资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*************************************************************************
- This software module was originally developed by
- in the course of development of the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2).
- This software module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 Video tools
- as specified by the MPEG-4 Video.
- ISO/IEC gives users of the MPEG-4 Video free license to this software module or modifications
- thereof for use in hardware or software products claiming conformance to the MPEG-4 Video.
- Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software products are advised that its use may infringe existing patents.
- The original developer of this software module and his/her company,
- the subsequent editors and their companies,
- and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software module or modifications thereof in an implementation.
- Copyright is not released for non MPEG-4 Video conforming products.
- Microsoft retains full right to use the code for his/her own purpose,
- assign or donate the code to a third party and to inhibit third parties from using the code for non <MPEG standard> conforming products.
- This copyright notice must be included in all copies or derivative works.
- Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998.
- Module Name:
- vtcEnc.hpp
- Abstract:
- Encoder for one still image using wavelet VTC.
- Revision History:
- *************************************************************************/
- #ifndef __VTCENC_HPP_
- #define __VTCENC_HPP_
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include "basic.hpp"
- #include "quant.hpp"
- #include "ac.hpp"
- //#include "context.hpp"
- #include "dwt.h"
- /* for bilevel mode */
- #include "PEZW_ac.hpp"
- #include "wvtPEZW.hpp"
- #include "PEZW_zerotree.hpp"
- #include "PEZW_mpeg4.hpp"
- #ifdef DATA
- #undef DATA
- #endif
- #define DATA Short
- #define MAXLEV 12
- #define NCOLOR 3
- #define SINGLE_Q 1
- #define MULTIPLE_Q 2
- #define BILEVEL_Q 3
- /* zero tree symbols - if changed please change MapTypeToText variable */
- #define IZ 0 /* Isolated Zero */
- #define VAL 1 /* Value */
- #define ZTR 2 /* Zero-Tree Root */
- #define VZTR 3 /* Valued Zero-Tree Root */
- #define ZTR_D 4 /* Parent has type of ZTR, VZTR, or ZTR_D (not coded) */
- #define VLEAF 5 /* Leaf coefficient with non-zero value (not coded) */
- #define ZLEAF 6 /* Leaf coefficient with zero value (not coded) */
- #define UNTYPED 7 /* so far only for clearing of ZTR_Ds */
- #define MAXDECOMPLEV 10
- #define INF_RES 1024
- #define MONO 1
- #define FULLSIZE 0
- #define PROGRESSIVE 0
- #define MASK_VAL (0xff)
- #define SKIP_NONE 0 /* Not in skip mode */
- #define SKIP_TNYC 1 /* Skip mode - Type Not Yet Coded */
- #define SKIP_ZTR 2 /* Skip mode - previous type coded was ZTR */
- #define SKIP_IZ 3 /* Skip mode - previous type coded was IZ */
- /* QValArithModel field types - if changed please change mapArithModelToText
- variable */
- #if 0 // hjlee 0901
- #define ACM_NONE 0 /* When there's no value to code */
- #define ACM_SKIP 1
- #define ACM_ROOT 2
