- eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}' # -*-perl-*-
- if 0;
- require 5.001;
- ($progname) = ($0 =~ m!([^/]+)$!);
- sub usage {
- print STDERR <<END;
- usage: $progname [options] [trace files...]
- options:
- -a plot acks
- -s SCALE scale TCP sequence numbers by SCALE
- -n FACTOR scale flow number by FACTOR
- -m MODULUS treat TCP sequence numbers as mod MODULUS
- -q show queueing delay by connecting lines
- -l show packet length
- -t TITLE title of test
- -e plot ecn flags
- -d plot only drops and ECN marks
- -v plot events
- -c leave out empty lists
- -x really leave out ALL of the empty lists
- -f plot acks from tcp-full
- -g for plotting acks from tcp-full, one direction has source 0
- -p don't add the x-graph preface
- -y fix the y-axis when there are no drops
- -r plot arrivals only
- Traditional ``wrapping'' ns plots (as called from the test scripts)
- can be generated with -s 0.01 -m 90.
- exit 1;
- };
- $usage = "usage: $progname [-a] [trace files...]n";
- require 'getopts.pl';
- &Getopts('acefgds:m:n:qrplvt:xy') || usage;
- $c = 0;
- @p = @pc = @pg = @a = @ac = @ae = @d = @lu = @ld = ();
- @vto = @vss = @vfr = @vrfr = @vnrfr = @vfc = ();
- %q_time_seg = ();
- $scale = defined($opt_s) ? $opt_s : 1;
- $modulus = defined($opt_m) ? $opt_m : 2 ** 31;
- $flow_factor = defined($opt_n) ? $opt_n : 1;
- $plot_acks = defined($opt_a);
- $plot_ecn = defined($opt_e);
- $plot_drops = defined($opt_d);
- $plot_event = defined($opt_v);
- $no_padding = defined($opt_c);
- $really_no_padding = defined($opt_x);
- $plot_full = defined($opt_f);
- $source_zero = defined($opt_g);
- $no_title = defined($opt_p);
- $last_line = defined($opt_y);
- $plot_arrivals = defined($opt_r);
- $file = $acks = '';
- sub translate_point {
- my($time, $seq, $flow) = @_;
- if ($seq == -1) {$seq = 0;}
- $plotted = $flow * $flow_factor + ($seq % $modulus) * $scale;
- $plotted =~ s/.e/e/g; # to ensure Cygwin compatibility,
- return ($time, $plotted);
- }
- while (<>) {
- $dfile = $ARGV;
- @F = split;
- /testName/ && ($file = $F[2], next);
- /^[+-] / && do {
- $c = $F[7] if ($c < $F[7]);
- $is_ack = ($F[4] eq 'ack' || $F[4] eq 'tcpFriendCtl');
- $is_ecn = ($F[6] =~ /E/);
- $is_cong = ($F[6] =~ /A/);
- $is_echo = ($F[6] =~ /C/);
- $is_tcp = ($F[4] eq 'tcp');
- $source_0 = ($F[8] eq '0.0');
- $large_pkt = ($F[5] > 40);
- next if ($is_ack && !$plot_acks);
- next if (($F[0] eq "-") && $plot_arrivals);
- ### if ($large_pkt) { print("Large");} else {print("Small");}
- $use_full = 0;
- if ($plot_full){ $use_full = 1;}
- ## if ($plot_full){if ($large_pkt) { $use_full = 1;}}
- ##if (!$source_zero) { $use_full = 1;
- ## } else { if ($source_0) { if ($is_tcp) { $use_full = 1; }
- ## }}}
- if ($use_full == 1){
- ## ($plot_full && (!$source_zero || ($source_0 && $is_tcp)))
- ## F[10]: seq. no.; F[12]: ack no.;
- ($x, $y) = translate_point(@F[1, 12, 7]);
- } else {
- ($x, $y) = translate_point(@F[1, 10, 7]);
- }
- if (defined($opt_q)) {
- if (/^+/) {
- $statement = undef;
- $q_time_seg{$is_ack,$y} = $x;
- };
- $statement = "move $q_time_seg{$is_ack,$y} $yndraw $x $yn"
- if (/^-/);
- } else {
- $statement = "$x $yn";
- };
- if (defined($statement)) {
- if ($plot_drops) {
- if ($is_ecn) {
- push(@pc, $statement);
- };
- } else {
- if ($is_ack) {
- if ($is_ecn) {
