资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*************************************************************************
- This software module was originally developed by
- Ming-Chieh Lee (mingcl@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- Wei-ge Chen (wchen@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- Bruce Lin (blin@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- Chuang Gu (chuanggu@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- (date: March, 1996)
- in the course of development of the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2).
- This software module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 Video tools
- as specified by the MPEG-4 Video.
- ISO/IEC gives users of the MPEG-4 Video free license to this software module or modifications
- thereof for use in hardware or software products claiming conformance to the MPEG-4 Video.
- Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software products are advised that its use may infringe existing patents.
- The original developer of this software module and his/her company,
- the subsequent editors and their companies,
- and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software module or modifications thereof in an implementation.
- Copyright is not released for non MPEG-4 Video conforming products.
- Microsoft retains full right to use the code for his/her own purpose,
- assign or donate the code to a third party and to inhibit third parties from using the code for non <MPEG standard> conforming products.
- This copyright notice must be included in all copies or derivative works.
- Copyright (c) 1996, 1997.
- Module Name:
- vop.hpp
- Abstract:
- class for Video Object Plane
- Revision History:
- *************************************************************************/
- #include <math.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "basic.hpp"
- #include "transf.hpp"
- #include "warp.hpp"
- #include "vop.hpp"
- #include "typeapi.h"
- #ifdef __MFC_
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #endif // __MFC_
- Int numPln = 4;
- CVideoObjectPlane::~CVideoObjectPlane ()
- {
- delete [] m_ppxl;
- }
- Void CVideoObjectPlane::allocate (CRct r, CPixel pxl)
- {
- m_rc = r;
- delete [] m_ppxl, m_ppxl = NULL;
- // allocate pixels and initialize
- if (m_rc.empty()) return;
- m_ppxl = new CPixel [m_rc.area ()];
- for (UInt i = 0; i < m_rc.area (); i++)
- m_ppxl [i] = pxl;
- // memset (m_ppxl, pxl, m_rc.area () * sizeof (CPixel));
- }
- Void CVideoObjectPlane::copyConstruct (const CVideoObjectPlane& vop, CRct r)
- {
- if (!r.valid())
- r = vop.where ();
- if (!vop.valid () || (!vop.m_rc.empty () && vop.m_ppxl == NULL))
- assert (FALSE);
- allocate (r, transpPixel);
- if (!valid ()) return;
- // Copy data
- if (r == vop.where ())
- memcpy (m_ppxl, vop.pixels (), m_rc.area () * sizeof (PixelF));
- else {
- r.clip (vop.where ()); // find the intersection
- CoordI x = r.left; // copy pixels
- Int cbLine = r.width * numPln;
- CPixel* ppxl = (CPixel*) pixels (x, r.top);
- const CPixel* ppxlVop = vop.pixels (x, r.top);
- Int widthCurr = where ().width;
- Int widthVop = vop.where ().width;
- for (CoordI y = r.top; y < r.bottom; y++) {
- memcpy (ppxl, ppxlVop, cbLine);
- ppxl += widthCurr;
- ppxlVop += widthVop;
- }
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObjectPlane::swap (CVideoObjectPlane& vop)
- {
- assert (this && &vop);
- CRct rcT = vop.m_rc;
- vop.m_rc = m_rc;
- m_rc = rcT;
- CPixel* ppxlT = vop.m_ppxl;
- vop.m_ppxl = m_ppxl;
- m_ppxl = ppxlT;
- }
- CVideoObjectPlane::CVideoObjectPlane (const CVideoObjectPlane& vop, CRct r) : m_ppxl (NULL)
- {
- copyConstruct (vop, r);
- }
- CVideoObjectPlane::CVideoObjectPlane (CRct r, CPixel pxl) : m_ppxl (NULL)
- {
- allocate (r, pxl);
- }
- CVideoObjectPlane::CVideoObjectPlane (const Char* vdlFileName) : m_ppxl (NULL)
- {
- FILE* pf = fopen (vdlFileName, "rb");
- // write overhead
- Int c0 = getc (pf);
- Int c1 = getc (pf);
- assert (c0 == 'V' && (c1 == 'M' || c1 == 'B') );
- CRct rc;
- if (c1 == 'M'){
- fread (&rc.left, sizeof (CoordI), 1, pf);
- fread (&rc.top, sizeof (CoordI), 1, pf);
- fread (&rc.right, sizeof (CoordI), 1, pf);
- fread (&rc.bottom, sizeof (CoordI), 1, pf);
- rc.width = rc.right - rc.left;
- }
- else {
- U8 byte1, byte2;
- Int sign;
- byte1 = getc (pf);
- byte2 = getc (pf);
- sign = ((byte1 / 128) == 1) ? 1 : -1;
- rc.left = byte1 % 128;
- rc.left = (rc.left * 256) + byte2;
- rc.left *= sign;
- byte1 = getc (pf);
- byte2 = getc (pf);
- sign = ((byte1 / 128) > 0) ? 1 : -1;
- rc.top = byte1 % 128;
- rc.top = (rc.top * 256) + byte2;
- rc.top *= sign;
- byte1 = getc (pf);
- byte2 = getc (pf);
- sign = ((byte1 / 128) > 0) ? 1 : -1;
- rc.right = byte1 % 128;
- rc.right = (rc.right * 256) + byte2;
- rc.right *= sign;
- byte1 = getc (pf);
- byte2 = getc (pf);
- sign = ((byte1 / 128) > 0) ? 1 : -1;
- rc.bottom = byte1 % 128;
- rc.bottom = (rc.bottom * 256) + byte2;
- rc.bottom *= sign;
- rc.width = rc.right - rc.left;
- }
- allocate (rc);