- #define ACM_VALZ 3
- #define ACM_VALNZ 4
- #define ACM_RESID 5 /* should have one for each set of coeffs arising in
- different initial spatial layers */
- #define ACM_DC 6
- #endif // hjlee 0901
- // hjlee 0901
- #define ACM_NONE 0 /* When there's no value to code */
- #define ACM_ROOT 1
- #define ACM_VALZ 2
- #define ACM_VALNZ 3
- #define ACM_RESID 4 /* should have one for each set of coeffs arising in
- different initial spatial layers */
- #define ACM_DC 5
- typedef short SInt;
- typedef U8 UChar;
- typedef struct {
- /* not updated */
- SInt wvt_coeff; /* Original value in encoding.*/
- SInt rec_coeff; /* Reconstructed value in decoding
- Put here for comparing with originals
- at decoder. Reconstructed values can
- be put in original when memory is an
- issue and we don't want stats to be
- computed at decoder. */
- /* updated by quantization */
- SInt quantized_value; /* quantized value */
- quantState qState; /* state of quantizer for coefficient */
- /* updated by marking */
- UChar state; /* state of coefficient */
- UChar type; /* MZTE tree types: ZTR, IZ, VZTR, or VAL */
- UChar skip; /* Skip coding of coefficient value (not type) */
- /* updated by Shipeng */
- UChar mask;
- typedef struct {
- Int num_ZTR;
- Int num_VZTR;
- Int num_VAL;
- typedef struct {
- Int height;
- Int width;
- UChar *mask;
- Void *data;
- typedef struct {
- SInt quant;
- UChar allzero;
- Int root_max; /* three maximum values for AC magnitude coding */
- Int valz_max;
- Int valnz_max;
- Int residual_max;
- // hjlee 0901
- Int wvtDecompNumBitPlanes[MAXDECOMPLEV];
- Int wvtDecompResNumBitPlanes;
- Int wvtDecompMax[MAXDECOMPLEV]; /* for _NEW_CONTEXT_ */
- STATINFO stat;
- typedef struct {
- SNR_IMAGE snr_image;
- typedef struct {
- SInt height;
- SInt width;
- SInt SNR_scalability_levels;
- COEFFINFO **coeffinfo;
- typedef struct snr_param {
- Int SNR_scalability_levels;
- Int *Quant;
- typedef struct wvt_codec
- {
- Int m_iBitDepth; /* number bits per pixel (spatial) */
- Int m_iColors; /* number of color components: 0 = mono, 3=yuv */
- Int m_iColorFormat; /* 4:4:4, 4:2:2, or 4:2:0 ???? */
- PICTURE *m_Image; /* spatial source */
- PICTURE *m_SegImage; /* spatial source */
- Int m_iWvtType; /* Type of filter */
- Int m_iWvtDownload;
- Int m_iWvtDecmpLev;
- Int m_iWvtUniform; // hjlee 0901
- Int *m_WvtFilters; /* Wavetfilter numbers: 0-9 */ // hjlee 0901
- Int m_iMean[NCOLOR]; /* mean of wvt coeffs in DC band ???? */
- Int m_iQDC[NCOLOR];
- Int m_iOffsetDC;
- Int m_iMaxDC; /* max quantized DC coeff - pre-shifting */
- Int m_iDCWidth;
- Int m_iDCHeight;
- // hjlee 0901
- Int m_lastWvtDecompInSpaLayer[MAXDECOMPLEV][NCOLOR];
- Int m_spaLayerWidth[MAXDECOMPLEV][NCOLOR];
- Int m_spaLayerHeight[MAXDECOMPLEV][NCOLOR];
- UChar m_defaultSpatialScale;
- Int m_iWidth;
- Int m_iHeight;
- Int m_iSpatialLev;
- Int m_iQuantType;
- Int m_iScanDirection;
- Int m_iScanOrder;
- Bool m_bStartCodeEnable;
- Int m_iTargetSpatialLev;
- Int m_iTargetSNRLev;
- Int m_iDeringWinSize;
- Int m_iDeringThreshold;
- Int m_iTargetBitrate; /* PEZW */
- /* for shape coding */
- Int m_iAlphaChannel;
- Int m_iAlphaTh;
- Int m_iChangeCRDisable;
