << 3,
- kGetAtomicInstOriginalKnobList = 1 << 4,
- kGetAtomicInstAllKnobs = 1 << 5 /* return even those that are set to default*/
- };
- /*
- For non-gm instruments, instrument number of tone description == 0
- If you want to speed up while running, slam the inst num with what Get instrument number returns
- All missing knobs are slammed to the default value
- */
- enum {
- kSetAtomicInstKeepOriginalInstrument = 1 << 0,
- kSetAtomicInstShareAcrossParts = 1 << 1, /* inst disappears when app goes away*/
- kSetAtomicInstCallerTosses = 1 << 2, /* the caller isn't keeping a copy around (for NASetAtomicInstrument)*/
- kSetAtomicInstCallerGuarantees = 1 << 3, /* the caller guarantees a copy is around*/
- kSetAtomicInstInterruptSafe = 1 << 4, /* dont move memory at this time (but process at next task time)*/
- kSetAtomicInstDontPreprocess = 1 << 7 /* perform no further preprocessing because either 1)you know the instrument is digitally clean, or 2) you got it from a GetPartAtomic*/
- };
- enum {
- kInstrumentNamesModifiable = 1,
- kInstrumentNamesBoth = 2
- };
- /*
- * Structures specific to the GenericMusicComponent
- */
- enum {
- kGenericMusicComponentSubtype = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('gene')
- };
- struct GenericKnobDescription {
- KnobDescription kd;
- long hw1; /* driver defined */
- long hw2; /* driver defined */
- long hw3; /* driver defined */
- long settingsID; /* resource ID list for boolean and popup names */
- };
- typedef struct GenericKnobDescription GenericKnobDescription;
- struct GenericKnobDescriptionList {
- long knobCount;
- GenericKnobDescription knob[1];
- };
- typedef struct GenericKnobDescriptionList GenericKnobDescriptionList;
- typedef GenericKnobDescriptionList * GenericKnobDescriptionListPtr;
- typedef GenericKnobDescriptionListPtr * GenericKnobDescriptionListHandle;
- /* knobTypes for MusicDerivedSetKnob */
- enum {
- kGenericMusicKnob = 1,
- kGenericMusicInstrumentKnob = 2,
- kGenericMusicDrumKnob = 3,
- kGenericMusicGlobalController = 4
- };
- enum {
- kGenericMusicResFirst = 0,
- kGenericMusicResMiscStringList = 1, /* STR# 1: synth name, 2:about author,3:aboutcopyright,4:aboutother */
- kGenericMusicResMiscLongList = 2, /* Long various params, see list below */
- kGenericMusicResInstrumentList = 3, /* NmLs of names and shorts, categories prefixed by 'oo' */
- kGenericMusicResDrumList = 4, /* NmLs of names and shorts */
- kGenericMusicResInstrumentKnobDescriptionList = 5, /* Knob */
- kGenericMusicResDrumKnobDescriptionList = 6, /* Knob */
- kGenericMusicResKnobDescriptionList = 7, /* Knob */
- kGenericMusicResBitsLongList = 8, /* Long back to back bitmaps of controllers, gminstruments, and drums */
- kGenericMusicResModifiableInstrumentHW = 9, /* Shrt same as the hw shorts trailing the instrument names, a shortlist */
- kGenericMusicResGMTranslation = 10, /* Long 128 long entries, 1 for each gm inst, of local instrument numbers 1-n (not hw numbers) */
- kGenericMusicResROMInstrumentData = 11, /* knob lists for ROM instruments, so the knob values may be known */
- kGenericMusicResAboutPICT = 12, /* picture for aboutlist. must be present for GetAbout call to work */
- kGenericMusicResLast = 13
- };
- /* elements of the misc long list */
- enum {
- kGenericMusicMiscLongFirst = 0,
- kGenericMusicMiscLongVoiceCount = 1,
- kGenericMusicMiscLongPartCount = 2,
- kGenericMusicMiscLongModifiableInstrumentCount = 3,
- kGenericMusicMiscLongChannelMask = 4,
- kGenericMusicMiscLongDrumPartCount = 5,
- kGenericMusicMiscLongModifiableDrumCount = 6,
- kGenericMusicMiscLongDrumChannelMask = 7,
- kGenericMusicMiscLongOutputCount = 8,
- kGenericMusicMiscLongLatency = 9,
- kGenericMusicMiscLongFlags = 10,
- kGenericMusicMiscLongFirstGMHW = 11, /* number to add to locate GM main instruments */
- kGenericMusicMiscLongFirstGMDrumHW = 12, /* number to add to locate GM drumkits */
- kGenericMusicMiscLongFirstUserHW = 13, /* First hw number of user instruments (presumed sequential) */
- kGenericMusicMiscLongLast = 14
- };
- struct GCPart {
- long hwInstrumentNumber; /* internal number of recalled instrument */
- short controller[128]; /* current values for all controllers */
- long volume; /* ctrl 7 is special case */
- long polyphony;
- long midiChannel; /* 1-16 if in use */
- GCInstrumentData id; /* ToneDescription & knoblist, uncertain length */
- };
- typedef struct GCPart GCPart;
- /*
- * Calls specific to the GenericMusicComponent
- */
- enum {
- kMusicGenericRange = 0x0100,
- kMusicDerivedRange = 0x0200
- };
- /*
- * Flags in GenericMusicConfigure call
- */
- enum {
- kGenericMusicDoMIDI = 1 << 0, /* implement normal MIDI messages for note, controllers, and program changes 0-127 */
- kGenericMusicBank0 = 1 << 1, /* implement instrument bank changes on controller 0 */
- kGenericMusicBank32 = 1 << 2, /* implement instrument bank changes on controller 32 */
- kGenericMusicErsatzMIDI = 1 << 3, /* construct MIDI packets, but send them to the derived component */
- kGenericMusicCallKnobs = 1 << 4, /* call the derived component with special knob format call */
- kGenericMusicCallParts = 1 << 5, /* call the derived component with special part format call */
- kGenericMusicCallInstrument = 1 << 6, /* call MusicDerivedSetInstrument for MusicSetInstrument calls */
- kGenericMusicCallNumber = 1 << 7, /* call MusicDerivedSetPartInstrumentNumber for MusicSetPartInstrumentNumber calls, & don't send any C0 or bank stuff */
- kGenericMusicCallROMInstrument = 1 << 8, /* call MusicSetInstrument for MusicSetPartInstrumentNumber for "ROM" instruments, passing params from the ROMi resource */
- kGenericMusicAllDefaults = 1 << 9 /* indicates that when a new instrument is recalled, all knobs are reset to DEFAULT settings. True for GS modules */
- };
- typedef CALLBACK_API( ComponentResult , MusicOfflineDataProcPtr )(Ptr SoundData, long numBytes, long myRefCon);
- typedef STACK_UPP_TYPE(MusicOfflineDataProcPtr) MusicOfflineDataUPP;
- struct OfflineSampleType {
- unsigned long numChannels; /*number of channels, ie mono = 1*/
- UnsignedFixed sampleRate; /*sample rate in Apples Fixed point representation*/
- unsigned short sampleSize; /*number of bits in sample*/
- };
- typedef struct OfflineSampleType OfflineSampleType;
- struct InstrumentInfoRecord {
- long instrumentNumber; /* instrument number (if 0, name is a catagory)*/
- long flags; /* show in picker, etc.*/
- long toneNameIndex; /* index in toneNames (1 based)*/
- long itxtNameAtomID; /* index in itxtNames (itxt/name by index)*/
- };
- typedef struct InstrumentInfoRecord InstrumentInfoRecord;
- struct InstrumentInfoList {
- long recordCount;
- Handle toneNames; /* name from tone description*/
- QTAtomContainer itxtNames; /* itxt/name atoms for instruments*/
- InstrumentInfoRecord info[1];
- };
- typedef struct InstrumentInfoList InstrumentInfoList;
- typedef InstrumentInfoList * InstrumentInfoListPtr;
- typedef InstrumentInfoListPtr * InstrumentInfoListHandle;
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicGetDescription (MusicComponent mc,
- SynthesizerDescription * sd) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0004, 0x0001, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicGetPart (MusicComponent mc,
- long part,
- long * midiChannel,
- long * polyphony) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x000C, 0x0002, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicSetPart (MusicComponent mc,
- long part,
- long midiChannel,
- long polyphony) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x000C, 0x0003, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicSetPartInstrumentNumber (MusicComponent mc,
- long part,
- long instrumentNumber) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x0004, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- #define MusicSetInstrumentNumber(ci,part,instrumentNumber) MusicSetPartInstrumentNumber(ci, part,instrumentNumber)
- #endif
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicGetPartInstrumentNumber (MusicComponent mc,
- long part) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0004, 0x0005, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicStorePartInstrument (MusicComponent mc,
- long part,
- long instrumentNumber) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x0006, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicGetPartAtomicInstrument (MusicComponent mc,
- long part,
- AtomicInstrument * ai,
- long flags) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x000C, 0x0009, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicSetPartAtomicInstrument (MusicComponent mc,
- long part,
- AtomicInstrumentPtr aiP,
- long flags) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x000C, 0x000A, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- /* Obsolete calls*/
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicGetInstrumentKnobDescriptionObsolete (MusicComponent mc,
- long knobIndex,
- void * mkd) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x000D, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicGetDrumKnobDescriptionObsolete (MusicComponent mc,
- long knobIndex,
- void * mkd) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x000E, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicGetKnobDescriptionObsolete (MusicComponent mc,
- long knobIndex,
- void * mkd) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x000F, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicGetPartKnob (MusicComponent mc,
- long part,
- long knobID) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x0010, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicSetPartKnob (MusicComponent mc,
- long part,
- long knobID,
- long knobValue) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x000C, 0x0011, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicGetKnob (MusicComponent mc,
- long knobID) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0004, 0x0012, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicSetKnob (MusicComponent mc,
- long knobID,