- // read the actual data
- fread (m_ppxl, sizeof (CPixel), where ().area (), pf);
- fclose (pf);
- }
- CVideoObjectPlane::CVideoObjectPlane (
- const Char* pchFileName,
- UInt ifr,
- const CRct& rct,
- ChromType chrType,
- Int nszHeader
- ) : m_ppxl (NULL)
- {
- assert (!rct.empty ());
- assert (ifr >= 0);
- assert (nszHeader >= 0);
- Int iWidth = rct.width, iHeight = rct.height ();
- UInt area = rct.area ();
- Int iUVWidth = iWidth, iUVHeight = iHeight;
- Int uiXSubsample = 1, uiYSubsample = 1;
- if (chrType == FOUR_TWO_TWO) {
- uiXSubsample = 2;
- iUVWidth = (iWidth + 1) / uiXSubsample;
- }
- else if (chrType == FOUR_TWO_ZERO) {
- uiXSubsample = 2;
- uiYSubsample = 2;
- iUVWidth = (iWidth + 1) / uiXSubsample;
- iUVHeight = (iHeight + 1) / uiYSubsample;
- }
- UInt iUVArea = iUVWidth * iUVHeight;
- // allocate mem for buffers
- U8* pchyBuffer = new U8 [area];
- U8* pchuBuffer = new U8 [iUVArea];
- U8* pchvBuffer = new U8 [iUVArea];
- U8* pchyBuffer0 = pchyBuffer;
- U8* pchuBuffer0 = pchuBuffer;
- U8* pchvBuffer0 = pchvBuffer;
- // read data from a file
- FILE* fpYuvSrc = fopen (pchFileName, "rb");
- assert (fpYuvSrc != NULL);
- UInt skipSize = (UInt) ((Float) (ifr * sizeof (U8) * (area + 2 * iUVArea)));
- fseek (fpYuvSrc, nszHeader + skipSize, SEEK_SET);
- Int size = (Int) fread (pchyBuffer, sizeof (U8), area, fpYuvSrc);
- assert (size != 0);
- size = (Int) fread (pchuBuffer, 1, iUVArea, fpYuvSrc);
- assert (size != 0);
- size = (Int) fread (pchvBuffer, 1, iUVArea, fpYuvSrc);
- assert (size != 0);
- fclose(fpYuvSrc);
- // assign buffers to a vframe
- allocate (rct, opaquePixel);
- CPixel* p = (CPixel*) pixels ();
- for (CoordI y = 0; y < iHeight; y++) {
- if ((y % uiYSubsample) == 1) {
- pchuBuffer -= iUVWidth;
- pchvBuffer -= iUVWidth;
- }
- for (CoordI x = 0; x < iWidth; x++) {
- p -> pxlU.yuv.y = *pchyBuffer++;
- p -> pxlU.yuv.u = *pchuBuffer;
- p -> pxlU.yuv.v = *pchvBuffer;
- if (chrType == FOUR_FOUR_FOUR || (x % uiXSubsample) != 0) {
- pchuBuffer++;
- pchvBuffer++;
- }
- p++;
- }
- }
- delete [] pchyBuffer0;
- delete [] pchuBuffer0;
- delete [] pchvBuffer0;
- }
- Void CVideoObjectPlane::where (const CRct& r)
- {
- if (!valid ()) return;
- if (where () == r) return;
- CVideoObjectPlane* pvop = new CVideoObjectPlane (*this, r);
- swap (*pvop);
- delete pvop;
- }
- CRct CVideoObjectPlane::whereVisible() const
- {
- if (!valid () || !m_rc.valid ()) return CRct ();
- CoordI left = where ().right - 1;
- CoordI top = where ().bottom - 1;
- CoordI right = where ().left;
- CoordI bottom = where ().top;
- const CPixel* ppxlThis = pixels ();
- for (CoordI y = where ().top; y < where ().bottom; y++) {
- for (CoordI x = where ().left; x < where ().right; x++) {
- if (ppxlThis -> pxlU.rgb.a != transpValue) {
- left = min (left, x);
- top = min (top, y);
- right = max (right, x);
- bottom = max (bottom, y);
- }
- ppxlThis++;
- }
- }
- right++;
- bottom++;
- return CRct (left, top, right, bottom);
- if (!valid () || !m_rc.valid ()) return CRct ();}
- CPixel CVideoObjectPlane::pixel (CoordI x, CoordI y, UInt accuracy_ori) const
- {
- UInt accuracy1 = accuracy_ori + 1;
- CoordI left = (CoordI) floor ((Double) (x >> accuracy1)); // find the coordinates of the four corners
- CoordI wLeft = where ().left, wRight1 = where ().right - 1, wTop = where ().top, wBottom1 = where ().bottom - 1;
- left = checkrange (left, wLeft, wRight1);
- CoordI right = (CoordI) ceil ((Double) (x >> accuracy1));
- right = checkrange (right, wLeft, wRight1);
- CoordI top = (CoordI) floor ((Double) (y >> accuracy1));
- top = checkrange (top, wTop, wBottom1);
- CoordI bottom = (CoordI) ceil ((Double) (y >> accuracy1));
- bottom = checkrange (bottom, wTop, wBottom1);
- UInt accuracy2 = (accuracy_ori << 1) + 2;
- const CPixel lt = pixel (left, top);
- const CPixel rt = pixel (right, top);
- const CPixel lb = pixel (left, bottom);
- const CPixel rb = pixel (right, bottom);
- const Int distX = (x - left) << accuracy1;
- const Int distY = (y - top) << accuracy1;
- Int x01 = (distX * (rt.pxlU.rgb.r - lt.pxlU.rgb.r) + (Int) lt.pxlU.rgb.r) << accuracy1; // use p.59's notation (Wolberg, Digital Image Warping)
- Int x23 = (distX * (rb.pxlU.rgb.r - lb.pxlU.rgb.r) + (Int) lb.pxlU.rgb.r) << accuracy1;
- Int r = checkrange (((x01 << accuracy1) + (x23 - x01) * distY) >> accuracy2, 0, 255);
- x01 = (distX * (rt.pxlU.rgb.g - lt.pxlU.rgb.g) + (Int) lt.pxlU.rgb.g) << accuracy1; // use p.59's notation
- x23 = (distX * (rb.pxlU.rgb.g - lb.pxlU.rgb.g) + (Int) lb.pxlU.rgb.g) << accuracy1;
- Int g = checkrange (((x01 << accuracy1) + (x23 - x01) * distY) >> accuracy2, 0, 255);
- x01 = (distX * (rt.pxlU.rgb.b - lt.pxlU.rgb.b) + (Int) lt.pxlU.rgb.b) << accuracy1; // use p.59's notation
- x23 = (distX * (rb.pxlU.rgb.b - lb.pxlU.rgb.b) + (Int) lb.pxlU.rgb.b) << accuracy1;
- Int b = checkrange (((x01 << accuracy1) + (x23 - x01) * distY) >> accuracy2, 0, 255);
- x01 = (distX * (rt.pxlU.rgb.a - lt.pxlU.rgb.a) + (Int) lt.pxlU.rgb.a) << accuracy1; // use p.59's notation
