- #!/usr/bin/perl -w
- ###########################################################
- #
- #
- # Takes event/color pairs and colors pkts in nam output files
- # Is used to color pkts to identify events in nam
- ############################################################
- use warnings;
- # some global declarations
- local (@events, %colors, %pkt_ids);
- local ($INFILE, $OUTFILE);
- local (@buffer, $line);
- local ($BUFFER_SIZE) = 1000;
- # location of fields in nam output files as generated by ns
- # change these values accordingly if nam output format is changed
- local ($EVENT_FIELD) = 0; # position event column
- local ($EVENT_TYPE_FIELD) = 6; # event-type column
- local ($COLOR_FIELD) = 16; # position of pkt color
- local ($PID_FIELD) = 14; # position of pkt-id
- local ($ESRC_FIELD) = 18;
- local ($EDST_FIELD) = 19;
- local ($SEQNUM_FIELD) = 20;
- %event_offset_table = (
- 'TIMEOUT' => '+1', # timeout is followed by slowstart, same event
- 'SLOW_START' => '+1',
- 'FAST_RECOVERY' => '+1',
- 'FAST_RETX' => '-1',
- 'RENO_FAST_RETX' => '-1',
- );
- # default colors (IN FUTURE)
- #%event_color_table = ();
- sub usage
- {
- print "Usage: <inputfile> <outputfile> <event-type 1> <color 1> .. <events-type N> <color N>" ;
- exit 0;
- }
- sub getOptions
- {
- # read command line options and save them into arrays/hashes
- my ($n);
- %colors = () ;
- $n = scalar @ARGV;
- #assuming event/color pair
- if ($n <= 2 || ($n > 2 && ($n % 2 != 0)) ) {
- usage();
- }
- # create events and colors arrays/hashes resp.
- for (my $i=2; $i < $n; $i++) {
- push(@events, $ARGV[$i]);
- push (@{$colors{"$ARGV[$i]"}}, $ARGV[$i+=1]) ;
- }
- find_event();
- }
- # find the event and color pkts
- sub find_event {
- $INFILE = $ARGV[0];
- $OUTFILE = $ARGV[1];
- open (INPUT, "<", $INFILE) or die "can't open $INFILEn";
- open (OUTPUT, ">", $OUTFILE) or die "can't open $OUTFILEn";
- first_pass_for_pkt_id();
- second_pass_for_coloring_pkt();
- close(INPUT);
- close(OUTPUT);
- }
- # The first pass thru the input file for grabbing
- # the pkt-ids related to the specific events
- sub first_pass_for_pkt_id {
- %pkt_ids = ();
- my (@field, $et, $etype);
- my ( $pid, $offset, $pos);
- # Reading input file
- while ($line = <INPUT>) {
- # maintain a buffer of n previous lines
- # skipping lines not starting with +/-/h/r (non-pkt event lines)
- @field = split (" ", $line);
- $et = $field[$EVENT_FIELD];
- # interested only in packet level nam traces
- if ($et eq 'E' || $et eq '+' || $et eq '-' || $et eq 'h' || $et eq 'r' || $et eq 'd') {
- $pos = push_b (@buffer, $line);
- # if it is a EVENT line
- if ($field[$EVENT_FIELD] eq 'E') {
- $etype = $field[$EVENT_TYPE_FIELD];
- foreach my $key (@events) {
- # and if an (exact) matching event is found
- if ($key =~ $etype) {
- # First get the events offset value
- $offset = get_offset ($key);
- # Next get pktid using offset from buffered lines
- $pid = pid_from_offset ($offset, $pos);
- #print "pid for ***pkt***: $pidn";
- store_color_pid ($key, $pid);
- # if fast-retx, mark tcp pkts as well
- if ($key =~ /FAST_RETX/) {
- # mark 3rd tcp pkt after pkt drop
- # that triggers fast-retx
- $pid = pid_for_third_TCP ($pos);
- #print "pid for TCP pkt: $pidn";
- store_color_pid ($key, $pid);
- # also mark the pkt that is fast-retx'ed
- $pid = pid_from_offset(+1, $pos);
- #print "pid for FAST-RETX'ED TCP pkt: $pidn";
- store_color_pid ($key, $pid);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # second pass for coloring pkts using pkt-ids
- sub second_pass_for_coloring_pkt {
- # go back to start of input file
- seek (INPUT, 0, 0);
- while ($line = <INPUT>) {
- my @field = split (" ", $line);
- my $et = $field[$EVENT_FIELD];
- # skip for all lines not starting with d/+/-/h/r
- if ($et eq 'd' || $et eq '+' || $et eq '-' || $et eq 'h' || $et eq 'r') {
- my $id = $field[$PID_FIELD];
- # for matching pkt-ids
- foreach my $pid (keys %pkt_ids) {
- if ($pid == $id) {
- #color the pkt
- my @color = @{$pkt_ids{$pid}};
- $field[$COLOR_FIELD] = $color[0];
- }
- }
- }
