资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*************************************************************************
- This software module was originally developed by
- Ming-Chieh Lee (mingcl@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- Wei-ge Chen (wchen@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- Bruce Lin (blin@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- Chuang Gu (chuanggu@microsoft.com), Microsoft Corporation
- (date: March, 1996)
- in the course of development of the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2).
- This software module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 Video tools
- as specified by the MPEG-4 Video.
- ISO/IEC gives users of the MPEG-4 Video free license to this software module or modifications
- thereof for use in hardware or software products claiming conformance to the MPEG-4 Video.
- Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software products are advised that its use may infringe existing patents.
- The original developer of this software module and his/her company,
- the subsequent editors and their companies,
- and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software module or modifications thereof in an implementation.
- Copyright is not released for non MPEG-4 Video conforming products.
- Microsoft retains full right to use the code for his/her own purpose,
- assign or donate the code to a third party and to inhibit third parties from using the code for non <MPEG standard> conforming products.
- This copyright notice must be included in all copies or derivative works.
- Copyright (c) 1996, 1997.
- Module Name:
- yuva.hpp
- Abstract:
- YUVA (4:2:0) VOP
- Revision History:
- *************************************************************************/
- #include "typeapi.h"
- #ifdef __MFC_
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #endif // __MFC_
- {
- delete m_piiY;
- delete m_piiU;
- delete m_piiV;
- delete m_piiBY;
- delete m_piiBUV;
- delete m_piiA;
- }
- Void CVOPIntYUVBA::constructFromVOPF (const CVOPIntYUVBA& vopi, const CRct& rc)
- {
- if (rc.valid ()) {
- CRct rY = (rc.valid ()) ? rc : vopi.whereY ();
- CRct rUV = rY / 2;
- m_piiY = new CIntImage (*vopi.getPlane (Y_PLANE), rY);
- m_piiU = new CIntImage (*vopi.getPlane (U_PLANE), rUV);
- m_piiV = new CIntImage (*vopi.getPlane (V_PLANE), rUV);
- m_piiBY = new CIntImage (*vopi.getPlane (BY_PLANE), rY);
- m_piiBUV = new CIntImage (*vopi.getPlane (BUV_PLANE), rUV);
- if (m_fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT) {
- m_piiA = new CIntImage (*vopi.getPlane (A_PLANE), rY);
- assert (m_piiA != NULL);
- }
- }
- else {
- m_piiY = new CIntImage (*vopi.getPlane (Y_PLANE));
- m_piiU = new CIntImage (*vopi.getPlane (U_PLANE));
- m_piiV = new CIntImage (*vopi.getPlane (V_PLANE));
- m_piiBY = new CIntImage (*vopi.getPlane (BY_PLANE));
