资源名称:NETVIDEO.rar [点击查看]
Visual C++
- /*
- SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer
- Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Sam Lantinga
- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- Library General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- Sam Lantinga
- */
- /*
- SDL_epocevents.cpp
- Handle the event stream, converting Epoc events into SDL events
- Epoc version by Hannu Viitala (
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #undef NULL
- extern "C" {
- #include "SDL_error.h"
- #include "SDL_video.h"
- #include "SDL_keysym.h"
- #include "SDL_keyboard.h"
- #include "SDL_events_c.h"
- #include "SDL_timer.h"
- }; /* extern "C" */
- #include "SDL_epocvideo.h"
- #include "SDL_epocevents_c.h"
- #include <hal.h>
- extern "C" {
- /* The translation tables from a console scancode to a SDL keysym */
- static SDLKey keymap[MAX_SCANCODE];
- static SDL_keysym *TranslateKey(int scancode, SDL_keysym *keysym);
- }; /* extern "C" */
- TBool isCursorVisible = ETrue;
- int EPOC_HandleWsEvent(_THIS, const TWsEvent& aWsEvent)
- {
- int posted = 0;
- SDL_keysym keysym;
- switch (aWsEvent.Type()) {
- case EEventPointer: /* Mouse pointer events */
- {
- const TPointerEvent* pointerEvent = aWsEvent.Pointer();
- TPoint mousePos = pointerEvent->iPosition;
- //SDL_TRACE1("SDL: EPOC_HandleWsEvent, pointerEvent->iType=%d", pointerEvent->iType); //!!
- if (Private->EPOC_ShrinkedHeight) {
- mousePos.iY <<= 1; /* Scale y coordinate to shrinked screen height */
- }
- posted += SDL_PrivateMouseMotion(0, 0, mousePos.iX, mousePos.iY); /* Absolute position on screen */
- if (pointerEvent->iType==TPointerEvent::EButton1Down) {
- posted += SDL_PrivateMouseButton(SDL_PRESSED, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT, 0, 0);
- }
- else if (pointerEvent->iType==TPointerEvent::EButton1Up) {
- posted += SDL_PrivateMouseButton(SDL_RELEASED, SDL_BUTTON_LEFT, 0, 0);
- }
- else if (pointerEvent->iType==TPointerEvent::EButton2Down) {
- posted += SDL_PrivateMouseButton(SDL_PRESSED, SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT, 0, 0);
- }
- else if (pointerEvent->iType==TPointerEvent::EButton2Up) {
- posted += SDL_PrivateMouseButton(SDL_RELEASED, SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT, 0, 0);
- }
- //!!posted += SDL_PrivateKeyboard(SDL_PRESSED, TranslateKey(aWsEvent.Key()->iScanCode, &keysym));
- break;
- }
- case EEventKeyDown: /* Key events */
- {
- (void*)TranslateKey(aWsEvent.Key()->iScanCode, &keysym);
- /* Special handling */
- switch((int)keysym.sym) {
- if (!isCursorVisible) {
- /* Enable virtual cursor */
- HAL::Set(HAL::EMouseState, HAL::EMouseState_Visible);
- }
- else {
- /* Disable virtual cursor */
- HAL::Set(HAL::EMouseState, HAL::EMouseState_Invisible);
- }
- isCursorVisible = !isCursorVisible;
- break;
- }