- # join back the line
- $line = join (" ", @field);
- #print line in output file;
- print OUTPUT $line,"n";
- }
- }
- # save pkt ids as pid/color pair
- sub store_color_pid {
- my $key = shift;
- my $pid = shift;
- # Now need to get color for this event type
- my @color = @{$colors{$key}};
- # create a hash of pkt-ids using pid/color pairs
- push (@{$pkt_ids{"$pid"}}, $color[0]);
- }
- sub pid_for_third_TCP {
- my $pos = shift;
- # get seq num/src/dst-id from 3rd ack
- my @list = get_seq_num (-1, $pos);
- # switch src and dst for ack as now we look for
- # TCP pkts
- my $sid = $list[0];
- $list[0] = $list[1];
- $list[1] = $sid;
- # get seq num for 3rd tcp pkt after drop
- $list[2] += 4;
- # get pkt-id for TCP pkt
- my $pid = pid_from_seq_num ( @list );
- if ($pid == -1) {
- print "match for seqnum not foundn";
- exit 1;
- } else {
- return ($pid);
- }
- }
- # returns sequence no and src/dest pair for pkt with given offset
- sub get_seq_num {
- my $offset = shift; # offset wrt current line pos
- my $pos = shift; # cuurent line position
- my ($seq, $srcid, $dstid, @vlist);
- # if offset is -ve, read from buffer
- if ($offset < 0) {
- my $line = $buffer[$pos + $offset];
- my @fields = split(" ", $line);
- $seq = $fields[$SEQNUM_FIELD];
- my @tmp = split ("{", $fields[$ESRC_FIELD]);
- $srcid = $tmp[1];
- $dstid = $fields[$EDST_FIELD];
- @vlist = ($srcid, $dstid, $seq);
- # if offset is +ve, read from input file
- } else {
- @vlist = seq_from_infile ($offset);
- }
- return @vlist;
- }
- sub seq_from_infile {
- my $offset = shift;
- my $i = 0;
- my ($et, $line, @fields);
- my ($vlist, $seq, $srcid, $dstid);
- while (($i < $offset) && ($line = <INPUT>)) {
- # read line and place in buffer
- @fields = split(" ", $line);
- $et = $fields[$EVENT_FIELD];
- # interested only in packet level nam traces
- if ($et eq '+' || $et eq '-' || $et eq 'h' || $et eq 'r' || $et eq 'd') {
- push_b (@buffer, $line);
- $i++;
- }
- }
- $seq = $fields[$SEQ_FIELD];
- $srcid = $fields[$SRCID_FIELD];
- $dstid = $fields[$DSTID_FIELD];
- $vlist = ($srcid, $dstid, $seq);
- return ($vlist);
- }
- #returns offset value for the given key (event type)
- sub get_offset {
- # return offset from event/offset pair
- my $key = shift;
- my $offset = $event_offset_table{$key};
- return ($event_offset_table{$key});
- }
- # returns pid for pkt with given seqnum/srcid/dstid value
- sub pid_from_seq_num {
- my ($sid, $did, $seq) = @_;
- for (my $n=0; $n < $BUFFER_SIZE; $n++) {
- #look for seqnum match
- my @cols = split (" ", $buffer[$n]);
- my @src = split ("{", $cols[$ESRC_FIELD]);
- if ($cols[$SEQNUM_FIELD] == $seq && $src[1] == $sid
- && $cols[$EDST_FIELD] == $did) {
- #return pid if match found
- return $cols[$PID_FIELD];
- }
- }
- # didn't find the seqnum/src/dst match
- return (-1);
- }
- #returns pkt-id for the given offset and current line value
- sub pid_from_offset {
- #return packet-id using offset value
- my $offset = shift; # offset wrt current line pos
- my $pos = shift; # cuurent line position
- my $pid;
- # if offset is -ve, read from buffer
- if ($offset < 0) {
- my $line = $buffer[$pos + $offset];
- my @fields = split(" ", $line);
- $pid = $fields[$PID_FIELD];
- # if offset is +ve, read from input file
- } else {
- $pid = pid_from_infile ($offset);
- }
- return $pid;
- }
- sub pid_from_infile {
- my $offset = shift;
- my $i = 0;
- my ($et, $line, @fields, $pid);
- while (($i < $offset) && ($line = <INPUT>)) {
- # read line and place in buffer
- @fields = split(" ", $line);
- $et = $fields[$EVENT_FIELD];
- # interested only in packet level nam traces
- if ($et eq '+' || $et eq '-' || $et eq 'h' || $et eq 'r' || $et eq 'd') {
- push_b (@buffer, $line);
- $i++;
- }
- }
- return ($pid = $fields[$PID_FIELD]);
- }
- sub push_b {
- # pop first line out (from left hand side)
- # if buffer size greater than BUFFER_SIZE
- my $size = scalar @buffer;
- if ($size >= $BUFFER_SIZE) {
- shift @buffer;
- }
- # then push current line into buffer
- return (push (@buffer, $line)-1);
- }
- getOptions();