资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /* $Id: ztscan_dec.cpp,v 1.3 2001/04/30 20:51:45 dmackie Exp $ */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* MPEG4 Visual Texture Coding (VTC) Mode Software */
- /* */
- /* This software was jointly developed by the following participants: */
- /* */
- /* Single-quant, multi-quant and flow control */
- /* are provided by Sarnoff Corporation */
- /* Iraj Sodagar (iraj@sarnoff.com) */
- /* Hung-Ju Lee (hjlee@sarnoff.com) */
- /* Paul Hatrack (hatrack@sarnoff.com) */
- /* Shipeng Li (shipeng@sarnoff.com) */
- /* Bing-Bing Chai (bchai@sarnoff.com) */
- /* B.S. Srinivas (bsrinivas@sarnoff.com) */
- /* */
- /* Bi-level is provided by Texas Instruments */
- /* Jie Liang (liang@ti.com) */
- /* */
- /* Shape Coding is provided by OKI Electric Industry Co., Ltd. */
- /* Zhixiong Wu (sgo@hlabs.oki.co.jp) */
- /* Yoshihiro Ueda (yueda@hlabs.oki.co.jp) */
- /* Toshifumi Kanamaru (kanamaru@hlabs.oki.co.jp) */
- /* */
- /* OKI, Sharp, Sarnoff, TI and Microsoft contributed to bitstream */
- /* exchange and bug fixing. */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* In the course of development of the MPEG-4 standard, this software */
- /* module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 tools as */
- /* specified by the MPEG-4 standard. */
- /* */
- /* The copyright of this software belongs to ISO/IEC. ISO/IEC gives use */
- /* of the MPEG-4 standard free license to use this software module or */
- /* modifications thereof for hardware or software products claiming */
- /* conformance to the MPEG-4 standard. */
- /* */
- /* Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software */
- /* products are advised that use may infringe existing patents. The */
- /* original developers of this software module and their companies, the */
- /* subsequent editors and their companies, and ISO/IEC have no liability */
- /* and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software module or */
- /* modification thereof in an implementation. */
- /* */
- /* Permission is granted to MPEG members to use, copy, modify, */
- /* and distribute the software modules ( or portions thereof ) */
- /* for standardization activity within ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11. */
- /* */
- /* Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 ISO/IEC */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /************************************************************/
- /* Sarnoff Very Low Bit Rate Still Image Coder */
- /* Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 Sarnoff Corporation */
- /************************************************************/
- /************************************************************/
- /* Filename: ztscan_dec.c */
- /* Author: Bing-Bing CHai */
- /* Date: Dec. 17, 1997 */
- /* */
- /* Descriptions: */
- /* This file contains the routines that performs */
- /* zero tree scanning and entropy decoding. */
- /* */
- /************************************************************/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #ifndef WIN32
- #include <unistd.h>
- #endif
- #include <ctype.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "basic.hpp"
- #include "Utils.hpp"
- #include "startcode.hpp"
- #include "dataStruct.hpp"
- #include "states.hpp"
- #include "globals.hpp"
- #include "errorHandler.hpp"
- #include "ac.hpp"
- #include "bitpack.hpp"
- //#include "context.hpp"
- #include "ztscan_common.hpp"
- #include "ztscanUtil.hpp"
- static ac_decoder acd;
- /******************************************************************/
- /**************************** DC ********************************/
- /******************************************************************/
- /*******************************************************/
- /************** Inverse DC Prediction ****************/
- /*******************************************************/
- /********************************************************
- Function Name
- -------------
- static DATA iDC_pred_pix(Int i, Int j)
- Arguments
- ---------
- Int i, Int j: Index of wavelet coefficient (row, col)
- Description
- -----------
- Inverse DPCM prediction for a DC coefficient, refer
- to syntax for algorithm.
- Functions Called
- ----------------
- None.
- Return Value
- ------------
- inverse prediction for coeffinfo[i][j].quantized_value
- ********************************************************/
- Short CVTCDecoder::iDC_pred_pix(Int i, Int j)
- {
- /* modified by Z. Wu @ OKI */
- Int pred_i, pred_j, pred_d;
- if ( i==0 || coeffinfo[i-1][j].mask == 0 )
- pred_i = 0;
- else
- pred_i = coeffinfo[i-1][j].quantized_value;
- if ( j==0 || coeffinfo[i][j-1].mask == 0 )
- pred_j = 0;
- else
- pred_j = coeffinfo[i][j-1].quantized_value;
- if ( i==0 || j== 0 || coeffinfo[i-1][j-1].mask == 0 )
- pred_d = 0;
- else
- pred_d = coeffinfo[i-1][j-1].quantized_value;
- if ( abs(pred_d-pred_j) < abs(pred_d-pred_i))
- return(pred_i);
- else
- return(pred_j);
- }
- /*****************************************************
- Function Name
- -------------
- Void iDC_predict()
- Arguments
- ---------
- None
- Description
- -----------
- control program for inverse DC prediction
- Functions Called
- ----------------
- iDC_pred_pix(i,j).
- Return Value
- ------------
- none
- ******************************************************/
- Void CVTCDecoder::iDC_predict(Int color)
- {
- Int i,j,dc_h,dc_w,offset_dc;
- dc_h=mzte_codec.m_iDCHeight;
- dc_w=mzte_codec.m_iDCWidth;
- coeffinfo=mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[color].coeffinfo;
- offset_dc=mzte_codec.m_iOffsetDC;
- for(i=0;i<dc_h;i++)
- for(j=0;j<dc_w;j++)
- if (coeffinfo[i][j].mask != 0)
- coeffinfo[i][j].quantized_value += offset_dc;
- for(i=0;i<dc_h;i++)
- for(j=0;j<dc_w;j++)
- if (coeffinfo[i][j].mask != 0)
- coeffinfo[i][j].quantized_value+=iDC_pred_pix(i,j);
- }
- /********************************************************
- Function Name
- -------------
- Void wavelet_dc_decode(Int c)
- Arguments
- ---------
- Int c - color component.
