资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*************************************************************************
- This software module was originally developed by
- Ming-Chieh Lee (, Microsoft Corporation
- Wei-ge Chen (, Microsoft Corporation
- Bruce Lin (, Microsoft Corporation
- Chuang Gu (, Microsoft Corporation
- (date: March, 1996)
- in the course of development of the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2).
- This software module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 Video tools
- as specified by the MPEG-4 Video.
- ISO/IEC gives users of the MPEG-4 Video free license to this software module or modifications
- thereof for use in hardware or software products claiming conformance to the MPEG-4 Video.
- Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software products are advised that its use may infringe existing patents.
- The original developer of this software module and his/her company,
- the subsequent editors and their companies,
- and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software module or modifications thereof in an implementation.
- Copyright is not released for non MPEG-4 Video conforming products.
- Microsoft retains full right to use the code for his/her own purpose,
- assign or donate the code to a third party and to inhibit third parties from using the code for non MPEG-4 Video conforming products.
- This copyright notice must be included in all copies or derivative works.
- Copyright (c) 1996, 1997.
- Module Name:
- basic.hpp
- Abstract:
- Basic types:
- Data, CSite, CVector2D, CVector3D, CRct, CPixel, CMotionVector, CMatrix3x3D
- Revision History:
- *************************************************************************/
- #ifndef __BASIC_HPP_
- #define __BASIC_HPP_
- #include "assert.h"
- #include "string.h"
- #ifdef __MAKE_DLL_
- #define API __declspec (dllexport)
- #define Class class API
- #else
- #define API
- #define Class class
- #endif // __MAKE_DLL_
- #ifdef __MFC_
- #include <afx.h>
- #include <afxtempl.h>
- #include <windowsx.h>
- #endif // __MFC_
- #define own // used as "reserved word" to indicate ownership or transfer to distinguish from const
- #define TRUE 1
- #define FALSE 0
- #ifndef NULL
- #define NULL 0
- #endif
- #define transpValue 0
- #define opaqueValue 255
- #define transpValueF 0.0F
- #define opaqueValueF 255.0F
- /*BBM// Added for Boundary by Hyundai(1998-5-9)
- #define BBM TRUE
- #define BBS FALSE
- // End of Hyundai(1998-5-9)*/
- #endif
- #ifdef MPEG4_OPAQUE
- #undef MPEG4_OPAQUE
- #endif
- #define MPEG4_OPAQUE 255
- #define transpPixel CPixel(0,0,0,0)
- #define opaquePixel CPixel(255,255,255,255)
- #ifndef max
- #define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
- #endif
- #ifndef min
- #define min(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
- #endif
- #define signOf(x) (((x) > 0) ? 1 : 0)
- #define invSignOf(x) ((x) > 0 ? 0 : 1) // see p.22/H.263
- #define sign(x) ((x) > 0 ? 1 : -1) // see p.22/H.263
- #define rounded(x) ((x) > 0 ? x + 0.5 : x - 0.5)
- /////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Forward declarations for classes
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////
- Class CSite;
- Class CVector2D;
- Class CRct;
- Class CPixel; // 32 bit pixel, various interpretations depending on PixelType
- Class CMotionVector;
- /////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Typedefs for basic types
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////
- #define Sizeof(x) ((unsigned long) sizeof (x))
- #if 1 // in case future compilers redefine longs and shorts
- typedef unsigned long U32;
- typedef int I32;
- typedef unsigned short U16;
- typedef short I16;
- ///// WAVELET VTC: begin ///////////////////////////////
- typedef unsigned short UShort; // hjlee
- typedef short Short; // hjlee
- ///// WAVELET VTC: end ///////////////////////////////
- #endif // in case future compilers redefine longs and shorts
- typedef unsigned UInt;
- typedef double Double;
- typedef double Float;
- #else
- typedef float Float;