- long knobValue) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x0013, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicGetPartName (MusicComponent mc,
- long part,
- StringPtr name) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x0014, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicSetPartName (MusicComponent mc,
- long part,
- StringPtr name) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x0015, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicFindTone (MusicComponent mc,
- ToneDescription * td,
- long * libraryIndexOut,
- unsigned long * fit) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x000C, 0x0016, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicPlayNote (MusicComponent mc,
- long part,
- long pitch,
- long velocity) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x000C, 0x0017, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicResetPart (MusicComponent mc,
- long part) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0004, 0x0018, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicSetPartController (MusicComponent mc,
- long part,
- MusicController controllerNumber,
- long controllerValue) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x000C, 0x0019, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- #define MusicSetController(ci,part,controllerNumber,controllerValue) MusicSetPartController(ci, part,controllerNumber,controllerValue)
- #endif
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicGetPartController (MusicComponent mc,
- long part,
- MusicController controllerNumber) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x001A, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicGetMIDIProc (MusicComponent mc,
- MusicMIDISendUPP * midiSendProc,
- long * refCon) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x001B, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicSetMIDIProc (MusicComponent mc,
- MusicMIDISendUPP midiSendProc,
- long refCon) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x001C, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicGetInstrumentNames (MusicComponent mc,
- long modifiableInstruments,
- Handle * instrumentNames,
- Handle * instrumentCategoryLasts,
- Handle * instrumentCategoryNames) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0010, 0x001D, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicGetDrumNames (MusicComponent mc,
- long modifiableInstruments,
- Handle * instrumentNumbers,
- Handle * instrumentNames) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x000C, 0x001E, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicGetMasterTune (MusicComponent mc) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0000, 0x001F, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicSetMasterTune (MusicComponent mc,
- long masterTune) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0004, 0x0020, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicGetInstrumentAboutInfo (MusicComponent mc,
- long part,
- InstrumentAboutInfo * iai) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x0022, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicGetDeviceConnection (MusicComponent mc,
- long index,
- long * id1,
- long * id2) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x000C, 0x0023, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicUseDeviceConnection (MusicComponent mc,
- long id1,
- long id2) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x0024, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicGetKnobSettingStrings (MusicComponent mc,
- long knobIndex,
- long isGlobal,
- Handle * settingsNames,
- Handle * settingsCategoryLasts,
- Handle * settingsCategoryNames) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0014, 0x0025, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicGetMIDIPorts (MusicComponent mc,
- long * inputPortCount,
- long * outputPortCount) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x0026, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicSendMIDI (MusicComponent mc,
- long portIndex,
- MusicMIDIPacket * mp) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x0027, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicReceiveMIDI (MusicComponent mc,
- MusicMIDIReadHookUPP readHook,
- long refCon) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x0028, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicStartOffline (MusicComponent mc,
- unsigned long * numChannels,
- UnsignedFixed * sampleRate,
- unsigned short * sampleSize,
- MusicOfflineDataUPP dataProc,
- long dataProcRefCon) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0014, 0x0029, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicSetOfflineTimeTo (MusicComponent mc,
- long newTimeStamp) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0004, 0x002A, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicGetInstrumentKnobDescription (MusicComponent mc,
- long knobIndex,
- KnobDescription * mkd) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x002B, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicGetDrumKnobDescription (MusicComponent mc,
- long knobIndex,
- KnobDescription * mkd) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x002C, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicGetKnobDescription (MusicComponent mc,
- long knobIndex,
- KnobDescription * mkd) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x002D, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicGetInfoText (MusicComponent mc,
- long selector,
- Handle * textH,
- Handle * styleH) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x000C, 0x002E, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- enum {
- kGetInstrumentInfoNoBuiltIn = 1 << 0,
- kGetInstrumentInfoMidiUserInst = 1 << 1,
- kGetInstrumentInfoNoIText = 1 << 2
- };
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicGetInstrumentInfo (MusicComponent mc,
- long getInstrumentInfoFlags,
- InstrumentInfoListHandle * infoListH) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x002F, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicTask (MusicComponent mc) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0000, 0x0031, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicSetPartInstrumentNumberInterruptSafe (MusicComponent mc,
- long part,
- long instrumentNumber) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x0032, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicSetPartSoundLocalization (MusicComponent mc,
- long part,
- Handle data) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x0033, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicGenericConfigure (MusicComponent mc,
- long mode,
- long flags,
- long baseResID) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x000C, 0x0100, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicGenericGetPart (MusicComponent mc,
- long partNumber,
- GCPart ** part) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x0101, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicGenericGetKnobList (MusicComponent mc,
- long knobType,
- GenericKnobDescriptionListHandle * gkdlH) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x0102, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicGenericSetResourceNumbers (MusicComponent mc,
- Handle resourceIDH) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0004, 0x0103, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicDerivedMIDISend (MusicComponent mc,
- MusicMIDIPacket * packet) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0004, 0x0200, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicDerivedSetKnob (MusicComponent mc,
- long knobType,
- long knobNumber,
- long knobValue,
- long partNumber,
- GCPart * p,
- GenericKnobDescription * gkd) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0018, 0x0201, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicDerivedSetPart (MusicComponent mc,
- long partNumber,
- GCPart * p) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x0202, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicDerivedSetInstrument (MusicComponent mc,
- long partNumber,
- GCPart * p) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x0203, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicDerivedSetPartInstrumentNumber (MusicComponent mc,
- long partNumber,
- GCPart * p) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x0204, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicDerivedSetMIDI (MusicComponent mc,
- MusicMIDISendUPP midiProc,
- long refcon,
- long midiChannel) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x000C, 0x0205, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicDerivedStorePartInstrument (MusicComponent mc,
- long partNumber,
- GCPart * p,
- long instrumentNumber) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x000C, 0x0206, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicDerivedOpenResFile (MusicComponent mc) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0000, 0x0207, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- MusicDerivedCloseResFile (MusicComponent mc,
- short resRefNum) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0002, 0x0208, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- /* Mask bit for returned value by InstrumentFind.*/
- enum {
- kInstrumentExactMatch = 0x00020000,
- kInstrumentRecommendedSubstitute = 0x00010000,
- kInstrumentQualityField = (long)0xFF000000,
- kInstrumentRoland8BitQuality = 0x05000000
- };
- typedef InstrumentAboutInfo * InstrumentAboutInfoPtr;
- typedef InstrumentAboutInfoPtr * InstrumentAboutInfoHandle;
- struct GMInstrumentInfo {
- long cmpInstID;
- long gmInstNum;
- long instMatch;
- };
- typedef struct GMInstrumentInfo GMInstrumentInfo;
- typedef GMInstrumentInfo * GMInstrumentInfoPtr;
- typedef GMInstrumentInfoPtr * GMInstrumentInfoHandle;
- struct nonGMInstrumentInfoRecord {
- long cmpInstID; /* if 0, category name*/
- long flags; /* match, show in picker*/
- long toneNameIndex; /* index in toneNames (1 based)*/
- long itxtNameAtomID; /* index in itxtNames (itxt/name by index)*/