- posted += SDL_PrivateKeyboard(SDL_PRESSED, &keysym);
- break;
- }
- case EEventKeyUp: /* Key events */
- {
- posted += SDL_PrivateKeyboard(SDL_RELEASED, TranslateKey(aWsEvent.Key()->iScanCode, &keysym));
- break;
- }
- case EEventFocusGained: /* SDL window got focus */
- {
- //Private->EPOC_IsWindowFocused = ETrue;
- /* Draw window background and screen buffer */
- RedrawWindowL(_this);
- break;
- }
- case EEventFocusLost: /* SDL window lost focus */
- {
- //Private->EPOC_IsWindowFocused = EFalse;
- // Wait and eat events until focus is gained again
- /*
- while (ETrue) {
- Private->EPOC_WsSession.EventReady(&Private->EPOC_WsEventStatus);
- User::WaitForRequest(Private->EPOC_WsEventStatus);
- Private->EPOC_WsSession.GetEvent(Private->EPOC_WsEvent);
- TInt eventType = Private->EPOC_WsEvent.Type();
- Private->EPOC_WsEventStatus = KRequestPending;
- //Private->EPOC_WsSession.EventReady(&Private->EPOC_WsEventStatus);
- if (eventType == EEventFocusGained) {
- RedrawWindowL(_this);
- break;
- }
- }
- */
- break;
- }
- case EEventModifiersChanged:
- {
- TModifiersChangedEvent* modEvent = aWsEvent.ModifiersChanged();
- TUint modstate = KMOD_NONE;
- if (modEvent->iModifiers == EModifierLeftShift)
- modstate |= KMOD_LSHIFT;
- if (modEvent->iModifiers == EModifierRightShift)
- modstate |= KMOD_RSHIFT;
- if (modEvent->iModifiers == EModifierLeftCtrl)
- modstate |= KMOD_LCTRL;
- if (modEvent->iModifiers == EModifierRightCtrl)
- modstate |= KMOD_RCTRL;
- if (modEvent->iModifiers == EModifierLeftAlt)
- modstate |= KMOD_LALT;
- if (modEvent->iModifiers == EModifierRightAlt)
- modstate |= KMOD_RALT;
- if (modEvent->iModifiers == EModifierLeftFunc)
- modstate |= KMOD_LMETA;
- if (modEvent->iModifiers == EModifierRightFunc)
- modstate |= KMOD_RMETA;
- if (modEvent->iModifiers == EModifierCapsLock)
- modstate |= KMOD_CAPS;
- SDL_SetModState(STATIC_CAST(SDLMod,(modstate | KMOD_LSHIFT)));
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- return posted;
- }
- extern "C" {
- void EPOC_PumpEvents(_THIS)
- {
- int posted = 0; // !! Do we need this?
- //Private->EPOC_WsSession.EventReady(&Private->EPOC_WsEventStatus);
- while (Private->EPOC_WsEventStatus != KRequestPending) {
- Private->EPOC_WsSession.GetEvent(Private->EPOC_WsEvent);
- posted = EPOC_HandleWsEvent(_this, Private->EPOC_WsEvent);
- Private->EPOC_WsEventStatus = KRequestPending;
- Private->EPOC_WsSession.EventReady(&Private->EPOC_WsEventStatus);
- }
- }
- void EPOC_InitOSKeymap(_THIS)
- {
- int i;
- /* Initialize the key translation table */
- for ( i=0; i<SDL_TABLESIZE(keymap); ++i )
- keymap[i] = SDLK_UNKNOWN;
- /* Numbers */
- for ( i = 0; i<32; ++i ){
- keymap[' ' + i] = (SDLKey)(SDLK_SPACE+i);
- }
- /* e.g. Alphabet keys */
- for ( i = 0; i<32; ++i ){
- keymap['A' + i] = (SDLKey)(SDLK_a+i);
- }
- keymap[EStdKeyBackspace] = SDLK_BACKSPACE;
