资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*************************************************************************
- This software module was originally developed by
- Ming-Chieh Lee (, Microsoft Corporation
- Wei-ge Chen (, Microsoft Corporation
- Bruce Lin (, Microsoft Corporation
- Chuang Gu (, Microsoft Corporation
- (date: March, 1996)
- in the course of development of the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2).
- This software module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 Video tools
- as specified by the MPEG-4 Video.
- ISO/IEC gives users of the MPEG-4 Video free license to this software module or modifications
- thereof for use in hardware or software products claiming conformance to the MPEG-4 Video.
- Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software products are advised that its use may infringe existing patents.
- The original developer of this software module and his/her company,
- the subsequent editors and their companies,
- and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software module or modifications thereof in an implementation.
- Copyright is not released for non MPEG-4 Video conforming products.
- Microsoft retains full right to use the code for his/her own purpose,
- assign or donate the code to a third party and to inhibit third parties from using the code for non <MPEG standard> conforming products.
- This copyright notice must be included in all copies or derivative works.
- Copyright (c) 1996, 1997.
- Module Name:
- grayc.hpp
- Abstract:
- Float image class for gray (one-plane) pictures
- Revision History:
- *************************************************************************/
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "typeapi.h"
- #ifdef __MFC_
- #ifdef _DEBUG
- #undef THIS_FILE
- static char BASED_CODE THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
- #endif
- #define new DEBUG_NEW
- #endif // __MFC_
- #ifdef __NBIT_
- void pxlcmemset(PixelC *ppxlc, PixelC pxlcVal, Int iCount)
- {
- Int i;
- for(i=0; i<iCount;i++)
- ppxlc[i] = pxlcVal;
- }
- #endif
- CU8Image::~CU8Image ()
- {
- delete [] m_ppxlc;
- m_ppxlc = NULL;
- }
- Void CU8Image::allocate (const CRct& r, PixelC pxlc)
- {
- m_rc = r;
- delete [] m_ppxlc, m_ppxlc = NULL;
- // allocate pixels and initialize
- if (m_rc.empty ()) return;
- m_ppxlc = new PixelC [m_rc.area ()];
- memset (m_ppxlc, pxlc, where ().area () * sizeof (PixelC));
- }
- Void CU8Image::allocate (const CRct& r)
- {
- m_rc = r;
- // allocate pixels and initialize
- m_ppxlc = new PixelC [m_rc.area ()];
- assert (m_ppxlc != NULL);
- }
- Void CU8Image::copyConstruct (const CU8Image& uci, const CRct& rct)
- {
- CRct r = rct;
- if (!r.valid())
- r = uci.where ();
- if (!uci.valid () || (!uci.m_rc.empty () && uci.m_ppxlc == NULL))
- assert (FALSE);
- allocate (r, (PixelC) 0);
- if (!valid ()) return;
- // Copy data
- if (r == uci.where ())
- memcpy (m_ppxlc, uci.pixels (), m_rc.area () * sizeof (PixelC));
- else {
- r.clip (uci.where ()); // find the intersection
- CoordI x = r.left; // copy pixels
- Int cbLine = r.width * sizeof (PixelC);
- PixelC* ppxl = (PixelC*) pixels (x,;
- const PixelC* ppxlFi = uci.pixels (x,;
- Int widthCurr = where ().width;
- Int widthFi = uci.where ().width;
- for (CoordI y =; y < r.bottom; y++) {
- memcpy (ppxl, ppxlFi, cbLine);
- ppxl += widthCurr;
- ppxlFi += widthFi;
- }
- }
- }
- Void CU8Image::swap (CU8Image& uci)
- {
- assert (this && &uci);
- CRct rcT = uci.m_rc;
- uci.m_rc = m_rc;
- m_rc = rcT;
- PixelC* ppxlcT = uci.m_ppxlc;
- uci.m_ppxlc = m_ppxlc;
- m_ppxlc = ppxlcT;
- }
- CU8Image::CU8Image (const CU8Image& uci, const CRct& r) : m_ppxlc (NULL)
- {
- copyConstruct (uci, r);
- }
- CU8Image::CU8Image (const CRct& r, PixelC px) : m_ppxlc (NULL)
- {
- allocate (r, px);
- }
- CU8Image::CU8Image (const CRct& r) : m_ppxlc (NULL)
- {
- allocate (r);
- }
- CU8Image::CU8Image (const CVideoObjectPlane& vop, RGBA comp, const CRct& r) : m_ppxlc (NULL)
- {
- if (!vop.valid ()) return;
- CU8Image* puci = new CU8Image (vop.where ());
- PixelC* ppxlc = (PixelC*) puci -> pixels ();
- const CPixel* ppxl = vop.pixels ();
- UInt area = puci -> where ().area ();
- for (UInt ip = 0; ip < area; ip++, ppxl++)
- *ppxlc++ = (PixelC) ppxl -> pxlU.color [comp];
- copyConstruct (*puci, r);
- delete puci;
- }
- CU8Image::CU8Image (
- const Char* pchFileName,
- UInt ifr,
- const CRct& rct,
- UInt nszHeader
- ) : m_ppxlc (NULL), m_rc (rct)
- {
- assert (!rct.empty ());
- assert (ifr >= 0);
- assert (nszHeader >= 0);
- UInt uiArea = rct.area ();
- delete [] m_ppxlc;
- m_ppxlc = new PixelC [uiArea];
- assert (m_ppxlc);
- // read data from a file
- FILE* fpSrc = fopen (pchFileName, "rb");
- assert (fpSrc != NULL);
- fseek (fpSrc, nszHeader + ifr * sizeof (U8) * uiArea, SEEK_SET);
- Int size = (Int) fread (m_ppxlc, sizeof (U8), uiArea, fpSrc);
- assert (size != 0);
- fclose (fpSrc);
- }
- CU8Image::CU8Image (const Char* vdlFileName) : m_ppxlc (NULL)// read from a VM file.
