资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*************************************************************************
- This software module was originally developed by
- Ming-Chieh Lee (, Microsoft Corporation
- Wei-ge Chen (, Microsoft Corporation
- Bruce Lin (, Microsoft Corporation
- Chuang Gu (, Microsoft Corporation
- (date: March, 1996)
- in the course of development of the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2).
- This software module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 Video tools
- as specified by the MPEG-4 Video.
- ISO/IEC gives users of the MPEG-4 Video free license to this software module or modifications
- thereof for use in hardware or software products claiming conformance to the MPEG-4 Video.
- Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software products are advised that its use may infringe existing patents.
- The original developer of this software module and his/her company,
- the subsequent editors and their companies,
- and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software module or modifications thereof in an implementation.
- Copyright is not released for non MPEG-4 Video conforming products.
- Microsoft retains full right to use the code for his/her own purpose,
- assign or donate the code to a third party and to inhibit third parties from using the code for non <MPEG standard> conforming products.
- This copyright notice must be included in all copies or derivative works.
- Copyright (c) 1996, 1997.
- Module Name:
- grayf.hpp
- Abstract:
- Float image class for gray (one-plane) pictures
- Revision History:
- *************************************************************************/
- #ifndef __GRAYI_HPP_
- #define __GRAYI_HPP_
- typedef int PixelI;
- #define MAX_NUM_CONTOUR 200
- #endif
- Class CVideoObjectPlane;
- Class CIntImage
- {
- public:
- // Constructors
- ~CIntImage ();
- CIntImage (const CIntImage& ii, const CRct& r = CRct ()); // crop from a floatimage
- CIntImage (const CVideoObjectPlane& vop, RGBA comp);
- CIntImage (const CRct& r = CRct (), PixelI px = 0); // floatimage with same pixel value everywhere
- CIntImage (const CPolygonI& plg, const CRct& rct); // fill in the polygon (interior boundary)
- CIntImage (
- const Char* pchFileName, // MPEG4 file format
- UInt ifr, // frame number
- const CRct& rct, // final rect
- UInt nszHeader = 0 // number of header to be skipped
- );
- CIntImage (const Char* vdlFileName); // read from a VM file.
- // Attributes
- Bool valid () const {return this != 0;}
- const CRct& where () const {return m_rc;}
- CRct boundingBox (const PixelI pxliOutsideColor = (PixelI) transpValue) const;
- PixelI pixel (CoordI x, CoordI y) const {return m_ppxli [m_rc.offset (x, y)];}
- PixelI pixel (const CSite& st) const {return pixel (st.x, st.y);}
- const PixelI* pixels () const {return (this == NULL) ? NULL : m_ppxli;} // return pointer
- const PixelI* pixels (CoordI x, CoordI y) const {return m_ppxli + m_rc.offset (x, y);}
- const PixelI* pixels (const CSite& st) const {return pixels (st.x, st.y);}
- // Resultants
- own CIntImage* decimate (UInt rateX, UInt rateY) const; // decimate the vframe by rateX and rateY.
- own CIntImage* decimateBinaryShape (UInt rateX, UInt rateY) const; // decimate by rateX and rateY in a conservative way
- own CIntImage* zoomup (UInt rateX, UInt rateY) const;
- own CIntImage* expand (UInt rateX, UInt rateY) const; // expand by putting zeros in between
- own CIntImage* biInterpolate () const; // bilinearly interpolate
- own CIntImage* downsampleForSpatialScalability () const;
- own CIntImage* upsampleForSpatialScalability () const;
- own CIntImage* biInterpolate (UInt accuracy) const; // bilinearly interpolate using 2/4/8/16 quantization
- own CIntImage* transpose () const; // transpose the floatimge
- own CIntImage* complement () const; // complement a binarized ii
- own CIntImage* warp (const CAffine2D& aff) const; // affine warp
- own CIntImage* warp (const CPerspective2D& persp) const; // perspective warp
- own CIntImage* warp (const CPerspective2D& persp, const CRct& rctWarp) const; // perspective warp to rctWarp
- own CIntImage* warp (const CPerspective2D& persp, const CRct& rctWarp, const UInt accuracy) const; // perspective warp to rctWarp
- own CIntImage* smooth (UInt window) const; // smooth a binarized ii of window
- PixelI pixel (CoordD x, CoordD y) const; // bi-linear interpolation
- PixelI pixel (CoordI x, CoordI y, UInt accuracy) const; // bi-linear interpolation using 2/4/8/16 quantization
- PixelI pixel (const CSiteD& std) const {return pixel (std.x, std.y);} // bi-linear interpolation
- PixelI pixel (const CSite& std, UInt accuracy) const {return pixel (std.x, std.y, accuracy);} // bi-linear interpolation
- Int mean () const; // mean
- Int mean (const CIntImage* pfiMsk) const; // mean
- Int sumAbs (const CRct& rct = CRct ()) const;
- Int sumDeviation () const; // sum of first-order deviation
- Int sumDeviation (const CIntImage* piiMsk) const; // sum of first-order deviation