- keymap[EStdKeyTab] = SDLK_TAB;
- keymap[EStdKeyEnter] = SDLK_RETURN;
- keymap[EStdKeyEscape] = SDLK_ESCAPE;
- keymap[EStdKeySpace] = SDLK_SPACE;
- keymap[EStdKeyPause] = SDLK_PAUSE;
- keymap[EStdKeyHome] = SDLK_HOME;
- keymap[EStdKeyEnd] = SDLK_END;
- keymap[EStdKeyPageUp] = SDLK_PAGEUP;
- keymap[EStdKeyPageDown] = SDLK_PAGEDOWN;
- keymap[EStdKeyDelete] = SDLK_DELETE;
- keymap[EStdKeyUpArrow] = SDLK_UP;
- keymap[EStdKeyDownArrow] = SDLK_DOWN;
- keymap[EStdKeyLeftArrow] = SDLK_LEFT;
- keymap[EStdKeyRightArrow] = SDLK_RIGHT;
- keymap[EStdKeyCapsLock] = SDLK_CAPSLOCK;
- keymap[EStdKeyLeftShift] = SDLK_LSHIFT;
- keymap[EStdKeyRightShift] = SDLK_RSHIFT;
- keymap[EStdKeyLeftAlt] = SDLK_LALT;
- keymap[EStdKeyRightAlt] = SDLK_RALT;
- keymap[EStdKeyLeftCtrl] = SDLK_LCTRL;
- keymap[EStdKeyRightCtrl] = SDLK_RCTRL;
- keymap[EStdKeyLeftFunc] = SDLK_LMETA;
- keymap[EStdKeyRightFunc] = SDLK_RMETA;
- keymap[EStdKeyInsert] = SDLK_INSERT;
- keymap[EStdKeyComma] = SDLK_COMMA;
- keymap[EStdKeyFullStop] = SDLK_PERIOD;
- keymap[EStdKeyForwardSlash] = SDLK_SLASH;
- keymap[EStdKeyBackSlash] = SDLK_BACKSLASH;
- keymap[EStdKeySemiColon] = SDLK_SEMICOLON;
- keymap[EStdKeySingleQuote] = SDLK_QUOTE;
- keymap[EStdKeyHash] = SDLK_HASH;
- keymap[EStdKeySquareBracketLeft] = SDLK_LEFTBRACKET;
- keymap[EStdKeySquareBracketRight] = SDLK_RIGHTBRACKET;
- keymap[EStdKeyMinus] = SDLK_MINUS;
- keymap[EStdKeyEquals] = SDLK_EQUALS;
- keymap[EStdKeyF1] = SDLK_F1; /* chr + q */
- keymap[EStdKeyF2] = SDLK_F2; /* chr + w */
- keymap[EStdKeyF3] = SDLK_F3; /* chr + e */
- keymap[EStdKeyF4] = SDLK_F4; /* chr + r */
- keymap[EStdKeyF5] = SDLK_F5; /* chr + t */
- keymap[EStdKeyF6] = SDLK_F6; /* chr + y */
- keymap[EStdKeyF7] = SDLK_F7; /* chr + i */
- keymap[EStdKeyF8] = SDLK_F8; /* chr + o */
- keymap[EStdKeyF9] = SDLK_F9; /* chr + a */
- keymap[EStdKeyF10] = SDLK_F10; /* chr + s */
- keymap[EStdKeyF11] = SDLK_F11; /* chr + d */
- keymap[EStdKeyF12] = SDLK_F12; /* chr + f */
- /* !!TODO
- EStdKeyNumLock=0x1b,
- EStdKeyScrollLock=0x1c,
- EStdKeyNkpForwardSlash=0x84,
- EStdKeyNkpAsterisk=0x85,
- EStdKeyNkpMinus=0x86,
- EStdKeyNkpPlus=0x87,
- EStdKeyNkpEnter=0x88,
- EStdKeyNkp1=0x89,
- EStdKeyNkp2=0x8a,
- EStdKeyNkp3=0x8b,
- EStdKeyNkp4=0x8c,
- EStdKeyNkp5=0x8d,
- EStdKeyNkp6=0x8e,
- EStdKeyNkp7=0x8f,
- EStdKeyNkp8=0x90,
- EStdKeyNkp9=0x91,
- EStdKeyNkp0=0x92,
- EStdKeyNkpFullStop=0x93,
- EStdKeyMenu=0x94,
- EStdKeyBacklightOn=0x95,
- EStdKeyBacklightOff=0x96,
- EStdKeyBacklightToggle=0x97,
- EStdKeyIncContrast=0x98,
- EStdKeyDecContrast=0x99,
- EStdKeySliderDown=0x9a,
- EStdKeySliderUp=0x9b,
- EStdKeyDictaphonePlay=0x9c,
- EStdKeyDictaphoneStop=0x9d,
- EStdKeyDictaphoneRecord=0x9e,
- EStdKeyHelp=0x9f,
- EStdKeyOff=0xa0,
- EStdKeyDial=0xa1,
- EStdKeyIncVolume=0xa2,
- EStdKeyDecVolume=0xa3,
- EStdKeyDevice0=0xa4,
