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Visual C++
- /* $Id: bitpack.cpp,v 1.2 2001/04/19 18:32:09 wmay Exp $ */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* MPEG4 Visual Texture Coding (VTC) Mode Software */
- /* */
- /* This software was jointly developed by the following participants: */
- /* */
- /* Single-quant, multi-quant and flow control */
- /* are provided by Sarnoff Corporation */
- /* Iraj Sodagar ( */
- /* Hung-Ju Lee ( */
- /* Paul Hatrack ( */
- /* Shipeng Li ( */
- /* Bing-Bing Chai ( */
- /* B.S. Srinivas ( */
- /* */
- /* Bi-level is provided by Texas Instruments */
- /* Jie Liang ( */
- /* */
- /* Shape Coding is provided by OKI Electric Industry Co., Ltd. */
- /* Zhixiong Wu ( */
- /* Yoshihiro Ueda ( */
- /* Toshifumi Kanamaru ( */
- /* */
- /* OKI, Sharp, Sarnoff, TI and Microsoft contributed to bitstream */
- /* exchange and bug fixing. */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* In the course of development of the MPEG-4 standard, this software */
- /* module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 tools as */
- /* specified by the MPEG-4 standard. */
- /* */
- /* The copyright of this software belongs to ISO/IEC. ISO/IEC gives use */
- /* of the MPEG-4 standard free license to use this software module or */
- /* modifications thereof for hardware or software products claiming */
- /* conformance to the MPEG-4 standard. */
- /* */
- /* Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software */
- /* products are advised that use may infringe existing patents. The */
- /* original developers of this software module and their companies, the */
- /* subsequent editors and their companies, and ISO/IEC have no liability */
- /* and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software module or */
- /* modification thereof in an implementation. */
- /* */
- /* Permission is granted to MPEG members to use, copy, modify, */
- /* and distribute the software modules ( or portions thereof ) */
- /* for standardization activity within ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11. */
- /* */
- /* Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 ISO/IEC */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /************************************************************/
- /* Sarnoff Very Low Bit Rate Still Image Coder */
- /* Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 Sarnoff Corporation */
- /************************************************************/
- /************************************************************/
- /* Filename: bitpack.c */
- /* Author: Bing-Bing CHai */
- /* Date: Dec. 24, 1997 */
- /* */
- /* Descriptions: */
- /* This file contains the functions to read and write */
- /* to files. Most of the functions are the sames as */
- /* that are used in older version of MZTE. */
- /* */
- /* The following functions have been created or */
- /* modified. */
- /* Void init_bit_packing_fp(File *fp) */
- /* Int nextinputbit() */
- /* Int get_bit_rate() */
- /* Void restore_arithmetic_offset(Int bits_to_go) */
- /************************************************************/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "basic.hpp"
- #include "dataStruct.hpp"
- #include "bitpack.hpp"
- //#include "PEZW_zerotree.h"
- //#include "wvtPEZW.h"
- #include "msg.hpp"
- #include "errorHandler.hpp"
- #define BUFFER_SIZE 1024
- #define EXTRABYTES 8 // hjlee 0901
- #define MAXLOOKBITS (EXTRABYTES*8) // hjlee 0901
- static Int bytes_in_buffer=0, huff_put_buffer=0, huff_put_bits=0,
- byte_ptr=0,buffer_length=0,totalBitRate=0;
- static Int bit_num = -1; /* signal to start */