- {
- CVideoObjectPlane vop (vdlFileName);
- m_rc = vop.where ();
- UInt uiArea = where ().area ();
- delete [] m_ppxlc;
- m_ppxlc = new PixelC [uiArea];
- assert (m_ppxlc);
- const CPixel* ppxlVop = vop.pixels ();
- PixelC* ppxlcRet = (PixelC*) pixels ();
- for (UInt ip = 0; ip < uiArea; ip++, ppxlcRet++, ppxlVop++)
- *ppxlcRet = (PixelC) ppxlVop -> pxlU.rgb.r;
- }
- Void CU8Image::where (const CRct& r)
- {
- if (!valid ()) return;
- if (where () == r) return;
- CU8Image* puci = new CU8Image (*this, r);
- swap (*puci);
- delete puci;
- }
- CRct CU8Image::boundingBox (const PixelC pxlcOutsideColor) const
- {
- if (allValue ((PixelC) pxlcOutsideColor))
- return CRct ();
- CoordI left = where ().right - 1;
- CoordI top = where ().bottom - 1;
- CoordI right = where ().left;
- CoordI bottom = where ().top;
- const PixelC* ppxlcThis = pixels ();
- for (CoordI y = where ().top; y < where ().bottom; y++) {
- for (CoordI x = where ().left; x < where ().right; x++) {
- if (*ppxlcThis != (PixelC) pxlcOutsideColor) {
- left = min (left, x);
- top = min (top, y);
- right = max (right, x);
- bottom = max (bottom, y);
- }
- ppxlcThis++;
- }
- }
- right++;
- bottom++;
- return (CRct (left, top, right, bottom));
- }
- U8 CU8Image::mean () const
- {
- if (where ().empty ()) return 0;
- Int meanRet = 0;
- PixelC* ppxlc = (PixelC*) pixels ();
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- for (UInt ip = 0; ip < area; ip++)
- meanRet += ppxlc [ip];
- return (U8) (meanRet / area);
- }
- U8 CU8Image::mean (const CU8Image* puciMsk) const
- {
- assert (where () == puciMsk -> where ()); // no compute if rects are different
- if (where ().empty ()) return 0;
- Int meanRet = 0;
- PixelC* ppxlc = (PixelC*) pixels ();
- const PixelC* ppxlcMsk = puciMsk -> pixels ();
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- UInt uiNumNonTransp = 0;
- for (UInt ip = 0; ip < area; ip++) {
- if (ppxlcMsk [ip] != transpValue) {
- uiNumNonTransp++;
- meanRet += ppxlc [ip];
- }
- }
- return (U8) (meanRet / uiNumNonTransp);
- }
- Int CU8Image::sumDeviation (const CU8Image* puciMsk) const // sum of first-order deviation
- {
- U8 meanPxl = mean (puciMsk);
- Int devRet = 0;
- PixelC* ppxlc = (PixelC*) pixels ();
- const PixelC* ppxlcMsk = puciMsk -> pixels ();
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- for (UInt ip = 0; ip < area; ip++) {
- if (ppxlcMsk [ip] != transpValue)
- devRet += abs (meanPxl - ppxlc [ip]);
- }
- return devRet;
- }
- Int CU8Image::sumDeviation () const // sum of first-order deviation
- {
- U8 meanPxl = mean ();
- Int devRet = 0;
- PixelC* ppxlc = (PixelC*) pixels ();
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- for (UInt ip = 0; ip < area; ip++)
- devRet += abs (meanPxl - ppxlc [ip]);
- return devRet;
- }
- UInt CU8Image::sumAbs (const CRct& rct) const // sum of absolute value
- {
- CRct rctToDo = (!rct.valid ()) ? where () : rct;
- UInt uiRet = 0;
- if (rctToDo == where ()) {
- const PixelC* ppxlc = pixels ();
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- for (UInt ip = 0; ip < area; ip++, ppxlc++) {
- if (*ppxlc > 0)
- uiRet += *ppxlc;
- else
- uiRet -= *ppxlc;
- }
- }
- else {
- Int width = where ().width;
- const PixelC* ppxlcRow = pixels (rct.left,;
- for (CoordI y =; y < rctToDo.bottom; y++) {
- const PixelC* ppxlc = ppxlcRow;
- for (CoordI x = rctToDo.left; x < rctToDo.right; x++, ppxlc++) {
- if (*ppxlc > 0)
- uiRet += *ppxlc;
- else
- uiRet -= *ppxlc;
- }
- ppxlcRow += width;
- }
- }
- return uiRet;
- }
- Bool CU8Image::allValue (PixelC ucVl, const CRct& rct) const
- {
- CRct rctToDo = (!rct.valid ()) ? where () : rct;
- if (rctToDo == where ()) {
- const PixelC* ppxlc = pixels ();
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- for (UInt ip = 0; ip < area; ip++) {
- if (ppxlc [ip] != ucVl)
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- else {
- Int width = where ().width;
- const PixelC* ppxlc = pixels (rct.left,;
- for (CoordI y =; y < rctToDo.bottom; y++) {
- const PixelC* ppxlcRow = ppxlc;
- for (CoordI x = rctToDo.left; x < rctToDo.right; x++, ppxlcRow++) {
- if (*ppxlcRow != ucVl)
- return FALSE;
- }
- ppxlc += width;
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- Bool CU8Image::biLevel (const CRct& rct) const
- {
- CRct rctToDo = (!rct.valid ()) ? where () : rct;
- if (rctToDo == where ()) {
- const PixelC* ppxlc = pixels ();
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- for (UInt ip = 0; ip < area; ip++) {
- if (ppxlc [ip] != opaqueValue && ppxlc [ip] != transpValue )
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- else {
- Int width = where ().width;
- const PixelC* ppxlc = pixels (rct.left,;
- for (CoordI y =; y < rctToDo.bottom; y++) {
- const PixelC* ppxlcRow = ppxlc;
- for (CoordI x = rctToDo.left; x < rctToDo.right; x++, ppxlcRow++) {
- if (*ppxlcRow != opaqueValue && *ppxlcRow != transpValue )
- return FALSE;
- }
- ppxlc += width;
- }
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- CRct CU8Image::whereVisible () const
- {
- CoordI left = where ().right - 1;
- CoordI top = where ().bottom - 1;
- CoordI right = where ().left;
- CoordI bottom = where ().top;
- const PixelC* ppxlcThis = pixels ();
- for (CoordI y = where ().top; y < where ().bottom; y++) {
- for (CoordI x = where ().left; x < where ().right; x++) {
- if (*ppxlcThis != transpValue) {
- left = min (left, x);
- top = min (top, y);
- right = max (right, x);
- bottom = max (bottom, y);
- }
- ppxlcThis++;
- }
- }
- right++;
- bottom++;
- return CRct (left, top, right, bottom);
- }
- Bool CU8Image::atLeastOneValue (PixelC ucVl, const CRct& rct) const
- {
- CRct rctRegionOfInterest = (!rct.valid ()) ? where () : rct;
- assert (rctRegionOfInterest <= where ());
- if (rctRegionOfInterest == where ()) {
- const PixelC* ppxlc = pixels ();
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- for (UInt ip = 0; ip < area; ip++) {
- if (ppxlc [ip] == ucVl)
- return TRUE;
- }
- }
- else {
- Int width = where ().width;
- const PixelC* ppxlc = pixels (rctRegionOfInterest.left,;
- for (CoordI y =; y < rctRegionOfInterest.bottom; y++) {
- const PixelC* ppxlcRow = ppxlc;
- for (CoordI x = rctRegionOfInterest.left; x < rctRegionOfInterest.right; x++, ppxlcRow++) {
- if (*ppxlcRow == ucVl)
- return TRUE;
- }
- ppxlc += width;
- }