- Description
- -----------
- Control program for decode DC information for one
- color component.
- Functions Called
- ----------------
- None.
- iDC_predict()
- get_param()
- cacll_decode()
- Return Value
- ------------
- None.
- ********************************************************/
- Void CVTCDecoder::wavelet_dc_decode(Int c)
- {
- noteDetail("Decoding DC (wavelet_dc_decode)....");
- color=c;
- mzte_codec.m_iMean[color] = get_X_bits(8);
- /* mzte_codec.m_iQDC[color] = get_X_bits(8); */
- mzte_codec.m_iQDC[color] = get_param(7);
- mzte_codec.m_iOffsetDC=-get_param(7);
- mzte_codec.m_iMaxDC=get_param(7);
- /* mzte_codec.m_iMaxDC=get_param(7)-mzte_codec.m_iOffsetDC; */ /* hjlee */
- callc_decode();
- iDC_predict(color);
- noteDetail("Completed decoding DC.");
- }
- /********************************************************
- Function Name
- -------------
- static Void cacll_decode()
- Arguments
- ---------
- None.
- Description
- -----------
- Decode DC information for one color component.
- Functions Called
- ----------------
- mzte_ac_decoder_init()
- mzte_ac_model_init()
- mzte_ac_decode_symbol()
- mzte_ac_model_done()
- mzte_ac_decoder_done()
- Return Value
- ------------
- None.
- ********************************************************/
- Void CVTCDecoder::callc_decode()
- {
- Int dc_h, dc_w,i,j;
- Int numBP, bp; // 1127
- dc_w=mzte_codec.m_iDCWidth;
- dc_h=mzte_codec.m_iDCHeight;
- /* init arithmetic model */
- /* ac_decoder_open(acd,NULL); */
- mzte_ac_decoder_init(&acd);
- // 1127
- numBP = ceilLog2(mzte_codec.m_iMaxDC + 1);
- if ((acm_bpdc=(ac_model *)calloc(numBP,sizeof(ac_model)))==NULL)
- errorHandler("Can't allocate memory for prob model.");
- for (i=0; i<numBP; i++) {
- acm_bpdc[i].Max_frequency = Bitplane_Max_frequency;
- mzte_ac_model_init(&(acm_bpdc[i]),2,NULL,ADAPT,1);
- }
- coeffinfo=mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[color].coeffinfo;
- for (bp=numBP-1; bp>=0; bp--) {
- for(i=0;i<dc_h;i++)
- for(j=0;j<dc_w;j++){
- if(coeffinfo[i][j].mask == 1)
- coeffinfo[i][j].quantized_value +=
- (mzte_ac_decode_symbol(&acd,&(acm_bpdc[bp])) << bp);
- else
- coeffinfo[i][j].quantized_value=-mzte_codec.m_iOffsetDC;
- }
- }
- for (i=0; i<numBP; i++)
- mzte_ac_model_done(&(acm_bpdc[i]));
- free(acm_bpdc);
- #if 0 // 1127
- if ((acm_vz=(ac_model *)calloc(1,sizeof(ac_model)))==NULL)
- errorHandler("Can't allocate memory for prob model.");
- acm_vz->Max_frequency = DEFAULT_MAX_FREQ;
- mzte_ac_model_init(acm_vz,mzte_codec.m_iMaxDC+1,NULL,ADAPT,1);
- coeffinfo=mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[color].coeffinfo;
- for(i=0;i<dc_h;i++)
- for(j=0;j<dc_w;j++){
- if( coeffinfo[i][j].mask == 1)
- coeffinfo[i][j].quantized_value=
- mzte_ac_decode_symbol(&acd,acm_vz);
- else
- coeffinfo[i][j].quantized_value=-mzte_codec.m_iOffsetDC;
- }
- /* close arithmetic coder */
- mzte_ac_model_done(acm_vz);
- free(acm_vz);
- #endif // 1127
- mzte_ac_decoder_done(&acd);
- }
- /*********************************************************************/
- /***************************** AC **********************************/
- /************************* Single quant ****************************/
- /*********************************************************************/
- Int CVTCDecoder::bitplane_decode(Int l,Int max_bplane)
- {
- register Int i,val=0,k=0;
- for(i=max_bplane-1;i>=0;i--,k++)
- val+=mzte_ac_decode_symbol(&acd,&acm_bpmag[l][k])<<i;
- return val;
- }
- /*******************************************************
- The following single quant routines are for band by
- band scan order.
- *******************************************************/
- /********************************************************
- Function Name
- -------------
- Void wavelet_higher_bands_decode_SQ_band(Int col)
- Arguments
- ---------
- None.
- Description
- -----------
- Control program for decoding AC information for one
- color component. Single quant mode.
- Functions Called
- ----------------
- cachb_encode_SQ_band()
- ac_encoder_init()
- mzte_ac_model_init()
- mzte_ac_model_done()
- ac_encoder_done()
- Return Value
- ------------
- None.
- ********************************************************/
- Void CVTCDecoder::wavelet_higher_bands_decode_SQ_band(Int col)
- {
- SNR_IMAGE *snr_image;
- noteDetail("Encoding AC (wavelet_higher_bands_encode_SQ)....");
- color=col;
- snr_image=&(mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[color].SNRlayer.snr_image);
- /* init arithmetic coder */
- mzte_ac_decoder_init(&acd);
- probModelInitSQ(color); // hjlee 0901
- cachb_decode_SQ_band(snr_image);
- probModelFreeSQ(color); // hjlee 0901
- mzte_ac_decoder_done(&acd);
- noteDetail("Completed encoding AC.");
- }
- /********************************************************
- Function Name
- -------------
- static Void cachb_decode_SQ_band(SNR_IMAGE *snr_img)
- Arguments
- ---------
- None.