- m_piiBUV = new CIntImage (*vopi.getPlane (BUV_PLANE));
- if (m_fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT) {
- m_piiA = new CIntImage (*vopi.getPlane (A_PLANE));
- assert (m_piiA != NULL);
- }
- }
- assert (m_piiY != NULL);
- assert (m_piiU != NULL);
- assert (m_piiV != NULL);
- assert (m_piiBY != NULL);
- assert (m_piiBUV != NULL);
- }
- CVOPIntYUVBA::CVOPIntYUVBA (const CVOPIntYUVBA& vopi, AlphaUsage fAUsage, const CRct& rc) :
- m_fAUsage (fAUsage), m_piiY (NULL), m_piiU (NULL), m_piiV (NULL), m_piiBY (NULL), m_piiBUV (NULL), m_piiA (NULL)
- {
- constructFromVOPF (vopi, rc);
- }
- CVOPIntYUVBA::CVOPIntYUVBA (const CVOPIntYUVBA& vopi, const CRct& rc) :
- m_piiY (NULL), m_piiU (NULL), m_piiV (NULL), m_piiBY (NULL), m_piiBUV (NULL), m_piiA (NULL)
- {
- m_fAUsage = vopi.fAUsage ();
- constructFromVOPF (vopi, rc);
- }
- CVOPIntYUVBA::CVOPIntYUVBA (const CVideoObjectPlane& vop, AlphaUsage fAUsage, const CRct& rc) :
- m_fAUsage (fAUsage), m_piiY (NULL), m_piiU (NULL), m_piiV (NULL), m_piiBY (NULL), m_piiBUV (NULL), m_piiA (NULL)
- {
- CRct r = (rc.valid ()) ? rc : vop.where ();
- m_piiY = new CIntImage (r);
- CIntImage* piiU = new CIntImage (r);
- CIntImage* piiV = new CIntImage (r);
- m_piiBY = new CIntImage (r);
- if (m_fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT)
- m_piiA = new CIntImage (r);
- if (r == vop.where ()) { // faster operation if these two has the same rects
- PixelI* ppxlfY = (PixelI*) m_piiY -> pixels ();
- PixelI* ppxlfU = (PixelI*) piiU -> pixels ();
- PixelI* ppxlfV = (PixelI*) piiV -> pixels ();
- PixelI* ppxlfB = (PixelI*) m_piiBY -> pixels ();
- const CPixel* ppxl = vop.pixels ();
- UInt area = vop.where ().area ();
- UInt ip;
- for (ip = 0; ip < area; ip++, ppxl++, ppxlfY++, ppxlfU++, ppxlfV++, ppxlfB++) {
- *ppxlfY = ppxl -> pxlU.yuv.y;
- *ppxlfU = ppxl -> pxlU.yuv.u;
- *ppxlfV = ppxl -> pxlU.yuv.v;
- *ppxlfB = (ppxl -> pxlU.yuv.a == transpValue) ? 0 : 255;
- }
- if (m_fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT) {
- ppxl = vop.pixels ();
- PixelI* ppxlfA = (PixelI*) m_piiA -> pixels ();
- for (ip = 0; ip < area; ip++, ppxl++, ppxlfA++)
- *ppxlfA = ppxl -> pxlU.yuv.a;
- }
- }
- else {
- for (CoordI y = r.top; y < r.bottom; y++) {
- PixelI* ppxlfY = (PixelI*) m_piiY -> pixels (r.left, y);
- PixelI* ppxlfU = (PixelI*) piiU -> pixels (r.left, y);
- PixelI* ppxlfV = (PixelI*) piiV -> pixels (r.left, y);
- PixelI* ppxlfB = (PixelI*) m_piiBY -> pixels (r.left, y);
- const CPixel* ppxl = vop.pixels (r.left, y);
- for (CoordI x = r.left; x < r.right; x++, ppxl++, ppxlfY++, ppxlfU++, ppxlfV++, ppxlfB++) {
- *ppxlfY = ppxl -> pxlU.yuv.y;
- *ppxlfU = ppxl -> pxlU.yuv.u;
- *ppxlfV = ppxl -> pxlU.yuv.v;
- *ppxlfB++ = (ppxl -> pxlU.yuv.a == transpValue) ? 0 : 255;
- }
- if (m_fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT) {
- ppxl = vop.pixels ();