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- UInt CU8Image::numPixelsNotValued (PixelC ucVl, const CRct& rct) const // number of pixels not valued vl in region rct
- {
- CRct rctInterest = (!rct.valid ()) ? where () : rct;
- assert (rctInterest <= where ());
- UInt nRet = 0;
- if (rctInterest == where ()) {
- const PixelC* ppxlc = pixels ();
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- for (UInt ip = 0; ip < area; ip++) {
- if (ppxlc [ip] != ucVl)
- nRet++;
- }
- }
- else {
- Int width = where ().width;
- const PixelC* ppxlc = pixels (rctInterest.left,;
- for (CoordI y =; y < rctInterest.bottom; y++) {
- const PixelC* ppxlcRow = ppxlc;
- for (CoordI x = rctInterest.left; x < rctInterest.right; x++, ppxlcRow++) {
- if (*ppxlcRow != ucVl)
- nRet++;
- }
- ppxlc += width;
- }
- }
- return nRet;
- }
- Void CU8Image::setRect (const CRct& rct)
- {
- assert (rct.area () == m_rc.area ());
- m_rc = rct;
- }
- Void CU8Image::threshold (PixelC ucThresh)
- {
- PixelC* ppxlThis = (PixelC*) pixels ();
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- for (UInt id = 0; id < area; id++) {
- if (ppxlThis [id] < ucThresh)
- ppxlThis [id] = 0;
- }
- }
- Void CU8Image::binarize (PixelC ucThresh)
- {
- PixelC* ppxlcThis = (PixelC*) pixels ();
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- for (UInt id = 0; id < area; id++, ppxlcThis) {
- if (*ppxlcThis < ucThresh)
- *ppxlcThis = transpValue;
- else
- *ppxlcThis = opaqueValue;
- }
- }
- /* NBIT: change U8 to PixelC
- Void CU8Image::checkRange (U8 ucMin, U8 ucMax)
- */
- Void CU8Image::checkRange (PixelC ucMin, PixelC ucMax)
- {
- PixelC* ppxlcThis = (PixelC*) pixels ();
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- for (UInt id = 0; id < area; id++, ppxlcThis++)
- *ppxlcThis = checkrange (*ppxlcThis, ucMin, ucMax);
- }
- own CU8Image* CU8Image::decimate (UInt rateX, UInt rateY) const
- {
- const CoordI left = where ().left / (CoordI) rateX;
- const CoordI top = where ().top / (CoordI) rateY;
- const CoordI right =
- (where ().right >= 0) ? (where ().right + (CoordI) rateX - 1) / (CoordI) rateX :
- (where ().right - (CoordI) rateX + 1) / (CoordI) rateX;
- const CoordI bottom =
- (where ().bottom >= 0) ? (where ().bottom + (CoordI) rateX - 1) / (CoordI) rateY :
- (where ().bottom - (CoordI) rateX + 1) / (CoordI) rateY;
- CU8Image* puciRet = new CU8Image (CRct (left, top, right, bottom));
- PixelC* ppxlcRet = (PixelC*) puciRet -> pixels ();
- const PixelC* ppxlcOrgY = pixels ();
- Int skipY = rateY * where ().width;
- for (CoordI y = top; y < bottom; y++) {
- const PixelC* ppxlcOrgX = ppxlcOrgY;
- for (CoordI x = left; x < right; x++) {
- *ppxlcRet++ = *ppxlcOrgX;
- ppxlcOrgX += rateX;
- }
- ppxlcOrgY += skipY;
- }
- return puciRet;
- }
- own CU8Image* CU8Image::decimateBinaryShape (UInt rateX, UInt rateY) const
- {
- const CoordI left = where ().left / (CoordI) rateX;
- const CoordI top = where ().top / (CoordI) rateY;
- Int roundR = (where ().right >= 0) ? rateX - 1 : 1 - rateX;
- Int roundB = (where ().bottom >= 0) ? rateY - 1 : 1 - rateY;
- const CoordI right = (where ().right + roundR) / (CoordI) rateX;
- const CoordI bottom = (where ().bottom + roundB) / (CoordI) rateY;
- CU8Image* puciRet = new CU8Image (CRct (left, top, right, bottom));
- PixelC* ppxlcRet = (PixelC*) puciRet -> pixels ();
- const PixelC* ppxlcOrgY = pixels ();
- Int skipY = rateY * where ().width;
- CoordI x, y;
- CoordI iXOrigLeft, iYOrigTop; //left top of a sampling square
- for (y = top, iYOrigTop = where().top; y < bottom; y++, iYOrigTop += rateY) {
- const PixelC* ppxlcOrgX = ppxlcOrgY;
- for (x = left, iXOrigLeft = where().left; x < right; x++, iXOrigLeft += rateX) {
- CoordI iXOrig, iYOrig; //for scanning of the sampling square
- const PixelC* ppxlcOrigScanY = ppxlcOrgX; //same
- *ppxlcRet = transpValue;
- for (iYOrig = iYOrigTop; iYOrig < (iYOrigTop + (Int) rateY); iYOrig++) {
- if (iYOrig >= where().bottom || *ppxlcRet == opaqueValue)
- break;
- const PixelC* ppxlcOrigScanX = ppxlcOrigScanY; //for scan also
- //Bool bStopScan = FALSE;
- for (iXOrig = iXOrigLeft; iXOrig < (iXOrigLeft + (Int) rateX); iXOrig++) {
- if (iXOrig >= where().right)
- break;
- assert (*ppxlcOrigScanX == transpValue || *ppxlcOrigScanX == opaqueValue);
- if (*ppxlcOrigScanX == opaqueValue) {
- *ppxlcRet = opaqueValue;
- break;
- }
- ppxlcOrigScanX++;
- }
- ppxlcOrigScanY += where().width;
- }
- assert (*ppxlcRet == transpValue || *ppxlcRet == opaqueValue);
- ppxlcRet++;
- ppxlcOrgX += rateX;
- }
- ppxlcOrgY += skipY;
- }
- return puciRet;
- }
- own CU8Image* CU8Image::zoomup (UInt rateX, UInt rateY) const
- {
- const CoordI left = where ().left * rateX; // left-top coordinate remain the same
- const CoordI top = where ().top * rateY;
- const CoordI right = where ().right * rateX;
- const CoordI bottom = where ().bottom * rateY;
- CU8Image* puciRet = new CU8Image (CRct (left, top, right, bottom));
- PixelC* ppxlRet = (PixelC*) puciRet -> pixels ();
- for (CoordI y = top; y < bottom; y++) {
- for (CoordI x = left; x < right; x++)
- *ppxlRet++ = pixel ((CoordI) (x / (CoordI) rateX), (CoordI) (y / (CoordI) rateY));
- }
- return puciRet;
- }
- own CU8Image* CU8Image::expand (UInt rateX, UInt rateY) const // expand by putting zeros in between
- {
- const CoordI left = where ().left * rateX; // left-top coordinate remain the same
- const CoordI top = where ().top * rateY;
- const CoordI right = where ().right * rateX;
- const CoordI bottom = where ().bottom * rateY;
- CU8Image* puciRet = new CU8Image (CRct (left, top, right, bottom));
- PixelC* ppxlRet = (PixelC*) puciRet -> pixels ();
- const PixelC* ppxlThis = pixels ();
- for (CoordI y = top; y < bottom; y++) {
- for (CoordI x = left; x < right; x++) {
- if (x % rateX == 0 && y % rateY == 0)
- *ppxlRet++ = *ppxlThis++;
- else
- *ppxlRet++ = 0;
- }
- }
- return puciRet;
- }
- own CU8Image* CU8Image::biInterpolate () const // bilinearly interpolate the vframe
- {
- const CoordI left = where ().left << 1; // left-top coordinate remain the same
- const CoordI top = where ().top << 1;
- const CoordI right = where ().right << 1;
- const CoordI bottom = where ().bottom << 1;
- const CoordI width = right - left;
- CoordI x, y;
- CU8Image* puciRet = new CU8Image (CRct (left, top, right, bottom));
- PixelC* ppxlcRet = (PixelC*) puciRet -> pixels ();