- static UInt bit_buf = 0;
- static UChar output_buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
- static FILE *bitfile;
- static Int byte_count=0;
- static Int count, junkCount;
- static Int zerocount=0;
- /****************************************************************/
- /* Intilization of file poInter, must be called prior to using */
- /* any function in this file. By Bing-Bing Chai */
- /****************************************************************/
- Void CVTCCommon::init_bit_packing_fp(FILE *fp, Int clearByte)
- {
- byte_count=0;
- /*count=0;*/
- bitfile=fp;
- bytes_in_buffer=huff_put_buffer=huff_put_bits=bit_buf=0;
- /* clean byte poInter only when asked for */
- if(clearByte == 0)
- fseek(bitfile,-(buffer_length-byte_ptr+((bit_num+1)/8)),SEEK_CUR);
- buffer_length=byte_ptr=0;
- bit_num=-1;
- }
- /**********************************/
- /* return total bit rate in bits */
- /**********************************/
- Int CVTCEncoder::get_total_bit_rate()
- {
- return (totalBitRate);
- }
- Int CVTCEncoder::get_total_bit_rate_dec()
- {
- return (count);
- }
- Int CVTCEncoder::get_total_bit_rate_junk()
- {
- return (junkCount);
- }
- /****************************************************************/
- /****************** utilities for bit packing *****************/
- /****************************************************************/
- /* put a byte on the bit stream */
- #define emit_byte(val)
- if (bytes_in_buffer >= BUFFER_SIZE)
- flush_bytes1();
- output_buffer[bytes_in_buffer++] = (UChar) (val)
- /* Outputting bytes to the file */
- Void CVTCCommon::flush_bytes1()
- {
- if (bytes_in_buffer) {
- fwrite(output_buffer, bytes_in_buffer, sizeof(UChar), bitfile);
- }
- bytes_in_buffer = 0;
- }
- /* Outputting bytes to the file and count the last few bits, used by main.c */
- Void CVTCEncoder::flush_bytes()
- {
- if (bytes_in_buffer) {
- fwrite(output_buffer, bytes_in_buffer, sizeof(UChar), bitfile);
- totalBitRate +=8-totalBitRate%8;
- }
- bytes_in_buffer = 0;
- }
- Void CVTCCommon::emit_bits(UShort code, Int size)
- {
- register UInt put_buffer = code;
- register Int put_bits = huff_put_bits;
- Int c;
- if (size == 0) {
- return;
- }
- totalBitRate +=size;
- /* Mask off any excess bits in code */
- put_buffer &= (((Int)1) << size) - 1;
- /* new number of bits in buffer */
- put_bits += size;
- /* align incoming bits */
- put_buffer <<= 24 - put_bits;
- /* and merge with old buffer contents */
- put_buffer |= huff_put_buffer;
- while (put_bits >= 8) {
- c = (Int) ((put_buffer >> 16) & 0xFF);
- emit_byte(c);
- put_buffer <<= 8;
- put_bits -= 8;
- }
- huff_put_buffer = put_buffer; /* Update global variables */
- huff_put_bits = put_bits;
- }
- /* modified by Jie Liang (Texas Instruments)
- to return the last bits left in the last byte */
- Void CVTCEncoder::flush_bits1 ()
- {
- Int i;
- if((i=huff_put_bits%8)==0)
- return;
- emit_bits((UShort) 0x7F, 8-i); /* fill any partial byte with ones */
- huff_put_buffer = 0; /* and reset bit-buffer to empty */
- huff_put_bits = 0;
- }
- Void CVTCEncoder::flush_bits ()
- {
- Int i=(huff_put_bits%8);
- UShort usflush;
- usflush = (0x7F >> i);
- emit_bits(usflush, 8-i); /* fill any partial byte with ones */
- huff_put_buffer = 0; /* and reset bit-buffer to empty */
- huff_put_bits = 0;
- }
- Void CVTCEncoder::flush_bits_zeros ()
- {
- Int i;
- if((i=huff_put_bits%8)==0)
- return;
- emit_bits((UShort) 0, 8-i); /* fill any partial byte with ones */
- huff_put_buffer = 0; /* and reset bit-buffer to empty */
- huff_put_bits = 0;
- }
- /*********************************************************/
- /* put a parameter Into the file, refer to VTC syntax */