- };
- typedef struct nonGMInstrumentInfoRecord nonGMInstrumentInfoRecord;
- struct nonGMInstrumentInfo {
- long recordCount;
- Handle toneNames; /* name from tone description*/
- QTAtomContainer itxtNames; /* itext/name atoms for instruments*/
- nonGMInstrumentInfoRecord instInfo[1];
- };
- typedef struct nonGMInstrumentInfo nonGMInstrumentInfo;
- typedef nonGMInstrumentInfo * nonGMInstrumentInfoPtr;
- typedef nonGMInstrumentInfoPtr * nonGMInstrumentInfoHandle;
- struct InstCompInfo {
- long infoSize; /* size of this record*/
- Str31 InstrumentLibraryName;
- QTAtomContainer InstrumentLibraryITxt; /* itext/name atoms for instruments*/
- long GMinstrumentCount;
- GMInstrumentInfoHandle GMinstrumentInfo;
- long GMdrumCount;
- GMInstrumentInfoHandle GMdrumInfo;
- long nonGMinstrumentCount;
- nonGMInstrumentInfoHandle nonGMinstrumentInfo;
- };
- typedef struct InstCompInfo InstCompInfo;
- typedef InstCompInfo * InstCompInfoPtr;
- typedef InstCompInfoPtr * InstCompInfoHandle;
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- InstrumentGetInst (ComponentInstance ci,
- long instID,
- AtomicInstrument * atomicInst,
- long flags) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x000C, 0x0001, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- InstrumentGetInfo (ComponentInstance ci,
- long getInstrumentInfoFlags,
- InstCompInfoHandle * instInfo) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x0002, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- InstrumentInitialize (ComponentInstance ci,
- long initFormat,
- void * initParams) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x0003, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- InstrumentOpenComponentResFile (ComponentInstance ci,
- short * resFile) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0004, 0x0004, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- InstrumentCloseComponentResFile (ComponentInstance ci,
- short resFile) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0002, 0x0005, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- InstrumentGetComponentRefCon (ComponentInstance ci,
- void ** refCon) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0004, 0x0006, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- InstrumentSetComponentRefCon (ComponentInstance ci,
- void * refCon) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0004, 0x0007, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- InstrumentGetSynthesizerType (ComponentInstance ci,
- OSType * synthesizerType) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0004, 0x0008, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- /*--------------------------
- Types
- --------------------------*/
- enum {
- kNoteRequestNoGM = 1, /* dont degrade to a GM synth */
- kNoteRequestNoSynthType = 2, /* dont degrade to another synth of same type but different name */
- kNoteRequestSynthMustMatch = 4 /* synthType must be a match, including kGMSynthComponentSubType */
- };
- enum {
- kNoteRequestSpecifyMIDIChannel = 0x80
- };
- typedef ComponentInstance NoteAllocator;
- /*
- The midiChannelAssignment field of this structure is used to assign a MIDI channel
- when a NoteChannel is created from a NoteRequest.
- A value of 0 indicates a MIDI channel has *not* been assigned
- A value of (kNoteRequestSpecifyMIDIChannel | 1->16) is a MIDI channel assignment
- */
- typedef UInt8 NoteRequestMIDIChannel;
- struct NoteRequestInfo {
- UInt8 flags; /* 1: dont accept GM match, 2: dont accept same-synth-type match */
- NoteRequestMIDIChannel midiChannelAssignment; /* (kNoteRequestSpecifyMIDIChannel | 1->16) as MIDI Channel assignement or zero - see notes above */
- BigEndianShort polyphony; /* Maximum number of voices */
- BigEndianFixed typicalPolyphony; /* Hint for level mixing */
- };
- typedef struct NoteRequestInfo NoteRequestInfo;
- struct NoteRequest {
- NoteRequestInfo info;
- ToneDescription tone;
- };
- typedef struct NoteRequest NoteRequest;
- typedef struct OpaqueNoteChannel* NoteChannel;
- enum {
- kPickDontMix = 1, /* dont mix instruments with drum sounds */
- kPickSameSynth = 2, /* only allow the same device that went in, to come out */
- kPickUserInsts = 4, /* show user insts in addition to ROM voices */
- kPickEditAllowEdit = 8, /* lets user switch over to edit mode */
- kPickEditAllowPick = 16, /* lets the user switch over to pick mode */
- kPickEditSynthGlobal = 32, /* edit the global knobs of the synth */
- kPickEditControllers = 64 /* edit the controllers of the notechannel */
- };
- enum {
- kNoteAllocatorComponentType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('nota')
- };
- /*--------------------------------
- Note Allocator Prototypes
- --------------------------------*/
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NARegisterMusicDevice (NoteAllocator na,
- OSType synthType,
- Str31 name,
- SynthesizerConnections * connections) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x000C, 0x0000, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NAUnregisterMusicDevice (NoteAllocator na,
- long index) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0004, 0x0001, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NAGetRegisteredMusicDevice (NoteAllocator na,
- long index,
- OSType * synthType,
- Str31 name,
- SynthesizerConnections * connections,
- MusicComponent * mc) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0014, 0x0002, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NASaveMusicConfiguration (NoteAllocator na) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0000, 0x0003, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NANewNoteChannel (NoteAllocator na,
- NoteRequest * noteRequest,
- NoteChannel * outChannel) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x0004, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NADisposeNoteChannel (NoteAllocator na,
- NoteChannel noteChannel) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0004, 0x0005, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NAGetNoteChannelInfo (NoteAllocator na,
- NoteChannel noteChannel,
- long * index,
- long * part) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x000C, 0x0006, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NAPrerollNoteChannel (NoteAllocator na,
- NoteChannel noteChannel) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0004, 0x0007, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NAUnrollNoteChannel (NoteAllocator na,
- NoteChannel noteChannel) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0004, 0x0008, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NASetNoteChannelVolume (NoteAllocator na,
- NoteChannel noteChannel,
- Fixed volume) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x000B, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NAResetNoteChannel (NoteAllocator na,
- NoteChannel noteChannel) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0004, 0x000C, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NAPlayNote (NoteAllocator na,
- NoteChannel noteChannel,
- long pitch,
- long velocity) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x000C, 0x000D, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NASetController (NoteAllocator na,
- NoteChannel noteChannel,
- long controllerNumber,
- long controllerValue) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x000C, 0x000E, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NASetKnob (NoteAllocator na,
- NoteChannel noteChannel,
- long knobNumber,
- long knobValue) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x000C, 0x000F, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NAFindNoteChannelTone (NoteAllocator na,
- NoteChannel noteChannel,
- ToneDescription * td,
- long * instrumentNumber) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x000C, 0x0010, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NASetInstrumentNumber (NoteAllocator na,
- NoteChannel noteChannel,
- long instrumentNumber) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x0011, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- #define NASetNoteChannelInstrument(ci, noteChannel,instrumentNumber ) NASetInstrumentNumber(ci, noteChannel,instrumentNumber)
- #define NASetInstrument(ci, noteChannel,instrumentNumber ) NASetInstrumentNumber(ci, noteChannel,instrumentNumber)
- #endif
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NAPickInstrument (NoteAllocator na,
- ModalFilterUPP filterProc,
- StringPtr prompt,
- ToneDescription * sd,
- unsigned long flags,
- long refCon,
- long reserved1,
- long reserved2) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x001C, 0x0012, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NAPickArrangement (NoteAllocator na,
- ModalFilterUPP filterProc,
- StringPtr prompt,
- long zero1,
- long zero2,
- Track t,
- StringPtr songName) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0018, 0x0013, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NASetDefaultMIDIInput (NoteAllocator na,
- SynthesizerConnections * sc) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0004, 0x0015, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NAGetDefaultMIDIInput (NoteAllocator na,
- SynthesizerConnections * sc) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0004, 0x0016, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NAUseDefaultMIDIInput (NoteAllocator na,
- MusicMIDIReadHookUPP readHook,
- long refCon,
- unsigned long flags) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x000C, 0x0019, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NALoseDefaultMIDIInput (NoteAllocator na) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0000, 0x001A, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NAStuffToneDescription (NoteAllocator na,
- long gmNumber,
- ToneDescription * td) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x001B, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NACopyrightDialog (NoteAllocator na,
- PicHandle p,
- StringPtr author,
- StringPtr copyright,
- StringPtr other,
- StringPtr title,