- Description
- -----------
- Decode AC information for single quant mode, tree-depth scan.
- Functions Called
- ----------------
- codeBlocks();
- decode_pixel_SQ_band()
- Return Value
- ------------
- None.
- ********************************************************/
- Void CVTCDecoder::cachb_decode_SQ_band(SNR_IMAGE *snr_image)
- {
- Int h,w,ac_h,ac_w,ac_h2,ac_w2;
- Int n; /* layer index - for codeBlocks function */
- Int k; /* block jump for the layer */
- /* ac_h, ac_w init */
- ac_h2=mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[color].height;;
- ac_w2=mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[color].width;
- ac_h=ac_h2>>1;
- ac_w=ac_w2>>1;
- height=mzte_codec.m_Image[color].height;
- width=mzte_codec.m_Image[color].width;
- /* Get layer index - for codeBlocks function */
- n = -1;
- for (w=mzte_codec.m_iDCWidth; w < ac_w2; w<<=1)
- n++;
- setProbModelsSQ(color); // hjlee 0901
- coeffinfo=mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[color].coeffinfo;
- /* scan each coefficients in the spatial layer */
- k = 1<<n;
- for(h=0;h<ac_h;h+=k)
- for(w=ac_w;w<ac_w2;w+=k)
- {
- /* LH */
- decodeSQBlocks(h,w,n);
- /* HL */
- h += ac_h;
- w -= ac_w;
- decodeSQBlocks(h,w,n);
- /* HH */
- w += ac_w;
- decodeSQBlocks(h,w,n);
- /* Set h back to where it started. w is already there */
- h -= ac_h;
- }
- }
- #if 0
- /********************************************************
- Function Name
- -------------
- static Void decode_pixel_SQ_band(Int h,Int w)
- Arguments
- ---------
- Int h,Int w - position of a pixel in height and width
- Description
- -----------
- Decoding the type and/or value of a coefficient, a
- recursive function.
- Functions Called
- ----------------
- mag_sign_decode_SQ()
- mzte_ac_decode_symbol()
- Return Value
- ------------
- None.
- ********************************************************/
- Void CVTCDecoder::decode_pixel_SQ_band(Int h,Int w)
- {
- UChar zt_type;
- Int l;
- if(coeffinfo[h][w].type == ZTR_D)
- return;
- l=xy2wvtDecompLev(w,h);
- /* decode leave coefficients, value only */
- if(IS_STATE_LEAF(coeffinfo[h][w].state)){ /* zero value. no sign */
- #ifdef _SHAPE_
- if(coeffinfo[h][w].mask==1)
- {
- #endif
- /* Map leaf code word to type 0->ZTR, 1->VZTR */
- coeffinfo[h][w].type =
- mzte_ac_decode_symbol(&acd,acm_type[l][CONTEXT_LINIT]) ? VZTR : ZTR;
- if (coeffinfo[h][w].type==VZTR)
- mag_sign_decode_SQ(h,w);
- else
- coeffinfo[h][w].quantized_value = 0;
- #ifdef _SHAPE_
- }
- else
- coeffinfo[h][w].quantized_value = 0;
- #endif
- return;
- }
- /* decode zero tree symbols */
- #ifdef _SHAPE_
- if(coeffinfo[h][w].mask==1)
- #endif
- coeffinfo[h][w].type=zt_type=
- mzte_ac_decode_symbol(&acd,acm_type[l][CONTEXT_INIT]);
- #ifdef _SHAPE_
- else
- coeffinfo[h][w].type=zt_type = IZ;
- #endif
- /* code magnitude and sign */
- switch(zt_type){
- case IZ :
- break;
- case VZTR:
- mag_sign_decode_SQ(h,w);
- case ZTR:
- mark_ZTR_D(h,w); /* necessary for checking purpose bandwise scan */
- return;
- case VAL:
- mag_sign_decode_SQ(h,w);
- break;
- default:
- errorHandler("Invalid zerotree symbol in single quant decode");
- }
- }
- #endif /* 0 */
- /*******************************************************
- The following single quant routines are for tree
- depth scan order.
- *******************************************************/
- /********************************************************
- Function Name
- -------------
- Void wavelet_higher_bands_decode_SQ_tree()
- Arguments
- ---------
- None.
- Description
- -----------
- Control program for decoding AC information for single quant mode.
- All colors decoded.
- Functions Called
- ----------------
- cachb_decode_SQ_tree()
- mzte_ac_decoder_init()
- mzte_ac_model_init()
- mzte_ac_model_done()
- mzte_ac_decoder_done()
- Return Value
- ------------
- None.
- ********************************************************/
- Void CVTCDecoder::wavelet_higher_bands_decode_SQ_tree()
- {
- noteDetail("Decoding AC band (wavelet_higher_bands_decode_SQ)....");
- /* init arithmetic coder */
- mzte_ac_decoder_init(&acd);
- for (color=0; color<mzte_codec.m_iColors; color++)
- {
- probModelInitSQ(color); // hjlee 0901
- }
- // cachb_decode_SQ(); // hjlee 0901
- cachb_decode_SQ_tree();
- for (color=0; color<mzte_codec.m_iColors; color++)
- /* close arithmetic coder */
- probModelFreeSQ(color);
- mzte_ac_decoder_done(&acd);
- noteDetail("Completed decoding AC band.");
- }
- /********************************************************
- Function Name
- -------------
- static Void cachb_decode_SQ()
- Arguments
- ---------
- None.
- Description
- -----------
- Decode AC information for one color component.
- Single quant mode, tree-depth scan
- Functions Called
- ----------------
- decode_pixel_SQ()
- Return Value
- ------------
- None.