- Int m_iSTOConstAlpha;
- Int m_iSTOConstAlphaValue;
- Int m_iSingleBitFile;
- Char *m_cBitFile;
- Char *m_cBitFileAC;
- Int m_iOriginX;
- Int m_iOriginY;
- Int m_iRealWidth;
- Int m_iRealHeight;
- Int m_iCurSpatialLev;
- Int m_iCurSNRLev;
- Int m_iCurColor;
- /* for arithmetic coder */
- Int m_iAcmOrder; /* 0 - zoro order, 1 - mix order */
- Int m_iAcmMaxFreqChg; /* 0 - default, 1 - used defined */
- Int *m_iAcmMaxFreq; /* array of user defined maximum freqs */
- Class CVTCCommon
- {
- public:
- WVT_CODEC mzte_codec;
- // Utils.cpp
- Void setSpatialLevelAndDimensions(Int spLayer, Int c);
- Void updateResidMaxAndAssignSkips(Int c);
- Int xy2wvtDecompLev(Int x, Int y);
- // vtcdec.cpp
- Void setSpatialLayerDimsSQ(Int band); // hjlee 0901
- Void getSpatialLayerDims(); //hjlee 0901
- Int ceilLog2(Int x); // hjlee 0901
- // QMInit.cpp
- Int ztqQListInit();
- Void ztqQListExit();
- Int ztqInitDC(Int decode, Int c);
- Int ztqInitAC(Int decode, Int c);
- // quant.cpp
- Void initQuantSingleStage(quantState *state,
- Int *statePrevQ, Int initialVal);
- Void initInvQuantSingleStage(quantState *state,
- Int *statePrevQ);
- Int quantRefLev(Int curQ, Int *lastQUsed, Int whichQ);
- Int invQuantSingleStage(Int QIndex, Int Q,
- quantState *state, Int *statePrevQ,Int updatePrevQ);
- // QMUtils.cpp
- Int findChild(Int x, Int y, Int xc[], Int yc[], Int c);
- Int isIndexInRootBands(Int x, Int y, Int c);
- Void spatialLayerChangeUpdate(Int c);
- Int coordToSpatialLev(Int x, Int y, Int c);
- Void updateCoeffAndDescState(Int x, Int y, Int c);
- Void markCoeff(Int x, Int y, UChar valuedDes, Int c);
- Void updateState(Int x, Int y, Int type, Int c);
- // msg.cpp
- Void errorHandler(Char *s, ...);
- Void noteStat(Char *s, ...);
- Void noteDebug(Char *s, ...);
- Void noteDetail(Char *s, ...);
- Void noteProgress(Char *s, ...);
- Void noteProgressNoNL(Char *s, ...);
- Void noteWarning(Char *s, ...);
- Void noteError(Char *s, ...);
- Void noteErrorNoPre(Char *s, ...);
- //download_filter.cpp
- Void check_marker(Int marker_bit);
- Void check_symmetry(FILTER *filter);
- Void upload_wavelet_filters(FILTER *filter);
- Void download_wavelet_filters(FILTER **filter, Int type); // hjlee 0901
- // wavelet.cpp
- Void choose_wavelet_filter(FILTER **anafilter,FILTER **synfilter,
- Int type);
- // bitpack.cpp
- Void init_bit_packing_fp(FILE *fp, Int clearByte);
- Void emit_bits(UShort code, Int size);
- Int get_X_bits(Int nbits);
- Void flush_bytes1();
- Int nextinputbit();
- // ztscanUtil.cpp
- Void clear_ZTR_D(COEFFINFO **coeffinfo, Int width,
- Int height);
- Void probModelInitSQ(Int col); // hjlee 0901
- Void probModelFreeSQ(Int col); // hjlee 0901
- Void setProbModelsSQ(Int col); // hjlee 0901
- Void probModelInitMQ(Int col); // hjlee 0901
- Void probModelFreeMQ(Int col); // hjlee 0901
- Void setProbModelsMQ(Int col); // hjlee 0901
- Void init_acm_maxf_enc(); // hjlee 0901
- Void init_acm_maxf_dec(); // hjlee 0901
- //ac.cpp
- Void mzte_update_model(ac_model *acm,Int sym); // hjlee 0901
- Void mzte_ac_model_init(ac_model *acm,Int nsym,
- UShort *ifreq,Int adapt,Int inc);
- Void mzte_ac_model_done(ac_model *acm);
- /* other */