- ModalFilterUPP filterProc,
- long refCon) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x001C, 0x001C, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- /*
- kNADummyOneSelect = 29
- kNADummyTwoSelect = 30
- */
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NAGetIndNoteChannel (NoteAllocator na,
- long index,
- NoteChannel * nc,
- long * seed) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x000C, 0x001F, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NAGetMIDIPorts (NoteAllocator na,
- QTMIDIPortListHandle * inputPorts,
- QTMIDIPortListHandle * outputPorts) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x0021, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NAGetNoteRequest (NoteAllocator na,
- NoteChannel noteChannel,
- NoteRequest * nrOut) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x0022, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NASendMIDI (NoteAllocator na,
- NoteChannel noteChannel,
- MusicMIDIPacket * mp) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x0023, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NAPickEditInstrument (NoteAllocator na,
- ModalFilterUPP filterProc,
- StringPtr prompt,
- long refCon,
- NoteChannel nc,
- AtomicInstrument ai,
- long flags) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0018, 0x0024, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NANewNoteChannelFromAtomicInstrument (NoteAllocator na,
- AtomicInstrumentPtr instrument,
- long flags,
- NoteChannel * outChannel) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x000C, 0x0025, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NASetAtomicInstrument (NoteAllocator na,
- NoteChannel noteChannel,
- AtomicInstrumentPtr instrument,
- long flags) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x000C, 0x0026, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NAGetKnob (NoteAllocator na,
- NoteChannel noteChannel,
- long knobNumber,
- long * knobValue) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x000C, 0x0028, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NATask (NoteAllocator na) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0000, 0x0029, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NASetNoteChannelBalance (NoteAllocator na,
- NoteChannel noteChannel,
- long balance) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x002A, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NASetInstrumentNumberInterruptSafe (NoteAllocator na,
- NoteChannel noteChannel,
- long instrumentNumber) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x002B, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NASetNoteChannelSoundLocalization (NoteAllocator na,
- NoteChannel noteChannel,
- Handle data) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x002C, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- NAGetController (NoteAllocator na,
- NoteChannel noteChannel,
- long controllerNumber,
- long * controllerValue) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x000C, 0x002D, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- enum {
- kTuneQueueDepth = 8 /* Deepest you can queue tune segments */
- };
- struct TuneStatus {
- unsigned long * tune; /* currently playing tune */
- unsigned long * tunePtr; /* position within currently playing piece */
- TimeValue time; /* current tune time */
- short queueCount; /* how many pieces queued up? */
- short queueSpots; /* How many more tunepieces can be queued */
- TimeValue queueTime; /* How much time is queued up? (can be very inaccurate) */
- long reserved[3];
- };
- typedef struct TuneStatus TuneStatus;
- typedef CALLBACK_API( void , TuneCallBackProcPtr )(const TuneStatus *status, long refCon);
- typedef CALLBACK_API( void , TunePlayCallBackProcPtr )(unsigned long *event, long seed, long refCon);
- typedef STACK_UPP_TYPE(TuneCallBackProcPtr) TuneCallBackUPP;
- typedef STACK_UPP_TYPE(TunePlayCallBackProcPtr) TunePlayCallBackUPP;
- typedef ComponentInstance TunePlayer;
- enum {
- kTunePlayerComponentType = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('tune')
- };
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- TuneSetHeader (TunePlayer tp,
- unsigned long * header) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0004, 0x0004, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- TuneGetTimeBase (TunePlayer tp,
- TimeBase * tb) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0004, 0x0005, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- TuneSetTimeScale (TunePlayer tp,
- TimeScale scale) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0004, 0x0006, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- TuneGetTimeScale (TunePlayer tp,
- TimeScale * scale) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0004, 0x0007, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- TuneGetIndexedNoteChannel (TunePlayer tp,
- long i,
- NoteChannel * nc) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x0008, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- /* Values for when to start. */
- enum {
- kTuneStartNow = 1, /* start after buffer is implied */
- kTuneDontClipNotes = 2, /* allow notes to finish their durations outside sample */
- kTuneExcludeEdgeNotes = 4, /* dont play notes that start at end of tune */
- kTuneQuickStart = 8, /* Leave all the controllers where they are, ignore start time */
- kTuneLoopUntil = 16, /* loop a queued tune if there's nothing else in the queue*/
- kTunePlayDifference = 32, /* by default, the tune difference is skipped*/
- kTunePlayConcurrent = 64, /* dont block the next tune sequence with this one*/
- kTuneStartNewMaster = 16384
- };
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- TuneQueue (TunePlayer tp,
- unsigned long * tune,
- Fixed tuneRate,
- unsigned long tuneStartPosition,
- unsigned long tuneStopPosition,
- unsigned long queueFlags,
- TuneCallBackUPP callBackProc,
- long refCon) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x001C, 0x000A, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- TuneInstant (TunePlayer tp,
- unsigned long * tune,
- unsigned long tunePosition) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x000B, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- TuneGetStatus (TunePlayer tp,
- TuneStatus * status) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0004, 0x000C, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- /* Values for stopping. */
- enum {
- kTuneStopFade = 1, /* do a quick, synchronous fadeout */
- kTuneStopSustain = 2, /* don't silece notes */
- kTuneStopInstant = 4, /* silence notes fast (else, decay them) */
- kTuneStopReleaseChannels = 8 /* afterwards, let the channels go */
- };
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- TuneStop (TunePlayer tp,
- long stopFlags) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0004, 0x000D, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- TuneSetVolume (TunePlayer tp,
- Fixed volume) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0004, 0x0010, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- TuneGetVolume (TunePlayer tp) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0000, 0x0011, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- TunePreroll (TunePlayer tp) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0000, 0x0012, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- TuneUnroll (TunePlayer tp) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0000, 0x0013, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- TuneSetNoteChannels (TunePlayer tp,
- unsigned long count,
- NoteChannel * noteChannelList,
- TunePlayCallBackUPP playCallBackProc,
- long refCon) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0010, 0x0014, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- TuneSetPartTranspose (TunePlayer tp,
- unsigned long part,
- long transpose,
- long velocityShift) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x000C, 0x0015, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( NoteAllocator )
- TuneGetNoteAllocator (TunePlayer tp) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0000, 0x0017, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- TuneSetSofter (TunePlayer tp,
- long softer) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0004, 0x0018, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- TuneTask (TunePlayer tp) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0000, 0x0019, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- TuneSetBalance (TunePlayer tp,
- long balance) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0004, 0x001A, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- TuneSetSoundLocalization (TunePlayer tp,
- Handle data) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0004, 0x001B, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- TuneSetHeaderWithSize (TunePlayer tp,
- unsigned long * header,
- unsigned long size) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0008, 0x001C, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- /* flags for part mix. */
- enum {
- kTuneMixMute = 1, /* disable a part */
- kTuneMixSolo = 2 /* if any parts soloed, play only soloed parts */
- };
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- TuneSetPartMix (TunePlayer tp,
- unsigned long partNumber,
- long volume,
- long balance,
- long mixFlags) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0010, 0x001D, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- EXTERN_API( ComponentResult )
- TuneGetPartMix (TunePlayer tp,
- unsigned long partNumber,
- long * volumeOut,
- long * balanceOut,
- long * mixFlagsOut) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x2F3C, 0x0010, 0x001E, 0x7000, 0xA82A);
- typedef unsigned long MusicOpWord;
- typedef MusicOpWord * MusicOpWordPtr;
- /* QuickTime Music Track Event Formats:
- At this time, QuickTime music tracks support 5 different event types -- REST events,
- short NOTE events, short CONTROL events, short GENERAL events, Long NOTE events,
- long CONTROL events, and variable GENERAL events.
