- /* -*- Mode: c++ -*-
- *
- * $Id: otcl.h,v 1.5 2003/10/12 21:35:00 xuanc Exp $
- *
- * Copyright 1993 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- *
- * Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its
- * documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that
- * the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that
- * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting
- * documentation, and that the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or
- * publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific,
- * written prior permission. M.I.T. makes no representations about the
- * suitability of this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is"
- * without express or implied warranty.
- *
- */
- #ifndef _otcl_h_
- #define _otcl_h_
- #include <tcl.h>
- /* compatible char definition for versions < 8.4 */
- /* NOTE: tcl8.3.2 defines CONST, but used it in other places...? */
- #define CONST84
- #define CONST84_RETURN
- #endif
- struct OTclObject;
- struct OTclClass;
- extern struct OTclObject*
- OTclAsObject(Tcl_Interp* in, ClientData cd);
- extern struct OTclClass*
- OTclAsClass(Tcl_Interp* in, ClientData cd);
- extern struct OTclObject*
- OTclGetObject(Tcl_Interp* in, CONST84 char* name);
- extern struct OTclClass*
- OTclGetClass(Tcl_Interp* in, CONST84 char* name);
- extern struct OTclObject*
- OTclCreateObject(Tcl_Interp* in, CONST84 char* name, struct OTclClass* cl);
- extern struct OTclClass*
- OTclCreateClass(Tcl_Interp* in, CONST84 char* name, struct OTclClass* cl);
- extern int
- OTclDeleteObject(Tcl_Interp* in, struct OTclObject* obj);
- extern int
- OTclDeleteClass(Tcl_Interp* in, struct OTclClass* cl);
- extern void
- OTclAddPMethod(struct OTclObject* obj, char* nm, Tcl_CmdProc* proc,
- ClientData cd, Tcl_CmdDeleteProc* dp);
- extern void
- OTclAddIMethod(struct OTclClass* cl, char* nm, Tcl_CmdProc* proc,
- ClientData cd, Tcl_CmdDeleteProc* dp);
- extern int
- OTclRemovePMethod(struct OTclObject* obj, char* nm);
- extern int
- OTclRemoveIMethod(struct OTclClass* cl, char* nm);
- extern int
- OTclNextMethod(struct OTclObject* obj, Tcl_Interp* in,
- int argc, CONST84 char*argv[]);
- extern CONST84_RETURN char*
- OTclSetInstVar(struct OTclObject* obj, Tcl_Interp* in,
- CONST84 char* name, CONST84 char* value, int flgs);
- extern CONST84_RETURN char*
- OTclGetInstVar(struct OTclObject* obj, Tcl_Interp* in,
- CONST84 char* name, int flgs);
- extern int
- OTclUnsetInstVar(struct OTclObject* obj, Tcl_Interp* in,
- CONST84 char* name, int flgs);
- extern int
- OTclOInstVarOne(struct OTclObject* obj, Tcl_Interp *in, char *frameName,
- CONST84 char *varName, CONST84 char *localName, int flags);
- extern void
- OTclSetObjectData(struct OTclObject* obj, struct OTclClass* cl,
- ClientData data);
- extern int
- OTclGetObjectData(struct OTclObject* obj, struct OTclClass* cl,
- ClientData* data);
- extern int
- OTclUnsetObjectData(struct OTclObject* obj, struct OTclClass* cl);
- extern int
- Otcl_Init(Tcl_Interp* in);
- #endif /* _otcl_h_ */