- char *check_startcode (unsigned char *stream, long len);
- void one_bit_to_buffer (char bit, char *outbuffer);
- void undo_startcode_check (unsigned char *data, long len);
- /* for bilevel mode: added by Jie Liang */
- /* from PEZW_utils.c */
- PEZW_SPATIAL_LAYER *Init_PEZWdata (int color, int levels, int w, int h);
- void restore_PEZWdata (PEZW_SPATIAL_LAYER **SPlayer);
- int lshift_by_NBit (unsigned char *data, int len, int N);
- //computePSNR.cpp, added by U. Benzler 981117
- Void ComputePSNR(UChar *orgY, UChar *recY,
- UChar *maskY,
- UChar *orgU, UChar *recU,
- UChar *maskU,
- UChar *orgV, UChar *recV,
- UChar *maskV,
- Int width, Int height, Int stat);
- };
- Class CVTCEncoder : public CVTCCommon,
- public VTCDWT,
- public VTCDWTMASK // hjlee 0901
- {
- public:
- // Constructor and Deconstructor
- ~CVTCEncoder ();
- CVTCEncoder ();
- // input/output
- Char *m_cImagePath;
- Char *m_cOutBitsFile;
- Char *m_cSegImagePath;
- Void init(
- Char* cImagePath,
- UInt uiAlphaChannel,
- Char* cSegImagePath,
- UInt uiAlphaTh,
- UInt uiChangeCRDisable,
- Char* cOutBitsFile,
- UInt uiColors,
- UInt uiFrmWidth,
- UInt uiFrmHeight,
- UInt uiWvtType,
- UInt uiWvtDownload, // hjlee 0901
- UInt uiWvtDecmpLev,
- UInt uiWvtUniform, // hjlee 0901
- Int* iWvtFilters, // hjlee 0901
- UInt uiQuantType,
- UInt uiScanDirection,
- Bool bStartCodeEnable,
- UInt uiTargetSpatialLev,
- UInt uiTargetSNRLev,
- UInt uiQdcY,
- UInt uiQdcUV,
- UInt uiSpatialLev ,
- UInt defaultSpatialScale, // hjlee 0901
- Int *lastWvtDecompInSpaLayer, // hjlee 0901
- SNR_PARAM** Qinfo);
- // attribute
- Int GetcurSpatialLev() {
- return mzte_codec.m_iCurSpatialLev; }
- Int GetDCHeight() {
- return mzte_codec.m_iHeight>>mzte_codec.m_iWvtDecmpLev; }
- Int GetDCWidth() {
- return mzte_codec.m_iWidth>>mzte_codec.m_iWvtDecmpLev; }
- // operation
- Void encode();
- protected:
- // vtcenc.cpp
- Void flush_buffer_file();
- Void close_buffer_file(FILE *fp);
- Void header_Enc(FILTER **wvtfilter); // hjlee 0901
- Void Put_Quant_and_Max(SNR_IMAGE *snr_image, Int spaLayer, Int color); // hjlee0901
- Void Put_Quant_and_Max_SQBB(SNR_IMAGE *snr_image, Int spaLayer,Int color); // hjlee0901
- Void textureLayerDC_Enc();
- Void TextureSpatialLayerSQNSC_enc(Int spa_lev);
- Void TextureSpatialLayerSQ_enc(Int spa_lev, FILE *bitfile);
- Void textureLayerSQ_Enc(FILE *bitfile);
- Void TextureObjectLayer_enc(FILTER **wvtfilter); // hjlee 0901
- Void textureLayerMQ_Enc(FILE *bitfile);
- Void TextureSNRLayerMQ_encode(Int spa_lev, Int snr_lev, FILE *fp);
- // read_image.cpp
- Void read_image(Char *img_path,
- Int img_width,
- Int img_height,
- Int img_colors,
- Int img_bit_depth,
- PICTURE *img);
- Int read_segimage(Char *seg_path, Int seg_width, Int seg_height,
- Int img_colors,
- PICTURE *MyImage);
- Void get_virtual_image(PICTURE *MyImage, Int wvtDecompLev,
- Int usemask, Int colors, Int alphaTH,
- Int change_CR_disable, FILTER *Filter);
- // wavelet.cpp
- Void perform_DWT(FILTER **wvtfilter); // hjlee 0901
- // ac.cpp
- Void mzte_output_bit(ac_encoder *ace,Int bit);
- Void mzte_bit_plus_follow(ac_encoder *ace,Int bit);
- Void mzte_ac_encoder_init(ac_encoder *ace);
