- eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' # -*-perl-*-
- if 0;
- require 5.001;
- ($progname) = ($0 =~ m!([^/]+)$!);
- sub usage {
- print STDERR <<END;
- usage: $progname [options] [trace files...]
- options:
- -a plot SACKs when leaving data recevier
- -A plot SACKs when arriving at data sender
- -f plot FORWARD CUM TSNs when leaving data sender
- -F plot FORWARD CUM TSNs when received at data recevier
- -s SCALE scale TSN numbers by SCALE
- -n FACTOR scale flow number by FACTOR
- -m MODULUS treat TSN numbers as mod MODULUS
- -q show queueing delay
- -t TITLE title of test
- Traditional ``wrapping'' ns plots (as called from the test scripts)
- can be generated with -s 0.01 -m 90.
- exit 1;
- };
- $usage = "usage: $progname [-a] [trace files...]n";
- require 'getopts.pl';
- &Getopts('aAfFs:m:n:qt:') || usage;
- $c = 0;
- @pplus = @pminus = ();
- @splus = @sminus = @srec = ();
- @rplus = @rminus = @rrec = ();
- @d = @lu = @ld = ();
- %q_time_seg = ();
- $plot_sacks_sent = defined($opt_a);
- $plot_sacks_received = defined($opt_A);
- $plot_forward_sent = defined($opt_f);
- $plot_forward_received = defined($opt_F);
- $scale = defined($opt_s) ? $opt_s : 1;
- $modulus = defined($opt_m) ? $opt_m : 2 ** 31;
- $flow_factor = defined($opt_n) ? $opt_n : 1;
- $plot_queueing_delay = defined($opt_q);
- $file = $sacks = '';
- sub translate_point {
- my($time, $seq, $flow) = @_;
- return ($time, $flow * $flow_factor + ($seq % $modulus) * $scale);
- }
- while (<>) {
- $dfile = $ARGV;
- @F = split;
- /testName/ && ($file = $F[2], next);
- /^- / && do {
- $c = $F[7] if ($c < $F[7]);
- $is_init = ($F[6] =~ /I/);
- next if ($is_init);
- $is_sack = ($F[6] =~ /S/);
- next if ($is_sack && !$plot_sacks_sent);
- $is_forward = ($F[6] =~ /R/);
- next if ($is_forward && !$plot_forward_sent);
- $is_heartbeat = ($F[6] =~ /H/);
- $is_heartbeat_ack = ($F[6] =~ /B/);
- next if ($is_heartbeat || $is_heartbeat_ack);
- ($x, $y) = translate_point(@F[1, 11, 7]);
- $statement = "$x $yn";
- if ($is_sack) {
- push(@sminus, $statement);
- } else {
- if ($is_forward) {
- push(@rminus, $statement);
- } else {
- push(@pminus, $statement);
- };
- };
- next;
- };
- /^+ / && do {
- if ($plot_queueing_delay) {
- $c = $F[7] if ($c < $F[7]);
- $is_init = ($F[6] =~ /I/);
- next if ($is_init);
- $is_sack = ($F[6] =~ /S/);
- next if ($is_sack && !$plot_sacks_sent);
- $is_forward = ($F[6] =~ /R/);
- next if ($is_forward && !$plot_forward_sent);
- $is_heartbeat = ($F[6] =~ /H/);
- $is_heartbeat_ack = ($F[6] =~ /B/);
- next if ($is_heartbeat || $is_heartbeat_ack);
- ($x, $y) = translate_point(@F[1, 11, 7]);
- $statement = "$x $yn";
- if ($is_sack) {
- push(@splus, $statement);
- } else {
- if ($is_forward) {
- push(@rplus, $statement);
- } else {
- push(@pplus, $statement);
- };
- };
- };
- next;
- };
- /^r / && do {
- $c = $F[7] if ($c < $F[7]);
- $is_init = ($F[6] =~ /I/);
- next if ($is_init);
- $is_sack = ($F[6] =~ /S/);
- next if ($is_sack && !$plot_sacks_received);
- $is_forward = ($F[6] =~ /R/);