- Bool allValue (Int ucVl, const CRct& rct = CRct ()) const; // whether all pixels have value of vl
- Bool biLevel (const CRct& rct = CRct ()) const; // whether it is a binary image
- Bool atLeastOneValue (Int ucVl, const CRct& rct = CRct ()) const; // whether at least one pixel has value of vl
- CRct whereVisible () const; // the tightest bounding box of non-transparent pixels
- UInt numPixelsNotValued (Int ucVl, const CRct& rct = CRct ()) const; // number of pixels not valued vl in region rct
- Double mse (const CIntImage& iiCompare) const;
- Double mse (const CIntImage& iiCompare, const CIntImage& iiMsk) const;
- Double snr (const CIntImage& iiCompare) const;
- Double snr (const CIntImage& iiCompare, const CIntImage& iiMsk) const;
- Void vdlDump (const Char* fileName = "tmp.vdl") const;
- Void dump (FILE *) const;
- Void txtDump (const Char* fileName = "tmp.txt") const;
- Void txtDump (FILE *) const;
- Void txtDumpMask (FILE *) const;
- own CIntImage* extendPadLeft (); // for block padding
- own CIntImage* extendPadRight (); // for block padding
- own CIntImage* extendPadTop (); // for block padding
- own CIntImage* extendPadDown (); // for block padding
- own CIntImage* average (const CIntImage& ii) const;
- // Overloaded operators
- own CIntImage* operator + (const CIntImage& ii) const;
- own CIntImage* operator - (const CIntImage& ii) const;
- own CIntImage* operator * (Int scale) const; // multiply every pixel by scale
- own CIntImage* operator / (Int scale) const; // divide every pixel by scale
- own CIntImage* operator * (const CTransform& tf) const;
- own CIntImage* operator * (const CAffine2D& aff) const {return warp (aff);} // affine warp
- own CIntImage* operator * (const CPerspective2D& persp) const {return warp (persp);} // perspective warp
- Bool operator == (const CIntImage& ii) const;
- // Operations
- Void where (const CRct& r); // crop based on r
- Void pixel (CoordI x, CoordI y, PixelI p) {m_ppxli [m_rc.offset (x, y)] = p;} // set a pixel
- Void pixel (const CSite& st, PixelI p) {pixel (st.x, st.y, p);} // set a pixel
- Void setRect (const CRct& rct); // set the rect
- Void shift (Int nX, Int nY) {m_rc.shift (nX, nY);} // shift CRct by nX and nY
- Void zeroPad (const CIntImage* piimsk); // zero padding
- Void LPEPad (const CIntImage* piimsk); // Low Pass Extrapolation Padding
- Void simplifiedRepeatPad (const CIntImage*); // simplified repetitive padding
- Void modifiedSimplifiedRepeatPad (const CIntImage*);
- Void originalRepeatPad (const CIntImage*);
- Void modifiedVMRepeatPad(const CIntImage *piiMask);
- Void repeatPad (const CIntImage* piimsk); // repetitive padding
- Void sHorRepeatPad (const CIntImage* piimsk); // simplified horizontal repetitive padding
- Void sVerRepeatPad (const CIntImage* piimsk); // simplified vertical repetitive padding
- Void mrepeatPad (const CIntImage* piimsk); // modified repetitive padding
- Void blockPad (const CIntImage* piiOrigMask, const UInt uintBlockSize); // block padding
- Void averagePad (const CIntImage* piiOrigMask); // averaging padding
- Void repeatPadNew (const CIntImage* piimsk); // repetitive padding
- Void threshold (Int ucThresh); // cut < thresh to be zero
- Void binarize (Int ucThresh); // binarize it
- Void checkRange (Int ucMin, Int ucMax);
- Void overlay (const CIntImage& ii); // overlay ii on top of *this
- Void overlay (const CFloatImage& fi);
- Void xorIi (const CIntImage& ii); // xor two binarized ii
- Void orIi (const CIntImage& ii); // or of two binarized ii
- Void andIi (const CIntImage& ii); // or of two binarized ii
- Void maskOut (const CIntImage& ii); // mask out ii
- Void mutiplyAlpha (const CIntImage& ii); //multiply by alpha channel
- Void cropOnAlpha (); // crop the image based on non-transparent value
- Void operator = (const CIntImage& ii);
- ///////////////// implementation /////////////////
- protected:
- PixelI* m_ppxli;
- CRct m_rc;
- Void allocate (const CRct& r, PixelI pxli);
- Void allocate (const CRct& r);
- Void copyConstruct (const CIntImage& ii, const CRct& rct);
- Void swap (CIntImage& ii);
- Void fillColumnDownward (
- const PixelI*& pxlOrigMask,
- const PixelI*& ppxlOrigData,
- PixelI*& ppxlFillMask,
- PixelI*& ppxlFillData
- ) const;
- Void fillColumnUpward (
- const PixelI*& ppxlOrigMask,
- const PixelI*& ppxlOrigData,
- PixelI*& ppxlFillMask,
- PixelI*& ppxlMaskData
- ) const;
- Void fillRowRightward (
- const PixelI*& ppxlOrigMask,
- const PixelI*& ppxlOrigData,
- PixelI*& ppxlFillMask,
- PixelI*& ppxlFillData
- ) const;
- Void fillRowLeftward (
- const PixelI*& ppxlOrigMask,
- const PixelI*& ppxlOrigData,
- PixelI*& ppxlFillMask,
- PixelI*& ppxlFillData
- ) const;
- Void fillCorners (CRct& nBlkRct);
- Void fillHoles (const CIntImage *piiFillMask);
- own CIntImage* smooth_ (UInt window) const; // smooth a binarized ii of window
- // for block padding
- Void dilation4 (CIntImage* pMask);
- Void dilation8 (CIntImage* pMask);
- };
- #endif //_GRAYF_HPP_