- const PixelC* ppxlc = pixels ();
- const CoordI right1 = right - 2;
- for (y = top; y < bottom; y += 2) { // x-direction interpolation
- for (x = left; x < right1; x += 2) {
- *ppxlcRet++ = *ppxlc++;
- *ppxlcRet++ = (*ppxlc + *(ppxlc - 1) + 1) >> 1;
- }
- *ppxlcRet++ = *ppxlc;
- *ppxlcRet++ = *ppxlc++; // the last pixel of every row do not need average
- ppxlcRet += width;
- }
- ppxlcRet = (PixelC*) puciRet -> pixels ();
- ppxlcRet += width; // start from the second row
- const CoordI width2 = width << 1;
- const CoordI bottom1 = bottom - 1;
- for (x = left; x < right; x++) { // y-direction interpolation
- PixelC* ppxlcRett = ppxlcRet++;
- for (y = top + 1; y < bottom1; y += 2) {
- *ppxlcRett = (*(ppxlcRett - width) + *(ppxlcRett + width) + 1) >> 1;
- ppxlcRett += width2;
- }
- *ppxlcRett = *(ppxlcRett - width); // the last pixel of every column do not need average
- }
- return puciRet;
- }
- own CU8Image* CU8Image::downsampleForSpatialScalability () const
- {
- static Int rgiFilterVertical[13] = {2, 0, -4, -3, 5, 19, 26, 19, 5, -3, -4, 0, 2};
- static Int rgiFilterHorizontal[4] = {5, 11, 11, 5};
- Int iWidthSrc = where (). width;
- Int iHeightSrc = where (). height ();
- assert (iWidthSrc % 2 == 0 && iHeightSrc % 2 == 0);
- Int iWidthDst = iWidthSrc / 2;
- Int iHeightDst = iHeightSrc / 2;
- CU8Image* puciBuffer = new CU8Image (CRct (0, 0, iWidthSrc, iHeightDst));
- CU8Image* puciRet = new CU8Image (CRct (0, 0, iWidthDst, iHeightDst));
- assert (puciBuffer != NULL);
- assert (puciRet != NULL);
- //filter and downsample vertically
- const PixelC* ppxlcSrc;
- const PixelC* ppxlcColumnHeadSrc = pixels ();
- PixelC* ppxlcDst = (PixelC*) puciBuffer->pixels ();
- PixelC* ppxlcColumnHeadDst = (PixelC*) puciBuffer->pixels ();
- Int i, j, k;
- for (i = 0; i < iWidthSrc; i++) {
- ppxlcSrc = ppxlcColumnHeadSrc;
- ppxlcDst = ppxlcColumnHeadDst;
- for (j = 0; j < iHeightDst; j++) {
- k = j * 2;
- const PixelC* ppxlcMinusOne = ( k < 1 ) ? ppxlcSrc : ppxlcSrc - iWidthSrc;
- const PixelC* ppxlcMinusTwo = ( k < 2 ) ? ppxlcSrc : ppxlcMinusOne - iWidthSrc;
- const PixelC* ppxlcMinusThree = ( k < 3 ) ? ppxlcSrc : ppxlcMinusTwo - iWidthSrc;
- const PixelC* ppxlcMinusFour = ( k < 4 ) ? ppxlcSrc : ppxlcMinusThree - iWidthSrc;
- const PixelC* ppxlcMinusFive = ( k < 5 ) ? ppxlcSrc : ppxlcMinusFour - iWidthSrc;
- const PixelC* ppxlcMinusSix = ( k < 6 ) ? ppxlcSrc : ppxlcMinusFive - iWidthSrc;
- const PixelC* ppxlcPlusOne = ( k >= iHeightSrc - 1) ? ppxlcSrc : ppxlcSrc + iWidthSrc;
- const PixelC* ppxlcPlusTwo = ( k >= iHeightSrc - 2) ? ppxlcPlusOne : ppxlcPlusOne + iWidthSrc;
- const PixelC* ppxlcPlusThree = ( k >= iHeightSrc - 3) ? ppxlcPlusTwo : ppxlcPlusTwo + iWidthSrc;
- const PixelC* ppxlcPlusFour = ( k >= iHeightSrc - 4) ? ppxlcPlusThree : ppxlcPlusThree + iWidthSrc;
- const PixelC* ppxlcPlusFive = ( k >= iHeightSrc - 5) ? ppxlcPlusFour : ppxlcPlusFour + iWidthSrc;
- const PixelC* ppxlcPlusSix = ( k >= iHeightSrc - 6) ? ppxlcPlusFive : ppxlcPlusFive + iWidthSrc;
- *ppxlcDst = checkrangeU8 (
- (U8) ((*ppxlcMinusSix * rgiFilterVertical [0] +
- *ppxlcMinusFive * rgiFilterVertical [1] +
- *ppxlcMinusFour * rgiFilterVertical [2] +
- *ppxlcMinusThree * rgiFilterVertical [3] +
- *ppxlcMinusTwo * rgiFilterVertical [4] +
- *ppxlcMinusOne * rgiFilterVertical [5] +
- *ppxlcSrc * rgiFilterVertical [6] +
- *ppxlcPlusOne * rgiFilterVertical [7] +
- *ppxlcPlusTwo * rgiFilterVertical [8] +
- *ppxlcPlusThree * rgiFilterVertical [9] +
- *ppxlcPlusFour * rgiFilterVertical [10] +
- *ppxlcPlusFive * rgiFilterVertical [11] +
- *ppxlcPlusSix * rgiFilterVertical [12] + 32) >> 6),
- 0, 255
- );
- ppxlcSrc += 2 * iWidthSrc;
- ppxlcDst += iWidthSrc;
- }
- ppxlcColumnHeadSrc++;
- ppxlcColumnHeadDst++;
- }
- //filter and downsample horizontally
- ppxlcSrc = puciBuffer->pixels ();
- ppxlcDst = (PixelC*) puciRet->pixels ();
- for (j = 0; j < iHeightDst; j++) {
- for (i = 0; i < iWidthDst; i++) {
- k = i * 2;
- const PixelC* ppxlcMinusOne = ( k < 1 ) ? ppxlcSrc : ppxlcSrc - 1;
- const PixelC* ppxlcPlusOne = ( k >= iWidthSrc - 1) ? ppxlcSrc : ppxlcSrc + 1;
- const PixelC* ppxlcPlusTwo = ( k >= iWidthSrc - 2) ? ppxlcSrc : ppxlcSrc + 2;
- *ppxlcDst = checkrangeU8 (
- (U8) ((*ppxlcMinusOne * rgiFilterHorizontal [0] +
- *ppxlcSrc * rgiFilterHorizontal [1] +
- *ppxlcPlusOne * rgiFilterHorizontal [2] +
- *ppxlcPlusTwo * rgiFilterHorizontal [3] + 16) >> 5),
- 0, 255
- );
- ppxlcSrc += 2;
- ppxlcDst++;
- }
- }
- delete puciBuffer;
- return puciRet;
- }
- own CU8Image* CU8Image::upsampleForSpatialScalability ( Int iVerticalSamplingFactorM,
- Int iVerticalSamplingFactorN,
- Int iHorizontalSamplingFactorM,
- Int iHorizontalSamplingFactorN,
- Int iType,
- Int iExpandYRefFrame
- ) const
- {
- /* SONY
- CRct rctDst = where () * 2;
- rctDst.right -=iExpandYRefFrame/iType;
- rctDst.bottom-=iExpandYRefFrame/iType;
- rctDst.left +=iExpandYRefFrame/iType;
- +=iExpandYRefFrame/iType;
- rctDst.width -=iExpandYRefFrame/iType*2;
- CRct rctBuf2 = where()*2;
- Int iWidthSrc = where (). width ;
- Int iHeightSrc = where (). height ();
- Int iWidthDst = iWidthSrc*2;
- Int iHeightDst = iHeightSrc*2;
- */
- CRct rctDst = where ();
- Float tmp;
- rctDst.right -= iExpandYRefFrame/iType;
- tmp = (Float) rctDst.right * ((Float)iHorizontalSamplingFactorN/iHorizontalSamplingFactorM);
- rctDst.right = (Int) tmp;
- rctDst.right += iExpandYRefFrame/iType;
- rctDst.left += iExpandYRefFrame/iType;
- tmp = (Float)rctDst.left*((Float)iHorizontalSamplingFactorN/iHorizontalSamplingFactorM);
- rctDst.left = (Int) tmp;
- rctDst.left -= iExpandYRefFrame/iType;
- rctDst.width -= iExpandYRefFrame/iType*2;
- tmp = (Float) rctDst.width * ((Float)iHorizontalSamplingFactorN/iHorizontalSamplingFactorM);
- rctDst.width = (Int ) tmp;
- rctDst.width += iExpandYRefFrame/iType*2;
- rctDst.bottom -= iExpandYRefFrame/iType;
- tmp = (Float) rctDst.bottom * ((Float)iVerticalSamplingFactorN/iVerticalSamplingFactorM);
- rctDst.bottom = (Int) tmp;
- rctDst.bottom += iExpandYRefFrame/iType;
- += iExpandYRefFrame/iType;
- tmp = (Float) * ((Float)iVerticalSamplingFactorN/iVerticalSamplingFactorM);
- = (Int) tmp;
- -= iExpandYRefFrame/iType;
- Int iWidthSrc = where (). width ;
- Int iHeightSrc = where (). height ();
- tmp = (Float) iWidthSrc*((Float)iHorizontalSamplingFactorN/iHorizontalSamplingFactorM);
