- #pragma once
- typedef enum TrackType {
- TypeVideo = 1,
- TypeAudio = 2,
- TypeComplex = 3,
- TypeLogo = 0x10,
- TypeSubtitle = 0x11,
- TypeControl = 0x20
- };
- #pragma pack(push, 1)
- struct TrackElement {
- WORD Size; // Size of this structure
- BYTE Type; // See TrackType
- BOOL FlagDefault; // Set if the track is the default for its TrackType.
- BOOL FlagLacing; // Set if the track may contain blocks using lacing.
- UINT MinCache; // The minimum number of frames a player should be able to cache during playback.
- UINT MaxCache; // The maximum cache size required to store referenced frames in and the current frame. 0 means no cache is needed.
- CHAR Language[4]; // Specifies the language of the track, in the ISO-639-2 form. (end with ' ')
- };
- struct TrackExtendedInfoVideo {
- WORD Size; // Size of this structure
- BOOL Interlaced; // Set if the video is interlaced.
- UINT PixelWidth; // Width of the encoded video frames in pixels.
- UINT PixelHeight; // Height of the encoded video frames in pixels.
- UINT DisplayWidth; // Width of the video frames to display.
- UINT DisplayHeight; // Height of the video frames to display.
- BYTE DisplayUnit; // Type of the unit for DisplayWidth/Height (0: pixels, 1: centimeters, 2: inches).
- BYTE AspectRatioType; // Specify the possible modifications to the aspect ratio (0: free resizing, 1: keep aspect ratio, 2: fixed).
- };
- struct TrackExtendedInfoAudio {
- WORD Size; // Size of this structure
- FLOAT SamplingFreq; // Sampling frequency in Hz.
- FLOAT OutputSamplingFrequency; // Real output sampling frequency in Hz (used for SBR techniques).
- UINT Channels; // Numbers of channels in the track.
- UINT BitDepth; // Bits per sample, mostly used for PCM.
- };
- #pragma pack(pop)
- [uuid("03E98D51-DDE7-43aa-B70C-42EF84A3A23D")]
- interface ITrackInfo : public IUnknown
- {
- STDMETHOD_(UINT, GetTrackCount) () = 0;
- // param aTrackIdx the track index (from 0 to GetTrackCount()-1)
- STDMETHOD_(BOOL, GetTrackInfo) (UINT aTrackIdx, struct TrackElement* pStructureToFill) = 0;
- // Get an extended information struct relative to the track type
- STDMETHOD_(BOOL, GetTrackExtendedInfo) (UINT aTrackIdx, void* pStructureToFill) = 0;
- STDMETHOD_(BSTR, GetTrackCodecID) (UINT aTrackIdx) = 0;
- STDMETHOD_(BSTR, GetTrackName) (UINT aTrackIdx) = 0;
- STDMETHOD_(BSTR, GetTrackCodecName) (UINT aTrackIdx) = 0;
- STDMETHOD_(BSTR, GetTrackCodecInfoURL) (UINT aTrackIdx) = 0;
- STDMETHOD_(BSTR, GetTrackCodecDownloadURL) (UINT aTrackIdx) = 0;
- };