- PixelI* ppxlfA = (PixelI*) m_piiA -> pixels ();
- for (CoordI x = r.left; x < r.right; x++, ppxl++, ppxlfA++)
- *ppxlfA = ppxl -> pxlU.yuv.a;
- }
- }
- }
- CRct rctBoxY = m_piiBY -> whereVisible ();
- if (rctBoxY.left % 2 != 0)
- rctBoxY.left--;
- if (rctBoxY.top % 2 != 0)
- rctBoxY.top--;
- m_piiBY -> where (rctBoxY);
- m_piiY -> where (rctBoxY);
- if (m_fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT)
- m_piiA -> where (rctBoxY);
- piiU -> where (rctBoxY);
- piiV -> where (rctBoxY);
- m_piiU = piiU -> decimate (2, 2);
- delete piiU;
- m_piiV = piiV -> decimate (2, 2);
- delete piiV;
- m_piiBUV = m_piiBY -> decimateBinaryShape (2, 2); //conservative decimation
- }
- CVOPIntYUVBA::CVOPIntYUVBA (AlphaUsage fAUsage, const CRct& rc) :
- m_fAUsage (fAUsage), m_piiY (NULL), m_piiU (NULL), m_piiV (NULL), m_piiBY (NULL), m_piiBUV (NULL), m_piiA (NULL)
- {
- CRct rcY = rc;
- CRct rcUV = rc / 2;
- m_piiY = new CIntImage (rcY);
- assert (m_piiY != NULL);
- m_piiU = new CIntImage (rcUV);
- assert (m_piiU != NULL);
- m_piiV = new CIntImage (rcUV);
- assert (m_piiV != NULL);
- m_piiBY = new CIntImage (rcY);
- assert (m_piiBY != NULL);
- m_piiBUV = new CIntImage (rcUV);
- assert (m_piiBUV != NULL);
- if (m_fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT) {
- m_piiA = new CIntImage (rcY);
- assert (m_piiA != NULL);
- }
- }
- CVOPIntYUVBA::CVOPIntYUVBA (AlphaUsage fAUsage, const CRct& rcY, const CRct& rcUV) :
- m_fAUsage (fAUsage), m_piiY (NULL), m_piiU (NULL), m_piiV (NULL), m_piiBY (NULL), m_piiBUV (NULL), m_piiA (NULL)
- {
- m_piiY = new CIntImage (rcY);
- assert (m_piiY != NULL);
- m_piiU = new CIntImage (rcUV);
- assert (m_piiU != NULL);
- m_piiV = new CIntImage (rcUV);
- assert (m_piiV != NULL);
- m_piiBY = new CIntImage (rcY);
- assert (m_piiBY != NULL);
- m_piiBUV = new CIntImage (rcUV);
- assert (m_piiBUV != NULL);
- if (m_fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT) {
- m_piiA = new CIntImage (rcY);
- assert (m_piiA != NULL);
- }
- }
- CVOPIntYUVBA::CVOPIntYUVBA (AlphaUsage fAUsage) :
- m_fAUsage (fAUsage), m_piiY (NULL), m_piiU (NULL), m_piiV (NULL), m_piiBY (NULL), m_piiBUV (NULL), m_piiA (NULL)
- {
- }
- const CIntImage* CVOPIntYUVBA::getPlane (PlaneType plnType) const
- {
- if (plnType == Y_PLANE) return m_piiY;
- else if (plnType == U_PLANE) return m_piiU;
- else if (plnType == V_PLANE) return m_piiV;
- else if (plnType == BY_PLANE) return m_piiBY;
- else if (plnType == BUV_PLANE) return m_piiBUV;
- else if (plnType == A_PLANE) return m_piiA;
- else return NULL;
- }
- Void CVOPIntYUVBA::where (const CRct& rct)
- {
- whereY (rct);
- CRct rctUV = rct / 2;
- whereUV (rctUV);
- }
- Void CVOPIntYUVBA::whereY (const CRct& rct)
- {
- m_piiY -> where (rct);
- m_piiBY -> where (rct);
- if (m_fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT)
- m_piiA -> where (rct);
- }
- Void CVOPIntYUVBA::whereUV (const CRct& rct)