- x23 = (distX * (rb.pxlU.rgb.a - lb.pxlU.rgb.a) + (Int) lb.pxlU.rgb.a) << accuracy1;
- Int a = checkrange (((x01 << accuracy1) + (x23 - x01) * distY) >> accuracy2, 0, 255);
- return CPixel ((U8) r, (U8) g, (U8) b, (U8) a);
- }
- CPixel CVideoObjectPlane::pixel (CoordD x, CoordD y) const
- {
- CoordI left = (CoordI) floor (x); // find the coordinates of the four corners
- CoordI wLeft = where ().left, wRight1 = where ().right - 1, wTop = where ().top, wBottom1 = where ().bottom - 1;
- left = checkrange (left, wLeft, wRight1);
- CoordI right = (CoordI) ceil (x);
- right = checkrange (right, wLeft, wRight1);
- CoordI top = (CoordI) floor (y);
- top = checkrange (top, wTop, wBottom1);
- CoordI bottom = (CoordI) ceil (y);
- bottom = checkrange (bottom, wTop, wBottom1);
- const CPixel lt = pixel (left, top);
- const CPixel rt = pixel (right, top);
- const CPixel lb = pixel (left, bottom);
- const CPixel rb = pixel (right, bottom);
- const Double distX = x - left;
- const Double distY = y - top;
- Double x01 = distX * (rt.pxlU.rgb.r - lt.pxlU.rgb.r) + lt.pxlU.rgb.r; // use p.59's notation (Wolberg, Digital Image Warping)
- Double x23 = distX * (rb.pxlU.rgb.r - lb.pxlU.rgb.r) + lb.pxlU.rgb.r;
- Int r = checkrange ((Int) (x01 + (x23 - x01) * distY + .5), 0, 255);
- x01 = distX * (rt.pxlU.rgb.g - lt.pxlU.rgb.g) + lt.pxlU.rgb.g; // use p.59's notation
- x23 = distX * (rb.pxlU.rgb.g - lb.pxlU.rgb.g) + lb.pxlU.rgb.g;
- Int g = checkrange ((Int) (x01 + (x23 - x01) * distY + .5), 0, 255);
- x01 = distX * (rt.pxlU.rgb.b - lt.pxlU.rgb.b) + lt.pxlU.rgb.b; // use p.59's notation
- x23 = distX * (rb.pxlU.rgb.b - lb.pxlU.rgb.b) + lb.pxlU.rgb.b;
- Int b = checkrange ((Int) (x01 + (x23 - x01) * distY + .5), 0, 255);
- x01 = distX * (rt.pxlU.rgb.a - lt.pxlU.rgb.a) + lt.pxlU.rgb.a; // use p.59's notation
- x23 = distX * (rb.pxlU.rgb.a - lb.pxlU.rgb.a) + lb.pxlU.rgb.a;
- Int a = checkrange ((Int) (x01 + (x23 - x01) * distY + .5), 0, 255);
- return CPixel ((U8) r, (U8) g, (U8) b, (U8) a);
- }
- own CVideoObjectPlane* CVideoObjectPlane::warp (const CAffine2D& aff) const // affine warp
- {
- CSiteD stdLeftTopWarp = aff * CSiteD (where ().left, where ().top);
- CSiteD stdRightTopWarp = aff * CSiteD (where ().right, where ().top);
- CSiteD stdLeftBottomWarp = aff * CSiteD (where ().left, where ().bottom);
- CSiteD stdRightBottomWarp = aff * CSiteD (where ().right, where ().bottom);
- CRct rctWarp (stdLeftTopWarp, stdRightTopWarp, stdLeftBottomWarp, stdRightBottomWarp);
- CVideoObjectPlane* pvopRet = new CVideoObjectPlane (rctWarp);
- CPixel* ppxlRet = (CPixel*) pvopRet -> pixels ();
- CAffine2D affInv = aff.inverse ();
- for (CoordI y = rctWarp.top; y < rctWarp.bottom; y++) {
- for (CoordI x = rctWarp.left; x < rctWarp.right; x++) {
- CSiteD src = affInv * CSiteD (x, y);
- CoordI fx = (CoordI) floor (src.x); //.5 is for better truncation
- CoordI fy = (CoordI) floor (src.y); //.5 is for better truncation
- CoordI cx = (CoordI) ceil (src.x); //.5 is for better truncation
- CoordI cy = (CoordI) ceil (src.y); //.5 is for better truncation
- if (
- where ().includes (fx, fy) &&
- where ().includes (fx, cy) &&
- where ().includes (cx, fy) &&
- where ().includes (cx, cy)
- )
- *ppxlRet = pixel (src);
- ppxlRet++;
- }
- }
- return pvopRet;
- }
- own CVideoObjectPlane* CVideoObjectPlane::warp (const CAffine2D& aff, const CRct& rctWarp) const // affine warp
- {
- CVideoObjectPlane* pvopRet = new CVideoObjectPlane (rctWarp);
- CPixel* ppxlRet = (CPixel*) pvopRet -> pixels ();
- //CAffine2D affInv = aff.inverse ();
- for (CoordI y = rctWarp.top; y < rctWarp.bottom; y++) {
- for (CoordI x = rctWarp.left; x < rctWarp.right; x++) {
- CSiteD src = aff * CSiteD (x, y);
- CoordI fx = (CoordI) floor (src.x); //.5 is for better truncation
- CoordI fy = (CoordI) floor (src.y); //.5 is for better truncation
- CoordI cx = (CoordI) ceil (src.x); //.5 is for better truncation
- CoordI cy = (CoordI) ceil (src.y); //.5 is for better truncation
- if (
- where ().includes (fx, fy) &&
- where ().includes (fx, cy) &&
- where ().includes (cx, fy) &&
- where ().includes (cx, cy)
- )
- *ppxlRet = pixel (src);
- ppxlRet++;
- }
- }
- return pvopRet;
- }
- own CVideoObjectPlane* CVideoObjectPlane::warp (const CPerspective2D& persp) const // perspective warp
- {
- CSiteD stdLeftTopWarp = (persp * CSiteD (where ().left, where ().top)).s;
- CSiteD stdRightTopWarp = (persp * CSiteD (where ().right, where ().top)).s;
- CSiteD stdLeftBottomWarp = (persp * CSiteD (where ().left, where ().bottom)).s;
- CSiteD stdRightBottomWarp = (persp * CSiteD (where ().right, where ().bottom)).s;
- CRct rctWarp (stdLeftTopWarp, stdRightTopWarp, stdLeftBottomWarp, stdRightBottomWarp);
- CVideoObjectPlane* pvopRet = new CVideoObjectPlane (rctWarp);
- CPixel* ppxlRet = (CPixel*) pvopRet -> pixels ();
- CPerspective2D perspInv = persp.inverse ();
- for (CoordI y = rctWarp.top; y != rctWarp.bottom; y++) {
- for (CoordI x = rctWarp.left; x != rctWarp.right; x++) {
- CSiteD src = (perspInv * CSiteD (x, y)).s;