- ********************************************************/
- Void CVTCDecoder::cachb_decode_SQ_tree()
- {
- Int h,w,dc_h,dc_w,dc_h2,dc_w2;
- dc_h=mzte_codec.m_iDCHeight;
- dc_w=mzte_codec.m_iDCWidth;
- dc_h2=dc_h<<1;
- dc_w2=dc_w<<1;
- for(h=0;h<dc_h;h++)
- for(w=0;w<dc_w;w++) // 1127
- for (color=0; color<mzte_codec.m_iColors; color++)
- {
- SNR_IMAGE *snr_image;
- int tw,sw,sh,n; // 1127
- snr_image=&(mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[color].SNRlayer.snr_image);
- height=mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[color].height;
- width=mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[color].width;
- setProbModelsSQ(color); // hjlee 0901
- coeffinfo=mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[color].coeffinfo;
- /* LH */
- n = 0;
- for (tw=mzte_codec.m_iDCWidth; tw < width; tw<<=1)
- {
- sh = h << n;
- sw = (w+dc_w) << n;
- decodeSQBlocks(sh,sw,n);
- n++;
- }
- /* HL */
- n = 0;
- for (tw=mzte_codec.m_iDCWidth; tw < width; tw<<=1)
- {
- sh = (h+dc_h) << n;
- sw = w << n;
- decodeSQBlocks(sh,sw,n);
- n++;
- }
- /* HH */
- n = 0;
- for (tw=mzte_codec.m_iDCWidth; tw < width; tw<<=1)
- {
- sh = (h+dc_h) << n;
- sw = (w+dc_w) << n;
- decodeSQBlocks(sh,sw,n);
- n++;
- }
- #if 0
- // hjlee 0901
- decode_pixel_SQ_tree(h,w); /* LH */
- decode_pixel_SQ_tree(h+dc_h,w-dc_w); /* HL */
- decode_pixel_SQ_tree(h+dc_h,w); /* HH */
- #endif
- }
- }
- /********************************************************
- Function Name
- -------------
- static Void decode_pixel_SQ(Int h,Int w)
- Arguments
- ---------
- Int h,Int w - position of a pixel in height and width
- Description
- -----------
- Decoding the type and/or value of a coefficient, a
- recursive function.
- Functions Called
- ----------------
- mag_sign_decode_SQ()
- mzte_ac_decode_symbol()
- decode_pixel_SQ()
- Return Value
- ------------
- None.
- ********************************************************/
- // hjlee 0901
- Void CVTCDecoder::decode_pixel_SQ(Int h,Int w)
- {
- UChar zt_type;
- Int l;
- if(coeffinfo[h][w].type == ZTR_D)
- return;
- l=xy2wvtDecompLev(w,h);
- /* decode leave coefficients, value only */
- if(IS_STATE_LEAF(coeffinfo[h][w].state)){ /* zero value. no sign */
- /* Map leaf code word to type 0->ZTR, 1->VZTR */
- coeffinfo[h][w].type =
- mzte_ac_decode_symbol(&acd,acm_type[l][CONTEXT_LINIT]) ? VZTR : ZTR;
- if (coeffinfo[h][w].type==VZTR)
- mag_sign_decode_SQ(h,w);
- else
- coeffinfo[h][w].quantized_value = 0;
- return;
- }
- /* decode zero tree symbols */
- coeffinfo[h][w].type=zt_type=
- mzte_ac_decode_symbol(&acd,acm_type[l][CONTEXT_INIT]);
- /* code magnitude and sign */
- switch(zt_type){
- case IZ :
- break;
- case VZTR:
- mag_sign_decode_SQ(h,w);
- case ZTR:
- mark_ZTR_D(h,w); /* necessary for checking purpose bandwise scan */
- return;
- case VAL:
- mag_sign_decode_SQ(h,w);
- break;
- default:
- errorHandler("Invalid zerotree symbol in single quant decode");
- }
- #if 0
- UChar zt_type;
- Int h, w, k;
- Int dcc[4]; /* Don't Code Children */
- Int nSib; /* number siblings */
- Int l;
- l=xy2wvtDecompLev(w0,h0);
- nSib = (h0<(mzte_codec.m_iDCHeight<<1) && w0<(mzte_codec.m_iDCWidth<<1)) ? 1 : 4;
- /********************* CODE SIBLINGS *****************************/
- for (k=0; k<nSib; ++k)
- {
- h = h0 + (k/2);
- w = w0 + (k%2);
- /* decode leave coefficients, value only */
- if(IS_STATE_LEAF(coeffinfo[h][w].state)){ /* zero value. no sign */
- #ifdef _SHAPE_
- if(coeffinfo[h][w].mask==1)
- {
- #endif
- /* Map leaf code word to type 0->ZTR, 1->VZTR */
- coeffinfo[h][w].type =
- mzte_ac_decode_symbol(&acd,acm_type[l][CONTEXT_LINIT]) ? VZTR : ZTR;
- if (coeffinfo[h][w].type==VZTR)
- mag_sign_decode_SQ(h,w);
- else
- coeffinfo[h][w].quantized_value = 0;
- #ifdef _SHAPE_
- }
- else
- coeffinfo[h][w].quantized_value = 0;
- #endif
- continue;
- }
- /* decode zero tree symbols */
- #ifdef _SHAPE_
- if(coeffinfo[h][w].mask==1)
- #endif
- coeffinfo[h][w].type=zt_type=
- mzte_ac_decode_symbol(&acd,acm_type[l][CONTEXT_INIT]);
- #ifdef _SHAPE_
- else
- coeffinfo[h][w].type=zt_type = IZ;
- #endif
- /* code magnitude and sign */
- switch(zt_type){
- case IZ :
- dcc[k]=0;
- break;
- case VZTR:
- mag_sign_decode_SQ(h,w);
- case ZTR:
- dcc[k]=1;
- break;
- case VAL:
- dcc[k]=0;
- mag_sign_decode_SQ(h,w);
- break;
- default:
- errorHandler("Invalid zerotree symbol in single quant decode");
- }
- }
- /********************* CODE CHILDREN *****************************/
- if (!IS_STATE_LEAF(coeffinfo[h0][w0].state))
- {
- Int i, j;
- for (k=0; k<nSib; ++k)
- {
- if (dcc[k]==0)
- {
- h = h0 + (k/2);
- w = w0 + (k%2);
- /* scan children */
- i=h<<1; j=w<<1;
- decode_pixel_SQ_tree(i,j);
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- /********************************************************
- Function Name
- -------------
- static Void mag_sign_decode_SQ(Int h,Int w)
- Arguments
- ---------
- Int h,Int w - position of a pixel
- Description
- -----------
- Decode the value of a coefficient.