- /* for algorithm */
- /*********************************************************/
- Int CVTCEncoder::put_param(Int value, Int nbits)
- {
- Int extension;
- Int module = 1 << nbits;
- Int mask = (1 << nbits) - 1;
- Int put_bits = 0;
- while (value/module > 0) {
- extension = 1;
- emit_bits( ((value%module) | (extension << nbits)), nbits+1);
- value = value >> nbits;
- put_bits += nbits+1;
- }
- extension = 0;
- emit_bits( ((value & mask) | (extension << nbits)), nbits+1);
- put_bits += nbits+1;
- return (put_bits);
- }
- /********************************************************/
- /*********** Utilities for bit unpacking **************/
- /********************************************************/
- /*********************************************************/
- /* Get the next bit from a file */
- /* Modified to read in 1000 bytes Into a buffer at a */
- /* time. */
- /*********************************************************/
- Int CVTCCommon::nextinputbit()
- {
- Int v;
- if (bit_num < 7) {
- if(buffer_length==byte_ptr){
- if((buffer_length=fread(output_buffer,1,BUFFER_SIZE,bitfile)) ==0){
- /* fprintf(stderr,"out of source "); */
- output_buffer[0]=0;
- buffer_length++;
- }
- if(buffer_length==BUFFER_SIZE){
- buffer_length -=EXTRABYTES;
- fseek(bitfile,-EXTRABYTES,SEEK_CUR);
- }
- byte_ptr=0;
- byte_count+=buffer_length;
- }
- bit_buf = (bit_buf << 8) + output_buffer[byte_ptr++];
- bit_num += 8;
- }
- v = (bit_buf >> bit_num) & 0x00001;
- bit_num--;
- count++;
- return v;
- }
- /* Read nbits bits from a file */
- Int CVTCCommon::get_X_bits(Int nbits)
- {
- Int v=0;
- while (nbits--)
- v = (v << 1) + nextinputbit();
- return v;
- }
- /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /*********************************************************/
- /* get a parameter Into the file, refer to VTC syntax */
- /* for algorithm */
- /*********************************************************/
- Int CVTCDecoder::get_param(Int nbits)
- {
- Int countg=0;
- Int word=0;
- Int value=0;
- Int module=1<<(nbits);
- do {
- word=get_X_bits(nbits+1);
- value += (word & (module-1))<<(countg*nbits);
- countg++;
- } while (word>>nbits);
- return (value);
- }
- /******************************************************************/
- /* function to adjust the extra bytes read in by arithmetic coder.*/
- /* called by ac_decoder_done */
- /******************************************************************/
- Void CVTCDecoder::restore_arithmetic_offset(Int bits_to_go)
- {
- /* for nonalignment, 14 has something to do with Max_frequency */
- bit_num +=14;
- count -= 14;
- if(((Int)(bit_buf>>(bit_num+1)) &1)==0){
- bit_num--;
- count++;
- }
- }
- /**********************************************************/
- /* This function returns the next n bits in the bitstream */
- /* where n<=32 */
- /**********************************************************/
- UInt CVTCEncoder::LookBitsFromStream (Int n)
- {
- Int tmp_bit_num=bit_num+1, tmp_byte_ptr=byte_ptr;
- unsigned long tmp_buf=bit_buf,v;
- /* test if enough bits */
- /* hjlee 0901 */
- errorHandler("LookBitsFromStream() can only return a maximum of "
- "%d bits.n", MAXLOOKBITS);
- if(buffer_length<BUFFER_SIZE-EXTRABYTES)
- if(((buffer_length-tmp_byte_ptr)<<3)+tmp_bit_num<n)
- /*errorHandler("LookBitsFromStream(): "
- "There are not enough bits in the bitstream.n");*/
- return(0);
- /* get bits */
- while(tmp_bit_num<n/* && tmp_bit_num<(MAXLOOKBITS-8)*/){
- tmp_bit_num +=8;
- tmp_buf = (tmp_buf << 8) + output_buffer[tmp_byte_ptr++];
- }
- v = (tmp_buf >> (tmp_bit_num-n));
- return(v&1 );
- }
- /* modified by Jie Liang (Texas Instruments)