- CoordI fx = (CoordI) floor (src.x); //.5 is for better truncation
- CoordI fy = (CoordI) floor (src.y); //.5 is for better truncation
- CoordI cx = (CoordI) ceil (src.x); //.5 is for better truncation
- CoordI cy = (CoordI) ceil (src.y); //.5 is for better truncation
- if (
- where ().includes (fx, fy) &&
- where ().includes (fx, cy) &&
- where ().includes (cx, fy) &&
- where ().includes (cx, cy)
- )
- *ppxlRet = pixel (src);
- ppxlRet++;
- }
- }
- return pvopRet;
- }
- own CVideoObjectPlane* CVideoObjectPlane::warp (const CPerspective2D& persp, const CRct& rctWarp) const // perspective warp
- {
- CVideoObjectPlane* pvopRet = new CVideoObjectPlane (rctWarp);
- CPixel* ppxlRet = (CPixel*) pvopRet -> pixels ();
- //CPerspective2D perspInv = persp.inverse ();
- for (CoordI y = rctWarp.top; y < rctWarp.bottom; y++) {
- for (CoordI x = rctWarp.left; x < rctWarp.right; x++) {
- CSiteD src = (persp * CSiteD (x, y)).s;
- CoordI fx = (CoordI) floor (src.x); //.5 is for better truncation
- CoordI fy = (CoordI) floor (src.y); //.5 is for better truncation
- CoordI cx = (CoordI) ceil (src.x); //.5 is for better truncation
- CoordI cy = (CoordI) ceil (src.y); //.5 is for better truncation
- if (
- where ().includes (fx, fy) &&
- where ().includes (fx, cy) &&
- where ().includes (cx, fy) &&
- where ().includes (cx, cy)
- )
- *ppxlRet = pixel (src);
- ppxlRet++;
- }
- }
- return pvopRet;
- }
- own CVideoObjectPlane* CVideoObjectPlane::warp (const CPerspective2D& persp, const CRct& rctWarp, UInt accuracy) const // perspective warp
- {
- UInt accuracy1 = accuracy + 1;
- CVideoObjectPlane* pvopRet = new CVideoObjectPlane (rctWarp);
- CPixel* ppxlRet = (CPixel*) pvopRet -> pixels ();
- for (CoordI y = rctWarp.top; y < rctWarp.bottom; y++) {
- for (CoordI x = rctWarp.left; x < rctWarp.right; x++) {
- CSite src = (persp * (CSite (x, y))).s;
- CoordI fx = (CoordI) floor ((Double) (src.x >> accuracy1));
- CoordI fy = (CoordI) floor ((Double) (src.y >> accuracy1));
- CoordI cx = (CoordI) ceil ((Double) (src.x >> accuracy1));
- CoordI cy = (CoordI) ceil ((Double) (src.y >> accuracy1));
- if (
- where ().includes (fx, fy) &&
- where ().includes (fx, cy) &&
- where ().includes (cx, fy) &&
- where ().includes (cx, cy)
- )
- *ppxlRet = pixel (src, accuracy);
- ppxlRet++;
- }
- }
- return pvopRet;
- }
- Void CVideoObjectPlane::multiplyAlpha ()
- {
- if (!valid ()) return;
- CPixel* ppxlThis = (CPixel*) pixels ();
- Float inv255 = (Float) 1. / (Float) 255.;
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- for (UInt i = 0; i < area; i++) {
- Float alpha = inv255 * ppxlThis -> pxlU.rgb.a;
- ppxlThis -> pxlU.rgb.r = (U8) (alpha * ppxlThis -> pxlU.rgb.r + .5);
- ppxlThis -> pxlU.rgb.g = (U8) (alpha * ppxlThis -> pxlU.rgb.g + .5);
- ppxlThis -> pxlU.rgb.b = (U8) (alpha * ppxlThis -> pxlU.rgb.b + .5);
- ppxlThis++;
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObjectPlane::multiplyBiAlpha ()
- {
- if (!valid ()) return;
- CPixel* ppxlThis = (CPixel*) pixels ();
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- for (UInt i = 0; i < area; i++) {
- if (ppxlThis -> pxlU.rgb.a == 0) {
- ppxlThis -> pxlU.rgb.r = 0;
- ppxlThis -> pxlU.rgb.g = 0;
- ppxlThis -> pxlU.rgb.b = 0;
- }
- ppxlThis++;
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObjectPlane::unmultiplyAlpha ()
- {
- if (!valid ()) return;
- CPixel* ppxlThis = (CPixel*) pixels ();
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- for (UInt i = 0; i < area; i++) {
- if (ppxlThis->pxlU.rgb.a != 0) {
- Float invAlpha = (Float) (255 / ppxlThis -> pxlU.rgb.a);
- ppxlThis -> pxlU.rgb.r = (U8) checkrange (invAlpha * ppxlThis -> pxlU.rgb.r + 0.5f, 0.0F, 255.0F);
- ppxlThis -> pxlU.rgb.g = (U8) checkrange (invAlpha * ppxlThis -> pxlU.rgb.g + 0.5f, 0.0F, 255.0F);
- ppxlThis -> pxlU.rgb.b = (U8) checkrange (invAlpha * ppxlThis -> pxlU.rgb.b + 0.5f, 0.0F, 255.0F);
- }
- ppxlThis++;
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObjectPlane::thresholdAlpha (U8 uThresh)
- {
- CPixel* ppxlThis = (CPixel*) pixels ();
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- for (UInt i = 0; i < area; i++) {
- ppxlThis -> pxlU.rgb.a = (ppxlThis -> pxlU.rgb.a > uThresh) ? opaqueValue : transpValue;
- ppxlThis++;
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObjectPlane::thresholdRGB (U8 uThresh)
- {
- CPixel* ppxlThis = (CPixel*) pixels ();
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- for (UInt i = 0; i < area; i++) {
- if (ppxlThis -> pxlU.rgb.r < uThresh && ppxlThis -> pxlU.rgb.g < uThresh && ppxlThis -> pxlU.rgb.b < uThresh) {
- ppxlThis -> pxlU.rgb.r = 0;
- ppxlThis -> pxlU.rgb.g = 0;
- ppxlThis -> pxlU.rgb.b = 0;
- }
- ppxlThis++;
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObjectPlane::cropOnAlpha ()
- {
- CoordI left = where ().right - 1;
- CoordI top = where ().bottom - 1;
- CoordI right = where ().left;
- CoordI bottom = where ().top;
- const CPixel* ppxlThis = pixels ();
- for (CoordI y = where ().top; y < where ().bottom; y++) {
- for (CoordI x = where ().left; x < where ().right; x++) {