- Functions Called
- ----------------
- mzte_ac_decode_symbol()
- Return Value
- ------------
- None.
- ********************************************************/
- Void CVTCDecoder::mag_sign_decode_SQ(Int h,Int w)
- {
- Int value,v_sign;
- Int l;
- l=xy2wvtDecompLev(w,h);
- value=bitplane_decode(l,WVTDECOMP_NUMBITPLANES(color,l))+1;
- v_sign=mzte_ac_decode_symbol(&acd,acm_sign[l]);
- coeffinfo[h][w].quantized_value=(v_sign==0) ? value : -value;
- }
- /*********************************************************************/
- /****************************** AC *********************************/
- /************************** Multi quant ****************************/
- /*********************************************************************/
- Int CVTCDecoder::bitplane_res_decode(Int l,Int max_bplane)
- {
- register Int i,val=0,k=0;
- for(i=max_bplane-1;i>=0;i--,k++)
- val+=mzte_ac_decode_symbol(&acd,&acm_bpres[l][k])<<i;
- return val;
- }
- /********************************************************
- Function Name
- -------------
- Void wavelet_higher_bands_decode_MQ(Int scanDirection)
- Arguments
- ---------
- Int scanDirection - 0 <=> tree, 1 <=> band
- Description
- -----------
- Control program for decoding AC information for one
- color component. Multi quant mode.
- Functions Called
- ----------------
- cachb_decode_MQ_band()
- mzte_ac_decoder_init()
- mzte_ac_model_init()
- mzte_ac_model_done()
- mzte_ac_decoder_done()
- Return Value
- ------------
- None.
- ********************************************************/
- Void CVTCDecoder::wavelet_higher_bands_decode_MQ(Int scanDirection)
- {
- noteDetail("Decoding AC band (wavelet_higher_bands_decode_MQ)....");
- /* init arithmetic coder */
- mzte_ac_decoder_init(&acd);
- if (scanDirection==0)
- cachb_decode_MQ_tree();
- else
- cachb_decode_MQ_band();
- /* close arithmetic coder */
- mzte_ac_decoder_done(&acd);
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /*************** MQ BAND ********************************/
- /**********************************************************************/
- /********************************************************
- Function Name
- -------------
- static Void cachb_decode_MQ_band()
- Arguments
- ---------
- None.
- Description
- -----------
- Decode AC information for one color component.
- Multiple quant, bandwise scan.
- Functions Called
- ----------------
- clear_ZTR_D();
- codeBlocks();
- decode_pixel_MQ_band()
- Return Value
- ------------
- None.
- ********************************************************/
- Void CVTCDecoder::cachb_decode_MQ_band()
- {
- Int h,w;
- Int ac_h,ac_w,ac_h2,ac_w2;
- Int acH,acW,acH2,acW2;
- Int layer, nCol;
- Int n; /* layer index - for codeBlocks function */
- Int k; /* block jump for the layer */
- /* clear the ZTR_D type from the previous pass */
- for (color=0; color<NCOL; ++color)
- {
- coeffinfo=mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[color].coeffinfo;
- height=mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[color].height;
- width=mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[color].width;
- clear_ZTR_D(coeffinfo, width, height);
- }
- for (color=0; color<NCOL; ++color)
- probModelInitMQ(color);
- acH=mzte_codec.m_iDCHeight;
- acW=mzte_codec.m_iDCWidth;
- acH2=acH<<1;
- acW2=acW<<1;
- /* scan each coefficients in the spatial layer */
- /* assume luma dimensions are >= chroma dimensions */
- layer=0;
- while(acH2<=mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[0].height
- && acW2<=mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[0].width)
- {
- nCol = (layer==0) ? 1 : NCOL;
- for (color=0; color < nCol; ++color)
- {
- SNR_IMAGE *snr_image;
- noteProgress(" Coding Layer %d, Color %d", layer - (color!=0), color);
- ac_h2=acH2;
- ac_w2=acW2;
- ac_h=acH;
- ac_w=acW;
- if (color)
- {
- ac_h2>>=1;
- ac_w2>>=1;
- ac_h>>=1;
- ac_w>>=1;
- }
- snr_image=&(mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[color].SNRlayer.snr_image);
- coeffinfo=mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[color].coeffinfo;
- height=mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[color].height;
- width=mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[color].width;
- setProbModelsMQ(color);
- /* Go through bands */
- n = layer - (color>0);
- k = 1<<n;
- for(h=0;h<ac_h;h+=k)
- for(w=ac_w;w<ac_w2;w+=k)
- {
- /* LH */
- decodeMQBlocks(h,w,n);
- /* HL */
- h += ac_h;
- w -= ac_w;
- decodeMQBlocks(h,w,n);
- /* HH */
- w += ac_w;
- decodeMQBlocks(h,w,n);
- /* Set h back to where it started. w is already there */
- h -= ac_h;
- }
- }
- /* update ranges */
- acH=acH2;
- acW=acW2;
- acW2<<=1;
- acH2<<=1;
- layer++;
- }
- for (color=0; color<NCOL; ++color)
- probModelFreeMQ(color);
- }
- /********************************************************
- Function Name
- -------------
- static Void decode_pixel_MQ_band(Int h,Int w)
- Arguments
- ---------
- Int h,Int w - position of a pixel in height and width
- Description
- -----------
- Decoding the type and/or value of a coefficient, a
- recursive function, multi quant mode.