- {
- m_piiU -> where (rct);
- m_piiV -> where (rct);
- m_piiBUV -> where (rct);
- }
- Void CVOPIntYUVBA::setPlane (const CIntImage* pii, PlaneType plnType, Bool bBUV)
- {
- if (pii == NULL)
- return;
- if (plnType == Y_PLANE) {
- delete m_piiY;
- m_piiY = new CIntImage (*pii);
- }
- else if (plnType == U_PLANE) {
- delete m_piiU;
- m_piiU = new CIntImage (*pii);
- }
- else if (plnType == V_PLANE) {
- delete m_piiV;
- m_piiV = new CIntImage (*pii);
- }
- else if (plnType == BY_PLANE) {
- delete m_piiBY;
- m_piiBY = new CIntImage (*pii);
- if (bBUV) {
- delete m_piiBUV;
- m_piiBUV = m_piiBY -> decimate (2, 2);
- m_piiBUV -> setRect (whereUV ());
- }
- }
- else if (plnType == BUV_PLANE) {
- delete m_piiBUV;
- m_piiBUV = new CIntImage (*pii);
- }
- else if (plnType == A_PLANE) {
- delete m_piiA;
- m_piiA = new CIntImage (*pii);
- }
- else assert (FALSE);
- }
- Void CVOPIntYUVBA::cropOnAlpha ()
- {
- m_piiBY -> cropOnAlpha ();
- m_piiBUV -> cropOnAlpha ();
- m_piiY -> where (m_piiBY -> where ());
- m_piiU -> where (m_piiBUV -> where ());
- m_piiV -> where (m_piiBUV -> where ());
- if (m_fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT)
- m_piiA -> where (m_piiBY -> where ());
- }
- Void overlayMB (CIntImage* piiBig, const CIntImage* piiSmall, const CIntImage* piiMskSmall)
- {
- if (piiSmall == NULL)
- return;
- PixelI* ppxlfBig = (PixelI*) piiBig -> pixels (piiSmall -> where ().left, piiSmall -> where ().top);
- Int unit = piiSmall -> where ().width;
- Int skipBig = piiBig -> where ().width - unit;
- const PixelI* ppxlfSmall = piiSmall -> pixels ();
- const PixelI* ppxlfMsk = piiMskSmall -> pixels ();
- for (Int i = 0; i < unit; i++) {
- for (Int j = 0; j < unit; j++) {
- *ppxlfBig = *ppxlfSmall;
- ppxlfBig++;
- ppxlfSmall++;
- ppxlfMsk++;
- }
- ppxlfBig += skipBig;
- }
- }
- Void CVOPIntYUVBA::overlay (const CVOPIntYUVBA& vopi)
- {
- if (!vopi.valid ()) return;
- m_piiBY -> overlay (*vopi.getPlane (BY_PLANE));
- m_piiBUV -> overlay (*vopi.getPlane (BUV_PLANE));
- overlayMB (m_piiY, vopi.getPlane (Y_PLANE), vopi.getPlane (BY_PLANE));
- overlayMB (m_piiU, vopi.getPlane (U_PLANE), vopi.getPlane (BUV_PLANE));
- overlayMB (m_piiV, vopi.getPlane (V_PLANE), vopi.getPlane (BUV_PLANE));
- if (m_fAUsage == EIGHT_BIT)
- overlayMB (m_piiA, vopi.getPlane (A_PLANE), vopi.getPlane (BY_PLANE));
- }
- Void CVOPIntYUVBA::overlayBY (const CIntImage& iiBY)
- {
- if (!iiBY.valid ()) return;
- m_piiBY -> overlay (iiBY);
- }
- /*
- own CVOPIntYUVBA* CVOPIntYUVBA::warp (const CAffine2D& aff) const
- {
- CVideoObjectPlane* pvop = pvopYUV ();
- CVideoObjectPlane* pvopWarp = pvop -> warp (aff);
- CVOPIntYUVBA* pvopfRet = new CVOPIntYUVBA (*pvopWarp, m_fAUsage);
- delete pvop;
- delete pvopWarp;
- return pvopfRet;
- }
- own CVOPIntYUVBA* CVOPIntYUVBA::warp (const CAffine2D& aff, const CRct& rctWarp) const
- {
- CVideoObjectPlane* pvop = pvopYUV ();