- //Int iWidthDst = (Int) tmp;
- tmp = (Float) iHeightSrc*((Float)iVerticalSamplingFactorN/iVerticalSamplingFactorM);
- //Int iHeightDst = (Int) tmp;
- //wchen: this approach is very slow; will have to change later
- /* CU8Image* puciBuffer = new CU8Image (CRct (where().left,, where().right, rctBuf2.bottom));
- CU8Image* puciBuffer2 = new CU8Image (CRct (rctBuf2.left,, rctBuf2.right,rctBuf2.bottom));*/
- CU8Image* puciRet = new CU8Image (CRct (rctDst.left,, rctDst.right, rctDst.bottom));
- //upsample vertically
- PixelC* ppxlcDst;
- const PixelC* ppxlcColumnHeadSrc = pixels ();
- /*
- Int iVerticalSamplingFactorM = m_volmd.iver_sampling_factor_m;
- Int iVerticalSamplingFactorN = m_volmd.iver_sampling_factor_n;
- Int iHorizontalSamplingFactorM = m_volmd.ihor_sampling_factor_m;
- Int iHorizontalSamplingFactorN = m_volmd.ihor_sampling_factor_n;
- */
- Int x,y,y1,y2,x1,x2;
- Int phase = 0;
- Int *pict_vert;
- const PixelC* pict= ppxlcColumnHeadSrc +iWidthSrc*iExpandYRefFrame/iType+iExpandYRefFrame/iType;
- ppxlcDst = (PixelC *)puciRet->pixels();
- //wchen: should not malloc at every call; need to change later
- //pict_vert = (Int *) malloc (sizeof(Int)*((where().width-iExpandYRefFrame/iType*2)*(where().height()-iExpandYRefFrame/iType*2)*2));
- // bug fix from Takefumi Nagumo 6/21/99
- pict_vert = (Int *) malloc (sizeof(Int) * (Int)(1 + (where().width-iExpandYRefFrame/iType*2)
- * (where().height()-iExpandYRefFrame/iType*2) * ((Float)iVerticalSamplingFactorN / (Float)iVerticalSamplingFactorM) ) );
- for(x=0;x< (where().width-iExpandYRefFrame/iType*2); x++)
- for(y=0;y< (rctDst.height()-iExpandYRefFrame/iType*2); y++) {
- y1 = (y*iVerticalSamplingFactorM )/iVerticalSamplingFactorN;
- if(y1 < where().height() - iExpandYRefFrame/iType*2 - 1)
- y2 = y1+1;
- else
- y2 = y1;
- phase = (16*((y*iVerticalSamplingFactorM) %
- iVerticalSamplingFactorN) + iVerticalSamplingFactorN/2 /*for rounding*/)
- /iVerticalSamplingFactorN;
- *(pict_vert+y*(where().width-iExpandYRefFrame/iType*2)+x) = (Int)(16-phase)*(*(pict+y1*where().width+x))
- + phase *(*(pict+y2*where().width+x));
- }
- for(y=0;y< rctDst.height()-iExpandYRefFrame*2/iType; y++)
- for(x=0;x< rctDst.width -iExpandYRefFrame*2/iType; x++) {
- x1 = (x*iHorizontalSamplingFactorM )/iHorizontalSamplingFactorN;
- if(x1 < where().width - iExpandYRefFrame/iType*2 - 1)
- x2 = x1+1;
- else
- x2 = x1;
- // Warning:no rounding
- phase = (16*((x*iHorizontalSamplingFactorM) %
- iHorizontalSamplingFactorN) + iHorizontalSamplingFactorN/2 /*for rounding*/)
- / iHorizontalSamplingFactorN;
- *(ppxlcDst+(x+iExpandYRefFrame/iType)+(y+iExpandYRefFrame/iType)*rctDst.width)
- =(PixelC)(((16-phase)*(*(pict_vert+y*(where().width-iExpandYRefFrame/iType*2)+x1))
- + phase *(*(pict_vert+y*(where().width-iExpandYRefFrame/iType*2)+x2)) +128 )>>8 );
- }
- free(pict_vert);
- /* delete puciBuffer;
- delete puciBuffer2;*/
- return puciRet;
- }
- own CU8Image* CU8Image::biInterpolate (UInt accuracy) const // bilinearly interpolate the vframe
- {
- const CoordI left = where ().left * accuracy;
- const CoordI top = where ().top * accuracy;
- const CoordI right = where ().right * accuracy;
- const CoordI bottom = where ().bottom * accuracy;
- CU8Image* puciRet = new CU8Image (CRct (left, top, right, bottom));
- PixelC* ppxlcRet = (PixelC*) puciRet -> pixels ();
- for (CoordI y = top; y < bottom; y++) { // x-direction interpolation
- for (CoordI x = left; x < right; x++) {
- *ppxlcRet = pixel (x, y, accuracy);
- ppxlcRet++;
- }
- }
- return puciRet;
- }
- own CU8Image* CU8Image::transpose () const
- {
- CRct rctDst = where ();
- rctDst.transpose ();
- CU8Image* puciDst = new CU8Image (rctDst);
- const PixelC* ppxlSrc = pixels ();
- PixelC* ppxlDstRow = (PixelC*) puciDst->pixels ();
- PixelC* ppxlDst;
- UInt height = where ().height ();
- for (CoordI iy = where ().top; iy < where ().bottom; iy++) {
- ppxlDst = ppxlDstRow;
- for (CoordI ix = where ().left; ix < where ().right; ix++) {
- *ppxlDst = *ppxlSrc++;
- ppxlDst += height;
- }
- ppxlDstRow++;
- }
- return puciDst;
- }
- own CU8Image* CU8Image::warp (const CAffine2D& aff) const // affine warp
- {
- CSiteD stdLeftTopWarp = aff * CSiteD (where ().left, where ().top);
- CSiteD stdRightTopWarp = aff * CSiteD (where ().right, where ().top);
- CSiteD stdLeftBottomWarp = aff * CSiteD (where ().left, where ().bottom);
- CSiteD stdRightBottomWarp = aff * CSiteD (where ().right, where ().bottom);
- CRct rctWarp (stdLeftTopWarp, stdRightTopWarp, stdLeftBottomWarp, stdRightBottomWarp);
- CU8Image* puciRet = new CU8Image (rctWarp);
- PixelC* ppxlcRet = (PixelC*) puciRet -> pixels ();
- CAffine2D affInv = aff.inverse ();
- for (CoordI y =; y < rctWarp.bottom; y++) {
- for (CoordI x = rctWarp.left; x < rctWarp.right; x++) {
- CSiteD src = affInv * CSiteD (x, y);
- CoordI fx = (CoordI) floor (src.x); //.5 is for better truncation
- CoordI fy = (CoordI) floor (src.y); //.5 is for better truncation
- CoordI cx = (CoordI) ceil (src.x); //.5 is for better truncation
- CoordI cy = (CoordI) ceil (src.y); //.5 is for better truncation
- if (
- where ().includes (fx, fy) &&
- where ().includes (fx, cy) &&
- where ().includes (cx, fy) &&
- where ().includes (cx, cy)
- )
- *ppxlcRet = pixel (src);
- ppxlcRet++;
- }
- }
- return puciRet;
- }
- own CU8Image* CU8Image::warp (const CPerspective2D& persp) const // perspective warp
- {
- CSiteD src [4], dest [4];
- src [0] = CSiteD (where ().left, where ().top);
- src [1] = CSiteD (where ().right, where ().top);
- src [2] = CSiteD (where ().left, where ().bottom);
- src [3] = CSiteD (where ().right, where ().bottom);
- for (UInt i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- dest [i] = (persp * src [i]).s;
- }
- CRct rctWarp (dest [0], dest [1], dest [2], dest [3]);
- CU8Image* puciRet = new CU8Image (rctWarp);
- PixelC* ppxlcRet = (PixelC*) puciRet -> pixels ();
- CPerspective2D perspInv = CPerspective2D (dest, src);
- for (CoordI y =; y != rctWarp.bottom; y++) {
- for (CoordI x = rctWarp.left; x != rctWarp.right; x++) {
- CSiteD src = (perspInv * CSiteD (x, y)).s;
- CoordI fx = (CoordI) floor (src.x); //.5 is for better truncation
- CoordI fy = (CoordI) floor (src.y); //.5 is for better truncation
- CoordI cx = (CoordI) ceil (src.x); //.5 is for better truncation