- Functions Called
- ----------------
- mzte_ac_decode_symbol()
- mark_ZTR_D()
- mag_sign_decode_MQ()
- Return Value
- ------------
- None.
- ********************************************************/
- //Void CVTCDecoder::decode_pixel_MQ_band(Int h,Int w)
- Void CVTCDecoder::decode_pixel_MQ(Int h,Int w) // 1124
- {
- Int zt_type;
- /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ zerotree descendent ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
- if(coeffinfo[h][w].type==ZTR_D)
- return;
- /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ decode zero tree symbol ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
- if (IS_RESID(w,h,color))
- {
- zt_type=VAL; /* tmp assign. for next switch statement */
- }
- else
- {
- Int czt_type; /* what to put on bitstream */
- Int l;
- l=xy2wvtDecompLev(w,h);
- zt_type = coeffinfo[h][w].type;
- #ifdef _SHAPE_
- if(coeffinfo[h][w].mask==1) /* skip out-node */
- {
- #endif
- switch(coeffinfo[h][w].state)
- {
- case S_INIT:
- czt_type=mzte_ac_decode_symbol(&acd,acm_type[l][CONTEXT_INIT]);
- coeffinfo[h][w].type=zt_type=czt_type;
- break;
- case S_ZTR:
- czt_type=mzte_ac_decode_symbol(&acd,acm_type[l][CONTEXT_ZTR]);
- coeffinfo[h][w].type=zt_type=czt_type;
- break;
- case S_ZTR_D:
- czt_type=mzte_ac_decode_symbol(&acd,acm_type[l][CONTEXT_ZTR_D]);
- coeffinfo[h][w].type=zt_type=czt_type;
- break;
- case S_IZ:
- czt_type=mzte_ac_decode_symbol(&acd,acm_type[l][CONTEXT_IZ]);
- coeffinfo[h][w].type=zt_type = czt_type ? VAL : IZ;
- break;
- case S_LINIT:
- czt_type=mzte_ac_decode_symbol(&acd,acm_type[l][CONTEXT_LINIT]);
- coeffinfo[h][w].type=zt_type = czt_type ? VZTR : ZTR;
- break;
- case S_LZTR:
- czt_type=mzte_ac_decode_symbol(&acd,acm_type[l][CONTEXT_LZTR]);
- coeffinfo[h][w].type=zt_type = czt_type ? VZTR : ZTR;
- break;
- case S_LZTR_D:
- czt_type=mzte_ac_decode_symbol(&acd,acm_type[l][CONTEXT_LZTR_D]);
- coeffinfo[h][w].type=zt_type = czt_type ? VZTR : ZTR;
- break;
- default:
- errorHandler("Invalid state (%d) in multi-quant encoding.",
- coeffinfo[h][w].state);
- }
- #ifdef _SHAPE_
- }
- else /* treat out-node as isolated zero for decoding purpose */
- {
- switch(coeffinfo[h][w].state)
- {
- case S_INIT:
- case S_ZTR:
- case S_ZTR_D:
- case S_IZ:
- zt_type = coeffinfo[h][w].type = IZ;
- break;
- case S_LINIT:
- case S_LZTR:
- case S_LZTR_D:
- zt_type = coeffinfo[h][w].type = ZTR;
- break;
- default:
- errorHandler("Invalid state (%d) in multi-quant encoding.",
- coeffinfo[h][w].state);
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mark ztr_d and encode magnitudes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
- switch(zt_type)
- {
- case ZTR:
- #ifdef _SHAPE_
- if(coeffinfo[h][w].mask!=1)
- return;
- #endif
- case ZTR_D:
- mark_ZTR_D(h,w);
- case IZ:
- coeffinfo[h][w].quantized_value=0;
- return;
- case VZTR:
- mark_ZTR_D(h,w);
- case VAL:
- #ifdef _SHAPE_
- if(coeffinfo[h][w].mask==1)
- #endif
- mag_sign_decode_MQ(h,w);
- break;
- default:
- errorHandler("Invalid type in multi quant decoding.");
- }
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /*************** MQ TREE ********************************/
- /**********************************************************************/
- /********************************************************
- Function Name
- -------------
- static Void cachb_decode_MQ_tree()
- Arguments
- ---------
- None.
- Description
- -----------
- Decode AC information for one color component.
- Multiple quant, treewise scan.
- Functions Called
- ----------------
- clear_ZTR_D();
- decode_pixel_MQ_tree()
- Return Value
- ------------
- None.