- CVideoObjectPlane* pvopWarp = pvop -> warp (aff, rctWarp);
- CVOPIntYUVBA* pvopfRet = new CVOPIntYUVBA (*pvopWarp, m_fAUsage);
- delete pvop;
- delete pvopWarp;
- return pvopfRet;
- }
- own CVOPIntYUVBA* CVOPIntYUVBA::warp (const CPerspective2D& persp) const
- {
- CVideoObjectPlane* pvop = pvopYUV ();
- CVideoObjectPlane* pvopWarp = pvop -> warp (persp);
- CVOPIntYUVBA* pvopfRet = new CVOPIntYUVBA (*pvopWarp, m_fAUsage);
- delete pvop;
- delete pvopWarp;
- return pvopfRet;
- }
- own CVOPIntYUVBA* CVOPIntYUVBA::warp (const CPerspective2D& persp, const CRct& rctWarp) const
- {
- CVideoObjectPlane* pvop = pvopYUV ();
- CVideoObjectPlane* pvopWarp = pvop -> warp (persp, rctWarp);
- CVOPIntYUVBA* pvopfRet = new CVOPIntYUVBA (*pvopWarp, m_fAUsage);
- delete pvop;
- delete pvopWarp;
- return pvopfRet;
- }
- own CVOPIntYUVBA* CVOPIntYUVBA::warp (const CPerspective2D& persp, const CRct& rctWarp, UInt accuracy) const
- {
- CVideoObjectPlane* pvop = pvopYUV ();
- CVideoObjectPlane* pvopWarp = pvop -> warp (persp, rctWarp, accuracy);
- CVOPIntYUVBA* pvopfRet = new CVOPIntYUVBA (*pvopWarp, m_fAUsage);
- delete pvop;
- delete pvopWarp;
- return pvopfRet;
- }
- */
- own CVOPIntYUVBA* CVOPIntYUVBA::warpYUV (const CPerspective2D& persp, const CRct& rctWarp, UInt accuracy) const
- {
- CVOPIntYUVBA* pvopfRet = new CVOPIntYUVBA (RECTANGLE, rctWarp);
- CIntImage* piiwarpedY = (CIntImage*) getPlane (Y_PLANE) -> warp (persp, rctWarp, accuracy);
- pvopfRet -> setPlane (piiwarpedY, Y_PLANE, FALSE);
- delete piiwarpedY;
- CIntImage* piiUZoom = (CIntImage*) getPlane (U_PLANE) -> zoomup (2, 2);
- CIntImage* piiUZoomWarp = piiUZoom -> warp (persp, rctWarp, accuracy);
- delete piiUZoom;
- CIntImage* piiUWarped = piiUZoomWarp -> decimate (2, 2);
- delete piiUZoomWarp;
- pvopfRet -> setPlane (piiUWarped, U_PLANE, FALSE);
- delete piiUWarped;
- CIntImage* piiVZoom = (CIntImage*) getPlane (V_PLANE) -> zoomup (2, 2);
- CIntImage* piiVZoomWarp = piiVZoom -> warp (persp, rctWarp, accuracy);
- delete piiVZoom;
- CIntImage* piiVWarp = piiVZoomWarp -> decimate (2, 2);
- delete piiVZoomWarp;
- pvopfRet -> setPlane (piiVWarp, V_PLANE, FALSE);
- delete piiVWarp;
- return pvopfRet;
- }
- own CVOPIntYUVBA* CVOPIntYUVBA::warpYUV (const CPerspective2D& persp, const CRct& rctWarp) const
- {
- CVOPIntYUVBA* pvopfRet = new CVOPIntYUVBA (RECTANGLE, rctWarp);
- CIntImage* piiwarpedY = getPlane (Y_PLANE) -> warp (persp, rctWarp);
- pvopfRet -> setPlane (piiwarpedY, Y_PLANE, FALSE);
- delete piiwarpedY;
- CIntImage* piiUZoom = getPlane (U_PLANE) -> zoomup (2, 2);
- CIntImage* piiUZoomWarp = piiUZoom -> warp (persp, rctWarp);
- delete piiUZoom;
- CIntImage* piiUWarped = piiUZoomWarp -> decimate (2, 2);
- delete piiUZoomWarp;
- pvopfRet -> setPlane (piiUWarped, U_PLANE, FALSE);
- delete piiUWarped;
- CIntImage* piiVZoom = getPlane (V_PLANE) -> zoomup (2, 2);