- CoordI cy = (CoordI) ceil (src.y); //.5 is for better truncation
- if (
- where ().includes (fx, fy) &&
- where ().includes (fx, cy) &&
- where ().includes (cx, fy) &&
- where ().includes (cx, cy)
- )
- *ppxlcRet = pixel (src);
- ppxlcRet++;
- }
- }
- return puciRet;
- }
- own CU8Image* CU8Image::warp (const CPerspective2D& persp, const CRct& rctWarp) const // perspective warp
- {
- CU8Image* puciRet = new CU8Image (rctWarp);
- PixelC* ppxlcRet = (PixelC*) puciRet -> pixels ();
- CPerspective2D perspInv = persp.inverse ();
- for (CoordI y =; y != rctWarp.bottom; y++) {
- for (CoordI x = rctWarp.left; x != rctWarp.right; x++) {
- CSiteD src = (perspInv * CSiteD (x, y)).s;
- CoordI fx = (CoordI) floor (src.x); //.5 is for better truncation
- CoordI fy = (CoordI) floor (src.y); //.5 is for better truncation
- CoordI cx = (CoordI) ceil (src.x); //.5 is for better truncation
- CoordI cy = (CoordI) ceil (src.y); //.5 is for better truncation
- if (
- where ().includes (fx, fy) &&
- where ().includes (fx, cy) &&
- where ().includes (cx, fy) &&
- where ().includes (cx, cy)
- )
- *ppxlcRet = pixel (src);
- ppxlcRet++;
- }
- }
- return puciRet;
- }
- own CU8Image* CU8Image::warp (const CPerspective2D& persp, const CRct& rctWarp, const UInt accuracy) const // perspective warp
- {
- CU8Image* puciRet = new CU8Image (rctWarp);
- PixelC* ppxlcRet = (PixelC*) puciRet -> pixels ();
- for (CoordI y =; y != rctWarp.bottom; y++) {
- for (CoordI x = rctWarp.left; x != rctWarp.right; x++) {
- CSite src = (persp * CSite (x, y)).s;
- CoordI fx = (CoordI) floor ((CoordD) src.x / (CoordD) accuracy); //.5 is for better truncation
- CoordI fy = (CoordI) floor ((CoordD) src.y / (CoordD) accuracy); //.5 is for better truncation
- CoordI cx = (CoordI) ceil ((CoordD) src.x / (CoordD) accuracy); //.5 is for better truncation
- CoordI cy = (CoordI) ceil ((CoordD) src.y / (CoordD) accuracy); //.5 is for better truncation
- if (
- where ().includes (fx, fy) &&
- where ().includes (fx, cy) &&
- where ().includes (cx, fy) &&
- where ().includes (cx, cy)
- )
- *ppxlcRet = pixel (src, accuracy);
- ppxlcRet++;
- }
- }
- return puciRet;
- }
- PixelC CU8Image::pixel (CoordD x, CoordD y) const
- {
- CoordI left = (CoordI) floor (x); // find the coordinates of the four corners
- CoordI wLeft = where ().left, wRight1 = where ().right - 1, wTop = where ().top, wBottom1 = where ().bottom - 1;
- left = checkrange (left, wLeft, wRight1);
- CoordI right = (CoordI) ceil (x);
- right = checkrange (right, wLeft, wRight1);
- CoordI top = (CoordI) floor (y);
- top = checkrange (top, wTop, wBottom1);
- CoordI bottom = (CoordI) ceil (y);
- bottom = checkrange (bottom, wTop, wBottom1);
- const PixelC lt = pixel (left, top);
- const PixelC rt = pixel (right, top);
- const PixelC lb = pixel (left, bottom);
- const PixelC rb = pixel (right, bottom);
- const Double distX = x - left;
- const Double distY = y - top;
- Double x01 = distX * (rt - lt) + lt; // use p.59's notation (Wolberg, Digital Image Warping)
- Double x23 = distX * (rb - lb) + lb;
- PixelC pxlRet = checkrangeU8 ((U8) (x01 + (x23 - x01) * distY + .5), 0, 255);
- return pxlRet;
- }
- PixelC CU8Image::pixel (CoordI x, CoordI y, UInt accuracy) const
- {
- UInt uis = 1 << (accuracy + 1);
- UInt accuracy1 = accuracy + 1;
- CoordD dx = (CoordD) ((CoordD) x / uis);
- CoordD dy = (CoordD) ((CoordD) y / uis);
- CoordI left = (CoordI) floor (dx); // find the coordinates of the four corners
- CoordI wLeft = where ().left, wRight1 = where ().right - 1, wTop = where ().top, wBottom1 = where ().bottom - 1;
- left = checkrange (left, wLeft, wRight1);
- CoordI right = (CoordI) ceil (dx);
- right = checkrange (right, wLeft, wRight1);
- CoordI top = (CoordI) floor (dy);
- top = checkrange (top, wTop, wBottom1);
- CoordI bottom = (CoordI) ceil (dy);
- bottom = checkrange (bottom, wTop, wBottom1);
- UInt accuracy2 = (accuracy << 1) + 2;
- const PixelC lt = pixel (left, top);
- const PixelC rt = pixel (right, top);
- const PixelC lb = pixel (left, bottom);
- const PixelC rb = pixel (right, bottom);
- const CoordI distX = x - (left << accuracy1);
- const CoordI distY = y - (top << accuracy1);
- Int dRet = ((uis-distY)*((uis-distX)*lt + distX*rt) + distY*((uis-distX)*lb + distX*rb) + (1<<(accuracy2-1))) >> accuracy2;
- PixelC pxlRet = (U8) checkrange ((PixelC)dRet, 0U, 255U);
- return pxlRet;
- }
- own CU8Image* CU8Image::complement () const
- {
- CU8Image* puciDst = new CU8Image (where(), (PixelC) transpValue);
- const PixelC* ppxlcSrc = pixels ();
- PixelC* ppxlcDst = (PixelC*) puciDst->pixels ();
- for (UInt iPxl = 0; iPxl < where ().area (); iPxl++)
- *ppxlcDst++ = *ppxlcSrc++ ^ 0xFF;
- return puciDst;
- }
- Void CU8Image::overlay (const CU8Image& uci)
- {
- if (!valid () || !uci.valid () || uci.where ().empty ()) return;
- CRct r = m_rc;
- r.include (uci.m_rc); // overlay is defined on union of rects
- where (r);
- if (!valid ()) return;
- assert (uci.m_ppxlc != NULL);
- CRct rctFi = uci.m_rc;
- Int widthFi = rctFi.width;
- Int widthCurr = where ().width;
- PixelC* ppxlcThis = (PixelC*) pixels (rctFi.left,;
- const PixelC* ppxlcFi = uci.pixels ();
- for (CoordI y =; y < rctFi.bottom; y++) { // loop through VOP CRct
- memcpy (ppxlcThis, ppxlcFi, rctFi.width * sizeof (PixelC));
- ppxlcThis += widthCurr;
- ppxlcFi += widthFi;
- }
- }
- Void CU8Image::overlay (const CU8Image& uci, const CRct& rctSrc)
- {
- if (!valid () || !uci.valid () || uci.where ().empty () || !rctSrc.valid ()) return;
- if (!(uci.m_rc >= rctSrc))
- return;
- CRct r = m_rc;
- r.include (rctSrc); // overlay is defined on union of rects
- where (r);
- if (!valid ()) return;
- assert (uci.m_ppxlc != NULL);
- Int widthSrc = rctSrc.width;
- Int widthDst = where ().width;
- PixelC* ppxlcThis = (PixelC*) pixels (rctSrc.left,;
- const PixelC* ppxlcSrc = uci.pixels (rctSrc.left,;
- for (CoordI y =; y < rctSrc.bottom; y++) { // loop through VOP CRct
- memcpy (ppxlcThis, ppxlcSrc, widthSrc * sizeof (PixelC));
- ppxlcThis += widthDst;
- ppxlcSrc += widthSrc;
- }
- }
- own CU8Image* CU8Image::smooth_ (UInt window) const
- {
- const UInt offset = window >> 1;
- const UInt offset2 = offset << 1;
- const UInt size = window * window; // array size to be sorted
- const UInt med = size >> 1;
- CU8Image* pfmgRet = new CU8Image (*this);
- // bound of the image to be filtered.