- ********************************************************/
- Void CVTCDecoder::cachb_decode_MQ_tree()
- {
- Int h,w, dc_h, dc_w;
- /* clear the ZTR_D type from the previous pass */
- for (color=0; color<NCOL; ++color)
- {
- coeffinfo=mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[color].coeffinfo;
- height=mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[color].height;
- width=mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[color].width;
- clear_ZTR_D(coeffinfo, width, height);
- }
- for (color=0; color<NCOL; ++color)
- probModelInitMQ(color);
- /* ac_h, ac_w init */
- dc_h=mzte_codec.m_iDCHeight;
- dc_w=mzte_codec.m_iDCWidth;
- for (h=0; h<dc_h; ++h)
- for (w=0; w<dc_w; ++w)
- {
- for (color=0; color<NCOL; ++color)
- {
- SNR_IMAGE *snr_image;
- int tw,sw,sh,n; // 1124
- snr_image=&(mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[color].SNRlayer.snr_image);
- coeffinfo=mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[color].coeffinfo;
- height=mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[color].height;
- width=mzte_codec.m_SPlayer[color].width;
- setProbModelsMQ(color);
- /* LH */
- n = 0;
- for (tw=mzte_codec.m_iDCWidth; tw < width; tw<<=1)
- {
- sh = h << n;
- sw = (w+dc_w) << n;
- decodeMQBlocks(sh,sw,n);
- n++;
- }
- /* HL */
- n = 0;
- for (tw=mzte_codec.m_iDCWidth; tw < width; tw<<=1)
- {
- sh = (h+dc_h) << n;
- sw = w << n;
- decodeMQBlocks(sh,sw,n);
- n++;
- }
- /* HH */
- n = 0;
- for (tw=mzte_codec.m_iDCWidth; tw < width; tw<<=1)
- {
- sh = (h+dc_h) << n;
- sw = (w+dc_w) << n;
- decodeMQBlocks(sh,sw,n);
- n++;
- }
- #if 0
- decode_pixel_MQ_tree(h,w+dc_w); /* LH */
- decode_pixel_MQ_tree(h+dc_h,w); /* HL */
- decode_pixel_MQ_tree(h+dc_h,w+dc_w); /* HH */
- #endif
- }
- }
- for (color=0; color<NCOL; ++color)
- probModelFreeMQ(color);
- }
- #if 0
- /********************************************************
- Function Name
- -------------
- static Void decode_pixel_MQ_tree(Int h,Int w)
- Arguments
- ---------
- Int h,Int w - position of a pixel in height and width
- Description
- -----------
- Decoding the type and/or value of a coefficient, a
- recursive function, multi quant mode.
- Functions Called
- ----------------
- mzte_ac_decode_symbol()
- mark_ZTR_D()
- mag_sign_decode_MQ()
- Return Value
- ------------
- None.
- ********************************************************/
- Void CVTCDecoder::decode_pixel_MQ_tree(Int h0,Int w0)
- {
- Int zt_type, h, w, k;
- Int dcc[4]; /* Don't Code Children */
- Int nSib; /* number siblings */
- nSib = (h0<(mzte_codec.m_iDCHeight<<1) && w0<(mzte_codec.m_iDCWidth<<1)) ? 1 : 4;
- /********************* CODE SIBLINGS *****************************/
- for (k=0; k<nSib; ++k)
- {
- h = h0 + (k/2);
- w = w0 + (k%2);
- /* decode zero tree symbol */
- if (IS_RESID(w,h,color))
- {
- zt_type=VAL;
- }
- else
- {
- Int czt_type; /* what to put on bitstream */
- Int l;
- l=xy2wvtDecompLev(w,h);
- zt_type = coeffinfo[h][w].type;
- #ifdef _SHAPE_
- if(coeffinfo[h][w].mask==1) /* skip out-node */
- {
- #endif
- switch(coeffinfo[h][w].state)
- {
- case S_INIT:
- czt_type=mzte_ac_decode_symbol(&acd,acm_type[l][CONTEXT_INIT]);
- coeffinfo[h][w].type=zt_type=czt_type;
- break;
- case S_ZTR:
- czt_type=mzte_ac_decode_symbol(&acd,acm_type[l][CONTEXT_ZTR]);
- coeffinfo[h][w].type=zt_type=czt_type;
- break;
- case S_ZTR_D:
- czt_type=mzte_ac_decode_symbol(&acd,acm_type[l][CONTEXT_ZTR_D]);
- coeffinfo[h][w].type=zt_type=czt_type;
- break;
- case S_IZ:
- czt_type=mzte_ac_decode_symbol(&acd,acm_type[l][CONTEXT_IZ]);
- coeffinfo[h][w].type=zt_type = czt_type ? VAL : IZ;
- break;
- case S_LINIT:
- czt_type=mzte_ac_decode_symbol(&acd,acm_type[l][CONTEXT_LINIT]);
- coeffinfo[h][w].type=zt_type = czt_type ? VZTR : ZTR;
- break;
- case S_LZTR:
- czt_type=mzte_ac_decode_symbol(&acd,acm_type[l][CONTEXT_LZTR]);
- coeffinfo[h][w].type=zt_type = czt_type ? VZTR : ZTR;
- break;
- case S_LZTR_D:
- czt_type=mzte_ac_decode_symbol(&acd,acm_type[l][CONTEXT_LZTR_D]);
- coeffinfo[h][w].type=zt_type = czt_type ? VZTR : ZTR;
- break;
- default:
- errorHandler("Invalid state (%d) in multi-quant encoding.",
- coeffinfo[h][w].state);
- }
- #ifdef _SHAPE_
- }
- else /* treat out-node as isolated zero for decoding purpose */
- {
- switch(coeffinfo[h][w].state)
- {
- case S_INIT:
- case S_ZTR:
- case S_ZTR_D:
- case S_IZ:
- zt_type = coeffinfo[h][w].type = IZ;
- break;
- case S_LINIT:
- case S_LZTR:
- case S_LZTR_D:
- zt_type = coeffinfo[h][w].type = ZTR;
- break;
- default:
- errorHandler("Invalid state (%d) in multi-quant encoding.",
- coeffinfo[h][w].state);
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- /* mark ztr_d and decode magnitudes */
- switch(zt_type)
- {
- case ZTR:
- #ifdef _SHAPE_
- if(coeffinfo[h][w].mask==1) {
- #endif
- dcc[k]=1;
- mark_ZTR_D(h,w); /* here it's just to zero out descendents */
- #ifdef _SHAPE_
- }
- else {
- dcc[k]=0;
- }
- #endif
- coeffinfo[h][w].quantized_value=0;
- break;
- case IZ:
- dcc[k]=0;
- coeffinfo[h][w].quantized_value=0;
- break;
- case VZTR:
- dcc[k]=1;
- mark_ZTR_D(h,w); /* here it's just to zero out descendents */
- #ifdef _SHAPE_
- if(coeffinfo[h][w].mask==1)
- #endif
- mag_sign_decode_MQ(h,w);
- break;
- case VAL:
- dcc[k]=0;
- #ifdef _SHAPE_
- if(coeffinfo[h][w].mask==1)
- #endif
- mag_sign_decode_MQ(h,w);
- break;
- default:
- errorHandler("Invalid type in multi quant decoding.");
- }
- }
- /********************* CODE CHILDREN *****************************/
- if (!IS_STATE_LEAF(coeffinfo[h0][w0].state))
- {
- Int i, j;
- for (k=0; k<nSib; ++k)
- {
- if (dcc[k]==0)
- {
- h = h0 + (k/2);
- w = w0 + (k%2);
- /* scan children */
- i=h<<1; j=w<<1;
- decode_pixel_MQ_tree(i,j);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- /********************************************************
- Function Name
- -------------
- static Void mark_ZTR_D(Int h,Int w)
- Arguments
- ---------
- Int h,Int w - position of a pixel
- Description
- -----------
- Mark the coefficient at (h,w) and its descendents as
- zerotree descendents.