- o REST Event (4 bytes/event):
- (0 0 0) (5-bit UNUSED) (24-bit Rest Duration)
- o.Short NOTE Events (4 bytes/event):
- (0 0 1) (5-bit Part) (6-bit Pitch) (7-bit Volume) (11-bit Duration)
- where: Pitch is offset by 32 (Actual pitch = pitch field + 32)
- o.Short CONTROL Events (4 bytes/event):
- (0 1 0) (5-bit Part) (8-bit Controller) (1-bit UNUSED) (1-bit Sign) (7-bit MSB) (7-bit LSB)
- ( or 15-bit Signed Value)
- o Short GENERAL Event (4 bytes/event):
- (0 1 1) (1-bit UNUSED) (12-bit Sub-Type) (16-bit Value)
- o Long NOTE Events (8 bytes/event):
- (1 0 0 1) (12-bit Part) (1-bit UNUSED) (7-bit Pitch) (1-bit UNUSED) (7-bit Volume)
- (1 0) (8-bit UNUSED) (22-bit Duration)
- o.Long CONTROL Event (8 bytes/event):
- (1 0 1 0) (12-bit Part) (16-bit Value MSB)
- (1 0) (14-bit Controller) (16-bit Value LSB)
- o.Long KNOB Event (8 bytes/event):
- (1 0 1 1) (12-bit Sub-Type) (16-bit Value MSB)
- (1 0) (14-bit KNOB) (16-bit Value LSB)
- o.Variable GENERAL Length Events (N bytes/event):
- (1 1 1 1) (12-bit Sub-Type) (16-bit Length)
- :
- (32-bit Data values)
- :
- (1 1) (14-bit UNUSED) (16-bit Length)
- where: Length field is the number of LONG words in the record.
- Lengths include the first and last long words (Minimum length = 2)
- The following event type values have not been used yet and are reserved for
- future expansion:
- o (1 0 0 0) (8 bytes/event)
- o (1 1 0 0) (N bytes/event)
- o (1 1 0 1) (N bytes/event)
- o (1 1 1 0) (N bytes/event)
- For all events, the following generalizations apply:
- - All duration values are specified in Millisecond units.
- - Pitch values are intended to map directly to the MIDI key numbers.
- - Controllers from 0 to 127 correspond to the standard MIDI controllers.
- Controllers greater than 127 correspond to other controls (i.e., Pitch Bend,
- Key Pressure, and Channel Pressure).
- */
- /* Defines for the implemented music event data fields*/
- enum {
- kRestEventType = 0x00000000, /* lower 3-bits */
- kNoteEventType = 0x00000001, /* lower 3-bits */
- kControlEventType = 0x00000002, /* lower 3-bits */
- kMarkerEventType = 0x00000003, /* lower 3-bits */
- kUndefined1EventType = 0x00000008, /* 4-bits */
- kXNoteEventType = 0x00000009, /* 4-bits */
- kXControlEventType = 0x0000000A, /* 4-bits */
- kKnobEventType = 0x0000000B, /* 4-bits */
- kUndefined2EventType = 0x0000000C, /* 4-bits */
- kUndefined3EventType = 0x0000000D, /* 4-bits */
- kUndefined4EventType = 0x0000000E, /* 4-bits */
- kGeneralEventType = 0x0000000F, /* 4-bits */
- kXEventLengthBits = 0x00000002, /* 2 bits: indicates 8-byte event record */
- kGeneralEventLengthBits = 0x00000003, /* 2 bits: indicates variable length event record */
- kEventLen = 1L, /* length of events in long words */
- kXEventLen = 2L,
- kRestEventLen = kEventLen, /* length of events in long words */
- kNoteEventLen = kEventLen,
- kControlEventLen = kEventLen,
- kMarkerEventLen = kEventLen,
- kXNoteEventLen = kXEventLen,
- kXControlEventLen = kXEventLen,
- kGeneralEventLen = kXEventLen, /* 2 or more, however */
- /* Universal Event Defines*/
- kEventLengthFieldPos = 30, /* by looking at these two bits of the 1st or last word */
- kEventLengthFieldWidth = 2, /* of an event you can determine the event length */
- /* length field: 0 & 1 => 1 long; 2 => 2 longs; 3 => variable length */
- kEventTypeFieldPos = 29, /* event type field for short events */
- kEventTypeFieldWidth = 3, /* short type is 3 bits */
- kXEventTypeFieldPos = 28, /* event type field for extended events */
- kXEventTypeFieldWidth = 4, /* extended type is 4 bits */
- kEventPartFieldPos = 24,
- kEventPartFieldWidth = 5,
- kXEventPartFieldPos = 16, /* in the 1st long word */
- kXEventPartFieldWidth = 12, /* Rest Events*/
- kRestEventDurationFieldPos = 0,
- kRestEventDurationFieldWidth = 24,
- kRestEventDurationMax = ((1L << kRestEventDurationFieldWidth) - 1), /* Note Events*/
- kNoteEventPitchFieldPos = 18,
- kNoteEventPitchFieldWidth = 6,
- kNoteEventPitchOffset = 32, /* add to value in pitch field to get actual pitch */
- kNoteEventVolumeFieldPos = 11,
- kNoteEventVolumeFieldWidth = 7,
- kNoteEventVolumeOffset = 0, /* add to value in volume field to get actual volume */
- kNoteEventDurationFieldPos = 0,
- kNoteEventDurationFieldWidth = 11,
- kNoteEventDurationMax = ((1L << kNoteEventDurationFieldWidth) - 1),
- kXNoteEventPitchFieldPos = 0, /* in the 1st long word */
- kXNoteEventPitchFieldWidth = 16,
- kXNoteEventDurationFieldPos = 0, /* in the 2nd long word */
- kXNoteEventDurationFieldWidth = 22,
- kXNoteEventDurationMax = ((1L << kXNoteEventDurationFieldWidth) - 1),
- kXNoteEventVolumeFieldPos = 22, /* in the 2nd long word */
- kXNoteEventVolumeFieldWidth = 7, /* Control Events*/
- kControlEventControllerFieldPos = 16,
- kControlEventControllerFieldWidth = 8,
- kControlEventValueFieldPos = 0,
- kControlEventValueFieldWidth = 16,
- kXControlEventControllerFieldPos = 0, /* in the 2nd long word */
- kXControlEventControllerFieldWidth = 16,
- kXControlEventValueFieldPos = 0, /* in the 1st long word */
- kXControlEventValueFieldWidth = 16, /* Knob Events*/
- kKnobEventValueHighFieldPos = 0, /* 1st long word */
- kKnobEventValueHighFieldWidth = 16,
- kKnobEventKnobFieldPos = 16, /* 2nd long word */
- kKnobEventKnobFieldWidth = 14,
- kKnobEventValueLowFieldPos = 0, /* 2nd long word */
- kKnobEventValueLowFieldWidth = 16, /* Marker Events*/
- kMarkerEventSubtypeFieldPos = 16,
- kMarkerEventSubtypeFieldWidth = 8,
- kMarkerEventValueFieldPos = 0,
- kMarkerEventValueFieldWidth = 16, /* General Events*/
- kGeneralEventSubtypeFieldPos = 16, /* in the last long word */
- kGeneralEventSubtypeFieldWidth = 14,
- kGeneralEventLengthFieldPos = 0, /* in the 1st & last long words */
- kGeneralEventLengthFieldWidth = 16
- };
- enum {
- kEndMarkerValue = 0x00000060
- };
- #else
- enum {
- kEndMarkerValue = 0x60000000
- };
- /* macros for extracting various fields from the QuickTime event records*/
- #define qtma_MASK(bitWidth) ((1L << (bitWidth)) - 1)
- #define qtma_EXT(val, pos, width) ((EndianU32_BtoN(val) >> (pos)) & qtma_MASK(width))
- #define qtma_EventLengthForward(xP,ulen)
- {
- unsigned long _ext;
- unsigned long *lP = (unsigned long *)(xP);
- _ext = qtma_EXT(*lP, kEventLengthFieldPos, kEventLengthFieldWidth);
