资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /* $Id: ac.hpp,v 1.2 2001/04/19 18:32:09 wmay Exp $ */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /* MPEG4 Visual Texture Coding (VTC) Mode Software */
- /* */
- /* This software was jointly developed by the following participants: */
- /* */
- /* Single-quant, multi-quant and flow control */
- /* are provided by Sarnoff Corporation */
- /* Iraj Sodagar ( */
- /* Hung-Ju Lee ( */
- /* Paul Hatrack ( */
- /* Shipeng Li ( */
- /* Bing-Bing Chai ( */
- /* B.S. Srinivas ( */
- /* */
- /* Bi-level is provided by Texas Instruments */
- /* Jie Liang ( */
- /* */
- /* Shape Coding is provided by OKI Electric Industry Co., Ltd. */
- /* Zhixiong Wu ( */
- /* Yoshihiro Ueda ( */
- /* Toshifumi Kanamaru ( */
- /* */
- /* OKI, Sharp, Sarnoff, TI and Microsoft contributed to bitstream */
- /* exchange and bug fixing. */
- /* */
- /* */
- /* In the course of development of the MPEG-4 standard, this software */
- /* module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 tools as */
- /* specified by the MPEG-4 standard. */
- /* */
- /* The copyright of this software belongs to ISO/IEC. ISO/IEC gives use */
- /* of the MPEG-4 standard free license to use this software module or */
- /* modifications thereof for hardware or software products claiming */
- /* conformance to the MPEG-4 standard. */
- /* */
- /* Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software */
- /* products are advised that use may infringe existing patents. The */
- /* original developers of this software module and their companies, the */
- /* subsequent editors and their companies, and ISO/IEC have no liability */
- /* and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software module or */
- /* modification thereof in an implementation. */
- /* */
- /* Permission is granted to MPEG members to use, copy, modify, */
- /* and distribute the software modules ( or portions thereof ) */
- /* for standardization activity within ISO/IEC JTC1/SC29/WG11. */
- /* */
- /* Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 ISO/IEC */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /************************************************************/
- /* Sarnoff Very Low Bit Rate Still Image Coder */
- /* Copyright 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 Sarnoff Corporation */
- /************************************************************/
- /************************************************************/
- /* Filename: ac.h */
- /* */
- /* Descriptions: */
- /* This is the header file of ac.c containing arithmetic */
- /* coding routines. */
- /* */
- /************************************************************/
- #ifndef AC_HEADER
- #define AC_HEADER
- //#include <stdio.h>
- #include "basic.hpp"
- #define MAX_BUFFER 1024
- typedef struct {
- FILE *fp;
- long low;
- long high;
- long followBits;
- Int buffer;
- Int bitsLeft;
- long bitCount;
- UChar *bitstream;
- long bitstreamLength;
- } ac_encoder;
- typedef struct {
- FILE *fp;
- long value;
- long low;
- long high;
- Int buffer;
- Int bitsLeft;
- UChar *bitstream;
- long bitCount;
- long bitstream_ptr;
- Int dc_band;
- } ac_decoder;
- typedef struct {
- Int nsym; /* the number of symbols in the symbol set to be encoded */
- Int adapt; /* 0 => non-adaptive, !0 => adaptive */
- Int inc;
- /* for zeroth and mixed order models only */
- UShort *freq;
- UShort *cfreq;
- UShort Max_frequency;
- } ac_model;
- #endif