- Int mzte_ac_encoder_done(ac_encoder *ace);
- Int mzte_ac_encode_symbol(ac_encoder *ace, ac_model *acm, Int sym); // hjlee 0901
- // ztscan_enc.cpp
- SInt DC_pred_pix(Int i, Int j);
- Void DC_predict(Int color);
- Void wavelet_dc_encode(Int c);
- Void cacll_encode();
- Void wavelet_higher_bands_encode_SQ_band(Int col);
- Void cachb_encode_SQ_band(SNR_IMAGE *snr_image);
- // Void encode_pixel_SQ_band(Int h,Int w);
- Void wavelet_higher_bands_encode_SQ_tree();
- Void cachb_encode_SQ_tree(); // hjlee 0928
- // Void encode_pixel_SQ_tree(Int h,Int w); // hjlee 0928
- Void encode_pixel_SQ(Int h,Int w); // 1124
- Void mag_sign_encode_SQ(Int h,Int w);
- Void wavelet_higher_bands_encode_MQ(Int scanDirection);
- Void mark_ZTR_D(Int h,Int w);
- Void cachb_encode_MQ_band();
- // Void encode_pixel_MQ_band(Int h,Int w);
- Void cachb_encode_MQ_tree(); // hjlee 0928
- // Void encode_pixel_MQ_tree(Int h,Int w); // hjlee 0928
- Void encode_pixel_MQ(Int h,Int w); // 1124
- Void mag_sign_encode_MQ(Int h,Int w);
- Void bitplane_encode(Int val,Int l,Int max_bplane); // hjlee 0901
- Void bitplane_res_encode(Int val,Int l,Int max_bplane); // hjlee 0901
- // Void encodeBlocks(Int y, Int x, Int n); // 1124
- Void encodeSQBlocks(Int y, Int x, Int n);
- Void encodeMQBlocks(Int y, Int x, Int n);
- // encQM.cpp
- Void quantizeCoeff(Int x, Int y, Int c);
- Int quantizeAndMarkCoeffs(Int x, Int y, Int c);
- Int encQuantizeDC(Int c);
- Int encQuantizeAndMarkAC(Int c);
- Int encUpdateStateAC(Int c);
- // quant.cpp
- Int quantSingleStage(Int Q, quantState *state,
- Int *statePrevQ,Int updatePrevQ);
- // bitpack.cpp
- Int get_total_bit_rate();
- Int get_total_bit_rate_dec();
- Int get_total_bit_rate_junk();
- Void flush_bytes();
- Void flush_bits1 ();
- Void flush_bits ();
- Void flush_bits_zeros ();
- Int put_param(Int value, Int nbits);
- UInt LookBitsFromStream (Int n);
- Void emit_bits_checksc(UInt code, Int size);
- Void emit_bits_checksc_init();
- Void write_to_bitstream(UChar *bitbuffer,Int total_bits);
- /* for bilevel mode: added by Jie Liang */
- /* from PEZW_textureBQ.c */
- void textureLayerBQ_Enc(FILE *bitfile);
- /* from PEZW_utils.c */
- void PEZW_bitpack (PEZW_SPATIAL_LAYER **SPlayer);
- void PEZW_freeEnc (PEZW_SPATIAL_LAYER **SPlayer);
- };
- Class CVTCDecoder : public CVTCCommon,
- public VTCIDWT,
- {
- public:
- // Constructor and Deconstructor
- ~CVTCDecoder ();
- CVTCDecoder ();
- Char *m_cInBitsFile;
- Char *m_cRecImageFile;
- // vtcdec.cpp
- Void header_Dec(FILTER ***wvtfilter, PICTURE **Image); // hjlee 0901
- Void Get_Quant_and_Max(SNR_IMAGE *snr_image, Int spaLayer,
- Int color); // hjlee 0901
- Void Get_Quant_and_Max_SQBB(SNR_IMAGE *snr_image, Int spaLayer,
- Int color); // hjlee 0901
- Void textureLayerDC_Dec();
- Void TextureSpatialLayerSQNSC_dec(Int spa_lev);
- Void TextureSpatialLayerSQ_dec(Int spa_lev, FILE *bitfile);
- Void textureLayerSQ_Dec(FILE *bitfile);
- Void TextureSNRLayerMQ_decode(Int spa_lev, Int snr_lev,FILE *fp);
- // hjlee 0901
- Void textureLayerMQ_Dec(FILE *bitfile,
- Int target_spatial_levels,
- Int target_snr_levels,
- FILTER **wvtfilter); // hjlee 0901
- // hjlee 0901