- if (ppxlThis -> pxlU.rgb.a != transpValue) {
- left = min (left, x);
- top = min (top, y);
- right = max (right, x);
- bottom = max (bottom, y);
- }
- ppxlThis++;
- }
- }
- right++;
- bottom++;
- where (CRct (left, top, right, bottom));
- }
- own CVideoObjectPlane* CVideoObjectPlane::decimate (UInt rateX, UInt rateY) const
- {
- const CoordI left = where ().left / (CoordI) rateX;
- const CoordI top = where ().top / (CoordI) rateY;
- const CoordI right =
- (where ().right >= 0) ? (where ().right + (CoordI) rateX - 1) / (CoordI) rateX :
- (where ().right - (CoordI) rateX + 1) / (CoordI) rateX;
- const CoordI bottom =
- (where ().bottom >= 0) ? (where ().bottom + (CoordI) rateX - 1) / (CoordI) rateY :
- (where ().bottom - (CoordI) rateX + 1) / (CoordI) rateY;
- CVideoObjectPlane* pvopRet = new CVideoObjectPlane (CRct (left, top, right, bottom), opaquePixel);
- CPixel* pret = (CPixel*) pvopRet -> pixels ();
- const CPixel* pori = pixels ();
- Int skipY = rateY * where ().width;
- for (CoordI y = top; y != bottom; y++)
- {
- const CPixel* pvf = pori;
- for (CoordI x = left; x != right; x++)
- {
- *pret++ = *pvf;
- pvf += rateX;
- }
- pori += skipY;
- }
- return pvopRet;
- }
- Void CVideoObjectPlane::falseColor (CPixel pxl)
- {
- CPixel* ppxl = m_ppxl;
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- for (UInt i = 0; i < area; i++) {
- if (ppxl -> pxlU.rgb.a == transpValue) {
- ppxl -> pxlU.rgb.r = pxl.pxlU.rgb.r;
- ppxl -> pxlU.rgb.g = pxl.pxlU.rgb.g;
- ppxl -> pxlU.rgb.b = pxl.pxlU.rgb.b;
- }
- ppxl++;
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObjectPlane::falseColor (U8 r, U8 g, U8 b)
- {
- CPixel* ppxl = m_ppxl;
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- for (UInt i = 0; i < area; i++) {
- if (ppxl -> pxlU.rgb.a == transpValue) {
- ppxl -> pxlU.rgb.r = r;
- ppxl -> pxlU.rgb.g = g;
- ppxl -> pxlU.rgb.b = b;
- }
- ppxl++;
- }
- }
- own CVideoObjectPlane* CVideoObjectPlane::zoomup (UInt rateX, UInt rateY) const
- {
- const CoordI left = where ().left * rateX;
- const CoordI top = where ().top * rateY;
- const CoordI right = where ().right * rateX;
- const CoordI bottom = where ().bottom * rateY;
- CVideoObjectPlane* retVf = new CVideoObjectPlane (CRct (left, top, right, bottom), opaquePixel);
- CPixel* pret = (CPixel*) retVf -> pixels ();
- for (CoordI y = top; y != bottom; y++)
- {
- for (CoordI x = left; x != right; x++)
- {
- *pret++ = pixel ((CoordI) (x / rateX), (CoordI) (y / rateY));
- }
- }
- return retVf;
- }
- own CVideoObjectPlane* CVideoObjectPlane::expand (UInt rateX, UInt rateY) const
- {
- const CoordI left = where ().left; // left-top coordinate remain the same
- const CoordI top = where ().top;
- const CoordI right = left + where ().width * rateX;
- const CoordI bottom = top + where ().height () * rateY;
- CVideoObjectPlane* pvopRet = new CVideoObjectPlane (CRct (left, top, right, bottom), transpPixel);
- CPixel* ppxlRet = (CPixel*) pvopRet -> pixels ();
- const CPixel* ppxlThis = pixels ();
- for (CoordI y = top; y != bottom; y++) {
- for (CoordI x = left; x != right; x++) {
- if (x % rateX == 0 && y % rateY == 0)
- *ppxlRet++ = *ppxlThis++;
- else
- *ppxlRet++ = CPixel (0, 0, 0, opaqueValue);
- }
- }
- return pvopRet;
- }
- inline CPixel averageP (const CPixel& p1, const CPixel& p2)
- {
- return CPixel (
- (p1.pxlU.rgb.r + p2.pxlU.rgb.r + 1) >> 1,
- (p1.pxlU.rgb.g + p2.pxlU.rgb.g + 1) >> 1,
- (p1.pxlU.rgb.b + p2.pxlU.rgb.b + 1) >> 1,
- p1.pxlU.rgb.a
- );
- }
- own CVideoObjectPlane* CVideoObjectPlane::biInterpolate () const
- {
- const CoordI left = where ().left; // left-top coordinate remain the same
- const CoordI top = where ().top;
- const CoordI right = left + where ().width * 2;
- const CoordI bottom = top + where ().height () * 2;
- const CoordI width = right - left;
- CoordI x, y;
- CVideoObjectPlane* pvopRet = new CVideoObjectPlane (CRct (left, top, right, bottom), opaquePixel);
- CPixel* ppxlRet = (CPixel*) pvopRet -> pixels ();
- const CPixel* ppxl = pixels ();
- const CoordI right1 = right - 2;
- for (y = top; y < bottom; y += 2) { // x-direction interpolation
- for (x = left; x < right1; x += 2) {
- *ppxlRet++ = *ppxl++;
- *ppxlRet++ = averageP (*ppxl, *(ppxl - 1));
- }
- *ppxlRet++ = *ppxl;
- *ppxlRet++ = *ppxl++; // the last pixel of every row do not need average
- ppxlRet += width;
- }
- ppxlRet = (CPixel*) pvopRet -> pixels ();
- ppxlRet += width; // start from the second row
- const CoordI width2 = width << 1;
- const CoordI bottom1 = bottom - 1;
- for (x = left; x < right; x++) { // y-direction interpolation
- CPixel* ppxlRett = ppxlRet++;
- for (y = top + 1; y < bottom1; y += 2) {
- *ppxlRett = averageP (*(ppxlRett - width), *(ppxlRett + width));
- ppxlRett += width2;
- }
- *ppxlRett = *(ppxlRett - width); // the last pixel of every column do not need average
- }
- return pvopRet;
- }
- own CVideoObjectPlane* CVideoObjectPlane::biInterpolate (UInt accuracy) const
- {
- const CoordI left = where ().left * accuracy;