- #endif // __DOUBLE_PRECISION_
- typedef float Float32;
- typedef float F32;
- typedef unsigned char U8;
- typedef signed char I8;
- ///// WAVELET VTC: begin ///////////////////////////////
- typedef unsigned char UChar; // hjlee
- ///// WAVELET VTC: end ///////////////////////////////
- typedef long Long;
- typedef unsigned long ULong;
- typedef int Int;
- typedef void Void;
- typedef int Bool;
- typedef long CoordI;
- typedef double CoordD;
- typedef char Byte;
- typedef char Char;
- typedef enum {red, green, blue, alpha} RGBA; // define pixel component
- typedef enum {zero, repeat} PadMethod; // define padding technique
- typedef enum {Q_H263, Q_MPEG} Quantizer;
- typedef enum {B_FORWARD, B_BACKWARD} ShapeBPredDir;
- typedef enum BlockNum {
- Y_BLOCK1 = 1,
- Y_BLOCK2 = 2,
- Y_BLOCK3 = 3,
- Y_BLOCK4 = 4,
- U_BLOCK = 5,
- V_BLOCK = 6,
- A_BLOCK1 = 7,
- A_BLOCK2 = 8,
- A_BLOCK3 = 9,
- A_BLOCK4 = 10,
- } BlockNum;
- typedef enum PlaneType {Y_PLANE, U_PLANE, V_PLANE, A_PLANE, BY_PLANE, BUV_PLANE} PlaneType;
- typedef enum AlphaUsage {RECTANGLE, ONE_BIT, EIGHT_BIT} AlphaUsage;
- typedef enum ChromType {FOUR_FOUR_FOUR, FOUR_TWO_TWO, FOUR_TWO_ZERO} ChromType;
- typedef enum EntropyCodeType {huffman, arithmetic} EntropyCodeType;
- typedef enum TransparentStatus {ALL, PARTIAL, NONE} TransparentStatus;
- typedef enum {STOP, PIECE, UPDATE, PAUSE, NEXT} SptXmitMode;
- PIECE_UPDATE} SptMode; // basic sprite, and low-latency (object only, update only, intermingled)
- typedef Int Time;
- /////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Space
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////
- Class CSite
- {
- public:
- CoordI x;
- CoordI y;
- // Constructors
- CSite () {}
- CSite (const CSite& s) {x = s.x; y = s.y;}
- CSite (CoordI xx, CoordI yy) {x = xx; y = yy;}
- // Properties
- CoordI xCoord () const {return x;}
- CoordI yCoord () const {return y;}
- // Operators
- Void set (CoordI xx, CoordI yy) {x = xx; y = yy;}
- CSite operator + (const CSite& st) const; // Coornidate-wise +
- CSite operator - (const CSite& st) const; // Coornidate-wise -
- CSite operator * (const CSite& st) const; // Coornidate-wise *
- CSite operator * (Int scale) const; // Coornidate-wise scaling
- CSite operator / (const CSite& st) const; // Coornidate-wise /
- CSite operator / (Int scale) const; // Coornidate-wise scaling
- CSite operator % (const CSite& st) const; // Coornidate-wise %
- Void operator = (const CSite& st);
- // Synonyms
- Bool operator == (const CSite& s) const {return x == s.x && y == s.y;}
- Bool operator != (const CSite& s) const {return x != s.x || y != s.y;}
- };
- typedef CSite CVector;
- Class CVector2D
- {
- public:
- CoordD x;
- CoordD y;
- // Constructors
- CVector2D () {}
- CVector2D (CoordD xx, CoordD yy) {x = xx; y = yy;}
- // Operators
- Void set (CoordD xx, CoordD yy) {x = xx; y = yy;}
- Void operator = (const CVector2D& v) {x = v.x; y = v.y;}
- // Resultants
- CoordD squared () const {return x * x + y * y;}
- CVector2D operator + (const CVector2D& v) const
- {return CVector2D (x + v.x, y + v.y);}
- CVector2D operator - (const CVector2D& v) const
- {return CVector2D (x - v.x, y - v.y);}
- Double operator * (const CVector2D& v) const // inner product
- {return x * v.x + y * v.y;}
- CVector2D operator * (Double alpha) const // times scalar
- {return CVector2D (x * alpha, y * alpha);}
- CVector2D operator / (Double alpha) const // times scalar
- {return (alpha == 0) ? *this : CVector2D (x / alpha, y / alpha);}
- Bool operator == (const CVector2D& v) const
- {return (x == v.x && y == v.y);}
- Bool operator != (const CVector2D& v) const
- {return (x != v.x || y != v.y);}
- CVector2D rot90 () const // rotation 90 degrees
- {return CVector2D (-y, x);}
- CVector2D rot270 () const // rotation 270 degrees
- {return CVector2D (y, -x);}
- ///////////////// implementation /////////////////
- protected:
- };
- typedef CVector2D CSiteD;
- Class CRct
- {
- public:
- CoordI left, top, right, bottom;
- Int width; // width is needed almost for every Rect. So have a member to avoid extra computations.