- Void TextureObjectLayer_dec(Int target_spatial_levels,
- Int target_snr_levels, FILTER ***pwvtfilter); // hjlee 0901
- Void decode(Char *InBitsFile, Char *RecImageFile,
- Int TargetSpaLev, Int TargetSNRLev);
- // seg.cpp
- // hjlee 0901
- Void get_virtual_mask(PICTURE *MyImage, Int wvtDecompLev,
- Int w, Int h, Int usemask, Int colors, FILTER **filters) ;
- // decQM.c
- Void iQuantizeCoeff(Int x, Int y, Int c);
- Void iQuantizeCoeffs(Int x, Int y, Int c);
- Int decIQuantizeDC(Int c);
- Int decIQuantizeAC(Int c);
- Int decIQuantizeAC_spa(Int spa_lev,Int c);
- Int decUpdateStateAC(Int c);
- Int markCoeffs(Int x, Int y, Int c);
- Int decMarkAC(Int c);
- Int decUpdateStateAC_spa(Int c); // hjlee 0901
- // ac.cpp
- Int mzte_input_bit(ac_decoder *acd);
- Void mzte_ac_decoder_done(ac_decoder *acd);
- Void mzte_ac_decoder_init(ac_decoder *acd);
- Int mzte_ac_decode_symbol(ac_decoder *acd,ac_model *acm); // hjlee 0901
- //ztscan_dec.cpp
- Short iDC_pred_pix(Int i, Int j);
- Void iDC_predict(Int color);
- Void wavelet_dc_decode(Int c);
- Void callc_decode();
- Void wavelet_higher_bands_decode_SQ_band(Int col);
- Void cachb_decode_SQ_band(SNR_IMAGE *snr_image);
- // Void decode_pixel_SQ_band(Int h,Int w); // 1124
- Void wavelet_higher_bands_decode_SQ_tree();
- Void cachb_decode_SQ_tree(); // hjlee 0901
- // Void decode_pixel_SQ_tree(Int h0,Int w0); // hjlee 0901
- Void decode_pixel_SQ(Int h,Int w); // 1124
- Void mag_sign_decode_SQ(Int h,Int w);
- Void wavelet_higher_bands_decode_MQ(Int scanDirection);
- Void cachb_decode_MQ_band();
- // Void decode_pixel_MQ_band(Int h,Int w);
- Void decode_pixel_MQ(Int h,Int w);
- Void cachb_decode_MQ_tree();
- // Void decode_pixel_MQ_tree(Int h,Int w);
- Void mark_ZTR_D(Int h,Int w);
- Void mag_sign_decode_MQ(Int h,Int w);
- Int bitplane_decode(Int l,Int max_bplane); // hjlee 0901
- Int bitplane_res_decode(Int l,Int max_bplane); // hjlee 0901
- // Void decodeBlocks(Int y, Int x, Int n); //1124
- Void decodeSQBlocks(Int y, Int x, Int n);
- Void decodeMQBlocks(Int y, Int x, Int n);
- // bitpack.cpp
- Int align_byte ();
- Int get_param(Int nbits);
- Void restore_arithmetic_offset(Int bits_to_go);
- // wavelet.cpp
- Void perform_IDWT(FILTER **wvtfilter,
- Char *recImgFile); // hjlee 0901
- // write_image.cpp
- Void write_image(Char *recImgFile, Int colors,
- Int width, Int height,
- Int real_width, Int real_height,
- Int rorigin_x, Int rorigin_y,
- UChar *outimage[3], UChar *outmask[3],
- Int usemask, Int fullsize, Int MinLevel);
- /* for bilevel mode: added by Jie Liang */
- /* from PEZW_textureBQ.c */
- void textureLayerBQ_Dec(FILE *bitfile);
- void PEZW_decode_ratecontrol (PEZW_SPATIAL_LAYER **SPlayer, int bytes_decoded);
- /* from PEZW_utils.c */
- void PEZW_bit_unpack (PEZW_SPATIAL_LAYER **SPlayer);
- void PEZW_freeDec (PEZW_SPATIAL_LAYER **SPlayer);
- /* bitpack.cpp */
- Int get_allbits (Char *buffer);
- Int Is_startcode (long startcode);
- int align_byte1 ();
- Int get_X_bits_checksc(Int nbits);
- Void get_X_bits_checksc_init();
- int get_allbits_checksc (unsigned char *buffer);
- Int align_byte_checksc ();
- int decoded_bytes_from_bitstream ();
- };
- #endif /* __VTCENC_HPP_ */