- if (_ext != 3) {
- ulen = (_ext < 2) ? 1 : 2;
- } else {
- ulen = (unsigned short)qtma_EXT(*lP, kGeneralEventLengthFieldPos, kGeneralEventLengthFieldWidth);
- if (ulen < 2) {
- ulen = lP[1];
- }
- }
- }
- #define qtma_EventLengthBackward(xP,ulen)
- {
- unsigned long _ext;
- unsigned long *lP = (unsigned long *)(xP);
- _ext = qtma_EXT(*lP, kEventLengthFieldPos, kEventLengthFieldWidth);
- if (_ext != 3) {
- ulen = (_ext < 2) ? 1 : 2;
- } else {
- ulen = (unsigned short)qtma_EXT(*lP, kGeneralEventLengthFieldPos, kGeneralEventLengthFieldWidth);
- if (ulen < 2) {
- ulen = lP[-1];
- }
- }
- }
- #define qtma_EventType(x) ((qtma_EXT(x, kEventTypeFieldPos, kEventTypeFieldWidth) > 3) ? qtma_EXT(x, kXEventTypeFieldPos, kXEventTypeFieldWidth) : qtma_EXT(x, kEventTypeFieldPos, kEventTypeFieldWidth))
- #define qtma_RestDuration(x) (qtma_EXT(x, kRestEventDurationFieldPos, kRestEventDurationFieldWidth))
- #define qtma_Part(x) (qtma_EXT(x, kEventPartFieldPos, kEventPartFieldWidth))
- #define qtma_XPart(m, l) (qtma_EXT(m, kXEventPartFieldPos, kXEventPartFieldWidth))
- #define qtma_NotePitch(x) (qtma_EXT(x, kNoteEventPitchFieldPos, kNoteEventPitchFieldWidth) + kNoteEventPitchOffset)
- #define qtma_NoteVolume(x) (qtma_EXT(x, kNoteEventVolumeFieldPos, kNoteEventVolumeFieldWidth) + kNoteEventVolumeOffset)
- #define qtma_NoteDuration(x) (qtma_EXT(x, kNoteEventDurationFieldPos, kNoteEventDurationFieldWidth))
- #define qtma_NoteVelocity qtma_NoteVolume
- #define qtma_XNotePitch(m, l) (qtma_EXT(m, kXNoteEventPitchFieldPos, kXNoteEventPitchFieldWidth))
- #define qtma_XNoteVolume(m, l) (qtma_EXT(l, kXNoteEventVolumeFieldPos, kXNoteEventVolumeFieldWidth))
- #define qtma_XNoteDuration(m, l) (qtma_EXT(l, kXNoteEventDurationFieldPos, kXNoteEventDurationFieldWidth))
- #define qtma_XNoteVelocity qtma_XNoteVolume
- #define qtma_ControlController(x) (qtma_EXT(x, kControlEventControllerFieldPos, kControlEventControllerFieldWidth))
- #define qtma_ControlValue(x) (qtma_EXT(x, kControlEventValueFieldPos, kControlEventValueFieldWidth))
- #define qtma_XControlController(m, l) (qtma_EXT(l, kXControlEventControllerFieldPos, kXControlEventControllerFieldWidth))
- #define qtma_XControlValue(m, l) (qtma_EXT(m, kXControlEventValueFieldPos, kXControlEventValueFieldWidth))
- #define qtma_MarkerSubtype(x) (qtma_EXT(x,kMarkerEventSubtypeFieldPos,kMarkerEventSubtypeFieldWidth))
- #define qtma_MarkerValue(x) (qtma_EXT(x, kMarkerEventValueFieldPos, kMarkerEventValueFieldWidth))
- #define qtma_KnobValue(m,l) ((qtma_EXT(m,kKnobEventValueHighFieldPos,kKnobEventValueHighFieldWidth) << 16)
- | (qtma_EXT(l,kKnobEventValueLowFieldPos,kKnobEventValueLowFieldWidth)))
- #define qtma_KnobKnob(m,l) (qtma_EXT(l,kKnobEventKnobFieldPos,kKnobEventKnobFieldWidth))
- #define qtma_GeneralSubtype(m,l) (qtma_EXT(l,kGeneralEventSubtypeFieldPos,kGeneralEventSubtypeFieldWidth))
- #define qtma_GeneralLength(m,l) (qtma_EXT(m,kGeneralEventLengthFieldPos,kGeneralEventLengthFieldWidth))
- #define qtma_StuffRestEvent(x, duration) (
- x = (kRestEventType << kEventTypeFieldPos)
- | ((long)(duration) << kRestEventDurationFieldPos),
- x = EndianU32_NtoB(x) )
- #define qtma_StuffNoteEvent(x, part, pitch, volume, duration) (
- x = (kNoteEventType << kEventTypeFieldPos)
- | ((long)(part) << kEventPartFieldPos)
- | (((long)(pitch) - kNoteEventPitchOffset) << kNoteEventPitchFieldPos)
- | (((long)(volume) - kNoteEventVolumeOffset) << kNoteEventVolumeFieldPos)
- | ((long)(duration) << kNoteEventDurationFieldPos),
- x = EndianU32_NtoB(x) )
- #define qtma_StuffControlEvent(x, part, control, value) (
- x = (kControlEventType << kEventTypeFieldPos)
- | ((long)(part) << kEventPartFieldPos)
- | ((long)(control) << kControlEventControllerFieldPos)
- | ((long)((value) & qtma_MASK(kControlEventValueFieldWidth)) << kControlEventValueFieldPos),
- x = EndianU32_NtoB(x) )
- #define qtma_StuffMarkerEvent(x, markerType, markerValue) (
- x = (kMarkerEventType << kEventTypeFieldPos)
- | ((long)(markerType) << kMarkerEventSubtypeFieldPos)
- | ((long)(markerValue) << kMarkerEventValueFieldPos),
- x = EndianU32_NtoB(x) )
- #define qtma_StuffXNoteEvent(w1, w2, part, pitch, volume, duration) (
- w1 = (kXNoteEventType << kXEventTypeFieldPos)
- | ((long)(part) << kXEventPartFieldPos)
- | ((long)(pitch) << kXNoteEventPitchFieldPos),
- w1 = EndianU32_NtoB(w1),
- w2 = (kXEventLengthBits << kEventLengthFieldPos)
- | ((long)(duration) << kXNoteEventDurationFieldPos)
- | ((long)(volume) << kXNoteEventVolumeFieldPos),
- w2 = EndianU32_NtoB(w2) )
- #define qtma_StuffXControlEvent(w1, w2, part, control, value) (
- w1 = (kXControlEventType << kXEventTypeFieldPos)
- | ((long)(part) << kXEventPartFieldPos)
- | ((long)((value) & qtma_MASK(kXControlEventValueFieldWidth)) << kXControlEventValueFieldPos),
- w1 = EndianU32_NtoB(w1),
- w2 = (kXEventLengthBits << kEventLengthFieldPos)
- | ((long)(control) << kXControlEventControllerFieldPos),
- w2 = EndianU32_NtoB(w2) )
- #define qtma_StuffKnobEvent(w1, w2, part, knob, value) (
- w1 = (kKnobEventType << kXEventTypeFieldPos)
- | ((long)(part) << kXEventPartFieldPos)
- | ((long)(value >> 16) << kKnobEventValueLowFieldPos),
- w1 = EndianU32_NtoB(w1),
- w2 = (kXEventLengthBits << kEventLengthFieldPos)
- | ((long)(knob) << kKnobEventKnobFieldPos)
- | ((long)(value & 0xFFFF) << kKnobEventValueLowFieldPos),
- w2 = EndianU32_NtoB(w2) )
- #define qtma_StuffGeneralEvent(w1,w2,part,subType,length) (
- w1 = (kGeneralEventType << kXEventTypeFieldPos)
- | ((long)(part) << kXEventPartFieldPos)
- | ((long)(length) << kGeneralEventLengthFieldPos),
- w1 = EndianU32_NtoB(w1),
- w2 = (kGeneralEventLengthBits << kEventLengthFieldPos)
- | ((long)(subType) << kGeneralEventSubtypeFieldPos)
- | ((long)(length) << kGeneralEventLengthFieldPos),
- w2 = EndianU32_NtoB(w2) )
- #define qtma_NeedXGeneralEvent(length) (((unsigned long)(length)) > (unsigned long)0xffff)
- /* General Event Defined Types*/
- enum {
- kGeneralEventNoteRequest = 1, /* Encapsulates NoteRequest data structure */
- kGeneralEventPartKey = 4,
- kGeneralEventTuneDifference = 5, /* Contains a standard sequence, with end marker, for the tune difference of a sequence piece (halts QuickTime 2.0 Music) */
