- eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' # -*-Mode:Perl; perl-indent-level:8-*-
- if 0;
- #require 5.003;
- #
- # Contributed by Giao Nguyen,
- #
- sub Usage
- {
- $0 =~ s/.*/([^/]+)$/$1/;
- print <<EOF;
- Split ns trace file into files for individual connection
- Usage: $0 [options] files
- options: -c comment: comment to print at the end along with total throughput
- -f : force new file for each connection
- -psize size of packet in bytes
- -tt trace type
- -pt packet type (list)
- -fid flow id (list)
- -ctt trace type column
- -cpt packet type column
- -ctime time column
- -csrc source address column
- -cdst destination address column
- exit;
- }
- sub Getopt
- {
- local($spec) = @_;
- local($key);
- &Usage if ($#ARGV < 0);
- while ($_ = $ARGV[0], /^-(w+)/) {
- shift @ARGV;
- $key = $1;
- $opt{$key} = (index($spec, "$key:") >= 0) ? shift @ARGV : 1;
- $_ = "$$key";
- if ($key =~ /^(tt|pt|fid)$/) {
- # concat to get list of values for a field in the trace
- eval "$_ = $_ . '$opt{$key} '";
- } else {
- eval "$_ = $opt{$key}";
- }
- }
- }
- # default information on the trace
- $psize = 1000; # packet size in bytes
- # Column numbers for each field in the trace
- $ctt = 1;
- $ctime = 2;
- $cpt = 5;
- $cfid = 8;
- $csrc = 9;
- $cdst = 10;
- $cseq = 11;
- # the file descriptor number to started with
- $fdcount = 4;
- # Set a couple of defaults if not given at the command line
- &Getopt(":c:psize:tt:ctt:ctime:cpt:cfid:csrc:cdst:cseq:");
- $force = $opt{'f'};
- $tt = '-' if (! $tt);
- $pt = 'tcp' if (! $pt);
- $fid = 0 if (! $fid);
- shift @ARGV while ($#ARGV >= 0 && (! -r $ARGV[0]));
- # process the trace file
- while (<>)
- {
- chop;
- @col = ('', split);
- $count{$col[$ctt]}++;
- next if (index($tt, $col[1]) < 0);
- next if (index($pt, $col[$cpt]) < 0);
- next if (index($fid, $col[$cfid]) < 0);
- $src = $col[$csrc];
- $dst = $col[$cdst];
- $key = "$col[1]_$col[$cpt]_$src_$dst";
- $time{$key} = $col[$ctime];
- $pktcnt{$key}++;
- $seqno{$key} = $col[$cseq];
- if ($force) {
- $fd = $opened{$key};
- if (! $fd) {
- $opened{$key} = $fd = $fdcount++;
- open($fd, ">${ARGV}_$key");
- }
- printf $fd "%0.6ft%dn", $col[$ctime], $col[$cseq];
- }
- }
- # print the per-connection information to STDOUT
- @keys = sort (keys %time);
- foreach $key (@keys) {
- $t = $time{$key};
- $s = $seqno{$key};
- if ($s > $pktcnt{$key}) {
- $s = $pktcnt{$key};
- }
- $maxtime = $t if ($t > $maxtime);
- $maxpkt += $s;
- printf("%st%0.6ft%dt%0.6ft%0.6fn",
- $key, $t, $s, $s/$t, 0.008 * $psize * $s/$t);
- }
- # print summary information to STDERR
- if ($maxtime > 0) {
- printf STDERR " %dt%0.6ft%st",
- $#keys+1, 0.008 * $psize * $maxpkt / $maxtime, $opt{'c'};
- @keys = sort (keys %count);
- foreach $key (@keys) {
- print STDERR $key, $count{$key}, " ";
- }
- print STDERR "n";
- }