- to return the last bits left in the last byte */
- Int CVTCDecoder::align_byte1()
- {
- Int i;
- if((i=(bit_num+1)%8)==0)
- return 0;
- return(get_X_bits(i)<<(8-i));
- }
- Int CVTCDecoder::align_byte ()
- {
- Int i;
- if((i=(bit_num+1)%8)==0)
- i=8; /* for stuffing as defined in CD 6.2.1 */
- junkCount += i;
- count -= i;
- return(get_X_bits(i)<<(8-i));
- }
- /* added by Jie Liang (Texas Instruments) */
- /* the data needs to by byte aligned first */
- Int CVTCDecoder::get_allbits (Char *buffer)
- {
- Int n,len;
- Int loc=0;
- /* read until end of file */
- do {
- buffer[loc]=get_X_bits(8);
- loc++;
- }while (!feof(bitfile));
- /* read until the data in buffer is finished */
- len = buffer_length-byte_ptr+2;
- for (n=0;n<len;n++)
- {
- buffer[loc]=get_X_bits(8);
- loc++;
- }
- return loc;
- }
- /* added by Jie Liang (Texas Instruments) */
- /* check the next four bytes for start code */
- Int CVTCDecoder::Is_startcode (long startcode)
- {
- long next_4bytes=0;
- Int i;
- Int offset;
- if (bit_num>=7)
- offset=1;
- else
- offset=0;
- next_4bytes = output_buffer[byte_ptr-offset];
- for(i=0;i<3;i++)
- next_4bytes = (next_4bytes<<8)+output_buffer[byte_ptr-offset+1+i];
- if(next_4bytes == startcode)
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- #define MAXRUNZERO 22 // hjlee
- Void CVTCEncoder::emit_bits_checksc(UInt code, Int size)
- {
- Int m;
- Int bit;
- for(m=size-1;m>=0;m--){
- bit = (code>>m) & (0x01);
- emit_bits (bit, 1);
- /* update zero bit count */
- if (bit)
- zerocount=0;
- else
- zerocount++;
- if (zerocount>=MAXRUNZERO)
- { /* exceeding maximum runs, add 1 */
- emit_bits (1, 1);
- zerocount=0;
- }
- } /* end of m - bits */
- return;
- }
- Void CVTCEncoder::emit_bits_checksc_init()
- {
- zerocount=0;
- }
- Int CVTCDecoder::get_X_bits_checksc(Int nbits)
- {
- Int v=0;
- Int bit;
- while (nbits--){
- if(zerocount==MAXRUNZERO) /*skip next bit */
- {
- // if(!nextinputbit()) ; deleted by swinder
- nextinputbit(); // added by swinder
- // noteProgress("Possible start code emulation error: should be 1 after MAXZERORUN 0's");
- zerocount = 0;
- }
- bit = nextinputbit();
- if(!bit)
- zerocount++;
- else
- zerocount =0;
- v = (v << 1) + bit;
- }
- return v;
- }
- Void CVTCDecoder::get_X_bits_checksc_init()
- {
- zerocount=0;
- }
- Int CVTCDecoder::get_allbits_checksc (unsigned char *buffer)
- {
- Int n,len;
- Int loc=0;
- /* read until end of file */
- do {
- buffer[loc]=get_X_bits_checksc(8);
- loc++;
- }while (!feof(bitfile));
- /* read until the data in buffer is finished */
- len = buffer_length-byte_ptr+2;
- for (n=0;n<len;n++)
- {
- buffer[loc]=get_X_bits_checksc(8);
- loc++;
- }
- return loc;
- }
- Int CVTCDecoder::align_byte_checksc ()
- {
- Int bit;
- Int i;
- Int m;
- Int out=0;
- Int n=0;
- if((i=(bit_num+1)%8)==0)
- return 0;
- for(m=0;m<i;m++){
- if(zerocount==MAXRUNZERO){
- get_X_bits(1);
- zerocount=0;
- }
- else{
- bit = get_X_bits(1);
- out = (out<<1) | bit;
- if (bit)
- zerocount=0;
- else
- zerocount++;
- n++;
- }
- }
- return(out<<(8-n));
- }
- /* This program combine the stuff in bitbuffer Into the actual bitstream */
- Void CVTCEncoder::write_to_bitstream(UChar *bitbuffer,Int total_bits)
- {
- Int i,bit_stream_length=total_bits>>3, resid=total_bits%8;
- /* write to file assume file has been opened by control program*/
- for(i=0;i<bit_stream_length;i++)
- emit_bits(bitbuffer[i],8);
- if(resid != 0)
- emit_bits(bitbuffer[bit_stream_length]>>(8-resid),resid);
- }
- /* get the number of bytes already decoded */
- int CVTCDecoder::decoded_bytes_from_bitstream ()
- {
- long n;
- n = ftell(bitfile);
- return (n+byte_ptr);
- }