- // Constructors
- CRct ()
- {invalidate ();}
- CRct (const CRct& r)
- {left = r.left; top =; right = r.right; bottom = r.bottom; width = r.width;}
- CRct (const CSite& s) // one-point CRct
- {left = s.x; top = s.y; right = s.x + 1; bottom = s.y + 1; width = 1;}
- CRct (CoordI l, CoordI t, CoordI r, CoordI b)
- {left = l; top = t; right = r; bottom = b; width = right - left;}
- CRct (CoordI x, CoordI y)
- {left = x; top = y; right = x + 1; bottom= y + 1; width = 1;}
- CRct (const CSite& st1, const CSite& st2);
- CRct (Int radius)
- {left = -radius; top = -radius; right = radius + 1; bottom = radius + 1; width = 2 * radius + 1;}
- CRct (CoordI x, CoordI y, Int radius)
- {left = x - radius; top = y - radius; right= x + radius + 1; bottom = y + radius + 1; width = 2 * radius + 1;}
- CRct (const CSite& st, Int radiusX, Int radiusY); // centered at st, expanded by radiusX and radiusY in each direction
- CRct ( // a Rect that includes all four sites
- const CSiteD& stdLeftTop,
- const CSiteD& stdRightTop,
- const CSiteD& stdLeftBottom,
- const CSiteD& stdRightBottom
- );
- // Attributes
- Bool valid () const // check whether the CRct is valid
- {return left < right && top < bottom;}
- Bool empty () const
- {return left >= right || top >= bottom;}
- // CoordI width () const
- // {return !valid () ? 0 : (right - left);}
- CoordI height () const
- {return !valid () ? 0 : (bottom - top);}
- UInt area () const
- {return (UInt) width * height ();}
- CSite center () const
- {return CSite ((left + right) >> 1, (top + bottom) >> 1);}
- UInt offset (CoordI x, CoordI y) const // index into linear array
- {return !valid () ? 0 : (UInt) width * (y - top) + (x - left);}
- Bool includes (const CSite& s) const
- {return includes (s.x, s.y);}
- Bool includes (CoordI x, CoordI y) const
- {return x >= left && x < right && y >= top && y < bottom;}
- Bool includes (const CRct& rc) const
- {
- return
- includes(rc.left, &&
- includes(rc.left, rc.bottom - 1) &&
- includes(rc.right - 1, &&
- includes(rc.right - 1, rc.bottom - 1);
- }
- // Operations
- Void invalidate ()
- {left = top = 0; right = bottom = -1;}
- Void expand (CoordI dl, CoordI dt, CoordI dr, CoordI db)
- {left -= dl; top -= dt; right += dr; bottom += db; width += dr + dl;}
- Void expand (Int expandSize) // same expansion size for all four directions
- {expand (expandSize, expandSize, expandSize, expandSize);}
- Void shift (CoordI dx, CoordI dy)
- {left += dx; top += dy; right += dx; bottom += dy;}
- Void transpose (); // transpose the width and height, left-top corner remains the same
- Void rightRotate (); // Rotate the CRct by 90 degrees, center remains the same
- Void clip (const CRct& rc); // intersect
- Void include (const CRct& rc); // union
- Void include (const CSite& s);
- Void include (CoordI x, CoordI y) {include (CSite (x, y));}
- CRct downSampleBy2 () const;
- CRct upSampleBy2 () const;
- // Operators
- Void operator = (const CRct& rc);
- Bool operator == (const CRct& rc) const;
- Bool operator != (const CRct& rc) const {return !(operator == (rc));}
- Bool operator <= (const CRct& rc) const;
- Bool operator >= (const CRct& rc) const;
- // Resultants
- CRct operator / (Int scale) const;
- // divide the width and height by scale
- // round if the original size cannot be divided by scale
- CRct operator * (Int scale) const;
- // scale the width and height by scale
- };
- /////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Pixels
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////
- Class CPixel // 32 bit pixel, various interpretations depending on PixelType
- {
- public:
- union
- {
- U32 bits;
- struct rgb
- {
- U8 r:8, g:8, b:8, a:8;
- } rgb;
- struct yuv
- {
- U8 y:8, u:8, v:8, a:8;
- } yuv;
- struct xy
- {
- I32 x :16, y :16;
- } xy;
- U8 color[4];
- } pxlU;
- CPixel () {} // uninitialized
- CPixel (const U32 u) {pxlU.bits = u;} // copy a long
- CPixel (U8 r, U8 g, U8 b, U8 a)
- {pxlU.bits = (U32) ((((((U32) r) | (((U32) g) << 8)) | (((U32) b) << 16)) | (((U32) a) << 24)));}
- operator U32 () {return pxlU.bits;}
- CPixel operator & (U32 u) {return CPixel (pxlU.bits & u);}
- CPixel operator & (Int u) {return CPixel (pxlU.bits & u);}
- CPixel operator & (CPixel p) {return CPixel (pxlU.bits & p.pxlU.bits);}
- CPixel operator | (CPixel p) {return CPixel (pxlU.bits | p.pxlU.bits);}
- CPixel operator ~ () {return CPixel (~pxlU.bits);}
- };
- typedef CPixel* PixelPtr;
- /////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // Motion Vectors
- //
- /////////////////////////////////////////////
- Class CMotionVector
- {
- public:
- CVector m_vctTrueHalfPel;
- Int iMVX; // x direction motion
- Int iMVY; // y direction motion
- Int iHalfX; // x direction half pixel. 3 values: -1, 0, 1
- Int iHalfY; // x direction half pixel. 3 values: -1, 0, 1
- // Constructor
- CMotionVector (const CVector& vctHalfPel);
- CMotionVector (Int ix, Int iy, Int iHx = 0, Int iHy = 0) {iMVX = ix; iMVY = iy; iHalfX = iHx; iHalfY = iHy; computeTrueMV ();}
- CMotionVector () {setToZero ();}
- // Attributes
- const CVector& trueMVHalfPel () const {return m_vctTrueHalfPel;}
- Bool isZero () const;
- // Operations
- Void operator = (const CMotionVector& mv);
- Void operator = (const CVector& vctHalfPel);
- Void setToZero ();
- Void computeTrueMV (); // compute trueMV (CVector) from MV (CMotionVector)
- Void computeMV (); // compute MV (CMotionVector) from trueMV (CVector)
- // Resultants
- CMotionVector operator + (const CMotionVector& mv) const;
- CMotionVector operator - (const CMotionVector& mv) const;
- };
- #endif // __BASIC_HPP_