- kGeneralEventAtomicInstrument = 6, /* Encapsulates AtomicInstrument record */
- kGeneralEventKnob = 7, /* knobID/knobValue pairs; smallest event is 4 longs */
- kGeneralEventMIDIChannel = 8, /* used in tune header, one longword identifies the midi channel it originally came from */
- kGeneralEventPartChange = 9, /* used in tune sequence, one longword identifies the tune part which can now take over this part's note channel (similar to program change) (halts QuickTime 2.0 Music)*/
- kGeneralEventNoOp = 10, /* guaranteed to do nothing and be ignored. (halts QuickTime 2.0 Music) */
- kGeneralEventUsedNotes = 11, /* four longwords specifying which midi notes are actually used, 0..127 msb to lsb */
- kGeneralEventPartMix = 12 /* three longwords: Fixed volume, long balance, long flags */
- };
- /* Marker Event Defined Types // marker is 60 ee vv vv in hex, where e = event type, and v = value*/
- enum {
- kMarkerEventEnd = 0, /* marker type 0 means: value 0 - stop, value != 0 - ignore*/
- kMarkerEventBeat = 1, /* value 0 = single beat; anything else is 65536ths-of-a-beat (quarter note)*/
- kMarkerEventTempo = 2 /* value same as beat marker, but indicates that a tempo event should be computed (based on where the next beat or tempo marker is) and emitted upon export*/
- };
- enum {
- kCurrentlyNativeEndian = 1,
- kCurrentlyNotNativeEndian = 2
- };
- /* UPP call backs */
- NewMusicMIDISendUPP (MusicMIDISendProcPtr userRoutine);
- NewMusicMIDIReadHookUPP (MusicMIDIReadHookProcPtr userRoutine);
- EXTERN_API(MusicOfflineDataUPP)
- NewMusicOfflineDataUPP (MusicOfflineDataProcPtr userRoutine);
- NewTuneCallBackUPP (TuneCallBackProcPtr userRoutine);
- EXTERN_API(TunePlayCallBackUPP)
- NewTunePlayCallBackUPP (TunePlayCallBackProcPtr userRoutine);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- DisposeMusicMIDISendUPP (MusicMIDISendUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- DisposeMusicMIDIReadHookUPP (MusicMIDIReadHookUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- DisposeMusicOfflineDataUPP (MusicOfflineDataUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- DisposeTuneCallBackUPP (TuneCallBackUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- DisposeTunePlayCallBackUPP (TunePlayCallBackUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(ComponentResult)
- InvokeMusicMIDISendUPP (ComponentInstance self,
- long refCon,
- MusicMIDIPacket * mmp,
- MusicMIDISendUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(ComponentResult)
- InvokeMusicMIDIReadHookUPP (MusicMIDIPacket * mp,
- long myRefCon,
- MusicMIDIReadHookUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(ComponentResult)
- InvokeMusicOfflineDataUPP (Ptr SoundData,
- long numBytes,
- long myRefCon,
- MusicOfflineDataUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- InvokeTuneCallBackUPP (const TuneStatus * status,
- long refCon,
- TuneCallBackUPP userUPP);
- EXTERN_API(void)
- InvokeTunePlayCallBackUPP (unsigned long * event,
- long seed,
- long refCon,
- TunePlayCallBackUPP userUPP);
- #else
- enum { uppMusicMIDISendProcInfo = 0x00000FF0 }; /* pascal 4_bytes Func(4_bytes, 4_bytes, 4_bytes) */
- enum { uppMusicMIDIReadHookProcInfo = 0x000003F0 }; /* pascal 4_bytes Func(4_bytes, 4_bytes) */
- enum { uppMusicOfflineDataProcInfo = 0x00000FF0 }; /* pascal 4_bytes Func(4_bytes, 4_bytes, 4_bytes) */
- enum { uppTuneCallBackProcInfo = 0x000003C0 }; /* pascal no_return_value Func(4_bytes, 4_bytes) */
- enum { uppTunePlayCallBackProcInfo = 0x00000FC0 }; /* pascal no_return_value Func(4_bytes, 4_bytes, 4_bytes) */
- #define NewMusicMIDISendUPP(userRoutine) (MusicMIDISendUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppMusicMIDISendProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
- #define NewMusicMIDIReadHookUPP(userRoutine) (MusicMIDIReadHookUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppMusicMIDIReadHookProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
- #define NewMusicOfflineDataUPP(userRoutine) (MusicOfflineDataUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppMusicOfflineDataProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
- #define NewTuneCallBackUPP(userRoutine) (TuneCallBackUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppTuneCallBackProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
- #define NewTunePlayCallBackUPP(userRoutine) (TunePlayCallBackUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppTunePlayCallBackProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
- #define DisposeMusicMIDISendUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
- #define DisposeMusicMIDIReadHookUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
- #define DisposeMusicOfflineDataUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
- #define DisposeTuneCallBackUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
- #define DisposeTunePlayCallBackUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
- #define InvokeMusicMIDISendUPP(self, refCon, mmp, userUPP) (ComponentResult)CALL_THREE_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppMusicMIDISendProcInfo, (self), (refCon), (mmp))
- #define InvokeMusicMIDIReadHookUPP(mp, myRefCon, userUPP) (ComponentResult)CALL_TWO_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppMusicMIDIReadHookProcInfo, (mp), (myRefCon))
- #define InvokeMusicOfflineDataUPP(SoundData, numBytes, myRefCon, userUPP) (ComponentResult)CALL_THREE_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppMusicOfflineDataProcInfo, (SoundData), (numBytes), (myRefCon))
- #define InvokeTuneCallBackUPP(status, refCon, userUPP) CALL_TWO_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppTuneCallBackProcInfo, (status), (refCon))
- #define InvokeTunePlayCallBackUPP(event, seed, refCon, userUPP) CALL_THREE_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppTunePlayCallBackProcInfo, (event), (seed), (refCon))
- #endif
- /* support for pre-Carbon UPP routines: NewXXXProc and CallXXXProc */
- #define NewMusicMIDISendProc(userRoutine) NewMusicMIDISendUPP(userRoutine)
- #define NewMusicMIDIReadHookProc(userRoutine) NewMusicMIDIReadHookUPP(userRoutine)
- #define NewMusicOfflineDataProc(userRoutine) NewMusicOfflineDataUPP(userRoutine)