- push(@ac, $statement);
- } else {
- push(@a, $statement);
- };
- if ($is_echo) {
- push(@ae, $statement);
- };
- } else {
- if ($is_ecn) {
- push(@pc, $statement);
- } else {
- push(@p, $statement);
- };
- if ($is_cong) {
- push(@pg, $statement);
- }
- };
- };
- };
- next;
- };
- /^d / && do {
- ($x, $y) = translate_point(@F[1, 10, 7]);
- push(@d, "$x $yn");
- next;
- };
- /link-down/ && (push(@ld, $F[1]), next);
- /link-up/ && (push(@lu, $F[1]), next);
- if ($plot_event) {
- /^E / && do {
- ($x, $y) = translate_point(@F[1, 7, 6]);
- if ($F[5] eq 'TCP_TIMEOUT') {
- push(@vto, "$x $yn");
- next;
- }
- if ($F[5] eq 'SLOW_START') {
- push(@vss, "$x $yn");
- next;
- }
- if ($F[5] eq 'FAST_RETX') {
- push(@vfr, "$x $yn");
- next;
- }
- if ($F[5] eq 'RENO_FAST_RETX') {
- push(@vrfr, "$x $yn");
- next;
- }
- if ($F[5] eq 'NEWRENO_FAST_RETX') {
- push(@vnrfr, "$x $yn");
- next;
- }
- if ($F[5] eq 'FAST_RECOVERY') {
- push(@vfc, "$x $yn");
- next;
- }
- };
- }
- }
- if ($file eq '') {
- ($file) = ($dfile =~ m!([^/]+)$!);
- }
- if (!$no_title) {
- $title = defined($opt_t) ? $opt_t : $file;
- print "TitleText: $titlen" .
- "Device: Postscriptn" .
- "BoundBox: truen" .
- "Ticks: truen" .
- (defined($opt_q) ? "" : "NoLines: truen") .
- "Markers: truen" .
- "XUnitText: timen" .
- "YUnitText: packetsn";
- }
- print "n"packetsn", @p;
- if (defined($pc[0])) {
- @sorted_pc = sort (@pc);
- print "n"ecn_packetsn", @pc[0..3], @sorted_pc;
- } else {
- if (!$no_padding) {
- printf "n"skip-1n0 1n";
- }
- }
- # insert dummy data sets so we get X's for marks in data-set 4
- if (!$really_no_padding && !defined($a[0])) {
- push(@a, "0 1n");
- }
- if ($plot_acks) {
- @sorted_a = sort (@a);
- print "n"acksn", @sorted_a;
- if ($plot_ecn && defined($ac[0])) {
- @sorted_ac = sort (@ac);
- print "n"ecn-acksn", @sorted_ac;
- }
- if ($plot_ecn && defined($ae[0])) {
- @sorted_ae = sort (@ae);
- print "n"echo-acksn", @sorted_ae;
- }
- } else {
- if (!$no_padding) {
- printf "n"skip-2n0 1n";
- }
- }
- #
- # Repeat the first line twice in the drops file because often we have only
- # one drop and xgraph won't print marks for data sets with only one point.
- #
- @sorted_d = sort (@d);
- print "n"dropsn", @d[0..3], @sorted_d;
- if ($plot_event) {
- # Event tracing
- print "n"eventsn";
- @sorted_vto = sort (@vto);
- print "n"event_timeoutn", @vto[0..3], @sorted_vto;
- @sorted_vss = sort (@vss);
- print "n"event_slowstartn", @vss[0..3], @sorted_vss;
- @sorted_vfr = sort (@vfr);
- print "n"event_fastretxn", @vfr[0..3], @sorted_vfr;
- @sorted_vrfr = sort (@vrfr);
- print "n"event_renofastretxn", @vrfr[0..3], @sorted_vrfr;
- @sorted_vnrfr = sort (@vnrfr);
- print "n"event_nrenofastretxn", @vnrfr[0..3], @sorted_vnrfr;
- @sorted_vfc = sort (@vfc);
- print "n"event_fastrecoveryn", @vfc[0..3], @sorted_vfc;
- }
- $c++;
- print "n";
- foreach $i (@ld) {
- print ""link-downn$i 0n$i $cn";
- }
- foreach $i (@lu) {
- print ""link-upn$i 0n$i $cn";
- }
- if ($plot_ecn && defined($pg[0])) {
- if (!$really_no_padding && !defined($d[0])) {
- printf "n"skip-3n0 1n";
- }
- @sorted_pg = sort (@pg);
- print "n"cong_act_packetsn", @pg[0..3], @sorted_pg;
- }
- if ($last_line) {
- # To bring the y-axis up to 2.0
- if (!$plot_full) {
- printf "n"skipn0 2n";
- } else {
- printf "n"skipn0 1024n";
- }
- }
- exit 0;