- CIntImage* piiVZoomWarp = piiVZoom -> warp (persp, rctWarp);
- delete piiVZoom;
- CIntImage* piiVWarp = piiVZoomWarp -> decimate (2, 2);
- delete piiVZoomWarp;
- pvopfRet -> setPlane (piiVWarp, V_PLANE, FALSE);
- delete piiVWarp;
- return pvopfRet;
- }
- own CVOPIntYUVBA* CVOPIntYUVBA::downsampleForSpatialScalability () const
- {
- //only handle CIF->QCIF for RECTANGULAR VOP
- assert (m_fAUsage == RECTANGLE);
- //CRct rctDown = whereY ();
- assert (whereY().left == 0 && whereY().top == 0);
- CVOPIntYUVBA* pvopfRet = new CVOPIntYUVBA (m_fAUsage);
- assert (pvopfRet != NULL);
- pvopfRet -> m_piiY = m_piiY->downsampleForSpatialScalability ();
- pvopfRet -> m_piiU = m_piiU->downsampleForSpatialScalability ();
- pvopfRet -> m_piiV = m_piiV->downsampleForSpatialScalability ();
- pvopfRet -> m_piiBY = new CIntImage (pvopfRet->whereY (), opaqueValue);
- pvopfRet -> m_piiBUV = new CIntImage (pvopfRet->whereUV (), opaqueValue);
- return pvopfRet;
- }
- own CVOPIntYUVBA* CVOPIntYUVBA::upsampleForSpatialScalability () const
- {
- //only handle QCIF->CIF for RECTANGULAR VOP
- assert (m_fAUsage == RECTANGLE);
- CVOPIntYUVBA* pvopfRet = new CVOPIntYUVBA (m_fAUsage);
- assert (pvopfRet != NULL);
- pvopfRet -> m_piiY = m_piiY->upsampleForSpatialScalability ();
- pvopfRet -> m_piiU = m_piiU->upsampleForSpatialScalability ();
- pvopfRet -> m_piiV = m_piiV->upsampleForSpatialScalability ();
- pvopfRet -> m_piiBY = new CIntImage (pvopfRet->whereY (), opaqueValue);
- pvopfRet -> m_piiBUV = new CIntImage (pvopfRet->whereUV (), opaqueValue);
- return pvopfRet;
- }
- /*
- Void CVOPIntYUVBA::vdlDump (const Char* fileName, CPixel ppxlFalse) const
- {
- CVideoObjectPlane* pvop = pvopYUV ();
- pvop -> vdlDump (fileName, ppxlFalse);
- delete pvop;
- }
- */
- own Double* CVOPIntYUVBA::mse (const CVOPIntYUVBA& vopi) const
- {
- assert (whereY () == vopi.whereY () && whereUV () == vopi.whereUV ());
- Double* rgdblMeanSquareError = new Double [4]; // mean square
- CIntImage* piiBOr = new CIntImage (*m_piiBY);
- piiBOr -> orIi (*vopi.getPlane (BY_PLANE));
- CIntImage* piiExp0 = new CIntImage (*m_piiY, piiBOr -> where ());
- CIntImage* piiExp1 = new CIntImage (*vopi.getPlane (Y_PLANE), piiBOr -> where ());
- rgdblMeanSquareError [0] = piiExp1 -> mse (*piiExp0, *piiBOr);
- delete piiExp0;
- delete piiExp1;
- if (fAUsage () == EIGHT_BIT) {
- piiExp0 = new CIntImage (*m_piiA, piiBOr -> where ());
- piiExp1 = new CIntImage (*vopi.getPlane (A_PLANE), piiBOr -> where ());
- rgdblMeanSquareError [3] = piiExp1 -> mse (*piiExp0, *piiBOr);
- delete piiExp0;
- delete piiExp1;
- }
- delete piiBOr;
- piiBOr = new CIntImage (*m_piiBUV);
- piiBOr -> orIi (*vopi.getPlane (BUV_PLANE));
- piiExp0 = new CIntImage (*m_piiU, piiBOr -> where ());
- piiExp1 = new CIntImage (*vopi.getPlane (U_PLANE), piiBOr -> where ());
- rgdblMeanSquareError [1] = piiExp1 -> mse (*piiExp0, *piiBOr);