- const CoordI left = where ().left + offset;
- const CoordI top = where ().top + offset;
- const CoordI right = where ().right - offset;
- const CoordI bottom = where ().bottom - offset;
- const Int width = where ().width;
- const Int dist = offset + offset * width;
- const Int wwidth = width - window;
- PixelC* rgValues = new PixelC [size];
- PixelC* pRet = (PixelC*) pfmgRet -> pixels (left, top);
- const PixelC* p = pixels (left, top);
- for (CoordI y = top; y != bottom; y++) {
- for (CoordI x = left; x != right; x++) {
- const PixelC* pp = p - dist; // get correct index
- UInt numTransp = 0;
- for (UInt sy = 0; sy < window; sy++) {
- for (UInt sx = 0; sx < window; sx++) {
- if (*pp == transpValue)
- numTransp++;
- pp++;
- }
- pp += wwidth;
- }
- *pRet++ = (PixelC) ((numTransp <= med) ? opaqueValue : transpValue);
- p++;
- }
- pRet += offset2;
- p += offset2;
- }
- delete [] rgValues;
- return pfmgRet;
- }
- own CU8Image* CU8Image::smooth (UInt window) const
- {
- UInt offset = window >> 1;
- CRct rctExp (where ());
- rctExp.expand (offset);
- CU8Image* puciExp = new CU8Image (*this, rctExp);
- CU8Image* puciSmooth = puciExp -> smooth_ (window);
- puciSmooth -> where (where ());
- delete puciExp;
- return puciSmooth;
- }
- Void CU8Image::CU8Image_xor (const CU8Image& uci)
- {
- CRct rctIntersect = m_rc;
- rctIntersect.clip (uci.where());
- if (!rctIntersect.valid () || rctIntersect.empty ()) return;
- PixelC* ppxlcRowStart1 = (PixelC*) pixels (rctIntersect.left,;
- const PixelC* ppxlcRowStart2 = uci.pixels (rctIntersect.left,;
- for (CoordI iy =; iy < rctIntersect.bottom; iy++) {
- PixelC* ppxlc1 = ppxlcRowStart1;
- const PixelC* ppxlc2 = ppxlcRowStart2;
- for (CoordI ix = rctIntersect.left; ix < rctIntersect.right; ix++) {
- assert (*ppxlc1 == transpValue || *ppxlc1 == opaqueValue);
- assert (*ppxlc2 == transpValue || *ppxlc2 == opaqueValue);
- if (*ppxlc1 == *ppxlc2)
- *ppxlc1 = (PixelC) transpValue;
- else
- *ppxlc1 = (PixelC) opaqueValue;
- ppxlc1++;
- ppxlc2++;
- }
- ppxlcRowStart1 += where ().width;
- ppxlcRowStart2 += uci.where ().width;
- }
- }
- Void CU8Image::CU8Image_or (const CU8Image& uci)
- {
- CRct rctIntersect = m_rc;
- rctIntersect.clip (uci.where());
- if (!rctIntersect.valid () || rctIntersect.empty ()) return;
- PixelC* ppxlcRowStart1 = (PixelC*) pixels (rctIntersect.left,;
- const PixelC* ppxlcRowStart2 = uci.pixels (rctIntersect.left,;
- for (CoordI iy =; iy < rctIntersect.bottom; iy++) {
- PixelC* ppxlc1 = ppxlcRowStart1;
- const PixelC* ppxlc2 = ppxlcRowStart2;
- for (CoordI ix = rctIntersect.left; ix < rctIntersect.right; ix++) {
- assert (*ppxlc1 == transpValue || *ppxlc1 == opaqueValue);
- assert (*ppxlc2 == transpValue || *ppxlc2 == opaqueValue);
- if (*ppxlc2 == opaqueValue)
- *ppxlc1 = opaqueValue;
- ppxlc1++;
- ppxlc2++;
- }
- ppxlcRowStart1 += where ().width;
- ppxlcRowStart2 += uci.where ().width;
- }
- }
- Void CU8Image::CU8Image_and (const CU8Image& uci)
- {
- CRct rctIntersect = m_rc;
- rctIntersect.clip (uci.where());
- if (!rctIntersect.valid () || rctIntersect.empty ()) return;
- PixelC* ppxlcRowStart1 = (PixelC*) pixels (rctIntersect.left,;
- const PixelC* ppxlcRowStart2 = uci.pixels (rctIntersect.left,;
- for (CoordI iy =; iy < rctIntersect.bottom; iy++) {
- PixelC* ppxlc1 = ppxlcRowStart1;
- const PixelC* ppxlc2 = ppxlcRowStart2;
- for (CoordI ix = rctIntersect.left; ix < rctIntersect.right; ix++) {
- assert (*ppxlc1 == transpValue || *ppxlc1 == opaqueValue);
- assert (*ppxlc2 == transpValue || *ppxlc2 == opaqueValue);
- if (*ppxlc2 == transpValue)
- *ppxlc1 = transpValue;
- ppxlc1++;
- ppxlc2++;
- }
- ppxlcRowStart1 += where ().width;
- ppxlcRowStart2 += uci.where ().width;
- }
- }
- Void CU8Image::maskOut (const CU8Image& uci)
- {
- CRct rctIntersect = m_rc;
- rctIntersect.clip (uci.where());
- if (!rctIntersect.valid () || rctIntersect.empty ()) return;
- PixelC* ppxlcRowStart = (PixelC*) pixels (rctIntersect.left,;
- const PixelC* ppxlcRowStartMask = uci.pixels (rctIntersect.left,;
- for (CoordI iy =; iy < rctIntersect.bottom; iy++) {
- PixelC* ppxlc = ppxlcRowStart;
- const PixelC* ppxlcMask = ppxlcRowStartMask;
- for (CoordI ix = rctIntersect.left; ix < rctIntersect.right; ix++) {
- assert (*ppxlcMask == transpValue || *ppxlcMask == opaqueValue);
- assert (*ppxlc == transpValue || *ppxlc == opaqueValue);
- if (*ppxlcMask != transpValue)
- *ppxlc = transpValue;
- ppxlc++;
- ppxlcMask++;
- }
- ppxlcRowStart += where ().width;
- ppxlcRowStartMask += uci.where ().width;
- }
- }
- Void CU8Image::mutiplyAlpha (const CU8Image& uci)
- {
- CRct rctIntersect = m_rc;
- rctIntersect.clip (uci.where());
- if (!rctIntersect.valid () || rctIntersect.empty ()) return;
- PixelC* ppxlcRowStart = (PixelC*) pixels (rctIntersect.left,;
- const PixelC* ppxlcRowStartMask = uci.pixels (rctIntersect.left,;
- for (CoordI iy =; iy < rctIntersect.bottom; iy++) {
- PixelC* ppxlc = ppxlcRowStart;
- const PixelC* ppxlcMask = ppxlcRowStartMask;
- for (CoordI ix = rctIntersect.left; ix < rctIntersect.right; ix++) {
- assert (*ppxlcMask == transpValue || *ppxlcMask == opaqueValue);
- if (*ppxlcMask == transpValue)
- *ppxlc = transpValue;
- else
- *ppxlc = (PixelC) ((*ppxlc * *ppxlcMask + 127) / opaqueValueF); //normalize
- ppxlc++;
- ppxlcMask++;
- }
- ppxlcRowStart += where ().width;
- ppxlcRowStartMask += uci.where ().width;
- }
- }
- Void CU8Image::cropOnAlpha ()
- {
- CRct rctVisible = whereVisible ();
- where (rctVisible);
- }
- Void CU8Image::operator = (const CU8Image& uci)
- {
- delete [] m_ppxlc;
- copyConstruct (uci, uci.where ());
- }
- Void CU8Image::decimateBinaryShapeFrom (const CU8Image& uciSrc) // decimate by rateX and rateY in a conservative way
- {
- const CoordI left = uciSrc.where ().left / 2;
- const CoordI top = uciSrc.where ().top / 2;
- Int roundR = (uciSrc.where ().right >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
- Int roundB = (uciSrc.where ().bottom >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
- const CoordI right = (uciSrc.where ().right + roundR) / 2;
- const CoordI bottom = (uciSrc.where ().bottom + roundB) / 2;
- assert (where () == CRct (left, top, right, bottom));
- PixelC* ppxlc = (PixelC*) pixels ();
- const PixelC* ppxlcSrc11 = uciSrc.pixels ();
- const PixelC* ppxlcSrc12 = ppxlcSrc11 + 1;
- const PixelC* ppxlcSrc21 = ppxlcSrc11 + uciSrc.where ().width;
- const PixelC* ppxlcSrc22 = ppxlcSrc21 + 1;
- CoordI x, y;
- for (y = top; y < bottom; y++) {
- for (x = left; x < right; x++) {
- assert (*ppxlcSrc11 == transpValue || *ppxlcSrc11 == opaqueValue);
- assert (*ppxlcSrc12 == transpValue || *ppxlcSrc12 == opaqueValue);
- assert (*ppxlcSrc21 == transpValue || *ppxlcSrc21 == opaqueValue);
- assert (*ppxlcSrc22 == transpValue || *ppxlcSrc22 == opaqueValue);