- next if ($is_forward && !$plot_forward_received);
- $is_heartbeat = ($F[6] =~ /H/);
- $is_heartbeat_ack = ($F[6] =~ /B/);
- next if ($is_heartbeat || $is_heartbeat_ack);
- ($x, $y) = translate_point(@F[1, 11, 7]);
- $statement = "$x $yn";
- if ($is_sack) {
- push(@srec, $statement);
- } else {
- if($is_forward) {
- push(@rrec, $statement);
- };
- };
- next;
- };
- /^d / && do {
- $is_init = ($F[6] =~ /I/);
- next if ($is_init);
- $is_heartbeat = ($F[6] =~ /H/);
- $is_heartbeat_ack = ($F[6] =~ /B/);
- next if ($is_heartbeat || $is_heartbeat_ack);
- ($x, $y) = translate_point(@F[1, 11, 7]);
- push(@d, "$x $yn");
- next;
- };
- /link-down/ && (push(@ld, $F[1]), next);
- /link-up/ && (push(@lu, $F[1]), next);
- }
- if ($file eq '') {
- ($file) = ($dfile =~ m!([^/]+)$!);
- }
- $title = defined($opt_t) ? $opt_t : $file;
- print "TitleText: $titlen" .
- "Device: Postscriptn" .
- "BoundBox: truen" .
- "Ticks: truen" .
- (defined($opt_q) ? "" : "NoLines: truen") .
- "Markers: truen" .
- "XUnitText: timen" .
- "YUnitText: chunksn";
- if ($plot_queueing_delay) {
- @sorted_pplus = sort (@pplus);
- print "n"data sent (buffered)n", @sorted_pplus;
- } else {
- printf "n"[data sent (buffered)]n0 1n";
- };
- @sorted_pminus = sort (@pminus);
- print "n"data sentn", @sorted_pminus;
- if ($plot_sacks_received) {
- @sorted_srec = sort (@srec);
- print "n"sack receivedn", @sorted_srec;
- } else {
- printf "n"[sack received]n0 1n";
- };
- #
- # Repeat the first line twice in the drops file because often we have only
- # one drop and xgraph won't print marks for data sets with only one point.
- #
- if(@d) {
- @sorted_d = sort (@d);
- print "n"dropsn", @d[0..3], @sorted_d;
- } else {
- print "n"[drops]n0 1n";
- }
- if ($plot_sacks_sent) {
- @sorted_splus = sort (@splus);
- print "n"sack sentn", @sorted_splus;
- } else {
- printf "n"[sack sent]n0 1n";
- };
- # Commented out by ALC because doesn't seem to be too useful and is wasting
- # limited colored shapes provided by xgraph.
- #
- #if ($plot_sacks_sent && $plot_queueing_delay) {
- # @sorted_sminus = sort (@sminus);
- # print "n"sack sent (buffered)n", @sorted_sminus;
- #} else {
- # printf "n"[sack sent (buffered)]n0 1n";
- #};
- if ($plot_forward_received) {
- @sorted_rrec = sort (@rrec);
- print "n"forward receivedn", @sorted_rrec;
- } else {
- printf "n"[forward received]n0 1n";
- };
- if ($plot_forward_sent) {
- @sorted_rplus = sort (@rplus);
- print "n"forward sentn", @sorted_rplus;
- } else {
- printf "n"[forward sent]n0 1n";
- };
- # Commented out by ALC because doesn't seem to be too useful and is wasting
- # limited colored shapes provided by xgraph.
- #
- #if ($plot_forward_sent && $plot_queueing_delay) {
- # @sorted_rminus = sort (@rminus);
- # print "n"forward sent (buffered)n", @sorted_rminus;
- #} else {
- # printf "n"[forward sent (buffered)]n0 1n";
- #};
- $c++;
- print "n";
- foreach $i (@ld) {
- print ""link-downn$i 0n$i $cn";
- }
- foreach $i (@lu) {
- print ""link-upn$i 0n$i $cn";
- }
- exit 0;