- delete piiExp0;
- delete piiExp1;
- piiExp0 = new CIntImage (*m_piiV, piiBOr -> where ());
- piiExp1 = new CIntImage (*vopi.getPlane (V_PLANE), piiBOr -> where ());
- rgdblMeanSquareError [2] = piiExp1 -> mse (*piiExp0, *piiBOr);
- delete piiExp0;
- delete piiExp1;
- delete piiBOr;
- return rgdblMeanSquareError;
- }
- own Double* CVOPIntYUVBA::snr (const CVOPIntYUVBA& vopi) const
- {
- assert (whereY () == vopi.whereY () && whereUV () == vopi.whereUV ());
- Double* psnr = new Double [4]; // mean square
- CIntImage* piiBOr = new CIntImage (*m_piiBY);
- piiBOr -> orIi (*vopi.getPlane (BY_PLANE));
- CIntImage* piiExp0 = new CIntImage (*m_piiY, piiBOr -> where ());
- CIntImage* piiExp1 = new CIntImage (*vopi.getPlane (Y_PLANE), piiBOr -> where ());
- psnr [0] = piiExp1 -> snr (*piiExp0, *piiBOr);
- delete piiExp0;
- delete piiExp1;
- if (fAUsage () == EIGHT_BIT) {
- piiExp0 = new CIntImage (*m_piiA, piiBOr -> where ());
- piiExp1 = new CIntImage (*vopi.getPlane (A_PLANE), piiBOr -> where ());
- psnr [3] = piiExp1 -> snr (*piiExp0, *piiBOr);
- delete piiExp0;
- delete piiExp1;
- }
- delete piiBOr;
- piiBOr = new CIntImage (*m_piiBUV);
- piiBOr -> orIi (*vopi.getPlane (BUV_PLANE));
- piiExp0 = new CIntImage (*m_piiU, piiBOr -> where ());
- piiExp1 = new CIntImage (*vopi.getPlane (U_PLANE), piiBOr -> where ());
- psnr [1] = piiExp1 -> snr (*piiExp0, *piiBOr);
- delete piiExp0;
- delete piiExp1;
- piiExp0 = new CIntImage (*m_piiV, piiBOr -> where ());
- piiExp1 = new CIntImage (*vopi.getPlane (V_PLANE), piiBOr -> where ());
- psnr [2] = piiExp1 -> snr (*piiExp0, *piiBOr);
- delete piiExp0;
- delete piiExp1;
- delete piiBOr;
- return psnr;
- }
- own CVOPIntYUVBA* CVOPIntYUVBA::operator + (const CVOPIntYUVBA& vopi) const
- {
- assert (whereY () == vopi.whereY () && whereUV () == vopi.whereUV ());
- CVOPIntYUVBA* pvopfRet = new CVOPIntYUVBA (whereY (), m_fAUsage);
- assert (pvopfRet != NULL);
- delete pvopfRet -> m_piiY;
- pvopfRet -> m_piiY = *m_piiY + *vopi.getPlane (Y_PLANE);
- delete pvopfRet -> m_piiU;
- pvopfRet -> m_piiU = *m_piiU + *vopi.getPlane (U_PLANE);
- delete pvopfRet -> m_piiV;
- pvopfRet -> m_piiV = *m_piiV + *vopi.getPlane (V_PLANE);
- delete pvopfRet -> m_piiA;
- pvopfRet -> m_piiA = *m_piiA + *vopi.getPlane (A_PLANE);
- delete pvopfRet -> m_piiBY;
- pvopfRet -> m_piiBY = new CIntImage (*m_piiBY); // alpha is defined as the first one
- delete pvopfRet -> m_piiBUV;
- pvopfRet -> m_piiBUV = new CIntImage (*m_piiBUV); // alpha is defined as the first one
- return pvopfRet;
- }
- own CVOPIntYUVBA* CVOPIntYUVBA::operator - (const CVOPIntYUVBA& vopi) const
- {
- assert (whereY () == vopi.whereY () && whereUV () == vopi.whereUV ());
- // CVOPIntYUVBA* pvopfRet = new CVOPIntYUVBA (whereY (), m_fAUsage);
- CVOPIntYUVBA* pvopfRet = new CVOPIntYUVBA (m_fAUsage, whereY ());
- assert (pvopfRet != NULL);