- *ppxlc++ = *ppxlcSrc11 | *ppxlcSrc12 | *ppxlcSrc21 | *ppxlcSrc22;
- ppxlcSrc11 += 2;
- ppxlcSrc12 += 2;
- ppxlcSrc21 += 2;
- ppxlcSrc22 += 2;
- }
- ppxlcSrc11 += uciSrc.where ().width;
- ppxlcSrc12 += uciSrc.where ().width;
- ppxlcSrc21 += uciSrc.where ().width;
- ppxlcSrc22 += uciSrc.where ().width;
- }
- }
- Bool CU8Image::operator == (const CU8Image& uci) const
- {
- if (uci.where () != where ())
- return FALSE;
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- const PixelC* ppxlc = uci.pixels ();
- const PixelC* ppxlcThis = pixels ();
- for (UInt ip = 0; ip < area; ip++, ppxlc++, ppxlcThis++)
- if (*ppxlc != *ppxlcThis)
- return FALSE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- Double CU8Image::mse (const CU8Image& uciCompare) const
- {
- assert (uciCompare.where () == where ());
- Int sqr = 0;
- const PixelC* ppxlcThis = pixels ();
- const PixelC* ppxlcCompare = uciCompare.pixels ();
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- for (UInt i = 0; i < area; i++) {
- Int diffR = *ppxlcThis - *ppxlcCompare;
- sqr += diffR * diffR;
- ppxlcThis++;
- ppxlcCompare++;
- }
- return ((Double) sqr / area);
- }
- Double CU8Image::mse (const CU8Image& uciCompare, const CU8Image& uciMsk) const
- {
- assert (uciCompare.where () == where () && uciMsk.where () == where ());
- Int sqr = 0;
- const PixelC* ppxlcThis = pixels ();
- const PixelC* ppxlcCompare = uciCompare.pixels ();
- const PixelC* ppxlcMsk = uciMsk.pixels ();
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- UInt uiNonTransp = 0;
- for (UInt i = 0; i < area; i++) {
- if (*ppxlcMsk != transpValue) {
- Int diffR = *ppxlcThis - *ppxlcCompare;
- sqr += diffR * diffR;
- uiNonTransp++;
- }
- ppxlcThis++;
- ppxlcCompare++;
- ppxlcMsk++;
- }
- if (uiNonTransp == 0)
- return 0.0;
- return ((Double) sqr / area);
- }
- Double CU8Image::snr (const CU8Image& uciCompare) const
- {
- Double msError = mse (uciCompare);
- if (msError == 0.0)
- return 1000000.0;
- else
- return (log10 (255 * 255 / msError) * 10.0);
- }
- Double CU8Image::snr (const CU8Image& uciCompare, const CU8Image& uciMsk) const
- {
- CU8Image* puciMskOp = NULL;
- Double msError = 0;
- if (&uciMsk == NULL) {
- puciMskOp = new CU8Image (where (), (PixelC) opaqueValue);
- msError = mse (uciCompare, *puciMskOp);
- delete puciMskOp;
- }
- else
- msError = mse (uciCompare, uciMsk);
- if (msError == 0.0)
- return 1000000.0;
- else
- return (log10 (255 * 255 / msError) * 10.0);
- }
- // vdldump doesnt work for >8bit video
- Void CU8Image::vdlDump (const Char* fileName, const CRct& rct) const
- {
- CRct rctRegionOfInterest = (!rct.valid ()) ? where () : rct;
- assert (rctRegionOfInterest <= where ());
- if (rctRegionOfInterest == where ()) {
- CVideoObjectPlane vop (where (), opaquePixel);
- CPixel* ppxl = (CPixel*) vop.pixels ();
- const PixelC* ppxlc = pixels ();
- UInt area = where ().area ();
- for (UInt ip = 0; ip < area; ip++, ppxl++, ppxlc++)
- *ppxl = CPixel ((U8)*ppxlc, (U8)*ppxlc, (U8)*ppxlc, opaqueValue);
- vop.vdlDump (fileName);
- }
- else {
- CVideoObjectPlane vop (rct, opaquePixel);
- Int offset = where ().width - rct.width;
- CPixel* ppxl = (CPixel*) vop.pixels ();
- const PixelC* ppxlc = pixels (rctRegionOfInterest.left,;
- for (CoordI y =; y < rctRegionOfInterest.bottom; y++) {
- for (CoordI x = rctRegionOfInterest.left; x < rctRegionOfInterest.right; x++, ppxl++, ppxlc++) {
- *ppxl = CPixel ((U8)*ppxlc, (U8)*ppxlc, (U8)*ppxlc, opaqueValue);
- }
- ppxlc += offset;
- }
- vop.vdlDump (fileName);
- }
- }
- Void CU8Image::dump (FILE* pf, const CRct& rct, Int iScale) const
- {
- CRct rctRegionOfInterest = (!rct.valid ()) ? where () : rct;
- assert (rctRegionOfInterest <= where ());
- iScale++;
- if(iScale!=256)
- {
- Int i,j;
- PixelC pxlTmp;
- const PixelC* ppxlc = pixels (rctRegionOfInterest.left,;
- for (i =; i < rctRegionOfInterest.bottom; i++) {
- for(j = 0; j <rctRegionOfInterest.width; j++)
- {
- pxlTmp = (ppxlc[j]*iScale)>>8;
- fwrite(&pxlTmp, sizeof(PixelC), 1, pf);
- }
- ppxlc += where ().width;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (rctRegionOfInterest == where ()) {
- /* NBIT: change U8 to PixelC
- fwrite (m_ppxlc, sizeof (U8), where ().area (), pf);
- */
- fwrite (m_ppxlc, sizeof (PixelC), where ().area (), pf);
- } else {
- const PixelC* ppxlc = pixels (rctRegionOfInterest.left,;
- for (Int i =; i < rctRegionOfInterest.bottom; i++) {
- /* NBIT: change U8 to PixelC
- fwrite (ppxlc, sizeof (U8), rctRegionOfInterest.width, pf);
- */
- fwrite (ppxlc, sizeof (PixelC), rctRegionOfInterest.width, pf);
- ppxlc += where ().width;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Void CU8Image::dumpWithMask (FILE* pf, const CU8Image *puciMask, const CRct& rct, Int iScale) const
- {
- PixelC pxlZero = 0; // NBIT
- PixelC pxlTmp;
- CRct rctRegionOfInterest = (!rct.valid ()) ? where () : rct;
- assert (rctRegionOfInterest <= where ());
- assert (rctRegionOfInterest <= puciMask->where ());
- Int x;
- const PixelC* ppxlc = pixels (rctRegionOfInterest.left,;
- const PixelC* ppxlcMask = puciMask->pixels(rctRegionOfInterest.left,;
- iScale++;
- for (Int i =; i < rctRegionOfInterest.bottom; i++) {
- for(x = 0; x<rctRegionOfInterest.width; x++)
- if(ppxlcMask[x] == 0)
- /* NBIT: change
- fputc(0, pf);
- */
- fwrite(&pxlZero, sizeof(PixelC), 1, pf);
- else if(iScale==256)
- /* NBIT: change
- fputc(ppxlc[x], pf);
- */
- fwrite(&ppxlc[x], sizeof(PixelC), 1, pf);
- else
- {
- pxlTmp = (ppxlc[x] * iScale)>>8;
- fwrite(&pxlTmp, sizeof(PixelC), 1, pf);
- }
- ppxlc += where ().width;
- ppxlcMask += puciMask->where().width;
- }
- }
- Void CU8Image::txtDump (const Char* fileName) const
- {
- FILE* pfTxt;
- const PixelC* ppxlc = pixels ();
- if (fileName != NULL)
- pfTxt = fopen (fileName, "w");
- else
- pfTxt = NULL;
- for (CoordI y = 0; y < where ().height (); y++) {
- for (CoordI x = 0; x < where ().width; x++) {
- if (pfTxt != NULL)
- fprintf (pfTxt, "%3d ", *ppxlc);
- else
- printf ("%3d ", *ppxlc);
- ppxlc++;
- }
- if (pfTxt != NULL)
- fprintf (pfTxt, "n");
- else
- printf ("n");
- }
- if (pfTxt != NULL)
- fclose (pfTxt);
- }
- Void CU8Image::txtDump (FILE *pf) const
- {
- const PixelC *ppxlc = pixels();
- for (CoordI y = 0; y < where ().height (); y++) {
- for (CoordI x = 0; x < where ().width; x++) {
- fprintf (pf, "%3d ", *ppxlc);
- ppxlc++;
- }
- fprintf (pf,"n");
- }
- fprintf (pf,"n");
- }
- Void CU8Image::txtDumpMask (FILE *pf) const
- {
- const PixelC *ppxlc = pixels ();
- for (CoordI y = 0; y < where ().height (); y++) {
- for (CoordI x = 0; x < where ().width; x++) {
- if (*ppxlc == transpValue)
- fprintf (pf, "..");
- else
- fprintf (pf, "[]");
- ppxlc++;
- }
- fprintf (pf,"n");
- }
- fprintf (pf,"n");
- }