- const CoordI top = where ().top * accuracy;
- const CoordI right = where ().right * accuracy;
- const CoordI bottom = where ().bottom * accuracy;
- CVideoObjectPlane* pvopRet = new CVideoObjectPlane (CRct (left, top, right, bottom));
- CPixel* ppxlRet = (CPixel*) pvopRet -> pixels ();
- for (CoordI y = top; y < bottom; y++) { // x-direction interpolation
- for (CoordI x = left; x < right; x++) {
- *ppxlRet = pixel (x, y, accuracy);
- ppxlRet++;
- }
- }
- return pvopRet;
- }
- own CVideoObjectPlane* CVideoObjectPlane::biInterpolate (const CRct& r) const
- {
- CVideoObjectPlane* pvopRet = new CVideoObjectPlane (r, opaquePixel);
- for (CoordI x = r.left; x < r.right; x++)
- for (CoordI y = r.top; y < r.bottom; y++) {
- CoordD dx = (Double) ((where ().right - 1 - where ().left) / (Double) (r.right - 1 - r.left)) * (x - r.left) + where ().left;
- CoordD dy = (Double) ((where ().bottom - 1 - where ().top) / (Double) (r.bottom - 1 - r.top)) * (y - r.top) + where ().top;
- CPixel result = pixel (dx, dy);
- pvopRet -> pixel (x, y, result);
- }
- return pvopRet;
- }
- own CFloatImage* CVideoObjectPlane::plane (RGBA pxlCom) const
- {
- if (!valid ()) return NULL;
- CFloatImage* pfiRet = new CFloatImage (where ());
- const CPixel* ppxlVop = pixels ();
- PixelF* ppxlRet = (PixelF*) pfiRet -> pixels ();
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- for (UInt ip = 0; ip < area; ip++) {
- *ppxlRet = (PixelF) ppxlVop -> pxlU.color [pxlCom];
- ppxlRet++;
- ppxlVop++;
- }
- return pfiRet;
- }
- Void CVideoObjectPlane::lightChange (Int rShift, Int gShift, Int bShift)
- {
- CPixel* ppix = (CPixel*) pixels ();
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- for (UInt i = 0; i < area; i++) {
- ppix -> pxlU.rgb.r = (U8) checkrange (rShift + ppix -> pxlU.rgb.r, 0, 255);
- ppix -> pxlU.rgb.g = (U8) checkrange (gShift + ppix -> pxlU.rgb.g, 0, 255);
- ppix -> pxlU.rgb.b = (U8) checkrange (bShift + ppix -> pxlU.rgb.b, 0, 255);
- ppix++;
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObjectPlane::overlay (const CVideoObjectPlane& vop)
- {
- if (!valid () || !vop.valid () || vop.where ().empty ()) return;
- CRct r = m_rc;
- r.include (vop.m_rc); // overlay is defined on union of rects
- where (r);
- if (!valid ()) return;
- assert (vop.m_ppxl != NULL);
- CRct rctVop = vop.m_rc;
- Float inv255 = 1.0f / 255.0f;
- const CPixel* ppxlVop = vop.pixels ();
- CPixel* ppxlThisY = (CPixel*) pixels (rctVop.left, rctVop.top);
- Int widthCurr = where ().width;
- for (CoordI y = rctVop.top; y < rctVop.bottom; y++) { // loop through VOP CRct
- CPixel* ppxlThisX = ppxlThisY;
- for (CoordI x = rctVop.left; x < rctVop.right; x++) {
- Float beta = inv255 * (Float) ppxlVop -> pxlU.rgb.a;
- Float alpha = inv255 * (Float) ppxlThisX -> pxlU.rgb.a;
- for (UInt ip = 0; ip < 3; ip++) {
- Int value = (Int) (
- beta * (Float) ppxlVop -> pxlU.color [ip] +
- alpha * (Float) ppxlThisX -> pxlU.color [ip] -
- alpha * beta * (Float) ppxlThisX -> pxlU.color [ip] + .5f
- );
- ppxlThisX -> pxlU.color [ip] = (U8) checkrange (value, 0, 255);
- }
- Int val = (Int) ((beta + alpha - alpha * beta) * 255. + .5f);
- ppxlThisX -> pxlU.rgb.a = (U8) checkrange (val, 0, 255);
- ppxlThisX++;
- ppxlVop++;
- }
- ppxlThisY += widthCurr;
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObjectPlane::setPlane (const CFloatImage& fi, RGBA pxlCom)
- {
- if (!valid ()) return;
- assert (where () == fi.where ());
- CPixel* ppxlVop = (CPixel*) pixels ();
- const PixelF* ppxlFi = fi.pixels ();
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- for (UInt ip = 0; ip < area; ip++) {
- Int value = checkrange ((Int) (*ppxlFi + .5), 0, 255);
- ppxlVop -> pxlU.color [pxlCom] = (U8) value;
- ppxlVop++;
- ppxlFi++;
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObjectPlane::setPlane (const CIntImage& ii, RGBA pxlCom)
- {
- if (!valid ()) return;
- assert (where () == ii.where ());
- CPixel* ppxlVop = (CPixel*) pixels ();
- const PixelI* ppxli = ii.pixels ();
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- for (UInt ip = 0; ip < area; ip++) {
- Int value = checkrange (*ppxli, 0, 255);
- ppxlVop -> pxlU.color [pxlCom] = (U8) value;
- ppxlVop++;
- ppxli++;
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObjectPlane::setPlane (const CU8Image& ci, RGBA pxlCom)
- {
- if (!valid ()) return;
- assert (where () == ci.where ());
- CPixel* ppxlVop = (CPixel*) pixels ();
- const PixelC* ppxlc = ci.pixels ();
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- for (UInt ip = 0; ip < area; ip++) {
- Int value = checkrange (*ppxlc, 0U, 255U);
- ppxlVop -> pxlU.color [pxlCom] = (U8) value;
- ppxlVop++;
- ppxlc++;
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObjectPlane::getDownSampledPlane(CFloatImage &fiDst,Int iPlane,Int iSx,Int iSy)
- {
- Int iDstWidth = fiDst.where().width;
- Int iDstHeight = fiDst.where().height();
- Int iSrcWidth = where().width;
- Int iSrcHeight = where().height();
- PixelF *ppxlfDst = (PixelF *)fiDst.pixels();
- const CPixel *ppxlSrc = pixels();