- EStdKeyDevice1=0xa5,
- EStdKeyDevice2=0xa6,
- EStdKeyDevice3=0xa7,
- EStdKeyDevice4=0xa8,
- EStdKeyDevice5=0xa9,
- EStdKeyDevice6=0xaa,
- EStdKeyDevice7=0xab,
- EStdKeyDevice8=0xac,
- EStdKeyDevice9=0xad,
- EStdKeyDeviceA=0xae,
- EStdKeyDeviceB=0xaf,
- EStdKeyDeviceC=0xb0,
- EStdKeyDeviceD=0xb1,
- EStdKeyDeviceE=0xb2,
- EStdKeyDeviceF=0xb3,
- EStdKeyApplication0=0xb4,
- EStdKeyApplication1=0xb5,
- EStdKeyApplication2=0xb6,
- EStdKeyApplication3=0xb7,
- EStdKeyApplication4=0xb8,
- EStdKeyApplication5=0xb9,
- EStdKeyApplication6=0xba,
- EStdKeyApplication7=0xbb,
- EStdKeyApplication8=0xbc,
- EStdKeyApplication9=0xbd,
- EStdKeyApplicationA=0xbe,
- EStdKeyApplicationB=0xbf,
- EStdKeyApplicationC=0xc0,
- EStdKeyApplicationD=0xc1,
- EStdKeyApplicationE=0xc2,
- EStdKeyApplicationF=0xc3,
- EStdKeyYes=0xc4,
- EStdKeyNo=0xc5,
- EStdKeyIncBrightness=0xc6,
- EStdKeyDecBrightness=0xc7,
- EStdKeyCaseOpen=0xc8,
- EStdKeyCaseClose=0xc9
- */
- }
- static SDL_keysym *TranslateKey(int scancode, SDL_keysym *keysym)
- {
- char debug[256];
- //SDL_TRACE1("SDL: TranslateKey, scancode=%d", scancode); //!!
- /* Set the keysym information */
- keysym->scancode = scancode;
- if ((scancode >= MAX_SCANCODE) &&
- ((scancode - ENonCharacterKeyBase + 0x0081) >= MAX_SCANCODE)) {
- SDL_SetError("Too big scancode");
- keysym->scancode = SDLK_UNKNOWN;
- keysym->mod = KMOD_NONE;
- return keysym;
- }
- keysym->mod = SDL_GetModState(); //!!Is this right??
- /* Handle function keys: F1, F2, F3 ... */
- if (keysym->mod & KMOD_META) {
- if (scancode >= 'A' && scancode < ('A' + 24)) { /* first 32 alphapet keys */
- switch(scancode) {
- case 'Q': scancode = EStdKeyF1; break;
- case 'W': scancode = EStdKeyF2; break;
- case 'E': scancode = EStdKeyF3; break;
- case 'R': scancode = EStdKeyF4; break;
- case 'T': scancode = EStdKeyF5; break;
- case 'Y': scancode = EStdKeyF6; break;
- case 'U': scancode = EStdKeyF7; break;
- case 'I': scancode = EStdKeyF8; break;
- case 'A': scancode = EStdKeyF9; break;
- case 'S': scancode = EStdKeyF10; break;
- case 'D': scancode = EStdKeyF11; break;
- case 'F': scancode = EStdKeyF12; break;
- }
- keysym->sym = keymap[scancode];
- }
- }
- if (scancode >= ENonCharacterKeyBase) {
- // Non character keys
- keysym->sym = keymap[scancode -
- ENonCharacterKeyBase + 0x0081]; // !!hard coded
- } else {
- keysym->sym = keymap[scancode];
- }
- /* If UNICODE is on, get the UNICODE value for the key */
- keysym->unicode = 0;
- #if 0 // !!TODO:unicode
- if ( SDL_TranslateUNICODE )
- {
- /* Populate the unicode field with the ASCII value */
- keysym->unicode = scancode;
- }
- #endif
- //!!
- //sprintf(debug, "SDL: TranslateKey: keysym->scancode=%d, keysym->sym=%d, keysym->mod=%d",
- // keysym->scancode, keysym->sym, keysym->mod);
- //SDL_TRACE(debug); //!!
- return(keysym);
- }
- }; /* extern "C" */