- delete pvopfRet -> m_piiY;
- pvopfRet -> m_piiY = *m_piiY - *vopi.getPlane (Y_PLANE);
- delete pvopfRet -> m_piiU;
- pvopfRet -> m_piiU = *m_piiU - *vopi.getPlane (U_PLANE);
- delete pvopfRet -> m_piiV;
- pvopfRet -> m_piiV = *m_piiV - *vopi.getPlane (V_PLANE);
- delete pvopfRet -> m_piiA;
- pvopfRet -> m_piiA = *m_piiA - *vopi.getPlane (A_PLANE);
- delete pvopfRet -> m_piiBY;
- pvopfRet -> m_piiBY = new CIntImage (*m_piiBY); // alpha is defined as the first one
- delete pvopfRet -> m_piiBUV;
- pvopfRet -> m_piiBUV = new CIntImage (*m_piiBUV); // alpha is defined as the first one
- return pvopfRet;
- }
- own CVOPIntYUVBA* CVOPIntYUVBA::operator * (Int vl) const
- {
- CVOPIntYUVBA* pvopfRet = new CVOPIntYUVBA (*this);
- assert (pvopfRet != NULL);
- delete pvopfRet -> m_piiY;
- pvopfRet -> m_piiY = *m_piiY * vl;
- delete pvopfRet -> m_piiU;
- pvopfRet -> m_piiU = *m_piiU * vl;
- delete pvopfRet -> m_piiV;
- pvopfRet -> m_piiV = *m_piiV * vl;
- delete pvopfRet -> m_piiA;
- pvopfRet -> m_piiA = *m_piiA * vl;
- delete pvopfRet -> m_piiBY;
- pvopfRet -> m_piiBY = new CIntImage (*m_piiBY); // alpha is unchanged
- delete pvopfRet -> m_piiBUV;
- pvopfRet -> m_piiBUV = new CIntImage (*m_piiBUV); // alpha is unchanged
- return pvopfRet;
- }
- own CVOPIntYUVBA* CVOPIntYUVBA::operator / (Int vl) const
- {
- assert (vl != .0f);
- CVOPIntYUVBA* pvopfRet = new CVOPIntYUVBA (*this);
- assert (pvopfRet != NULL);
- delete pvopfRet -> m_piiY;
- pvopfRet -> m_piiY = *m_piiY / vl;
- delete pvopfRet -> m_piiU;
- pvopfRet -> m_piiU = *m_piiU / vl;
- delete pvopfRet -> m_piiV;
- pvopfRet -> m_piiV = *m_piiV / vl;
- delete pvopfRet -> m_piiA;
- pvopfRet -> m_piiA = *m_piiA / vl;
- delete pvopfRet -> m_piiBY;
- pvopfRet -> m_piiBY = new CIntImage (*m_piiBY); // alpha is unchanged
- delete pvopfRet -> m_piiBUV;
- pvopfRet -> m_piiBUV = new CIntImage (*m_piiBUV); // alpha is unchanged
- return pvopfRet;
- }
- own CVOPIntYUVBA* CVOPIntYUVBA::average (const CVOPIntYUVBA& vopi) const
- {
- assert (whereY () == vopi.whereY () && whereUV () == vopi.whereUV ());
- // CVOPIntYUVBA* pvopfRet = new CVOPIntYUVBA (whereY (), m_fAUsage);
- CVOPIntYUVBA* pvopfRet = new CVOPIntYUVBA (m_fAUsage, whereY ());
- assert (pvopfRet != NULL);
- delete pvopfRet -> m_piiY;
- pvopfRet -> m_piiY = m_piiY -> average (*vopi.getPlane (Y_PLANE));
- delete pvopfRet -> m_piiU;
- pvopfRet -> m_piiU = m_piiU -> average (*vopi.getPlane (U_PLANE));
- delete pvopfRet -> m_piiV;
- pvopfRet -> m_piiV = m_piiV -> average (*vopi.getPlane (V_PLANE));
- delete pvopfRet -> m_piiA;
- pvopfRet -> m_piiA = m_piiA -> average (*vopi.getPlane (A_PLANE));
- delete pvopfRet -> m_piiBY;
- pvopfRet -> m_piiBY = new CIntImage (*m_piiBY); // alpha is defined as the first one
- delete pvopfRet -> m_piiBUV;
- pvopfRet -> m_piiBUV = new CIntImage (*m_piiBUV); // alpha is defined as the first one
- return pvopfRet;
- }