- assert(iDstWidth == iSrcWidth/iSx && iDstHeight == iSrcHeight/iSy);
- Int iSrcStep = iSrcWidth*iSy;
- Int iX,iY,iXX;
- for(iY=0;iY<iDstHeight;iY++,ppxlSrc+=iSrcStep)
- for(iX=0,iXX=0;iX<iDstWidth;iX++,iXX+=iSx)
- *ppxlfDst++ = ppxlSrc[iXX].pxlU.color[iPlane];
- }
- Void CVideoObjectPlane::setUpSampledPlane(const CFloatImage &fiSrc,Int iPlane,Int iSx,Int iSy)
- {
- Int iSrcWidth = fiSrc.where().width;
- Int iSrcHeight = fiSrc.where().height();
- Int iDstWidth = where().width;
- Int iDstHeight = where().height();
- const PixelF *ppxlfSrc = fiSrc.pixels();
- CPixel *ppxlDst = (CPixel *)pixels();
- assert(iSrcWidth == iDstWidth/iSx && iSrcHeight == iDstHeight/iSy);
- Int iCx,iCy,iXX,iX,iY;
- for(iCy=0,iY=0;iY<iDstHeight;iY++)
- {
- for(iCx=0,iXX=iX=0;iX<iDstWidth;iX++,ppxlDst++)
- {
- ppxlDst->pxlU.color[iPlane] =
- checkrange ((Int) (ppxlfSrc[iXX] + .5), 0, 255);
- iCx++;
- if(iCx==iSx)
- {
- iXX++;
- iCx=0;
- }
- }
- iCy++;
- if(iCy==iSy)
- {
- ppxlfSrc+=iSrcWidth;
- iCy=0;
- }
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObjectPlane::getDownSampledPlane(CIntImage &iiDst,Int iPlane,Int iSx,Int iSy)
- {
- Int iDstWidth = iiDst.where().width;
- Int iDstHeight = iiDst.where().height();
- Int iSrcWidth = where().width;
- Int iSrcHeight = where().height();
- PixelI *ppxliDst = (PixelI *)iiDst.pixels();
- const CPixel *ppxlSrc = pixels();
- assert(iDstWidth == iSrcWidth/iSx && iDstHeight == iSrcHeight/iSy);
- Int iSrcStep = iSrcWidth*iSy;
- Int iX,iY,iXX;
- for(iY=0;iY<iDstHeight;iY++,ppxlSrc+=iSrcStep)
- for(iX=0,iXX=0;iX<iDstWidth;iX++,iXX+=iSx)
- *ppxliDst++ = ppxlSrc[iXX].pxlU.color[iPlane];
- }
- Void CVideoObjectPlane::setUpSampledPlane(const CIntImage &iiSrc,Int iPlane,Int iSx,Int iSy)
- {
- Int iSrcWidth = iiSrc.where().width;
- Int iSrcHeight = iiSrc.where().height();
- Int iDstWidth = where().width;
- Int iDstHeight = where().height();
- const PixelI *ppxliSrc = iiSrc.pixels();
- CPixel *ppxlDst = (CPixel *)pixels();
- assert(iSrcWidth == iDstWidth/iSx && iSrcHeight == iDstHeight/iSy);
- Int iCx,iCy,iXX,iX,iY,iVal;
- for(iCy=0,iY=0;iY<iDstHeight;iY++)
- {
- for(iCx=0,iXX=iX=0;iX<iDstWidth;iX++,ppxlDst++)
- {
- iVal=ppxliSrc[iXX];
- ppxlDst->pxlU.color[iPlane] = ( (iVal>255) ? 255 : ((iVal<0)?0:iVal) );
- iCx++;
- if(iCx==iSx)
- {
- iXX++;
- iCx=0;
- }
- }
- iCy++;
- if(iCy==iSy)
- {
- ppxliSrc+=iSrcWidth;
- iCy=0;
- }
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObjectPlane::rgbToYUV () // transform from rgb to yuv
- {
- if (!valid ()) return;
- CPixel* ppxl = (CPixel*) pixels ();
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- for (UInt ip = 0; ip < area; ip++) {
- Int y = (Int) ((Double) (0.257 * ppxl -> pxlU.rgb.r + 0.504 * ppxl -> pxlU.rgb.g + 0.098 * ppxl -> pxlU.rgb.b + 16) + .5);
- Int cb = (Int) ((Double) (0.439 * ppxl -> pxlU.rgb.r - 0.368 * ppxl -> pxlU.rgb.g - 0.071 * ppxl -> pxlU.rgb.b + 128) + .5);
- Int cr = (Int) ((Double) (-0.148 * ppxl -> pxlU.rgb.r - 0.291 * ppxl -> pxlU.rgb.g + 0.439 * ppxl -> pxlU.rgb.b + 128) + .5);
- ppxl -> pxlU.yuv.y = (U8) y;
- ppxl -> pxlU.yuv.u = (U8) cr;
- ppxl -> pxlU.yuv.v = (U8) cb;
- ppxl++;
- }
- }
- Void CVideoObjectPlane::yuvToRGB () // transform from yuv to rgb
- {
- if (!valid ()) return;
- CPixel* ppxl = (CPixel*) pixels ();
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- for (UInt ip = 0; ip < area; ip++) {
- Double var = 1.164 * (ppxl -> pxlU.yuv.y - 16);
- Int r = (Int) ((Double) (var + 1.596 * (ppxl -> pxlU.yuv.v - 128)) + .5);
- Int g = (Int) ((Double) (var - 0.813 * (ppxl -> pxlU.yuv.v - 128) - 0.391 * (ppxl -> pxlU.yuv.u - 128)) + .5);
- Int b = (Int) ((Double) (var + 2.018 * (ppxl -> pxlU.yuv.u - 128)) + .5);
- ppxl -> pxlU.rgb.r = (U8) checkrange (r, 0, 255);
- ppxl -> pxlU.rgb.g = (U8) checkrange (g, 0, 255);
- ppxl -> pxlU.rgb.b = (U8) checkrange (b, 0, 255);
- ppxl++;
- }
- }
- own CVideoObjectPlane* CVideoObjectPlane::operator * (const CTransform& tf) const
- {
- CVideoObjectPlane* pvopRet = tf.apply (*this);
- return pvopRet;
- }
- own CVideoObjectPlane* CVideoObjectPlane::operator - (const CVideoObjectPlane& vop) const
- {
- // make the difference in the intersection area
- if (!valid () || !vop.valid ()) return NULL;
- CRct rctSrc = vop.where ();
- CRct rctDes = where ();
- CRct rctInt = rctSrc;
- rctInt.clip (rctDes);
- CVideoObjectPlane* pvopDiff = new CVideoObjectPlane (rctInt);
- UInt offsetSrc = rctSrc.width - rctInt.width;
- UInt offsetDes = rctDes.width - rctInt.width;
- CPixel* ppxlRet = (CPixel*) pvopDiff -> pixels ();
- CPixel* ppxlDes = (CPixel*) pixels (rctInt.left, rctInt.top);
- CPixel* ppxlSrc = (CPixel*) vop.pixels (rctInt.left, rctInt.top);
- for (CoordI j = rctInt.top; j < rctInt.bottom; j++) {
- for (CoordI i = rctInt.left; i < rctInt.right; i++) {
- ppxlRet -> pxlU.rgb.r = (U8) checkrange (ppxlDes -> pxlU.rgb.r - ppxlSrc -> pxlU.rgb.r + 128, 0, 255);
- ppxlRet -> pxlU.rgb.g = (U8) checkrange (ppxlDes -> pxlU.rgb.g - ppxlSrc -> pxlU.rgb.g + 128, 0, 255);
- ppxlRet -> pxlU.rgb.b = (U8) checkrange (ppxlDes -> pxlU.rgb.b - ppxlSrc -> pxlU.rgb.b + 128, 0, 255);