- #define NewTuneCallBackProc(userRoutine) NewTuneCallBackUPP(userRoutine)
- #define NewTunePlayCallBackProc(userRoutine) NewTunePlayCallBackUPP(userRoutine)
- #define CallMusicMIDISendProc(userRoutine, self, refCon, mmp) InvokeMusicMIDISendUPP(self, refCon, mmp, userRoutine)
- #define CallMusicMIDIReadHookProc(userRoutine, mp, myRefCon) InvokeMusicMIDIReadHookUPP(mp, myRefCon, userRoutine)
- #define CallMusicOfflineDataProc(userRoutine, SoundData, numBytes, myRefCon) InvokeMusicOfflineDataUPP(SoundData, numBytes, myRefCon, userRoutine)
- #define CallTuneCallBackProc(userRoutine, status, refCon) InvokeTuneCallBackUPP(status, refCon, userRoutine)
- #define CallTunePlayCallBackProc(userRoutine, event, seed, refCon) InvokeTunePlayCallBackUPP(event, seed, refCon, userRoutine)
- /* selectors for component calls */
- enum {
- kQTMIDIGetMIDIPortsSelect = 0x0001,
- kQTMIDIUseSendPortSelect = 0x0002,
- kQTMIDISendMIDISelect = 0x0003,
- kQTMIDIUseReceivePortSelect = 0x0004,
- kMusicGetDescriptionSelect = 0x0001,
- kMusicGetPartSelect = 0x0002,
- kMusicSetPartSelect = 0x0003,
- kMusicSetPartInstrumentNumberSelect = 0x0004,
- kMusicGetPartInstrumentNumberSelect = 0x0005,
- kMusicStorePartInstrumentSelect = 0x0006,
- kMusicGetPartAtomicInstrumentSelect = 0x0009,
- kMusicSetPartAtomicInstrumentSelect = 0x000A,
- kMusicGetInstrumentKnobDescriptionObsoleteSelect = 0x000D,
- kMusicGetDrumKnobDescriptionObsoleteSelect = 0x000E,
- kMusicGetKnobDescriptionObsoleteSelect = 0x000F,
- kMusicGetPartKnobSelect = 0x0010,
- kMusicSetPartKnobSelect = 0x0011,
- kMusicGetKnobSelect = 0x0012,
- kMusicSetKnobSelect = 0x0013,
- kMusicGetPartNameSelect = 0x0014,
- kMusicSetPartNameSelect = 0x0015,
- kMusicFindToneSelect = 0x0016,
- kMusicPlayNoteSelect = 0x0017,
- kMusicResetPartSelect = 0x0018,
- kMusicSetPartControllerSelect = 0x0019,
- kMusicGetPartControllerSelect = 0x001A,
- kMusicGetMIDIProcSelect = 0x001B,
- kMusicSetMIDIProcSelect = 0x001C,
- kMusicGetInstrumentNamesSelect = 0x001D,
- kMusicGetDrumNamesSelect = 0x001E,
- kMusicGetMasterTuneSelect = 0x001F,
- kMusicSetMasterTuneSelect = 0x0020,
- kMusicGetInstrumentAboutInfoSelect = 0x0022,
- kMusicGetDeviceConnectionSelect = 0x0023,
- kMusicUseDeviceConnectionSelect = 0x0024,
- kMusicGetKnobSettingStringsSelect = 0x0025,
- kMusicGetMIDIPortsSelect = 0x0026,
- kMusicSendMIDISelect = 0x0027,
- kMusicReceiveMIDISelect = 0x0028,
- kMusicStartOfflineSelect = 0x0029,
- kMusicSetOfflineTimeToSelect = 0x002A,
- kMusicGetInstrumentKnobDescriptionSelect = 0x002B,
- kMusicGetDrumKnobDescriptionSelect = 0x002C,
- kMusicGetKnobDescriptionSelect = 0x002D,
- kMusicGetInfoTextSelect = 0x002E,
- kMusicGetInstrumentInfoSelect = 0x002F,
- kMusicTaskSelect = 0x0031,
- kMusicSetPartInstrumentNumberInterruptSafeSelect = 0x0032,
- kMusicSetPartSoundLocalizationSelect = 0x0033,
- kMusicGenericConfigureSelect = 0x0100,
- kMusicGenericGetPartSelect = 0x0101,
- kMusicGenericGetKnobListSelect = 0x0102,
- kMusicGenericSetResourceNumbersSelect = 0x0103,
- kMusicDerivedMIDISendSelect = 0x0200,
- kMusicDerivedSetKnobSelect = 0x0201,
- kMusicDerivedSetPartSelect = 0x0202,
- kMusicDerivedSetInstrumentSelect = 0x0203,
- kMusicDerivedSetPartInstrumentNumberSelect = 0x0204,
- kMusicDerivedSetMIDISelect = 0x0205,
- kMusicDerivedStorePartInstrumentSelect = 0x0206,
- kMusicDerivedOpenResFileSelect = 0x0207,
- kMusicDerivedCloseResFileSelect = 0x0208,
- kInstrumentGetInstSelect = 0x0001,
- kInstrumentGetInfoSelect = 0x0002,
- kInstrumentInitializeSelect = 0x0003,
- kInstrumentOpenComponentResFileSelect = 0x0004,
- kInstrumentCloseComponentResFileSelect = 0x0005,
- kInstrumentGetComponentRefConSelect = 0x0006,
- kInstrumentSetComponentRefConSelect = 0x0007,
- kInstrumentGetSynthesizerTypeSelect = 0x0008,
- kNARegisterMusicDeviceSelect = 0x0000,
- kNAUnregisterMusicDeviceSelect = 0x0001,
- kNAGetRegisteredMusicDeviceSelect = 0x0002,
- kNASaveMusicConfigurationSelect = 0x0003,
- kNANewNoteChannelSelect = 0x0004,
- kNADisposeNoteChannelSelect = 0x0005,
- kNAGetNoteChannelInfoSelect = 0x0006,
- kNAPrerollNoteChannelSelect = 0x0007,
- kNAUnrollNoteChannelSelect = 0x0008,
- kNASetNoteChannelVolumeSelect = 0x000B,
- kNAResetNoteChannelSelect = 0x000C,
- kNAPlayNoteSelect = 0x000D,
- kNASetControllerSelect = 0x000E,
- kNASetKnobSelect = 0x000F,
- kNAFindNoteChannelToneSelect = 0x0010,
- kNASetInstrumentNumberSelect = 0x0011,
- kNAPickInstrumentSelect = 0x0012,
- kNAPickArrangementSelect = 0x0013,
- kNASetDefaultMIDIInputSelect = 0x0015,
- kNAGetDefaultMIDIInputSelect = 0x0016,
- kNAUseDefaultMIDIInputSelect = 0x0019,
- kNALoseDefaultMIDIInputSelect = 0x001A,
- kNAStuffToneDescriptionSelect = 0x001B,
- kNACopyrightDialogSelect = 0x001C,
- kNAGetIndNoteChannelSelect = 0x001F,
- kNAGetMIDIPortsSelect = 0x0021,
- kNAGetNoteRequestSelect = 0x0022,
- kNASendMIDISelect = 0x0023,
- kNAPickEditInstrumentSelect = 0x0024,
- kNANewNoteChannelFromAtomicInstrumentSelect = 0x0025,
- kNASetAtomicInstrumentSelect = 0x0026,
- kNAGetKnobSelect = 0x0028,
- kNATaskSelect = 0x0029,
- kNASetNoteChannelBalanceSelect = 0x002A,
- kNASetInstrumentNumberInterruptSafeSelect = 0x002B,
- kNASetNoteChannelSoundLocalizationSelect = 0x002C,
- kNAGetControllerSelect = 0x002D,
- kTuneSetHeaderSelect = 0x0004,
- kTuneGetTimeBaseSelect = 0x0005,
- kTuneSetTimeScaleSelect = 0x0006,
- kTuneGetTimeScaleSelect = 0x0007,
- kTuneGetIndexedNoteChannelSelect = 0x0008,
- kTuneQueueSelect = 0x000A,
- kTuneInstantSelect = 0x000B,
- kTuneGetStatusSelect = 0x000C,
- kTuneStopSelect = 0x000D,
- kTuneSetVolumeSelect = 0x0010,
- kTuneGetVolumeSelect = 0x0011,
- kTunePrerollSelect = 0x0012,
- kTuneUnrollSelect = 0x0013,
- kTuneSetNoteChannelsSelect = 0x0014,
- kTuneSetPartTransposeSelect = 0x0015,
- kTuneGetNoteAllocatorSelect = 0x0017,
- kTuneSetSofterSelect = 0x0018,
- kTuneTaskSelect = 0x0019,
- kTuneSetBalanceSelect = 0x001A,
- kTuneSetSoundLocalizationSelect = 0x001B,
- kTuneSetHeaderWithSizeSelect = 0x001C,
- kTuneSetPartMixSelect = 0x001D,
- kTuneGetPartMixSelect = 0x001E
- };
- #pragma options align=reset
- #pragma pack(pop)
- #pragma pack()
- #endif
- #pragma import off
- #pragma import reset
- #endif
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
- #endif /* __QUICKTIMEMUSIC__ */