- Functions Called
- ----------------
- mark_ZTR_D()
- Return Value
- ------------
- None.
- ********************************************************/
- Void CVTCDecoder::mark_ZTR_D(Int h,Int w)
- {
- Int i,j;
- i=h<<1; j=w<<1;
- if(i<height && j<width)
- {
- coeffinfo[i][j].quantized_value = 0;
- coeffinfo[i+1][j].quantized_value = 0;
- coeffinfo[i][j+1].quantized_value = 0;
- coeffinfo[i+1][j+1].quantized_value = 0;
- coeffinfo[i][j].type = ZTR_D;
- coeffinfo[i+1][j].type = ZTR_D;
- coeffinfo[i][j+1].type = ZTR_D;
- coeffinfo[i+1][j+1].type = ZTR_D;
- mark_ZTR_D(i,j);
- mark_ZTR_D(i+1,j);
- mark_ZTR_D(i,j+1);
- mark_ZTR_D(i+1,j+1);
- }
- }
- /********************************************************
- Function Name
- -------------
- static Void mag_sign_decode_MQ(Int h,Int w)
- Arguments
- ---------
- Int h,Int w - position of a pixel
- Description
- -----------
- Decode the value of a coefficient.
- Functions Called
- ----------------
- mzte_ac_decode_symbol()
- Return Value
- ------------
- None.
- ********************************************************/
- // hjlee 0901
- Void CVTCDecoder::mag_sign_decode_MQ(Int h,Int w)
- {
- Int val,v_sign;
- Int l;
- if(coeffinfo[h][w].skip)
- {
- coeffinfo[h][w].quantized_value=0;
- return;
- }
- l=xy2wvtDecompLev(w,h);
- if (IS_RESID(w,h,color))
- {
- val=bitplane_res_decode(l,WVTDECOMP_RES_NUMBITPLANES(color));
- coeffinfo[h][w].quantized_value=val;
- }
- else
- {
- val=bitplane_decode(l,WVTDECOMP_NUMBITPLANES(color,l))+1;
- v_sign=mzte_ac_decode_symbol(&acd,acm_sign[l]);
- coeffinfo[h][w].quantized_value=(v_sign==0) ? val : -val;
- }
- }
- /*************************************************************
- Function Name
- -------------
- Void decodeSQBlocks()
- Arguments
- ---------
- Int y, Int x - Coordinate of upper left hand corner of block.
- Int n - Number of 4 blocks in a side of the total block. 0 means do only
- pixel at (x,y).
- Void (*pixelFunc)(Int, Int) - Function to call for pixel locations.
- Description
- -----------
- Call function pixelFunc(y,x) for all pixels (x,y) in block in band scan
- manner.
- Functions Called
- ----------------
- decodeBlocks recursively.
- Return Value
- ------------
- None.
- *************************************************************/
- Void CVTCDecoder::decodeSQBlocks(Int y, Int x, Int n)
- {
- /* Call the encoding function for the 4 block pixels */
- if (n == 0)
- {
- /* For checking scan-order : use 16x16 mono image
- for comparison with Figure 7-38 scan order table in
- document.
- static Int i=4;
- noteStat("%d: y=%d, x=%dn",i++, y,x);
- */
- decode_pixel_SQ(y,x);
- }
- else
- {
- Int k;
- --n;
- k = 1<<n;
- decodeSQBlocks(y,x,n);
- x += k;
- decodeSQBlocks(y,x,n);
- x -= k;
- y += k;
- decodeSQBlocks(y,x,n);
- x += k;
- decodeSQBlocks(y,x,n);
- }
- }
- /*************************************************************
- Function Name
- -------------
- Void decodeSQBlocks()
- Arguments
- ---------
- Int y, Int x - Coordinate of upper left hand corner of block.
- Int n - Number of 4 blocks in a side of the total block. 0 means do only
- pixel at (x,y).
- Void (*pixelFunc)(Int, Int) - Function to call for pixel locations.
- Description
- -----------
- Call function pixelFunc(y,x) for all pixels (x,y) in block in band scan
- manner.
- Functions Called
- ----------------
- decodeBlocks recursively.
- Return Value
- ------------
- None.
- *************************************************************/
- Void CVTCDecoder::decodeMQBlocks(Int y, Int x, Int n)
- {
- /* Call the encoding function for the 4 block pixels */
- if (n == 0)
- {
- /* For checking scan-order : use 16x16 mono image
- for comparison with Figure 7-38 scan order table in
- document.
- static Int i=4;
- noteStat("%d: y=%d, x=%dn",i++, y,x);
- */
- decode_pixel_MQ(y,x);
- }
- else
- {
- Int k;
- --n;
- k = 1<<n;
- decodeMQBlocks(y,x,n);
- x += k;
- decodeMQBlocks(y,x,n);
- x -= k;
- y += k;
- decodeMQBlocks(y,x,n);
- x += k;
- decodeMQBlocks(y,x,n);
- }
- }