- ppxlRet -> pxlU.rgb.a = (ppxlDes -> pxlU.rgb.a == ppxlSrc -> pxlU.rgb.a) ? opaqueValue : transpValue;
- ppxlRet++;
- ppxlDes++;
- ppxlSrc++;
- }
- ppxlDes += offsetDes;
- ppxlSrc += offsetSrc;
- }
- return pvopDiff;
- }
- Void CVideoObjectPlane::vdlDump (const Char* fileName, CPixel ppxlFalse) const
- {
- if (!valid ()) return;
- FILE* pf = fopen (fileName, "wb");
- // write overhead
- putc ('V', pf);
- putc ('M', pf);
- CoordI cord = (CoordI) where ().left;
- fwrite (&cord, sizeof (CoordI), 1, pf);
- cord = (CoordI) where ().top;
- fwrite (&cord, sizeof (CoordI), 1, pf);
- cord = (CoordI) where ().right;
- fwrite (&cord, sizeof (CoordI), 1, pf);
- cord = (CoordI) where ().bottom;
- fwrite (&cord, sizeof (CoordI), 1, pf);
- // dump the actual data
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- const CPixel* ppxl = pixels ();
- for (UInt ip = 0; ip < area; ip++, ppxl++) {
- CPixel pp = *ppxl;
- if (ppxl -> pxlU.rgb.a == transpValue) {
- pp.pxlU.rgb.r = ppxlFalse.pxlU.rgb.r;
- pp.pxlU.rgb.g = ppxlFalse.pxlU.rgb.g;
- pp.pxlU.rgb.b = ppxlFalse.pxlU.rgb.b;
- }
- fwrite (&pp, sizeof (CPixel), 1, pf);
- }
- fclose (pf);
- }
- Void CVideoObjectPlane::vdlByteDump (const Char* fileName, CPixel ppxlFalse) const
- {
- if (!valid ()) return;
- FILE* pf = fopen (fileName, "wb");
- // write overhead
- putc ('V', pf);
- putc ('B', pf);
- int left, top, right, bottom;
- left = where ().left;
- top = where ().top;
- right = where ().right;
- bottom = where ().bottom;
- U8 byte1, byte2;
- byte1 = (left>0)? 128:0;
- left = abs (left);
- byte1 += left / 256;
- byte2 = left % 256;
- putc (byte1,pf);
- putc (byte2,pf);
- byte1 = (top>0)? 128:0;
- top = abs (top);
- byte1 += top / 256;
- byte2 = top % 256;
- putc (byte1, pf);
- putc (byte2, pf);
- byte1 = (right>0)? 128:0;
- right = abs (right);
- byte1 += right / 256;
- byte2 = right % 256;
- putc(byte1,pf);
- putc(byte2,pf);
- byte1 = (bottom>0)? 128:0;
- bottom = abs (bottom);
- byte1 += bottom / 256;
- byte2 = bottom % 256;
- putc(byte1,pf);
- putc(byte2,pf);
- // dump the actual data
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- const CPixel* ppxl = pixels ();
- for (UInt ip = 0; ip < area; ip++, ppxl++) {
- CPixel pp = *ppxl;
- if (ppxl -> pxlU.rgb.a == transpValue) {
- pp.pxlU.rgb.r = ppxlFalse.pxlU.rgb.r;
- pp.pxlU.rgb.g = ppxlFalse.pxlU.rgb.g;
- pp.pxlU.rgb.b = ppxlFalse.pxlU.rgb.b;
- }
- fwrite (&pp, sizeof (CPixel), 1, pf);
- }
- fclose (pf);
- }
- Void CVideoObjectPlane::dump (FILE* pfFile, ChromType chrType) const
- {
- if (!valid ()) return;
- Int iWidth = where ().width, iHeight = where ().height ();
- Int iUVWidth = iWidth, iUVHeight = iHeight;
- UInt uiXSubsample = 1, uiYSubsample = 1;
- if (chrType == FOUR_TWO_TWO) {
- uiXSubsample = 2;
- iUVWidth = (iWidth + 1) / uiXSubsample;
- }
- else if (chrType == FOUR_TWO_ZERO) {
- uiXSubsample = 2;
- uiYSubsample = 2;
- iUVWidth = (iWidth + 1) / uiXSubsample;
- iUVHeight = (iHeight + 1) / uiYSubsample;
- }
- UInt iUVArea = iUVWidth * iUVHeight;
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- // allocate mem for buffers
- U8* pchyBuffer = new U8 [area];
- U8* pchuBuffer = new U8 [iUVArea];
- U8* pchvBuffer = new U8 [iUVArea];
- U8* pchyBuffer0 = pchyBuffer;
- U8* pchuBuffer0 = pchuBuffer;
- U8* pchvBuffer0 = pchvBuffer;
- // assign buffers to a vframe
- const CPixel* p = pixels ();
- for (CoordI y = 0; y < iHeight; y++) {
- if ((y % uiYSubsample) == 1) {
- pchuBuffer -= iUVWidth;
- pchvBuffer -= iUVWidth;
- }
- for (CoordI x = 0; x < iWidth; x++) {
- if ((x % uiXSubsample) == 0) {
- *pchuBuffer = p -> pxlU.yuv.u;
- *pchvBuffer = p -> pxlU.yuv.v;
- pchuBuffer++;
- pchvBuffer++;
- }
- *pchyBuffer++ = p -> pxlU.yuv.y;
- p++;
- }
- }
- // write data from a file
- Int size = fwrite (pchyBuffer0, sizeof (U8), area, pfFile);
- assert (size != 0);
- size = (Int) fwrite (pchuBuffer0, sizeof (U8), iUVArea, pfFile);
- assert (size != 0);
- size = (Int) fwrite (pchvBuffer0, sizeof (U8), iUVArea, pfFile);
- assert (size != 0);
- delete [] pchyBuffer0;
- delete [] pchuBuffer0;
- delete [] pchvBuffer0;
- }
- Void CVideoObjectPlane::dumpAlpha (FILE* pfFile) const
- {
- if (!valid ()) return;
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- const CPixel* ppxl = pixels ();
- for (UInt ip = 0; ip < area; ip++, ppxl++)
- putc (ppxl -> pxlU.rgb.a, pfFile);
- }
- Void CVideoObjectPlane::dumpAbekas (FILE* pfFile) const
- {
- //dump in YCbCr but interlaced as per Abekas machine
- assert (valid ());
- Int iWidth = where ().width, iHeight = where ().height ();
- assert (iWidth == 720);
- assert (iHeight == 486); //ccir 601
- UInt uiXSubsample = 2; //always has to be FOUR_TWO_TWO)
- const CPixel* p = pixels ();
- for (CoordI y = 0; y < iHeight; y++) {
- for (CoordI x = 0; x < iWidth; x++) {
- if (x % uiXSubsample == 0) {
- putc(p -> pxlU.yuv.u, pfFile);
- putc(p -> pxlU.yuv.y, pfFile);
- }
- else {
- putc(p -> pxlU.yuv.v, pfFile);
- putc(p -> pxlU.yuv.y, pfFile);
- }
- p++;
- }
- }
- }